SHILL Issue 49

Solana ecosystem zine

Solana ecosystem zine

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#<strong>SHILL</strong><br />


NFThrilling<br />

interview with yataf187<br />

yami & 888<br />

The stealth project<br />

that you missed<br />

1-bit worlds<br />

now for something different<br />

blocksmith lab<br />

what’s the hype about?<br />

Secret cowboy society<br />

time to look at the new kid<br />

honey finance explained<br />

honey finance explained<br />

NFTeo shows you how<br />

ISSUE #<strong>49</strong><br />

0.1 ◎

THIS<br />

In<br />

ISSUE<br />

<strong>49</strong><br />


4<br />

FROM<br />

6<br />

18<br />

29<br />

30<br />

37<br />

44<br />

60<br />


So much to write. So little<br />

space.<br />

NFThrilling Interview<br />

He’s back with another quality<br />

interview, definite #alpha<br />

YAMI & 888 Anons<br />

Stealth project that you<br />

probably missed #alpha<br />

1-Bit Worlds<br />

name_undxfined has hit the<br />

scene- r u rdy anon? #alpha<br />

Probably Nothing<br />

CredibleCrypto sounds the<br />

alarm. Are you listening? #alpha<br />

Blocksmith Lab<br />

What’s all the hype about and<br />

should you jump in? #alpha<br />

Secret Cowboy Society<br />

New kid on the block with a lot<br />

to offer, time to look! #alpha<br />

HONEY Finance for Dummies<br />

NFTeo researched it so you<br />

don’t have to #alpha<br />


the<br />

from<br />

EDITOR<br />

XeanusMonkeysN<br />

#Shill is nearing its 50th issue. Got an idea for how #Shill should celebrate?<br />

Let’s hear it: pixeltoy.sol@gmail.com<br />

And we GRIND!<br />

What a HUGE issue. Never before has #Shill broken boundaries like this.<br />

Ninety two pages. Yes, you read right, 92 glorious pages AND what’s more,<br />

the format has changed. More real-estate to cover PLUS more pages. F&$^ing<br />

crazy right?!<br />

NFTHrilling is back with another installment from his OpenHeart series. These<br />

interview with one-of-one artists are incredible. They will go down in Solana<br />

history as the stepping stones that helped consolidate the true community<br />

that exists in this ecosystem.<br />

Over 54 NFT’s throughout this issue. Fifty four NFT’s. HUGE.<br />

AND of course the cover- front and back. A true first for #Shill zine and a<br />

hommage to the great RVDY_HRTN who keeps delivering art of the highest<br />

quality in this space. Rudy, this one’s for you.<br />

Almost every article in this issue is true ALPHA. If you can’t be bothered to<br />

read an article or two during your daily commute then you truly NGMI. Come<br />

on #frens show the love. Hit the artists up on Twitter. Tell the writer’s you read<br />

their articles. Give back a little!<br />

As always, show your love on the Twittersphere with a simple retweet.<br />

Enough said. You know the drill. Let’s f go!<br />

Pixeltoy<br />


4<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong>


NFThrilling - Interview<br />

Ciao Yataf187 (@Yataf187) quando ho visto questo tuo lavoro ho avuto<br />

un'emozione.. quello che chiamo @NFThrilling vibe.. potresti descrivermi questo<br />

tuo bellissimo NFT, prima di iniziare...<br />

Certo, questa opera<br />

d'arte è stata la<br />

partecipazione di<br />

maggio al concorso<br />

di remix del logo FTX<br />

NFT. Quindi quello<br />

che vedi è il logo FTX<br />

fatto con vecchi<br />

computer al centro<br />

dell'immagine. Ci<br />

sono anche alcuni<br />

suggerimenti relativi<br />

a NFT come<br />

l'orologio “ape” sullo<br />

sfondo o il cubo di<br />

“tungsten”. Inoltre<br />

ho integrato uno dei<br />

miei<br />

primi<br />

“hornimals” in<br />

background. Mi sono<br />

classificata al quarto<br />

posto, il che è stato davvero sorprendente, perché c'erano oltre 200 artisti. Ho vinto 5<br />

sol e una maglia. Quindi questa è la storia di come ho fatto i miei primi soldi in<br />

criptovaluta. E l'ingresso in un nuovo mondo..<br />

Cominciamo.. nell'universo crypto e NFT (come nell'arte tradizionale, Banksy docet)<br />

l'anonimato è diffuso, cosa ne pensi e come ti avvicini al pubblico (il tuo nome d'arte<br />

è davvero molto cool)?<br />

Penso che l'anonimato possa essere sia un bene che un male. È una questione di punto<br />

di vista. Quando sei “anon” l’etica, il sesso, l'età, l'aspetto non contano. Valuti la<br />

persona in base al suo contenuto, abilità, atmosfera o qualunque cosa la persona<br />

decida di condividere con te. Un “anon” può creare un'identità completamente nuova,<br />

può essere chiunque voglia essere. Penso che il lato negativo sia che le persone non si<br />

connettono così profondamente nel mondo degli “anons”. È più facile criticarsi a<br />

vicenda, quindi è più facile ferirsi o lasciarsi a vicenda.<br />

Ciò che conta per me è essere me stessa e nessun altro. Voglio solo essere me stessa<br />

e voglio essere apprezzata per questo. Il modo migliore per farlo è non essere anonima<br />

per me.<br />

Mi chiamo Yataf che significa giovane e stanca come “stocazzo”. Young è una bugia,<br />

ma stanco è vero al 100%. Sono una madre, quindi il sonno è raro.<br />

Cominciamo davvero.. Se dovessi descriverti, in poche ma essenziali parole, cosa<br />

diresti?<br />

Sono disordinata ma mi piace l'ordine. Sono molto attenta alle persone che amo e<br />

sono un po' timida quando le persone non mi conoscono, ma posso essere esilarante<br />

quando mi conosci. Sono una pensatrice eccessiva e sono creativo 24 ore su 24, 7<br />

giorni su 7.<br />

Nell'arte NFT, quali sono le tecniche che ami, quelle che ti caratterizzano e quelle in<br />

cui vorresti cimentarti?<br />

Il mio stile dipende dalla collezione che disegno, è molto versatile. Mi piacciono le<br />

illustrazioni chiare con contorni forti e colori brillanti. Ma mi piace anche disegnare<br />

