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Rates of Return 141

Assume all investments are made at the beginning of the year, and let

M1 = the total interest credited in the period 2013 through 2016 for an

investment in 2009,

M2 = the total interest credited in the period 2013 through 2016 for an

investment in 2013,

M3 = the total interest credited in the period 2013 through 2016 for an

investment in 2013, if the balance is withdrawn at the end of every year

and re-invested in the fund as new money in the following year.

Given that M1 =M2 =M3, find the two missing rates, X and Z, inthe

above table.

4.34 Find the investment-year rates and the portfolio rate credited in calendar year

2016 in Table 4.2.

4.35 An investment of $500 is made at the beginning of 2013 in the fund crediting

interest according to Table 4.2. Find the total interest credited in calender

years 2015 through 2017 inclusive.

4.36 You invest in the fund crediting interest according to Table 4.2 at the beginning

of 2012 for two years and then withdraw and reinvest the money at the

beginning of 2014 for two more years. Find the equivalent level effective

interest rate for your 4-year holding period.

4.37 Find ¨s 3⌉

using Table 4.2, assuming that the first payment is made in the

beginning of 2013 and that there is no withdrawal from the fund.

4.38 Consider the investment fund in Table 4.2. An investment of $1,000 at the

beginning of 2011 has an accumulated value of $1,220 at the beginning of

2015. At the end of 2017, the money is withdrawn. Find the equivalent level

effective rate of interest over the investment horizon.

4.39 Consider a fund which earns interest according to Table 4.2 and assume that

the force of interest over each year is constant. You invest $1,000 in the

beginning of 2014 and withdraw the investment after two and a half years.

Find the amount of interest credited.

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