North Canterbury News: July 08, 2021

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Howtorecognise<br />

misinformation about<br />

theCOVID-19vaccine<br />

Getting vaccinated is thebest waytoprotect yourself,your whānau<br />

andyour communityfromCOVID-19. There is some misleading<br />

informationout there aboutthe vaccine–here’s what youcan do<br />

to make sure youhavethe rightinformation.<br />

Get the facts<br />

Youcan find themostaccurate andreliableinformationabout theCOVID-19vaccine andthe rollout<br />

from anumberoftrusted sourcesincluding:<br />

• Uniteagainst COVID-19 — Covid19.govt.nz<br />

• MinistryofHealth—Health.govt.nz<br />

• TePuniKōkiri–Karawhiua.nz<br />

• Ministryfor PacificPeoples – mpp.govt.nz<br />

Youcan also keep up to date with currentinformation andfrequentlyasked questions by following<br />

theabove organisations’socialmedia channels, or youcan speakwithyour healthprovider.<br />

Check the source<br />

Notall informationyou read or hear is factualoraccurate.<br />

Always cross-checkand review COVID-19 vaccineinformationby using thereliablesourcesabove.<br />

Reportscams<br />

The COVID-19 vaccineisfree. Youwill neverbeasked to payfor thevaccine or paytosecureyourplace<br />

in thequeue.Wewillnever askfor your financial details, your bankcarddetails,PIN or banking password.<br />

If someonerequests them from you, please reportitimmediately to CERT NZ at covid@ops.cert.govt.nz<br />

or call <strong>08</strong>00237 869.<br />

Anyfalse or misleading informationsuchasleaflets,publications or websites canalso be reported<br />

to CERT NZ.You canreport anything youbelieve to be false or misleadinginformationonsocialmedia<br />

to therespectiveplatform eg. FacebookorTwitter.<br />

Stay informed<br />

Learnmoreabout identifyingand avoiding misleading informationatCovid19.govt.nz<br />

Findout more at Covid19.govt.nz

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