Tasmanian Business Reporter May 2019
Welcome to the May edition of the TBR. This month we bring you an in-depth preview into what to expect from the upcoming 2019 State Budget, where record spending is expected to continue in health, education, housing and infrastructure despite significant decreases in stamp duty and GST payments contributing to a hit to State revenue. You'll also find an explanation of the franking credits issue from Tasplan Super CEO Wayne Davy, details of a new WorkSafe Tasmania workplace mental health awareness campaign (click here to watch their video), as well as all the latest business news from across the state.
Welcome to the May edition of the TBR.
This month we bring you an in-depth preview into what to expect from the upcoming 2019 State Budget, where record spending is expected to continue in health, education, housing and infrastructure despite significant decreases in stamp duty and GST payments contributing to a hit to State revenue.
You'll also find an explanation of the franking credits issue from Tasplan Super CEO Wayne Davy, details of a new WorkSafe Tasmania workplace mental health awareness campaign (click here to watch their video), as well as all the latest business news from across the state.
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MAY <strong>2019</strong><br />
T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
Budget pledge<br />
While the Northern real estate market<br />
has improved, prices are lower than<br />
Hobart sales, generating less stamp<br />
duty.<br />
State spending to<br />
defy loss of GST,<br />
stamp duty<br />
S TAT E<br />
BUDGET<br />
By TOM O’MEARA<br />
SIGNIFICANT decreases in<br />
stamp duty and GST payments<br />
will challenge Tasmania’s Budget<br />
position but record spending<br />
will continue in health, education,<br />
housing and infrastructure.<br />
Treasurer Peter Gutwein is<br />
preparing to hand down his<br />
<strong>2019</strong> Budget on <strong>May</strong> 23 and is<br />
expected to remain in surplus,<br />
despite admitting there will<br />
be significant challenges over<br />
the coming four to five years.<br />
Infrastructure development,<br />
including the bold 30-year infrastructure<br />
plan essential for<br />
forward planning, will be a highlight<br />
of this year’s document.<br />
Last year the Treasurer announced<br />
a record $2.6 billion<br />
spend on community infrastructure<br />
over four years.<br />
Roads and bridges were to<br />
receive $1.1 billion, hospitals<br />
and health got $475 million, human<br />
services and housing was<br />
promised $205 million while<br />
schools and education spending<br />
was worth $192.2 million.<br />
The rollout of that significant infrastructure<br />
spending will continue<br />
in this Budget with the essential<br />
$650 million redevelopment of the<br />
Royal Hobart Hospital completed<br />
this year and work still under way<br />
at Launceston General Hospital.<br />
There is no expectation that the<br />
Government will budge on its current<br />
wage offer to the Public Sector.<br />
Mr Gutwein will be stymied<br />
by GST receipt reductions<br />
and a drop in stamp duty.<br />
In a nutshell, the pool of the<br />
national GST is decreasing<br />
by an anticipated $11 billion.<br />
Mr Gutwein said there would<br />
be a $280 million write down in<br />
Tasmania over the next four years<br />
from the decreasing GST pool.<br />
It’s important to note that this<br />
decrease is not in any way related<br />
to a new GST agreement which<br />
will come into play in 2021.<br />
It was agreed that Tasmania<br />
won’t lose a cent when the GST<br />
formula will be altered slowly<br />
across six years to target a standard<br />
that removes the peaks and<br />
troughs created by economic<br />
shocks, such as the mining boom.<br />
Mr Gutwein will also write<br />
down $280 million of stamp<br />
duty over the next four years.<br />
Continued page 2<br />
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T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
2 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong><br />
NEWS<br />
Airport clear for takeoff<br />
INTERNATIONAL processing<br />
facilities will<br />
form part of a major expansion<br />
project that will<br />
double the size of Hobart<br />
Airport over the next decade.<br />
Stage one of the project,<br />
due for completion by<br />
December 2020, will cost<br />
about $100 million.<br />
The increased footprint<br />
is in response to the busiest<br />
year experienced at<br />
the facility, with more<br />
than 2.6 million passengers<br />
passing through the<br />
terminal.<br />
Hobart Airport CEO<br />
Sarah Renner said the<br />
Terminal Expansion Project<br />
would be completed<br />
in three stages.<br />
The initial stage involves<br />
the expansion of<br />
the existing departures<br />
lounge and facilities,<br />
improved airline lounges,<br />
enhanced passenger<br />
screening facilities,<br />
and the construction of<br />
a swing lounge concept,<br />
capable of providing for<br />
international processing<br />
facilities.<br />
“A mezzanine level<br />
will be constructed at the<br />
southern end of the terminal<br />
and will house the<br />
airline lounges and border<br />
agency support facilities,”<br />
Ms Renner said.<br />
“The final two stages<br />
are expected to start on<br />
completion of Stage 1<br />
and will be progressively<br />
completed by 2030.<br />
These stages will deliver<br />
increased baggage<br />
processing facilities and<br />
further retail and food and<br />
beverage offerings.<br />
“This is an exciting time<br />
for our airport and Tasmania<br />
and we are proud of the<br />
role we play in connecting<br />
our locals to communities<br />
across the globe.”<br />
More than four million<br />
passengers are expected to<br />
pass through the airport by<br />
2030.<br />
Public consultation will<br />
be open until June 10.<br />
For more information<br />
about community consultation<br />
sessions or to<br />
make a submission visit<br />
https://development.<br />
hobartairport.com.au.<br />
Hobart Airport is due to double in the next decade.<br />
Tender<br />
call for<br />
plan<br />
portal<br />
TENDERS have been<br />
called for a new $9 million<br />
Planning and Building<br />
Portal to streamline<br />
development in Tasmania.<br />
The online portal is<br />
set to deliver a single<br />
statewide system that<br />
integrates all planning,<br />
building and related approvals,<br />
incorporating<br />
features including online<br />
application lodgement<br />
The project, designed<br />
to save time and resources<br />
for anyone involved<br />
in the building and construction<br />
industry, is due<br />
for completion by 2021.<br />
Tenders close on <strong>May</strong><br />
29. All enquiries should<br />
be directed to the Planning<br />
and Building Portal<br />
Project Manager, Robert<br />
Calandra on (03) 6166<br />
4650 or email: robert.<br />
calandra@justice.tas.<br />
gov.au<br />
T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
e dition<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> can now be delivered directly to your inbox. With our 30,000-strong monthly print<br />
readership, our new up-to-date digital distribution will keep <strong>Tasmanian</strong>s abreast of the all latest in local business<br />
news. From this month we will distribute electronic editions of the <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> as we go to print.<br />
To confirm your copy sign up to our mailing list via<br />
tbreditorial@fontpr.com.au<br />
T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
Tasmania’s business newspaper is published monthly by the<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is distributed<br />
to businesses in Tasmania as well as key decision-makers.<br />
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To see your business here, call Kerri on 0419 750 267 or email kerri@thetrustedmediaco.com<br />
Budget surplus pledge<br />
From page 1<br />
The volume of real<br />
estate sales in Hobart<br />
has decreased and while<br />
the Northern real estate<br />
market has improved<br />
significantly, prices<br />
paid in the north are<br />
much lower than the<br />
Hobart sales, which<br />
means less stamp duty.<br />
Mainland states of<br />
NSW and Victoria<br />
have experienced massive<br />
drop for real estate<br />
prices - it has hit<br />
hard because both had<br />
previously used their<br />
stamp duty funds for a<br />
champagne approach to<br />
WANTED<br />
<strong>Business</strong><br />
movers and<br />
shakers<br />
• Promotions<br />
• Appointments<br />
• Awards<br />
• Celebrating<br />
success<br />
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snippets, with a<br />
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to TBReditorial@<br />
fontpr.com.au<br />
massive infrastructure<br />
spending and Public<br />
Sector wage increases.<br />
Mr Gutwein has<br />
shared information with<br />
the <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong><br />
<strong>Reporter</strong> from Victorian<br />
Treasurer Tim Pallas,<br />
who has warned<br />
that his state was facing<br />
a $2.4 billion writedown<br />
in stamp duty.<br />
Last year the Victorian<br />
Government was upbeat<br />
in its revenue forecasts<br />
predicting $7 billion in<br />
stamp duty flowing into<br />
the Treasury coffers.<br />
Mr Pallas should be<br />
prepared for “a Budget<br />
of hard choice”<br />
Your Partner<br />
in Print.<br />
www.footandplaysted.com.au<br />
Now incorporating<br />
and has already put<br />
an initial 2 per cent<br />
on the table as he begins<br />
negotiating Public<br />
Sector agreements.<br />
Tasmania is already<br />
on a 2 per<br />
cent wage increase.<br />
Mr Gutwein said<br />
the bright light is Tasmania’s<br />
strong export<br />
income in all sectors.<br />
“Except for the stamp<br />
duty, all other incomes<br />
are positive and some<br />
of exports are returning<br />
record figures,”<br />
Mr Gutwein said.<br />
New data shows<br />
Tasmania’s economy<br />
is the equal third<br />
strongest in the nation,<br />
news that’s expected<br />
to assist with a surplus<br />
Budget position across<br />
the Forward Estimates.<br />
“The budget is<br />
still in a good place<br />
and remember that<br />
the Budget is not the<br />
economy and the economy<br />
is not the Budget.”<br />
The Treasurer certainly<br />
has challenges<br />
and costs will be under<br />
the microscope but the<br />
priority is to continue<br />
supporting development<br />
opportunities and exports<br />
to cover the total<br />
$580 million write down<br />
over the next four years.
