SHILL Issue 23

Solana ecosystem zine.

Solana ecosystem zine.


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<strong>SHILL</strong><br />




What is this sub group all about and<br />

how do I get in?<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

So many NFT that we had to<br />

increase this issue to 48 pages!<br />

PHANTOM Mobile<br />

Has Raj Gokal finished teasing or<br />

has this shit just got real?<br />


Another ‘own a building’ project or<br />

something more?<br />

ISSUE #<strong>23</strong><br />

0.025 ◎

Digitize<br />

THIS<br />

In<br />

ISSUE<br />


4<br />

From<br />

6<br />

the Editor<br />

Working together, paving<br />

the way.<br />


Interview with this sub<br />

group team and what<br />

they offer.<br />

12<br />

WTF is going on?<br />

Phantom Mobile<br />

What? When? Who?<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> the Mint<br />

Dropping, holding and 15<br />

hoping<br />


26 7D Volume rankings<br />


28 Under 2 Sol? Over 2 Sol.<br />


30 Is THIS the project to get in<br />

on?<br />


36 The one-of-one mints you<br />

wish you had ALPHA about!

@Pixeltoy<br />

Three days out from Christmas Day. One day out from FESTIVUS!<br />

Whatever it is you celebrate may it be a day full of happiness, joy and<br />

prosperity.<br />

Here we are #frens at issue <strong>23</strong>. Can you believe it? <strong>23</strong> issues of<br />

content that makes you feel warm and giddy inside! This issue is<br />

packed with 48 pages of eye-candy, info, news, alpha and of course<br />

URS content. The URS membership is growing as fast as public<br />

mints these days!<br />

We have lined up an interview with the Mickey DeGods sub group<br />

which, quite frankly, has been going off! This team have put more<br />

effort into their discord and growing their community than #Shill<br />

zine. We get some juicy info on what the sub-group is all about and<br />

how we can get involved. The interview is so good I read it twice!<br />

Some info about the upcoming Phantom Mobile app. Be prepared<br />

to be $SOL poorer as the whole process becomes easier to buy, sell,<br />

trade and send from wherever you are.<br />

Over the last few weeks there have been a lot of property and land<br />

sales going down. Maybe we are saturated when it comes to this<br />

space? Will Tiny Colony change things up? Have they got what the<br />

community is yearning for?<br />

Lastly, we finally have our first ad! How cool is that service? Make<br />

sure you check it out on pp24/25.<br />

Ok, now go read! Enjoy. And remember, there is no COMMNITY<br />

without U!<br />

Pixeltoy<br />

the<br />

from<br />

EDITOR<br />

4<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>



<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong> 5

MICKEY<br />

degods<br />

MickeyDeGods<br />

To begin with let’s learn a little bit about the team behind<br />

MickeyDeGods. When and where did the concept come about?<br />

The team behind Mickey<br />

Degods started as three friends<br />

that decided to enter the NFT<br />

space together. We minted nfts<br />

collectively, sharing the risk and<br />

reward. We felt like this would<br />

allow us to diversify quicker<br />

and at ⅓ the cost per person<br />

because we are not whales…<br />

yet. We minted our first project<br />

- Coolbeans - and once we<br />

started minting we obviously<br />

became addicted and talked<br />

shop constantly about ideas for<br />

the space. The OGBSC (OG Bean<br />

Sprout Collective) was born. We<br />

were very intrigued by the idea of<br />

building up a community around<br />

a shared attribute and discussed it ad nauseum. And that’s when we<br />

aped into Degods. We loved the ideas for the PHBT and the burnbot<br />

and the social experiment Degods presented.<br />

We just happened to mint the matching Mickey Uniform and Visor.<br />

We realized this was very rare (2 total in collection) and we joked<br />

about being the manager of Mickey Degods. Then we decided that<br />

this was a perfect attribute to build a community around as we had<br />

so often discussed. So, we went to work building a sub-community<br />

with the goal of bringing all Mickey Degod holders together to raise<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

