Worship Issue (May/June 2020)

Oh Beloved One | May/June 2020 | Vol. 9, Issue 3 Worship is more than a pew. Especially in light of the current pandemic, we’re realizing that the church isn’t a building. It’s a body of believers doing life to the glory of God. But what does that look like for young women? How can I cultivate a life of mindful worship? That’s what this issue is all about. This year, we’re taking a look at the ELEMENTS of our faith. Every year we choose a theme, and this year we’re really focusing in on what makes up the practical parts of our faith. We’ll be looking at devotions, prayer, worship, serving, witnessing, and edifying. This is our issue focused on worship. Articles include what is worship? i relate ways to worship outside of the box everyday worship mom in training books on worship tithing quarter notes quotable quotes on worship here i am to worship choosing a church stronger than the divide + 4 Journal Entry sections AND an interview with Kaetlyn Anne, founder of Calico and Twine and the Harvest Work podcast

Oh Beloved One | May/June 2020 | Vol. 9, Issue 3

Worship is more than a pew. Especially in light of the current pandemic, we’re realizing that the church isn’t a building. It’s a body of believers doing life to the glory of God. But what does that look like for young women? How can I cultivate a life of mindful worship? That’s what this issue is all about.

This year, we’re taking a look at the ELEMENTS of our faith. Every year we choose a theme, and this year we’re really focusing in on what makes up the practical parts of our faith. We’ll be looking at devotions, prayer, worship, serving, witnessing, and edifying. This is our issue focused on worship.

Articles include

what is worship?
i relate
ways to worship outside of the box
everyday worship
mom in training
books on worship
tithing quarter notes
quotable quotes on worship
here i am to worship
choosing a church
stronger than the divide
+ 4 Journal Entry sections
AND an interview with Kaetlyn Anne, founder of Calico and Twine and the Harvest Work podcast


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ADVICE for fellow creatives

My best advice for fellow

creatives is to place more

value in trial and error. It’s

easy to want instant results or

a consistent aesthetic at the

beginning of your journey, but

in my experience, some of my

best work comes from patience

and allowing time for growth.

Don’t be discouraged if it takes

longer than expected to find

your “niche” or what works

best for you. And ultimately,

follow where God is leading

you. Build your house upon

His foundation. Don’t begin

something and ask Him to

bless it after the fact; instead

ask Him to lead you where

He wants you, and then begin




Growing up, my mom always

had a garden each summer and

as I’ve gotten older, I've learned

to love gardening as well. When

I work with my hands and

nurture what I’ve planted, I feel

closer to God and His intended

way for creation. While we do

a creative way I

worship Creator

live in a fallen world and our

agrarian society is long gone,

growing my own food and

beautiful flowers is my way to

slow down and give thanks to

God for this life and the beauty

that surrounds us.

Find Kaetlyn . . .

Shop & blog: www.calicoandtwine.com

YouTube: Girl in Calico

Instagram: @calicoandtwine

Poscast: Harvest Work


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