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong> 3<br />
NEWS<br />
Blue economy boost<br />
TCCI calls<br />
for project<br />
assurance<br />
A $329m research<br />
partnership will be<br />
based in Tasmania to<br />
transform Australia’s<br />
blue economy and<br />
generate more than $4<br />
billion for the national<br />
economy.<br />
The University<br />
of Tasmania will<br />
lead the largest ever<br />
Cooperative Research<br />
Centre, bringing<br />
together expertise in<br />
seafood, renewable<br />
energy and offshore<br />
engineering.<br />
Industry, Science and<br />
Technology Minister<br />
Karen Andrews said the Blue<br />
Economy CRC aimed to drive<br />
an evolution in marine- based<br />
industries.<br />
The project is a 10-year<br />
collaboration between 45 national<br />
and international partners<br />
from industry, research and<br />
government, underpinned by a<br />
$70 million cash investment from<br />
the Federal Government.<br />
The <strong>Tasmanian</strong> Government is<br />
also a supporting partner.<br />
Vice-Chancellor Professor<br />
Rufus Black said the project<br />
would build on our distinctive<br />
strengths in aquaculture and<br />
marine ecology, offshore<br />
engineering and marine renewable<br />
energy.<br />
“This is big, blue sky thinking<br />
fused with practical, impactful<br />
research to answer one of our<br />
planet’s most critical questions:<br />
how can we sustainably feed and<br />
power ourselves from the world’s<br />
oceans,” Professor Black said.<br />
“The Blue Economy CRC<br />
imagines a future where<br />
integrated seafood and renewable<br />
energy production systems<br />
operate offshore and where the<br />
community and industry have<br />
confidence they are safe, reliable,<br />
efficient and environmentally<br />
responsible.<br />
“This work will leave a<br />
compelling legacy of highimpact<br />
research, a competitive<br />
advantage for Australian industry,<br />
and innovation, collaboration and<br />
leadership on a global scale.”<br />
The Blue Economy CRC<br />
head office will be hosted at<br />
the University of Tasmania’s<br />
Launceston campus, supporting a<br />
Blue Economy<br />
CRC Research<br />
Director, Australian<br />
Maritime College<br />
Associate<br />
Professor Irene<br />
Penesis, left, with<br />
Industry, Science<br />
and Technology<br />
Minister Karen<br />
Andrews and<br />
Institute for Marine<br />
and Antarctic<br />
Studies Professor<br />
Stewart Frusher.<br />
research community of 50 PhD<br />
students and 50 postdoctoral<br />
research fellows throughout<br />
Tasmania and with partner<br />
organisations nationally and<br />
internationally.<br />
Blue Economy CRC Research<br />
Director, Australian Maritime<br />
College Associate Professor Irene<br />
Penesis said the program was<br />
unique.<br />
“Australia has the world’s third<br />
largest exclusive economic zone<br />
and is positioned adjacent to the<br />
largest markets for seafood and<br />
energy,” Associate Professor<br />
Penesis said.<br />
“But with over 80 per cent<br />
classified as offshore, industries<br />
must be enabled to move from<br />
the coast zone into more exposed<br />
operating environments before we<br />
can secure this opportunity.”<br />
By TOM<br />
O’MEARA<br />
THE TCCI is lobbying<br />
political parties to ensure<br />
major projects such as the<br />
second Bass Strait electricity<br />
link and freight<br />
equalisation scheme are<br />
locked in before the <strong>May</strong><br />
18 Federal election.<br />
Tasmania is enjoying<br />
unprecedented growth<br />
and the TCCI board has<br />
agreed on six significant<br />
projects and policies to<br />
retain the confidence of<br />
the business sector.<br />
TCCI Chairman Susan<br />
Parr said it was imperative<br />
for both Labor and<br />
the Liberal/National parties<br />
to show support for<br />
Tasmania.<br />
At a time when construction<br />
is receding<br />
across Australia, Tasmania<br />
has enjoyed the highest<br />
growth rate but policy<br />
ahead of polling day was<br />
needed to support future<br />
development, Ms Parr<br />
said.<br />
The TCCI’s priority<br />
areas for political focus<br />
in the last weeks of campaigning<br />
revolve around<br />
retaining agreed assistance<br />
and infrastructure<br />
projects to continue job<br />
creation.<br />
Project Marinus, a second<br />
Bass Strait electricity<br />
interconnector, would<br />
play a major role to meet<br />
the growing energy needs<br />
across the country, Ms<br />
Parr said.<br />
“The second link will<br />
provide environmentally<br />
sustainable and economically<br />
viable Hydro electricity,”<br />
she said.<br />
“It is critical that generation<br />
via Hydro electricity<br />
and pumped Hydro<br />
is maximised to support<br />
a stable and reliable system.”<br />
TCCI chair Susan<br />
Parr.<br />
While the Coalition<br />
has committed $56 million<br />
for feasibility assessments<br />
for Marinus Link<br />
and pumped Hydro cost<br />
modelling, the TCCI is<br />
pushing for support from<br />
all parties.<br />
They must understand<br />
that the project is of national<br />
importance, connecting<br />
mainland Australia<br />
to low cost, secure,<br />
reliable and clean energy.<br />
“During the last very<br />
hot summer more than<br />
200,000 homes in Victoria<br />
were without power<br />
because the system failed<br />
and energy wasn’t available,”<br />
Ms Parr said.<br />
The <strong>Tasmanian</strong> Freight<br />
Equalisation Scheme is<br />
also high on the list with<br />
aspects of the agreement<br />
due for review by the Productivity<br />
Commission.<br />
“History shows the<br />
Commission is not a great<br />
supporter of the TFES<br />
and recommended the<br />
closure of the scheme before<br />
the Coalition Government<br />
agreed to keep<br />
it in perpetuity,” she said.<br />
“The TFES has been<br />
a lifeline for <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
businesses since 1975<br />
providing financial assistance<br />
for shipping costs<br />
from Tasmania to the<br />
mainland.”<br />
Tasmania exported<br />
a record $3.8 billion in<br />
goods and produce in the<br />
year to February <strong>2019</strong><br />
and any change in the<br />
program would negatively<br />
impact this stunning result,<br />
she said.<br />
Ms Parr confirmed the<br />
TCCI was also prepared<br />
to take on a contentious<br />
decision to create a twowage<br />
agreement with<br />
higher payments to Sydney<br />
and Melbourne compared<br />
to Tasmania and regional<br />
businesses around<br />
the nation.<br />
“The cost of living in<br />
Melbourne and Sydney<br />
is significantly more than<br />
most parts of Tasmania<br />
particularly when you<br />
consider wage increases<br />
for Scottsdale and Smithton<br />
equal to Melbourne<br />
and Sydney,” she said.<br />
“Regional chambers<br />
around Australia are supporting<br />
the change.”<br />
Uni plans Hobart city campus<br />
A MASTER plan and<br />
building design will be<br />
developed for a new<br />
$600 million Hobart city<br />
campus of the University<br />
of Tasmania.<br />
The University Council<br />
has agreed to the total<br />
move from its Sandy Bay<br />
roots to facilitate a more<br />
modern campus in the<br />
CBD over the next 10 to<br />
15 years.<br />
The new development<br />
will run from the original<br />
home of the University at<br />
the Domain along Melville<br />
St.<br />
The campus will be<br />
anchored with a central<br />
library and public square<br />
– the heart of the University<br />
– on the former Web-<br />
K&D Hobart<br />
ster building and carpark.<br />
University Chancellor<br />
Michael Field said the<br />
long-term strategic direction<br />
would build on and<br />
consolidate on its recent<br />
move of some facilities<br />
into the city.<br />
“This will be a long,<br />
thorough and deliberative<br />
process,” Mr Field<br />
said. “We will consult<br />
carefully along the way<br />
to produce a campus<br />
which is a source of great<br />
pride for our University<br />
community and the people<br />
of greater Hobart.”<br />
He said the university<br />
would act as steward for<br />
the existing Sandy Bay<br />
campus land into the future.<br />
The entity would be responsible<br />
for managing<br />
the existing campus land<br />
“in line with institutional<br />
values and mindful of the<br />
amenity of Sandy Bay<br />
and Taroona”.<br />
The university said it<br />
would make a compact<br />
with the City of Hobart<br />
to deliver the equivalent<br />
(or more) of the general<br />
rate on its inner-city<br />
buildings for the next decade.<br />
The university has<br />
also recently purchased<br />
the K&D site to develop<br />
student accommodation,<br />
adding capacity to the<br />
existing 446-bed Hobart<br />
City Apartments (at the<br />
corner of Elizabeth and<br />
Melville streets) and a<br />
second 420-bed complex<br />
being built adjacent<br />
those, due for completion<br />
at the start of 2021.
