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Mr Speaker

The Westminster inheritance

The Tanzanian political system is based on the Westminster model,

although with some variation. This is an historical legacy but, on

balance, it forms a good base from which each country can adapt to its

own conditions. You can’t copy it wholesale, because that simply

doesn’t work.

In our case, for example, we also copied some aspects of the

American system of government, in terms of having an executive

president. The president sits outside parliament, but it is the president

who calls the shots. The prime minister is the leader of government

business in the House, but he does not have the final say in running

the country.

Parliament is a good reflection of our society. It represents the whole

spectrum of Tanzanians, of who we are. There are farmers, trade

unionists, ordinary workers, teachers, health workers, executives and

so on. The calibre of members of parliament tends to be good, in the

sense that each constituency elects somebody who at least has had

high school education. In the current parliament, 49% of MPs are

university graduates.

Not all members of parliament are elected. The president can nominate

up to ten MPs in order to bring in missing talent or include

under-represented constituencies, such as the disabled or academics.

Few constituencies would be prepared to elect someone who is deaf or

cannot walk, for example. It is very difficult for disabled people to stand

as candidates and to win elections.

Ministers are appointed from among the MPs, as in Westminster, but

this can cause some difficulty. In America, the legislature is more


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