CLTA newsletter Sept. 2019

中秋快乐! Newsletter from Chinese Language Teachers Associate - USA.

Newsletter from Chinese Language Teachers Associate - USA.


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今<br />

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赏<br />

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<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER<br />

Chinese Language Teachers Association (USA)<br />

<strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>2019</strong> | Volume 43 | Number 3<br />

UNG StarTalk <strong>CLTA</strong> 2020 CFP New Books<br />

ISSUE<br />




The Chinese Language Teachers Association Newsletter (<strong>CLTA</strong> Newsletter) keeps its readers informed<br />

about recent developments in the profession by publishing personal and institutional news and placement<br />

information. The <strong>newsletter</strong> is published online three times a year (in January, May and <strong>Sept</strong>ember*). An email<br />

will be sent to active members announcing the online publication of the <strong>newsletter</strong>.<br />

Cut-off dates for submission of all materials to be included in the Newsletter are December 15, April 15,<br />

and August 15. The ad rate is $150 full-page (6Wx8H). Ads to be included in the Newsletter can be black and<br />

white or in color, and each ad can be formatted in .jpg or .pdf under 1 MB. Submit ads online by filling out<br />

the Full-Page Newsletter Ad Form.<br />

A job advertisement is $300 flat-fee for posting to the <strong>CLTA</strong> emailing list, the website, and the <strong>newsletter</strong>. Submit<br />

your job announcement and make the payment online. A job announcement will not be made until paid.<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong><br />

Newsletter<br />

Chinese Language Teacher<br />

Association of USA<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> HEADQUARTERS<br />

University of Vermont<br />

Dept. of Asian Languages and Literatures<br />

479 Main Street<br />

Burlington, VT 05405<br />

Chinese Language Teachers Association-USA:<br />

http://clta-us.org<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Newsletter Archive:<br />

http://<strong>newsletter</strong>.clta-us.org<br />




Elected Officers<br />

President<br />

Fangyuan Yuan 袁 芳 远<br />

U.S. Naval Academy<br />

Immediate Past President<br />

Baozhang He 何 宝 璋<br />

College of the Holy Cross<br />

Vice President<br />

Yi Xu 许 怡<br />

University of Pittsburgh<br />

Appointed Officers<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters<br />

Sue-mei Wu 吴 素 美 , Executive Director<br />

Carnegie Mellon University<br />

Journal Office<br />

Dana S. Bourgerie, CSL Journal Editor<br />

Brigham Young University<br />

Journal Office<br />

Prof. Scott McGinnis 馬 思 凱 , CSL Associate Editor<br />

Defense Language Institute-Washington Office<br />

K-12 Publication Office<br />

Wenxia Wang 王 文 霞 (editor)<br />

Williams Learning Solutions<br />

Newsletter Office<br />

Yang Xiao-DeSai 萧 旸 (editor)<br />

San Francisco State University<br />

Home Page Office (Webmaster)<br />

Jun Da 笪 骏<br />

Middle Tennessee State University<br />

Committees<br />

Steering Committee<br />

Fangyuan Yuan (P) 袁 芳 远<br />

Yi Xu (VP) 许 怡<br />

Baozhang He (IPP) 何 宝 璋<br />

Hsin-hsin Liang (Board) 梁 新 欣<br />

Yongping Zhu (Board) 朱 永 平<br />

Sue-mei Wu (ED) 吴 素 美<br />

Awards Committee<br />

Zhang Jie 张 洁 (Chair)<br />

The National Collegiate Chinese Honor<br />

Society<br />

Zhiqiang Li 李 智 强 (Chair)<br />

Nominating and Election Committee<br />

Yongping Zhu 朱 永 平 (Chair)<br />

Media and Publicity Committee<br />

Lung-Hua Hu 胡 龙 华 (Chair)<br />

Membership Drive Committee<br />

Shijuan Liu 刘 士 娟 (Chair)<br />

Regional Associations Committee<br />

Hsin-hsin Liang 梁 新 欣 (Chair)<br />

Conference Committee<br />

Shuai Li 郦 帅 (Chair)<br />

Fund-Raising Committee<br />

Mingquan Wang 王 命 全 (Chair)<br />

Professional Development Committee<br />

Chan Lü 吕 婵 (Chair)<br />

K-12 Working Group<br />

Cilei Han 韩 慈 磊 (Chair)<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Table of Contents<br />

Research Frontiers .................................................................................................................................................................. 9<br />

Featured Articles of the Issue .............................................................................................................................................3<br />

在 星 谈 项 目 里 谈 星 —— 天 文 学 主 题 下 的 中 文 教 学 ............................................................................. 3<br />

News and Announcements<br />

第 十 五 届 国 际 汉 语 教 学 学 术 研 讨 会 在 北 京 师 范 大 学 成 功 举 办 ...................................................... 7<br />

University of Arizona Team Launches New Teaching and Research Resource, DormTalk ......................... 10<br />

K-12 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop in San Francisco State University ............................ 11<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>C <strong>2019</strong> Fall Workshop Announcement ................................................................................................ 12<br />

Taoli Fall Workshop Announcement ............................................................................................................. 12<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-VA Workshop Announcement ............................................................................................................ 12<br />

Call for Papers<br />

Call for Proposals: The 2020 Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA ... 13<br />

Proposal Submission and Deadline .......................................................................................................... 13<br />

Conference Contact Information ............................................................................................................... 14<br />

Award Categories (and Award Submission/ Inquiry Email Address) ........................................ 14<br />

Professional Development Point ( PDP) Certificate .................................................................................. 14<br />

Registration .............................................................................................................................................. 14<br />

CALL FOR PAPERS: NACCL -32 ................................................................................................................ 19<br />

2020 NCOLCTL CALL FOR CONFERENCE PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ................................................... 20<br />

Call for Papers: The 16th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy ................................ 21<br />

2020 Harvard University 4th International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy............................................. 24<br />

THE 5th CHINESE INNOVATION FORUM .................................................................................................. 25<br />

CALL FOR ARTICLE PROPOSALS: Elementary-level foreign language instruction: from theory to practice<br />

..................................................................................................................................................................... 26<br />

CALL FOR SUBMISSION: The 12nd International Symposium on Hanzi Shufa (Chinese Calligraphy)<br />

Education ..................................................................................................................................................... 27<br />

Boos News<br />

Computational and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Language Learning ..................................................... 28<br />

Chinese for Specific and Professional Purposes: Theory, Pedagogical Applications, and Practices ........... 29<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Teaching Basic Chinese Grammar: Communicative Stategies and Activities .............................................. 31<br />

Advertisements<br />

Hopkins-Nanjing Center ............................................................................................................................... 32<br />

台 大 國 際 華 語 研 習 所 ICLP ..................................................................................................................... 33<br />

Go Far with Chinese ..................................................................................................................................... 34<br />

Jobs ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35<br />

Teaching Assistant Professor in Chinese (Morgantown, WV) ...................................................................... 35<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese Language (Carlisle, PA) ............................................................................. 36<br />

Lecturer, Chinese Language (Atlanta, GA)................................................................................................... 36<br />

Chinese Language Lecturer (Brunswick, ME) .............................................................................................. 37<br />

Tenure-Track position in Chinese (Worcester, MA) ...................................................................................... 37<br />

Assistant or Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Studies (Atlanta, GA) ................. 38<br />

Faculty in Chinese Language and Literature (Baltimore, MD) ...................................................................... 38<br />

Assistant Professor in Applied Language Sciences / Bilingualism and Communication / Chinese Linguistics<br />

/ Translation and Interpreting (Hong Kong) .................................................................................................. 39<br />

Professor in Applied Language Sciences / Bilingualism and Communication (Hong Kong) ......................... 40<br />

Lecturer of Chinese (Tempe, AZ) ................................................................................................................. 41<br />

Lecturer in Chinese (Kingston, RI) ............................................................................................................... 42<br />

Journal Updates<br />

《 世 界 汉 语 教 学 》(1987 年 创 刊 · 季 刊 ) ............................................................................................. 44<br />

International Chinese Language Education Volume4, <strong>2019</strong> (No. 2) ................................................... 45<br />

TCLT Vol. 10 No 1 June <strong>2019</strong> issue ............................................................................................................. 47<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Featured Articles of the Issue<br />

在 星 谈 项 目 里 谈 星<br />

天 文 学 主 题 下 的 中 文 教 学<br />

何 云 娟<br />

北 佐 治 亚 大 学 星 谈 项 目 主 任<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

中 生 学 习 中 文 , 进 而 在 此 地 区 推 广 中<br />

文 教 学 。 在 教 学 领 域 的 初 衷 则 是 为<br />

K-12 初 级 中 文 课 堂 提 供 一 个 新 的<br />

教 学 思 路 和 教 学 模 式 , 即 在 科 学<br />

主 题 下 进 行 零 起 点 中 文 教 学 。<br />

此 次 夏 令 营 的 教 学 内 容<br />

融 合 了 天 文 方 面 的 科 学 知 识 , 中 国<br />

古 代 的 天 体 神 话 , 和 初 级 中 文 表 达 。 为 了<br />

让 学 生 在 “Outer Space: Truths, Myths and<br />

Mysteries” 这 一 主 题 下 对 恒 星 的 基 本 物 理<br />

特 点 在 目 的 语 教 学 的 环 境 中 有 正 确 的 了 解<br />

和 相 应 的 语 言 产 出 , 教 学 设 计 团 队 的 何 云<br />

娟 老 师 , Donna Governor, 冯 莹 老 师 , 陈 姌<br />

老 师 分 工 合 作 , 对 课 上 科 学 实 验 设 计 , 学<br />

生 动 手 操 作 流 程 , 中 文 目 的 语 输 入 步 骤 和<br />

输 出 活 动 , 课 下 作 业 布 置 , 阶 段 性 评 测 活<br />

动 设 计 进 行 了 细 致 的 规 划 。 在 项 目 中 期 评<br />

估 报 告 里 我 们 看 到 有 的 学 生 提 到 在 以 中 文<br />

为 教 学 语 言 的 天 文 课 堂 上 , 她 理 解 了 以 前<br />

在 自 己 中 学 课 堂 上 用 英 文 母 语 教 学 都 没 有<br />

明 白 的 物 理 现 象 ! 这 样 的 鼓 励 和 肯 定 让 整<br />

个 教 学 团 队 在 运 作 项 目 的 辛 苦 中 尝 到 果 实<br />

初 熟 的 甘 甜 。<br />

今 夏 北 佐 治 亚 大 学 (University of<br />

North Georgia) 成 功 的 举 办 了 为 期 十 四 天<br />

的 以 天 文 学 为 主 题 的 星 谈 中 文 夏 令 营 。 十<br />

八 位 高 中 生 以 饱 满 的 热 情 和 认 真 的 学 习 态<br />

度 完 成 了 高 强 度 的 语 言 培 训 。 此 次 夏 令 营<br />

旨 在 吸 引 佐 治 亚 州 北 部 山 区 和 农 业 区 的 高<br />

在 中<br />

国 古 代 天 体<br />

神 话 教 学<br />

中 , 冯 莹<br />

老 师 和 徐<br />

楷 颖 老<br />

师 采 选<br />

了 神 话<br />

《 后<br />

羿 射<br />

日 》<br />

并<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

进 行 加 工 。 在 老 师 的 指 导 下 , 学 生 分 角 色<br />

扮 演 , 并 发 挥 能 动 性 , 排 出 一 部 精 彩 纷 呈<br />

的 戏 剧 。 学 生 在 准 备 的 过 程 中 , 积 极 准 备<br />

对 话 , 对 所 学 语 言 又 有 了 进 一 步 的 理 解 。<br />

更 重 要 的 是 , 通 过 戏 剧 的 肢 体 语 言 , 学 生<br />

对 所 学 语 言 的 长 期 记 忆 又 加 深 了 。<br />

七 月 二 十 日 的 北 佐 治 亚 大 学 星 谈 夏<br />

令 营 的 毕 业 典 礼 得 到 了 亚 特 兰 大 华 人 社 区<br />

的 大 力 支 持 。 十 几 位 住 在 亚 特 兰 大 的 华 裔<br />

高 中 生 和 家 长 特 意 驱 车 一 个 多 小 时 赶 来 营<br />

地 做 义 工 , 为 学 习 中 文 的 营 员 们 加 油 , 参<br />

加 了 营 员 们 用 中 文 组 织 的 星 星 命 名 权 的 竞<br />

拍 活 动 并 观 看 了 后 续 的 文 化 和 戏 剧 表 演 。<br />

七 月 二 十 日 那 天 恰 巧 是 阿 波 罗 登 月<br />

50 周 年 纪 念 日 。 毕 业 日 营 员 们 展 示 了 他<br />

们 的 中 文 技 能 和 文 化 才 艺 。 在 最 后 回 放 夏<br />

令 营 精 彩 时 刻 的 影 像 结 束 后 , 舞 台 正 中 投<br />

影 出 一 幅 所 有 学 生 身 着 宇 航 服 登 陆 月 球 的<br />

概 念 图 。 这 里 套 用 一 句 名 言 作 为 闭 营<br />

仪 式 的 高 音 乐 符 也 作 为 本 次 报 道 的 休<br />

止 符 : One small step at UNG<br />

STARTALK, one giant leap for Chinese<br />

learning.<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

第 十 五 届 国 际 汉 语 教 学 学 术 研 讨 会 在 北 京 师 范 大<br />

学 成 功 举 办<br />

第 十 五 届 国 际 汉 语 教 学 学 术 研 讨 会 于<br />

<strong>2019</strong> 年 6 月 28—30 日 在 北 京 师 范 大 学<br />

召 开 。 本 届 会 议 由 北 京 师 范 大 学 、 美 国<br />

塔 夫 茨 大 学 主 办 , 美 国 罗 德 岛 大 学 、 纽<br />

约 城 市 大 学 、 佛 蒙 特 大 学 、 外 语 教 学 与<br />

研 究 出 版 社 协 办 , 北 京 师 范 大 学 汉 语 文<br />

化 学 院 承 办 。<br />

北 京 师 范 大 学 学 术 委 员 会 主 任 韩<br />

震 教 授 , 世 界 汉 语 教 学 学 会 会 长 、 北 师<br />

大 汉 语 文 化 学 院 院 长 许 嘉 璐 先 生 , 全 美<br />

中 文 教 师 学 会 理 事 王 命 全 博 士 出 席 了 开<br />

幕 式 并 致 辞 。<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

来 自 世 界 15 个 国 家 和 地 区 的 252 位<br />

代 表 参 加 了 会 议 。 会 议 围 绕 “ 汉 语 国 际<br />

教 育 的 跨 学 科 发 展 研 究 ” 的 主 题 , 展 开<br />

了 深 入 讨 论 。<br />

普 林 斯 顿 大 学 周 质 平 , 法 国 教 育<br />

部 总 督 学 、 世 界 汉 语 教 学 学 会 会 长 白 乐<br />

桑 , 美 国 欧 柏 林 大 学 李 恺 , 休 斯 顿 大 学<br />

温 晓 红 , 新 西 兰 孔 子 学 院 院 长 姚 载 瑜 ,<br />

北 京 大 学 对 外 汉 语 教 育 学 院 院 长 赵 扬 ,<br />

北 京 语 言 大 学 汉 语 国 际 教 育 研 究 院 常 务<br />

副 院 长 吴 应 辉 , 北 京 师 范 大 学 汉 语 文 化<br />

学 院 丁 崇 明 等 专 家 学 者 到 会 并 做 了 主 题<br />

发 言 。164 位 代 表 做 了 分 组 报 告 。<br />

本 次 研 讨 会 的 成 功 举 办 , 促 进 了<br />

海 内 外 国 际 汉 语 教 师 、 学 者 、 专 家 之 间<br />

的 学 术 交 流 与 合 作 , 对 推 动 汉 语 和 中 华<br />

文 化 进 一 步 走 向 世 界 具 有 重 要 意 义 。<br />

大 会 组 委 会 成 员 : 朱 瑞 平 ( 北 京 师 范 大<br />

学 , 中 方 主 席 )、 王 命 全 ( 塔 夫 茨 大<br />

学 , 外 方 主 席 )、 李 凤 林 ( 北 京 师 范 大<br />

学 )、 李 炜 东 ( 北 京 师 范 大 学 )、 何 文<br />

潮 ( 罗 德 岛 大 学 )、 俞 志 强 ( 纽 约 城 市<br />

大 学 )、 印 京 华 ( 佛 蒙 特 大 学 )、 孙 立<br />

峰 ( 北 京 师 范 大 学 )。<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Research Frontiers<br />