T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
4 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong><br />
Marinus tops<br />
wishlist for<br />
election <strong>2019</strong><br />
www.tcci.com.au<br />
Growing Vietnam market<br />
on the Aussie trade radar<br />
Michael<br />
Bailey<br />
TCCI Chief Executive<br />
THE federal election has<br />
finally been called for<br />
<strong>May</strong> 18.<br />
Some are already complaining<br />
about election<br />
campaign overload, as the<br />
major parties have been<br />
on the “trail” for some<br />
time, waiting for Prime<br />
Minister Scott Morrison<br />
to visit the Governor General.<br />
In general terms, the<br />
Coalition Government<br />
will campaign on its economic<br />
record and whether<br />
Labor can be trusted on<br />
the Treasury benches.<br />
Labor will campaign<br />
on its new policies around<br />
franking credits, negative<br />
gearing, wealth and<br />
capital gains taxes to<br />
raise funds for hospitals,<br />
schools and other public<br />
benefits.<br />
The Liberal-National<br />
Government will also<br />
have concerns about the<br />
long-term effects of axing<br />
former prime minister<br />
Malcolm Turnbull, via<br />
Peter Dutton’s failed challenge.<br />
As well, the Government<br />
will lose key<br />
members – Julie Bishop,<br />
Christopher Pyne, Kelly<br />
O’Dwyer among them.<br />
The polls still point to<br />
a Labor victory, although<br />
Mr Morrison remains the<br />
preferred PM over Labor<br />
Leader Bill Shorten.<br />
The election will also<br />
be fought on several local<br />
fronts, state by state,<br />
with the Liberals seeking<br />
to shore up seats in<br />
Queensland and Victoria.<br />
Already, Braddon on<br />
the North West Coast<br />
has seen multiple visits<br />
by Federal politicians of<br />
each hue, as the Liberals’<br />
Gavin Pearce comes up<br />
against sitting member<br />
Justine Keay.<br />
In Bass, Labor’s sitting<br />
member Ross Hart will be<br />
up against popular George<br />
Town <strong>May</strong>or Bridget Archer.<br />
Again, the polls would<br />
indicate that Andrew<br />
Wilkie (independent,<br />
Clarke/Denison), Julie<br />
Collins (Labor, Franklin)<br />
and Brian Mitchell (Labor,<br />
Lyons) appear safe.<br />
As we do for every<br />
election, state or federal,<br />
the TCCI has put together<br />
a wishlist which will<br />
we prosecute across the<br />
board with both major<br />
parties.<br />
Wishlist <strong>2019</strong><br />
1 Marinus Project. For<br />
the TCCI, this is the project<br />
that will guarantee Tasmania’s<br />
long-term energy production,<br />
economic development<br />
and overall future<br />
for the next 20-50 years.<br />
When completed Marinus<br />
will connect Tasmania<br />
and the mainland via a second<br />
interconnector allowing<br />
Hydro Tasmania’s major<br />
“pumped hydro” plans<br />
to proceed.<br />
That, alongside the existing<br />
hydro-electric generation<br />
system, will provide<br />
thousands of jobs and billions<br />
of dollars of investment.<br />
2 GST Support. We<br />
have recently seen how<br />
certain states can make<br />
calls on the Federal Government<br />
to boost their GST<br />
revenue at the expense of<br />
Tasmania.<br />
We remain the state, unfortunately,<br />
with the most<br />
people per capita on federal<br />
and state welfare benefits.<br />
We need Liberal and<br />
Labor to guarantee Tasmania’s<br />
GST share forever.<br />
3 Freight Equalisation<br />
Scheme. The TCCI wants<br />
this scheme to be maintained<br />
and guaranteed by<br />
both parties.<br />
It is the key to Tasmania’s<br />
export industries,<br />
both to the mainland and<br />
internationally.<br />
4 Workplace Productivity.<br />
The TCCI wants<br />
both major parties to develop<br />
and deliver policies<br />
to increase productivity<br />
and participation for regional<br />
Australia and Tasmania.<br />
We also want them to<br />
ensure their policies enable<br />
wages are affordable<br />
in regional Australia and<br />
Tasmania.<br />
I AM writing this<br />
column from Vietnam<br />
where half the<br />
population of more than<br />
93 million people own<br />
scooters<br />
In Ho Chi Minh City<br />
(the locals still refer<br />
to it as Saigon) they<br />
account for 37 per cent of the air<br />
pollution.<br />
Crossing the street is an art<br />
and not one for the faint-hearted.<br />
The country has experienced<br />
an average GDP growth of six<br />
per cent over the last 20 years<br />
and is projected to grow by 6.8<br />
per cent in <strong>2019</strong>.<br />
Certainly a market close to<br />
Australia to keep on the radar.<br />
Domestic demand is in part<br />
driving growth with, like other<br />
Asian economies, a growing<br />
middle class. The median age<br />
is 30.<br />
Opportunities exist in the<br />
agribusiness, food and beverage,<br />
aviation and aerospace, defence,<br />
Scooters are the prefered mode of transport throughout Vietnam.<br />
Sally<br />
Chandler<br />
Tradestart Adviser<br />
health care, mining, oil and gas,<br />
ICT, energy, transport and water<br />
management sectors.<br />
Vietnam is covered by two<br />
Free Trade Agreements with<br />
Australia, the ASEAN Australia-<br />
New Zealand Free Trade<br />
Agreement (AANZFTA) and the<br />
Comprehensive and Progressive<br />
Agreement for Trans-Pacific<br />
Partnership (CPTPP).<br />
Australia’s major exports<br />
to Vietnam include coal,<br />
cotton, wheat, iron ores and<br />
concentrates.<br />
Australia’s major imports<br />
from Vietnam include telecom<br />
equipment and parts, crude<br />
petroleum, footwear, and<br />
monitors, projectors<br />
and televisions.<br />
Australia ranks 12th<br />
on Vietnam’s principal<br />
import sources.<br />
From Tasmania,<br />
major exports to<br />
Vietnam are currently<br />
zinc and associated<br />
products, aluminium and<br />
associated products, abalone<br />
(where most would find their<br />
way to China) and cherries.<br />
Vietnam has a long coastline<br />
to the South China Sea. Its land<br />
borders are with Cambodia,<br />
China and Laos.<br />
I am benefiting very much<br />
from my time in Vietnam with<br />
Austrade, attending the Food and<br />
Hotel Vietnam trade show and<br />
researching sales opportunities<br />
for <strong>Tasmanian</strong> goods and<br />
services with Austrade’s<br />
<strong>Business</strong> Development Managers<br />
in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.<br />
I will report further in the June<br />
issue of TBR.<br />
For international trade and investment assistance contact the TCCI’s TradeStart Adviser, Sally<br />
Chandler, at sally.chandler@tcci.com.au or phone 1300 559 122.<br />
WANTED<br />
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• Promotions<br />
• Appointments<br />
• Awards<br />
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Watch out for lurking winter lurgies<br />
IF THE recent weather is<br />
anything to go by we are<br />
starting once again to get<br />
into cold and flu season<br />
which means of course<br />
the precarious issue of<br />
staff being ill.<br />
The TCCI often gets<br />
questions about personal<br />
leave and what employers<br />
can and can’t ask for.<br />
As set out in the Fair<br />
Work Act 2009 s107 employees<br />
have notice and<br />
evidence requirements<br />
they must adhere to on<br />
personal leave being:<br />
Abbey<br />
George<br />
Workplace Relations<br />
• giving the employer<br />
notice of the leave<br />
as soon as practicable<br />
(which may be a time after<br />
the leave has started);<br />
• advising the employer<br />
of the period, or<br />
expected period, of the<br />
leave; and<br />
• if requested, provide<br />
the employer evidence<br />
that would satisfy a reasonable<br />
person.<br />
What evidence this is<br />
will depend on each particular<br />
circumstance, for<br />
The TCCI often gets<br />
questions about personal<br />
leave and what employers<br />
can and can’t ask for.<br />
example:<br />
• is it before/after a<br />
weekend, leave etc?<br />
• Is there a history of<br />
the taking of personal<br />
leave?<br />
• Are there policies or<br />
procedures or an Enterprise<br />
Agreement in place<br />
that addresses when evidence<br />
is required and<br />
what form it takes?<br />
• What is the common<br />
practice? For example<br />
in the past has any leave<br />
greater than two consecutive<br />
days required evidence?<br />
• Are statutory declarations<br />
generally accepted<br />
or do you only accept<br />
medical certificates?<br />
• What other information<br />
do you have?<br />
If you would like<br />
assistant with the<br />
drafting of a policy<br />
or procedure, or<br />
are unsure about<br />
personal leave, or<br />
employment matters<br />
generally, please<br />
contact either the<br />
TCCI helpline on<br />
1300 765 123, the<br />
TCC office on 1300<br />
559 122 or workplace<br />
relations at<br />
workplacerelations@<br />
tcci.com.au<br />
Challenge in using capacity<br />
Brett<br />
Charlton<br />
Agility Logistics<br />
A SENATE inquiry is<br />
something new that happened<br />
for me recently –<br />
my words are inked in<br />
Hansard for eternity.<br />
The <strong>Tasmanian</strong> Logistics<br />
Committee was<br />
called to Melbourne to<br />
present at the senate inquiry<br />
into policy, regulatory,<br />
taxation, administrative<br />
and funding<br />
priorities for Australian<br />
shipping.<br />
The inquiry allowed<br />
the TLC to provide the<br />
point of view of the majority<br />
of <strong>Tasmanian</strong> industry<br />
that our coastal<br />
shipping task is already<br />
in place and essential to<br />
our trading community<br />
– on the back of the<br />
fact that we are an island<br />
(despite one Senator<br />
bringing up that dreaded<br />
“bridge” concept that<br />
anyone with any concept<br />
of Bass Strait staples as a<br />
chapter of the flat earth<br />
policy).<br />
The position presented<br />
was that our current Bass<br />
Strait service providers<br />
have invested significantly<br />
in new vessels and<br />
infrastructure and that<br />
any threat to these by international<br />
shipping lines<br />
being allowed to carry<br />
domestic cargoes could<br />
bite us in the bum should<br />
Brett Charlton, left, with Senators Alex Gallacher, Barry O’Sullivan and<br />
Glenn Sterle at the shipping senate inquiry.<br />
they erode the viability<br />
of our current services.<br />
The worst case scenario<br />
being that we lose<br />
one or more of our current<br />
service providers to<br />
an international calling<br />
vessel that a year later<br />
sees something shiny in<br />
another part of the planet<br />
and disappears. We said<br />
Tasmania needed to be<br />
viewed as unique as an<br />
