Slipstream March 2021

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Board Botschaft: Your Opportunity to Sample the Porsche Parade

by Carey Spreen, Region VP

You may have noticed that I write a lot about the

Porsche Parade, PCA’s annual week-long convention that

celebrates all things Porsche and PCA. Those of you who

have not attended a Parade may be wondering what the

big deal is, while those of you who have participated in one

already know. So at the risk of revisiting this subject, I’m

going to try to convince you to at least consider going to

the Porsche Parade this year, in part because it’s only 850

miles away from the DFW area in 2021.

The Parade is a week-long (Sunday through Saturday)

gathering that happens in a different part of North America

each year, in a three-year west-central-east rotation. French

Lick, Indiana, which is where this year’s edition will be held,

is considered “central,” and it will be the closest Parade

until the 2024 event (the location of which has not yet been

announced); the 2022 (east) location will be Pocono Manor,

PA, and the 2023 (west) location is set for Palm Springs,

CA, both of which are multi-day drives each way.

Each Parade consists of competitive events, social

events, tours, banquets, seminars, and kid-oriented stuff

all week long, so it’s definitely a family affair (and petfriendly

to boot). Please don’t let the word “competitive”

make you uneasy; you don’t have to sign up for anything

you don’t want to do. A lot of folks go for the tours or

the banquets or the social events or just because they’ve

never been to that part of the country before. Plus, you

don’t have to stay all week if your schedule doesn’t allow

it. Also, don’t worry about not knowing anyone there – a

good-sized contingent of Mavericks attend each year, and

you to make a room reservation at one of the headquarters

hotels. Phase 2, which opens on April 7, is when you get

into the details of who is coming with you, and which

events (if any) you want to participate in.

You also do not have to stay at the HQ hotels, although

it’s hard to beat the convenience; there are several affordable

hotel chains in the area if you don’t mind driving a short

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we’re happy to show you the ropes and help you figure

out what’s happening. Especially this year, since the 2015

Parade was also in French Lick, and many of us attended

that time as well. There will likely be a caravan or two

heading up there from DFW, so you can travel in the

company of other Mavericks if you like.

By the time you read this, Phase 1 of registration has

already taken place, opening on Feb 10, although it’s not

too late to register, as Registration remains open until June

13. Phase 1 just makes you an official entrant and allows

distance to get to the events, many of which are held at (or

at least begin at) one of the HQ hotels.

The entry fee is $230, which includes both an entrant

and co-entrant. Competitive events, tours, and banquets

are all à la carte fees (typically $20 to $50 per person for

events, and about $70 for most banquets).

I hope that I have at least piqued your interest in the

premiere annual PCA event. If so, you can check out the

details by visiting https://www.porscheparade.org/. We

hope to see you there!

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2 March


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