our collective value. We wanted Mickey Degods to be THE Degod<br />

that people would covet, and we wanted to build a fun and exciting<br />

community around it. This was our goal, but we could not have<br />

planned to have so many awesome characters come aboard so<br />

quickly and with so much enthusiasm. The buy-in from all the Mickey<br />

Degods holders is what really launched this community.<br />

True to the Degods way, we are building this ship midflight and<br />

having as much fun as we can while we do it and while we learn.<br />

None of the three of us are artists or coders and putting together<br />

a website (mickeydegods.com) we maxed out our technical ability.<br />

Thankfully we had @BellafonteFox and @web3_degen join us to put<br />

together some great artwork and a dope mint site. These two have<br />

been integral to the success of Mickey Degods. And then community<br />

members putting in work to spread the Mickey Degods name like<br />

@digitalspacekid creating the Mickey Degods Jumper game on<br />

Android (and ios soon) or @Spartanshold and @PrinceAkeemNFT<br />

dressing up like their Mickey’s to sit courtside at a Minnesota<br />

Timberwolves game (NBA).<br />

DeGods as a project has a very aggressive approach to NFT but<br />

at the same time has created a community that is full of life and<br />

interaction. Is this something that Mickey DeGods has taken and<br />

built on?<br />

We knew that the Degods<br />

community was strong and full<br />

of loyal holders. We figured that<br />

if we created a community that<br />

added value to the greater Degods<br />

project that we would ultimately<br />

be accepted and have a chance to<br />

gain their appreciation. So, before<br />

we launched and started spreading<br />

our name out there to round up the<br />

“employees,” we made sure to have<br />

a few value adds in place. The first<br />

was the Employee of the Month<br />

program. This program rewards<br />

the Mickey Degod holder that has the most positive impact on the<br />

community in a given month, as voted on by all the employees. The<br />

second was the Customer of the Month program, which similarly<br />

rewarded a non-employee for positively influencing the community.<br />

And we created “bounty” tasks that could be completed to earn an<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>23</strong> 7

The Discord has a few things going on. What are some of the things the team has<br />

come up with to create utility for its members?<br />

Action<br />

Utilize Twitter and Discord to<br />

Highlight Community Members<br />

Detail<br />

Through welcoming new members and just hyping up our employees we love<br />

acknowledging people in our community.<br />

Employee of the Month Program<br />

Winner becomes "face of franchise" with their own Mickey Degod becoming the<br />

Discord and Twitter PFP for Mickey Degods, receive custom tzMinifig NFT, and<br />

highlighted on MickeyDegods.com.<br />

Cross-Chain Collaboration with<br />

tzMinifig on Tezos<br />

NFT reward for Employee of the month NFT Reward<br />

Customer of the Month Program Winner gains access to private employee only channels and custom NFT<br />

Airdropped "Day One" Fry NFTs<br />

to first 25 employees<br />

Verified NFTs on Magic Eden<br />

Giveaways Channel<br />

Gave NFTs utilization through community vote to allow holders access as<br />

"employees"<br />

Some members that received these airdropped NFTs decided to sell them for 1sol on<br />

ME. Once they were given utility it was like handing out instant value because the<br />

NFTs gave private access to our community.<br />

Giveaways for customers and employees<br />

NFT Drop 1 - Classic Fries<br />

The beginning of the Mickey Degods Menu, a 5-item menu of small drops. After<br />

selling them for 0.069 SOL we announced that holders of a classic fry and any Degod<br />

would gain "employee" access. They have since sold for over .3sol. Announcing this<br />

after selling them so cheap was another way to shift value to community members.<br />

Mythic Fries Auction<br />

Sub-Incubator<br />

Private Alpha channel for<br />

Employees<br />

Launch of the "Special Fry Series" - a Series of unique sets of special fries to be<br />

auctioned. Special Fry holder also get access to employee only channels.<br />

To help Degods create more strong subs, we started a program to build separate<br />

categories within our server for other Degods sub-communities to convene and build.<br />

We currently have 5 subs including GooGods, World Champs, DeGoats, USSdR, and<br />

MDeGods.<br />

Has been used to get access to NFT partnerships and other crypto investment alpha<br />

like Bedrock which was given out at $0.02 and rose to $0.43 within 2 weeks (almost<br />