island trading state but<br />
by all means consider<br />
options for the big island<br />
– coastal shipping seems<br />
to make sense there.<br />
Although, one of the<br />
comments made before<br />
us by another party at the<br />
senate inquiry raised my<br />
eyebrows: “Our infrastructure<br />
is not ready for<br />
coastal shipping”.<br />
Well, we have certainly<br />
lived that phrase in<br />
Tasmania over the last<br />
six months.<br />
Speak to any transport<br />
company at the moment<br />
and there is an underlying<br />
tension in the air.<br />
Behind the scenes at<br />
the moment there is some<br />
significant disruption in<br />
Tasmania with the freight<br />
task.<br />
Readers of this column<br />
may recall previous<br />
statements about “the future<br />
is so bright” due to<br />
new capacity in the market.<br />
The capacity has arrived<br />
but there have been<br />
challenges in being able<br />
to manage and work the<br />
new capacity.<br />
There is frustration in<br />
the ability to secure domestic<br />
dry cargo northbound<br />
space ex-Tasmania<br />
as the mojo of<br />
working larger vessels<br />
and balancing cargo<br />
volumes has not been<br />
as smooth as everyone<br />
would have liked.<br />
Stories of full depots<br />
of empty and full equipment,<br />
delays for export<br />
containers, redirection of<br />
trucks at the last minute,<br />
short shipments of trailers<br />
are common presently.<br />
The TLC is engaged<br />
in this issue and have assurances<br />
that the mojo is<br />
being refined – “quickly<br />
please” is the message<br />
we are giving.<br />
Chance to cure ailing Northern healthcare<br />
Paul<br />
Lupo<br />
CEO, StLukesHealth<br />
TASMANIA is facing a<br />
once-in-a-generation opportunity<br />
to fundamentally<br />
change the way hospital<br />
and health services<br />
are delivered in Northern<br />
Tasmania after the<br />
commitment by Calvary<br />
Health Care to invest<br />
$100 million in a new<br />
private hospital co-located<br />
with the Launceston<br />
General Hospital.<br />
It is vital we use this investment<br />
to not just simply<br />
relocate the ageing St<br />
Vincent’s and St Luke’s<br />
hospital campuses, but<br />
that we also see it as an<br />
opportunity to undertake<br />
a full investigation into<br />
future health services<br />
and needs, including different<br />
models of care, to<br />
ensure the delivery of the<br />
highest quality and most<br />
affordable healthcare for<br />
both public and private<br />
patients.<br />
Following Calvary’s<br />
unsolicited bid proposal<br />
to the Office of the Coordinator-General<br />
in 2017,<br />
the project has now progressed<br />
to the next phase.<br />
This involves the assessment<br />
panel and Calvary<br />
working together<br />
to finalise the appropriate<br />
location for the new<br />
hospital and defining exactly<br />
what is required to<br />
ensure the co-location<br />
ultimately increases and<br />
improves services and<br />
health outcomes for all<br />
Northern <strong>Tasmanian</strong>s.<br />
I certainly don’t profess<br />
to have all the answers,<br />
but as Tasmania’s<br />
largest not-for-profit<br />
health insurer which invests<br />
all its earnings and<br />
resources back into the<br />
communities we serve,<br />
St.LukesHealth is an important<br />
contributor in the<br />
north and has a role to<br />
play in improving health<br />
service outcomes for<br />
both our members and<br />
the wider community.<br />
To ensure the best possible<br />
outcome for Northern<br />
Tasmania through<br />
Calvary’s proposed investment,<br />
we believe it<br />
would be beneficial for<br />
the Government to consider<br />
the following:<br />
• ensuring LGH and<br />
Calvary work together to<br />
develop a strategy to recruit<br />
new and retain current<br />
specialists in regional<br />
Tasmania;<br />
• allowing specialists<br />
to provide services in the<br />
A co-location is planned with the Launceston General Hospital<br />
public and private hospitals<br />
without restriction,<br />
and ensuring enough<br />
support between both<br />
hospitals to provide specialists<br />
with an attractive<br />
work-life balance;<br />
• ensuring Launceston<br />
is an attractive prospect<br />
for specialists by allowing<br />
time for specialists to<br />
undertake research, with<br />
a view to improving patient<br />
outcomes;<br />
• eradicating the duplication<br />
of services to ensure<br />
funding allocated to<br />
health is spent efficiently;<br />
and<br />
• ensuring the Calvary<br />
project is incorporated as<br />
part of the larger Launceston<br />
Health Precinct<br />
strategy for increased<br />
and improved health service<br />
delivery.<br />
The $260 million<br />
UTAS relocation, plus<br />
the $20 million Launceston<br />
City Heart project<br />
and the $100 million Calvary<br />
co-location all happening<br />
at the same time<br />
gives us an incredible<br />
opportunity to collaborate,<br />
innovate and deliver<br />
an example of how a<br />
regional city can become<br />
a nation leading example<br />
in regional health delivery.<br />
With all these projects<br />
on the drawing board, the<br />
State Government also<br />
has the ideal opportunity<br />
to bring together northern<br />
health stakeholders to<br />
create a better system for<br />
health services for northern<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong>s.<br />
Let’s all get on board<br />
and not waste this once<br />
in a lifetime opportunity<br />
to make a real difference<br />
to the health of our local<br />
6 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong><br />
Understanding<br />
franking credits<br />
By WAYNE<br />
Tasplan Super<br />
THERE have been a<br />
lot of claims and counter-claims<br />
lately about<br />
Federal Labor’s policy,<br />
if elected, to end cash<br />
repayments for franking<br />
credits on dividend imputation.<br />
But what exactly is it,<br />
and what does it mean?<br />
In simple terms, dividend<br />
imputation is designed to<br />
avoid double-taxation,<br />
and works like this.<br />
Let’s say you own<br />
shares in a listed company,<br />
for example a major<br />
bank.<br />
As a shareholder,<br />
you’re effectively a<br />
part-owner of that bank.<br />
If that bank makes a<br />
profit it will pay tax on<br />
that profit at the corporate<br />
tax rate (which is<br />
currently 30 per cent).<br />
Let’s say that after<br />
paying tax on its profit,<br />
the bank returns some of<br />
the remaining profits to<br />
its shareholders.<br />
That’s often referred<br />
to as a dividend, but is<br />
technically known as a<br />
“fully-franked (taxed)<br />
dividend”.<br />
That is, the tax on that<br />
dividend has already<br />
been paid.<br />
However, on your tax<br />
return you’ll have to say<br />
that you received a dividend<br />
as a result of owning<br />
shares and declare<br />
the income.<br />
If there weren’t measures<br />
in place, you may<br />
end up paying tax on<br />
your dividend income<br />
twice – once when the<br />
bank’s profits are taxed<br />
and again when you declare<br />
the dividend income<br />
on your tax return<br />
and pay income tax.<br />
Under the tax system<br />
you receive a credit equal<br />
to the amount of tax<br />
that’s already been paid,<br />
which is offset against<br />
the tax you pay on your<br />
tax return.<br />
That’s called a “franking<br />
credit”.<br />
In addition to that, if<br />
you have a tax bill of<br />
zero for the year, your<br />
franking credits will be<br />
given to you as a cash<br />
refund.<br />
Each year, around $6<br />
billion is paid by the government<br />
to shareholders<br />
– either directly, or<br />
through their super funds<br />
– as cash refunds.<br />
According to the Federal<br />
Treasury, the largest<br />
portion, $2.6 billion,<br />
went to self-managed<br />
super funds, followed<br />
by $2.3 billion to individuals,<br />
$700 million to<br />
tax-exempt entities, and<br />
$300 million to regulated<br />
super funds.<br />
If elected, Labor says,<br />
you’ll still be able to offset<br />
your franking credits<br />
against your tax bill, but<br />
you won’t be able to get<br />
a refund if your total tax<br />
bill is zero.<br />
Effectively, their view<br />
is that if you own shares<br />
but you’re not paying<br />
any income tax, you’re<br />
not being taxed twice and<br />
therefore there’s no need<br />
to pay out the franking<br />
credit as a cash refund.<br />
This policy would also<br />
exempt pensioners who<br />
own shares.<br />
It’s certainly a complicated<br />
policy and political<br />
area and I don’t want to<br />
make any judgement on<br />
the relative merit of the<br />
proposal or arguments,<br />
other than to point out<br />
the facts and encourage<br />
you to carefully consider<br />
them and how it may or<br />
may not impact you, and<br />
encourage you to draw<br />
your own conclusions.<br />
Tasplan Super, a<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> based<br />
profit-for-members<br />
super fund which has<br />
grown to be the state’s<br />
largest and only locally-based<br />
super provider,<br />
with some $9 billion<br />
under management<br />
and 133,000 members<br />
which makes up about<br />
50 per cent of the <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
workforce.<br />
www.tcci.com.au<br />
Steps to mitigate<br />
effects of gravity<br />
ABOUT 2000 people per year<br />
are hospitalised due to falls that<br />
occur in the workplace.<br />
Although about 17 per<br />
cent of these occurred in the<br />
construction industry the<br />
remainder have taken place<br />
in factories, shops, cafes,<br />
hotels, schools, offices in fact any<br />
workplace.<br />
WHS regulations<br />
Regulation 34-38: In order<br />
to manage risk under the WHS<br />
Regulations, a duty holder must:<br />
• identify reasonably foreseeable<br />
hazards that could give rise to the<br />
risk;<br />
• eliminate the risk so far as is<br />
reasonably practicable;<br />
• if it is not reasonably practicable<br />
to eliminate the risk – minimise<br />
the risk so far as is reasonably<br />
practicable by implementing control<br />
measures in accordance with the<br />
hierarchy of control; and<br />
• maintain the implemented<br />
control measure so that it remains<br />
effective review, and if necessary<br />
revise, risk control measures so as<br />
to maintain, so far as is reasonably<br />
practicable, a work environment that<br />
is without risks to health and safety.<br />
Code of Practice<br />
The first step in the process is<br />
identifying the fall hazards. This can<br />
be achieved by the following.<br />
Craig<br />
Hortle<br />
Workplace Health & Safety<br />
