Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F__k (2016, HarperOne) - libgen.li

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Armed with this grandiose sense of connectivity to the world, I bounced

back and forth across countries and oceans in a game of global hopscotch that

lasted over five years. I visited fifty-five countries, made dozens of friends,

and found myself in the arms of a number of lovers—all of whom were

quickly replaced and some of whom were already forgotten by the next flight

to the next country.

It was a strange life, replete with fantastic, horizon-breaching

experiences as well as superficial highs designed to numb my underlying

pain. It seemed both so profound yet so meaningless at the same time, and

still does. Some of my greatest life lessons and character-defining moments

came on the road during this period. But some of the biggest wastes of my

time and energy came during this period as well.

Now I live in New York. I have a house and furniture and an electric bill

and a wife. None of it is particularly glamorous or exciting. And I like it that

way. Because after all the years of excitement, the biggest lesson I took from

my adventuring was this: absolute freedom, by itself, means nothing.

Freedom grants the opportunity for greater meaning, but by itself there is

nothing necessarily meaningful about it. Ultimately, the only way to achieve

meaning and a sense of importance in one’s life is through a rejection of

alternatives, a narrowing of freedom, a choice of commitment to one place,

one belief, or (gulp) one person.

This realization came to me slowly over the course of my years traveling.

As with most excesses in life, you have to drown yourself in them to realize

that they don’t make you happy. Such was traveling with me. As I drowned in

my fifty-third, fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth country, I began to understand that while

all of my experiences were exciting and great, few of them would have any

lasting significance. Whereas my friends back home were settling down into

marriages, buying houses, and giving their time to interesting companies or

political causes, I was floundering from one high to the next.

In 2011, I traveled to Saint Petersburg, Russia. The food sucked. The

weather sucked. (Snow in May? Are you fucking kidding me?) My apartment

sucked. Nothing worked. Everything was overpriced. The people were rude

and smelled funny. Nobody smiled and everyone drank too much. Yet, I loved

it. It was one of my favorite trips.

There’s a bluntness to Russian culture that generally rubs Westerners the

wrong way. Gone are the fake niceties and verbal webs of politeness. You

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