Qin, Tianyu, & Zhang, Jie. (<strong>2019</strong>). Computerized dynamic assessment and second language learning:<br />

Programed mediation to promote future development. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 17 (2):<br />

198-213. DOI: 10.1891/1945-8959.17.2.198<br />

This paper centers on two projects in which C-DA was used to assess university-level<br />

learners’ performance in an L2 context. In the first, a listening and reading C-DA<br />

project was employed to assess reading and listening comprehension, while the second<br />

involved using C-DA to evaluate pragmatic comprehension. We specifically bring into<br />

focus how the two approaches address topics including definition of constructs,<br />

determination of tasks, design of mediation, scoring procedures, interpretation of<br />

scores/performances, and evidence of transfer. Through identifying what has been<br />

achieved and what needs to be explored further, we provide a critical analysis of L2 C-<br />

DA research and propose future directions for applying this unique technology for<br />

helping L2 learners develop language skills. We also examine the pedagogical<br />

applications of C-DA in terms of interpreting student performance and developing<br />

tailored instruction for individuals with diverse learning needs.<br />

Zhang, Jie, & Lu, Xiaofei. (<strong>2019</strong>). Measuring and supporting second language development using<br />

computerized dynamic assessment. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 6 (1): 92-115.<br />

This study developed an innovative framework for measuring and supporting second language development<br />

through integrating diagnostic language assessment and instruction by incorporating mediation. Nineteen<br />

students enrolled in an intermediate Chinese listening and speaking course at a large public university in the<br />

Midwest United States took a computerized dynamic assessment (C-DA) listening test in the Spring 2015<br />

semester. The test report also included a learner profile detailing each student’s independent and mediated<br />

performance on clusters of items designed to test different language constructs. Based on the results of the<br />

diagnostic C-DA test, students were categorized in three groups, and each group was offered instructional<br />

support tailored to their listening abilities and learning needs. Analysis of the diagnostic test reports, student<br />

interviews, and end-of-semester student evaluations of the course provided evidence that the integration of<br />

diagnostic language assessment and instruction that incorporates appropriate mediation helped creating a<br />

coherent and effective pedagogy for the students.<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

University of Arizona Team<br />

Launches New Teaching and<br />

Research Resource,<br />

DormTalk<br />

We are pleased to announce that the<br />

DormTalk website is ready for us to share with the<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> community. The DormTalk website<br />

provides ten modules<br />

(https://dormtalk.arizona.edu/modules/ ) focusing<br />

on ten different topics that can be readily<br />

incorporated into Chinese language teaching. In<br />

each module, we provide two annotated<br />

conversations that were authentic interactions<br />

between American study abroad students in China<br />

and their Chinese age peers. Age-appropriate<br />

authentic materials are often hard to find in<br />

Chinese language teaching; those that are available<br />

tend to be either too childish (e.g., reading<br />

materials designed for Chinese children) or too<br />

advanced with only adult native Chinese speakers<br />

(e.g., Chinese fictions, or films). The DormTalk<br />

project uses recordings from Chinese L2 learners<br />

and their native Chinese-speaking roommates.<br />

The conversations also show the kinds of culture<br />

shock and language barriers that learners often<br />

encounter in real life, which are often overlooked<br />

in exiting Chinese language teaching materials.<br />

This L2 learner perspective is reflected in the<br />

topics of the conversations that we have selected,<br />

such as discussions about Chinese taxi drivers’<br />

accents (in Language module), or a conversation<br />

about the need to wear masks because of the smog<br />

(Weather). Suggested activities based on authentic tasks are also provided. We hope teachers looking<br />

for supplementary materials to incorporate into their Chinese language classrooms will find our<br />

website useful. We welcome feedback and suggestions from Chinese language teachers and learners.<br />

This project was made possible by two seed grants from the University of Arizona and a<br />

federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education through CERCLL, a Title VI Language<br />

Resource Center. Please contact the project director, Wenhao Diao (wdiao@email.arizona.edu) for<br />

questions or more details.<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

K-12 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop in San<br />

Francisco State University<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>C <strong>2019</strong> Fall workshop announcement<br />

We are pleased to announce that the <strong>2019</strong> Fall Workshop of Chinese Language Teachers<br />

Association of California will be held on <strong>Sept</strong>ember 21, <strong>2019</strong>, 9:40-4:00pm at the Salesian College<br />

Preparatory, Richmond in association with FLANC (Foreign Language Association of Northern<br />

California). Please find detailed information about the workshop on:<br />

https://www.clta-ca.org/<strong>2019</strong>-fall-workshop.html. Registration fee (breakfast & lunch included)<br />

for current <strong>CLTA</strong>C members is $30, and registration deadline is <strong>Sept</strong>ember 12. Colleagues and<br />

friends across the country are welcome. For questions please<br />

contact cltac.conferences@gmail.com or Hsin-Yun Liu at hsinyunliu@gmail.com.<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>C Conference Committee<br />

Taoli Fall Workshop Announcement<br />

Taoli Chinese Language Educators in the Mid-Atlantic is excited to announce a half-day workshop<br />

for language educators: Sharing Ideas and Practices: A Workshop by and for Chinese Teachers K-<br />

16. It will be held on October 12, <strong>2019</strong>, 9am-12:30pm at the University of Pennsylvania,<br />

Philadelphia. We will have presentations by veteran and current teachers followed by engaging<br />

discussions. Please see the attached flyer for workshop details as well as registration and contact<br />

information. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there!<br />

Taoli Board of Directors<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-VA workshop announcement<br />

The <strong>2019</strong> Fall Workshop of Chinese Language Teachers Association of Virginia will be held on<br />

October, 12, <strong>2019</strong> at University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Registration is free for current <strong>CLTA</strong>-<br />

VA members, and registration deadline is <strong>Sept</strong>ember 30. Zoom live broadcast is provided.<br />

Welcome colleagues and friends across the country to participate. Please find detailed<br />

information about the workshop below or on http://clta-va.org/index.html<br />

All questions can be directed to Ran Zhao via email: rz4e@virginia.edu.<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-VA Board of Directors<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Call for Proposals: The 2020 Annual Conference of the<br />

Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA<br />

The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (<strong>CLTA</strong>) is now calling for proposals for its 2020 annual<br />

conference to be held at the Hilton Hotel at Washington Dulles Airport on April 3 - 5, 2020 . The<br />

objective of the annual conference is to provide a forum for Chinese teachers, scholars and school<br />

administrators to exchange ideas and report the latest results in their teaching and research in the<br />

areas of Chinese language acquisition, pedagogy, grammar, or new instructional technology. In addition, the<br />

5th Regional Association Conference will be held during the 2020 <strong>CLTA</strong> Annual Conference and<br />

representatives of the Regional Associations will report their best practices and their Professional<br />

Development Projects with support from <strong>CLTA</strong>. We encourage Chinese teachers and researchers all over<br />

the world (including non-members of <strong>CLTA</strong>) to submit a proposal to share their teaching experiences and<br />

research results.<br />

Proposal Submission and Deadline<br />

Proposals, written in either English or Chinese, are acceptable. Please submit your proposal at http://cltaus.org/clta-annual-conference/<br />

before October 1, <strong>2019</strong>. One person can only submit one proposal except<br />

invited workshop presenters. All proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Acceptance of proposals will be<br />

notified through email by November 1, <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Three types of proposals are accepted. Please indicate your proposal category at the beginning.<br />

1. Individual Papers. This category is for proposals to present research results for a twenty-minute session<br />

(including Q&A). The proposal must include a. name(s) of the presenter(s), contact information, and<br />

professional affiliation(s); b. the title and abstract, which should not exceed 300 English words or 450<br />

Chinese characters; c. a summary with no more than 60 English words, or 90 Chinese characters, to be<br />

used in the program.<br />

2. Panels. This category is for an hour-long panel comprised with three, or four, presentations on a common<br />

theme. The presentations can be related to empirical studies, or explore issues between theory and practice.<br />

Each panel must have a representative submitting a proposal, which should include a. names of the<br />

panelists, contact information, and professional affiliations; b. the main theme of the panel; c. individual<br />

topics and abstracts, each of which should not exceed 500 English words or 750 Chinese characters in total;<br />

d. a summary of the panel not exceeding 100 English words, or 150 Chinese characters, to be used in the<br />

conference program.<br />

3. Technique Demonstrations. This category is for proposals to present a demonstration to share with<br />

colleagues interesting and effective teaching activities in an eight-minute session. The demonstration should<br />

focus on a language skill, a linguistic construction/lexical item, or any other learning objective. The proposal<br />

should include a. name(s) of the presenter(s), contact information, and affiliation(s); b. the name of the<br />

demonstrated activity; c. a brief introduction not exceeding 100 English words, or 150 Chinese characters,<br />

specifying the targeted proficiency level, specific linguistic construction for which the activity is intended,<br />

and/or language skill(s) the activity aims to develop.<br />

In addition, the <strong>CLTA</strong> Conference Committee and subcommittees will organize the following events:<br />

1. Professional Development Workshops. This one-hour professional workshop aims to enhance<br />

participants’ professional knowledge/skills in language acquisition theories, research methods, material<br />

developments/analyses, teaching technique or job interview. Additional fees will be charged to the<br />

participants.<br />

2. Roundtable Forum. Six to eight speakers and a moderator will be invited to form a panel and discuss<br />

different views on a topic. The time duration is two hours. Each speaker can make a brief presentation on<br />

his/her view for five to eight minutes. The rest of the time will be devoted to interaction with audience.<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Conference Contact Information<br />

Conference website: http://clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/<br />

All inquiries about the annual meeting should be sent to: Annual Meeting <strong>CLTA</strong>@ gmail.com<br />

Award Categories (and Award Submission/ Inquiry Email Address)<br />

1) The Tao-chung Ted Yao Memorial Awards: cltaaward@gmail.com<br />

2) The K-12 Presentation Awards: cilei.han@gmail.com<br />

3) The Cheng & Tsui SIG Awards: chanlu.us@gmail.com<br />

Submission deadline: same as the conference proposal submission deadline (Oct. 1 , <strong>2019</strong> ). Please submit a<br />

separate application package to the respective <strong>CLTA</strong> subcommittees at the emails listed above while<br />

submitting conference proposals<br />

Please note that <strong>CLTA</strong> has several other non-presentation awards including: Cengage Learning Award,<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Action Research Award, Cheng & Tsui Professional Development Award, and Jiede Empirical<br />

Research Award. For detailed information, please check at http://clta-us.org/awards/. Aside from specific<br />

eligibility rules set for each individual award, the following rules apply to all award categories:<br />

1) Each year one applicant can only apply for one award;<br />

2) Previous awardees should not apply for the same award;<br />

3) Awarded projects cannot be used to apply for other awards;<br />

4) Only <strong>CLTA</strong> members are eligible to apply.<br />

Professional Development Point ( PDP) Certificate<br />

All K-12 teachers who register the conference and need a PDP certificate, please email the <strong>CLTA</strong><br />

Headquarters at clta@andrew.cmu.edu.<br />

Registration<br />

Registration Rates for the 2020 <strong>CLTA</strong> Annual Conference *<br />

By 12 / 15 /<strong>2019</strong> By 01 / 31 / 2020 By 03 / 15 /2020<br />

Early Bird Advance Regular<br />

Member $220 $280 $340<br />

Student member $170 $230 $290<br />

Non-member $300 $360 $420<br />

Student non-member $210 $270 $330<br />

The registration rates cover the meals during the conference (two dinners and one lunch). Breakfast is<br />

included in the hotel room rate.<br />

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2020 <strong>CLTA</strong> Annual Conference in Washington D.C. Conference<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> 2020 Annual Conference Organizing committee:<br />

YUAN Fangyuan 袁 芳 远 (conference chair) HE<br />

Baozhang 何 宝 璋 (conference officer)<br />

LI Shuai 郦 帅 & XU Yi 许 怡 (conference program) WU<br />

Sue-mei 吴 素 美 (<strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters)<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

2020 年 美 國 中 文 教 師 學 會 年 會 徵 稿 通 知<br />

美 國 中 文 教 師 學 會 將 於 2020 年 4 月 3 日 至 5 日 在 美 國 華 盛 頓 杜 勒 斯 機 場 希 爾 頓 酒 店 (Hilton Hotel<br />

at Washington Dulles Airport) 舉 辦 2020 年 年 會 。 年 會 旨 在 為 漢 語 教 師 、 相 關 學 者 及<br />

教 學 管 理 人 員 提 供 一 個 面 對 面 交 流 教 學 經 驗 、 分 享 漢 語 習 得 、 教 學 、 語 法 及 教 學 科 技 前 沿 研 究 成 果<br />

的 平 台 。 年 會 召 開 之 際 還 將 舉 行 第 五 屆 美 國 中 文 教 師 區 域 協 會 會 議 , 區 域 協 會 代 表 將 報 告 各 自 協 會<br />

在 美 國 中 文 教 師 學 會 支 持 下 所 開 展 的 活 動 及 取 得 的 成 績 與 發 展 計 畫 。<br />

美 國 中 文 教 師 學 會 年 會 近 年 來 已 成 為 來 自 世 界 不 同 國 家 和 地 區 的 國 際 漢 語 教 師 的 盛 會 , 歐 洲 漢 語 教<br />

學 協 會 和 亞 太 地 區 國 際 漢 語 教 學 學 會 是 我 們 的 兄 弟 組 織 , 每 年 派 代 表 傳 經 送 寶 。 在 此 我 們 誠 摯 邀 請<br />

世 界 各 地 同 行 ( 包 括 非 美 國 中 文 教 師 學 會 會 員 ) 前 來 參 加 2020 年 會 , 交 流 心 得 、 相 互 磋 商 、 共 襄 盛<br />

舉 。<br />

概 要 提 交 方 式 和 截 止 日 期<br />

會 議 發 言 申 請 概 要 可 用 英 文 或 中 文 撰 寫 , 提 交 網 址 為 : http://clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/, 提<br />

交 截 止 日 期 為 <strong>2019</strong> 年 10 月 1 日 。 除 工 作 坊 主 講 人 外 , 一 人 只 能 提 交 一 份 概 要 。 評 審 過 程 為<br />

匿 名 評 審 , 結 果 將 於 <strong>2019</strong> 年 11 月 1 日 前 以 電 子 郵 件 通 知 。<br />

此 次 會 議 將 接 受 三 類 報 告 概 要 , 請 提 交 者 務 必 於 概 要 正 文 之 前 明 確 標 示 報 告 所 屬 類 型 。 具 體 要 求 如<br />

下 :<br />

一 、 單 篇 論 文 報 告 : 該 報 告 形 式 以 報 告 實 證 研 究 結 果 為 主 , 時 間 ( 含 問 答 部 分 , 下 同 ) 為 20 分<br />