con un pennello ruvido, con molti dettagli e sfumature.<br />

Mi piace provare quante più cose<br />

possibili, voglio sapere fino a che punto<br />

posso arrivare. Per i miei nft uso<br />

“Procreate” e per il disegno 3D “Nomad”<br />

sull'iPad.<br />

Quanto tempo dedichi all'arte. Quando<br />

hai iniziato a percepirti come Artista?<br />

Dedico circa 10-30 ore settimanali<br />

all'arte. La creazione fa parte della mia<br />

vita, che si tratti di arte, creazioni 3D,<br />

progettazione di mobili o cucinare un<br />

pasto delizioso. Mi sono dedicata all'arte<br />

dopo essermi separata da mio marito tre<br />

anni fa. Mi ha lasciato e con lui la mia<br />

autostima. Quindi avevo bisogno di<br />

qualcosa che mi facesse sentire meglio,<br />

così ho creato un account Instagram e ho<br />

ricominciato a disegnare. Non mi sento<br />

un’artista, ma una creatrice.<br />

6<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong>

Vorresti raccontare brevemente da dove viene il<br />

tuo lavoro artistico. Com'è il tuo ambiente di lavoro.<br />

Lo cambieresti e come?<br />

La maggior parte del tempo lavoro dal mio<br />

soggiorno. Mi sdraio sul divano e disegno sull'iPad.<br />

Mi piace molto lì, è accogliente, silenzioso e c'è molta<br />

luce.<br />

Quando dipingo con i pennelli su tela, lo faccio in<br />

soggiorno. La maggior parte dei miei dipinti li ho<br />

eseguiti in ginocchio. Ho un nuovo cavalletto, ma non<br />

l'ho ancora provato.<br />

Ho un ufficio che uso per la creazione 3D sul mio Mac.<br />

Non cambierei nulla, mi piace così com'è..<br />

Come crei le tue opere. Qual è l'ispirazione per te.<br />

Cosa provi mentre crei. C’è un messaggio implicito<br />

nelle tue opere/collezioni. Vuoi trasmettere<br />

qualcosa. Vorresti descrivere, in poche parole, una delle tue opere o collezioni?<br />

L'ispirazione ha i suoi<br />

modi e spesso mi trova di<br />

notte. Quando sono<br />

circondato dal silenzio. Le<br />

esperienze che ho avuto<br />

con le persone, buone o<br />

cattive, sono fonte di<br />

ispirazione per me. La<br />

frustrazione è sempre una<br />

buona ispirazione.<br />

Come la collezione “holey<br />

ghosts” (@HoleyGhosts).<br />

Li ho disegnati perché mi<br />

sentivo invisibile nello<br />

spazio NFT, mi sentivo<br />

come un fantasma.<br />

L'ispirazione per il mio<br />

attuale progetto<br />

“hornimals” (@hornimals) è stata nelle esperienze che ho avuto con gli uomini su<br />

Instagram. Sì, ha cambiato drasticamente il modo in cui guardo ai social media. Tutto<br />

è così sessualizzato, mostri un'immagine innocua dei tuoi piedi perché hai un bel<br />

tatuaggio, e già i feticisti dei piedi si avventano su di te come zombi con il cervello<br />

fresco. Ma è stata una buona fonte di ispirazione. Mi piace trasformare qualcosa di<br />

brutto in qualcosa di<br />

buono. Lo trasformo in<br />

qualcosa di divertente,<br />

motivo per cui rido così<br />

spesso quando disegno. Il<br />

disegno mi calma e mi dà<br />

conforto. Il messaggio<br />

dietro gli “hornimals” è<br />

che la sessualità dovrebbe<br />

essere divertente e che<br />

non dovremmo prenderci<br />

troppo sul serio. Non<br />

dovrebbe esserci<br />

vergogna nella sessualità,<br />

perché siamo tutti<br />

animali, hornimals. Voglio<br />

solo far sorridere le<br />

persone e dimenticare per<br />

un momento la dura<br />

realtà.<br />

Come vedi gli NFT in 3/5/10 anni. E tu?<br />

Dato che sono nuova di zecca in questo campo, non posso dire come sarà tra molti<br />

anni. 3 anni sono molti nel campo NFT, quindi può andare ovunque. Ma come artista,<br />

spero che il futuro riguardi più l'arte e non il rapido profitto. O ci sono o non ci sono.<br />

Mi vedo ancora come una disegnatrice, che si tratti di una collezione nft o meno. Non<br />

ho bisogno di una grande comunità intorno a me, ma desidero essere circondata da<br />

persone che mi supportano e si innamorano della mia arte.<br />

C'è qualcosa che desideri davvero e che speri di poter realizzare nei prossimi anni<br />

anche grazie alla tua arte? Qual è il tuo sogno o aspirazione più grande. E nel<br />

presente, cosa ti gasa. C'è qualcosa che vorresti e che ancora non hai (a parte la<br />

lambo ovviamente)?<br />

Spero di diventare più indipendente così non dipendo dalle richieste e dagli gli ordini.<br />

Non sono molto materialista, ma il mio tempo libero è molto importante per me, buon<br />

cibo, concerti e spero di viaggiare un po' di più e mostrare il mondo a mia figlia. Voglio<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 7

solo fare le mie cose circondata dalla mia famiglia e dai miei amici. Un grande sogno<br />

sarebbe vivere vicino all'oceano. Le lambo non sono il mio genere, ma se avessi i soldi<br />

comprerei un camper.<br />

Cosa ne pensi delle varie blockchain e relativi NFT. Cosa determina la tua preferenza<br />

tra una chain o l'altra? Cosa consiglieresti a un artista che desideri mintare il suo<br />

primo NFT?<br />

Ho solo esperienza con Solana e non molta. Un amico mi ha portato qui, quindi non<br />

ho confrontato molto il resto. Ma un grosso problema è che non si tratta sempre di<br />

arte, ma spesso di realizzare un rapido profitto. Non so come sia nelle altre blockchain.<br />

Sarà per sempre il tuo primo nft, quindi fallo come ti piace.<br />

Quali artisti NFT (se presenti) hanno influenzato il tuo stile. Chi è il più talentuoso.<br />

Il più intelligente. Il più creativo... Consiglieresti il prossimo artista 1:1 da<br />

intervistare. Hai una domanda che vorresti fargli?<br />

Io e me stessa. Non so chi abbia influenzato il mio stile, ma sono più gli artisti al di<br />

fuori della scena nft o quelli che incontro ogni giorno, amo l'arte di Juan Cornellà<br />

(@sirjuancornella), Studio Stoutpoep (@StudioStoutpoep) o Pulpbrother (<br />

@pulpbrother). Inoltre adoro le opere di Supermundane (@supermundane) e Parra<br />

(@pietparra). Sono completamente diversi ma mi piace come giocano con le parole e<br />

le forme. Mi piacerebbe vedere Stomp (Twitter @stompart) nella prossima intervista.<br />

Mi piace che le sue opere siano così espressive, crude e intense. ok, gli chiederò cosa<br />

ne pensa!<br />

Che consiglio daresti a qualcuno che vuole andare per la tua strada. E ai collezionisti<br />

che vogliono avvicinarsi al mondo NFT?<br />

Stai lontano, questo è il mio territorio... no sto solo scherzando. Sii te stesso e divertiti.<br />

