HGT Magazine #115 January/February 2022

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.


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Collaborations in Media,

Fashion, & More


Composting on Haida Gwaii

A Naturalist's Almanac - The Snipe Report

Through the Eyes of a Senior - The Day My Stroke Arrived

HG Local Foods Project - The Future of Food on Haida Gwaii

+All Things Music - The Studio Sessions

Issue 115

January / Febuary 2021

$6.50 (INCL. GST)

January / February 2022 1



Monica Caulfield, a professional astrologer

since 2007, is passionate about helping people

develop tools of awareness and purpose in life.






Craig Carmichael seeks broad perspectives and

connects the seemingly unrelated to discover

and realize new potentials for better living.


Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset resident,

naturalist and writer. She uses her skills to

build things.


Dear Huckleberry, an observer of human

conduct and love interactions, is passionate

about finding creative ways to navigate love,

friendships and familiar relationships


8 20


On the cover: Film shoot at Balance Rock, photo by Patrick Shannon.

Located in downtown

Masset across from the

Delmas Co-op.

Find us on

Facebook@the626masset for

hours, specials and events!

Gift Certificates




Text or Phone ahead for pick-up

Espresso bar

Homemade All Beef Burgers

Crispy Fish n’ Chips

Fish Tacos

Halibut Burger & Fries



Pressure Cooked Chicken

Dinner & Wings

Grilled Cheese

Gourmet Smokies

GwaiiTel Society’s Annual

General Meeting (AGM)

Date: Saturday March 5, 2022


In Camera Session for the Members:

Time - 1pm to 3pm

Open up to the public:

Time - 3pm to 4pm

Jamie McDonald lives in Daajing Giids Queen

Charlotte and loves being on the water,

gardening and cooking.


Jasmine Beachy is a wife and proud mother

of two active boys. She is a local StrongStart

facilitator and has lived in Gamadiis Port

Clements for 15 years.


Lin Armstrong loves reading, writing, jigsaws,

theatre sports and volunteering at the Thrift

Store. She lives in Daajing Giids with hubby

Jack and cat Lady Bean.


Behind the scenes:

Shellene Patience

Owner/Editor in Chief


Shannon Hammond

Assistant Editor


Carol Bulford

Sales Manager


Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct

Design & Andre Favron

IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX

Web Design, Direct Design

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting

What's inside?


The Snipe Report.


Poetic relationship advice.


Musings of a four-year-old.


The future of food on Haida Gwaii.

Subscribe: Get the HGT magazine delivered

right to your post box and save 10% off the retail

price. On-island for one year (six issues): $35.10

plus GST. Off-island (anywhere in Canada):

$51.00 plus GST. US: $74.85 plus GST.

Advertise: Haida Gwaii Trader is committed to

help spread the word of businesses of all sizes

with affordable options for everyone. Rates

start as low as $45 per month plus GST.


The Studio Sessions.




Submit: We welcome you to send us your

family-oriented stories, news, illustrations,

cartoons, poems, etc., for publishing


Deadline for the March/April issue: content we layout: February 10 th .

Classifieds and print ready submissions: February 20 th at noon.

Contact Information: Phone: 250-557-2088

Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0

Website: haidagwaiitrader.com

The views and opinions expressed by the various authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or viewpoints of

Haida Gwaii Trader. © 2022 Haida Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.

We will be posting the Zoom link for

the public session of the meeting on

our GwaiiTel facebook page.

Masset’s Newest!

If you don’t use facebook please email

terri.walker@gwaiitel.com for the link.

2 HG January / February 2022 3

Letter from the Editor

Glowing with the Flow

By Shellene Patience

Haida Gwaii Trader Values


We proudly serve the unceded

traditional territory of the Haida

Nation along with all those who

live, work and play on Haida

Gwaii. We offer affordable

advertising for all local businesses

and exemplary off-island

businesses whose products and/

or services are in limited, local



Our focus is to build, maintain

and enhance bridges between the

Haida people and fellow islanders

of all ages, genders and income,

between nature and humanity,

and between spirit and ego.


We support basic, equitable needs

shared by all, including social

sustainability, clean air,

water and energy, affordable

housing, wellness, and nutritious,

locally produced food.

HGT commits to the Truth and

Reconciliation’s Call to Action #85:

continuing to develop media initiatives

that inform and educate the Canadian

public, and connect the Haida people

and fellow islanders.

Is it just me or are the 2021 comings and

goings a bit of a blur? And poof… now

it’s 2022. Much like last year at this time,

many of the customary “Happy New

Year!” masked and muffled greetings we

publicly share with each other look and

feel strange. Including the word “happy”

feels rather precarious. The traditional

delivery of the “Happy New Year! Whoo

hoo!” wish is more like “Happy New

Year? Umm…” and is often followed with

shoulder shrugs and/or lingering looks of


Happiness - the state of being happy - is

a noun that I am, and always have been

especially fascinated by. I’m fond of joy

and I tend to wear it sincerely on my

sleeve. However, living in and amongst

a multiyear pandemic has admittedly

strained my lighthearted nature - another

statement that many of you can, without

a doubt, substantially relate to.

So, how does one maintain sunniness in

a time of “never going back to normal,”

discombobulated upendedness? (I’d

truly love to hear your thoughts on this.

Seriously, do send an email or write a


Many sages of the past and present say:

go within.

Whilst exploring the happiness query, an

audiobook I’ve listened to many times over

is, “The Path Made Clear: Discovering

Your Life’s Direction,” by Oprah Winfrey

(free on YouTube). Throughout the book,

Oprah shares clips of interviews she’s

conducted over the years with many wise

souls. Topics covered include setting

one’s intention, living in service of one’s

calling, and my personal favourite: flow.

“Find your lane,” Oprah says. “Make

space for the flow to show itself. Follow

the natural rhythm of your life and you

will discover a force far greater than

your own.” She goes on to share that, “…

despite the inevitable distractions, when

you find that sweet spot, living your truth

takes on a breathtaking level of intensity.

That is the brilliance

of flow.” Love it. Our

flow’s only cost is the

time and focus it takes

to define and honour

it. And nobody else

need define it for us.

Shellene Patience

Many of you will note the price increase of the HGT Magazine. It has been four years since we

raised any of our rates and as the operational costs have risen considerably, albeit a difficult

decision, it was necessary for our ability to continue providing Haida Gwaii with a top-quality

product. We appreciate your ongoing support. Cheers to 2022 being a year we all connect a

little or a lot to the glow of our own personal flows.

All the best Selena! You will be missed. Moving onwards and upwards

to a new and exciting chapter, thank you, haw’aa Selena Adams for your

many heartfelt contributions to HGT over the past year. Much joy and

success to you, dear one!

Welcome Carol! Introducing Carol Bulford, our newest member of the

HGT team. Carol has accepted the position of Sales Manager and comes

to us with over forty years of business and customer service experience.

She recently moved to Haida Gwaii from Prince Rupert, and in her

words, “living and working here is a dream come true.”

A Naturalist’s Almanac

The Snipe Report

Snipe are the shorebird of the field. It doesn’t seem to

make sense, but it’s true. According to numerous bird

identification books, they are “inconspicuous along grassy

edges of ponds or among muddy stubble in flooded fields,”

not along the shore. But “shorebird” is their classification.

What do we know about snipe? We know they nest in

wet meadows and long grass near water. Many Wilson’s

Snipe, the North American species, nested in Delkatla

Wildlife Sanctuary in the mid-1980’s and could be heard

“winnowing” over Delkatla in summer. That is, they flew

high and, when they dove, the wind riffled through their

tail feathers and created a distinctive “whe-whe-whe”

sound. It was their aerial, territorial dance. While habitat

restoration was critical to Delkatla’s survival as an intertidal

estuary, Wilson’s Snipe was one of the species that, sadly,

lost its nesting grounds. Our surveys out there in the 80’s

showed that four eggs were laid, and after ten to fifteen

days of gestation four chicks ran away from their nest

only about forty eight hours from when they hatched.

They are precocial (meaning they can move around on

their own shortly after hatching), unlike songbird chicks,

which remain in the nest for a few weeks, depending on

the species.

Snipe don’t usually spend the winter in large numbers here,

however during the 2019 Christmas Bird Count we counted

Article and Photos by Margo Hearne

The damp and difficult terrain of the Wilson’s Snipe

ninety-six. Exceptional. There have been years when we

were lucky to even see one. Perhaps the mild weather and

constant winter storms that year drew them in. The high

water also helped to create perfect conditions for them.

Wilson’s Snipe are really hard to see. They feed in the

late evening and are very secretive. Little is known of

their history as they don’t wander around in the open

waiting to be photographed, but hide in the long sedge

grass until almost stepped upon. Then they take off with a

harsh “scresh” and dart away, zig-zagging low and landing

quickly somewhere else. Then they run and hide until

almost underfoot again. It can be startling, especially when

one is creeping along trying to get a photo of a rare bird.

Snipe have a really long bill and very short legs. They have

sharply delineated white stripes along the back which

contrasts clearly with their brown feathering. During fall

and winter they are sometimes seen in town probing with

their long bill through the soft moss of what was once a

grassy lawn. This suits the bird, who eats earthworms,

crane fly larva, beetles and other bugs, so they are to be

encouraged if seen in your yard. They have come from

somewhere else, and their high numbers attest to their

ability to survive in damp and difficult terrain.

Wilson’s Snipe in its favourite habitat

4 HG January / February 2022 5


Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to nurture healing and

growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This column is not a substitute for working

with a licensed counsellor. Please seek professional help if you are struggling.

Dear Huckleberry, This is kind of messed up, but here goes... I’ve been dating my girlfriend for almost two

years. This past summer she moved away to finish college, and I stayed on HG working. We are trying

to make it work in spite of the distance (phone calls, text, emails, photos, you name it, we are doing it),

but the thing that kept me hopeful was a surprise visit I planned for her birthday. The first two days were

amazing and it felt like nothing had changed between us, but when we went to bed that second day she

was showing me some pictures on her phone and a snap of a guy’s face came up with the caption “Tinder

[name withheld for privacy].” Immediately she swiped it away nervously, so I swiped back and asked her

about it. She said it was sent to her by a friend, who went on a date with that guy and was just sharing the

picture. And before I said anything else she closed her phone and changed the subject. I didn’t press it

because I didn’t want to invade her privacy or make accusations without real proof, but the way she acted,

the guilt in her eyes, I just didn’t buy it. One day I was completely sure about our relationship, and then

the rug was pulled from under me. I’m not certain of anything anymore. I don’t want to make up stories in

my head, but I also don’t want to walk around blind if the truth is right in front of me. What should I do?

- Kind of Messed Up

Dear Kind of Messed Up, I understand that this

must feel messed up to you, but believe me dear, it

isn’t. Those of us who choose to enter any kind of

relationship will at some point in our lives stand

in the same place that you are standing right now.

Actually, off the top of my head I can remember

at least one for every relationship I’ve been in. The

first time, funny enough, was also a long distance

relationship. I drove myself mad wondering if the

distance was making them miss me or forget me, so

I put on my detective hat, obsessed with knowing

who they were talking to or spending time with. At

some point I even thought it was a good idea to ask

a friend to seduce them to see if they would take

the bait. They didnt, but instead figured out the

level of my mistrust and that was the end of us.

I wish I could say I learned my lesson from that

experience, but that would be a lie. And a bigger lie

would be to say that I don’t still find myself battling

with my own vulnerability. But what I can tell

you is that I have learned to feel true love in those

moments when I’m uncertain, doubtful, or jealous.

You see, it wouldn’t be love if you didn’t have to put

any real trust in someone else. You give that part of

yourself that can be broken to the person you trust

the most not to break it, and sometimes your trust

is rewarded with loyalty and other times you hurt.

But that is a deal we agree to when we decide to

love and be loved. And the only thing you can do to

feel a little better in those moments is to share your

insecurities and fears with the person you have

trusted to heal, along with you, those broken parts

of yourselves.

Dear Huckleberry, I don’t know if my best friend is my best friend anymore. It’s like she’s hot one minute

and cold the next. I really don’t know what to do about it, because she just seems to not care that she hurts

me when she acts this way. She says everything is okay, but I feel her pulling away from me. Suddenly she

won’t take my calls, or doesn’t respond to my texts, or just plain lies to me. But the thing is, we go way

back. She’s been my friend all my life, I know all of her secrets and she knows mine. She’s the only person

I trust and I don’t want to lose her, or at least I want to know why she’s done with me. But every time I ask,

every time I bring up the fact that she’s acting strange, she tells me that I’m jealous of her other friends or

that I’m crazy. And I guess she’s right, we’ll soon be going to different colleges far away from each other,

she will have new friends and just forget about me… I feel so alone now, do you have any advice?

- One Who is Hurting

Dear One Who is Hurting, I’m so sorry you’re going

through this. As we grow up we all have to see

friends come and go like waves in the ocean, and

most of the time we are powerless to the whims of

the tides. But not everything is lost! Sometimes we

just have to accept that people change with time. We

change, the things that we love change, and usually

what happens is that we stop fitting into the roles we

were playing. It’s a difficult and sometimes painful

adjustment, but sometimes the best thing we can do

is let them go.

You see, when we are young we don’t realize that

people sometimes need space because they’re

figuring out who they are; sometimes they don’t

know if who they are with us is safe or original

or conducive to the person they want to become,

especially old friends that grew up with us. And I

know it hurts to suddenly face growing up without

that person by your side, but what that pain is trying

to tell you is that you also need to figure who you are

on your own, or better yet, around new friends. For

now, show your friend that she still can count on you

when it matters, that she can explore new friendships

without losing her oldest one. As the saying goes, if

you love someone set them free, if they come back to

you they were always yours, and if they don’t either

way you are both free.

Don’t close yourself to all the opportunities ahead of

you. Not every person in our lives is meant to walk

alongside us through all of our journey. Some people

are lessons, others are stories, some are tears, fleeting

moments, or life-long soul mates… life will reveal

when it is time for each person we meet to move on;

it’s your job to fight for those you want to stay.

Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration?

Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send mail to

Dear Huckleberry ℅ Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0

6 HG January / February 2022 7

What exactly is a mentor and what does a mentor

do? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary

a mentor is an experienced and trusted

advisor. Expanding on that definition, a good mentor has a

willingness to share or teach their skills and knowledge, is

non-judgemental, gives honest and constructive feedback,

is flexible and values diversity.

There are many benefits to being mentored, to being a

mentoree, especially for youth. There is the encouragement

for personal development and an opportunity to explore

different options and interests with someone who has life

experience and knowledge. There is the empowerment and

increased confidence to be gained with someone who has

good listening skills, is a role model and is willing to invest

in the mentoree’s personal growth.

Patrick Shannon has been described as a dedicated mentor

with the technical savvy and talent of a professional filmmaker.

An award-winning social entrepreneur, film director,

Haida storyteller and University of Victoria business

school instructor from HlGaagilda Skidegate, Nang K’uulas

(Patrick) of the T’aanuu Raven Clan strongly believes that,

“Youth are the future so let’s give them real opportunities

for growth.” Of his own upbringing he says, “I didn’t have

a ‘mentor’ per se. My values were instilled in me by my

grandmother, parents, and community. I’ve had my creative

communities and peers in Vancouver teach me a lot, but

Patrick Shannon

something I’ve always felt lacking has been a mentor, so I

try my best to provide that for other young people trying

to make their ways in this industry.”

Read on to discover the ways Patrick is giving back - one

mentoree, one young person, one creative opportunity at

a time.

Local Mentorship

Collaborations in Media, Fashion, & More

Article by Lin Armstrong

Photographs courtesy Patrick Shannon

InnoNative bus

InnoNative Co-founders Patrick Shannon

and Yolanda Clatworthy

It was inevitable. Bring two forward-thinking heavyweights

together and stand back to see what happens. Yolanda

Clatworthy is an independent consultant and climate

justice advocate who engages in projects that shape new

socio-economic stories with a unique approach to community

engagement. Patrick and Yolanda teamed up, and

in 2015 they launched the highly successful InnoNative,

an Indigenous video production company. Since its inception

they have travelled all over Canada teaching media

and technological workshops and classes for Indigenous

entrepreneurs and youth. Topics include: Introduction to

Photography, Introduction to Documentary Film Making,

Community Video Documenting, Introduction to Web

Design, and Introduction to Graphic Design and Branding

for Indigenous Artists and Businesses.

8 HG January / February 2022 9

Angel Aura


Angel Reiki Crystal Healing

Flower Essence Therapy

Authentic Screen Printing


InnoNative is based out of Haida Gwaii and Vancouver with a creative

team spread all across Canada. The company brings traditional

Indigenous storytelling and values into contemporary mediums. The

focus is on youth capacity building by giving youth an opportunity

for personal growth.

The InnoNative team has mentored over one hundred youth from

every province, supporting the next generation of storytellers. Their

workshops can be virtual or in person, and include the equipment

required by attendees, along with hands-on instruction in how to

use it. The equipment can be left with attendees so they can continue

exploring their creativity. Facilitators focus on a fun, educational approach

with the intention of teaching fundamental skill sets that will

stay with attendees for a lifetime.

InnoNative workshops are for all ages - be it training youth how to

shoot and edit films, or teaching aspiring entrepreneurs how to use

branding, marketing, and social media to launch and grow businesses

in their home communities. The hope is that attendees will continue

growing and learning beyond the workshop and will use their acquired

skills to continue contributing to their community and their personal

growth. As Patrick says, “When we leave, the learning doesn’t stop. It’s

never just one-and-done.”

Another of Patrick’s projects is Supernaturals, an Indigenous boutique

modelling agency, the first of its kind, launched in May of 2021.

Supernaturals focuses on healthy high-end cultural representation.

Patrick is a co-founder of Supernaturals along with Joleen Mitton, a

Cree model who created Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week (VIFW)

in 2017, a company that produces Indigenous fashion shows with

clothing designed by local Indigenous designers and worn by models

of First Nations, Metis and Inuit descent. She brings decades of modelling

experience to identify Indigenous people who could do well in

the industry. The models currently on the

roster have been hand selected by Joleen

and Patrick. The agency will address issues

of representation, mental awareness, and

poor cultural sensitivity within the fashion

world. In a press release Joleen states that,

“Our mission at Supernaturals is to celebrate

and make visible Indigenous People

at a high level in media arts, culture,

community, land-based wisdom, and the

global market.”

Since May, Supernaturals has been featured

twice in Vogue magazine. The Today

Show and Global BC News have also

Joleen Mitton,

Supernaturals Co-founder

highlighted the agency. “We launched and it

blew up,” says Patrick about the huge positive

media response the agency has received.

In the first seven months of operation, Supernaturals

had over 800 model applications

from across North America. By November

applications had to be temporarily closed as

over a thousand had been submitted. The

vast majority are new to modelling and need

a lot of professional development before they

can go out and thrive. To that end, there is a

development roster dedicated to training and

opportunities to get more experience. Professional

head shots for their portfolios are taken

by Patrick. Agency models currently represent

Cree, Dene, Sechelt, Salish, Squamish,

Metis, and Haida. Three Haida models with

the agency are Sienna Richardson-Isberg,

Gwaliga Hart, and Kiefer Collison.

In August of 2021 Supernaturals was honoured

with a request to take the team to participate

in the huge Santa Fe Indian Market

featuring Indigenous models. The focus was

on gifted North American artists, and the new

agency represented the west coast.

Models from Supernaturals have worked with

the top Indigenous designers across the continent,

including Jamie Okuma, Pam Baker,

Supernaturals Model

Sienna Richardson-Isberg

Supernaturals Model

Gwaliga Hart

Yolonda Skelton, Orlando Dugi, Lauren Good Day, Alicia Designs,

Dorothy Grant, Totem Design House, and Korina Emmerich. Each

designer chooses which models wear their clothing. In November,

prospective models were sent to a casting session for ROOTS.

Walking his talk and a testament to his graphic design and marketing

skills, Patrick created both the Supernaturals logo and all of the branding

strategies. “We wanted to project a level of class and culture that would

position us visually alongside the top agencies across the world. The design

is based off of my own Haida design elements, with a nod to Coast Salish

influence as we are operating the agency on the unceded territories of the

Coast Salish peoples.”


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10 HG January / February 2022 11

“Representation matters, but good representation

matters more.” - Patrick Shannon

As Patrick explains, “In our experience, Indigenous people

are not set up to succeed in many industries, especially in

ones so predatory and unhealthy as the fashion and media

production industries. Several of our models quit previous

agencies because of the cultural insensitivity and blatant

racism that’s the reality for many of our people. Many of our

models are former youth-in-care and come from remote

communities, and we have specific needs and supports that

are required to thrive. Until Supernaturals, our people were

left alone to be taken advantage of. With that context, we

are pushing the industry to not only address racism, but

also grow beyond stereotypes and tokenism which has been

almost exclusively how Indigenous people have been used.

By preparing our models to succeed at the highest levels,

and to advocate for them and build relationships with our

clients, we can make sure that we can focus on healthy and

‘good’ representation, instead of just showing up to check

a cultural diversity box. Representation matters, but good

representation matters more.”

Supernaturals focuses on uplifting and supporting talent

from an Indigenous worldview that prizes culture over

The Haida Gwaii Media Collective (HGMC) launched on

December 1, 2021. The barrier-free collective is a community-driven

media education and production initiative for

all residents of Haida Gwaii to gain the resources, skills,

and experience for digital storytelling. Its mission is to

preserve the integrity of the Haida and island culture, to

inform and make sure the process is done respectfully and

never misrepresents.

Co-founders Julia Weder and Patrick Shannon have signed

a number of mentors, some of whom reside on Haida Gwaii.

Those interested in developing an idea will be connected

with a media mentor from the network to then develop the

idea and build capacity for moving forward with a project.

At other times, mentorship may be a hands-on approach to

teaching the use of media equipment including cameras,

camcorders, grip, lighting, audio, and drone operation, as

well as skills in acting, writing and directing. A mentor

could also facilitate a media-focused workshop.

profit by providing clients with the opportunity to be a

part of healthy reconciliation within the media, fashion

and modelling industries.

To quote Patrick again, “Indigenous people are in high

demand right now and we want to be at the forefront of

this new wave of cultural awareness, supporting our own

people in an industry that has traditionally been very difficult

to thrive in.”

Stereotype: A mistaken idea or belief about a certain

social group or a type of individual based on how they

look on the outside. Stereotyping people is a form of

prejudice because what is on the outside is a small part

of who the person is.

Tokenism: Can be any act of putting a minority into

the mix to create some sort of publicly viewed diversity.

It is the practice of making only a perfunctory or

symbolic effort by recruiting a small number of people

from underrepresented groups to give the appearance

of equality.

Julia Weder,

HGMC Co-founder

The recently launched HGMC is a huge new initiative that

aims to build off the momentum of the award-winning

Haida language movie Edge of the Knife to promote local

storytelling through affordable access to professional equipment,

mentorship, and industry professional training. This

will be an all-island initiative, open to all, and prioritizing

equity seeking groups.

Patrick’s pandemic project was to teach himself woodworking

so he could transform a jitney bus into a mobile HGMC

mentorship/teaching venue and to house an equipment

library, all with the goal of supporting emerging Indigenous

and under-represented artists in film and other digital art

forms. The project is funded by Grand Challenges Canada

as a two-year innovation that aims to dismantle systemic

barriers faced by Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQQIA+


• Patrick has been a mentor for Haida Youth Assembly

(HYA) since 2013. He leads his own youth media team,

who film and edit a short documentary and music video

that screens at the end of the final day. Hopefully the HYA

will happen again in the spring of 2022.

• Patrick has produced music videos which include the

one he recently directed for Haida songstress Carsen Grey

LaPlante’s recording of Colours Like Yours.

• The Haida basketball feature film project called Saints and

Warriors will tell the in-depth story of basketball on Haida

Gwaii, the history and the players, the community and the

culture that cemented the Haida as one of the greatest of

basketball Nations.

• The Deadly Uncle Show is an audio podcast to answer

questions and to educate people using a made-up, 40ish,

well meaning native who is angry over the Indian Act.

Merchandise is available from the Deadly Uncle’s Closet

Collection at innonative.ca/merch.

• Patrick is working on developing an educational board

game about Haida villages pre and post contact.

• Also in the works is a children’s book, in collaboration with

a Musqueam elder. It is a re-imagining of a Coast Salish Tale.

• All the while, members of the Supernaturals team are pursuing

the goal of opening satellite Supernaturals Modelling

agencies across Canada.

When asked about having an end goal he’s working towards

Patrick replied, “I’ve always considered myself a leaf on the

wind, going where my gut tells me and trying to be involved

as much as possible in projects that I feel passionate about.

InnoNative and HGMC

bus on the inside

Ongoing Projects for Patrick

I don’t have an end goal, or even goals period. I follow the

wind and love the freedom to go in any direction, never

knowing what’s happening even a few months out - just

trusting that my values and strong relationships will guide

me in the right direction.”

Spending time with Patrick Shannon has been compared

to positive overwhelm. And now I think you will all understand


If you are interested in any of the projects mentioned in

the article, more information can be gleaned by contacting

contact@haidagwaiimediacollective.com or innonativeassistant@gmail.com,

and by visiting supernaturalsmodelling.

com or innonative.ca.

Haida Gwaii board game

12 HG January / February 2022 13


Haida Gwaii Youth Centres

By Jamie McDonald

Gaw Tlagee Old Massett Youth Centre

This youth group is super active! Their regular

programming offers youth ages 9 to 12

after-school activities every day of the week

with Movie Mondays, Gym Tuesdays, Board

Game Wednesdays, Crafting Thursdays,

and Baking Fridays (all from 3-5 pm). Teens

aged 13 to 18 are invited to use the space on

Wednesdays from 6-9 pm (dinner provided), Fridays and Saturdays

from 7-10 pm, and every other Saturday is teen night at the gym. Teens

are also invited to participate in a larger special event once a month (e.g.

tournaments, volleyball, etc). On the go for the new year: pop up food

preservation workshops, days with special guests, yoga, sex education,

and much, much more! For up-to-date info, visit them at OMYPRO-

GRAM on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, or contact Toni Lynn at

Tonilynn.davidson@haidahealth.ca, 250-626-3573

Hiit’aGan.iina Kuuyas Naay Skidegate Youth Centre

The Skidegate Youth Centre is also keeping

up the pace with many awesome activities

planned for early 2022: Two Spirit culture

& sexual health workshops, wellness, movement,

Indigenous entrepreneurship workshops,

an Argillite carving course, regalia-making

workshops, land-based education

and historical map-building, a series of workshops with visiting artists

throughout the winter and spring, and building skin-on-frame kayaks.

All of these activities will be offered between January and March, 2022!

Visit their Facebook page to get more info.

Library Updates

Read All About It

By Lin Armstrong

Good news! Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) has announced they will

continue to waive fines, a policy implemented at the beginning of the pandemic.

Besides offering an amazing selection of books, audio books and DVD movies,

all Haida Gwaii branches are loaning out donated jigsaw puzzles using the

honour system. The four branches rotate puzzles so that new ones are regularly


Two VIRL branches have been hosting a craft night. Unfortunately those events are

currently temporarily cancelled due to recent tightening of pandemic restrictions.

Read on to find out how you can enjoy craft nights once they resume when

restrictions are lifted... In the Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte branch, a total of

four crafty adults can get together from 7 to 8 pm on Thursdays. Participants are bringing projects that can be worked

on while sitting, arriving before 7:30, and wearing masks. Craft Night in the K’il Kun Sandspit branch hosts crafters

on Thursday from 6 to 7:30 pm. You are asked to preregister at spl@virl.bc.ca or call 250-637-2247. Up to four adults

can participate. Masks are required.

The Masset library has ‘Take and Make’ kits for children, and Origami kits for adults to do at home.

Check out the events calendar at virl.bc.ca, and the Creative Bug website for loads of DIY craft ideas and more. Each

VIRL branch on Haida Gwaii also has its own Facebook page, where you can find all sorts of library news and events.

Please note that all library branches are open and following current pandemic protocols.