鐘 。 摘 要 內 容 應 包 括 ,1、 報 告 人 姓 名 、 聯 繫 方 式 和 工 作 單 位 ;2、 論 文 題 目 及 提 要 ( 長 度 英 文 不<br />

超 過 300 個 詞 , 中 文 不 超 過 450 字 ;3、 內 容 總 結 ( 長 度 英 文 不 超 過 60 個 詞 , 中 文 不 超 過 90 字 ),<br />

該 部 分 將 收 入 會 議 手 冊 。<br />

二 、 組 合 論 文 報 告 : 該 報 告 形 式 由 與 某 一 共 同 主 題 相 關 的 三 到 四 篇 論 文 組 成 , 時 長 為 一 小 時 。 內 容<br />

可 為 實 證 研 究 , 亦 可 探 討 理 論 或 實 踐 問 題 , 或 兩 者 兼 備 。 每 個 論 文 組 須 有 一 人 擔 任 組 織 者 , 負 責<br />

提 交 全 組 論 文 提 要 。 提 交 材 料 包 括 :1、 論 文 組 各 成 員 的 姓 名 、 聯 繫 方 式 和 工 作 單 位 ;2、 論 文 組 總<br />

題 目 ;3、 其 組 成 論 文 的 題 目 及 提 要 ( 總 長 度 英 文 不 超 過 500 詞 , 中 文 不 超 過 750 字 );4、<br />

總 結 部 分 ( 長 度 英 文 不 超 過 100 個 詞 , 中 文 不 超 過 150 字 ), 該 部 份 將 收 入 會 議 手 冊 。<br />

三 、 教 學 活 動 演 示 : 該 報 告 類 型 旨 在 讓 教 師 們 展 示 並 分 享 各 自 最 有 效 、 最 具 趣 味 性 的 教 學 活 動 , 時<br />

間 不 超 過 八 分 鐘 。 所 演 示 的 教 學 活 動 必 須 針 對 某 個 特 定 的 語 言 技 能 、 語 言 結 構 / 詞 彙 、 或 其 它 具 體<br />

明 確 的 學 習 目 標 。 提 交 材 料 應 包 括 :1、 報 告 人 姓 名 、 聯 繫 方 式 和 工 作 單 位 ;2、 演 示 活 動 名 稱 ;3、<br />

活 動 簡 介 ( 長 度 英 文 不 超 過 100 個 詞 , 中 文 不 超 過 150 字 ), 該 部 分 應 介 紹 說 明 該 教 學 活 動 適 用 學<br />

習 者 的 語 言 水 準 、 目 標 語 法 結 構 或 特 定 語 言 技 能 。<br />

此 外 , 年 會 組 委 會 及 學 會 下 屬 專 門 機 構 將 組 織 以 下 兩 項 活 動 :<br />

一 、 職 業 培 訓 工 作 坊 : 工 作 坊 主 講 人 將 向 參 加 者 提 供 有 關 語 言 教 學 理 論 、 研 究 方 法 、 教 材 編 寫 或<br />

分 析 、 教 學 技 巧 和 求 職 等 方 面 的 培 訓 , 時 長 為 一 小 時 。 參 加 者 將 另 外 交 付 一 定 的 費 用 。<br />

二 、 圓 桌 論 壇 : 論 壇 由 6-8 名 成 員 和 1 名 主 持 人 組 成 , 時 長 為 兩 小 時 ; 每 個 成 員 發 言 5-8 分 鐘 , 就 某<br />

一 問 題 陳 述 自 己 的 觀 點 , 並 與 其 他 成 員 展 開 討 論 , 其 餘 時 間 回 答 聽 眾 問 題 , 與 聽 眾 互 動 。<br />

會 議 資 訊 及 聯 繫 方 式<br />

此 次 大 會 的 會 議 網 址 為 : http://clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/<br />

若 有 意 諮 詢 本 次 會 議 , 請 將 電 子 郵 件 發 送 至 :Annual Meeting <strong>CLTA</strong>@ gmail. com 。<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

會 議 獎 項 及 申 請 / 諮 詢 郵 件 地 址<br />

一 、 姚 道 中 教 授 紀 念 獎 : cltaaward@gmail.com<br />

二 、 中 小 學 教 師 最 佳 報 告 獎 : cilei.han@gmail.com<br />

三 、 劍 橋 出 版 社 (Cheng & Tsui ) 特 別 興 趣 小 組 獎 : chanlu.us@gmail.com<br />

截 止 日 期 : 申 請 人 在 提 交 會 議 概 要 的 同 時 , 需 同 時 申 請 相 關 獎 項 ; 截 止 日 期 與 會 議 概 要 提 交 截 止 日<br />

期 相 同 :<strong>2019</strong> 年 10 月 1 日 .<br />

除 以 上 三 類 會 議 報 告 獎 以 外 , 學 會 還 設 有 多 類 其 他 獎 項 , 包 括 :Cengage 出 版 社 中 文 教 學 創 新 獎 、 中<br />

文 教 師 學 會 行 動 研 究 獎 、 劍 橋 出 版 社 (Cheng & Tsui) 職 業 發 展 獎 、 皆 得 實 證 研 究 基 金 獎 。 獲 獎<br />

證 書 將 於 年 會 會 員 大 會 頒 發 。 有 關 上 述 各 類 獎 項 的 申 請 資 格 、 流 程 及 期 限 , 請 參 見 網 站<br />

https://clta-us.org/awards/<br />

除 各 自 獎 項 所 立 具 體 規 則 外 , 以 下 注 意 事 項 通 用 於 上 述 所 有 獎 項 。<br />

1. 同 一 申 請 人 一 年 只 能 申 請 一 個 獎 項 類 別 ;<br />

2. 往 年 已 獲 獎 者 將 不 再 被 同 一 獎 項 考 慮 ;<br />

3. 曾 獲 獎 的 項 目 不 得 用 於 申 請 其 他 獎 項 ;<br />

4. 申 請 人 須 為 中 文 教 師 學 會 會 員 。<br />

Professional Development Point (PDP) 證 書<br />

註 冊 參 會 的 K-12 漢 語 教 師 如 需 要 PDP 證 書 , 可 向 學 會 總 部 申 請 clta@andrew.cmu.edu。<br />

會 議 註 冊<br />

美 國 中 文 教 師 學 會 2020 年 會 註 冊 費 *<br />

2020 年 12 月 15 日 截 止 2020 年 1 月 31 日 截 止 2020 年 3 月 15 日 截 止<br />

最 優 ( 早 鳥 ) 註 冊 費 優 惠 註 冊 費 常 規 註 冊 費<br />

會 員 $220 $280 $340<br />

學 生 會 員 $170 $230 $290<br />

非 會 員 $300 $360 $420<br />

學 生 非 會 員 $210 $270 $330<br />

* 會 務 費 含 會 議 期 間 的 兩 次 晚 餐 與 一 次 中 餐 。 希 爾 頓 酒 店 房 費 含 早 餐 .<br />

我 們 熱 切 期 待 與 各 位 同 仁 在 華 府 櫻 花 季 2020 年 美 國 中 文 教 師 學 會 年 會 相 會 !<br />

2020 年 年 會 組 委 會<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> 2020 Annual Conference Organizing committee:<br />

YUAN Fangyuan 袁 芳 遠 (conference chair)<br />

HE Baozhang 何 寶 璋 (conference officer)<br />

LI Shuai 酈 帥 & XU Yi 許 怡 (conference program)<br />

WU Sue-mei 吳 素 美 (<strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters)<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

2020 年 美 国 中 文 教 师 学 会 年 会 征 稿<br />

美 国 中 文 教 师 学 会 将 于 2020 年 4 月 3 日 至 5 日 在 美 国 华 盛 顿 杜 勒 斯 机 场 希 尔 顿 酒 店 (Hilton Hotel<br />

at Washington Dulles Airport) 举 办 2020 年 年 会 。 年 会 旨 在 为 汉 语 教 师 、 相 关 学 者 及<br />

教 学 管 理 人 员 提 供 一 个 面 对 面 交 流 教 学 经 验 、 分 享 汉 语 习 得 、 教 学 、 语 法 及 教 学 科 技 前 沿 研 究 成 果<br />

的 平 台 。 年 会 召 开 之 际 还 将 举 行 第 五 届 美 国 中 文 教 师 区 域 协 会 会 议 , 区 域 协 会 代 表 将 报 告 各 自 协 会<br />

在 美 国 中 文 教 师 学 会 支 持 下 所 开 展 的 活 动 及 取 得 的 成 绩 与 发 展 计 划 。<br />

美 国 中 文 教 师 学 会 年 会 近 年 来 已 成 为 来 自 世 界 不 同 国 家 和 地 区 的 国 际 汉 语 教 师 的 盛 会 , 欧 洲 汉 语 教<br />

学 协 会 和 亚 太 地 区 国 际 汉 语 教 学 学 会 是 我 们 的 兄 弟 组 织 , 每 年 派 代 表 传 经 送 宝 。 在 此 我 们 诚 挚 邀 请<br />

世 界 各 地 同 行 ( 包 括 非 美 国 中 文 教 师 学 会 会 员 ) 前 来 参 加 2020 年 年 会 , 交 流 心 得 、 相 互 磋 商 、 共 襄<br />

盛 举 。<br />

概 要 提 交 方 式 和 截 止 日 期<br />

会 议 发 言 申 请 概 要 可 用 英 文 或 中 文 撰 写 , 提 交 网 址 为 : http://clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/, 提<br />

交 截 止 日 期 为 <strong>2019</strong> 年 10 月 1 日 。 除 工 作 坊 主 讲 人 外 , 一 人 只 能 提 交 一 份 概 要 。 评 审 过 程 为<br />

匿 名 评 审 , 结 果 将 于 <strong>2019</strong> 年 11 月 1 日 前 以 电 子 邮 件 通 知 。<br />

此 次 会 议 将 接 受 三 类 报 告 概 要 , 请 提 交 者 务 必 于 概 要 正 文 之 前 明 确 标 示 报 告 所 属 类 型 。 具 体 要 求 如<br />

下 :<br />

一 、 单 篇 论 文 报 告 : 报 告 形 式 以 报 告 实 证 研 究 结 果 为 主 , 报 告 时 间 ( 含 问 答 部 分 , 下 同 ) 为 20<br />

分 钟 。 摘 要 内 容 应 包 括 ,1、 报 告 人 姓 名 、 联 系 方 式 和 工 作 单 位 ;2、 论 文 题 目 及 提 要 ( 长 度 英 文 不<br />

超 过 300 个 词 , 中 文 不 超 过 450 字 ;3、 内 容 总 结 ( 长 度 英 文 不 超 过 60 个 词 , 中 文 不 超 过 90<br />

字 ), 该 部 分 将 收 入 会 议 手 册 。<br />

二 、 组 合 论 文 报 告 : 该 报 告 形 式 由 与 某 一 共 同 主 题 相 关 的 三 到 四 篇 论 文 组 成 , 报 告 时 长 为 一 小 时 。<br />

内 容 可 为 实 证 研 究 , 亦 可 探 讨 理 论 或 实 践 问 题 , 或 两 者 兼 备 。 每 个 论 文 组 须 有 一 人 担 任 组 织 者 ,<br />

负 责 提 交 全 组 论 文 提 要 。 提 交 材 料 包 括 :1、 论 文 组 各 成 员 的 姓 名 、 联 系 方 式 和 工 作 单 位 ;2、 本<br />

论 文 组 的 总 题 目 ;3、 其 组 成 论 文 的 题 目 及 提 要 ( 总 长 度 英 文 不 超 过 500 词 , 中 文 不 超 过 750 字 );<br />

4、 总 结 部 分 ( 长 度 英 文 不 超 过 100 个 词 , 中 文 不 超 过 150 字 ), 该 部 份 将 收 入 会 议 手 册 。<br />

三 、 教 学 活 动 演 示 : 本 报 告 类 型 旨 在 让 教 师 们 展 示 并 分 享 各 自 最 有 效 、 最 具 趣 味 性 的 教 学 活 动 , 时<br />

间 不 超 过 八 分 钟 。 所 演 示 的 教 学 活 动 必 须 针 对 某 个 特 定 的 语 言 技 能 、 语 言 结 构 / 词 汇 、 或 其 它 具 体<br />

明 确 的 学 习 目 标 。 提 交 材 料 应 包 括 :1、 报 告 人 姓 名 、 联 系 方 式 和 工 作 单 位 ;2、 演 示 活 动 名 称 ;3、<br />

活 动 简 介 ( 长 度 英 文 不 超 过 100 个 词 , 中 文 不 超 过 150 字 ), 该 部 分 应 介 绍 说 明 该 教 学 活 动 适 用 学<br />

习 者 的 语 言 水 准 、 目 标 语 法 结 构 或 特 定 语 言 技 能 。<br />

此 外 , 年 会 组 委 会 及 学 会 下 属 专 门 机 构 将 组 织 以 下 两 项 活 动 :<br />

一 、 职 业 培 训 工 作 坊 : 工 作 坊 主 讲 人 将 向 参 加 者 提 供 有 关 语 言 教 学 理 论 、 研 究 方 法 、 教 材 编 写 或<br />

分 析 、 教 学 技 巧 和 求 职 等 方 面 的 培 训 , 时 长 为 一 小 时 。 参 加 者 将 另 外 交 付 一 定 的 费 用 。<br />

二 、 圆 桌 论 坛 : 论 坛 由 6-8 名 成 员 和 1 名 主 持 人 组 成 , 时 长 为 两 小 时 ; 每 个 成 员 发 言 5-8 分 钟 , 就 某<br />

一 问 题 陈 述 自 己 的 观 点 , 并 与 其 他 成 员 展 开 讨 论 , 其 余 时 间 回 答 听 众 问 题 , 与 听 众 互 动 。<br />

会 议 资 讯 及 联 系 方 式<br />

此 次 大 会 的 会 议 网 址 为 : http://clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/<br />

若 有 意 谘 询 本 次 会 议 , 请 将 电 子 邮 件 发 送 至 :Annual Meeting <strong>CLTA</strong>@ gmail. com 。<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

会 议 奖 项 及 申 请 / 谘 询 邮 件 地 址<br />

一 、 姚 道 中 教 授 纪 念 奖 :cltaaward@gmail.com<br />

二 、 中 小 学 教 师 最 佳 报 告 奖 :cilei.han@gmail.com<br />

三 、 剑 桥 出 版 社 (Cheng & Tsui ) 特 别 兴 趣 小 组 奖 : chanlu.us@gmail.com<br />

截 止 日 期 : 申 请 人 在 提 交 会 议 概 要 的 同 时 , 需 同 时 申 请 相 关 奖 项 ; 截 止 日 期 与 会 议 概 要 提 交 截 止 日 期<br />

相 同 :<strong>2019</strong> 年 10 月 1 日 。<br />

除 以 上 三 类 会 议 报 告 奖 以 外 , 学 会 还 设 有 多 类 其 他 奖 项 , 包 括 :Cengage 出 版 社 中 文 教 学 创 新 奖 、 中 文<br />

教 师 学 会 行 动 研 究 奖 、 剑 桥 出 版 社 (Cheng & Tsui) 职 业 发 展 奖 、 皆 得 实 证 研 究 基 金 奖 。 获 奖<br />

