V18 N35

V18 N35 November 26, 2020

V18 N35
November 26, 2020


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The Old Fogey<br />

Ah, those good old Cape May days... by Jackson D’Catur<br />

Iam not sure about The Mistletoe. On the<br />

one hand, it encourages spontaneous<br />

smooching, which I am all for. But on<br />

the other hand, it makes one the object<br />

of spontaneous kissing, which I am not<br />

all for, unless I can vet the would-be kissers.<br />

Of course, back in MY day, kissing was<br />

something that took place only after one had<br />

known a young lady or gentleman for at least<br />

15 years, and was pre-arranged for a public<br />

place at exactly noon, with a dozen chaperones<br />

in each camp, and a sworn-in witness<br />

from either the judiciary or constabulary on<br />

hand to ensure no boundaries were crossed.<br />

And that kiss had to be no longer than one and<br />

a half seconds, with one’s tongue protruding<br />

from the SIDE of one’s mouth at all times so<br />

that witnesses could be sure that nothing<br />

“French” or otherwise untoward was going<br />

on. And a gentleman had to be very careful<br />

that his kisses were not so potent so as to<br />

make a lady swoon from excitement, nor so<br />

powerful that she had the air sucked from her<br />

lungs and subsequently passed out.<br />

All of that changed, of course, in the time<br />

of Free Love, and in our city’s Cape Gay era.<br />

Back in those days, one was lucky to receive<br />

a kiss as a hasty fare-thee-well token as one’s<br />

paramour du jour left in the morning, both<br />

parties unsure of the other’s identity or even<br />

gender, for that matter.<br />

Of course I was an expert kisser, being<br />

possessed of naturally strong lips and having<br />

spent a college gap year as the only male<br />

under the age of 50 (I was 17) at an all-girl’s<br />

horseback-riding school in the Swiss Alps.<br />

I swear, by evening I was oft so exhausted<br />

from locking lips that it was all I could do to<br />

lie down on the grass and, as I slept, various<br />

young ladies would kiss my upturned mouth,<br />

which still had enough instinctive kissing<br />

ability that the sound of their hearts thumping<br />

would sometimes wake me.<br />

Still, I was not unhappy to have the art<br />

of kissing more regulated, so that I was able<br />

to enjoy a simple walk through our fair city<br />

without being pounced upon (I had no time<br />

for this nonsense unless it was by the Late<br />

Mrs D’Catur, who had such passion for me<br />

that if I was gone for more than an hour, she<br />

would upon my return spring on me like a<br />

tiger).<br />

And so I am vaguely in favor of mistletoe,<br />

in that if I can see it in the room, and ensure<br />

there are none of those sorts of ninnies present<br />

who tape a sprig to their hat and prowl<br />

around looking foolish and puckered, then I<br />

can pick my moment to enjoy a peck on the<br />

lips. I am off to apply lip balm and prepare<br />

myself for your attentions…<br />

November 26, 2020 EXIT ZERO Page 35

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