22x), Galaxy Goggle DAO, and others.<br />

Mickey Degods Anthem<br />

Lore Channel<br />

Website<br />

First Generative Mint for 2nd<br />

Menu Item - Ice Cream<br />

Created a theme song - check Soundcloud (likely not the last Mickey's song lol)<br />

We created lore channel to release back stories for future NFT drops or other Mickey<br />

Degods events<br />

MickeyDegods.com - Used to highlight what the community is doing including pages<br />

to identify every employee and Employee and Customer of the Month. Roadmap<br />

coming soon.<br />

Generated Mint Site and conducted a generative mint using candy machine. This drop<br />

had special items for all the other sub communities within Mickey Degods.<br />

8<br />

Whitelists and Free Mints for<br />

Solana NFT Projects<br />

Multiple projects so far.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

auto-nomination for either reward (e.g. dressing as your Mickey<br />

Degod, or getting 20 retweets on a tweet about Mickey Degods).<br />

We spent our own time, effort, and SOL to create these programs<br />

and generate rewards with the confidence that if we just showed the<br />

Degods community that this project created value for us all, that they<br />

would buy-in and join us.<br />

Since then, we have completely evolved. Here are a few things<br />

Mickey Degods has done in the 7 weeks we have been at it… And we<br />

want to mention that our community has been a huge help in all of<br />

this. This was and is not a 3 man show.<br />

There would be a few DeGod hodlers out there that may be interested<br />

in joining the group. What are some of the things they should know?<br />

How can they get involved?<br />

We disagree. We think that ALL DEGOD HOLDERS should be<br />

interested in the group. If not for the perks of being a “customer”<br />

(anyone that doesn’t hold a Mickey Degod), then for the sub-incubator<br />

and other fun channels (giveaways, contests, drops). We are helping<br />

any degod holder that wants to create their own sub by setting them<br />

up with private channels and roles within our server that they can<br />

manage however they see fit. We think this is a great opportunity to<br />

create more subs that strengthens the entire Degods community!<br />

Subs are extremely “sticky,” so we think the more the better.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>23</strong> 9