证 书 将 于 年 会 会 员 大 会 颁 发 。 有 关 上 述 各 类 奖 项 的 申 请 资 格 、 流 程 及 期 限 , 请 参 见 网 站<br />

https://clta-us.org/awards/<br />

除 各 自 奖 项 所 立 具 体 规 则 外 , 以 下 注 意 事 项 通 用 于 上 述 所 有 奖 项 。<br />

1. 同 一 申 请 人 一 年 只 能 申 请 一 个 奖 项 类 别 ;<br />

2. 往 年 已 获 奖 者 将 不 再 被 同 一 奖 项 考 虑 ;<br />

3. 曾 获 奖 的 项 目 不 得 用 于 申 请 其 他 奖 项 ;<br />

4. 申 请 人 须 为 中 文 教 师 学 会 会 员 。<br />

Professional Development Point (PDP) 证 书<br />

注 册 参 会 的 K-12 汉 语 教 师 如 需 要 PDP 证 书 , 可 向 学 会 总 部 申 请 clta@andrew.cmu.edu。 会<br />

议 注 册<br />

美 国 中 文 教 师 学 会 2020 年 会 注 册 费 *<br />

<strong>2019</strong> 年 12 月 15 日 截 止 2020 年 1 月 31 日 截 止 2020 年 3 月 15 日 截 止<br />

最 优 ( 早 鸟 ) 注 册 费 优 惠 注 册 费 常 规 注 册 费<br />

会 员 $220 $280 $340<br />

学 生 会 员 $170 $230 $290<br />

非 会 员 $300 $360 $420<br />

学 生 非 会 员 $210 $270 $330<br />

* 会 务 费 含 会 议 期 间 的 两 次 晚 餐 与 一 次 中 餐 。 希 尔 顿 酒 店 房 费 含 早 餐 。<br />

我 们 热 切 期 待 与 各 位 同 仁 在 华 府 樱 花 季 2020 年 美 国 中 文 教 师 学 会 年 会 相 会 !<br />

2020 年 年 会 组 委 会<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> 2020 Annual Conference Organizing committee:<br />

YUAN Fangyuan 袁 芳 远 (conference chair)<br />

HE Baozhang 何 宝 璋 (conference officer)<br />

LI Shuai 郦 帅 & XU Yi 许 怡 (conference program)<br />

WU Sue-mei 吴 素 美 (<strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />


The 32nd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics<br />

(NACCL-32) will be held at the University of Connecticut,<br />

Storrs, CT, on April 24-26, 2020.<br />

NACCL-32 invite abstracts in all subfields of Chinese<br />

linguistics, including but not limited to, phonetics, phonology,<br />

morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, dialectology,<br />

historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and<br />

corpus linguistics. We particularly encourage submissions that<br />

are relevant to our conference theme: collaborativity and<br />

interdisciplinarity in Chinese linguistic studies.<br />

In conjunction with NACCL-32, we are organizing an<br />

International Symposium on L2 Chinese Pronunciation. The<br />

symposium severs as a platform for phoneticians,<br />

phonologists, and language practitioners to interact with each<br />

other to promote the understanding of L2 Chinese speech.<br />

Conference website: https://sites.google.com/view/naccl-32<br />

Abstract submission website:<br />

http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/naccl_2020<br />

Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, October 1st, <strong>2019</strong>,<br />

at 11:59 p.m. EDT.<br />

Contact info: Prof. Chunsheng Yang at<br />

naccl32atuconn@gmail.com or chunsheng.yang@uconn.edu,<br />

or Kaidi Chen at kaidi.chen@uconn.edu.<br />

NACCL-32 plenary/keynote speakers: Prof. Marjorie K. M. Chan, The Ohio State University; Prof. James<br />

Huang, Harvard University; Prof. Nan Jiang, University of Maryland; Prof. Yi Xu, University of College<br />

London;Prof. Alan Yu, Chicago University<br />

Co-sponsors: UConn Department of Literatures, Cultures and Languages, CLAS Dean's Office, Humanities<br />

Institute, The Office of Global Affairs<br />

第 32 届 北 美 汉 语 语 言 学 会 议 (NACCL-32) 将 于 2020 年 4 月 24-26 日 在 美 国 康 涅 狄 格 大 学<br />

(Storrs) 召 开 。 会 议 组 委 会 热 忱 欢 迎 汉 语 语 言 学 各 分 支 的 稿 件 , 包 括 但 不 限 于 语 音 学 、 音 系 学 、<br />

词 汇 学 、 句 法 学 、 语 义 学 , 语 用 学 、 方 言 学 、 历 史 语 言 学 、 心 理 语 言 学 、 社 会 语 言 学 以 及 语 料 库 语<br />

言 学 。 我 们 尤 其 欢 迎 与 上 述 会 议 主 题 相 关 的 稿 件 。<br />

会 议 组 委 会 同 时 召 开 作 为 二 语 的 汉 语 语 音 国 际 研 讨 会 。 研 讨 会 旨 在 加 强 语 音 、 音 系 和 教 学 等 领 域 专<br />

家 学 者 之 间 的 交 流 , 共 同 促 进 对 作 为 二 语 的 汉 语 语 音 的 理 解 和 认 知 。 我 们 尤 其 欢 迎 有 关 如 下 议 题 的<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

稿 件 : 汉 语 音 段 、 声 调 、 语 调 和 节 奏 的 习 得 ; 作 为 二 语 的 汉 语 的 口 音 、 可 理 解 性 和 易 理 解 性 ; 汉 语<br />

二 语 的 流 利 度 、 情 感 和 韵 律 , 以 及 有 关 汉 语 二 语 的 心 理 语 言 学 和 神 经 语 言 学 研 究 。<br />

被 会 议 接 受 的 作 者 将 有 20 分 钟 的 报 告 时 间 , 另 加 10 分 钟 的 时 间 回 答 听 众 问 题 。 摘 要 和 会 议 报 告 可<br />

用 英 文 或 中 文 。<br />

会 议 主 旨 发 言 人 : 美 国 俄 亥 俄 州 立 大 学 Marjorie Chan 教 授 , 美 国 哈 佛 大 学 James Huang 教 授 , 美<br />

国 马 里 兰 大 学 Nan Jiang 教 授 , 英 国 伦 敦 大 学 院 Yi Xu 教 授 , 和 美 国 芝 加 哥 大 学 Alan Yu 教 授 。<br />

会 议 由 康 州 大 学 语 言 文 化 和 文 学 系 ,CLAS 院 长 办 公 室 , 人 文 研 究 院 和 国 际 事 务 办 公 室 提 供 赞 助 。<br />

会 议 网 站 :https://sites.google.com/site/naccl32uconn/<br />

摘 要 提 交 :http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/naccl_2020<br />

摘 要 截 稿 日 期 为 <strong>2019</strong> 年 10 月 1 日 ( 星 期 二 )<br />

会 议 联 系 人 : 杨 春 生 教 授 naccl32atuconn@gmail.com ,chunsheng.yang@uconn.edu, 或 者 陈 凯 迪<br />

kaidi.chen@uconn.edu。<br />


The 23rd Conference of the NCOLCTL (National Council of Less Commonly Taught<br />

Languages) and 24th ALTA (African Language Teachers Association) is scheduled for April 17-19,<br />

2020, on "2020 Vision: LCTL's Collective Mission for the next Decade" (with pre-conference<br />

workshops scheduled for April 16th, 2020). Proposals are solicited for individual papers, colloquia,<br />

and poster sessions to be presented at this conference.<br />

Note: you will have to log in with your credential from the conference website (ALTA or<br />

NCOLCTL). And if you don't have an account create one there. However, if you can't remember<br />

your password, click forgot password and the system will send a reset to your email of registration.<br />

Please visit the website for more information: http://www.conference.ncolctl.org<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Call for Papers: The 16th International Conference on<br />

Chinese Language Pedagogy<br />

In order to promote academic exchange and cooperation between educators, scholars, and experts in international<br />

Chinese language pedagogy, and advance the teaching of Chinese in the world, the 16th International Conference<br />

on Chinese Language Pedagogy will be held in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China on June 27-29, <strong>2019</strong>. The Conference will<br />

be hosted by Shanxi University and the University of Vermont, and co-sponsored by the University of Rhode<br />

Island, the City University of New York, Tufts University, and Washington and Lee University. Colleagues and<br />

fellow teachers in the field of teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages are all welcome to attend.<br />

1. Conference theme: New Era, New Challenges, New Ideas, and New Practice<br />

Topics for discussion include:<br />

(1) New explorations and ideas in teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages<br />

(2) Revelations from SLA research findings to the teaching of Chinese to speakers of other languages<br />

(3) Revelations from studies of the Chinese language to the teaching of Chinese to speakers of other<br />

languages<br />

(4) Teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages in the era of Internet and artificial intelligence<br />

(5) Sustainable development of programs for teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages<br />

(6) Training and localizing teachers of Chinese to speakers of other languages<br />

(7) Chinese language textbooks and teaching materials: Globalization and localization<br />

(8) Other relevant topics<br />

2. Abstracts and paper submission<br />

(1) Sign up at www.gjhyyth.com and fill out and submit the registration form by October 31, <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

(2) Submit the abstract at www.gjhyyth.com, including paper title, main contents, conclusion and key words,<br />

by November 20, <strong>2019</strong>. Please keep the abstract within 400 Chinese characters or English words.<br />

(3) All paper abstracts will be evaluated anonymously, and the Organizing Committee will notify the paper<br />

abstract authors of the evaluation result by December 20, <strong>2019</strong>. Those whose paper abstracts have been accepted<br />

will be assigned a 15-minute time for paper presentation if the conference fee payment is made by April 10, 2020.<br />

The electronic version of paper abstracts will be handed out to all participants.<br />

(4) Authors whose paper abstracts are accepted and who would like their papers included in the<br />

Conference Proceedings should submit the full paper at www.gjhyyth.com by January 20, 2020 by following the<br />

format and length as stipulated by the Organizing Committee. The Committee will anonymously evaluate and select<br />

papers to be included in the Conference Proceedings.<br />

(5) Due to limited time and space for the Conference Proceeding, the papers not following the format or<br />

exceeding five A4 pages will not be considered for the Proceedings. The committee will only consider those<br />

following the requirements and inform the authors of the selection result by February 20, 2020. Authors who<br />

receive suggestions for revision must revise and resubmit the paper by March 10, 2020.<br />

3. Conference fee<br />

The dates for payment of conference fee are as follows:<br />

By February 28, 2020: RMB 900 for participants from China’s mainland, RMB 500 for students. USD 230<br />

for participants from other areas and countries, USD 90 for students. Students will need to submit proofs of their<br />

student status (i.e., a valid student ID and an official letter from the college or department).<br />

By April 10, 2020: RMB 1000 for participants from China’s mainland, RMB 600 for students. USD 260<br />

for those from other areas and countries, and USD 110 for students. Students will need to submit proofs of their<br />

student status (i.e., a valid student ID and an official letter from the college or department).<br />

June 26, 2020 (on site): RMB1200 for participants from China’s mainland, RMB800 for students. USD<br />

300 for those from other areas and countries, and USD 140 for students. Students will need to submit proofs of<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

their student status (i.e., a valid student ID and an official letter from the college or department). Payment on site<br />

can be USD or RMB.<br />

Conference fees cover lunches and dinners, Conference Proceedings, and meeting rooms. The methods of<br />

payment will be announced by December 15, <strong>2019</strong>. Those who do not pay before April 10, 2020 may not present<br />

their papers, nor will their papers be included in the Proceedings. Conference fees are nonrefundable.<br />

4. Organizing committee<br />

Chinese chair: Xiaoji Zhou (Shanxi University)<br />

Overseas chair: John Yin (University of Vermont)<br />

Chinese vice chairs: Guangyao Li (Shanxi University); Lujun Zhu (Shanxi University)<br />

Overseas vice chair: John Yu (City University of New York)<br />

Chinese members:<br />

Meina Zhang (Shanxi University), Guangfeng Li (Shanxi University), Shaomin Shuang (Shanxi<br />

University), Mingliang Hu (Shanxi University), Haihong Han (Shanxi University), Yafei Pang<br />

(Shanxi University), Ji’e Zheng (Shanxi University), Gang Wang (Shanxi University).<br />

Overseas members:<br />

Wayne He (University of Rhode Island), Mingquan Wang (Tufts University), Hongchu Fu<br />

(Washington and Lee University)<br />

5. Contacts<br />

Contacts for China’s mainland: Qing Zhao & Haihong Han<br />

Email: sxu16thcc@sxu.edu.cn<br />

Tel:0351-7011934<br />

Address: International Education Exchange<br />

Shanxi University<br />

92 Wucheng Road<br />

Xiaodian District<br />

Taiyuan, Shanxi 030006<br />

China<br />

Overseas contact: Diana Sun<br />

Email: dsun@uvm.edu<br />

Tel:1-802-6560354<br />

Address: 479 Main Street<br />

Asian Languages and Literatures<br />

University of Vermont<br />

Burlington, VT 05405<br />

U.S.A.<br />

Conference website: www.gjhyyth.com<br />

第 十 六 届 国 际 汉 语 教 学 学 术 研 讨 会 通 知<br />

为 促 进 海 内 外 国 际 汉 语 教 师 、 学 者 、 专 家 之 间 的 学 术 交 流 与 合 作 , 推 动 汉 语 国 际 教 育 的 发 展 , 第 十 六 届 国 际 汉 语 教 学 学 术<br />

研 讨 会 定 于 2020 年 6 月 26-28 日 在 中 国 山 西 太 原 召 开 。 会 议 由 中 国 山 西 大 学 、 美 国 佛 蒙 特 大 学 主 办 , 美 国 罗 德 岛 大 学 、 纽<br />

约 城 市 大 学 、 塔 夫 茨 大 学 、 华 李 大 学 协 办 , 诚 邀 国 际 汉 语 教 学 界 同 仁 参 会 。<br />

一 、 会 议 主 题 : 新 时 代 、 新 挑 战 、 新 理 念 、 新 实 践<br />

议 题 包 括 :<br />

( 一 ) 国 际 汉 语 教 学 中 的 新 探 索 、 新 理 念<br />

( 二 ) 二 语 习 得 研 究 对 国 际 汉 语 教 学 的 启 示<br />

( 三 ) 汉 语 本 体 研 究 成 果 对 国 际 汉 语 教 学 的 启 示<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

( 四 ) 互 联 网 及 人 工 智 能 时 代 的 国 际 汉 语 教 学<br />

( 五 ) 国 际 汉 语 教 学 项 目 的 可 持 续 发 展<br />

( 六 ) 国 际 汉 语 教 师 培 训 及 本 土 化<br />

( 七 ) 汉 语 教 材 国 际 化 及 国 别 化<br />

( 八 ) 其 他 相 关 议 题<br />

二 、 论 文 提 要 及 论 文 :<br />

( 一 ) 有 意 参 会 者 请 于 <strong>2019</strong> 年 10 月 31 日 前 登 录 网 站 www.gjhyyth.com, 填 写 报 名 信 息 表 。<br />

( 二 ) 请 于 <strong>2019</strong> 年 11 月 20 日 前 登 录 网 站 www.gjhyyth.com, 提 交 论 文 提 要 , 含 题 目 、 关 键 词 、 主 要 内 容 及 结<br />

论 , 篇 幅 以 400 汉 字 或 英 文 词 为 宜 。<br />

( 三 ) 提 要 经 专 家 匿 名 评 审 后 , 组 委 会 将 于 <strong>2019</strong> 年 12 月 20 日 前 将 评 审 结 果 通 知 作 者 , 论 文 提 要 评 审 被 接 受 并<br />

在 2020 年 4 月 10 日 前 交 付 会 务 费 者 , 组 委 会 将 为 其 安 排 15 分 钟 的 会 上 发 言 。 论 文 提 要 ( 电 子 版 ) 将 在 会 议 期 间 发 送 给 所<br />