Now taking bookings

for spring ’22!

Michelle Scott knits at VIRL in

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte Youth Centre

The youth in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

will be well served as well, with after-school

drop-ins Wednesdays to Fridays from 3:30 to

6 pm for ages 7 to 19 (snacks provided). In

November the Youth Centre started a Friday

night magic club (card game) from 7 to 10 pm

for youth aged 10-19 years, and will be offering

monthly movie nights, School of Rock, drum making workshops, as well

as arts workshops in 2022. Contact Jay Myers at jmyers@queencharlotte.ca or

visit their Facebook page for up-to-date info.





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14 HG January / February 2022 15

for the 2021 single “Little One” performed by Gray and her

father, Robert Gray.

Will there be a second volume of Xaayda Christmas? “Yes, a

volume 2 is currently in the works,” says Gray. Its expected

release is December 2022.

Xaayda Christmas: Vol. 1 and “Little One” are available on digital

platforms including Apple Music and Spotify.

Holiday events across Haida Gwaii

Gwaii Trust Society also supports winter holiday events in all Haida

Gwaii communities through the Community and Holiday Events

grant stream. Here are a few of the events islanders participated in

this past December.

Local shopping with the All-Island

Holiday Passport

A Community Innovation Grant of $7,080.03 has funded the

first-ever Love Haida Gwaii All-Island Holiday Passport, which

encourages shopping locally during the holidays to stimulate the

economy across the islands.

Islanders celebrated a very Haida Gwaii holiday with

music, events, and a shop-local passport

Communities across the islands sparked holiday cheer and

brightened the year’s darkest days in so many ways this past

December. In fact, we at Gwaii Trust Society have made a

dedicated grant stream just for Community and Holiday Events.

These grants and others support many seasonal activities,

events, food deliveries, and creative work.

So settle in, fill the wood stove, and learn about a few of the

special, made-in-Haida Gwaii ways islanders enjoyed the holiday

season supported by Gwaii Trust Society funding.

Carsen Gray’s Christmas EP

The beautiful result belies the challenges of recording music

during these last two years. The project’s original plan called for

travel to and from a studio in Vancouver, something that became

impossible after the emergency declaration of March 2020. Gray


From her home in Skidegate, she gathered a team of local

collaborators including creative professionals on Haida Gwaii.

These included service providers from surrounding communities,

including Jay Bellis (hair and makeup artist), William Gravelle

(Haida language translation), Robert Gray (pianist), Patrick

Shannon of InnoNative (photographer) and Joseph LaPlante of

Blessed Street Studios (mixing and mastering). Skidegate Haida

Immersion Program (SHIP) was another of Gray’s partners for

this project.

Upon the EP’s release, Gray told CBC that she seeks to become

a fluent Xaayda kil speaker. “I want to be able to pass that on to

my children,” she said. This music will no doubt bring that dream

closer, and it also supports knowledge of the Haida language in

local communities.

Xaayda Christmas: Vol. 1 includes “Little Drummer Boy,” “Silent

Night,” “First Noël,” and “Amazing Grace.” The Gwaii Trust

Society grant also supported the production of the music video

The project took inspiration from a successful December 2020

pilot in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte called the Holiday Receipt

Campaign. Residents who shopped at local businesses were

entered into a draw for gift cards to local businesses.

This year, all of Haida Gwaii was involved. How did it work? From

December 1 st to 31 st , residents picked up a free Holiday Passport

at their local grocery store or Causeway. Then, they collected

stickers for each purchase made at participating businesses. At

the end of the month, you returned your passport for the chance

to win one of more than 40 gift certificates for Haida Gwaii

retailers. Stickers are counted as entries into community draws.

This Holiday passport program was managed by Misty Isles

Economic Development Society (MIEDS). The participating

communities were Gaw Tlagée Old Massett, Masset,

Gamadiis/’Wáan Kún Port Clements, Tll.aal Tlell, HlGaagilda

Skidegate, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte, and Kil K’un Sandspit.

Contact chantal@gohaidagwaii.ca for more information about

the All-Island Holiday Passport, and visit @lovehaidagwaii on

Facebook or Instagram to find a list of participating businesses.

Old Massett’s turkey hampers: All households in Gaw Tlagée Old

Massett and Tlaga Gáwtlaas New Town had their holiday feasts

taken care of through this project led by Old Massett Village Council

and funded by a $16,000 grant. Volunteers in the village delivered

food packages including a turkey, carrots, celery, potatoes, onions,

and oranges.

Please contact the Old Massett Village Council at 250-626-3337 for

more information.

Skidegate’s holiday meals: Turkey dinners also came to households

in HlGaagilda Skidegate. The Skidegate Band Council received

a grant of $16,000 to deliver gift cards that allowed community

members to purchase a turkey.

Please contact cao@skidegate.ca for more information.

Festivities in Graham Island Central: Residents participated

in several holiday celebrations funded by a $16,000 grant.

Gamadiis/‘Wáan Kún Port Clements hosted a take-out Christmas

meal for seniors, a Christmas lights display on Rainbow Wharf, and

a children’s Christmas event including a bonfire, games, prizes, and

refreshments. Kids in Tll.aal Tlell enjoyed gifts while their families

received Christmas hampers. The Tlell River bridge was decked with

festive lighting. A program offering Port/Tlell Bucks for residents

was also delivered to encourage local shopping.

To find out more about holiday events in Graham Island Central,

contact cao@portclements.ca.

Southern Graham Island cheer: The $16,000 grant for the south

island has funded many important community events like the

KNOWvember town hall meeting in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

and the opening of the village’s new Fire Hall. It also supported the

Spirit Square Tree Lighting, holiday food hampers, and many events

at the Community Club, including a luncheon for seniors, and a

Christmas Coffee House with music and refreshments.

Please contact cao@queencharlotte.ca for more information.

We at Gwaii Trust Society look forward to a New Year full of community support

for many more incredible and inspiring island projects.

16 HG January / February 2022 17



The Village Hearth Cafe and Eatery

By Jamie McDonald

Located at 3200 Oceanview

Drive in Daajing Giids Queen

Charlotte, just above the pub,

this new space definitely feels

true to its name! Serving

breakfast items and lunches,

baked goods and hot beverages,

you can find their opening hours, regular menu,

and daily specials on Facebook and Instagram. “We

have lots of wonderful surprises and plans including

weekend brunch, happy hour with drinks and appies,

private dinners, event nights, and catering, said owner

and operator Tracy Gilson. Contact The Village Hearth

at thevillagehearth.cafe.eatery@gmail.com.

Inside The Village Hearth Cafe and Eatery

Island Wide

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Gift Certificates


The World According to Carter

Musings of a Four-Year-Old

As 2021 came to an end, I was reflecting on the last five

years of our lives. In December 2016, I adopted a sweet little

Pomeranian Terrier as I had given up hopes of conceiving.

Then on January 20th 2017, we found out that we were

pregnant with Carter. From that very moment our lives

changed, and it’s been great. To watch Carter grow into the

smart, sassy, and outspoken boy he is today has been a true


Carter: “Mom! Connor threw a monster truck at my head

and made me sad!”

Me: “Oh no! Are you okay?”

Carter: “Yah, I’m okay. I threw one back at him. He’s okay


Me: “Well Carter, you should come to me right away and

not throw toys back at him.”

Carter: “Well I don’t love him because he made me sad. Well

actually I do love him, I’m just really cranky right now.”

Carter: “Mom, I hate my house.”

Me: “Why?”

Carter: “Because I don’t love it so much. I hate my room,

I’m always falling down!”

Me: “Then clean your room.”

Carter: “FINE!”

Carter: “Just don’t tell me ‘no’ anymore. That makes me sad.”

Me: “A lot of things make you sad, hey?”

Carter: “Yup, and sharp knives make me sad too because

they can hurt me.”

Carter: “All the big kids call me a turd, so I call them cars.”

Me: “Carter, can you come here please?”

Carter: “In a minute, I’m getting my dress on.”

Me: “You mean you’re getting dressed?”

Carter: “Yes Mom…that’s what I said already.”

Carter: “Did Dad go to work?

Me: “Yes, he did.”

Carter: “He gets up by his own self and goes?”

Me: “Yes.”

Carter: “I do that too when I go to my work.”

Me: “What’s your work?”

Carter: “Play. My work is play.”

By Jasmine Beachy

Carter: “I like friends, Mom. I have my friends and you have

your adult friends.”

Carter: “Look at those geese! Papa should hunt them. He

sure likes hunting ducks.”

Carter: “Connor, I’m going to roll you up like a ‘rito.”

Carter proceeded to wrap Connor in a blanket on the floor.

Me: “Carter, are you rolling Connor up like a burrito?”

Carter: “Yup! Because I LOVE tacos!”

Me: “Carter, can you please clean up your play dough?”

Carter: “Yah sure. Hey Dad, can you clean that up?”

Me: “Do you want some peaches, Carter?”

Carter: “No, I want you to make dinner.”

Me: “Carter, please put a shirt on.”

Carter: “Why? Who’s coming over?”

Me: “You’re going to take a nap now.”

Carter: “Okay, I’m just going to nap with my eyes open a

little bit so I can watch the TV better.”

Me: “You can’t watch that show, I don’t like it.”

Carter: “But can I watch it when everyone is asleep then?”

Carter has been coming up with some great one liners lately,

and what is so amusing is that he doesn’t even know he’s being

funny. It’s so hard not to laugh sometimes. Connor is talking

more now, so in no time he will be chatting up a storm too!

If you have any funny children’s stories to share, send them

to Shellene at HG Trader at info@haidagwaiitrader.com.

18 HG January / February 2022 19

Haida Gwaii Support

for Wet’suwet’en

Land Defenders

By Jamie McDonald

Wet’suwet’en land defenders are

fighting to protect their territory

from construction of Coastal

GasLink’s pipeline. In late 2021,

many Haida Gwaii citizens held

fundraising events in support of

land defenders:

• A fundraiser featuring The

Pseudos’ debut performance took

place in Daajing Giids Queen

Charlotte and raised $3,500. Jay

Myers, a founding member of

the band, filled up his truck with

donated items and travelled to

the Gidimt’en Checkpoint in early

December to drop off the funds and

donations, just a few days after the

RCMP conducted militarized raids

against Wet’suwet’en land defenders.

• A pop-up cafe and raffle, organized

by Julia Weder, raised $1,820.

• A group of youth in Masset

organized a bake sale at Gudangaay

Tlaats’gaa Naay Secondary School,

which raised $145.

• Tllgaay Kuuyada, the youth

social justice group, organized a

movie night and zoom session with

Wet'suwet'en land defenders, which

raised $85.

For more information on what’s

going on in Wet’suwet’en Territory

and how you can get involved, visit


Racket Sports

on Haida Gwaii

Through the

Eyes of a Senior

Text and Photo by Lin Armstrong

In 1965, two families at their summer cabin discovered they did not have

enough equipment to play any one of the three racket ball games regularly

used to wile away the hours. Having found ping pong paddles and a

whiffle ball, the tennis court was utilized, and a new game discovered. A

combination of ping pong, badminton and tennis, it was named Pickleball

(possibly after the family dog). The game usually lasts ten minutes, utilizes

two or four players, and ends at either eleven, fifteen, or twenty-one points.

The Day My Stroke Arrived

Pickleball is gaining popularity on Haida Gwaii! In Daajing Giids Queen

Charlotte you can play in the high school gym on Monday and Wednesday

nights from 6 to 8 pm. To participate

By Manzanita

you must prove


you are double

vaccinated and bring indoor runners. Access to the gym is through the

main doors, all of the equipment is provided free of charge by Haida Gwaii


The first




of trouble

the gym





of my

a large










games of


it was




a slur.


I was


sober at


the time









I felt a slight

panic as I plopped on to my bed, grasped the phone and called both my

In Masset,

son and



ball is played

with the



the high



“I am









7 to

9 pm.




is Fridays from 5 to 7 pm, and indoor soccer is Fridays from

7 to 9 pm. Access is through the door to the hallway next to the gym. Double

vaccination I slept proof in worried and indoor segments, runners and are awoke needed. to stagger to the bathroom.

A Pickleball

I made


a sloppy

is planned

cup of coffee

for the



fell into





in K’il Kun

It was


a sunny morning and I looked out at my young flowers. The pansy

plants smiled at me from their planters. Soon a friend showed up and I




her with

is a great

my slurred

way to








a game

a nurse








for inclusion

I was



the Olympics!

into a chair.

If you




get bitten





on its










a swirl




items were



of the



a bag without

in Naples,




where they




sixty courts.

down on the stretcher and not wearing any

To learn shoes, more I was about ready the to programs go in no offered time with by Haida my wallet, Gwaii spiritual Recreation book, and

Commission a six-foot-long you can staff visit that them I wouldn’t at hgrec.com leave or without. see their Why Facebook the staff? page. Who


The ambulance left hurriedly while I recited as best I could my name

and date of birth to the burly, uniformed attendant. The sun shone

brightly through the back windows as my home melted away behind me.

Who would care for my dog? My flowers had to soldier on without me.

My dog would have to go on somehow without a decent goodbye. What

was going to happen, and how would I cope? I prayed that I would be

back home soon. Home with friends, happy hour, flowers, and health


Editor’s Epilogue... After Manzanita suffered her stroke she shared with us

how she also faced a near death experience while she was in the hospital.

Told by a doctor that, “things were not looking good,” Manzanita said a

prayer and much to the amazement of her caregivers she awoke the next

morning much improved. She has since undergone physiotherapy, and the

most wonderful news is that at the time of writing this, she is back at home

getting about with the help of a walker and enjoying her little dog and her

posies. Manzanita sends out her heartfelt thanks to all those people in the

community who have been so very kind and helpful.

If you or anyone you know is showing signs of FAST: Face drooping, Arm

weakness or Speech difficulty, remember, it’s Time to call an ambulance. As

911 is not available on Haida Gwaii, call 1-800-461-9911.