As for DeGods (the main group) do they endorse or support Mickey<br />

DeGods in any way?<br />

Degods has been supportive of our sub. At<br />

the onset, given the organic beginning of our<br />

sub, we were not in communication with the<br />

core Degods team and as a result we think<br />

they were somewhat hesitant (as they should<br />

be) to see what our plans were. But over the<br />

last month or so they have seen us pouring<br />

time and effort into creating a unique and<br />

unified sub community AND helping other<br />

subcommunities form as well. They have and<br />

continue to recognize our efforts. But, at the<br />

end of the day, with all the stuff Degods has<br />

going on, they probably don’t have the time to<br />

be focused on subs. And that is totally ok with<br />

us. We think they should be built organically<br />

like Mickey Degods because they will be stronger this way. Trying<br />

to manage a bunch of sub-communities would take away from their<br />

focus on the collective vision for Degods so we need more people to<br />

step up and take hold of sub-communities themselves. This is just<br />

our opinion. We do not speak for Degods but love how they have<br />

cheered us on and worked to create new ways for Degods to interact<br />

together and form smaller groups (like through DePalace) without<br />

trying to control those interactions - this is all very BULLISH!<br />

If we look at other Solana NFT projects out there (Degen, Geckos,<br />

Monkey etc) they have an established community and seem to be in<br />

it for the long haul. Where do you see DeGods in 3months? 1yr? etc<br />

and what place will MickeyDeGods have in the scheme of things?<br />

We see Degods as a top Solana NFT project and we are still excited<br />

to see what happens. When we minted Degods, we knew that it was<br />

different, and that it could be either a game-changing success or it<br />

could be a complete failure. We have stuck with Degods through its<br />

challenges and remain VERY bullish.<br />

It is hard to say where anything will be in 3 months… while that is a<br />

lifetime in NFT land in the grand scheme of things that really isn’t<br />

that much time! So, we think Degods and Mickey Degods will still<br />

be building. We have no doubt more sub-communities will arise in<br />

that time. Already we have created private channels for the USSdR,<br />

World Champs, Degoats, Googods, and MDegods and have other<br />

10<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

subs reaching out. All of this is very<br />

bullish for Degods! We rewarded<br />

each sub with a special topping<br />

on our ice cream NFTs, our latest<br />

menu item release.<br />

As for Mickey Degods, you can<br />

expect us to keep working. We<br />

will continue our Employee and<br />

Customer of the Month programs.<br />

We will continue to do giveaways<br />

and help support new subs. We are<br />

excited to expand our basic menu<br />

and continue to fill out our special<br />

fry series with some dope new set ideas. And most importantly<br />

we expect to continue to generate value and utility for our Mickey<br />

Degods holders, through these nft releases, trade in games, merch,<br />

and other means!<br />

Finally, perhaps we haven’t touched on something that you would<br />

like to discuss? Anything you would like to add?<br />

We are in awe at the projects, utilities, communities we stumble upon<br />

every day in this NFT space. So many smart and creative people and<br />

we are having a blast navigating it and trying to learn everything we<br />

can as we go. Thank you to all the Degods, Mickey Degods and subs<br />

that have supported our little community. Y’all are dope.<br />

If you haven’t yet, come check us out.<br />

Worst that can happen is you might have a little fun!<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong> 11


phantom<br />

mobile<br />

Anirudh Tiwari<br />

Phantom Mobile Wallet Incoming<br />

Solana’s co-founder, Raj Gokal, teased the Phantom mobile wallet<br />

via Twitter on Dec. 18, indicating the mobile version of the wallet is<br />

in ‘testing.’<br />

As previously reported by Solana.News, Solflare launched its mobile<br />

wallet on the Apple App Store and Google Play on Nov. 6. Along<br />

with this development, Phantom had also announced that they<br />

would launch the mobile version of their wallet in January next year,<br />

with private beta launches to be held during the days. It seems like<br />

Phantom is on track for the launch, with the private beta testing<br />

undergoing, as revealed in Gokal’s tweet.<br />

“Solana has managed to build a large and fast-growing community of<br />

users. The most popular Solana wallet, Phantom, has seen Monthly<br />

12<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

Active Users (MAUs) grow from 200,000 in August 2021 to 1.2<br />

million in October 2021. Comparing Phantom to the most popular<br />

Ethereum wallet, Metamask, Solana user growth is roughly where<br />

Ethereum was in October 2020,” stated a report by Grayscale.<br />

Grayscale’s report named<br />

‘An Introduction to Solana’<br />

revealed the number of<br />

Phantom wallet users<br />

had increased 500% from<br />

August to October this year.<br />

The report also pointed out<br />

that if Solana follows the<br />

same trend as the Ethereum<br />

network’s Monthly Active<br />

Users (MAUs) seen on<br />

Metamask, Phantom would<br />

see a growth of 770% by<br />

August 2022.<br />

What is Phantom?<br />

Phantom is a cryptocurrency<br />

wallet and browser<br />

extension that enables<br />

users to manage their<br />

cryptocurrency assets and<br />

interact with decentralized<br />

applications (dApps) on<br />

the Solana blockchain<br />

network. The development<br />

of the wallet is backed<br />

by eminent investors and<br />

venture capital firms like<br />

Andreessen Horowitz of<br />

a16z, Solana Ventures,<br />

Jump Capital, and Variant.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>23</strong> 13