You must identify all locations<br />
and tasks that could cause injury due<br />
to a fall. Tasks that need particular<br />
attention are those carried out:<br />
• on any structure or plant being<br />
constructed or installed, demolished<br />
or dismantled, inspected, tested,<br />
repaired or cleaned;<br />
• on a fragile surface (for<br />
example, cement sheeting roofs,<br />
rusty metal roofs, fibreglass sheeting<br />
roofs and skylights);<br />
• on a potentially unstable surface<br />
(for example, areas where there is<br />
potential for ground collapse);<br />
• using equipment to work at the<br />
elevated level (for example, when<br />
using elevating work platforms or<br />
portable ladders);<br />
• on a sloping or slippery surface<br />
where it is difficult for people to<br />
maintain their balance (for example,<br />
on glazed tiles);<br />
• near an unprotected open edge<br />
(for example, near incomplete<br />
stairwells);<br />
• near a hole, shaft or pit into which<br />
a worker could fall (for example,<br />
trenches, lift shafts or service pits).<br />
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Authorised by M.Bailey, CEO, TCCI, 309 Liverpool St, Hobart
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong> 9<br />
www.tcci.com.au<br />
Nurturing the arts economy<br />
Elise<br />
Archer<br />
Arts Minister<br />
TASMANIA is now recognised<br />
nationally and<br />
internationally for its<br />
cultural and creative industries,<br />
which attracts<br />
visitors, enhances our<br />
lifestyle, and creates employment.<br />
Supporting this vibrant<br />
sector creates jobs and<br />
opportunities and also<br />
contributes to the growth<br />
of the economy through<br />
hospitality, retail and<br />
tourism.<br />
The Liberal Government’s<br />
vision for Tasmania<br />
is to be world-leading<br />
in the cultural and<br />
creative industries, we<br />
have a long-term plan<br />
to nurture and expand<br />
the sector; to flourish in<br />
reputation and develop<br />
collaborative arts partnerships.<br />
Since 2014, the Hodgman<br />
Government has<br />
made great strides in<br />
meeting its goals to grow<br />
our reputation as an attractive<br />
and vibrant community<br />
in which to live;<br />
attract talent to support<br />
population growth; and<br />
support the visitor economy,<br />
and initiate improved<br />
governance and<br />
legislative frameworks<br />
for the arts and cultural<br />
sector.<br />
To assist with achieving<br />
these goals, a new<br />
Ministerial Arts and Cultural<br />
Advisory Council<br />
has been formed.<br />
The purpose of this<br />
council is to have open<br />
and frank discussions<br />
with the sector about opportunities<br />
and challenges<br />
that the Government<br />
may consider in framing<br />
its future arts policy and<br />
activities.<br />
As Arts Minister my<br />
door will remain open to<br />
those wanting to engage<br />
directly.<br />
Arts and culture play a<br />
vital role in the pulse of<br />
any community.<br />
It binds together people<br />
with purpose, pleasure<br />
and passion, as well<br />
as building relationships<br />
across many aspects of<br />
the community.<br />
Tasmania has a long<br />
history of cultural activity.<br />
The nationally renowned<br />
Salamanca Arts<br />
Centre is one of the oldest<br />
multi-arts studio and<br />
presentation facilities in<br />
the country.<br />
More recently, the development<br />
of the internationally-renowned<br />
Museum<br />
of Old and New Art<br />
has led to changes in expectations<br />
of audiences,<br />
visitors and creators as<br />
to the quality of cultural<br />
facilities that can be provided<br />
in Tasmania.<br />
Tasmania’s cultural<br />
pursuits operate across<br />
all dimensions of creativ-<br />
Speigeltent on Hobart’s waterfront is a popular annual event space.<br />
ity, be it screen, the visual<br />
and performing arts,<br />
design, literature, community<br />
and cultural practice,<br />
just to name a few.<br />
In recent years, the<br />
growth of our screen sector<br />
has surpassed many<br />
people’s expectations.<br />
Much of this development<br />
has happened on a<br />
case by case basis and<br />
there is an opportunity<br />
to drive greater value in<br />
cultural asset development<br />
through adopting a<br />
co-ordinated approach.<br />
Tasmania’s brand attributes<br />
and our unique<br />
sense of place enable<br />
and strengthen cultural<br />
events and activities in<br />
the state.<br />
These include festivals,<br />
events and activities<br />
that activate intimate and<br />
flexible spaces including<br />
warehouses, farmland,<br />
sheds, barns, alleyways,<br />
heritage buildings and<br />
the <strong>Tasmanian</strong> wilderness.<br />
This year marked the<br />
10th anniversary of the<br />
biennial Ten Days on the<br />
Island Festival, a strong<br />
example of the growth,<br />
and also the adaptability<br />
of the <strong>Tasmanian</strong> arts and<br />
cultural sector.<br />
In <strong>2019</strong> the festival<br />
moved to a new model<br />
where events were<br />
scheduled over three<br />
weekends at more than<br />
50 locations throughout<br />
the North West, North<br />
East and South of Tasmania.<br />
This model encouraged<br />
increased tourism<br />
and local spend, and the<br />
opportunity for people<br />
to discover what our regional<br />
areas have to offer.<br />
To secure Tasmania’s<br />
reputation as a cultural<br />
and creative hub, the<br />
Government is investigating<br />
the current and<br />
future needs for cultural<br />
infrastructure. This work<br />
will assist in guiding the<br />
implementation of the<br />
Hobart City Deal and<br />
inform the realisation of<br />
Macquarie Point as a cultural<br />
and arts precinct.<br />
Tax reform aims at online gambling<br />
TASMANIAN Labor is<br />
committed to meaningful<br />
economic reforms.<br />
That is why Labor will<br />
introduce online wagering<br />
(point of consumption tax)<br />
legislation if the measure<br />
is not included in the upcoming<br />
State Budget.<br />
The Revised Estimates<br />
Report shows that Tasmania<br />
is headed for $343<br />
million in net debt and this<br />
was before the Treasurer<br />
flagged a massive $560<br />
million body blow to the<br />
budget over the forward<br />
estimates early in April<br />
More needs to be done<br />
to improve the state’s bot-<br />
Scott<br />
Bacon<br />
Shadow Treasurer<br />
tom line yet it is a matter<br />
of fact that there has not<br />
been one economic reform<br />
put in place by the Government<br />
since coming to<br />
power in 2014.<br />
Labor is committed to<br />
working constructively<br />
and that’s why we will<br />
move a reform that will<br />
improve Tasmania’s Budget<br />
position by up to $11<br />
million in the first year<br />
with every indication that<br />
this would grow going forward.<br />
A point of consumption<br />
tax on online bookmakers<br />
would make<br />
sure Tasmania gets a<br />
fair return of revenue<br />
from online gambling<br />
companies that are invariably<br />
based on the<br />
mainland.<br />
It is projected that the<br />
levy would generate between<br />
$5-$11 million in<br />
extra revenue for Tasmania.<br />
All mainland states<br />
have introduced a point of<br />
consumption tax on online<br />
bookmakers.<br />
Labor first called for a<br />
point of consumption tax<br />
on online gambling in November<br />
2017.<br />
The measure would<br />
only apply to gambling<br />
companies and not punters.<br />
It would not change the<br />
odds offered to punters –<br />
currently <strong>Tasmanian</strong> punters<br />
do not get better odds<br />
than those in mainland<br />
states which have a point<br />
of consumption tax.<br />
Importantly, Labor’s<br />
policy includes a tax-free<br />
threshold of $150,000 to<br />
make sure small bookmakers<br />
are protected.<br />
Tasmania’s Budget is<br />
in a weakening position<br />
and it is incumbent on all<br />
representatives to be constructive,<br />
and that’s what<br />
the Labor Party is doing.<br />
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10 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong><br />
Long service rules explained<br />
TASMANIAN employers operating<br />
in building, construction and<br />
civil industry sectors need to be<br />
aware that their obligation to make<br />
contributions for portable long service<br />
may extend to the contractors<br />
they employ.<br />
Where employers engage contractors<br />
who are sole traders wholly<br />
or principally for their labour<br />
they are required to make contributions<br />
into the fund as required<br />
by the Rules of the Construction<br />
Industry Long Service Fund (the<br />
Rules).<br />
This type of worker engagement<br />
is confusing due to the amount of<br />
legislation that may apply in this<br />
area: the Superannuation Guarantee<br />
Act, Alienation of Personal<br />
Services Income and even the<br />
Common Law.<br />
Each has their own test and measures<br />
that muddy the interpretative<br />
waters in this area.<br />
TasBuild’s own rules do not interact<br />
with these other tests or measures.<br />
TasBuild’s rules are a standalone<br />
requirement that only apply to the<br />
Construction Industry (Long Service)<br />
Act and the Rules.<br />
Where an Employer employs another<br />
person in “Relevant Employment”,<br />
and that other person is contracted<br />
to provide, or principally<br />
provide, their labour, then that per-<br />
son is an employee for the purposes<br />
of the Rules.<br />
This applies where the person employed<br />
is an individual or sole trader.<br />
Where the contract is with a partnership<br />
or an incorporated organisation,<br />
the contract is unlikely to meet<br />
the “labour of the person” (i.e. a single<br />
specific person) requirement, unless<br />
specified in the contract.<br />
Where the Employer does contract<br />
an individual or sole trader, for the<br />
provision of their labour, then the<br />
Employer will be required to register<br />
that employee and pay long service<br />
contributions into the Fund.<br />
The employee will then accrue<br />
service towards a long service entitlement<br />
while they are so employed.<br />
What TasBuild<br />
considers?<br />
In applying the “wholly or principally<br />
for labour” component of<br />
the definition, TasBuild will consider<br />
the following questions:<br />
• Did the contract allow the<br />
worker to engage others to do<br />
the work?<br />
• Did the worker provide materials<br />
of a significant value, as<br />
part of the contract?<br />
• Did the worker provide tools<br />
and/or plant or equipment (other<br />
than that normally expected to<br />
be provided by a worker doing<br />