Avid Pickleballers in Daajing Giids

Queen Charlotte

20 HG January / February 2022 21






Haida Gwaii Support

for Wet’suwet’en

Land Defenders

By Jamie McDonald

Wet’suwet’en land defenders are

fighting to protect their territory




‘Cuz It

of Coastal


GasLink’s pipeline. In late 2021,

many Haida Good Gwaii to Giggle citizens held

fundraising events in support of

land I bought defenders: my friend an elephant

• A fundraiser for his featuring room. The

He said, “Thanks.”

Pseudos’ debut performance took

I said, “Don’t mention it.”

place in Daajing Giids Queen

– 3shirts

Charlotte and raised $3,500. Jay

Myers, What do a founding you call a dog member that does of

the band, magic filled up tricks? his truck with

donated A items labracadabrador. and travelled to

the Gidimt’en – leahcure Checkpoint in early

December to drop off the funds and

donations, I bought the just world’s a few worst days thesaurus

the other day.

after the

RCMP conducted militarized raids

Not only is it terrible, it’s terrible.

against Wet’suwet’en land defenders.

– Rndomguytf

• A pop-up cafe and raffle, organized

My friend by Julia asked Weder, me to raised help him $1,820.

round up his 37 sheep.

• A group of youth in Masset

I said, “40,”

organized a bake – 3shirts sale at Gudangaay

Tlaats’gaa Naay Secondary School,

which Two men raised meet $145. on opposite sides of

• a river. Tllgaay One shouts Kuuyada, to the the other, youth “I

need you to help me get to the

social justice group, organized a

other side.”

movie night and zoom session with

The other guy replies, “You are on

Wet'suwet'en the other land side.” defenders, which

raised - The2ndKingInTheNorth


For more information on what’s

going I’ve been on in told Wet’suwet’en I’m condescending. Territory

(That means I talk down to people.)

and how you can get involved, visit

- iblinkyoublink


Before you criticize someone, walk

a mile in their shoes.

That way, when you do criticize

them, you’re a mile away and have

their shoes.

- BoxxerUOP

Racket Sports

on Haida Gwaii

Text and Photo by Lin Armstrong

In 1965, two families at their summer cabin discovered they did not have

enough equipment to play any one of the three racket ball games regularly

used to wile away the hours. Having found ping pong paddles and a

whiffle ball, the tennis court was utilized, and a new game discovered. A

combination of ping pong, badminton and tennis, it was named Pickleball

(possibly after the family dog). The game usually lasts ten minutes, utilizes

two or four players, and ends at either eleven, fifteen, or twenty-one points.

Pickleball is gaining popularity on Haida Gwaii! In Daajing Giids Queen

Charlotte you can play in the high school gym on Monday and Wednesday

nights from 6 to 8 pm. To participate you must prove you are double

vaccinated and bring indoor runners. Access to the gym is through the

main doors, all of the equipment is provided free of charge by Haida Gwaii

Recreation, and because the gym is such a large space, there can be games of

badminton, ping pong and pickleball going on at the same time.

In Masset, racket ball is played in the high school gym on Tuesdays from 7 to

9 pm. Pickleball is Fridays from 5 to 7 pm, and indoor soccer is Fridays from

7 to 9 pm. Access is through the door to the hallway next to the gym. Double

vaccination proof and indoor runners are needed.

A Pickleball court is planned for the Willows Golf Course in K’il Kun


Playing Pickleball is a great way to exercise and learn a game that is being

considered for inclusion in the Olympics! If you really get bitten by the

Pickleball bug you could visit the Pickleball Capital of the World in Naples,

Florida, where they boast sixty courts.

To learn more about the programs offered by Haida Gwaii Recreation

Commission you can visit them at hgrec.com or see their Facebook page.

An All-Islands Food Strategy Is Underway Again!



The Future of Food on Haida Gwaii – Community Discussions & Events

Between September of 2020 and April of 2021, a series of six food

security webinars were held to start off the development of a Haida

Gwaii Food Strategy (HGFS). After a break through summer and

fall, work on the Strategy has started up again. Over the next year, a

team of food enthusiasts will lead a community engagement process

to define a vision for a food independent Haida Gwaii.

Every community will have the opportunity to engage with the Food

Strategy events, surveys, discussion groups, webinars, and interviews.

By seeking wise counsel through listening to Elders, youth,

food harvesters, farmers and processors, as well as other knowledge

holders from islands communities, the team aims to connect with

community members, bring people together to identify common

priorities regarding local food security, map food assets, and spur


Climate Change and Marine Health Research Project

Also coming up in the food security world is a collaborative project

with the Skidegate Health Centre, Skidegate Band Council and

the University of Ottawa. The Developing Adaptation Strategies for

Healthy Fisheries and Food Security for First Nations in British Columbia

under Climate Change project aims to promote food independence

and food security by helping to develop adaptation strategies

for marine food. Interviews in the community of HlGaagilda

Skidegate will provide a deeper understanding of historical and current

availability of species, as well as use of traditional seafood. These

interviews are scheduled to take place in 2022 and there will be more

information coming out about them soon.

After listening to key stakeholders, the project then aims to take the

collective knowledge of the community and combine it with climate

modeling from the University of British Columbia. They hope to

better understand how climate change will affect important marine

foods and use it to create strong management plans to preserve traditional

marine foods. Our children, grandchildren, and great grand

By Matt Peck and Emily Peer-Groves

children deserve to enjoy the same foods that have sustained the

communities of Haida Gwaii for millennia.

Watch the Film Gather

Chosen as the New York Times Critic’s Pick

of 2020, Gather attentively chronicles the

growing movement amongst Indigenous

Americans to reinforce their spiritual, political,

and cultural identities through culturally

appropriate food produced through

ecologically sound and sustainable methods,

all while processing the trauma of centuries

of genocide.

Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, QC Farmers’ Market, Moresby Market, and

Join us for refreshments, a theatre-like screening of Gather, and vibrant

discussion about our reflections on the themes of the documentary.

See the Haida Gwaii Museum facebook page for updates

on how to reserve a ticket or join in on Zoom. Two Saturday screenings

will be held from 6:30-8:30 PM – in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

at Gather restaurant on Saturday January 29th, and in Masset at

Sherri’s place on Saturday February 5th.

Please Get in Touch!

Are you interested in attending the event? Do you have knowledge

you’d like to share, food security solutions, or a desire to volunteer?

Send an email to Emily Peer-Groves, Food Strategy Coordinator, at

hgfoodstrategy@gmail.com or call (778) 986-3307. The HGFS project

is a partnership between the SBC, Swiilawiid, Local Foods 2

School, and the Haida Gwaii Museum.

To contact Matt Peck, Climate Change Project Coordinator, write

to matthewpeck125@gmail.com. The climate change and marine

health initiative is a partnership between the SBC, Tla’amin Nation,

Nuxalk Nation, ‘Namgis First Nation, and academic researchers

from University of Ottawa, University of Laval, University of Montreal,

University of BC, Simon Fraser University, and the First Nations

Health Authority.











“Laughter is an instant vacation.”

– Milton Berle

Avid Pickleballers in Daajing Giids

Queen Charlotte





To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com





22 HG January / February 2022 23

Dirt Nerd Soil Company

Composting on Haida Gwaii

By Emily Peer-Groves

It has been just over a year since Dirt Nerd Soil Company

launched their pilot community compost collection program

on the south end of Haida Gwaii. Their burgeoning

compost pile is now fed with inputs from Masset and Gaw

Tlagee Old Massett as well. The pilot project has turned

into a permanent service. You may have seen the green or

white buckets around your community.

Since their start, the Dirt Nerd folks have been working

on building infrastructure to process compost and manufacture

high-quality soil blends. Right now this includes

a worm composting facility, a small greenhouse, a food

waste shredder, and an ever-growing aerobic compost pile.

Ultimately, the main purpose of Dirt Nerd lies in promoting

food sovereignty through soil fertility, to not just compost

but to create a dynamic and balanced food source for plants

and microbes. The vision is for all of Haida Gwaii’s gardens

to have the soil resources to produce at their best capacity,

whether the soil is sandy or clayey, or whether the gardeners

are experienced or not.

The “dirt nerds,” Christina Jewell and Emily Peer-Groves,

deeply cherish the opportunity to be living and working on

Haida Nation land. Christina and Emily were friends while

both attending the University of British Columbia (UBC),

and serendipitously met again on Haida Gwaii in September

of 2020. Emily was born in Bangkok, Thailand, and grew

up in Connecticut until she pursued an undergraduate

degree in Applied Biology from UBC, with a focus on plant

and soil science. She came to Haida Gwaii for the Haida

Gwaii Institute semester program in January 2020, but when

COVID-19 abruptly ended her classes she decided to stick

around after graduation, feeling inspired by the strength of

the community and mesmerized by all the moss. Christina

grew up in Toronto and moved to Vancouver in 2014 to

attend UBC. After taking a class on vascular plants just out

of curiosity, she was hooked, and switched to study plant

and soil sciences. She moved to Haida Gwaii in 2019, and

after a wonderful year of learning and exploring, embarked

on this dirt journey with Emily.

Throughout much of 2021, many residents of Haida Gwaii

tuned in to a series of incredible food sovereignty webinars

under the Haida Gwaii Food Strategy banner. At one of

those events, the Dirt Nerd entrepreneurs learned about

the growing demand for soil in Haida Gwaii communities,

and the great expense of having it shipped to the islands.

It was clear that there was a need for making soil using

locally available ingredients. For the next three days Emily

and Christina furiously brainstormed. They saw that Haida

Gwaii is a place with an abundance of inputs that would be

perfect for composting. Mike Racz of Haida Gwaii Community

Futures then agreed to partner with them, and offered

his rock quarry as their composting site. The seed for Dirt

Nerd Soil Co. was planted.

One of Emily and Christina’s favourite professors at UBC

once said that, “dirt is the grime under your fingernails,”

and should not be used to describe soil, the fertile and

beautiful stuff where things can grow. However, the word

dirt was used in the business name because it’s humbling to

remember that we all rely on the less glamorous stage of life,

decomposition, to bring forth the wonderful parts of life.

Soil is one of the most important natural resources on our

planet. It is the foundation upon which all terrestrial plants

grow. It provides us with food, fibre, and fuel. Soil also plays

a huge role in filtering water and protecting biodiversity,

as well as mitigating and adapting to climate change. In

soils, carbon can be stored in the form of organic matter,

removing it from the atmosphere. Composting is all about

the production of organic matter.

Essentially, composting is controlled decomposition. Fungus

and bacteria do most of the heavy lifting. They facilitate

the decomposition of waste and transform high-energy

compounds into low-energy compounds that are biologically

stable in the soil. Raw organic waste materials,

like your food scraps, are transformed into these stable

substances in two phases: the active phase, and the curing

phase. In the active phase, also known as the thermophilic

phase, temperatures rapidly reach as high as 65°C (150°F),

enough to kill pathogens and weed seeds. The curing, or

mesophilic phase, results in a cooling off until temperatures

drop to about 38°C (100°F), and oxygen consumption slows.

Mesophilic microorganisms re-inhabit the pile, continuing


The Composting Process

To create their compost, Dirt Nerd first starts with the right

ratio of “greens” and “browns,” or nitrogen-rich (green) and

carbon-rich (brown) components. This usually looks like

food scraps for the greens and alder chips or white wood

sawdust for the browns. They then grind everything in a

chipper mulcher machine they bought from Echo Bay Tool

Rentals in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte. This glorious

mush is then heaped into a pile for mother nature to begin

the compost process.

Once the compost has cured for six to eight weeks, the Dirt

Nerd folks sift it and then feed it to Red Wiggler worms,

Eisenia fetida. These worms contain tens of thousands of

species of bacteria, fungi, and yeasts, as well as hormones

and enzymes in their digestive tracts that are then passed

into the soil. The worms are kept in towers of stacked totes

and carefully monitored in a climate controlled environment.

Worm castings have about seven times the amount

of nitrogen, and five times more phosphorus and potassium

than regular topsoil. They also help plants fight off disease

and pests because they contain high levels of chitinase, a

natural insect repellent.

“It’s humbling to remember that we all rely on the less glamorous stage of

life, decomposition, to bring forth the wonderful parts of life.”

- Christina Jewell

Christina Jewell (L) and Emily Peer-Groves (R), with part of their compost pile

24 HG January / February 2022 25

The Earth Temple

By Jamie McDonald

There’s More to Composting Than Meets the Eye

For many people, the need to compost, once awakened, is

insatiable. Composting calls, speaking from the beyond,

drawing in believers. A species of soil bacterium, Mycobacterium

vaccae, releases serotonin, the human body’s

“happy hormone.” Chris Lowery, a neuroscientist studying

the role of this species in serotonin release, describes the

effects of the bacteria as basically no different from all the

prescription mood enhancing drugs such as Prozac. This

is all to say that composting may play a more important

role than we recognize in creating greater wellness in our


Emily and Christina are inspired by the knowledge that

healthy, biologically active, and nutrient-dense soil makes

During the last year and a half the “dirt nerds” have had a

lot of support from people across Haida Gwaii. Emily and

Christina wish to express a little extra gratitude to a few

people in particular for their guidance and support: Missy

McDonald and the Skidegate Band Council for being so

enthusiastic about the project and supplying the white

buckets; Keirnan Wright, a devoted and tireless mega-volunteer;

Terri-Lynn Penner and Laurie Chisholm of WorkBC

for their mentorship; the good people of Masset Market;

the Skidegate Adult Day Program; Dave Whitehead for

sharing his experience; and all who have participated in

Dirt Nerd activities.

Expressions of Gratitude

for nutritious, delicious food. Wouldn’t it be nice if gardening

was effortless for everyone? With thoughtfully recycled

inputs, Haida Gwaii communities can choose to bring new

life to what might otherwise end up in the landfill or burned.

The Dirt Nerd vision is to serve all communities on Haida

Gwaii, but before collection services can be expanded they

need a minimum number of sign-ups (about 30 households)

for a sustainable route. If you are interested in learning

more, or to be put on the waiting list for those areas yet to

be serviced, contact the Dirt Nerd Soil Company by calling

647-938-6169, email dirtnerdsoil@gmail.com or check out

their website at dirtnerd.net.