Entra in contatto con altri artisti e collezionisti, comunica con loro. È qualcosa in cui<br />

sono davvero pessima. Mostra i tuoi progressi e condividili con tutti. Definisci i tuoi<br />

obiettivi e condividili. Non aver paura di commettere errori, fa parte di questo. E ai<br />

collezionisti, tutto ciò che posso dire è supportare, condividere, commentare i post e<br />

entrare in contatto con artisti e altri collezionisti. E restate “horni” sempre.<br />

Ok, un ultimo giro! Il tuo miglior valore. Il tuo peggior difetto Il miglior libro o quello<br />

che ti ha cambiato la vita. Il miglior film di tutti i tempi. La "pittura" IRL che ti piace<br />

di più. L'ultima volta che ti sei ubriacata. Se potessi trascorrere una giornata con un<br />

artista (anche del passato), chi sceglieresti. E dove lo porteresti?<br />

Sono sempre curiosa e mi piace scoprire cose nuove. Non ho una routine, mi dimentico<br />

di bere e mangiare e non riesco a dormire se sono troppo eccitata. Miglior libro: “Il<br />

gabbiano Jonathan Livingston” di Richard Bach, adoro la storia. “Kids”, forse non il<br />

miglior film di tutti i tempi, ma quello che ha plasmato un'intera generazione - ora sai<br />

quanti anni ho. Il giorno del mio compleanno non ho bevuto né mangiato niente tutto<br />

il giorno, quindi è stato facile ubriacarsi velocemente. Mi piacerebbe passare una<br />

giornata con Tyler il creatore (@tylerthecreator), mi piace che sia così multi talento.<br />

Sono innamorata della sua musica e amo il suo stile e il fatto che crei moda unica con<br />

“golf le fleur”. Semplicemente non gliene frega un cazzo. Vorrei fare una lunga<br />

passeggiata e parlare con lui.<br />

L'intervista è finita Sei thrilling @Yataf187 (@Yataf187) grazie! Un'ultima cosa.<br />

Lo faresti un NFT ispirato da questa intervista? Se sì, farà parte della prima<br />

collezione intitolata "#openheARTist - self portrait" o chissà, perché l'arte è nel<br />

cuore dell'artista, e ci piace se si apre.<br />

To Be Continued #openheartist<br />

8<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong>

NFThrilling - Interview<br />

Hi Yataf (@Yataf187) when I saw this piece of work of yours I got an<br />

emotion .. what I call @NFThrilling vibe .. could you describe this beautiful<br />

work to me, before starting ,<br />

please…<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Let's begin .. in the crypto and NFT universe (as in traditional art, Banksy<br />

docet) anonymity is widespread, what do you think abt it and how do you<br />

approach the public (your stage name is very cool indeed)?<br />

I think anonymity can be both good and bad. It’s a question of the point of view.<br />

When you’re anon ethic, gender, age, looks doesn’t matter. You rate the person<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

anons. It’s easier to criticize each other, so it’s easier to hurt or leave each o<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

ue. I‘m a mother so sleep is rare.<br />

Let's truly begin .. If you had to describe yourself, in a few but essential<br />

words, what would you say?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

In NFT art, what are the techniques you<br />

love, the ones that characterize you, and<br />

the ones you would like to try your hand<br />

at?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

How much time do you dedicate to art. When did you begin to perceive<br />

yourself as an Artist?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 9

Would u like to briefly tell where your artistic<br />

work comes from. What is your work<br />

environment like. Would u change it and how?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

How you create your works. What is inspiration for you. What do you feel<br />

while you create. What is (if any) the implicit message in your works /<br />

collections. Would you like to<br />

describe, in a few words, one of<br />

your works of your choice?<br />

<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

How you see the NFTs in 3/5/10 years. And yourself? <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

and that we shouldn’t<br />

<br />

<br />

shouldn’t be shame in<br />

<br />

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<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

Is there something that you really want and that you hope to be able to<br />

achieve in the next years also thanks to your art? What is your biggest<br />

dream or aspiration. And in the present, what excites you. Is there<br />

something you would like and still don't have (apart from lambo of course)?<br />

10<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong>

What do you think of the various blockchains and related NFTs. What<br />

determines your preference between one chain or the other? What would<br />

you recommend to an artist wishing to mint their first NFT?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Which NFT artists (if any) have influenced your style. Who is the most<br />

talented. The most intelligent. The most creative.. Would you recommend<br />

the next 1: 1 artist to interview. Do you have a question you would like to<br />

ask him/her?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

Ok, one last lap! Your best value. Your worst flaw. The best book or the one<br />

that changed your life. The best movie of all time. The IRL “painting” you<br />

like best. The last time you got drunk. If you could spend a day with an artist<br />

(even from the past), who would you choose. And where would you take it?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

the creator, I like that he is so multitalented. I’m in love with his music and I<br />

<br />

doesn’t give a fuck. <br />

The interview is over U so thrilling @Yataf187 (@Yataf187) thank you!<br />

One last thing. Would you make it an NFT inspired by this interview? If yes,<br />

it will be part of the first collection entitled "#openheARTist - self portrait"<br />

or whatelse .. because art is in the heart of the artist, and we love it open.<br />

<br />

ok I’ll ask abt it!<br />

What advice would you give to someone who wants to go your own way. And<br />

to collectors who want to approach the NFT world?<br />

Stay away this is my turf…no just kidding. Be yourself and have fun. Connect<br />

<br />

<br />

To Be Continued <br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 11







YAMI<br />

888 Anons<br />

Paving a clear path in the darkness.<br />

Introduction<br />

Finance and commerce as we know them today have changed and advanced<br />

exponentially over the last decade. Fewer and fewer people are using paper cash<br />

since you can easily access your bank account directly from your smartphone.<br />

Everything seems to be working just fine, but is it?<br />

Most companies and banks offering these financial tools are centralized,<br />

have access to your businesses and personal transactions, and have payment<br />

limitations. Then, Blockchain technology came along — decentralized, secure,<br />

and *somewhat private. However, it’s not as fast, cheap, and user-friendly as<br />

the platforms these big tech behemoths have built, such as Block for example<br />

(formerly known as Square).<br />

Most of these decentralized protocols that exist and operate today, are not<br />

entirely private and are not user-friendly enough for the average consumer,<br />

therefore limiting the growth of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to<br />

achieve mainstream adoption. Afterall, we must understand that not everyone is<br />

interested in the technology behind the things we use daily, but rather its ease of<br />

use, accessibility, and speed.<br />

For example, the average individual doesn’t understand the intricacies of how<br />