有 参 会 者 。<br />

( 四 ) 论 文 提 要 被 会 议 组 委 会 接 受 并 有 意 提 交 论 文 全 文 者 , 请 于 2020 年 1 月 20 日 前 按 照 组 委 会 发 布 的 论 文 格<br />

式 、 体 例 、 篇 幅 等 规 定 完 成 并 提 交 文 稿 。 评 审 专 家 将 对 文 稿 进 行 匿 名 评 审 , 择 优 编 入 计 划 出 版 的 会 议 论 文 集 。<br />

( 五 ) 由 于 会 议 论 文 集 篇 幅 有 限 、 出 版 时 间 紧 迫 , 因 此 , 提 交 的 论 文 文 稿 若 有 格 式 、 体 例 及 篇 幅 (A4 纸 5 页 以<br />

内 ) 不 符 合 规 定 者 , 恕 不 予 以 评 审 。 组 委 会 只 对 符 合 规 格 的 文 稿 进 行 匿 名 评 审 。 评 审 结 果 于 2020 年 2 月 20 日 前 通 知 论 文<br />

作 者 。 如 果 有 评 审 修 改 意 见 , 论 文 作 者 须 在 3 月 10 日 前 完 成 修 改 并 提 交 论 文 定 稿 。<br />

三 、 会 务 费<br />

会 务 费 标 准 及 交 付 日 期 如 下 :<br />

2020 年 2 月 28 日 ( 含 28 日 ) 以 前 : 中 国 大 陆 参 会 者 会 务 费 为 900 元 人 民 币 , 研 究 生 500 元 。 其 他 国 家 和 地 区 参 会 者 会 务<br />

费 为 230 美 元 , 研 究 生 90 美 元 。 研 究 生 参 会 者 须 提 交 身 份 证 明 材 料 ( 有 效 学 生 证 及 所 在 院 系 证 明 信 )。<br />

2020 年 4 月 10 日 ( 含 10 日 ) 以 前 : 中 国 大 陆 参 会 者 会 务 费 为 1000 元 人 民 币 , 研 究 生 600 元 。 其 他 国 家 和 地 区 参 会 者 会<br />

务 费 为 260 美 元 , 研 究 生 110 美 元 。 研 究 生 须 提 交 身 份 证 明 材 料 ( 有 效 学 生 证 及 所 在 院 系 证 明 信 )。<br />

2020 年 6 月 26 日 ( 会 议 现 场 ): 中 国 大 陆 参 会 者 会 务 费 为 1200 元 人 民 币 , 研 究 生 800 元 。 其 他 国 家 和 地 区 参 会 者 会 务 费<br />

为 300 美 元 , 研 究 生 140 美 元 。 研 究 生 须 提 交 身 份 证 明 材 料 ( 有 效 学 生 证 及 所 在 院 系 证 明 信 )。 现 场 交 费 可 用 美 元 、 人 民<br />

币 支 付 。<br />

会 务 费 含 午 餐 和 晚 餐 、 论 文 集 、 会 场 租 用 等 费 用 。 会 议 组 委 会 将 于 <strong>2019</strong> 年 12 月 15 日 前 网 上 发 布 会 务 费 交 付 办 法 等 信<br />

息 。2020 年 4 月 10 日 前 未 交 付 会 务 费 者 , 恕 不 安 排 其 会 议 发 言 , 论 文 亦 不 收 入 会 议 论 文 集 。 会 务 费 一 旦 缴 纳 , 恕 不 退<br />

还 。<br />

四 、 研 讨 会 组 委 会<br />

中 方 主 席 : 周 小 计 , 中 国 山 西 大 学<br />

海 外 方 主 席 : 印 京 华 , 美 国 佛 蒙 特 大 学<br />

中 方 副 主 席 : 李 光 跃 , 中 国 山 西 大 学 ; 朱 鲁 军 , 中 国 山 西 大 学<br />

海 外 方 副 主 席 : 俞 志 强 , 美 国 纽 约 城 市 大 学<br />

中 方 组 委 会 成 员 : 张 美 娜 , 中 国 山 西 大 学 ; 李 广 凤 , 中 国 山 西 大 学 ; 双 少 敏 , 中 国 山 西 大 学 ; 胡 明 亮 , 中 国 山 西<br />

大 学 ; 韩 海 红 , 中 国 山 西 大 学 ; 庞 亚 飞 , 中 国 山 西 大 学 ; 郑 继 娥 , 中 国 山 西 大 学 ; 王 刚 , 中 国 山 西<br />

大 学 。<br />

海 外 方 组 委 会 成 员 : 何 文 潮 , 美 国 罗 德 岛 大 学 ; 王 命 全 , 美 国 塔 夫 茨 大 学 ; 傅 鸿 础 , 美 国 华 李 大 学 。<br />

五 、 组 委 会 联 系 方 式<br />

联 络 人 : 赵 晴 韩 海 红<br />

联 系 电 话 :0351-7011934<br />

邮 箱 :sxu16thcc@sxu.edu.cn<br />

地 址 : 中 国 山 西 省 太 原 市 小 店 区 坞 城 路 92 号 山 西 大 学 国 际 教 育 交 流 学 院<br />

海 外 联 系 人 : 孙 怡 清 (Diana Sun)<br />

电 话 :1-802-6560354<br />

电 邮 :dsun@uvm.edu<br />

地 址 : 479 Main Street, Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, U.S.A.<br />

第 16 届 会 议 网 站 网 址 :www.gjhyyth.com<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

2020 Harvard University 4th International Conference on<br />

Chinese Pedagogy<br />

2020 年 第 四 届 哈 佛 国 际 中 文 教 学 研 讨 会<br />

The 4 th Harvard International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy (Harvard ICCP) will be held on October 2-<br />

3, 2020 at Harvard University.<br />

For this session of the ICCP, in addition to talks from our guest speakers, we welcome proposals for empirical<br />

research-based presentations across a wide array of sub- fields. The conference aims to include, but is not<br />

limited to, the following areas:<br />

History of TCFL ( 对 外 汉 语 历 史 回 顾 )<br />

Comparative National Approaches to TCFL ( 对 外 汉 语 国 别 化 比 较 研 究 )<br />

Second Language Acquisition ( 二 语 习 得 理 论 与 实 践 )<br />

Curriculum and Instruction ( 课 程 与 教 学 论 )<br />

Online and App-assisted Learning ( 网 络 与 多 媒 体 辅 助 教 学 )<br />

Literacy and Communication ( 对 外 汉 语 教 学 中 的 听 说 读 写 )<br />

Corpus and Learner Errors ( 语 料 库 与 语 用 偏 误 )<br />

Integration of Language and Content ( 内 容 本 位 语 言 教 学 )<br />

Teacher Development ( 师 资 培 训 与 职 业 发 展 )<br />

Language Testing and Assessment ( 语 言 教 学 评 估 测 试 )<br />

All who wish to present at the conference must submit the attached reply form as a word<br />

document (abstract no more than 350 words, may be in either English or Chinese)<br />

to harvardiccp@gmail.com no later than December 1, <strong>2019</strong>. We will notify you of the result of committee<br />

review by December 31, <strong>2019</strong>. Accepted individual proposals will be grouped into panels according to<br />

theme. If accepted, we ask that you submit the slides used for your 20-minute talk, by <strong>Sept</strong>ember 20, 2020.<br />

The Conference will take place over the course of two days. Friday the 2nd (1:00 pm - 6:00 pm) will be<br />

devoted to pedagogy workshops geared towards pre-college and college-level teachers of Chinese who are<br />

interested in learning more about Harvard’s own Chinese language pedagogy. Saturday the<br />

3rd (9:00 am - 6:00 pm) will be devoted to talks from individual scholars and discussion among all<br />

participants.<br />

For participants whose proposals are accepted, we are pleased to offer free admittance to the workshop and<br />

conference. In addition, lunch and reception on the 3rd will be provided free of charge to participants. Due to<br />

limited funding, we are not able to cover the cost of travel or lodging. But we hope you will be able to secure<br />

additional funding from your home institution. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to<br />

contact us by email at harvardiccp@gmail.com.<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />


中 文 教 育 创 新 论 坛 | 中 文 教 育 創 新 論 壇<br />

小 型 互 动 模 式 的 国 际 年 会 及 网 上 资 讯<br />

Oct 25-26, <strong>2019</strong> | University of Puget Sound | Tacoma, Washington<br />


The 5th Chinese Innovation Forum is set up to maximize opportunities for participants to meet and<br />

network with other K-16 Chinese language educators in smaller and more intimate groups. All participants<br />

will have opportunities to showcase their teaching, student work, research results, published work,<br />

technology use, advocacy strategies, and other innovative projects. Registration is now open online at<br />

http://chineseinnovationforum.org/<strong>2019</strong>-forum/.<br />

Registration fee is $50 (before October 10), included in the fee are complimentary food and beverage<br />

during the opening night reception and closing reception, as well as conference day lunch. Three<br />

additional add-on workshops are offered during the first half-day of the conference, and one additional<br />

workshop is offered on the second day of the conference. Workshop fee is $50 per session.<br />

The Chinese Innovation Forum also has an online community that allows students, teachers and other<br />

educators to connect and share ideas via blog submissions and comments via the discussion board. For<br />

more information, visit the Chinese Innovation Forum website at http://chineseinnovationforum.org/.<br />


1. Anna Vassilieva, Director& Professor, Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies, Middlebury Institute of<br />

International Studies at Monterey<br />

2. Christopher Livaccari, language educator, former US diplomat, author, senior adviser for China<br />

Learning Initiatives in Asia Society’s Center for Global Education, and Head of School at Presidio<br />

Knolls School<br />

3. Jianhua Bai, Chinese AP Chief Reader, Professor of Chinese at Kenyon College, former Director of<br />

Chinese School of Middlebury College, and senior academic adviser to the American Councils for<br />

International Education<br />

Oct. 25 (Friday) 1st half-day Conference<br />

Schedule 3:00 – 4:00 PM Registration<br />

4:00 – 6:30 PM Add-on Workshops<br />

Workshop 1: Language and Beyond: 互 动 式 教 学 活 动 设 计 , Presenter: Ya-Ching Hsu-<br />

Kelkis (K-12), Chinese American International School<br />

Workshop 2: Student-Centered Classroom in Second Language Learning:<br />

差 异 化 教 学 的 实 例 与 分 享 Presenters: Samantha Yang (K-2) & Miye Lin (3-5), Yew Chung<br />

International School of Silicon Valley<br />

Workshop 3: Teaching with Mobile Tech: 如 何 在 教 学 中 应 用 GarageBand App 和 Extempore APP,<br />

Presenters: Juei-Chuan Hung, University Prep & Luna Yu, Annie Wright Schools (All Levels)<br />

6:30 – 8:00 PM Opening Night Reception & Buffet Dinner<br />

Oct. 26 (Saturday) 2nd full-day Conference<br />

Schedule Morning Sessions<br />

7:45 – 8:45 Check-in/Registration; Breakfast, Welcome<br />

8:45 – 12:00 Keynote Speakers & Discussions<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Noon Buffet Luncheon<br />

Afternoon Sessions<br />

1:00 – 1:45 Educator’s Trade Fair Table Setup<br />

& Intro 1:45 – 3:15 Various Presentations at the<br />

Trade Fair 3:15 – 4:00 Discussions<br />

4:00 – 4:30 Reflection & Concluding Remarks<br />

4:30 – 5:00 Closing Reception<br />

4:30-7:00 Add-on Workshop<br />

Workshop 4: How to Teach Grammar 互 动 式 的 语 法 教 学 , Presenters: Yuwen Yao, UCLA & Liping Yu,<br />

University of Washington (All Levels)<br />

CALL FOR ARTICLE PROPOSALS: Elementary-level foreign<br />

language instruction: from theory to practice<br />

Editor: Ekaterina (Katya) Nemtchinova, Seattle Pacific University, katya@spu.edu<br />

Successful elementary level language courses are crucial for a foreign language program as they can lay a<br />

foundation for further language and culture study, instill the love for language, and populate upper-level<br />

courses with students. One way to ensure that the pursuit of the language continues beyond the first year is<br />

to sustain learner’s interest, confidence, and motivation from the start by supporting language instruction<br />

with engaging activities and contextualized practice. This edited volume aims to facilitate teaching language<br />

at the beginning level by exploring a wide range of critical research and practical issues of interest to<br />

instructors of the first-year language classroom. To this end, you are invited to submit proposals for articles<br />

that address research or pedagogical issues with the focus on classroom implications for novice levels of<br />

adult language proficiency.<br />

The articles in this volume will:<br />

• focus on adult learners in a formal classroom setting (e.g. college or university classes);<br />

• address facilitation of linguistic, communicative, and cultural competence in the framework of<br />

reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills;<br />

• describe successful instructional strategies and collaborative projects;<br />

• discuss empirical research findings and their implications for classroom teaching;<br />

• present innovative materials and techniques that enhance teaching and learning;<br />

• offer practical teaching suggestions that would work in any adult elementary-level language<br />

classroom.<br />

Given the relative scarcity of materials targeting adult novice-level instruction, the ideas, methods,<br />

techniques, and practical recommendations contained in the book will strengthen the elementary<br />

curriculum as they appeal to various learning styles, build learners’ confidence, and help stimulate language<br />

production in the context of classroom-specific uses.<br />

The book will consist of the following tentative sections:<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

• Grammar and vocabulary<br />

• Speaking and listening<br />

• Reading and writing<br />

• Intercultural competence<br />

• Assessment and evaluation<br />

• Teaching with technology<br />

Your Article Proposal should include<br />

• Book section to which your article is being submitted<br />

• Article title<br />

• Author name(s) and affiliation(s)<br />

• 500-word overview of the article (not including references)<br />

• A sample of relevant references<br />

• 100-word biography for each author<br />

Article proposals should be submitted electronically (Word document, APA style guidelines) to Katya<br />

Nemtchinova at katya@spu.edu by August 1, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by January 15, 2020<br />

This volume has been discussed with Routledge, which expressed an interest in the project. Once article<br />

proposals are finalized, a full book proposal will be sent to the publisher. Upon acceptance by the<br />

publisher, potential article authors will be invited to submit full articles (up to 6,000 words) and will be sent<br />

guidelines for preparing articles along with submission deadlines. Articles should be original work and<br />

should not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All submitted articles will undergo a blind review<br />

process.<br />

CALL FOR SUBMISSION: The 12nd International Symposium<br />

on Hanzi Shufa (Chinese Calligraphy) Education<br />

The 12nd International Symposium on Hanzi Shufa (Chinese Calligraphy) Education will be held on June<br />

18th-20th, 2020 in the city of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China. Co-organized by American Society of Shufa<br />

Calligraphy Education and Lanting School of Calligraphy of Shaoxing University, this conference explores<br />

the theories and practices of Chinese calligraphy education from interdisciplinary and crosscultural<br />

perspectives against the background of globalization, digitization and internetworking. Conference format<br />

consists of keynote lecture, panel presentation, round-table discussion, and Chinese calligraphy work<br />

exhibition. Conference papers or Chinese calligraphy works are to be submitted, along with conference<br />

registration, to: assce.2020@gmail.com. Inquiries concerning conference matters are to be sent to:<br />

assce.org@gmail.com. Submission deadline: February 28, 2020. Detailed guidelines for online submission<br />

are available at: https://assce.org/2020-conference/.<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

pedagogy and assessment.<br />

Computational and Corpus<br />

Approaches to Chinese Language<br />

Learning<br />

Editors: Lu, Xiaofei, Chen, Berlin<br />

This book presents a collection of original research articles that<br />

showcase the state of the art of research in corpus and computational<br />

linguistic approaches to Chinese language teaching, learning and<br />

assessment. It offers a comprehensive set of corpus resources and<br />

natural language processing tools that are useful for teaching, learning<br />

and assessing Chinese as a second or foreign language; methods for<br />

implementing such resources and techniques in Chinese pedagogy<br />

and assessment; as well as research findings on the effectiveness of<br />

using such resources and techniques in various aspects of Chinese<br />

Table of contents (13 chapters)<br />

Computational and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Language Learning: An Introduction<br />