Dirt Nerd also would not be where they are today without

the support of local businesses such as the Haida Gwaii

Co-op in HlGaagilda Skidegate, Jags Beanstalk, Blacktail

Restaurant, Gather, the late Queen Bee’s, City Centre

Grocery, Haida House at Tll.aal, T&E Seafood, Echo Bay

Tool Rentals, Haida Gwaii Community Futures, and Via

Rail in Prince Rupert for their minitractor.

Looking to learn more about composting? Check out

the books Community-Scale Composting Systems (by

J. McSweeney) or The Worm Farmer’s Handbook (by R.

Sherman), both of which were consulted in the writing of

this article. Happy Composting!

The end of one thing can mean the birth of another. In this case,

seeds planted in the Sun Studio will continue to grow and unfold

with Karen Walhout leading and transforming the space into

The Earth Temple.

“The Earth Temple aims to provide services that support the

health and wellness of your own body temple, as well as make

community connections through arts and wellness events,”

shares Karen, who is very excited to start offering yoga,

meditation, kids classes, movement, craniosacral therapy, and

other community contributions as of January 15th, 2022.

All classes will be offered for a $10 drop-in fee for all of January.

Class passes and registered classes will start February 1st. A

schedule for January will be posted around town in Daajing

Giids Queen Charlotte, and sent to folks who sign up for e-mail

updates. Contact kswalhout@gmail.com for more information.



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• January 17 th

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*Please note: members of the public can physically attend Public Council Meetings in person.

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26 HG January / February 2022 27

All Things Music

The Studio Sessions

Wondering what’s up with the Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse

(HGC)? Well, if you must know, this fall the HGC began

collaborating with the Haida Gwaii Radio Society (HGRS)

and Haida Gwaii Arts Council (HGAC) to create the Studio

Sessions. The HGRS promotes and uploads the Studio Sessions

on their YouTube channel, while the HGAC finances

the artists. The two organizations work together to coordinate

the feature performances for each session, and the HGC organizes

the open mic part of the event. Some of the recordings

are done by the feature performers themselves, while some

are recorded by Jay Myers at his Alkemist Studio in Daajing

Giids Queen Charlotte.

I’ve been delighted to be able to tune into these recordings

at my own convenience, and look forward to more amazing

performances in the months to come. Stay tuned to the HGC’s

Facebook page for up to date information and dates of next


The November Studio


The Rainmakers

“The idea behind the

creation of The Rainmakers

was to open up

a creative space for music,

with various musicians

coming in and

joining us for short periods,”

describes Mark

Baggaley, a founding

member of the Rainmakers. “Most of our songs are a mix of

rock ‘n roll and jazz, although our sound is ever-changing,

depending on who comes and joins the jam. We just have fun

making up a musical story and seeing if it goes somewhere,

without pressure or original intent.” We chatted about one

of the songs they performed at the Studio Sessions. “I wrote

the song Windows about the pandemic and how we are all

By Jamie McDonald

separated by windows. The song talks about a young girl being

isolated and remembering dancing around under the street

light. She comes out and no one is there, but she dances and

people come out on their balconies and join in by singing.”

Nathaniel Oliver White,

aka Nano White

This artist’s performance at

the Studio Sessions was a great

precursor to his EP release in

mid-December. “I am from Gaw

Tlagee Old Massett. I am from

the K’wíi Gandláas branch of the

Yahgu ‘Láanas Ravens. Audrey

Samuels was my grandmother.

Patricia Moore is my mother.

Echo of Our Ancestors came from

a transitory period of my life; it encapsulates the optimism,

excitement, and nervousness that arises when you move from

your home village to the big city. It’s my third instrumental

album. It wasn’t intended to be, but lyrics can be challenging

to find when there’s so much emotion to sort through.

Its release date of December 16th, 2021, also represents a

turning point in my life. It was my last day of classes before

I moved on from my program to pursue a new goal I have

set for myself: to go through life by my own means, creating

and collaborating alongside the many beautiful artists I have

come to know in my time.” You can find Nano White’s first

release on BandCamp, and subsequent releases on Spotify.

You can also find him on Instagram (@nanowhit).

The Winter Sessions

The last Studio Session of the year aired on December 26th

and was named The Winter Sessions. It did not include an

open mic, but there were four featured local performers…

what a treat!

Jason Camp and the Posers

Jason Camp and The Posers is

a two piece Punkabilly band

made up of two Haida Madmen:

SGaan Kwah. Agang

(James McGuire) on vocals

and guitar, and Jaahljuu (Graham

Richard) smashing his drums to bits. They added some

really fun footage to their Winter Sessions performance! You

can find their albums on Bandcamp – First Contact (July

2019), Silver Tongued White Man (January 2019), and Neat

Times and Family Values (2016). You can also find them on

Facebook under Jason Camp and the Posers.

Dominic Legault

Dominic, a well-seasoned

Tow-Hillbilly, has been playing

accordion and piano for

over twenty-five years. He

regaled us with a beautiful

performance on his accordion

and bandoneon. His songs

Where Home Is, Zero Hour,

and Agave were inspired by

Eastern European sounds,

underground Greek music,

and Gnawa music from

North Africa. Dominic has

produced a few great albums,

including Piano Songs,Volumes

1 and 2, which were written during the winters of

2012-2017 and released in 2017, as well as Breathing Bellows,

released in 2003. Earlier releases and videos can be found

on his website musicdominic.com, and his music can also

be listened to and purchased on Bandcamp (musicdominic).

The bandoneon (or bandonion) is a type of concertina

particularly popular in Argentina and

Uruguay. It is a typical instrument in most tango

ensembles. The concertina family of instruments

also includes the accordion, as well as other

instruments held between the hands and using

“bellows” to produce sounds.

Earle July

Spoken word artist Earle July

gave a stellar performance. As

he describes the experience,“I

enjoyed the Haida Gwaii Winter

Sessions… It’s encouraging

to see a response to limited

public gathering via streaming

live performances.” He also

told me about what else he’s

been up to, as well as his plans

for the future. “I’ve been able to

spend the last year or two focused

a little more inward and

in developing the space and

tools I need to make the music

I like to make. I’m always interested

in collaboration, and

Thomas Arnatt has been an

excellent match up. My goal for 2022 is definitely musically

oriented - more exploration around identity through word,

and movement through rhythm.” You can find some recordings

of Early July’s spoken word performances on the Cedar

House Sessions section of the Haida Gwaii Radio Society’s

YouTube Channel

Behn Cochrane

This singer-songwriter

from K’il Kun Sandspit

is a regular open mic

contributor, a teacher,

and a member of a

band called Spitfire. “I

started playing music

in my late twenties and

it’s been one of the best

things to ever happen

in my life,” says Behn. He mostly enjoys playing folk and

classic country cover songs, and for the Winter Sessions, he

covered Highwayman by The Highwaymen, as covered by

The White Buffalo. “It is a song close to my heart because

it was introduced to me by my friend Leo Putterill back in

1999. He passed away that year and we played the song at his

funeral. I hadn’t performed the song publicly until this year.

Over the past few years Sandspit has had a rash of young men

pass away, and I felt it was a good time to perform the song.

It helped us share in the grieving and remembrance process.”

He also offered his rendition of Early Spring Til by Nathaniel

Rateliff, Bring it on Home To Me by Sam Cooke, and Rock Salt

and Nails by Tyler Childers.

28 HG January / February 2022 29



by Craig Carmichael

Haida Gwaii Stargazers

By Monica Caulfield


By Craig Carmichael


1 Printing was the first form of __


11 American Medical Assoc.

12 Collection of songs

13 Switch is up

15 Operation (abbr.)

17 Considerate

20 El ___ warm wind

22 The finest parchment (scarce

writing material!)

23 Also

24 Obsolete form of ‘Apsis’ (high or

low point of orbit)

27 Medical person (abbr.)

29 Groove

30 Portable bed

32 Post Meridian (afternoon)

34 Swan constellation (abbr.)

36 East Asian philosophy or


38 Replacement for vellum, needed

for mass printing

40 Fifth day

42 Energetic enthusiasm

43 Myself


1 The inventor of the printing press was from this

German town

2 You are, I __

3 Steam bath

4 Cooking vessel

5 A march starting on the wrong foot (abbr.)

6 Infamous double reed instrument

7 Printing could ___ books without handwriting

each copy

8 Hesitation with next words

9 Destination address

10 Vegetable based product blotted onto the page


14 Decorate

16 A football kick

18 That thing

44 Feeble in Paris

48 Left over piece

52 Radium

53 Printing separated the

“medieval” era from the “___”

56 Do something

58 Painting, sculpture, music...

book decorating

59 Um, __, where was I?

60 Existence

62 Juicy red root

63 ___ as a fiddle

64 Negative answer

65 __ Cid

66 This on the print forme makes

for fuzzy print

67 Dutch cheese

68 Type

71 Abominable snowman

74 More detailed

75 New type of press really sped up


76 Word “a” if followed by a vowel


19 Give the okay

21 Your and my

22 Animal Dr.

25 Inventor of the printing press (working by 1450)

26 Skyward

28 Set of metal letters formed in a mold

31 ___, aah!

33 Development of printing ushered in this period

35 Extravagant fete

37 The printing ___ pushed the paper against the

inked forme

39 Two that match

41 Thinking about the answer?

45 An abbr. line

46 Developed about the same time, paper would ___

the printing press to be practical

Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.

47 Printing spread ___ and knowledge to the masses

49 Vellum was made from ___ ___

50 Solvent for cleaning 3D printer bed

51 For each

52 Motley mob? or game of sc____

54 I am, he is, we __

55 Extra fast passenger jet

57 Musical sounds lacking bass

61 One who makes notes?

69 Accepted by the group

70 Medical people

72 Going: from, __

73 That thing

74 4th note

Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) You are given a mission, dearest Aries, and

if you accept this mission you find yourself with a much different

conclusion than you initially thought possible. There could be power

struggles within the system for you to overcome but not to worry; you

are up for the task in front of you. Stay open-minded and have faith

that everything is falling into place just the way it should be.

Keywords: commission, goal, and aim.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Whether you value this or not, dearest

Taurus, this is your time to shine brightly while all the world looks

on. Your communication style comes into play right now and it’s best

to just spit out the truth and be done with it; no more beating around

the bush. Any chance you have to forgive yourself or loved ones will

go a long way toward healing your internal dialogue, thus freeing

you toward your big mission in life. Keywords: objective, pursuit, and


Gemini (May 20 – June 20) When you gather valuable information,

dearest Gemini, this is the calling of your soul. But today I ask you

to assemble that information and use it to take a stand and develop

a belief system that considers all the facts you have as well as your

intuition and instinct. What forward thinking tendencies do you feel

are true for you? Where can you make improvements in your life that

will bring you new meaning and success? Keywords: quest, undertaking,

and trust.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Are you feeling lucky in your career

this cycle, dearest Cancer? The more creative you can become, the

greater success you can experience. There are close friends and family

members still needing your attention and we all know you are capable

of amazing kindness. Just remember that unwavering kindness starts

first with self-love. Keywords: finesse, poise, and diplomacy.

Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) It’s time to take care of business, dearest Leo.

In order to free yourself up for your grand agenda, you must organize

and outfit yourself with tools to complete tasks needed. What have

you been putting off that cannot be ignored any longer? How will you

succeed in getting through this challenge, so you are left with more

time on your hands for what you most value? Answer these questions

to plow through the fields and get to the other side where creativity

and joy live. Keywords: endeavor, production, and cheer.

Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) It’s time to lighten up and live, dearest Virgo.

Not necessarily what you want to hear as you are a doer through

and through and have things to get accomplished. I’m asking you to

chill out, drink a beverage and watch the world go by. Just for a little

bit. You are needing some quiet time and happy time to recharge your

batteries. A vacation may be in order so that when you return, you are

fresher and rested. Keywords: intermission, sabbatical, and time-off.

Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) Adaptation is the name of the game, dearest

Libra. What needs to happen now may relate to what is happening in

your family dynamics. You are being asked to look within to determine

your next course of action. But don’t make a firm decision until

you have all the facts straight. Keywords: adjust, adopt, and shift.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Let’s do a bit of self-reflection, shall we

dearest Scorpio? You have so many balls in the air right now that it

must be hard to stay focused on all of them. It’s time to ask yourself

what are the key issues for you now and how are you going to meet

the demands of the day? Communication with self and others takes

precedence over just about everything else. So slow down just a little

and find the direction to your perfect path. Keywords: awareness,

spotlight, and approach.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) You are evaluating the rules, dearest

Sagittarius. What lies below the surface is something worth knowing,

so go ahead and dive deep into the abyss. This is where you will find

yourself, and your situation will become much clearer. Self-confidence

will be your reward and you might even find an added bonus

of increased finances in the mix. Keywords: wealth, wisdom, and


Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) You have the time and the energy to

devote to what you want for yourself, dearest Capricorn. No one is

watching you just in case you think you are “failing.” And even if they

were, who cares? Provide yourself with the gift of not making a snap

decision. It’s perfectly okay to pace yourself slower than you are used

to. Even if you get less things done on your list, it’s a win.

Keywords: gradual, moderate, and gain.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You have reached the end of an era, dearest

Aquarius. You are about to pop out into a new set of circumstances

with the opportunity to shine and shine bright. You just need to get

clear with what worked for you, what did not and how you are going

to decipher the difference moving forward. Buds are heading out of

the soil toward the Sun, so be certain what seeds you want to plant.

Keywords: arise, crop-up, and breakthrough.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) There is a harvest under foot, dearest Pisces.

You are reaping what was sown months ago. What exactly is it? What

you hoped would come to fruition or not? Take what you value and

care about, and discard the rest. Then start planning for your future

knowing that a little bit of uncertainty is justified in these new days.

Let yourself dream of the new best thing before jumping in headfirst.

Keywords: create, conceive, and construct.

30 HG January / February 2022 31

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will

then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline

for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct issue.)

*Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products, services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.

In the Home & Office

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/

Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc

Microwave. Call Michael Brown at (250) 559-9038 or email mdbrown@qcislands.net

Akai EIE Pro 24 Bit Interface Expander. New, never used interface. Includes Pro Tools Express. $200 Call Derek

at (250) 557-4226 or email derkergreenthumb@gmail.com

Euroflex Monster Steam Cleaner. Check out euroflex.ca/collections/frontpage for a more complete description. This is

the SC60 model with manuals etc. Photo shows it hanging on my wall with the provided mount. Works like a dream.