WiFi technology works, yet everyone from children to the elderly understand<br />

how to use it. It’s clear that the average consumer will not make the switch to<br />

decentralized finance services if we offer a higher barrier of entry, along with a<br />

steep learning curve for less technologically savvy users.<br />

If a new wallet, platform, or tool makes things more complicated than the<br />

financial services people are currently using, they will not make the switch,<br />

regardless if they stand to benefit from the new platform in terms of quality of life<br />

improvements, such as privacy and security.<br />

To truly onboard the next generation of cryptocurrency users, welcome all<br />

ages and achieve real mainstream adoption, there needs to exist an all-in-one<br />

platform for individuals and businesses to track their finances, issue and receive<br />

payments, file tax reports, swap between different currencies, trade NFTs and<br />

earn passive income while doing it. All under one roof, easy to use, fast, affordable<br />

and accessible for the average joe…<br />

yami.finance / yamipay.xyz<br />

Introducing Yami, a suite of innovative tools built on Solana.<br />

The purpose and vision behind Yami is to simplify and privatize finances and<br />

commerce. Onboarding more businesses and individuals to use blockchain<br />

technology without even noticing it will help decentralized finance and blockchain<br />

technology achieve mainstream adoption. Yami provides a suite of innovative<br />

tools which anyone can access anywhere at any time, thanks to a fast, private,<br />

secure and user-friendly platform for people to truly take back control of their<br />

finances.<br />

As the world becomes increasingly authoritarian, we believe permission-less<br />

financial platforms that allow you to operate everything from one dashboard in<br />

a secure and private manner are going to become key players in the future of<br />

global digital payments.<br />

Payment solutions like Stripe, CashApp, Venmo and Block (formerly known as<br />

Square) currently operate within a $4 trillion industry, however as mentioned<br />

earlier, these platforms are centralized, have access to your businesses and<br />

personal transactions, and have payment limitations. Not to mention that all<br />

the fees generated are internally secured and not in any way used to reward<br />

and incentivize vendors or consumers. Much of the market share is derived<br />

from users who have no other choice than to use these provided systems, which<br />

enforces the monopoly flywheel.<br />

Let’s set it straight, access and inclusivity are fundamental. The ability to transact<br />

between individuals in a secure manner without a central authority is the entire<br />

reason why Satoshi Nakamoto wrote the now-famous Whitepaper.<br />

The Yami Ecosystem<br />

YamiPay: Point of Sale platform with internal tax tooling, product management,<br />

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multiple types of accepted currency, stream wages<br />

to employees and eventually private payment<br />

integration.<br />

YamiSwap: Signature DEX is a beautiful and simple<br />

SPL token swapping interface that allows users and<br />

vendors to immediately exchange their tokens and<br />

manage their wallets. YamiSwap is designed to be<br />

integrated with shielded (private) liquidity pools.<br />

YamiEarn: Signature cash-generating staking<br />

platform that will allow users or vendors to put their<br />

treasury to work and allow them to interact with<br />

$YAMI’s functionality.<br />

YamiPlay: This project aims to allow unique Web3<br />

interactions between vendors and their customers,<br />

for example gamification templates for your returning<br />

customers such as lowered fees for promotional<br />

items via NFTs. YamiPlay will also allow NFT users<br />

and creators to access private functionality such as<br />

private bids, listing, storage and more.<br />

*Please note that as the company grows this could<br />

change, however it does represent the long-term<br />

vision of the project.<br />

The first tool introduced to the Yami Ecosystem is:<br />

YamiPay<br />

Introductory video of YamiPay<br />

YamiPay opens the doors to mass adoption for<br />

blockchain-enabled payments. What proof of this do<br />

we have you might ask?<br />

Let’s use Block (Square) for example. As a vendor,<br />

to have your store ready from initial signup to first<br />

payment, it can take anywhere between 3 to 10<br />

days depending on delivery time of Block’s required<br />

equipment. Then, based on your product, they may<br />

also require additional documents and permissions.<br />

If you are simply utilizing their mobile app without any<br />

hardware, it can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 1<br />

hour to be ready for use.<br />

In contrast, YamiPay takes that process all the<br />

way down to 30 seconds! All you need is a screen<br />

(computer, tablet, or smartphone) and a Phantom<br />

wallet. Your business is now fully functional and<br />

ready to accept payments in a few seconds.<br />

Now that we have introduced the Yami Ecosystem,<br />

let’s talk about its native token.<br />

$YAMI — The Evolution of $NOIR<br />

The Initial vision of 888 Anon Club revolved around<br />

the $NOIR utility token. This token aimed to be the<br />

bridge between protocols and private functionality.<br />

An intermediate layer between the Light Protocol<br />

shielded pool and easy to integrate tools. This vision,<br />

although ambitious and definitely viable, is restrictive<br />

to what the developers of 888 Anon Club can deliver.<br />

Since the mission is to introduce zero-knowledge<br />

and privacy tools on the Solana blockchain, it makes<br />

sense to deliver these products and services ready<br />

to integrate with privacy which facilitate the mass<br />

onboarding of users.<br />

I’d like to transparently explain how $NOIR was<br />

intended to be used and why the design is not one in<br />

which we wish to implement.<br />

We can think of $NOIR as a time-weighted key with<br />

your proportional weight being the amount you bond.<br />

To perform specific private functions, one would<br />

need a specific number of<br />

time-weighted keys to do<br />

so which is simple, however<br />

restrictive when it comes<br />

to community usage, flow<br />

of liquidity, value retention<br />

and brand growth.<br />

We felt that this<br />

implementation would be<br />

against what we stand for as<br />

a DAO, whereby our vision<br />

is community focused. A<br />

community focused DAO<br />

should have a communitymoldable<br />

economic<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 19

framework. This would mean that every single member of the community can get<br />

involved in the value creation of the token without ever needing to contribute a<br />

dollar.<br />

This marks the end of a complex and unclear future and the birth of an extremely<br />

exciting and valuable ecosystem!<br />

$YAMI<br />

The term “Yami” means “darkness” in the Japanese language. We opted to use<br />

the YAMI name instead of NOIR for a multitude of factors, one of them being that<br />

NOIR can have negative connotations in other languages and could therefore<br />

sound less professional and restrict growth; while YAMI, even though it means<br />

the same thing, sounds a lot more friendly and carries the name of the platform.<br />

$YAMI is the evolved version of $NOIR, by absorbing it and making the ecosystem<br />

more complete offering a win-win situation for all parties involved.<br />

The $YAMI token is a first of its kind. You could label the token many different<br />

things, all according to its many different uses.<br />

$YAMI is designed to be the MOST sustainable cash-generating token of all time.<br />

The Yami Ecosystem was crafted so that a large percentage of the value created<br />

by the protocol is captured to yield in perpetuity.<br />

$YAMI rewards vendors and customers for the volume they generate. This is<br />

not just another governance token, as stated above, this is one of the most<br />

sustainable cash-generating tokens on Solana. For example, you can earn yield<br />

from the points you get rewarded from your favorite local stores. The more of<br />

these cash-generating tokens you lockup the cheaper your fees will be, meaning<br />

more profit for the vendor and cheaper products for the customer!<br />

You can also use $YAMI to open a private treasury for yourself or your business.<br />

community and users can directly onboard more ecosystem participants without<br />

