Worship Issue (May/June 2020)

Oh Beloved One | May/June 2020 | Vol. 9, Issue 3 Worship is more than a pew. Especially in light of the current pandemic, we’re realizing that the church isn’t a building. It’s a body of believers doing life to the glory of God. But what does that look like for young women? How can I cultivate a life of mindful worship? That’s what this issue is all about. This year, we’re taking a look at the ELEMENTS of our faith. Every year we choose a theme, and this year we’re really focusing in on what makes up the practical parts of our faith. We’ll be looking at devotions, prayer, worship, serving, witnessing, and edifying. This is our issue focused on worship. Articles include what is worship? i relate ways to worship outside of the box everyday worship mom in training books on worship tithing quarter notes quotable quotes on worship here i am to worship choosing a church stronger than the divide + 4 Journal Entry sections AND an interview with Kaetlyn Anne, founder of Calico and Twine and the Harvest Work podcast

Oh Beloved One | May/June 2020 | Vol. 9, Issue 3

Worship is more than a pew. Especially in light of the current pandemic, we’re realizing that the church isn’t a building. It’s a body of believers doing life to the glory of God. But what does that look like for young women? How can I cultivate a life of mindful worship? That’s what this issue is all about.

This year, we’re taking a look at the ELEMENTS of our faith. Every year we choose a theme, and this year we’re really focusing in on what makes up the practical parts of our faith. We’ll be looking at devotions, prayer, worship, serving, witnessing, and edifying. This is our issue focused on worship.

Articles include

what is worship?
i relate
ways to worship outside of the box
everyday worship
mom in training
books on worship
tithing quarter notes
quotable quotes on worship
here i am to worship
choosing a church
stronger than the divide
+ 4 Journal Entry sections
AND an interview with Kaetlyn Anne, founder of Calico and Twine and the Harvest Work podcast


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What has God been teaching

you lately?

This is especially good to ask your

elders about. Too often we brush aside

the wisdom of those older than us,

even though they’re more experienced.

Take some time to learn something

new from them. If you have a willing

and teachable heart, they’ll be more

than happy to tell you what they’ve

been learning.

Likewise, pour into those younger than

you. I still remember being a lowly

freshman in the youth group. My

whole week was made when a senior

girl sat next to me and just asked how

my week had been.









Be intentional with the connections

you make and be intentional about

making them.

Serve and respect the elders of the

church. Be intentional and friendly

to your peers. Go out of your way to

hang out with younger kids.


As far as investing in peers and younger

people in general, there are so many

things you can do! Just a simple

conversation can make their day. Go

out of your way and be intentional. Let

them know that they matter.

With your peers, be intentional as well.

Joking around and laughing and talking

about the latest fashions are all good and

well. But don’t lose sight of what’s really

important. Ask them about their quiet

times and how you can pray for them.


Elders? They have so much wisdom and

knowledge, yet they’re often pushed

aside. Ask about their day, about their

families, or what the highlight of their

week was. Ask what they thought of the

sermon. Don’t miss the opportunity to

grow from their wisdom.

In short, dive out of your comfort zone to comfort others. It’s worth it.

meet the


Angela Dawne is a 17-year-old homeschooled MK who loves book classics, dark chocolate, and rainy days. Her highest goal

in life is to bring honor and glory to her Creator. When not working on writing projects, or scribbling late-night poems, she

can be found chilling in her hammock or researching random interests. You can find her online at https://adawne.wixsite.com/



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