Lu, Xiaofei (et al.)<br />

Corpus and Computational Methods for Usage-Based Chinese Language Learning: Toward a Professional<br />

Multilingualism<br />

Jing-Schmidt, Zhuo<br />

The Corpus Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as an L1 and an L2 in Retrospect<br />

Xu, Jiajin<br />

Academic Chinese: From Corpora to Language Teaching<br />

Chen, Howard Ho-Jan (et al.)<br />

Pedagogical Applications of Chinese Parallel Corpora<br />

Bluemel, Brody<br />

Data-Driven Adapting for Fine-Tuning Chinese Teaching Materials: Using Corpora as Benchmarks<br />

Bo, Wei (et al.)<br />

Context Analysis for Computer-Assisted Near-Synonym Learning<br />

Yu, Liang-Chih (et al.)<br />

Visualizing Stylistic Differences in Chinese Synonyms<br />

Zhang, Zheng-Sheng<br />

Using Corpus-Based Analysis of Neologisms on China’s New Media for Teaching Chinese as a Second or<br />

Foreign Language<br />

Gong, Wengao (et al.)<br />

Acquisition of the Chinese Particle le by L2 Learners: A Corpus-Based Approach<br />

Xu, Hai (et al.)<br />

Mandarin Chinese Mispronunciation Detection and Diagnosis Leveraging Deep Neural Network Based<br />

Acoustic Modeling and Training Techniques<br />

Chen, Berlin (et al.)<br />

Resources and Evaluations of Automated Chinese Error Diagnosis for Language Learners<br />

Lee, Lung-Hao (et al.)<br />

Automated Chinese Essay Scoring Based on Multilevel Linguistic Features<br />

Chang, Tao-Hsing (et al.)<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Chinese for Specific and<br />

Professional Purposes: Theory,<br />

Pedagogical Applications, and<br />

Practices<br />

Editors: Hongyin Tao, Howard Hao-Jan Chen<br />

This book, likely the first of its kind in the English language, explores<br />

Chinese for specific and professional purposes (CSP) in terms of<br />

theorizing and developing practical applications for language teaching<br />

and learning. While research in language for specific purposes is<br />

thriving for languages such as English, there has been comparatively<br />

little such research conducted for Chinese. This volume attempts to<br />

fill the gap by bringing together practitioners from a broad<br />

international scholarly community, who share common interests yet<br />

diverse orientations.<br />

Seventeen papers are included, and address four broad thematic categories: (1) academic Chinese, (2)<br />

business Chinese, (3) Chinese for medicine and health care, and (4) Chinese for other broadly defined<br />

services and industries (diplomacy, tourism, wine-tasting, etc.). Representing the state of the art in CSP<br />

research, the book offers an indispensable guide for anyone interested in theoretical and practical issues in<br />

this area of applied Chinese language studies.<br />

Part I Academic Chinese<br />

1 From Construction of Meanings to Meaning Design: A Literacy- and Genre-Focused Approach<br />

to Academic Chinese<br />

Haidan Wang<br />

2 Teaching Chinese Metadiscourse in University Lectures: The Case of Jiushi ( 就 是 )<br />

Vincent Yi-Lun Li and Miao-Hsia Chang<br />

3 How Citation Is Signaled: A Corpus-Based Study on Reporting Verbs in Chinese Academic<br />

Papers<br />

Rui Liu and Shan Wang<br />

4 Walking the Garden Path Toward Academic Language: Perspectives from International<br />

Students in Chinese<br />

Higher Education<br />

Yue Peng and Wei Yan<br />

5 Disfluency in L2 Chinese Academic Oral Presentations and Formulaic Language Instruction<br />

Yu Liu<br />

Part II Business Chinese<br />

6 Developments in Business Chinese Teaching and Research: An Overview and Perspectives<br />

Zhongqi Shi, Qiaosi Yuan and Mengsu Kong<br />

7 Learning Culture in Business Chinese Curriculum: Business Professionals’ Perspectives<br />

Hsin-Hsin Cindy Lee and Li-Yu Chen<br />

8 Designing a Task-Based and Community-Engaged Business Chinese Course<br />

Qiaona Yu<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Part III Chinese for Medicine and Heath Care<br />

9 Chinese Metaphorical Expressions in Talking About the End-of-Life Journey<br />

Huei-ling Lai and Yi-chen Chen<br />

10 Expressing Uncertainty with Conditionals in Medical Discourse: A Comparison Across Genres<br />

Wan-Hua Lin<br />

11 Progressing in Medical Conversations: Overall Organization as a Resource for the Joint<br />

Management of Chinese Pediatric Interactions<br />

Nan Wang<br />

12 Needs Analysis for a Chinese Course for Healthcare Professionals<br />

Wei Lai<br />

13 Focusing on Doctor–Patient Conversations: A Curriculum for Medical Chinese<br />

Meng Yeh and Liang Fu<br />

Part IV Chinese for Other Services and Industries<br />

14 Chinese for Diplomats<br />

Cornelius C. Kubler<br />

15 Mandarin for Wine Tasting: Terminology and a Pedagogical Application<br />

Chiara Romagnoli<br />

16 A Corpus-based Study of the Vocabulary of Macao Tourism Chinese<br />

Shan Wang and Huiting Luo<br />

17 Chinese for Specific Purposes in the Hong Kong Context<br />

Shui Duen Chan<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Teaching Basic Chinese<br />

Grammar: Communicative<br />

Stategies and Activities<br />

Teaching Basic Chinese Grammar:<br />

Communicative Strategies and Activities<br />

初 级 汉 语 语 法 教 学 : 教 学 策 略 及 课 堂 活 动<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Tong Chen<br />

Far more than a grammar dictionary, Teaching<br />

Basic Chinese Grammar distills the knowledge<br />

and expertise of active, seasoned instructors from<br />

the Middlebury College Summer Chinese School.<br />

This handbook supplies teachers with classroomtested<br />

instructional strategies and activities to help<br />

students comprehend, internalize, and ef ectively<br />

use Chinese grammar patterns to communicate<br />

early and often. Clear, concise English explanations<br />

of more than 140 fundamental Chinese grammar<br />

points are supplemented by sample sentences and<br />

analyses of common student errors. Comprehensible<br />

input scripts help teachers guide students through<br />

repeated, contextualized practice of new grammar<br />

COMING OCTOBER 2020 before they progress to open-ended communicative<br />

activities and practice exercises. The print handbook<br />

is supplemented by an extensive online bank of sample exercises with full-color images for<br />

teachers to use for practice or assessment.<br />

Teaching Basic Chinese Grammar follows the scope and sequence of Integrated Chinese<br />

Volumes 1 and 2, but the careful attention paid to maintaining a level-appropriate challenge for<br />

all novice learners makes this handbook a helpful reference in any beginning Chinese class.<br />

Features:<br />

● Sample sentences illustrate each grammar structure in<br />

context and build upon vocabulary that students already know<br />

● Analyses of common student errors are accompanied by<br />

strategies for preventing and correcting them<br />

● Teacher-guided target language practice scripts provide<br />

the repetition and practice necessary for internalizing new<br />

structures<br />

● Independent practice activities prompt students to use new<br />

grammar to engage in meaningful communication<br />

● Customizable and downloadable sample exercises with fullcolor<br />

images of er extensive language practice<br />

View a sample at<br />

chengtsui.co/tbcg<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Hopkins-Nanjing Center<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

台 大 國 際 華 語 研 習 所 ICLP<br />



<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Go Far with Chinese<br />

A new proficiency-based Chinese<br />

program for middle and high school<br />

Help your students make a conf dent start<br />

on their language learning journeys with<br />

Go Far with Chinese, a beginning Chinese<br />

textbook series tailored to the specif c pacing<br />

requirements and interests of teenage<br />

language learners.<br />

LEVEL 1A <strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>2019</strong><br />

LEVEL 1B Spring 2020<br />

LEVEL 1 Summer 2020 LEVEL 2 Spring 2021 LEVEL 3 Fall 2021<br />

Download a sampler at: chengtsui. co/GFC_sampler<br />

● Aligned to ACTFL World-Readiness Standards and<br />

Performance Indicators<br />

● High-frequency vocabulary, contextual grammar instruction,<br />

and meaningful tasks and activities<br />

● Entertaining comic stories, authentic materials, and compelling<br />

cultural features about life in China<br />

● Prof ciency-based assessment and robust 34 teacher support<br />

● Articulates with Integrated Chinese Volumes 3 & 4<br />

Published by<br />

25 West Street<br />

Boston, MA 02111 USA<br />

1.800.554.1963<br />

1.617.988.2400<br />

inquiries@chengtsui.co<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Jobs<br />

Teaching Assistant Professor in<br />

Chinese (Morgantown, WV)<br />

Applications accepted until <strong>Sept</strong>. 30, <strong>2019</strong> Teaching<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

The Department of World Languages, Literatures,<br />

and Linguistics (https://worldlanguages.wvu.edu/) at<br />

West Virginia University invites applications for a<br />

Teaching Assistant Professor position in Chinese<br />

Studies beginning January 1, 2020. The successful<br />

candidate will contribute to the development of our<br />

undergraduate program in Chinese Studies, including<br />

the teaching of traditional and online language and<br />

content classes. The position requires a PhD or<br />

equivalent degree in Chinese, Chinese literature,<br />

Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, or a closely related<br />

field; demonstrated excellence in university-level<br />

teaching; and excellent communication skills in both<br />

English and Chinese.<br />

This position is a nine-month, full-time, non-tenure<br />

track, renewable term appointment with no limit on<br />

the number of terms. Teaching Assistant Professors<br />

receive full benefits and are eligible for promotion.<br />

The department offers M.A. degree programs in<br />

Spanish, Linguistics, and TESOL (Teaching English<br />

to Speakers of Other Languages), enrolling<br />

approximately 60-70 full-time graduate students from<br />

around the world, with the majority of those holding<br />

teaching assistantships. We offer B.A. degrees in a<br />

range of programs, including French, German<br />

Studies, Spanish, Chinese Studies, and Russian<br />

Studies, and minors in these areas as well as Foreign<br />

Literature/Culture in Translation, Japanese Studies,<br />

Arabic Studies, Linguistics, and TESOL.<br />

WVU is a comprehensive land-grant university that<br />

enrolls 29,000 students. It is classified as “highest<br />

research activity” by the Carnegie Foundation. The<br />

Morgantown campus is situated along the<br />

Monongahela River and Rail Trail and within 10 miles<br />

of Cooper’s Rock State Forest, and is within easy<br />

traveling distance of Washington, D.C. to the east,<br />

Pittsburgh, PA., to the north, and Cleveland and<br />

Columbus, Ohio, to the west. Morgantown is a safe,<br />

inclusive, and family-friendly community. WVU<br />

provides faculty members with a supportive<br />

environment for developing a visible and productive<br />

career. WVU also offers a Dual Career Program to<br />

assist partners in their career transition and job<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

search, and belongs to the OH/Western PA/WV<br />

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium<br />

(https://www.hercjobs.org/oh-western-pa-wv).<br />

To apply, please visit https://careers.wvu.edu and<br />

navigate to the position title listed above. Upload (a) a<br />

letter of application outlining your interest in, and<br />

qualifications for, the position; (b) your curriculum<br />

vitae; (c) your teaching philosophy; (d) graduate<br />

transcript(s) (unofficial is acceptable); and the names<br />

and contact information for three references.<br />

Additional materials might be requested of finalists.<br />

Review of applications will begin on <strong>Sept</strong>ember 30,<br />

<strong>2019</strong> and continue until the position is filled. For<br />

further information, contact Pablo Garcia, chair of the<br />

search committee, at pablo.garcia@mail.wvu.edu<br />

WVU is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer and<br />

welcomes applications from all qualified individuals,<br />

including minorities, females, individuals with<br />

disabilities, and veterans.<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese<br />

Language (Carlisle, PA)<br />

The Department of East Asian Studies at Dickinson<br />

College invites applications for a tenure-track position<br />

at the rank of assistant professor in Chinese language<br />

and literature, media, or film. The teaching load is five<br />

courses a year. Applicants should be prepared to<br />

teach Chinese, topical courses in their discipline at all<br />

levels, and first-year seminars. Applicants must also<br />

be willing to supervise senior theses and have a<br />

broad understanding of Chinese and Asian culture.<br />

We are particularly interested in candidates who<br />

apply a transnational perspective in their research<br />

and teaching, and who will demonstrate leadership<br />

and initiative working both within the department<br />

(including extra-curricular activities) and with our<br />

partner programs in Beijing and Yunnan. The ability to<br />

create inclusive learning environments for an<br />

increasingly diverse student body will be an important<br />

characteristic of the successful candidate. Native or<br />

near-native fluency in Chinese and English is<br />

required. A Ph.D. must be in hand by August 2020.<br />

Interested candidates should apply for this position<br />

electronically via QUEST (online application system)<br />

at https://jobs.dickinson.edu.<br />

Please include a letter of application, a curriculum<br />

vitae, a writing sample, and the names of three<br />

references. Candidates may be asked to submit<br />

supplementary materials following an initial screening.<br />

Review of applications will begin on October 14th and<br />

will continue until the position has been filled. Please<br />

direct all questions about the position to: Shawn<br />

Bender, Search Committee Chair,<br />

at benders@dickinson.edu.<br />

Dickinson College is a highly selective four-year,<br />

independent liberal arts college with 2300 students.<br />

Dickinson prides itself on having dynamic faculty who<br />

combine excellent teaching and research. The<br />

College is located in Carlisle, PA. Carlisle is 20<br />

minutes west of Harrisburg and a two-hour drive from<br />

Baltimore, Washington DC, and Philadelphia.<br />

Dickinson College is committed to building a<br />

representative and diverse faculty, administrative<br />

staff, and student body. We encourage applications<br />

from all qualified persons.<br />

Lecturer, Chinese Language<br />

(Atlanta, GA)<br />

Applications accepted until 25/11/<strong>2019</strong><br />

The Department of Russian and East Asian<br />

Languages and Cultures (REALC) at Emory<br />

University in Atlanta, GA seeks a full-time lecturer in<br />

Chinese language and culture to begin Fall 2020.<br />

This is a three-year renewable position pending<br />

positive reviews. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in<br />

Chinese language pedagogy, linguistics, applied<br />

linguistics or a closely related area (ABD in a rare<br />

case will be considered) and possess native or nearnative<br />

proficiency in Chinese and English. Experience<br />

in teaching undergraduates in North America and the<br />

ability to teach all levels of Chinese language courses<br />

are required.<br />

The candidate will be expected to teach five courses<br />

per academic year in Chinese language, linguistics,<br />

and culture based on his or her qualifications, and<br />

play an important role in the development of the<br />

Chinese program. Knowledge of current trends in<br />

language teaching methodologies, familiarity with<br />

effective uses of technologies in language instruction,<br />

and experience in developing innovative language<br />

learning projects are highly desirable.<br />

Scholarly exchange is very active among faculty in<br />

our department, which includes the programs in<br />

Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Russian. We also<br />

collaborate with colleagues in the East Asian Studies<br />

Program and Linguistics Program. The position is a<br />

professional career track with possibility of promotion<br />

(http://college.emory.edu/faculty/documents/faculty-<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

advancement/lecture-track/lecture-track-appointmentreview.pdf).<br />

Please submit your cover letter, C.V., teaching<br />

statement, three letters of recommendation, and other<br />

supporting materials through Interfolio<br />

at apply.interfolio.com/66841. Please also include a<br />

statement outlining your experience and vision for<br />

teaching and mentoring students of diverse<br />

backgrounds. Inquiries about the position can be sent<br />

to Julie Darby (JDARBY@emory.edu) and Chinese<br />

Lecturer Search Committee, Dept. of Russian and<br />

East Asian Languages and Cultures, Emory<br />

University, 532 Kilgo Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322.<br />