ANY financial commitment, unless they want to use the services of course.<br />

The Token Thesis<br />

$YAMI will be built upon the concept of ‘Reverse Ponzinomics’ coined by Nico.<br />

The ‘reverse’ in this case refers to the switch from focusing on high initial APR at<br />

the expense of ponzi-esque emissions. Using Reverse Ponzinomics, a protocol<br />

can capture massive portions of its generated value without the risk of losing the<br />

value and its generated yield when all parties leave the agreement. In traditional<br />

token ecosystems, the focus is on creating attractive APR from the start at the<br />

expense of the value generated by the protocol. In other words, when the APR is<br />

gone, the liquidity and value also vanishes.<br />

In a more technical sense, the Yami Ecosystem uses nash equilibrium agreements<br />

between three parties which allows two of the three parties to leave the agreement<br />

without causing damage to the underlying value. Not to be confused with the<br />

Olympus model where unstaking/unbonding do damage the underlying value.<br />

*Note: Tokenomics paper with all the details will follow, this is an introduction.<br />

The remodelling of the ecosystem is what has caused a delay in the expected<br />

February date for the tokenomic paper. Building a sustainable economy should<br />

be done right, we thank you for your patience. We hope that the insight provided<br />

above shows some of the potential value this ecosystem can create and capture.<br />

888 Anon Club x Yami<br />

The Fusion of Two Ecosystems into One.<br />

$YAMI is and will always be Community Powered & Controlled. Not only does<br />

this ecosystem reward you, but you get a direct say in the platform and its future<br />

thanks to On-chain governance as an NFT owner.<br />

Oh, one last thing… Have you ever seen a token whose value can grow without the<br />

need for new people to buy the token? $YAMI is one of the first tokens where its<br />

888 Anon Club x Yami: The first Steward DAO ecosystem<br />

The 888 Anon Club has existed for a short period of time, however, in that time we

have already seen the formation and continual organic growth of a collective of<br />

individuals (anons) with the focus of bringing privacy, and more importantly, tools<br />

that implement privacy to the Solana Network. We have seen over $1,000,000<br />

USD in sales volume on MagicEden within the first three days of our fundraising<br />

NFTs, showing clear support and high demand for privacy and zero knowledge<br />

protocols on the Solana Network (and the art of course).<br />

New Anons join us daily but up until now we admit there has been a general level<br />

of confusion regarding what the AnonDAO is aiming to do, where are we going,<br />

and what are we building.<br />

What happened to introducing privacy and ZK protocols to the Solana Network?<br />

The launch of SolanaPay was seldom discussed due to recent macro events, its<br />

importance and potential has not yet been captivated… until now. We believe<br />

SolanaPay will play a huge impact for crypto, taking a step forward to mainstream<br />

adoption. We saw the uncaptured opportunity that SolanaPay provided, so we<br />

decided to adapt and help facilitate this by offering a suite of innovative tools and<br />

financial services on Solana, integrating the privacy and zk protocols on top of it.<br />

“Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to<br />

cope and adapting to win.”<br />

Max McKeown<br />

If you have read this far, you probably understand the magnitude and potential of<br />

Yami; therefore we had to make a clear distinction between 888 Anon Club and<br />

Yami while finding a win-win situation for every party involved.<br />

Since Yami aims to demystify blockchain technology (while keeping it private) and<br />

open the doors to mainstream adoption, we felt it was necessary to separate the<br />

888 Anon Club brand from Yami to make the onboarding process for businesses<br />

easy and complication free. For example, imagine approaching Shopify for a<br />

partnership to integrate ‘888 Anon Club’ as a payment method — we think the<br />

name ‘Yami’ works better for this purpose. Businesses and individuals don’t need<br />

to know about 888 Anon Club to integrate YAMI with their business, however<br />

those interested in NFT ownership can benefit from the Yami Ecosystem, be part<br />

of the most prestigious and anonymous community and other benefits covered<br />

below.<br />

Yami: The company, business, and brand.<br />

AnonDAO: Owners of the 888 Anon Club NFT are the keyholders of the Yami<br />

Ecosystem and will have access to: a % of the fees from the Yami Ecosystem,<br />

the stables treasury pool to compound $YAMI (YamiEarn), On-chain governance,<br />

Anon Exclusive Clubhouse, early access to unreleased Yami tools and features,<br />

private Discord channels, and be part of the most prestigious and anonymous<br />

community on the blockchain.<br />

The AnonDAO is and will always be (so long that governance agrees as such)<br />

a Stewardship DAO for privacy on the Solana Blockchain. A community to be<br />

leveraged and built-in collaboration with in order to bring privacy to everyone.<br />

If you are unsure what a Stewardship DAO could look like, read here:<br />

The Anon Framework for Community Governance<br />

Thanks for your time, if you want more information you can find us on:<br />

Twitter: 888AnonClub and YamiFinance<br />

Discord: https://discord.gg/888anon<br />

Website: https://yamipay.xyz/<br />

Tldr;<br />

Yami aims to open the doors to mainstream adoption<br />

Yami Ecosystem consists of: YamiPay, YamiSwap, YamiPlay, YamiEarn<br />

Yami is the company, business, and brand | AnonDAO are the NFT owners and key<br />

holders to the Yami Ecosystem.<br />

$NOIR evolved into $YAMI<br />

$YAMI’s ‘Reverse Ponzinomics’ concept gave birth to a cash-generating coin, while<br />

maintaining long term value and creating a win-win situation for every party involved in<br />

the ecosystem.





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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 27

@name_undxfined<br />

GM frens!! I've got some 1-Bit love for your TL!! I am<br />

dropping a new 1-Bit Worlds piece TOMORROW! Take<br />

a closer look at this piece in the comments below, as<br />

well as some FAQs about the project!! #SolanaNFTs<br />

#NFTCommunity #NFT<br />

Title: “Mutiny on The Devout, c. 2467 AD”<br />

“A shirt? Heh. Cap’n, where you are going we ain’t even giving you a<br />

helmet.” -Gosher Brand, First Mate<br />

Q: How many pieces will there be total in 1-Bit Worlds? What number is<br />

this one?<br />

A: There will be 18 total pieces in this collection. This piece will be #10!<br />

Q: You released 3 pieces at a time for the first 9 pieces. Why only 1 now?<br />

A: I am juggling a couple projects right now and have some other awesome<br />

stuff coming your way!! I want to make sure all my collections get<br />

the love they need!<br />

clues to the entire story that I am telling! They all exist in the same setting<br />

(our future) and are all connected.<br />

Q: So, what is 1-Bit art, and why make it?<br />

A: 1-Bit art is art that only uses 2 colors. I love the retro vibe of 1-Bit pixel<br />

art. I want the viewer to feel like they are watching a cutscene from an<br />

old video game! I also love the challenge, every pixel counts!!<br />

Q: Are all these pieces in this collection connected?<br />

A: Yes! Every piece, title, and description that I drop and mint as NFTs are<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 29



