IPM May 20

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Combatting Hopelessness<br />

in the Age of Bad News<br />

Whether you seek it out or not, bad news is everywhere. We’re constantly bombarded<br />

by headlines broadcasting details of the latest catastrophe or impending<br />

threat. To make matters worse, social media and the 24-hour news cycle have made it<br />

more difficult than ever to come up for air. Be it COVID-19, climate change, or world<br />

politics, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by this wave of information on seemingly insurmountable<br />

issues. The reality is that this takes a real toll on our mental health. And<br />

as hard as it is for adults to cope, it can take an even harder toll on our kids.<br />

Instead of focusing on school and friends or what they’ll do this summer, kids are<br />

stressing out about intense concerns like social isolation, getting sick, dying, and and<br />

uncertain future. How can parents help their kids cope with these stark realities, even<br />

if they themselves might feel hopeless and scared too?<br />

Photos: Unsplash<br />

Too much news is bad news<br />

While you may like to stay informed by watching or listening to the news, be cautious<br />

of how and when you’re subjecting your teens to it. There’s a difference between<br />

staying informed and being pummeled by negative information on repeat. Small<br />

amounts of anxiety can encourage kids to take action but when anxiety levels start to<br />

creep up, it has an opposite, paralyzing effect.<br />

Young people are even less equipped to cope with the grim news cycle than older<br />

generations. When good news seems few and far between, be careful not to let them<br />

lose hope, especially if your child is sensitive or anxious. Consider choosing a different<br />

avenue of consuming the news rather than having it on in the house when they’re<br />

around: read reputable online news sources away from your kids, listen to the radio<br />

or podcasts, or record the evening news to watch when they’re not present. These are<br />

all effective ways to stay informed while also protecting your teens’ mental wellness.<br />

Talk about it<br />

While it’s a good idea to regulate<br />

your children’s media consumption, this<br />

doesn’t mean you should fully sweep<br />

these topics under the rug. As a parent, it<br />

can be tempting to shield your kids from<br />

being hurt, but in this case doing so will<br />

not be helpful. The truth is, eventually<br />

they will have to face these tough realities.<br />

If you have questions about what’s<br />

going on in the world, chances are your<br />

child does too.<br />

It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers—no<br />

one does—but it’s crucial to<br />

give them a safe space to ask questions<br />

and talk through their anxieties. Empathize<br />

and validate the emotions they’re<br />

experiencing: “I can understand how<br />

these times must feel scary and confusing<br />

for you. I feel the same way sometimes.<br />

You are safe.” Making sure your child<br />

knows that they can safely come to you<br />

with their concerns ensures that you’re<br />

tuned into how they’re coping and<br />

whether they’re getting enough support.<br />

Take action<br />

In many cases, the antidote to anxiety<br />

is action. Some days it’s hard to convince<br />

yourself that there is hope, but this hopelessness<br />

is the enemy of change. One of<br />

the best ways to combat a loss of hope<br />

is to help shift your kids’ focus to the<br />

ways they can take action, and lead by<br />

example. Find ways for the whole family<br />

to get involved, like delivering groceries<br />

to an elderly neighbour or filming a short<br />

video and emailing it to a friend. Even<br />

encouraging them to brainstorm some<br />

possible solutions to the issues on their<br />

mind can help energize them and calm<br />

some of their anxiety.<br />

Don’t lose sight of the positives<br />

As Fred Rogers so wisely said, remember<br />

to look for the helpers during tough<br />

times and tragedies. Humans are biased<br />

towards negative information. This isn’t<br />

something to be ashamed of—we all do<br />

it subconsciously as a way to try and<br />

keep ourselves safe—but it is something<br />

12 Island Parent @Home IslandParent.ca

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