Review of applications will begin on October 25,<br />

<strong>2019</strong>. Applications received up to 30 days after<br />

review begins will be given full consideration. Emory<br />

University is an equal employment opportunity and<br />

affirmative action employer. Women, minorities,<br />

people with disabilities and veterans are strongly<br />

encouraged to apply.<br />

Chinese Language Lecturer<br />

(Brunswick, ME)<br />

The Asian Studies Program at Bowdoin College<br />

invites applicants for the position of Lecturer in<br />

Chinese Language, to begin in July 2020. The initial<br />

appointment will be three years, contingent on<br />

successful review after the first year, with the<br />

possibility of additional renewal upon subsequent<br />

reviews. We seek candidates with native or nearnative<br />

fluency in Chinese and English; at least an MA<br />

in Linguistics, Foreign Language Pedagogy, Second<br />

Language Acquisition, or related field; and substantial<br />

teaching experience at the college level in the United<br />

States. The successful candidate will teach a 3/2<br />

annual course load at all levels of the language<br />

curriculum, as well as contribute to the Chinese<br />

Language Program by participating in Chinese<br />

language table, student advising, and other cocurricular<br />

activities. Bowdoin provides conference<br />

travel support as well as competitive internal funding<br />

for research and other professional development.<br />

Bowdoin is a community that warmly welcomes<br />

people of all backgrounds. We encourage<br />

applications from candidates committed to the<br />

instruction and support of a diverse student<br />

population and from those who will enrich and<br />

contribute to the College’s multifaceted diversity. In<br />

your application materials, please address how your<br />

teaching, scholarship, and/or mentoring would<br />

support our commitment to diversity and inclusion.<br />

Bowdoin College accepts only electronic<br />

submissions. Please<br />

visit https://careers.bowdoin.edu to submit 1) cover<br />

letter, 2) a curriculum vitae, 3) a teaching statement,<br />

4) video clips of classroom teaching, 5) one to two<br />

sets of most recent teaching evaluations, and 6) the<br />

names and contact information for three references<br />

who have agreed to provide letters of<br />

recommendation.<br />

Review of applications will begin on November 1,<br />

<strong>2019</strong> and continue until the position is filled.<br />

Founded in 1794 on the Maine coast, Bowdoin is one<br />

of the oldest and most selective coeducational,<br />

residential liberal arts colleges in the country. Located<br />

in Brunswick, a 30-minute drive north of Portland, the<br />

College is in an area rich with natural beauty and<br />

year-round outdoor activities. Bowdoin’s reputation<br />

rests on the excellence of its faculty and students,<br />

intimate size, strong sense of community, and<br />

commitment to diversity (32.7% students of color, 6%<br />

international students and approximately 15% first<br />

generation college students). Bowdoin College<br />

complies with applicable provisions of federal and<br />

state laws that prohibit unlawful discrimination in<br />

employment, admission, or access to its educational<br />

or extracurricular programs, activities, or facilities<br />

based on race, color, ethnicity, ancestry and national<br />

origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity<br />

and/or expression, age, marital status, place of birth,<br />

genetic predisposition, veteran status, or against<br />

qualified individuals with physical or mental<br />

disabilities on the basis of disability, or any other<br />

legally protected statuses. For further information<br />

about the College and our department, please visit<br />

our website: http://www.bowdoin.edu.<br />

Tenure-Track position in Chinese<br />

(Worcester, MA)<br />

NOTE: Review of candidates will begin immediately.<br />

For full consideration, please submit all application<br />

materials by <strong>Sept</strong>ember 28.<br />

The Department of Modern Languages and<br />

Literatures at the College of the Holy Cross invites<br />

applications for a full-time tenure-track appointment in<br />

Chinese to begin in August 2020. Candidates must<br />

have native or near native proficiency in Mandarin<br />

Chinese and English, a Ph.D. by the start of the<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

appointment in applied or theoretical linguistics,<br />

language pedagogy, or a related field, and U.S.-<br />

based teaching experience in Chinese language at<br />

the college level.<br />

This position carries a 3-2 teaching load with a fullsalary<br />

one-semester research leave prior to tenure<br />

review, and generous sabbatical and fellowship<br />

leaves for tenured faculty. Tenure-track faculty are<br />

eligible for travel support and reimbursement of<br />

relocation costs within the College’s published<br />

policies. All full-time appointments offer competitive<br />

salaries and include full benefits. To learn more about<br />

faculty life at the College & the Worcester area,<br />

candidates are encouraged to<br />

visit http://holycross.edu/join.<br />

Please submit a cover letter addressing the position<br />

requirements listed above, curriculum vitae,<br />

statement on teaching, transcripts, three confidential<br />

letters of recommendation, and a link to a recent<br />

video of yourself teaching elementary or intermediate<br />

Mandarin. Provide information about the location of<br />

the class and the level of the students in your video,<br />

the topic that your lesson covered, and the learning<br />

goals you had for the students in that class.<br />

In your cover letter, in addition to describing your<br />

research and teaching interests, please address how<br />

your scholarship, teaching, mentoring and/or service<br />

would support the College’s mission as a Jesuit,<br />

undergraduate liberal arts college<br />

(see http://holycross.edu/mission). The College<br />

values cultural and intellectual pluralism as integral to<br />

this mission and essential to the excellence of our<br />

academic program. Thus your application should<br />

highlight how your teaching, scholarship, mentorship<br />

and/or service might support the commitment to<br />

diversity and inclusion. For more information, please<br />

visit http://holycross.edu/diversity.<br />

The College of the Holy Cross uses Interfolio to<br />

collect all faculty job applications electronically.<br />

Please submit all application materials<br />

to http://apply.interfolio.com/65790.<br />

Assistant or Associate Professor of<br />

Modern and Contemporary<br />

Chinese Studies (Atlanta, GA)<br />

The Department of Russian and East Asian<br />

Languages and Cultures (REALC) invites applications<br />

for a tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor<br />

position in modern and contemporary Chinese<br />

Studies to begin Fall 2020. Candidates must have a<br />

Ph.D. in modern and contemporary Chinese<br />

literature, cultural studies, or related field. Current<br />

Ph.D. candidates should confirm in their cover letters<br />

that their Ph.D. will be awarded by August 1, 2020.<br />

Candidates must demonstrate an active research<br />

agenda and a commitment to teaching at the<br />

undergraduate level and to development of graduate<br />

programming. The Department is particularly<br />

interested in candidates working across genres and<br />

media or whose scholarship is inter-disciplinary and<br />

inter-regional (within East Asia and beyond).<br />

The successful candidate will play an important part<br />

in the development of the Chinese program within the<br />

Department. Teaching responsibilities are normally<br />

two courses per semester and will include survey<br />

courses in modern Chinese literature, courses in the<br />

candidate’s research specialization and others as<br />

dictated by curricular need. Candidates will also<br />

adhere to best practices and demonstrate an ability to<br />

advance Emory College’s goals of diversity and<br />

inclusion. Native or near native proficiency in both<br />

English and Chinese is required.<br />

Applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, C.V.,<br />

short writing sample or published paper, teaching<br />

statement, and three letters of recommendation<br />

to http://apply.interfolio.com/65692. Please also<br />

include a statement outlining the candidate’s<br />

experience and vision for teaching and mentoring<br />

students of diverse backgrounds. Inquiries about the<br />

position can be sent to Maria Franca Sibau<br />

(maria.sibau@emory.edu) and the Chinese Modern<br />

and Contemporary Chinese Studies Search<br />

Committee, Department of Russian and East Asian<br />

Languages and Cultures, Emory University, 532 Kilgo<br />

Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322. Review of applications will<br />

begin on October 15, <strong>2019</strong>. Applications received up<br />

to 30 days after review begins will be given full<br />

consideration. Emory University is an equal<br />

employment opportunity and affirmative action<br />

employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities,<br />

and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.<br />

Faculty in Chinese Language and<br />

Literature (Baltimore, MD)<br />

Bard High School Early College (BHSEC) Baltimore,<br />

a partnership between Bard College and the<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Baltimore City Public Schools in Baltimore, Maryland,<br />

invites applications for a full-time faculty position in<br />

Chinese Language and Literature, beginning August<br />

<strong>2019</strong>. Field of specialization is open.<br />

The Bard early colleges enable talented and highly<br />

motivated students to complete a high school diploma<br />

and an Associate of Arts degree from Bard College<br />

within four years of study. The academic program<br />

emphasizes small classes and a commitment to<br />

teaching a diverse student body.<br />

The successful applicant for this position must be<br />

committed to teaching classes at both the high school<br />

and college levels. In addition, candidates will be<br />

expected to participate fully in the life of the school,<br />

including student advising, club advising, and<br />

committee service. An M.A. in Chinese language<br />

and/or literature or related field and dedication to<br />

teaching are required. Candidates who will have a<br />

Ph.D. at the time of employment, or who are ABD,<br />

with high school and/or college teaching experience<br />

are preferred.<br />

To apply, submit a letter of interest, one-page<br />

teaching statement, curriculum vitae, and three letters<br />

of reference through Interfolio.com<br />

at: http://apply.interfolio.com/62962. Inquiries about<br />

vacant positions, can be submitted to Dr. Francesca<br />

Gamber, Principal, at:fgamber@bhsec.bard.edu.<br />

Review of applications to begin immediately.<br />

This position is contingent upon passing Baltimore<br />

City Public Schools pre-employment screening<br />

process and availability of funds. Work authorization<br />

in the United States is required for all BHSEC<br />

Baltimore faculty positions.<br />

Bard High School Early College is an equal<br />

opportunity employer and we welcome applications<br />

from those who contribute to our diversity. Women<br />

and members of under-represented groups are<br />

strongly encouraged to apply. Please see the Bard<br />

employee handbook for more information about the<br />

employee policies of the College.<br />

AA/EOE<br />

Assistant Professor in Applied<br />

Language Sciences / Bilingualism<br />

and Communication / Chinese<br />

Linguistics / Translation and<br />

Interpreting (Hong Kong)<br />


39<br />

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a<br />

government-funded tertiary institution in Hong Kong.<br />

It offers programmes at various levels including<br />

Doctorate, Master’s, and Bachelor’s degrees. It has a<br />

full-time academic staff strength of around 1,400. The<br />

total annual consolidated expenditure budget of the<br />

University is in excess of HK$7.4 billion.<br />



Assistant Professor in Applied Language Sciences /<br />

Bilingualism and Communication / Chinese<br />

Linguistics / Translation and Interpreting (two posts)<br />

(Ref. 19072217)<br />

The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies is<br />

one of the constituent departments of the Faculty of<br />

Humanities. One of the core missions of the<br />

Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies is to<br />

promote and develop studies of Chinese in<br />

multilingual contexts and studies of multilingualism in<br />

Chinese contexts. It has built a reputation in Applied<br />

Chinese Language Studies, and seeks to extend its<br />

strength in areas like Bilingualism (including<br />

Translation and Interpreting), Intercultural<br />

Communication and East Asian Studies. Another<br />

mission of the Department is to offer professionoriented<br />

programmes that meet the career aspirations<br />

of young adults in Hong Kong and elsewhere in<br />

Greater China. It offers bachelor’s, master’s, and<br />

doctoral degree programmes in Chinese Linguistics,<br />

Chinese Language Teaching, Speech Therapy,<br />

Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language,<br />

Translating & Interpreting, and Bilingual Corporate<br />

Communication. It also offers courses in<br />

Korean/Japanese language and culture at bachelor’s<br />

level. Within the Department, there is a Centre for<br />

Translation Studies, a PolyU-PekingU Research<br />

Centre on Chinese Linguistics, a Speech Therapy<br />

Unit, and a Research Centre for Language, Cognition,<br />

and Neuroscience. The Department has over 40 fulltime<br />

academic and teaching staff members. More<br />

information about the CBS Department may be found<br />

at http://www.cbs.polyu.edu.hk/.<br />

The appointees will be required to (a) engage in<br />

teaching and related learning activities at both<br />

undergraduate and postgraduate levels; (b) assume<br />

an important role in curriculum design and<br />

development; (c) undertake academic research in<br />

their areas of expertise, including but not limited to<br />

making applications for external research grants; (d)<br />

provide administrative support for academic<br />

development and departmental objectives, and play<br />

an active role in programme management; (e) render

<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

professional service to the discipline and/or the<br />

community at large; and (f) perform any other duties<br />

as assigned by the Head of Department or his/her<br />

delegates.<br />

Applicants should have (a) a PhD degree in a<br />

relevant discipline, preferably with the specialism in i)<br />

Clinical Linguistics, Special Education Needs,<br />

Language Pathology, Speech Therapy, Neuroscience<br />

or Computational Linguistics with usage of language<br />

technology in digital humanities and big data<br />

analytics, additional expertise in other areas of the<br />

humanities such as media studies or language and<br />

literature will be a significant advantage; ii) Bilingual<br />

Corporate Communication, Intercultural<br />

Communication, Bilingualism/Multilingualism, Chinese<br />

Language Education or related fields; iii) Cantonese<br />

Linguistics (e.g. Syntax, Semantics, Sociolinguistics<br />

or Phonology); or (iv) Chinese-English or English-<br />

Chinese Translation & Interpreting (involving<br />

Cantonese and/or Mandarin); (b) relevant postqualification<br />

teaching and research experience and a<br />

proven record of relevant academic and/or<br />

professional achievements; (c) a high level of fluency<br />

in English; and (d) a strong commitment to excellence<br />

in teaching, scholarly activities and professional<br />

service.<br />

Applicants should normally have evidence-based<br />

research experience (as supported by evidence of<br />

research projects and outputs). Experience of<br />

postdoctoral research positions will be a plus but not<br />

required.<br />

For the post in Applied Language Sciences /<br />

Bilingualism and Communication, preference will be<br />

given to those who are fluent in Cantonese or<br />

Putonghua and literate in written Chinese.<br />

[Applicants who have responded to the previous<br />

advertisement need not re-apply.]<br />

Remuneration and Conditions of Service<br />

A highly competitive remuneration package will be<br />

offered. Initial appointments will be on a fixed-term<br />

gratuity-bearing contract. Re-engagement thereafter<br />

is subject to mutual agreement. For general<br />

information on terms and conditions for appointment<br />

of academic staff in the University, please visit the<br />

website at http://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/TC.htm.<br />

Applicants should state their current and expected<br />

salary in the application.<br />

Application<br />

Please send a completed application form to Human<br />

Resources Office, 13/F, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong<br />

Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon,<br />

Hong Kong or via email to hrstaff@polyu.edu.hk.<br />

Application forms can be obtained via the above<br />

channels or downloaded<br />

from http://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/job/en/guide_forms/<br />

forms.php. If a separate curriculum vitae is to be<br />

provided, please still complete the application form<br />

which will help speed up the recruitment process.<br />

Recruitment will continue until the positions are filled.<br />

The University’s Personal Information Collection<br />

Statement for recruitment can be found<br />

at http://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/job/en/guide_forms/pic<br />

s.php.<br />

PolyU is an equal opportunity employer committed to<br />

diversity and inclusivity. All qualified applicants will<br />

receive consideration for employment without regard<br />

to gender, ethnicity, nationality, family status or<br />

physical or mental disabilities.<br />

Professor in Applied Language<br />

Sciences / Bilingualism and<br />

Communication (Hong Kong)<br />


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a<br />

government-funded tertiary institution in Hong Kong.<br />

It offers programmes at various levels including<br />

Doctorate, Master’s, and Bachelor’s degrees. It has a<br />

full-time academic staff strength of around 1,400. The<br />

total annual consolidated expenditure budget of the<br />

University is in excess of HK$7.4 billion.<br />



Professor in Applied Language Sciences /<br />

Bilingualism and Communication (Ref. 19072216)<br />

The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies is<br />

one of the constituent departments of the Faculty of<br />

Humanities. One of the core missions of the<br />

Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies is to<br />

promote and develop studies of Chinese in<br />

multilingual contexts and studies of multilingualism in<br />

Chinese contexts. It has built a reputation in Applied<br />

Chinese Language Studies, and seeks to extend its<br />

strength in areas like Bilingualism (including<br />

Translation and Interpreting), Intercultural<br />

Communication and East Asian Studies. Another<br />

mission of the Department is to offer professionoriented<br />

programmes that meet the career aspirations<br />

of young adults in Hong Kong and elsewhere in<br />

Greater China. It offers bachelor’s, master’s, and<br />

doctoral degree programmes in Chinese Linguistics,<br />

Chinese Language Teaching, Speech Therapy,<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language,<br />

Translating & Interpreting, and Bilingual Corporate<br />

Communication. It also offers courses in<br />

Korean/Japanese language and culture at bachelor’s<br />

level. Within the Department, there is a Centre for<br />

Translation Studies, a PolyU-PekingU Research<br />

Centre on Chinese Linguistics, a Speech Therapy<br />

Unit, and a Research Centre for Language, Cognition,<br />

and Neuroscience . The Department has over 40 fulltime<br />

academic and teaching staff members. More<br />

information about the CBS Department may be found<br />

at http://www.cbs.polyu.edu.hk/.<br />

The appointee will be required to (a) engage in<br />

teaching and related learning activities at both<br />

undergraduate and postgraduate levels; (b) assume<br />

an important role in curriculum design and<br />

development; (c) undertake academic research in<br />

his/her areas of expertise, including but not limited to<br />

making applications for external research grants; (d)<br />

provide administrative support for academic<br />

development and departmental objectives, and play<br />

an active role in programme management; (e) render<br />

professional service to the discipline and/or the<br />

community at large; (f) provide academic leadership<br />

in his/her areas of expertise; and (g) perform any<br />

other duties as assigned by the Head of Department<br />

or his/her delegates.<br />

Applicants should have (a) a PhD degree in a<br />

relevant discipline, preferably with one of the following<br />

specialisms: i) Clinical Linguistics, Special Education<br />

Needs, Language Pathology, Speech Therapy,<br />

Neuroscience or Computational Linguistics with<br />

usage of language technology in digital humanities<br />

and big data analytics. Additional expertise in other<br />

areas of the humanities such as media studies or<br />

language and literature will be a significant<br />

advantage; or Bilingual Corporate Communication,<br />

Intercultural Communication,<br />

Bilingualism/Multilingualism, Chinese Language<br />

Education or related fields; (b) substantial years of<br />

relevant post-qualification experience and an<br />

excellent record of relevant academic and/or<br />

professional achievements; (c) a high level of fluency<br />

in English; and (d) a strong commitment to excellence<br />

in teaching, scholarly activities and professional<br />

service.<br />

Preference will be given to those who are fluent in<br />

Cantonese or Putonghua and literate in written<br />

Chinese.<br />

Remuneration and Conditions of Service<br />

A highly competitive remuneration package will be<br />

offered. An appropriate term will be provided for<br />

appointment at Professor level. For general<br />

information on terms and conditions for appointment<br />

of academic staff in the University, please visit the<br />

website at http://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/TC.htm.<br />

Applicants should state their current and expected<br />

salary in the application.<br />

[Applicants who have responded to the previous<br />

advertisement need not re-apply.]<br />

Application<br />

Please send a completed application form to Human<br />

Resources Office, 13/F, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong<br />

Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon,<br />

Hong Kong or via email to hrstaff@polyu.edu.hk.<br />

Application forms can be obtained via the above<br />

channels or downloaded<br />

from http://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/job/en/guide_forms/<br />

forms.php. If a separate curriculum vitae is to be<br />

provided, please still complete the application form<br />

which will help speed up the recruitment process.<br />

Recruitment will continue until the position is filled.<br />

The University’s Personal Information Collection<br />

Statement for recruitment can be found<br />

at http://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/job/en/guide_forms/pic<br />

s.php.<br />

PolyU is an equal opportunity employer committed to<br />

diversity and inclusivity. All qualified applicants will<br />

receive consideration for employment without regard<br />

to gender, ethnicity, nationality, family status or<br />

physical or mental disabilities.<br />

Lecturer of Chinese (Tempe, AZ)<br />

Lecturer of Chinese (Job #12959)<br />

Arizona State University<br />

School of International Letters and Cultures<br />

The School of International Letters & Cultures (SILC)<br />

Chinese Flagship program at Arizona State University<br />

(Tempe campus) invites applications for a full-time<br />

Chinese Lecturer with an anticipated start date of<br />

<strong>Sept</strong>ember <strong>2019</strong>. This is a full-time, benefits eligible<br />

position, 9-month appointment (August 16 – May 15),<br />

open now for the <strong>2019</strong>–2020 academic year.<br />

Subsequent annual renewal is possible contingent<br />

upon satisfactory performance, availability of<br />

resources, and the needs of the university. The<br />

person will teach 6 courses a year in the lower and<br />

upper division undergraduate curriculum of the<br />

Chinese Language Flagship Program, administer<br />

tutorials, perform administrative tasks for the Chinese<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Language Flagship Program, and participate in<br />

program-related activities.<br />


• Master’s degree or higher in a relevant area,<br />

such as the teaching of Chinese as a foreign<br />

language, or Chinese language and<br />

literature by time of appointment.<br />

• Native or near-native proficiency in Chinese<br />

and English.<br />

• At least two years of prior experience of<br />

teaching Chinese at the university level.<br />

• Experience in proficiency-oriented, and taskbased<br />

teaching.<br />

• Experience in content-based and projectbased<br />

instruction.<br />

• Proficiency in using modern technology for<br />

language instruction.<br />

• Experience organizing and overseeing study<br />

abroad programs.<br />

• Experience working with diverse<br />

groups/populations.<br />


• Familiarity with standardized tests such as<br />

OPI OPIc, and STAMP tests.<br />

• Experience performing administrative tasks<br />

in a university’s academic program<br />

• Experience with blended teaching and<br />

learning<br />

• Familiarity with on-line Chinese language<br />

courses<br />

• Demonstrated success meeting the needs of<br />

underrepresented student populations<br />

and/or reaching out to diverse communities<br />

To apply, submit the following<br />

electronically https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/<br />

14044 : 1) a current curriculum vitae; 2) a letter<br />

addressed to Liao Jianling, Search Committee Chair,<br />

outlining how the applicant’s experiences fit the<br />

qualifications listed above; 3) copies of teaching<br />

evaluations; and) the names, positions, phone<br />

numbers, and email addresses of three references,<br />

who may be contacted directly by academicjobsonline<br />

or by the committee.<br />

Application deadline is August 26, <strong>2019</strong>; if not filled,<br />

every two weeks thereafter until the search is closed.<br />

A background check is required for employment. By<br />

policy, the successful candidate must be eligible to<br />

work in the United States by time of hire.<br />

For further information contact Prof. Liao Jianling, 480<br />

727–3257, Jianling.liao@asu.edu.<br />

Arizona State University is a VEVRAA Federal<br />

Contractor and an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative<br />

Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be<br />

considered without regard to race, color, sex, religion,<br />

national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or<br />

any other basis protected by law.<br />

https://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd401.html<br />

https://www.asu.edu/titleIX<br />

In compliance with federal law, ASU prepares an<br />

annual report on campus security and fire safety<br />

programs and resources. ASU’s Annual Security and<br />

Fire Safety Report is available online<br />

at https://www.asu.edu/police/PDFs/ASU-Clery-<br />

Report.pdf You may request a hard copy of the report<br />

by contacting the ASU Police Department at 480-965-<br />

3456.<br />

Lecturer in Chinese (Kingston, RI)<br />

Position is full-time academic year, limited to 06-20-<br />

2020, with anticipated renewable.<br />

Teach Chinese language courses at the beginning,<br />

intermediate and advanced levels. Teach in the<br />

Chinese Language Flagship Program as needed. The<br />

position also requires doing some administrative work<br />

for the Chinese Language Flagship Program and<br />

participate in program-related activities.<br />

Visit the URI jobs website at https://jobs.uri.edu to<br />

apply and view complete details for posting (F00148).<br />

Please attach the following 2 (PDF) documents to<br />

your online Faculty Profile Application: (#1) Cover<br />

letter including a description of how your qualifications<br />

match the requirements for the position (as one<br />

complete pdf document) and (#2) Curriculum Vitae.<br />

Important note: Please have 3 letters of<br />

recommendation emailed by the referees directly to<br />

Dr. Wayne He, Search Chair,<br />

at: Flagship@etal.uri.edu<br />

APPLICATION DEADLINE: This is an open until filled<br />

search. First consideration will be given to<br />

applications received by June 29, <strong>2019</strong>. Second<br />

consideration may be given to applications received<br />

by July 13, <strong>2019</strong>. Applications received subsequent to<br />

second consideration date (July 13, <strong>2019</strong>) may not be<br />

given full consideration.<br />


ONLY.<br />

The University of Rhode Island is an AA/EEOD<br />

employer. Women, persons of color, protected<br />

veterans, individuals with disabilities, and members of<br />

other protected groups are encouraged to apply.<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

《 世 界 汉 语 教 学 》(1987 年 创 刊 · 季 刊 )<br />

<strong>2019</strong> 年 第 3 期 目 录<br />

汉 语 国 际 教 育 知 识 体 系 研 究<br />

从 英 语 国 际 教 育 到 汉 语 国 际 教 育 : 反 思 与 建 议 ………………………………… 文 秋 芳<br />

汉 语 研 究<br />

说 四 言 格 …………………………………………………………………………… 沈 家 煊<br />

汉 语 韵 律 语 法 研 究 中 的 双 音 节 和 四 音 节 ………………………………………… 周 韧<br />

宾 格 倾 向 型 还 是 作 格 倾 向 型 ?<br />

—— 话 语 视 角 下 汉 语 “ 格 ” 类 型 的 重 新 审 视 ………………………… 周 士 宏 崔 亚 冲<br />

建 议 言 语 行 为 内 部 调 节 手 段 的 语 用 调 控 ……………………………… 徐 晶 凝 郝 雪<br />

话 语 标 记 “ 这 样 一 V” 与 远 距 离 因 果 事 件 表 达 ………………………… 姜 海 艳 吕 明 臣<br />

汉 语 教 学 与 学 习 研 究<br />

情 状 体 与 否 定 : 英 语 和 韩 语 母 语 者 习 得 汉 语<br />

否 定 标 记 研 究 ………………………………………………………… 王 佳 陈 月 红<br />

具 身 认 知 视 角 下 汉 语 二 语 情 感 词 的 空 间 隐 喻 ……………… 吴 思 娜 刘 梦 晨 李 莹 丽<br />

汉 语 语 音 偏 误 的 特 点 与 模 式<br />

—— 基 于 25 种 母 语 背 景 学 习 者 的 偏 误 条 目 数 据 的 分 析 ……………… 冉 启 斌 于 爽<br />

简 讯<br />

北 京 语 言 大 学 代 表 团 访 问 保 加 利 亚 进 行 学 术 交 流<br />

《 世 界 汉 语 教 学 》 青 年 学 者 论 坛 ( 第 7 届 ) 征 稿 启 事<br />

北 京 语 言 大 学 成 立 汉 语 国 际 教 育 研 究 院<br />

“ 新 时 代 汉 语 国 际 教 育 学 术 研 讨 会 ” 成 功 召 开<br />

新 书 目<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

International Chinese Language Education Volume4, <strong>2019</strong> (No. 2)<br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> NEWSLETTER January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Volume 10 Number 1, June <strong>2019</strong><br />

二 〇 一 九 年 六 月 第 十 卷 第 一 期<br />

TCLT Vol. 10 No 1 June <strong>2019</strong> issue<br />

Articles<br />

中 文 近 义 词 辨 析 实 验 —— 机 器 学 习 程 序 与 二 语 学 习 者 的 对 比<br />

(An Experimental Study on Discriminating Chinese Near Synonyms: Contrasts between Machine<br />

Learning Systems and Second Language Learners)<br />

詹 卫 东 (Zhan, Weidong), 北 京 大 学 (Peking University)<br />

曹 晓 玉 (Cao, Xiaoyu), 北 京 大 学 (Peking University)<br />

崔 巍 (Cui, Wei), 北 京 大 学 (Peking University)<br />

常 宝 宝 (Chang, Baobao), 北 京 大 学 (Peking University)<br />

pp. 1-25: Abstract | Article PDF<br />

Using Online Applications to Improve Tone Perception among L2 Learners of Chinese<br />

( 网 络 应 用 对 中 文 二 语 学 习 者 声 调 辨 识 的 有 效 性 研 究 )<br />

Xu, Hongying ( 徐 红 英 ), University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ( 威 斯 康 星 大 学 拉 克 罗 校 区 )<br />

Li, Yan ( 李 艳 ), University of Kansas ( 堪 萨 斯 大 学 )<br />

Li, Yingjie ( 李 颖 颉 ), University of Colorado-Boulder ( 科 罗 拉 多 大 学 博 尔 得 分 校 )<br />

pp. 26-56: Abstract | Article PDF<br />

Developing Chinese Matching Games: From Inception to Completion<br />

( 创 建 中 文 配 对 游 戏 )<br />

Chen, Dongdong ( 陈 东 东 ), Seton Hall University ( 西 东 大 学 )<br />

pp. 57-72: Abstract | Article PDF<br />

Columns<br />

Integrating Technology in the Teaching of Advanced Chinese<br />

( 高 年 级 中 文 课 教 学 的 技 术 应 用 )<br />

Bai, Jianhua ( 白 建 华 ), Kenyon College ( 肯 扬 大 学 )<br />

Li, Cong ( 李 聪 ), Duke Kunshan University ( 昆 山 杜 克 大 学 )<br />

Yeh, Wen-Chin ( 葉 雯 瑾 ), Kenyon College ( 肯 扬 大 学 )<br />

pp. 73-90: Abstract | Article PDF<br />

中 文 线 上 课 堂 有 效 结 合 科 技 工 具 以 强 化 互 动 之 报 告<br />

(Enhancing Interaction through the Effective Incorporation of Technology Tools for a Virtual Chinese<br />

Language Classroom)<br />

曾 妙 芬 (Tseng, Miao-fen), 弗 吉 尼 亚 大 学 (University of Virginia)<br />

高 燕 (Gao, Yan), 亨 利 科 县 公 立 学 校 (Henrico County Public Schools)<br />

蔡 罗 一 (Cai, Luoyi), 北 卡 罗 莱 纳 大 学 教 堂 山 分 校 , (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)<br />

pp. 91-113: Abstract | Article PDF<br />



Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA<br />

c/o Dept. of Asian Languages and Literatures<br />

University of Vermont<br />

479 Main Street<br />

Burlington, VT 05405<br />

United States of America<br />


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Please notify or mail to <strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters.

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