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Bond Management 289

(c) Calculate the new Fisher-Weil duration of the two bonds immediately

after the spot-rate curve shift in (b). Compare this with your results in


Advanced Problems

8.38 Find the Macaulay duration and convexity of the following cash-flow stream

using a yield rate of 5%:

⎨ 1 at t =1, 4, 7, ··· ,

C t = 2 at t =2, 5, 8, ··· ,

3 at t =3, 6, 9, ··· .

8.39 You have to pay $1,000 at the end of year 1, 2 and 4 from now. The only

investments available to you are 1-, 3-, and 4-year zero-coupon bonds.

(a) Can a dedicated bond portfolio be constructed using the three zerocoupon


(b) Assuming that the yields to maturity of all bonds are 8%, find the cheapest

bond portfolio that can immunize interest-rate risk according to the

duration matching strategy in Section 8.5. Calculate the face values

of the three zero-coupon bonds in this portfolio. [Hint: There are infinitely

many immunization strategies which have the same price at 8%.

You are only asked to find one.]

8.40 In this exercise we use a probabilistic argument to show Rule 3 in Section 8.4

that Macaulay duration decreases when i increases. Recall that (8.3) states

that D is a weighted average of 1, 2, ··· ,n using weights w 1 ,w 2 , ··· ,w n .

Since w t ≥ 0 for all t and they sum up to 1, we can treat them as probabilities.

(a) Let T be a random variable taking values in 1, 2, ··· ,nwith probabilities

w 1 ,w 2 , ··· ,w n .FindE(T ), the expectation of T .

(b) Show that the variance of T is Var(T )= ∑ n

t=1 t2 w t − D 2 . In financial

economics, Var(T ) is called the M 2 of the cash-flow stream C t .What

does M 2 measure?

(c) Show that


di = −vVar(T )

and complete the proof of Rule 3.

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