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Stochastic Interest Rates 313





E ( ) ( )

ä n⌉ =1+E an−1⌉ , (10.20)

E ( ) )

s n⌉ =1+E

(¨sn−1⌉ . (10.21)

Var ( ) ( )

ä n⌉ =Var an−1⌉ , (10.22)

Var ( ) )

s n⌉ =Var

(¨sn−1⌉ . (10.23)

Example 10.3: Consider a lognormal interest rate model with parameters µ =

0.04 and σ 2 1

=0.016. Find the mean and variance of a(5),

a(5) , ¨s 5⌉, a 5⌉ , s 5⌉ and

ä 5⌉ under this model.

Solution: We directly apply equations (10.6), (10.7), (10.9) and (10.10) to obtain

E[a(5)] = 1.27125,

Var [a(5)] = 0.13460,

[ ] 1

E = 0.85214,


[ ] 1

Var = 0.06058.


For ¨s 5⌉

, using expressions (10.11) to (10.13), we have

r s = e 0.04+ 1 2 (0.016) − 1=0.04917,


vs 2 = e 2(0.04)+0.016) (

e 0.016 − 1 ) =0.01775,

j s = 2r s + rs 2 + v2 s =0.11851,

¨s 5⌉ r s

= 5.78773,

¨s 5⌉ j s

= 7.08477.

Applying equations (10.14) and (10.15), we obtain

E (¨s )


= 5.78773,

Var (¨s )

5⌉ = 1.26076.

For a 5⌉ , using expressions (10.16) and (10.17), we have

r a = e 0.04− 1 2 (0.016) − 1=0.03252,

j a = e 2(0.04−0.016) − 1=0.04917,

a 5⌉ r a

= 4.54697,

a 5⌉ j a

= 4.33942.

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