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Example 8.13: Bond A is a 2-year annual coupon bond with coupon rate of

3%. Bond B is a 5-year annual coupon bond with coupon rate of 5.5%. You are

given that i S t =4.2%, 4.2%, 4.5%, 4.7% and 4.8%, for t =1, ··· , 5, respectively.

Compute the Fisher-Weil duration of the two bonds, as well as the price sensitivity

measure in (8.35). Also, calculate the Fisher-Weil duration of a portfolio with equal

weights in the two bonds.

Solution: For Bond A, we have C 1 =3and C 2 = 103. Using the given term

structure, we obtain PV(C 1 )=2.879 and PV(C 2 )=94.864, so that the price of

Bond A is 2.879 + 94.864 = 97.743. Consequently, we obtain W 1 =0.028 and

W 2 =1.863, so that the price sensitivity measure of Bond A as given in equation

(8.35) is 1.891 (i.e., Bond A drops in value by 1.891% per 1 percentage point

parallel increase in the term structure). Similarly, the Fisher-Weil duration of the

bond is computed as 1.971 years.

Similar calculations can be performed for Bond B, and the results are shown in

Table 8.3, with a Fisher-Weil duration of 4.510 years and a price sensitivity of 4.305

(i.e., Bond B drops in value by 4.305% per 1 percentage point parallel increase in

the term structure). To compute the Fisher-Weil duration of the portfolio, we take

the weighted average of the Fisher-Weil durations of the bonds to obtain 0.5(1.971

+ 4.510) = 3.241 years.

Table 8.6: Results of Example 8.13



t PV(C t ) W t tw t PV(C t ) W t tw t

1 2.879 0.028 0.029 5.278 0.049 0.051

2 94.864 1.863 1.941 5.066 0.094 0.098

3 4.820 0.134 0.140

4 4.577 0.169 0.177

5 83.454 3.858 4.044

Sum 97.743 1.891 1.971 103.194 4.305 4.510

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