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Stochastic Interest Rates 311

Next, we examine the distribution of (1 + i t ) −1 under the lognormal model.

Note that

ln [ (1 + i t ) −1] = − ln(1 + i t ).

Thus, from (10.2), we have

ln [ (1 + i t ) −1] ∼ N(−µ, σ 2 ), (10.8)

and (1 + i t ) −1 follows a lognormal distribution with parameters −µ and σ 2 .From

(3.11), we have



a(n) = ∏

(1 + i t ) −1 .


Using a similar argument as in (10.6) and (10.7), we obtain

[ ] 1

E = e −nµ+ n 2 σ2 , (10.9)



[ ] 1


Var = e −2nµ+nσ2)( )

e nσ2 − 1 . (10.10)


The statistical properties of annuities (say, ¨s n⌉ , a n⌉ , s n⌉ and ä n⌉ ) under the

lognormal interest rate assumption are fairly complex. We shall present and discuss

some applications of their mean and variance formulas without going through the

proof. 3

We begin with ¨s n⌉

. Let us define r s such that

1+r s =E(1+i t )=e µ+ 1 2 σ2 .

This implies

Furthermore, let


v 2 s =Var(1+i t )=

r s = e µ+ 1 2 σ2 − 1. (10.11)

j s =2r s + r 2 s + v 2 s, (10.12)


e 2µ+σ2)( )

e σ2 − 1 . (10.13)

3 For the theoretical details, interested readers may refer to Kellison, S.G., The Theory of Interest,

3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2008.

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