Uses only distilled water and I will throw in a gallon. Will clean walls, tiles, floors, bathtubs, kitchen surfaces. Very

light weight. Made in Italy and has a stainless-steel water reservoir. I have looked around and see it is mostly sold out

in most places. $150 Call Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca

Cork boots size 12. $75 Call Fletcher at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

Glass etched mirror. 25.5 inches by 31 inches. $35 Call Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca

Leather Briefcase. With combination lock. Like new. $100 Call Marla Abbott at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net

Kenmore Ultra Wash Dishwasher. Clean and in good working conditions. Ready for pick up. $100 Call Roberto

at (250) 999-5011 or email kellycerruti@gmail.com

Glass Etched smoke glass mirror. Round mirror with original etching. Frame is red cedar. Diameter 23 inches.

$100 Call Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca

Women’s XL Coat. $60 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

Heaters. 220V construction heaters, $65 each or 2 for $100. I have extension cords for them as well if interested.

Call Terry Tollestrup at (505) 594-5954 or email echobay@hgqci.org

TV wall mount. Full motion articulating TV mount. New in box. Costs $180 new, asking only $120. Call Sonia Rice at (250) 626-9049 or

email Sonia.rice6058@gmail.com

Book Stand. 10-pocket wire book stand for floor (6ft. 8in. tall; 20in. wide). $250 new, will sell for $75 obo. Please phone (no cell

phone). Call Marla Abbott at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net

Brand new pink Helly Hansen coat. Medium, warm and cozy, hood is not detachable. $140 Call Karen at (250)

637-1910 or email karefoe@gmail.com

Maytag Portable Dishwasher. Re-homing a Maytag portable dishwasher on wheels. Wood top. The faucet adapter

coupling needs replacing. I have the part for it. Included with sale. It’s an awesome dishwasher. $150 Call Jam at (604)

767-9564 or email jamaustrial@gmail.com

Wellness Services

Karen Walhout



Yoga with

Karen on

Haida Gwaii


Facebook: @InhaleSatExhaleNam

In the Home & Office - cont.

In Home Gym. Cross Bow by Weider, $250. Call Carol-Ann at (250) 626-9160 or

email aiyana.c@gmail.com

Wooden Rolling Table/Cabinet. This mobile table would be useful around the

home or shop. The top is 24” x 35”, and the base is 22 1/2” x 26 1/2”. It is 21”

high. There’s a partition that divides the cabinet and adds strength. It has 2” ball

bearing swivel casters. Will hold over 100 pounds. It’s in very good condition.

$40 Call Jack at (250) 626-3436 or email sales@tostaba.com

Tree face. Witch tree face with glow-in-the-dark eyes. Phone 250-559-4242 if

interested. $15 Call Marla Abbott at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.


In the Yard & Workshop

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/

Pet and Pet Supplies

Gun for Sale - Unknown Gem. New in the box. Webley and Scott .22 bolt gun.

Rifle was made in Germany by German Sports Guns for the British market.

G.S.G is known for their outstanding Diana air rifles. This rifle has an ambi full

size (good) polymer stock with cheek riser. The bolt is like a CZ 455 design and

the barrel can be exchanged. The rifle is in .22 Lr but can be changed to .22 mag

and 17 HMR. The stock has a barrel insert which can be removed to install a bull

barrel. The sporter barrel is free floating. Integral picatinny rail, U.N.F. threaded

with a match muzzle crown. The trigger is fully adjustable as well. 3 year warranty.

price is firm, no taxes. Regular retail $ 500 to $ 550. This is a hard to find item,

$400. PAL required to purchase. Call Martin Aalders at (250) 637-5606 or email


Surveyors Equipment. Compasses x2, Inclometers x2, Surveyors Vests x2, Increment

Borer Hip Chains with string, bear spray or paint can holder for belt,

and more. Buy all or just parts. Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595 or email


Air Grease gun. New, didn’t use but has marine grease in it. Needs an air compressor to work. $80

Call Danny Stewart at (250) 631-3478 or email skocumshakers@massett.ca

VHF radios. Your choice. Kenwood and Icom. $300 Call Dave at (250) 559-4747 or email drellis@


Disposable Tyvec Coveralls. $8 each, 3 for $20. Large Sizes XL, XX and XXX. Lots

in stock. Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC

290-309 2 nd Ave W



32 HG January / February 2022 33

In the Yard & Workshop - cont.

Cement Nails, New Price. Cement Nails Various sizes, Total Value $480 + Sizes 11/4”, 1 1/2”, 2”, 3

1/2”, 2 7/8”, 21/2” Hilti and Ramset $50 Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@


.270 rifle. Savage Axis rifle in .270 on a Boyds laminate stock and Zeiss Conquest

4.5-14x44 optics. Good condition. Comes with a box and a half of ammo and

a bore snake, PAL required to purchase. $700 Call Toney at (250) 637-1986 or

email the_cajun_ace@hotmail.com

On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

Sirius car radio. $50 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email


Van For Sale. 2001 Honda Odyssey - Automatic - 222,000km - runs and drives

well. Seven passenger - needs minor brake work. 70% on tires. $2,750 Call Cyrus

Stoltzfus at (250) 557-4727 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

ICOM 2 Way Radio. Icom Ic-f1020-2 VHF Mobile 2way Radio $75 Call Terry

Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Set of 4 Kumho Studded Winter Tires. Equivalent brand new tires are over $200

each and another $40 each for $960 minimum value. Size is 215/45/17 winter

rims, studded snow tires, Kumho brand, over 95% 10.5mm tread depth of 12mm

total. Mounted on Toyota pattern 5x100 winter steel rims, $350. Old Massett.

Call Kevin J at (250) 626-6014 or email kevjager.haida@gmail.com

Full Set RAV4 Winter Tires. Toyo Observe G3ICE, less than 1000km. 225/65R17

106T. Very clean, no punctures ever, balanced on included oil-sprayed rims. In

excellent shape. Check out Toyo website for more info. Selling new for $1012.

I’m asking $700. Thanks for looking! Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

RAV 4 Front And Back Floor Liner. Very clean, selling for half price, $150. No

tax or shipping! :) Get ready for the slushy season - protect your car’s interior.

Thanks for looking ! $150 Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@


Atlas Crane. This is a 1984 Bedford MJ 4x4. Atlas Crane. Flatdeck. 6 Cyl NA Diesel. Unstoppable.

Has some minor issues. It needs a loving home. $10,500 Call Colin at (250) 626-7631 or email


West End

Auto Sales

2013 Ford Escape

110,100km/Stk#6373 $17,995

2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

79,150km/Stk#6972 $27,995

2019 Ford F150 XLT

38,380km/Stk#6363 $52,995

Time to winterize

your vehicle.

We have

winter tires!

“ No reasonable

offer refused!”


605 Ocean View Dr.

Queen Charlotte


On the Road - cont.

Fifth Wheel/Trailer for sale. Fifth Wheel (Keystone Montana Mountaineer 346

LBQ, Year 2011, 34 feet), is in very good condition and fully furnished with additional

equipment. 2 bedrooms (1 queen size bed, 3 more beds with bedding),

1 and a half bath with a small tub, kitchen fully equipped with oven, 3 burner

stove, hood, microwave, kettle, toaster, hand mixer, kitchen scale, blender.

Outdoor kitchen with 2 burner stove and sink, 4 slide outs, aluminum wheels,

3 TV’s, 2 music systems, large storage areas, ceiling fan, air conditioning, gas

heating and electric heating (new), dehumidifier, self-retracting awning, double

insulation, two entrance doors and much more. $30,000 Call Sylvia at (705) 203-

0344 or email Vampiriasylvana@hotmail.com

2007 DODGE RAM 1500. All she needs is a bit of love. 2007 Dodge Ram 1500, 4

door Hemi. New offroad/winter tires and full-sized spare. Odometer: 297, 632

Work done: - regular oil changes - fixed 4 x 4 in 2021, fully operational - Replaced

front brakes in 2021. Check engine light has been on since I bought it

- had it cleared and scanned, it’s a fan of some sort. Heat works on high - likely

time to replace that fan. Makes a tinkering noise now but runs fine. Never fixed

the mirror - should be easy enough to track one down. Has been a great truck,

only selling to get something smaller. With a bit of TLC will continue to be a

wonderful HG adventure truck. Make me an offer, $7,000. Call Michaela at (250)

559-8972 or email michaelamarymcguire@gmail.com

Cargo Cover. For a Jeep Grand Cherokee. Black in colour. Never used. Call Suzanne Aalders at

(250) 637-5606 or email suzanne.aalders@hotmail.com

Air Grease gun. New didn’t use but has marine grease in it. Needs an air compressor to work. $80

Call Danny Staewart at (250) 631-3478 or email skocumshakers@massett.ca

On the Water

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats

Troller for Sale - Reduced Price! Price Reduced from $180,000 (CAD), now

$165,000. Akko Chan, 41 ft fibreglass freezer troller, very clean, well-maintained.

Brand new John Deere 240hp engine installed 2017 has 1800 hours on it, new

gear, twin disk, new exhaust, and tail shaft; lots of fishing gear included. Packs

600 gallons of fuel. More information can be found at https://akkochan.northernrogue.ca/

This vessel is ready to fish. Call Colin at 250-559-4637 or 250-637-

1997 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

150 Mercury Outboard. 150 mercury outboard, $6,000. Call Fletcher Collison at

(250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison1964@gmail.com

34’ Aluminum Troller. Masset Services is selling our aluminum fish boat. Diesel

power, full electronics. Borg Warner gear. Needs TLC. Good runner. Strong hull.

Poor cosmetics. But, not $55,000, only $24,000. On the water in Masset. Call Bill

at 778-914-4487 or 250-626-3833 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Volvo Penta 151a Marine Engine Parts for Sale. This is a reconditioned Volvo

Penta 151A cylinder head for sale. $800 Call Harold at (250) 626-3305 or email


34 HG January / February 2022 35

Real Estate & Rentals

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to to Own, Shared Accommodation

Real Estate & Rentals - cont.

Oceanfront Guest Houses. 95 and 97 Bayview Drive, Port Clements, BC. For

your ocean-front investment opportunity! The ultimate in Port Clements

on Haida Gwaii, zoned Marine (M-1 comm) waterfront: 3 lots hosting an

Airbnb home and carriage home; 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, well-appointed

and turnkey package (all furniture included). A wonderful palette; great

infrastructure for business or pleasure. Enjoy world-class fishing and Masset

Inlet views at your doorstep with 105 feet of ocean frontage. Spectacular

ocean views and stunning sunsets are just some of the “perks” of this live/

workspace. For more information and pictures go to sothebysrealty.ca/Port

Clements or contact Sotheby’s International Realty / Marnie Perrier at (cell)

250-212-8552 (work) 250-469-9547 or email marnie@marnieperrier.com

Residential Property with Commercial Zoning - Price Reduced! Residential

property with commercial zoning (qualifies for residential mortgage). 2-two

bedroom 800sqf residences with ocean views and a 1300sqf studio residence.

300sqf art gallery. Completely renovated, new windows, plumbing, and quality

finishing. Large semi-enclosed outdoor work space, wood-fired sauna.

Centrally located at 3120 Oceanview Drive. Property currently generates

$25,000 per year in income after all expenses. Turn Key. For sale by Merlin

Naylor, text or call (250) 626-7298. No subject to finance offer. Price $550,000

Text or call Merlin Naylor (250) 626-7298 or email uprootsalvage@gmail.


The Ground Coffee House and Gallery. Excellent, healthy business, includes

building, business, 2 lots and a rentable suite at the back. Fabulous opportunity.

Price $595,000 Call 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com




3113 Oceanview Drive, QC

Northern Rogue


IT Services for Haida Gwaii

Onsite/Remote support for:

• Computer Repairs

• Server & Network

• Data Recovery

Hardware and

Software Sales




Insurance for Home,

Auto, Business,

& Recreational

Masset: 250.626.3711

Queen Charlotte: 250.559.8426

2 Acres Near North Beach. Magnificent 2 acre parcel backing on the Sangan

River and just steps to North Beach. This lot is level and private and offers

several prime spots to build your dream home or recreational getaway. This

is the only one available in this incredible location. Price $289,000. Call 250-

218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com

Masset Bike Shop. Great opportunity to run your own business without “breaking

the bank.” Tremendous potential for bike sales and service along with

other sports equipment. Building in great shape on 2 lots and room for small

living quarters. The business is in the heart of Masset and close to the airport

offering daily service to the mainland. Call John at 250-218-9776 for more

info. Price $279,500 Call 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com

SOLD! Waterfront Home - Port Clements. Great family home on a double,

gently sloping, waterfront lot in Port Clements. Main floor offer 2 bedrooms,

large living/dining, kitchen and full bath. Downstairs is a walk out basement

with 2 more bedrooms, den, full bath and laundry room. Also attached is a

garage/workshop/storage room. The views from the living areas are magnificent.

Call John at 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com

Essential Worker Accommodations, Long or Short Term - Port Clements and

Masset. Port Clements: furnished and unfurnished 1 and 2 bedroom apartments.

Newly renovated, including bathroom and kitchen. Sat. internet, TV,

king-size beds, laundry and parking are included. Well suited for worker accommodation.

Clean and secure building. Masset: several renovated housing

units. 3 and 4 bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable,

laundry and parking are included. Please email dustin@rushworthelectric.ca

for more information or call/text Dustin at 250-661-9012 or email dustin@


Waterfront Duplex Queen Charlotte. Waterfront Duplex turn key. Beach

cottage in Queen Charlotte Village, 2 blocks to grocery, post office, library,

community center and park. Walk on beach access. Good investment for

Airbnb or mortgage or guests. Extensive renovations 2018/2019. Each floor

has one bedroom, bathroom, laundry, kitchen living room, outdoor dinning

area. Downstairs has large room exercise spa with walk in tub. Green House

with heater grow lights, automatic drip irrigation system. House and landscaping

designed for low maintenance 1,682 sq feet


Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate

Wanted: Lathe. Looking for a bowl-turning lathe or large capacity spindle-lathe. Heavy duty,

self-standing, single phase or three phase. Call James at (250) 557-4579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Dealer # 5958

1-800-313-7187 or 250-635-7187

Full inventory at www.terracechrysler.com

& www.terracetoyota.ca

4916 Highway #16 West Terrace, BC

*Must be mentioned before negotiations

Dealer # D50120

36 HG January / February 2022 37

ared Accomodation

Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo


Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry


Wanted - cont.