TasBuild CEO Chris Atkins, left, with Mark Millhouse from Vos, one<br />
of the many partnerships across Tasmania.<br />
the type of work for which they<br />
were engaged) of a significant<br />
value as part of the contract?<br />
• Did the worker need to apply<br />
skills at a higher level than<br />
would normally be expected<br />
from a worker of their classification?<br />
Contracts<br />
The best form of contractual agreement<br />
in these circumstances is a<br />
written contract.<br />
Where both parties have freely<br />
signed the contract, it provides evidence<br />
of their agreement and corroborates<br />
both party’s agreement, as to<br />
conditions.<br />
It will also be a part of valuable<br />
evidence for TasBuild’s assessment.<br />
Where the contract is verbal, evidence<br />
of the actual conditions agreed<br />
to is more difficult to prove.<br />
Having said that, where both parties<br />
confirm the conditions, that is<br />
quite acceptable.<br />
In such circumstances, TasBuild<br />
will review all the available information<br />
and make a decision based on<br />
the evidence provided by each party.<br />
Online tool<br />
To help employers and workers<br />
work out their position, TasBuild has<br />
developed an online assessment tool.<br />
The tool will be available shortly<br />
on our web page at www.tasbuild.<br />
com.au<br />
If you need any further<br />
information, please contact<br />
TasBuild on 03 6294 0807.<br />
There are workers in the construction<br />
industry who are eligible for TasBuild’s<br />
portable long service leave, but are<br />
missing out.<br />
Are they employed<br />
for labour?<br />
Are materials supplied?<br />
Do they invoice the boss?<br />
Are they getting long<br />
service leave?<br />
Take the 2 minute worker test on<br />
our website to see where your<br />
business stands.<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong> 11<br />
Uni courses target health<br />
KING<br />
Associate Degree in<br />
Applied Health and<br />
Community Support<br />
course coordinator.<br />
ONE in every five new jobs in<br />
Australia is in the health care,<br />
community development and<br />
social assistance sectors.<br />
In Tasmania, 30,000 people<br />
are employed in paid work in<br />
this industry, with thousands<br />
more in informal or voluntary<br />
roles.<br />
The three service types with<br />
the highest current net growth<br />
are community development,<br />
ageing and carer services and<br />
disability services.<br />
Given that two of these<br />
three areas of growth are currently<br />
engaged in Royal Commissions,<br />
it is an imperative<br />
that we seek new approaches<br />
for educating people within<br />
these roles.<br />
In response to the recognised<br />
need in terms of both<br />
workforce and education, the<br />
University College at the University<br />
of Tasmania has developed<br />
a two-year Associate<br />
Degree in Applied Health and<br />
Community Support which<br />
was offered for the first time<br />
in February this year.<br />
The curriculum was developed<br />
following extensive<br />
consultation with peak bodies,<br />
organisations and individuals<br />
within the health, social and<br />
community service sectors,<br />
who indicated that they were<br />
grappling with the effects of<br />
significant changes in community<br />
needs, service models<br />
and consumer expectations, as<br />
well as increases in role complexity<br />
and projected workforce<br />
demands.<br />
In order to support a growing<br />
workforce through change<br />
and complexity, a number of<br />
critical areas of education and<br />
skill development were identified.<br />
The first was the need to foster<br />
a broad skill base, with the<br />
agility and flexibility to cross<br />
traditional sectoral boundaries<br />
between for example, health,<br />
disability, mental health, aged<br />
care, and social and community<br />
services, while ensuring<br />
that sector-specific requirements<br />
were not lost.<br />
The second was to promote<br />
and strengthen self-determination<br />
and consumer-led approaches,<br />
and increase the<br />
The health care, community development and social assistance sectors are growing.<br />
focus on health promotion,<br />
prevention and community<br />
capacity-building.<br />
The third involved the explicit<br />
inclusion of transferrable<br />
or “enterprise skills”<br />
such as critical thinking, reflective<br />
and evidence-based<br />
practice, health and digital<br />
literacy, as well as planning,<br />
evaluation and quality improvement.<br />
It was determined that supporting<br />
employees to achieve<br />
a balance between providing<br />
quality services and working<br />
within a successful and<br />
sustainable business environment,<br />
required a curriculum<br />
with streams that were people-focused,<br />
examining for<br />
example, the principles of<br />
ethics, inclusivity, diversity,<br />
cultural competence and compassion;<br />
as well as providing<br />
an understanding of the principles<br />
and practices of community<br />
development, business<br />
enterprise, leadership, management<br />
and communication.<br />
In its first offering, the<br />
course has attracted 50 students<br />
from a range of backgrounds,<br />
who are studying at<br />
campuses in Hobart, Launceston<br />
and the Cradle Coast.<br />
Some students have expressed<br />
an interest in upskilling<br />
in their current roles, others<br />
are looking for a career<br />
change, while school leavers<br />
have seen the course as a way<br />
of fast-tracking themselves<br />
into a growing workforce and<br />
a rewarding career.<br />
The diversity of student<br />
backgrounds and life experiences<br />
has contributed to deep<br />
and rich learning opportunities,<br />
while the diversity of<br />
input from industry experts<br />
promises to keep the course<br />
content contemporary, relevant<br />
and rewarding for both<br />
graduates and employers.<br />
It is hoped that this type<br />
of dynamic collaboration between<br />
industry and the University<br />
of Tasmania’s University<br />
College can build<br />
confidence and sustainability<br />
in an industry currently dealing<br />
with significant change<br />
and challenges, and effectively<br />
support and empower the<br />
workforce.<br />
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12 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong><br />
Spotlight on mental health<br />
THE WorkCover Tasmania Board<br />
together with WorkSafe Tasmania<br />
has launched a new Mental Health<br />
Awareness Campaign raising awareness<br />
around mental health hazards<br />
that exist at work<br />
The campaign is titled “Safety is<br />
everything” with the major feature<br />
being a series of attention-grabbing<br />
television advertisements.<br />
They ask viewers to spot the person<br />
who is not safe, acknowledging<br />
that we are used to looking out<br />
for traditional safety hazards in the<br />
workplace, but are not familiar spotting<br />
mental health hazards.<br />
The “Safety is everything” message<br />
highlights that our mental<br />
health is just as important as our<br />
physical health.<br />
The long-term goal is to break<br />
down the stigma associated with<br />
mental health conditions and create<br />
workplaces where it is OK to speak<br />
up and seek help.<br />
And this starts with creating workplace<br />
cultures where mental health is<br />
supported and discussed as openly as<br />
physical health.<br />
Tasmania’s statistics reveal the total<br />
number of workplace injuries has<br />
been steadily declining, alarmingly<br />
though, the number of mental disease<br />
injuries has increased.<br />
In 2018, mental disease injuries<br />
made up 8.5 per cent of all workplace<br />
injuries reported, almost doubling<br />
the 2008 numbers.<br />
These results highlight why more<br />
Workplace bullying has been identified as a common cause of mental injury.<br />
awareness and continual improvement<br />
is still needed and why Work-<br />
Safe have identified mental health as<br />
a priority condition in the 2018-23<br />
WorkSafe Tasmania Strategic Plan.<br />
Mental health is identified in the<br />
Strategic Plan as a priority condition<br />
based on the severity of consequences<br />
of harm(s), the number of<br />
people estimated to be affected and<br />
the existence of known prevention<br />
options.<br />
The most common causes of<br />
mental disease injuries in 2018<br />
were work pressure and work related<br />
harassment and/or workplace<br />
bullying.<br />
Mental disease injuries can impact<br />
on workplaces in a number of<br />
ways including but not limited to;<br />
• increased staff turnover;<br />
• reduced productivity for example<br />
through presenteeism and absenteeism;<br />
• increased number of workplace<br />
injuries (claims); and<br />
• increasing workers compensation<br />
premiums.<br />
WorkSafe is continuing to develop<br />
and promote a number of strategies<br />
to deliver its promise to the<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> community of being<br />
‘Safe and Well, Every Day’.<br />
These strategies include a focus<br />
on targeted harm reduction and<br />
building culture and capability.<br />
Ensuring <strong>Tasmanian</strong>s are safe and<br />
healthy at work is also one of the<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> Government’s key commitments<br />
and the Government has<br />
set itself the goal of making Tasmania<br />
the healthiest population in Australia<br />
by 2025.<br />
The <strong>Tasmanian</strong> Population Health<br />
Survey conducted in 2016 surveyed<br />
6300 <strong>Tasmanian</strong>s.<br />
Thirty per cent of those interviewed<br />
sought help for current mental<br />
health issues showing an increase<br />
in previous years.<br />
Sadly these results are above the<br />
Australian Bureau of Statistics’<br />
2017-18 National Health Survey results<br />
which indicated 20.1 per cent<br />
of Australians reported experiencing<br />
mental and behavioural conditions.<br />
With mental health affecting so<br />
many <strong>Tasmanian</strong>s regardless, Work-<br />
Safe is committed to improving<br />
awareness around mental health,<br />
particularly around mental health<br />
hazards at work.<br />
The television advertisements<br />
aired for the first time on Saturday,<br />
April 28, instilling the message -<br />
“Safety is Everything”.<br />
Dedicated WorkSafe Mental<br />
Health Awareness webpage<br />
campaign information and support<br />
materials can be found at<br />
www.worksafe.tas.gov.au<br />
Can you spot<br />
the people who<br />
aren’t safe?<br />
Find out who they are at worksafe.tas.gov.au<br />
Have a close look. Workplace hazards are<br />
