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Rates of Return 121

4.4 Portfolio Return

We now consider the return of a portfolio of assets. Suppose a portfolio consists of

N assets denoted by A 1 , ··· ,A N . Let the value of asset A j in the portfolio at time

0 be A 0j ,forj =1, ··· ,N. We allow A 0j to be negative for some j, so that asset

A j is sold short in the portfolio. 3 The portfolio value at time 0 is B 0 = ∑ N

j=1 A 0j.

Let the asset values at time 1 be A 1j , so that the portfolio value is B 1 = ∑ N

j=1 A 1j.

Denote R P as the return of the portfolio in the period from time 0 to time 1. Thus,

R P = B 1 − B 0

= B 1

− 1.

B 0 B 0

We define

w j = A 0j


B 0

which is the proportion of the value of asset A j in the initial portfolio, so that


w j =1,


and w j < 0 if asset j is short sold in the portfolio. We also denote

R j = A 1j − A 0j

A 0j

which is the rate of return of asset j. Thus,

= A 1j

A 0j

− 1,

which implies

1+R P = B 1

B 0

= 1 B 0 N ∑



R P =




A 1j

A 0j

B 0

× A 1j

A 0j


w j (1 + R j ),



w j R j , (4.13)


3 The mechanism of short selling will be discussed in the next section.

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