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314 CHAPTER 10

Applying equations (10.18) and (10.19), we obtain

E ( )

a 5⌉ = 4.54697,

Var ( )

a 5⌉ = 0.72268.

Finally, employing formulas (10.20) to (10.23), we obtain

E ( )

ä 5⌉

= 1+E ( )

a 4⌉ =1+3.69483 = 4.69483,

Var ( )

ä 5⌉

= Var ( )

a 4⌉ =0.40836,

E ( )

s 5⌉

= 1+E (¨s )


=1+4.51648 = 5.51648,

Var ( )

s 5⌉

= Var (¨s )



10.4 Autoregressive Model

Let Y t =ln(1+i t ). Under the independent lognormal model, we have

Y t =ln(1+i t ) ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ), (10.24)

where there are no correlations between Y t and Y t−k for all k ≥ 1. In this section

we consider interest rate models that allow some dependence among Y t ’s, say,

Corr(Y t ,Y t−k ) ≠0, for some k ≥ 1, (10.25)

while maintaining the lognormal assumption in (10.24).

In the literature of statistical time series analysis there are many classes of

discrete time series models which may be applied to characterize the dependence

among Y t ’s. 4 As an introductory illustration of the basic idea we consider the class

of first-order autoregressive models, denoted by AR(1). The AR(1) model has the


Y t = c + φY t−1 + e t , (10.26)

where c is the intercept and φ is the autoregressive parameter and e t are independently

and identically distributed normal random variates each with mean zero and

variance σ 2 .For|φ| < 1, the correlation structure of the interest-rate process {Y t }


Corr(Y t ,Y t−k )=φ k , for k =1, 2, ··· , (10.27)

4 For example, see Wei, W.W.S., Time Series Analysis: Univariate and Multivariate Methods,2 nd

Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2006.

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