2021 Open Class Exhibitor Fair Book

Hundreds of Exhibitors from all over the state and all ages enter items in the Open Class Exhibits every year. Printed copies are available at most banks throughout Dodge County, the Fair Office, Beaver Dam Piggly Wiggly and Rechek’s Food Pride. The online version is a good reference for quick look-up or for printing extra entry sheets. If you have any questions about entering items in the Open Class Exhibits please reply in the comments section below or call the superintendent for that area directly.

Hundreds of Exhibitors from all over the state and all ages enter items in the Open Class Exhibits every year. Printed copies are available at most banks throughout Dodge County, the Fair Office, Beaver Dam Piggly Wiggly and Rechek’s Food Pride. The online version is a good reference for quick look-up or for printing extra entry sheets. If you have any questions about entering items in the Open Class Exhibits please reply in the comments section below or call the superintendent for that area directly.


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1. All exhibitors must purchase an open class exhibitor’s ticket,

regardless of age - price $25.00.

2. The gates will open Wednesday, August 18th. Gate charge after 8:00 a.m.

Entries close August 6, 2021 except for Beef and Dairy Cattle which close July 30, 2021

3. The association reserves the right to reject any or all entries if, in their opinion,

such an entry, or entries, are not for the best interest of the fair.

4. No article will be excluded on account of having taken a premium at previous Dodge

County Fairs, except when so expressed.

5. No premium shall be awarded to animals shown in the breeding class unless

accompanied by a certificate of the owner or breeder that they have produced or

begotten the young within eighteen months previous to the date of exhibition.

6. All exhibitors of stock or other exhibits shall forfeit all premiums unless said exhibits are

kept on exhibition on the grounds during fair week. All horses and cattle that have been

awarded premiums must appear in the Stock Parade when held or forfeit premiums,

unless excused by the Superintendent

7. No person can be a judge in any class where he or she is an exhibitor nor can exhibitors

be judges on each others animals.

8. The premium cards and ribbons shall be placed on the successful articles or animals,

by the Superintendent, as judged, as soon as the decision is made.

9. No exhibitor may show the same animal in both the open and junior fair.

10. The decision of the judges shall be final in all cases, except where mistake, fraud,

misrepresentation or collusion, not discovered at the time of the award, is proven. In such

cases, the Secretary or such referee as he may appoint, may make a decision or with his

approval, the case may be appealed to the Board of Directors from whose decision there

can be no appeal.

11. A blue ribbon will represent the first premium, a red ribbon the second premium,

a white ribbon the third premium, and a pink ribbon the fourth premium.

12. All protests against the awards of the judges must be in writing by the person deeming

himself aggrieved, and the same left with the Superintendent of the Department where

the protest arose on the day which the award was given. Such written protest shall

contain specification of the charges on grounds of complaint and the names of the

proposed witnesses.

13. The superintendent receiving such protest shall on the day he receives it, file the same

with the Secretary, who shall cause the protest to be brought before the Executive

Board, which body shall dispose of the same, on the day received, if practical and its

action shall be final.

14. If necessary, the Executive Board shall hold meetings during the fair to adjust all matters

and protests that may be brought before them.

15. Premiums will not be awarded to incorrectly entered items. All premiums will be paid

in full whether there is competition or not.

16. Any person who shall attempt to interfere with judges while in the discharge of their

duties, or who shall afterwards on the premises of the Association, use any

contemptuous or abusive language to any judge in consequence to any award made by

him, shall forfeit his right to any premiums which he might otherwise be entitled and shall

be excluded from exhibiting for one year thereafter: the judges are requested to report

any such interference to the Executive Board.


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