Send your playlist to:<br />

pixeltoy.sol@gmail.com<br />

to be included in the next issue. LIVE LINKS - CLICK IMAGE<br />

14<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

LitJesus Gen2<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong> 15

BWO Ducks<br />

16<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

Space GOATS<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>23</strong> 17

Little Noots<br />

18<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

Flunk Donkeys<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong> 19


<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

Xin Dragons

ZeeWhyEl<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> th


24<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

Some things just look better in black...<br />

**Limited Edition Dark Mode**

SOLANALYSIS 7D volume<br />

26<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>


The Astronaut @thexastronaut<br />

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SolsWatch<br />

28<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>


Tiny Colony<br />

Land Sale<br />

https://medium.com/@TinyColonyGame/tiny-colony-land-sale-c34dad5e6fff<br />

Although it is not required to own a Colony (Virtual Land) to play the<br />

game and construct a colony, doing so allows Colony owners to secure<br />

their spot in the Tinyverse, collect tax from other players, earn<br />

rewards, and have governance abilities. Below is a quick summary of<br />

the different levels of gameplay:<br />

1.Free Players (no NFTs or Colony ownership)<br />

Anyone can play the basic game mode (construction & management)<br />

without owning an NFT or a Colony, but there will be some<br />

limitations. Free players will find the game fun and engaging however,<br />

to fully utilize the play to earn potential and enjoy all the experiences<br />

and wonders of Tiny Colony purchasing an NFT or a Colony<br />

is recommended.<br />

2. NFT Owners (no Colony ownership)<br />

Players who own character NFTs will have access to all game modes<br />

and can expand their NFTs. Owning an NFT will allow more earning<br />

potential, engage in quests, battles, gladiator battles, and other<br />

unique experiences in the game. There will be multiple options of<br />

character NFT customizations and abilities available for purchase<br />

through the Tiny Bazaar (marketplace) that can be purchased with<br />

$TINY.<br />

3. Colony Owners<br />

Users that own a Colony will enjoy all the game modes and experiences<br />

Tiny Colony will offer. There will be NFT and Colony bonuses,<br />

access to the rewards pools, and governance abilities.<br />

Different types of Colonies<br />

The Tiny Colony planet is characterized by a dynamic and complex<br />

society structure split into several factions, each with their own rich<br />

storyline and unique content. Each faction is composed of a unique<br />

set of continents and environments, different quests, characters and<br />

NFTs. Players will choose their identity in the Tinyverse by selecting

which faction they wish to belong to. We feel that providing users<br />

a choice to build their colony within a variety of different factions<br />

allows for more robust and rewarding gameplay as well as an opportunity<br />

for increased earning potential among our users.<br />

Here are the different types of Colonies to choose from within the<br />

Tinyverse. Some are rarer than others and offer more in-game bonuses<br />

such as NFTs and other high-value items.<br />

•Nest: 5,000 Colonies<br />

•Persian Empire: 2,500 Colonies<br />

•Samurai Lands: 2,500 Colonies<br />

•Viking Mountains: 2,500 Colonies<br />

•Sorcerer Hideouts: 1,000 Colonies<br />

•Scientist Outposts: 1,000 Colonies<br />

•Spirit Hotspots: 100 Colonies<br />

TOTAL: 14,600 Colonies for Sale<br />

Nest<br />

A Nest is the base form of land which does not belong to any faction<br />

and represents your chance to own a piece of the ever-evolving<br />

Tinyverse. Nests provide all the necessary tools and abilities to<br />

start building and growing your colony. Depending on the location of<br />

your Nest, there will be unique experiences, NFTs, characters, and<br />

abilities included within your colony. Creatures and Heroes roam<br />

the Nests, looking for loot, while Nobles and Elders search Nests for<br />

spirit energies to bring back to their kingdoms.<br />

Nests feature a forest green and blue skies in-game theme and<br />

background. They also come with a set of Tiny Scraps for the players<br />

to get a head start in-game. A limited number of Nests will contain<br />

either of the following Character NFTs with a random rarity: Hero,<br />

Noble, Elder, Creature.

Persian Empire<br />

The Persian Ant Empire was one of the largest ant colonies of the<br />

underground. Their strength in numbers out scaled any other empire,<br />

and their unmatched strategy in battle kept other kingdoms distant,<br />

allowing the Persian Empire unchecked growth. At the core of the<br />

Persian Empire was the Fire Temple, where the colony tended to an<br />

everlasting fire for thousands of years as a beacon of the Kingdom’s<br />

achievements.<br />

Persian Empire Colonies feature a Desert in-game theme and background.<br />

They also come with a medium amount of Tiny Scraps and<br />

a Persian Empire Epic-themed pack, containing a variety of non-character<br />

Epic NFTs. There will be a random limited number of Persian<br />

Empire Colonies that will contain an Epic Persian Character NFT.<br />

Samurai Lands<br />

The Samurai Ant Kingdom was one of the most resilient kingdoms<br />

of the underground. Their strength in honor and culture resulted in a<br />

vastly interconnected set of communities.<br />

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Samurai Lands features a Cherry Blossom Purple in-game theme and<br />