@CredibleCrypto - 318.3k followers<br />

NFT’s haven’t really been<br />

through a full-fledged,<br />

multi-year bear market yet.<br />

I also think we haven’t seen<br />

peak euphoria on them either.<br />

I expect we see a final wave<br />

along with the rest of the<br />

market but the bear that<br />

follows will be brutal.<br />

the ASTRONAUT<br />

The Astronaut @thexastronaut<br />

30<br />

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PURPLEanalysis<br />

Purpleanalysis<br />

OVER 5Sol & TOP NFT<br />

SolsWatch<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 31




Dark Seraphs

grapeprotoco<br />


Grape Syndicate Update<br />

https://youtu.be/jkhYUhx4qWg?t=50<br />


Secret ONI Report - Star Atlas<br />

Gaming on Solana<br />

Zoolana / Cardinal / Doll Society<br />

https://youtu.be/tMsGIL8uObE?t=1457<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWMSv5I3G4Q<br />

36<br />

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dexterlab.com<br />

What you should about Blocksmith<br />

Lab NFT<br />

The Blocksmith Lab NFT collection on Solana has been getting quite a lot of<br />

attention recently.<br />

The mint will take place on March 24 on Magic Eden launch pad at the price of<br />

2,2 SOL per NFT. Only 364 out of 4444 NFTs in the collection will be available<br />

for the public mint. Most items were allocated for those who supported the<br />

project since the early days.<br />

Should you pay attention? Let's take a look and find out if Blocksmith Lab can<br />

repeat the success of Stoned Ape Club, DeGods, or other most successful NFT<br />

collections.<br />

Who is behind the collection?<br />

Blocksmith Labs is also the name of the team which is working on the project.<br />

It was formed in February of 2022 with the goal of solving the biggest problems<br />

within the NFT ecosystem.<br />

Blocksmith Labs have already released whitelisting platform Mercury. The tool<br />

transforms the whitelisting process offering the features that help projects to<br />

coordinate collection launches with less headache. As of today, Mercury has<br />

onboarded over 15 projects and 20,000 users.<br />

What do we know about the team members?<br />

On the official website, there are three members listed. Although their full<br />

names are unavailable, the links to their Twitter profiles are provided.<br />

Co-founder, Cryptonent is also a lead developer at DeGodsNFT. Cryptonent is<br />

a credible figure in the Solana ecosystem. Many notable names like Magic<br />

Eden, Aurory, NFT personalities like S◎L Big Brain (33.3%), fxnction aka<br />

igotabigdick.eth (33.3%) are in his follower list. At Blocksmith Labs, Cryptonet<br />

writes code for all new projects and focuses on day-to-day tasks.<br />

Co-founder, Product Owner, and Head of Engineering Harmy (33.3%) is also<br />

the creator of Solfolio, the Solana NFT portfolio tool, and NFT Floor Alerts. He<br />

writes code for all new projects, primarily focused on Mercury and Solfolio.<br />

Mert, an advisor of the project, previously worked at Coinbase, is co-founder of<br />

Polyweave, an API for human-readable blockchain data. At Blocksmith Labs<br />

Mert helps with product direction and provides consulting on partnerships.<br />

Mert is a notable figure on Twitter. In between his 16 thousand followers, there<br />

are also Magic Eden, Stoned Ape Crew, Portals, Aurory and many others.<br />

The artist responsible for NFT design and future art-related work is The<br />

NootGod (33.3%).<br />

The NootGod created hero-like NFTs emitting a powerful masculine vibe. The<br />

art is high-quality and can resonate with many individuals in the NFT space.<br />

Here are the few sneak peeks giving a hint of what the collection will look like:<br />

The proof of the team's ability to build is a big green flag for the NFT<br />

collection, and you should look out for this component if you want to find great<br />

NFT collections early.<br />

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projects to configure sales and listing bots for their community without any<br />

hassle.<br />

There will be tradable lands on maps you can buy/sell/trade only with $FORGE<br />

tokens, and more utility will be added as the project progresses.<br />

Such incentives to hold an NFT and the practical utility of the token will very<br />

likely create constant demand. Beyond the mentioned benefits, Blocksmith<br />

Labs NFT holders will be a part of the community with the accomplished<br />

creators and experts at the core. The value found in Discords of such<br />

communities is immeasurable. Besides connecting with like-minded individuals<br />

and having a great time, you also get valuable insight into NFT alpha<br />

collections.<br />

Can the Blocksmith Lab be the next<br />

DeGods?<br />

There are many different elements that drive NFT projects into success. Still,<br />

the core reasons why such projects like Stoned Ape Crew or DeGods have been<br />

so successful are pretty simple: the collections have great teams behind them,<br />

art is well made, it resonates with a specific segment of an audience, NFTs and<br />

token provide innovative utility and use-cases.<br />

Benefits of being Blocksmith Labs NFT<br />

holder<br />

The Blocksmith Labs NFT holders will be able to generate the token $FORGE.<br />

The token will be a currency of the ecosystem and will be used to buy whitelist<br />

spots from the projects onboarded on Mercury.<br />

NFTs will also provide access to the pro version of Solfolio. Projects that own 3<br />

of the NFTs will have free access to the sales/listing bots service, allowing<br />

Blocksmith Labs NFTs has all these aspects covered. The team consists of<br />

accomplished individuals not only in the NFT world but also beyond, the art<br />

stands with a unique identity, plus it brings tons of benefits for a holder.<br />

P.S.<br />

Remember to do your research before investing in NFTs or cryptocurrencies.<br />

Our goal with DEXterLabs is to make your research more manageable and less<br />

time-consuming. Blog reviews or the digital asset analysis tool are meant to<br />

help you navigate the crypto world with more conviction, feel less<br />

overwhelmed and make better decisions.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 39






Why Join the<br />

Secret Cowboy<br />

Society?<br />

The Saloon<br />

Your SCS NFT is your ticket to The<br />

Saloon: a place to socialize, gamble<br />

and drink. Coming soon to your<br />

favourite Solana metaverse<br />

3D Cowboy Airdrop<br />

Each SCS holder will be airdropped a<br />

metaverse ready 3d version of their<br />

SCS NFT<br />

Staking CowboyDAO Future Expansion and IRL<br />

Staking will allow holders to earn<br />

Each SCS holder will be able to<br />

CowTickets which can be used in the<br />

participate in the formation of the<br />

Flea Market. Staking is also required<br />

CowboyDAO. After proper governance<br />

to be eligible for the Degen Lottery.<br />

protocols are put in place the<br />

CowboyDAO will control the Cowboy<br />

Treasury<br />

Utility<br />

We want to allow everyone an<br />

opportunity to join The Saloon and we<br />

have ambitious plans to drive value<br />

for holders in the form of IRL utility<br />

44<br />

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5,555 Randomly Generated NFTs<br />