Anything that just needs a new home!

House in Masset. Looking to purchase a home in Masset. Not looking for large home, one or two beds plenty. Have cash. I lived and

worked in Ocean Falls BC for 19 years. Thanks, any leads appreciated. Call Orville Esteb at (360) 737-9241 or email odesteb@icloud.com

Wanted: Wood Stove. Looking for a used Blaze King or Blaze Queen wood stove. Call Grant at (250) 557-4658 or email


WTB - Lot in Tlell. I’m looking to buy a lot in either Tlell, Lawn Hill, or possibly Port Clements. Prefer 2 acres or larger.

Can be undeveloped or with small cabin/house. Thank you. Call Kevan Daniel at (260) 617-0245 or email kevan_daniel@hotmail.com

Wanted Ford Truck Parts. Used, old Ford F250 or F350 pickups wanted. Years 2002-2007. Can be dead. We will pick up.

Call Stephen at (250) 557-4594 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Exhaust Fan. Looking to buy a small wall mount exhaust fan. Call Germain Vigneault at (250) 557-4240 or email germain@qcislands.net

Steelhead Vehicle. Hi, I’ve been studying and desiring to come to Haida Gwaii for 3 years to steelhead fish (Covid delays). I need to rent

a sturdy 4x4 or hire someone that knows the rivers and has such a vehicle. It can be in Sandspit, Queen Charlotte, or Masset--I will get

there. If you know steelhead, that much better. I am an experienced outdoorsman used to hiking. I have all the equipment I need, other

than a vehicle. Insider knowledge would be great. By the way, I am vaccinated (2x with booster). Thank you. Any leads are appreciated.

Call Michael Sieber at (408) 891-8655 or email sieber.michael.k@gmail.com

Looking for a used iPad mini at a reasonable price Thanks for looking! Happy New Year! Call fotogwaii@hotmail.com at (250) 559-8877 or

email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

Young family looking for new home. Couple with young toddler looking to purchase home. Preference for smaller home; shop/workspace/

room for outdoor kitchen would be a bonus. Looking forward to hearing from you! Call Taylor Greenwood at (867) 689-3732 or email


Quartet or Chamber Music Ensemble? Would anyone like to start and play in a string quartet or other small chamber ensemble? Maybe

weekly or monthly? Call Craig Carmichael at (250) 559-7735 or email craig@saers.com

Organic Produce

Groceries & Dairy

• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods

• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies

• Free Range Meats

• Organic Charcuterie Meats

• International Cheeses

• Foods for All Diets



Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm

3219 Wharf Street

Daajing Giids/Queen Charlotte

Handcrafted soap

& body products

FREE Industrial Clothes Dryer. Industrial propane clothes dryer. Call Larry Duke

at (778) 260-0071 or email larryduke914@gmail.com

FREE King Mattress. Fairly new, used it about 5 months. Mattress only, no box

spring etc., Call Jon at (778) 836-5563 or email Jonathonzwickel1@gmail.com

FREE Small computer/art desk. Metal and glass top. Call Ray at (250) 626-3513 or

email zooey10@massett.ca

FREE 5th wheel for parts or storage. Old 5th wheel, lived in until last week, Rough

shape, mostly working. One Wheel has brake seized (been sitting 8 years). Its free

so don’t expect much. Call Pete at (250) 692-6446 or email petereeemeyer@gmail.


Employment & Training

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/

Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars

“The employment ad we placed with HGT has been the best way for us to get a local response. We

had our ad in other outlets and people applying from all over (the world!) but a lot of applicants have

no idea where they are applying to. We have had numerous resumes submitted locally from the HGT

ad and at least one or two people hired in the last year were folks who responded to the ad. One or

two might not seem like a lot but it actually makes quite a difference in the pool of crew that D & E

Towing and Salvage needs. Even if we don’t get that many direct employees from the ad, having it out

there lets people know about D & E Towing and also gives us a bit of a gauge to see who is out there

looking for work.” – Christina Stupka / D & E Towing and Salvage Ltd., Gamadiis Port Clements

We would be honoured to hear

from you!

Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0

Phone: 250-557-2088

Magazine Submissions

• Letters to the Editor

• Stories

• News

• Photos

• Poems

• Cartoons


Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo

Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry


Designed and

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry


Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo

Tidal by local Zone artisan jeweller Silver Studio

Designed and handcrafted

by local artisan jeweller

Laura Dutheil

Earrings, rings, pendants,

bracelets, ear cuffs & more,

with tidal zone inspired


Custom orders welcome!





by Laura Dutheil

Earrings, Rings,

Designed Earrings, and handcrafted rings, pendants,

by local bracelets, artisan jeweller ear cuffs & more,


Laura with Dutheil tidal zone inspired

Pendants, engravings

Earrings, rings, pendants,

Ear bracelets, Cuffs ear cuffs & more, More!

with Custom tidal zone inspired orders welcome!


Custom orders


Custom orders Available welcome! at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre

Tidal Zone Silver Studio

Available at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre

Available at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Tidal Visitor Zone Information Silver StudioCentre


Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com

Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com


Available at Funk It and the

Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre




First Nations Economic Development

Employment, Skills & Training

Business Development

Employer Loan Benefit Program


www.tricorp.ca Prince Rupert, BC

Employment Opportunity – Member Services Representative – Masset. Northern

Savings Credit Union has an opening for a full-time Member Services Representative

for our Masset branch. This would appeal to an outgoing individual

interested in providing excellent customer service and a career in sales. General

Duties: Processes member transactions. Recognizes member needs and promotes

and cross sells credit union products and services to members by explaining basic

credit union products and services, and referring more complex requests for

information and assistance to appropriate branch staff. Minimum Qualifications

- Education: Secondary School Diploma required. Experience: Previous sales and

service experience is preferred or an equivalent combination of education, training

and experience. Skills: Excellent written and verbal English communication

skills; Working knowledge, skills and experience in Microsoft Office. Call Santa

Slubowski at (250) 628-0357 or email santaslubowski@northsave.com

Employment Opportunity - Receptionist - QC. Northern Savings Credit Union has

an opening for a full-time Receptionist for our Queen Charlotte branch. If you

are passionate about improving people’s financial health and have experience with

sales and service we’d like to hear from you. Member Service: Processes a wide

range of financial transactions while offering a suite of deposit products. Ensures

inbound telephone calls are answered promptly. Presents a professional image

to members and internal customers. Other duties may be assigned periodically.

Minimum Qualifications - Education: High School diploma is a requirement.

Experience: Previous financial services experience is an asset. Skills: Demonstrated

sales and service skills; Ability to prioritize and organize work within

time constraints; Ability to communicate and liaise professionally with members,

potential customers, community groups and co-workers while maintaining confidentiality;

Working knowledge, skills and experience in Microsoft Office. Call

Santa Slubowski at (250) 628-0357 or email info@northsave.com

38 HG January / February 2022 39

Internet 120

now available in

Queen Charlotte

and Skidegate!


No Contracts


*Conditions apply.

See mascon.ca for more details.

Employment & Training - cont.

Transition House Support Worker. Provide support, security, information, education,

crisis intervention and referrals to residents and Help-line callers. Also responsible

for general upkeep and daily operation of the Transition house. NOTE:

All duties will be adapted to include appropriate COVID-19 protocols. Casual

Positions receive an additional 10.2 % in lieu of sick, vacation & stat benefits. Call

Administration at (250) 626-4664 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace

Community Living BC Residence – Employment Opportunities

• Asleep Residential Support Worker: Casual – Evenings: 22:00 – 8:00 / Various

Shift Work / $18.98 - $22.11/hr

• Residential Support Worker: Casual - Morning 08:00-15:00 / Afternoon 15:00-

22:00 / Variable shift work/$21.63-$25.19/hr

• Residence Worker: 0.70 FTE Permanent – Morning 8:00-16:00 / Tuesday-Friday

/ $21.63-$25.19/hr

• Residence Worker: 0.65 FTE Permanent– Afternoon 15:00-22:00 / 2x rotating

shifts - 3 days on/off/ $21.63 - $25.19/hr

• Residence Worker: 0.52 FTE Permanent/ Morning 8:00 – 15:00/Saturday-Monday/$21.63-$25.19/hr

• Asleep Residence Worker: 1.0 FTE Permanent / Night 22:00 – 8:00 /

Sunday – Wednesday / $18.98 - $22.11/hr

• Asleep Residence Worker: 0.75 FTE Permanent / Evening 22.00-8:00 / Thursday-

Saturday / $18.98 - $22.11/hr

As a Community Living BC Residence Worker you will be providing respectful

daily living support to adult residents with developmental disabilities living in the

CLBC staffed residence located in Masset, Haida Gwaii. You will also participate

in the general daily operation and upkeep of the CLBC staffed residence. While

working in close cooperation with the CLBC Community Support Worker team,

you will be enhancing and supporting the quality of life for individuals by providing

opportunities for full involvement in their community, in a manner respectful

of the intelligence and independence already attained by the supported residents.

Qualifications & Requirements: Minimum grade 12 or G.E.D. equivalent.

Social Service Worker courses/ education and or experience would be an asset.

*Required to complete certification in Standard First Aid (2-day course or online

course) with a CPR-C component *Food Safe certification *Class 5 drivers license

(plus reliable vehicle, drivers abstract) *Completion of Violence Prevention/

De-escalation course (online, offered by HGSCP as on-the-job training) *This

position is dependent on a Criminal Record Check *Required to use their vehicle

in the course of their duties.

A First on Haida Gwaii

New Group Home for People with

Developmental Disabilities in Masset

Submitted by Daniel Kolpatzik, Haida Gwaii Society

for Community Peace | Photos courtesy HGSCP

The Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace recently received funding

approval for a Community Living BC group home in Masset which will be

the first 24/7 staffed permanent residence for individuals with developmental

disabilities on Haida Gwaii! This is exciting news as the funding will enable

us to provide both housing with specific supports for those with special needs

and a variety of employment opportunities for community members. A total

of six permanent positions (both full-time and part-time which all come with

comprehensive family benefits) plus several casual positions will be created

through this program. The setting is a newly renovated residential home in a

quiet part of Masset with the capacity to house up to four residents. Our goal

is to create a homey place where residents feel that they belong and that they

can make their own. A spacious yard provides plenty of opportunities for

growing food, perhaps adding a chicken coup or starting a social enterprise of

some sort for residents. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of creating

something new while engaging in meaningful work that makes a difference.

However, creating this important new housing/living option for individuals

with developmental disabilities and their families here on Haida Gwaii will

take a community effort as the pool of qualified workers on island is limited.

That’s why our organization is looking to build a support worker base by

offering a number of on-the-job trainings (check out the employment ads

listed here in the HGT Magazine/Employment & Training section) in addition

to ongoing professional development opportunities while requiring minimal

experience or training. If you are a kind and caring individual with diverse

talents and experiences who is willing to learn and grow, please consider

applying to make this group home a reality. Full job descriptions and details

can be found at hgpeace.ca/the-new-umoma-opens-its-doors-2/employment/.

For more information call Daniel Kolpatzik, Community Living Contracts

Manager at 250-626-7977 or email clcm.hgspeace@massett.ca.

We look forward to hearing from you!

40 HG January / February 2022 41




Call us at 250-557-2088


Community Service Listings

Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies

Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. The Queen Charlotte Community Hall

is located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room, main hall, stage, kitchen - all

available for rent. Also available for rent are wooden tables ($5 each per day),

wooden chairs ($1 each per day), a complete place setting for 225 people, water

goblets and wine glasses, cups and cutlery, and white or black linen tablecloths,

etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger

events. Our hall is also the home to the HGREC, MIEDS and QC Heritage Housing

Society offices (on the waterfront side of the building)! For more information

or any hall bookings, call Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Port Clements Museum. We are open 2-4 Saturdays and Sundays i cluding

holidays (except Christmas day). $5 admission for adults/teens. Will open upon

request outside regular hours for tours, school groups and visitors. For more

information call the museum when it is open at (250)557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca

to arrange. Current covid safety measures in place. Call Brigid

Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca

Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking problem we can help. If you live in

the North end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. If you live in the South

call Lou at 250-559-4568. At this time all meetings are virtual. Call John/Lou at

(250) 626-7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Paul & Carol Tonner - Deep River, ON.

Matt and Alison Tonner (Carmen, Fiona and Jillian), Rossland, BC

Meghan and Terry Wallace (Mallory and Hazel), Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC

Tim Cote (Nina and Tom), Courtenay, BC

A Thank You from

Mallory Tonner’s A Family Thank You from

Mallory’s death on March 4, 2021 due to an aneurysm has

left us heartbroken. Feelings of sadness and loss,

especially for Tim and their 2 young children,

Nina and Tom, continue. However, our grief has

been made bearable by the kindness of friends

and acquaintances who have reached out to us

with beautiful notes, gentle visits, comforting

words and thoughtful gifts.

Many have asked if there is a particular

charity for donations in memory of Mallory.

Mallory was a Speech Language Pathologist

working with young children on Haida Gwaii.

She loved the written and spoken word and

made frequent use of libraries. So we suggest

that donations in memory of Mallory be to a

library. Donations to libraries can be made

through canadahelps.org, selecting a preferred

library and specifying in memory of Mallory

Tonner. For donations to the Masset Library on

Haida Gwaii, where Mallory lived, choose Vancouver

Island Regional Library and specify “for the Masset Library” in the box

called “send a message to this charity”.