background. They also come with a medium amount of Tiny Scraps and<br />

a Samurai-themed Epic pack, containing a variety of non-character Epic<br />

NFTs. There will be a random limited number of Samurai Colonies that<br />

will contain an Epic Samurai Character NFT.<br />

Viking Mountains<br />

The Ant Vikings were the most ferocious of the tiny kingdoms. Their intense,<br />

intimidating nature always kept the other kingdoms at bay.<br />

Viking Mountains feature a Snowy Mountain White in-game theme and<br />

background. They also come with a medium amount of Tiny Scraps and<br />

a Viking-themed Epic pack, containing a variety of non-character Epic<br />

NFTs. There will be a random limited number of Viking Colonies that will<br />

contain an Epic Viking Character NFT.<br />

Sorcerer Hideouts<br />

A Sorcerer is a powerful noble ant (perhaps a former Noble) who defeated<br />

a spirit and chose to keep the spirit’s energy for itself. No matter what<br />

kingdom they originally hailed from, Sorcerers are no longer welcome in<br />

the Tinyverse; to the other ants, they have committed the greatest form<br />

of betrayal. Spurned by their kingdoms and every faction, the sorcerers<br />

are left alone, roaming the underground as supremely powerful tiny beings<br />

with no family or love. Their solitude has fed their seemingly evil<br />

intent, making them the most feared beings in existence.<br />

Sorcerer Hideouts feature an eerie, dark cave in-game theme and background.<br />

They also come with a large amount of Tiny Scraps and a Sorcer-<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong> 33

er-themed Legendary pack containing an assortment of legendary<br />

non-character NFTs. A very small amount of lucky Sorcerer Hideouts<br />

will contain a Legendary Sorcerer Character NFT.<br />

Scientist Outposts<br />

Tiny Scientists were humans of the world above that decided to<br />

shrink themselves to maximize their chances of survival on a rapidly<br />

decaying planet. Though the group of uber-geniuses was successful<br />

in effectively performing this miracle, they were not prepared for the<br />

world of chaos that awaited them in the underground.<br />

Scientist Outposts feature a futuristic sci-fi in-game theme and<br />

background. They also come with a large amount of Tiny Scraps and<br />

a Scientist-themed Legendary pack containing an assortment of legendary<br />

non-character NFTs. A very small number of lucky Scientist<br />

Outposts will contain a Legendary Scientist Character NFT.<br />

Spirit Hotspots<br />

The Tiny Spirits rose and revealed themselves when they sensed an<br />

imbalance in the Tinyverse. They have been present in the fabric of<br />

the Tinyverse since the beginning of time itself. They have witnessed<br />

all — the light and the dark.<br />

Spirit Hotspots are areas out of reach of the Kingdoms containing<br />

Spirit Artifacts and sometimes Spirit Gems, which are the source of<br />

the spirits’ energy and powers.<br />

Spirit Hotspots feature a vibrant, alternate-dimension in-game theme<br />

and background. There are a very limited number of Spirit Hotspots<br />

available in the Tinyverse. Each of them comes with a very large<br />

34<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

amount of Tiny Scraps and a Mythical Pack, containing an exciting<br />

array of Mythical non-character NFTs. An extremely limited and lucky<br />

number of Hotspots will contain Spirit Gems, which can be sold as a<br />

Mythical NFT or used to generate free $TEENY.<br />

More information will be released soon regarding specific sale<br />

dates, prices, and how to participate in the Colony Sale in Q1<br />

2022. Make sure to join our Discord and follow our Twitter to<br />

stay up to date.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong> 35

0xlxxr<br />

36<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

@33CALICO<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong> 37

arttech_nft<br />

38<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong>

BignPasty<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>23</strong> 39


Nastia_n_n<br />

original is an animated gif






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