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A Parliament with Teeth, for Tanzania

More people pay income tax in Dar es Salaam, but that is not the centre

of our economy. In the mining sector, for example, companies have not

paid tax. In 1996, the value of gold exported from Tanzania was less

than US$2 million. By 2007, gold exports were worth US$87.5m, but

the gold companies still had not paid any corporation tax. This caused

uproar in parliament and the issue of mining contracts became highly

personalised. Maybe some of the ministers have contracts with the

mining companies.

We also found the government failed to keep proper records. The PAC

investigated sales of government houses, for example, but the

book-keeping was not good. The issue of record-keeping and the

reconciliation of financial statements is important, especially for

Tanzania’s international debt accounts.

Personal risks

When we interfere with these things, obviously there could be personal

risks. People don’t want to be challenged. More transparency means

less flexibility for the government. We don’t have enough members

from the opposition, who in my opinion have a better chance of holding

government to account than the people in the ruling party.

The more transparent a process becomes, the more people will want to

sabotage it. The politics is not very clear in these conflicts: the people

who want to sabotage our work may also want to protect a party, while

people who want to support this process may consider it gives an

advantage to the opposition. To me, the best policy is to be consistent.

We will stay on course. The PAC is demanding accountability, and

people should know that whoever is in a government position will be

held to account. This is the key point.


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