often hard to spot, and not all of them are<br />
about physical safety. We keep our bodies<br />
safe at work. Let’s keep our minds safe too.<br />
Safety is<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong> 13<br />
NEWS<br />
Lift in poppy crop area and returns<br />
Poppy Grower, Jason Cresswell, from Deloraine, left,<br />
and <strong>Tasmanian</strong> Alkaloids’ Field Operations Manager,<br />
Noel Beven,<br />
Customer-owned<br />
banks hail reform<br />
TASMANIAN Alkaloids has announced a 65<br />
percent increase to the <strong>2019</strong>/2020 poppy crop<br />
and increased payments to growers.<br />
The number of hectares required for the<br />
<strong>2019</strong>/2020 poppy crop has increased to more<br />
than 8000 hectares. The company has also<br />
announced price increases for two of the four<br />
poppy varieties currently grown, at 12 per cent<br />
and 15 per cent.<br />
About 400 growers statewide will cultivate<br />
the crop to fulfil the company’s forecast sales to<br />
international pharmaceutical manufacturers.<br />
About half of the world’s legal opiate crop is<br />
grown in Tasmania and processed by <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
Alkaloids.<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> Alkaloids’ Director of Alkaloid<br />
Raw Material <strong>Business</strong>, Peta Dolan, said the<br />
industry was positive of its future despite recent<br />
challenges.<br />
“While the international regulatory<br />
environment continues to evolve, and<br />
the industry adjusts accordingly, health<br />
professionals acknowledge that appropriately<br />
managed and administered opiate-based<br />
medications remain one of the best options to<br />
treat acute pain; including pain associated with<br />
palliative care, post-operative care, and massive<br />
trauma.<br />
“More than three million Australians alone<br />
live with chronic pain,” Ms Dolan said.<br />
“The alkaloid raw material grown in<br />
Tasmania and processed by <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
Alkaloids is used to manufacture active<br />
pharmaceutical ingredients that offer effective<br />
pain management solutions to patients.<br />
“This is a huge responsibility and one our<br />
growers and <strong>Tasmanian</strong> Alkaloids takes very<br />
seriously.”<br />
Free range<br />
‘eggspection’<br />
Paul<br />
Ranson<br />
CEO, Bank of us<br />
IN THE week leading up<br />
to the announcement of<br />
the Federal election, Parliament<br />
passed the Treasury<br />
Laws Amendment<br />
(Mutual Reforms) Bill<br />
<strong>2019</strong>.<br />
This important Bill includes<br />
several reforms<br />
that will lower barriers<br />
to capital raising by mutual<br />
companies and help<br />
customer-owned banking<br />
institutions, like Bank of<br />
us, be more competitive.<br />
The customer-owned<br />
banking sector has been<br />
advocating for a more<br />
level playing field across<br />
the Australian banking<br />
industry for some time<br />
now.<br />
Back in 2016, I wrote<br />
about how the sector was<br />
in an enviable position.<br />
As a sector, we’ve<br />
continued to perform<br />
strongly – delivering better<br />
pricing, choice, innovation<br />
and service for<br />
customers and we have<br />
seen an increasing trend<br />
of new customers voting<br />
with their feet and join<br />
us.<br />
There is a real opportunity<br />
for the customer-owned<br />
banking sector<br />
to be a bigger player in<br />
the Australian banking<br />
sector but it relies on<br />
having access to affordable<br />
high quality capital<br />
to support our growth.<br />
To date the customer-owned<br />
banking sector<br />
has been restricted to relying<br />
on its profits as the<br />
principal source of capital<br />
generation.<br />
With the sector typically<br />
operating on a lower<br />
level of profitability<br />
due to their desire to pass<br />
on real value to customers<br />
in the form of lower<br />
priced products this has<br />
meant that growth potential<br />
over the long run can<br />
only be modest unless<br />
Customer-owned banks pass on value through lower priced products.<br />
there is the opportunity<br />
to generate new forms of<br />
capital.<br />
The passing of Mutual<br />
Reforms Bill is crucial<br />
as it amends the Corporations<br />
Act to implement<br />
the following key reforms:<br />
• defining a mutual entity<br />
as a legitimate business<br />
model;<br />
• reforming the demutualization<br />
rules to only<br />
be triggered in an intended<br />
demutualization; and<br />
• creating a mutual-specific<br />
Mutual Capital<br />
Instrument (MCI).<br />
Ultimately, the new<br />
legislation will give Australia’s<br />
customer-owned<br />
banking sector another<br />
option for raising capital.<br />
The Bill was drafted<br />
in response to recommendations<br />
in the Senate<br />
Economics References<br />
Committee report<br />
into cooperatives, mutuals<br />
and member-owned<br />
firms, released in March<br />
2018.<br />
The report acknowledged<br />
that the customer-owned<br />
model has not<br />
had a fair go in regulatory<br />
frameworks that are<br />
set up to deal with listed<br />
companies.<br />
The passing of this Bill<br />
shows both sides of Parliament<br />
support the customer-owned<br />
banking<br />
sector and can see how<br />
these reforms will help<br />
provide greater choice<br />
for customers and with<br />
greater choice comes<br />
better outcomes for customers.<br />
The customer-owned<br />
banking sector has a long<br />
history of putting customers<br />
first. With continued<br />
action towards a<br />
more level playing field,<br />
we will be positioned to<br />
do this on a sustainable,<br />
long-term basis.<br />
Anna Yip from Off the table with farm manager<br />
John Sattler at Pure Foods Eggs Longford.<br />
TASMANIA’S largest<br />
free range egg farm has<br />
launched on-farm experiences<br />
that lets consumers<br />
go behind-the-scenes.<br />
Tens of thousands of<br />
eggs are laid, washed,<br />
quality checked and sold<br />
all around Tasmania, every<br />
day of the year - with<br />
many consumers unaware<br />
of the process involved.<br />
Pure Foods Eggs has<br />
opened up its state-of-the<br />
art facilities at Longford<br />
to showcase the technology<br />
it uses to keep its<br />
hens happy.<br />
Farmer John Sattler<br />
said the business had<br />
designed its farming<br />
systems around bird behaviour.<br />
An agritourism marketplace<br />
that enables<br />
food producers to access<br />
tourism through on<br />
farm food experiences,<br />
Off the table, has<br />
launched “eggspection”<br />
tours in conjunction with<br />
Pure Foods Eggs, with<br />
consumers now able to<br />
walk through the facility.<br />
“It’s incredibly clean,<br />
high-tech and fun” says<br />
Off the table founder<br />
Anna Yip.<br />
Pure Foods Eggs supply<br />
well-known brands<br />
such as Valleybrook, Aberfeldy,<br />
Country Farmhouse<br />
and Save the <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
Devil Program<br />
Appeal and are sold in<br />
Coles, Woolworths, selected<br />
IGA supermarkets,<br />
Hills Street Grocers and<br />
Salamanca Fresh.
T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
14 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong><br />
NEWS<br />
Red flags out<br />
for workplace<br />
mental health<br />
TASMANIA’S business<br />
community made a commitment<br />
to support mental<br />
health research during<br />
a recent International<br />
Women’s Day luncheon.<br />
<strong>Business</strong> leaders and<br />
Parliamentary representatives<br />
started to publicly<br />
challenge each other to<br />
battle it out in The Mind<br />
Games.<br />
The Mind Games -<br />
Race for Research - is<br />
being held in October<br />
this year.<br />
Teams will come together<br />
in a series of fun<br />
challenges, with the aim<br />
of raising the profile<br />
of mental health in the<br />
RETIRED Australian<br />
Rear Admiral and former<br />
Deputy Chief of Navy,<br />
Michael van Balen, has<br />
been announced as the<br />
new Principal of the<br />
Australian Maritime<br />
College.<br />
Mr van Balen, pictured,<br />
will start in the<br />
role on <strong>May</strong> 13.<br />
He has had a more<br />
than 38 year career in<br />
the Navy.<br />
After joining the Navy<br />
as a cadet in the late<br />
1970s, Mr Van Balen<br />
has held several key positions<br />
including Principal<br />
Warfare Officer,<br />
Commanding Officer of<br />
HMAS Sydney, Chief of<br />
Defence Force Liaison<br />
Officer to United States<br />
Central Command, Deputy<br />
Chief of Navy and<br />
Head Navy Personnel,<br />
Training and Resources.<br />
workplace and raising<br />
money for the Menzies<br />
Institute for Medical Research.<br />
“It was really encouraging<br />
to hear so many<br />
people in the room say<br />
this issue resonates with<br />
them, and how keen they<br />
were to support workplace<br />
mental health research”<br />
said Larissa<br />
Bartlett, mental health<br />
researcher at Menzies.<br />
The Mind Games will<br />
have teams competing in<br />
a series of challenges that<br />
will encourage working<br />
together and having fun.<br />
“Unfortunately I’m<br />
seeing it more and more<br />
Navy man at AMC helm<br />
He was appointed as<br />
an Officer of the Order<br />
of Australia (AO) in January<br />
2015.<br />
Mr van Balen will<br />
oversee the development<br />
of a new strategic plan<br />
that captures the role of<br />
AMC nationally and in-<br />
in the work that I do”<br />
said Sherri Ring, of Energy<br />
Health.<br />
“People are more anxious,<br />
stressed and depressed<br />
than ever,” she<br />
said.<br />
“We want The Mind<br />
Games to remind people<br />
to look after both<br />
their physical and mental<br />
health, and at the same<br />
time raise money for<br />
Menzies to undertake its<br />
research.”<br />
The Mind Games will<br />
be held on October 18.<br />
For more information<br />
and to register your<br />
business go to www.themindgames.com.au<br />
ternationally and defines<br />
its role and priorities.<br />
College of Sciences<br />
and Engineering Executive<br />
Dean, Professor Brian<br />
Yates, welcomed the<br />
appointment.<br />
“As the national institute<br />
for maritime education,<br />
training and research,<br />
AMC has a remit<br />
which will be of great<br />
importance as Australia<br />
seeks to achieve sovereign<br />
capability in the<br />
National Naval Shipbuilding<br />
Enterprise,”<br />
Professor Yates said.<br />
“At the same time,<br />
AMC will work closely<br />
with the state as part of<br />
the state’s defence strategy,<br />
the development of<br />
the defence network and<br />