We have carefully selected our supply size to build a sizable community while also ensuring<br />

each holders investment is not diluted by oversupply. Rarity will range from common to rare<br />

to legendary.<br />



<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 45

91 Unique Traits<br />

Our collection of 5,555 NFT's have been hand-drawn by artist Egor Golopolosov and<br />

include 91 unique traits<br />

18 Heads 21 Shirts 4 Mouth Traits 15 Hats 4 Face Traits 15 Backgrounds 14 Eyes<br />

46<br />

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01 02 03<br />

Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021<br />

Idea is Born<br />

• Founding team<br />

formed<br />

• Market research<br />

conducted<br />

Building<br />

• Social media<br />

presence created<br />

• Artist & consultant<br />

interviews and<br />

selection<br />

• Roadmap creation<br />

and brainstorming<br />

Gearing up to<br />

mint date<br />

• Art testing and trait<br />

mixing<br />

• Partnerships secured<br />

• Website creation<br />

• Marketing push<br />

Complete<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> 47


04 05 06<br />

Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 & Q4 2022<br />

Mint The real work begins The degens are<br />

running The Saloon<br />

• Website and roadmap<br />

launch<br />

• Presale and public<br />

mint<br />

• Secondary market<br />

listing<br />

• The saloon is live<br />

• Community wallet<br />

receives initial funding<br />

• All or nothing event<br />

• Staking & Degen Lottery<br />

go live<br />

• SCS whitelist partner<br />

program formed<br />

• Metaverse partnership<br />

program continues<br />

• 3d metaverse ready<br />

models<br />

• Lore and backstory<br />

• DAO creation and DAO<br />

governance finalized<br />

• Holder proposals<br />

received and voted on<br />

• Control of Cowboy<br />

Treasury handed to<br />

DAO<br />

• Saloon Expansion<br />

• SCS Roadmap 2.0<br />

We're Here<br />

48<br />

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About The Artist<br />

Egor Golopolosov<br />

11.3K followers on Instagram<br />

Egor Golopolosov is digital artist who is versatile in many different avenues of art. He’s best<br />

known for creating abstract illustrations for the high profile NFT project Satoshi Quest. His<br />

unique style of art has been developed over time through practice, experimentation and<br />

experiences.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>49</strong> <strong>49</strong>











NFTeo @teo19dora<br />

Honey<br />

I researched it so you don’t have to<br />

I have been researching Honey Finance for the past few days, trying to get the whole<br />

picture, and fully understanding the concept, in order to be able to break it down into<br />

simple sections for you.<br />

What is Honey?<br />

Honey Finance is a decentralized protocol that can support the financial infrastructure<br />

for NFTs.<br />

Finance for<br />

Dummies<br />

The latter aspect leads me to the other side of LP (Liquidity Providing):<br />

Lending money - this allowing you to get a percentage back, along with your initial<br />

amount.<br />

In addition, DAOs can use Honey to provide liquidity for their holders, through staking<br />

and borrowing. This means that if you have a project of your own, you can set up<br />

the staking through their services, with a 10 SOL, one-time fee.<br />

What problem are they solving and how are they doing it?<br />

Problem: How often does it happen that you want to mint a good project, but can’t<br />

because your financial worth is “stuck” in your NFTs, which you most likely don’t<br />

want to sell?<br />

This is just one way to look at it, but if we were to generalize the problem, it would be<br />

the fact that you’re missing opportunities, regardless of mints, secondary markets, etc.<br />

Obtaining liquidity in the NFT space is an issue many people have encountered.<br />

What does $HONEY do?<br />

I have good news for those that already staked their NFTs with HoneyLabs in the last<br />

weeks: you will be able to exchange 1 $pHONEY for 1 $HONEY.<br />

Now let’s get back to our sheep:<br />

$HONEY is the reward token and incentive mechanism for the protocol.<br />

Solution:They are solving it, by providing liquidity for its users; you can deposit NFTs<br />

into the protocol and get tokens in return. The interest rate percentage when borrowing<br />

is dynamic, depending on the lenders, who can decide what type of fee they want<br />

to administer; meaning you get the estimated value for your NFT, having to pay it<br />

back, when withdrawing it.<br />

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This flow chart explains how the token is working and why it will keep doing so.<br />

You need $HONEY to be able to vote and for that, you must vest your $HONEY. Depending<br />

on how much you vest it for, you’ll get an amount of $veHONEY, allowing<br />

you to participate in DAO decisions.<br />

This is how much $veHONEY you receive for locking up 100 $HONEY tokens,<br />

depending on time:<br />

1 month: 100 $HONEY -> 0.48 $veHONEY<br />

3 months: 100 $HONEY -> 6.37 $veHONEY<br />

6 months: 100 $HONEY -> 12.74 $veHONEY<br />

1 year: 100 $HONEY -> 25 $veHONEY<br />

4 years: 100 $HONEY -> 100 $veHONEY<br />

Ideally, you will want to vest for a longer period, so that you get more voting power.<br />

Now let’s say you are alone in the DAO and there is 1000 $HONEY on the market:<br />

1. You buy 100 $HONEY from the open market, remaining 900 $HONEY.<br />

2. You vest 100 $HONEY for 4 years and get 100 $veHONEY.<br />

3. With 100 $veHONEY you vote to use HoneyDAO profits to distribute it<br />

to its holders. HoneyDAO distributes it by going to open market, buying<br />

300 $HONEY tokens, sending it to the $veHONEY stakers. Now there is<br />

600 $HONEY left on the market.<br />

4. You sell 300 $HONEY.<br />

pressure, in such a way that the token won’t dump. Of course, it is much more complicated<br />

because it’s not only one person in the DAO.<br />

HoneyDAO profits:<br />

• extracting fees from the borrow/lending protocol (10%)<br />

• staking services<br />

Ways you can get/earn $HONEY token:<br />

You can either buy it from the open market or through holding NFTs from their Honey<br />

Genesis Bee collection, which you can buy from the secondary market.<br />

NFT Holder Benefits<br />

There are multiple benefits, but the ones I am going to state here are NFT holders<br />

only.<br />

• Access to experimental yield vaults (Yield Farming = investment strategy<br />

in DeFi, which involves lending or staking your cryptocurrency coins<br />

or tokens to get rewards in the form of transaction fees or interest).<br />

• 2-year liquidity mining (Liquidity Mining = a process in which crypto<br />

holders lend assets to a decentralized exchange in return for rewards).<br />

• Early access to new features (they are still building tools, which weren’t<br />

announced yet).<br />

• Indirect benefits, as mentioned earlier.<br />

5. How much is left on the open market?<br />

6. I can tell you: 900 $HONEY - which is less than it was in the beginning.<br />

This brief example shows how the system is minimizing inflation and increases buy<br />

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Who are the people behind it? How did they come up with the idea?<br />

Tom J. Pandolfi - the founder, Darius and Pedro - core team, have been essentially<br />

high school friends. Tom and Darius had been in the crypto space for some time,<br />

starting coding their own projects in early 2021 (for example, a PancakeSwap fork).<br />

