FM for Actuaries

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(a) Calculate the present value, Macaulay duration and convexity of the

retirement benefit entitled to Dick.

(b) Harry wants to use a $100 par value 5-year coupon bond with annual

coupon rate of 4% and a $100 par value 10-year bond with annual

coupon rate of 5% to construct an immunized portfolio. Find the face

value of each of the two bonds.

8.19 You have a choice of two bonds X and Y . Bond X is a $1,000 par value

30-year 8% semiannual coupon government bond selling at $920. Bond Y is

a $1,000 par value 20-year 10% semiannual coupon corporate bond selling

at $1,057. You believe that the yield curve for government securities will

be flat after 5 years at 7.5% compounded semiannually, while that for the

corporate bond Y will be 8.5% compounded semiannually after 5 years. If

you can re-invest coupons at 3.5% per half-year in the coming 5 years, what

bond would you choose over an investment horizon of 5 years?

8.20 Consider a portfolio of m fixed-income securities, the yield rate of each is

the same. Let w k , D ∗(k) ,andC (k) be the proportion of the value, the modified

duration, and the convexity of the kth security. Show that the modified

duration and convexity of the portfolio are


w k D ∗(k)




w k C (k) ,



8.21 You have a liability of $10,000 due in 10 years and you want to construct a

portfolio using two bonds, X and Y , to meet the obligation. The following

table shows the information of X and Y :

Semiannual coupon rate 6% 0%

Face value $100 $100

Redemption value $104 $100

Time to maturity 7 years 14 years



The prevailing yield to maturity in the market is 9% compounded semiannually

for all maturities. How much should you invest in Bonds X and Y if

you employ a target-date immunization strategy?

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