Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F__k (2016, HarperOne) - libgen.li

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The Importance of Saying No

In 2009, I gathered up all my possessions, sold them or put them into

storage, left my apartment, and set off for Latin America. By this time my

little dating advice blog was getting some traffic and I was actually making a

modest amount of money selling PDFs and courses online. I planned on

spending much of the next few years living abroad, experiencing new

cultures, and taking advantage of the lower cost of living in a number of

developing countries in Asia and Latin America to build my business further.

It was the digital nomad dream and as a twenty-five-year-old adventureseeker,

it was exactly what I wanted out of life.

But as sexy and heroic as my plan sounded, not all of the values driving

me to this nomadic lifestyle were healthy ones. Sure, I had some admirable

values going on—a thirst to see the world, a curiosity for people and culture,

some old-fashioned adventure-seeking. But there also existed a faint outline

of shame underlying everything else. At the time I was hardly aware of it, but

if I was completely honest with myself, I knew there was a screwed-up value

lurking there, somewhere beneath the surface. I couldn’t see it, but in quiet

moments when I was completely honest with myself, I could feel it.

Along with the entitlement of my early twenties, the “real traumatic shit”

of my teenage years had left me with a nice bundle of commitment issues. I

had spent the past few years overcompensating for the inadequacy and social

anxiety of my teenager years, and as a result I felt like I could meet anybody I

wanted, be friends with anybody I wanted, love anybody I wanted, have sex

with anybody I wanted—so why would I ever commit to a single person, or

even a single social group, a single city or country or culture? If I could

experience everything equally, then I should experience them all equally,


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