the proposal for the Maritime<br />
Defence Innovation<br />
and Design Precinct<br />
at Newnham.”<br />
WANTED<br />
<strong>Business</strong><br />
movers and<br />
shakers<br />
• Promotions<br />
• Appointments<br />
• Awards<br />
• Celebrating<br />
success<br />
Share the news<br />
with the<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
business<br />
community<br />
Cripps CEO Paul Gadomski challenges local business leaders and politicians, incuding Labor<br />
MLC Sarah Lovell, to raise a red flag for mental health.<br />
Assesors reduce risk<br />
WORKFORCE Health<br />
Assessors has celebrated<br />
its 15th anniversary and<br />
will open its first international<br />
office this year to<br />
celebrate.<br />
The business has<br />
grown in leaps and<br />
bounds since it first<br />
started operating out of<br />
a shearing shed at Cambridge.<br />
Previously operating<br />
as National Strategic<br />
Occupational Services,<br />
WHA is a provider of a<br />
variety of occupational<br />
health services, including<br />
pre-employment and<br />
ongoing medicals, drug<br />
and alcohol testing, hearing<br />
tests and health and<br />
wellness programs.<br />
WHA began when<br />
Managing Director and<br />
Co-Founder, Jason Unwin,<br />
and his three business<br />
partners, recognised<br />
a gap in the market, formulating<br />
a plan to revolutionise<br />
the way medical<br />
assessments were<br />
Flair Office Furniture is a <strong>Tasmanian</strong> owned and operated family<br />
business offering an exceptional range of ergonomic furniture to<br />
home offices and businesses across Tasmania. We work closely with<br />
occupational therapists and focus primarily on alternative seating<br />
and height adjustable desks to fulfil the needs of our clients.<br />
A free measure and quote for every client is all part of our service.<br />
Everyone here at Flair Office Furniture is committed to making your<br />
working day a pleasure, so please don’t hesitate to give us a call or<br />
visit our showroom at 260 Argyle Street.<br />
Flair Office Furniture<br />
is your home for comfort, quality and style.<br />
2<br />
E S T<br />
.<br />
YEARS<br />
WHA Managing Director Jason Unwin, right, and staff members.<br />
2 0 0 4<br />
conducted and reported.<br />
“Competitors were<br />
looking to off-the-shelf<br />
and off-shore solutions,”<br />
Mr Unwin recalled.<br />
The business developed<br />
game-changing<br />
proprietary software and<br />
technology, to provide<br />
clients with the ability to<br />
book, track and receive<br />
reports within a 24-hour<br />
time frame.<br />
Mr Unwin said WHA’s<br />
software went live in August<br />
2005 and it was an<br />
industry first—the only<br />
truly digital pre-employment<br />
medical online<br />
software system.<br />
“The software we’ve<br />
created helps reduce<br />
workplace risk. It ensures<br />
the safety of the employee<br />
in question, and the<br />
workers around them—<br />
helping to provide a safer<br />
working environment,<br />
but also ultimately improving<br />
an organisation’s<br />
bottom-line,” Mr Unwin<br />
said.<br />
WHA has more than<br />
40 facilities across Australia<br />
and is set to open<br />
its first offices in New<br />
Zealand later this year.<br />
It has also recently upgraded<br />
its four <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
offices in Hobart,<br />
Launceston, Devonport<br />
and Burnie.<br />
260 Argyle Street, North Hobart | Ph. 6234 1127 | flairofficefurniture.com.au<br />
Electric Height<br />
Adjustable Desks<br />
from<br />
$995<br />
Delivered and installed<br />
Send your news<br />
snippets, with a<br />
high quality photo,<br />
to TBReditorial@<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong> 15<br />
EVENTS<br />
Tony Fox of WIN<br />
TV, left, and<br />
Brad Nowland<br />
of<br />
Font PR.<br />
Saigon District owner Cuong Nguyen, left,<br />
William Neale and Debi Marshall.<br />
What:<br />
Saigon District Kitchen<br />
and Bar grand opening.<br />
Where:<br />
Saigon District, Elizabeth Street,<br />
North Hobart.<br />
When:<br />
Thursday, April 18.<br />
Tom Coyle and Andrea Wright.<br />
Amy McKenzie, left, and Kathy Tria.<br />
Emma Devlin<br />
and Jake<br />
Smith, both<br />
of Macq01.<br />
Attorney General<br />
Elise Archer, Brad<br />
Stansfield of Font<br />
PR and Priscilla<br />
Stansfield.<br />
Varuni Kulasekera, left, Brian Ritchie, Griff Jones,<br />
Damian Mather.<br />
Kate Fox, left, Adam Reibel, Dave Flower and<br />
Trish Lewis.
16 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - MAY <strong>2019</strong><br />
Confidence in sight for retail<br />
Scott Newton<br />
Property Matters with<br />
Knight Frank<br />
In this month’s editorial, Matthew Wright,<br />
our Retail Sales and Leasing specialist,<br />
gives an update on Hobart’s retail sector<br />
of the property market.<br />
DESPITE the recent media<br />
surrounding the decline of<br />
the general retail market, to<br />
date the 2018/<strong>2019</strong> financial<br />
year has proved to be another<br />
growth year for the retail sector<br />
in Tasmania.<br />
Since mid 2013, retail turnover<br />
has shown consistent<br />
levels of growth.<br />
The Australian Bureau of<br />
Statistics (March <strong>2019</strong>) reported<br />
that retail sales figures<br />
were strong and reflected a<br />
4.5 per cent increase in the<br />
last 12 months.<br />
The Commonwealth Bank<br />
State of the States’ January<br />
<strong>2019</strong> outlines Tasmania’s retail<br />
spending increased 13.7<br />
per cent on the decade average<br />
spend, which increased<br />
Tasmania up two spots to<br />
fourth in Australia.<br />
The Hobart market has<br />
seen change throughout the<br />
past three to four years with a<br />
host of new leading national<br />
tenants coming to the fold.<br />
The past 12 months have<br />
seen further national tenants<br />
join the Hobart CBD – Angus<br />
& Coote, Silk Laser Clinic,<br />
Seed Child and Oscar Wylee.<br />
Hobart’s growing reputation<br />
as one of the world’s best<br />
restaurant and produce scenes<br />
has been further enhanced<br />
during this period with a<br />
number of new restaurants<br />
opening as well as leading<br />
bars. The Den, Botanica and<br />
Evolve opening in the last 12<br />
months.<br />
The long-awaited Parliament<br />
Square development is<br />
forecast to open towards the<br />
end of <strong>2019</strong>- early 2020 and<br />
Knight Frank is the exclusive<br />
leasing agent.<br />
There are many exciting retailers/food<br />
and beverage operators<br />
that will compliment<br />
Australia’s first Luxury Collection<br />
hotel by the Marriot<br />
group.<br />
The flow of investment<br />
activity into the Hobart retail<br />
market has been strong<br />
in recent years, aided by an<br />
increasing number of buyers<br />
becoming priced out of the<br />
mainland capital cities.<br />
In turn, more investors are<br />
moving up the risk curve by<br />
investing in Hobart where<br />
yield metrics are move elevated.<br />
The past 12 months have<br />
seen the freehold market for<br />
retail sales transactions reduce<br />
in number of transactions<br />
due to a large number<br />
of strip retail offerings being<br />
sold in the previous 12-24<br />
months prior.<br />
The longawaited<br />
Parliament<br />
Square<br />
development<br />
that is<br />
forecast<br />
to open<br />
towards the<br />
end of <strong>2019</strong>,<br />
early 2020.<br />
Buyer confidence remains<br />
very strong in greater Tasmania<br />
for retail assets with either<br />
strong single lease covenants,<br />
development opportunities or<br />
mixed use/multiple tenancies<br />
seeing multiple bidding parties<br />
competing on these retail<br />
offerings that have been put<br />
to the market in the past 12<br />
months.<br />
Key assets that have sold<br />
are 119 Collins Street, Hobart<br />
(Former Country Road),<br />
116 and 112 Liverpool Street,<br />
Hobart, 164 Liverpool, 105-<br />
109 Campbell Street, Hobart<br />
(Officeworks), 179 Macquarie<br />
Street, Hobart (Former<br />
Myer), 345 Elizabeth Street,<br />
North Hobart (Nandos).<br />
Hobart’s CBD has experienced<br />
significant development<br />
in recent years and looks set to<br />
continue as Hobart transitions<br />
into a more modern city.<br />
<strong>May</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Heritage CBD Offices.<br />
111-119 Cameron Street, Launceston.<br />
For Sale by Expressions of Interest.<br />
“Argyle Central” .<br />
36 Argyle Street, Hobart.<br />
For Lease by Negotiation.<br />
Net rent<br />
$540,292 pa*<br />
Land holding<br />
2,433 sqm*<br />
GLA 2,866 sqm*<br />
Premium<br />
CBD location<br />
Anticipated 5<br />
star NABERS<br />
Available est’d<br />
late <strong>2019</strong><br />
“Esk View Terraces” and “Barrett Terrace”, arguably the most<br />
appealing commercial offering for a long time. Refurbished<br />
modern offices with long leases to the State Government<br />
and a highly recognized CBD heritage streetscape, this<br />
offering is simply stunning.<br />
Charles Black 0409 317 607<br />
Rob Dixon 0408 134 025<br />
A Healthy Investment.<br />
118 Liverpool Street, Hobart.<br />
For Sale by Expressions of Interest.<br />
*Approx<br />
Be part of Hobart’s newest, and most exciting mixed-use<br />
commercial development, “Argyle Central” with up to 3,100<br />
sqm of commercial accommodation available over four<br />
contiguous levels. Floor plates ranging in size from 717 sqm*<br />
to 818 sqm* with potential for smaller tenancies.<br />
Scott Newton 0409 186 261<br />
Richard Steedman 0408 559 046<br />
Occupy, Invest, Develop.<br />
4 Watchorn Street, Hobart.<br />
For Sale by Expressions of Interest.<br />
*Approx<br />
Net income:<br />
$110,093 pa*<br />
Lettable area:<br />
554 sqm*<br />
100% leased<br />
to Liv-Eat<br />
Site Area:<br />
247 sqm*<br />
Lettable area:<br />
398 sqm*<br />
Owner occupy<br />
or invest<br />
Four level commercial building that is fully leased to<br />
established operator Liv-Eat. Situated on Hobart’s central<br />
retail block with a high level of passing traffic. Surrounded by<br />
an abundance of leading national tenants.<br />
Richard Steedman 0408 559 046<br />
Matthew Wright 0458 290 588<br />
*Approx<br />
Knight Frank has the exclusive opportunity to offer for sale<br />
this virtually stand-alone office building in a rapidly developing<br />
corner of Hobarts CBD. The property has been utilised as<br />
solicitor’s offices for many years and this is the first time it has<br />
been offered to the market in over 30 years.<br />
Scott Newton 0409 186 261<br />
Hayden Peck 0412 766 395<br />
5 Victoria Street, Hobart 54 Cameron Street, Launceston 48-54 Oldaker Street, Devonport<br />
P: 03 6220 6999 P: 03 6333 7888 P: 03 6424 3568<br />