Thank you, we are truly grateful for all the love and support our family has


Mallory’s death on March 4, 2021 due to an aneurysm has

left us heartbroken. Feelings of sadness and loss,



death on March

for Tim

4, 2021




to an aneurysm

2 young



left us heartbroken.

Nina and Tom, continue. However, our grief has

Feelings of sadness

been made

and loss,



by the

for Tim


and their

of friends

2 young children,

Nina and Tom, and continue. acquaintances However, who our have grief has reached been made out to bearable us by

the kindness of with friends beautiful and acquaintances notes, gentle who visits, have comforting

reached out to us with

beautiful notes, words gentle and visits, thoughtful comforting gifts. words and thoughtful gifts.

Many have asked Many if there have is a particular asked if charity there for is donations a particular in memory of Mallory.

Mallory was a Speech charity Language for donations Pathologist in memory working of with Mallory. young children on Haida

Gwaii. She loved


the written



a Speech



word and made


frequent use of libraries.

working with young children on Haida Gwaii.

So we suggest that



loved the





of Mallory




to a library.


Donations to

libraries can be made frequent through canadahelps.org, use of libraries. selecting So we suggest a preferred library and

specifying in memory that donations of Mallory in memory Tonner. For of donations Mallory be to the to Masset a Library on

Haida Gwaii, library. where Mallory Donations lived, to choose libraries Vancouver can Island be made Regional Library and

specify “for through the Masset canadahelps.org, Library” in the box selecting called “send a preferred a message to this charity.”

library and specifying in memory of Mallory

Thank Tonner. you, we are For truly donations grateful for to all the love Masset and support Library our on family has received.

Paul Haida & Carol Gwaii, Tonner where - Deep Mallory River ONlived, choose Vancouver

Island Regional Library and specify “for the Masset Library” in the box

called “send a message Matt & to Alison this Tonner charity”. (Carmen, Fiona and Jillian) - Rossland BC

Thank you, we are Meghan truly & grateful Terry Wallace for (Mallory the love and Hazel) support - Masset, our family Haida has Gwaii, BC


Tim Cote (Nina and Tom)- Courtenay ,BC

Paul & Carol Tonner - Deep River, ON.

Matt and Alison Tonner (Carmen, Fiona and Jillian), Rossland, BC

Meghan and Terry Wallace (Mallory and Hazel), Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC

Tim Cote (Nina and Tom), Courtenay, BC

A Thank You from

Mallory Tonner’s Family

Mallory Tonner’s Family

In Loving Memory

David Andrew Ferretti

May 19, 1962 - December 2, 2021

It is with great sadness to share the news of the unexpected passing of David

(Dave/Davey) Ferretti, leaving behind his best buddy, Duke.

Dave was born in Sandy Point, Nova Scotia. He comes from a military family

having lived in many places which include Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick,

and overseas in Germany. Dave lived in Masset before settling in Port Clements,

Haida Gwaii with his first wife of many years, Kelly, and long time friend and

second wife, Sharon.

Dave lived a full life. He was a fisherman, became a logger, and was highly

regarded in his role during his employment in the oil and gas industry. Dave

played and loved the game of hockey, he was an animal lover, protector of

the vulnerable, and an avid rock hound. He was a great storyteller of many

adventures. Dave and his dearest friends enjoyed many laughs over the years.

Dave was predeceased by his younger brother Kevin, grandparents Norman and

Sylvia Bower, Harold and Thelma Ferretti, and his uncle Paul Bower. He also

leaves behind parents David and Linda Ferretti, Nova Scotia, youngest brother

Todd (Anneke) and nephews Trevor and Jamie, Ontario.

In Dave’s memory donations may be directed to an Animal Shelter of your choice.

Obituary for Shaun Donnelly

Mr. Shaun Donnelly, age 51, died October 31, 2021 in Anchorage, Alaska

of natural causes. Shaun was born July 22, 1970 in Seattle, Washington. He

attended elementary school in Queen Charlotte City, B.C., graduated from

Walter Williams High School in Burlington, North Carolina while assisting

his grandmother in her home there he also earned a certificate and Massage

Therapy license from Brenneke School of Massage in Seattle, Washington.

Shaun moved to Alaska in 2003 and worked for the Housing Authority in

Barrow until 2008 and as a carpenter supervisor in Port Heiden until 2011.

He was an avid outdoors person and especially enjoyed rowing, sailing, diving

and sea kayaking. He solo circumnavigated Moresby Island, Haida Gwaii,

British Columbia in 1990 and earned the admiration of the Officer in Charge

at Cape St. James Weather Station where he stopped off and was able to help

fix their computer. His family wrote, “Shaun was a very positive force! He

was so kind, never afraid to be a first responder, helping the underdog, and

trying to feed and take care of so many people without blame or judgement.”

He is survived by his 9 year old son Alexander Madison Donnelly; halfbrother,

Oliver Max Donnelly; mother, Margaret Anne McMurrough and

step dad Charles McMurrough and father, John William Donnelly. He was

preceded in death by his sister Jennifer Lee Donnelly of Hood River, Oregon.

In lieu of flowers the family asks that donations go to Turnagain United

Methodist Church, 3300 W Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, Alaska 99517.

42 HG January / February 2022 43

Island BookkeepIng


Family Owned & Operated

Past and current tax filing

Day-to-day bookkeeping

Masset, BC





• Affordable rates

• Web and print exposure

• Ad design assistance

Call us at 250-557-2088


At Your Service

Business Services/Business Products

Gwaii Taxi and Tours K’il Kun/Sandspit Airport Schedule Jan 10 th to March 22 nd /22

Sat/Sun/Mon/Wed/Friday flights start! Gwaii Taxi transports passengers from

Daajing Giids/Queen Charlotte and HlGaagilda/Skidegate to the K’il Kun/Sandspit

Airport. TO THE AIRPORT SCHEDULE (pick-up points and times) is:

Taaw Naay Gas Station/HlGaagilda at 7am, City Centre/Daajing Giids at 7:20am,

QC Visitor Centre at 7:40am, and BC Ferries terminal/Skidegate Landing at 8am.

The ferry leaves at 8:30am. Returning we aim to catch the 11:30am ferry. FROM

THE AIRPORT DROP OFF POINTS are the BC Ferries/Skidegate Landing, QC

Visitor Center, City Center/Daajing Giids, and then the Taaw Naay/HlGaagilda.

One way fares: Adults $55, Elders/Seniors $50, Child (2-12) $25 and Infants (0-23

months) are free. To reserve your seats ahead of time, call Sherry at 250-876-1866

or book online at gwaiitaxiandtours.ca

Pet Sitter (Queen Charlotte). Posting on behalf of my friend: pet care for any occasion or length of

time. Care can be given in your home or mine, whichever is preferable. Rate is negotiable. Please

contact by phone only 250 559-8246, ask for Brigette.

Masset Services Pro Detail Shop. We’re open again for the season! CARS, TRUCKS

AND SUV’s! BASIC DETAIL: vacuum all carpets and upholstery, complete interior

clean, exterior wash and polish and polish all glass and chrome. *Cars: $185

*Trucks & SUV’s: $205 DELUXE DETAIL: includes all the basic detailing plus all

carpets shampooed, all upholstery shampooed, ozone treatment (removes odors,

bacteria, and viruses). Overnight stay is required for drying. *Cars: $235 *Trucks

& SUV’s: $255 ENGINE DETAIL: $40 Call Jennifer Parr at (250) 626-7089 or

email office@massetrentacar.com

Last Minute Ads

Too late to fit into their respective categories but squeaked in before we

went to print!

Cedar Kindling. 1675 Burgess Ave. $10 per bundle or 3 for $25 Covid distanced at

6ft min. Call Cody at (236) 544-0145 or email cbwaller@live.ca

Toasters for Sale 2 slice toaster $10. 4 slice toaster $15. Call Sarleana at 250-626-7606 or email


Silver Scout Gillnetter + Trailer. The Silver Scout 29 foot fibreglass gillnetter 31ft

with aluminum pod Twin 2017 175 Suzukis New fuel tanks, wiring, Lowrance

electronics Stringers replaced (lots of work done). Honda hydraulic power pack,

2 fish holds. Sleeps 4. Stainless steel wood stove and 4-burner propane stove with

oven. Excellent overall condition. Heavy trailer. $30,000 Call Merlin Naylor at

(250) 626-7298 or email uprootsalvage@gmail.com

Home Wanted. Trying to return home to the Island after leaving for work and looking for a property

to buy. Not interested in 1/2 duplexes and need a bit of yard for my pups. Timeline would have

me returning around August ideally but I'm flexible. Please email or text, thanks! Call Emma at

(250) 218-6704 or email d.chez9789@gmail.com

Dining room set. Large solid wood dining table (60" x 42") in very good condition,

comes with 1/4" plate-glass top, and 4 sturdy chairs. $800 Call Toni Smith at

(250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar January/February, 2022

Do you have an event you want to advertise?

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your not-for-profit event FREE OF CHARGE

Island Wide & Online

Haida Gwaii Recreation Commission –


(Info based on HGREC FB post / January 7, 2022,

for current updates, check out their FB page or the

HGREC website at hgrec.com)

HGREC is only resuming drop-in-sports programs with

organizers that are comfortable leading a program at this

time. This may cause some delay in return to drop-in

sports. HGREC drop-in sport programs at Gidgalang

Kuuyas Naay Secondary School and Gudangaay Tlaats'gaa

Naay Secondary School are permitted to continue so long


• 50% venue capacity is maintained,

• there are no spectators,

• all organizers and attendees are double vaccinated, and

• a safety plan is in place that includes maintaining

attendance, contacts, and conducting wellness checks of


The current public health orders related to indoor adult

sport are as follows (and subject to change):

• Sport tournaments are not allowed. Tournaments

are single or multi-day events where 3 or more teams

compete against each other outside of regular league

play. This restriction does not include: A gathering where

team members compete individually against each other

+ A gathering where the result will decide if a team will

advance to play in a national or international competition.

• Other sport activities that normally take place in a sport

environment can continue, including: Participating in

an adult indoor sport or recreation program as long as

it does not exceed 50% of the occupancy of the space.

Participating or competing in individual sports like skiing,

swimming or skating. Competing in regular league play

for individual or team sport

Other requirements for sport include:

• Masks are required indoors when not participating in a


• Proof of vaccination is required for spectators and adult

participants at indoor sporting events

• Non-employee supervisors, coaches and assistants of

indoor sports and group activities for people 21 years or

younger must be fully vaccinated

“As we know cases on Haida Gwaii have been cited. For

those vaccinated individuals interested in attending a

program, take time to make an informed choice that

takes into consideration the requests or advice from

your local health centres and local government when

engaging in non-essential activities. Haawa - thank you

for your patience with us as we navigate uncertain times.”

– HGREC. If you have questions or for more information,

email coordinator@hgrec.com

Island Wide & Online - cont.

Alcoholics Anonymous

If you have a drinking problem, we can help. For South

end virtual meeting information call Lou at 250-559-4568,

for North end call John at 250-626-7557

Studio Sessions

Next events TBA/ Facebook or the Ging Gang Hla

tllGad's YouTube Channel.

Although the in-person gatherings remain currently on

hold due to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, co-hosted

by the Haida Gwaii Radio Society, the Haida Gwaii

Coffeehouse’s “The Studio Sessions,” are made possible

by the generous support of the Haida Gwaii Arts Council

and feature all kinds of amazing local artists. If you have

yet to check out the Winter Sessions, which aired on

Dec. 26/21, be sure to do so - it rocks! It features Behn

Cochrane, Erle July, Dominic Legault and Jason Camp

and the Posers. The behind the scenes collaborator list

is impressive: MC Jay Myers-Alchemist Studios, Marnie

Younger – Haida Gwaii Arts Council, Pete Moore

and Linnaea Fyles - Haida Gwaii Radio Society, Ging

Gang Hla tllGad, Caroline Shooner – The Haida Gwaii

Coffeehouse, Julia Breese – social media promotion,

and Josiah Fennell – final video editing. Kudos to all

of these folks who are doing a bang up job of keeping

the Haida Gwaii performance art scene alive. Have a

video you would like to share? You can upload your

submissions anytime to their Dropbox folder. The link for

this is found on the Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse website at

haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com. As the organizers need time

to put together each event, be sure to submit your video at

least 10 days before each online event you wish to join. For

more information email haidagwaiicoffeehouse@gmail.




• Zoom Meetings

• Online Programs

• Virtual Hangouts

• Video Conferences

Deadline for the Mar/Apr HGT Magazine is February 10 th , 2022

Call us at 250-557-2088 or

email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

44 HG January / February 2022 45

Daajing Giids / Queen Charlotte

Queen Charlotte Farmers Market - two


Saturdays / 11am-2pm / Gather Food @ 223

Oceanview Drive and just outside the QC

Community Hall @134 Bay Street.

Social distancing, masks and sanitizer or hand washing

before service. Start your week’s grocery shopping at the

market and support local growers and producers. You

can find greens, sourdough, plants, transplants, locally

grown mushrooms, a large selection of baked goods,

kombucha, and much more. For more information call

250-559-9093 or email queencharlottemarket@gmail.


Gaw Tlagee / Old Massett & Masset

Masset Market

Fridays / 11am-2pm / Across from the Co-op /

Masks and hand washing required before entry

Serving you year round, rain or shine. Maximum 15

persons in the market space. Come and check out our

wide selection of “make it – bake it – grow it” treasures!

Come on out and support your local artisan, handcrafter

and farmer. It’s a win-win! New vendors are always welcome!

For more information contact Natalie at 250-626-

9181 or massetmarket@gmail.com



Call us at 250-557-2088


Causeway Convenience Deli

By Jamie McDonald

Citizens of Daajing Giids

Queen Charlotte are

pleased to have a spot

to get a full working

person’s breakfast and

deli sandwiches in town

again. Causeway started offering made-to-order

sandwiches in August, and added breakfasts

to the menu in November. You can get these

items to eat in house or to go, from 7:30 am to

2 pm, Monday to Saturday. Store and Deli are

located at 101 Causeway Street, Daajing Giids

Queen Charlotte. Menus can be found in the

Deli, and specials are posted on the Causeway

Convenience Facebook page.

46 HG January / February 2022 47

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