Tom got interested in NFTs and quickly realized he wasn’t liquid at all. The dots<br />

started to connect from there, thinking about all the lending protocols for fungible<br />

tokens, Tom came up with the idea of doing the same with non-fungible tokens.<br />

They wanted to help the degens and the individuals in the space, allowing them to<br />

have freedom and creating a playing field, where everyone has equal access.<br />

Conclusion:<br />

Why is the project here to stay? Why are people so bullish on it?<br />

They are solving a real problem people have. Honey cracked the code. Given the fact<br />

NFTs are typically illiquid assets, it is valuable for the adopters to get a service like<br />

the one they are providing.<br />

Just by reading all their documents and articles, you can see they’ve got legal help,<br />

making it very professional and transparent. I think that is such a thoughtful thing to<br />

do with people who are looking to invest in your product. They are also replying to<br />

questions easily and don’t try beating around the bush, making the team a reachable<br />

one.<br />

The sole purpose of this article is to inform its readers about current opportunities. It<br />

is not to make the readers buy the NFT, nor the token. The article is designed to be<br />

impartial. You are the only one deciding if this project can be valuable to you.<br />

I would like to thank Futuristic, for helping with the research and providing consultation.<br />

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@F_Inn42<br />

MONKEY<br />

baby<br />

business<br />

A small thread on how I ended up on Solana, how I view the ecosystem,<br />

and what we have planned.<br />

I am a long time Ethereum investor, having spent many years using the<br />

platform and accumulating coins. After about 5 years of buying and<br />

HODLING Ethereum, I started to dabble in ETH NFT’s. It didn’t take long for<br />

me to realize that with the price of gas and the way the network functioned<br />

(especially in times of high network congestion) that this was not going to<br />

be sustainable. I took many wins but also many losses in ETH NFT’s, and<br />

still hold onto many until this day.<br />

One day across my news feed I saw the sale of the Solana Monkey Business<br />

King. I thought to myself, how did an NFT just sell for north of $1mm on a<br />

blockchain that was NOT the almighty ETH? This sparked my curiosity, and<br />

down the SOL rabbit hole I went!<br />

After securing my SMB (#3270) I spent hundreds of hours researching<br />

Solana, how it all worked, the various marketplaces, projects, etc. Just<br />

using the network, saving thousands on fees and watching transactions<br />

happen instantly was all I needed<br />

to see to know this would be my new home for the foreseeable future.<br />

After having spent a lot of time in the MonkeDAO and watching cash<br />

grabbing derivative projects launching one after the other with the sole<br />

aim of sucking liquidity out of the ecosystem, I decided I needed to do<br />

something about it.<br />

A little bit about my background on the biz dev side:<br />

I have been building websites since 1999. Over the years I have amassed<br />

a loyal team of 40 designers, developers, project managers, IT specialists,<br />

system managers, and more. This team is invaluable to me, and has been<br />

the reason for all of my success to-date.<br />

Together, we have built and sold companies, and can proudly say that we<br />

have also developed just<br />

north of 3,000 websites<br />

to-date, both for small<br />

to medium sized<br />

businesses, VC-funded<br />

startups, shark tank<br />

contestants, government<br />

institutions, and more!<br />

I spent the next few weeks<br />

working with my design<br />

and dev team to create<br />

Monkey Baby Business.<br />

The goal of MBB was<br />

to be the first ‘official’<br />

deriviative collection of<br />

MonkeDAO, with 100% of<br />

all royalties donated to<br />

MonkeDAO.<br />

To me, the goal was to ensure that money was no longer being siphoned<br />

out of the ecoysystem into cash grabs but rather into a holistic project<br />

with a rock star team behind it ready and willing to work on propelling<br />

Solana forward through a plethora of new tools and innovations.<br />

After a few weeks of turmoil in MonkeDAO during a vote to ‘endorse’ or<br />

‘absord’ MBB, the vote ended, and it was decided that MBB was going to<br />

remain a standalone project.<br />

This only inspired me to do more and to ensure that everyone who<br />

supported MBB from Day 1 would not be let down.<br />

A few weeks later, we launched the new MBB website - https://monkeybaby.<br />

business -- the goal of the website was to outline our plans, and to make<br />

a statement that Monkey Baby Business was HERE TO STAY.<br />

One of our first projects was the MBB Launchpad - https://monkeybaby.<br />

business/launchpad - The MBB launchpad is officially open and taking on<br />

new project requests. The launchpad provides everything creators need<br />

to launch their projects successfully, all while providing value to MBB<br />

holders.<br />

A week later we rolled out our proprietary Markert Watch / Sniper tool<br />

72<br />

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https://alpha.monkeybaby.business/tools/<br />

marketwatch… -- This tool allows buyers to find,<br />

sort and filter by price and rarity to find the best<br />

deals on MBB’s.<br />

As our community started to grow many ideas<br />

were tossed around. One thing we do really well<br />

is listen to feedback. Within a week, we started<br />

to roll out custom Discord channels based on<br />

user requests.<br />

Some of those channels included: new mints (a<br />

steady stream of all new mints available on the<br />

SOL blockchain), upcoming mints (never miss a<br />

mint again by knowing when they are coming<br />

up), trending mints (proprietary algorithm that<br />

informs on trending mints), and more.<br />

After spending a lot of time minting new Solana<br />

NFT projects and falling short due to unreliable<br />

third-party creator websites, marketplaces<br />

crashing, etc. - we decided that it was time to<br />

build a platform for minters that would be<br />

SECURE, RELIABLE and provide the DATA needed<br />

to make the most informed decisions when it<br />

came to minting.<br />

And low and behold --- we launched http://<br />

Soller.ai. http://Soller.ai is a comprehensive data<br />

analytics and on-chain minting platform. It is just<br />

as good at helping you decide what TO mint as<br />

it is as helping you avoid bad mints and saving<br />

your precious SOL.<br />

http://Soller.ai is updated daily. It currently<br />

supports CMv1, CMv2, Nova, LaunchMyNFT and<br />

ME Launchpad integration is in the works. In<br />

addition to reliability, Soller provides some of<br />

the following security benefits:<br />

- no phishing or fake websites (eg. Nobu Ninjas<br />

DNS poisoning attack), the only website you<br />

need to go through is Soller - eliminated risk of<br />

being rugged from malicious code in a frontend<br />

website - saves setting wallet approvals for<br />

various mint websites.<br />

With the success of Soller, it was only natural<br />

for us to continue trying to build new products<br />

to further propel Solana forward<br />

We are currently working on the release of http://<br />

KillShot.ai - this tool is a market aggregator and<br />

secondary market collection sniper.<br />

We have seen immense success in raising the<br />

floor price within our own collection with the<br />

release of the MBB Sniper tool and we believe<br />

the same will be the case for collections listed<br />

on KillShot.<br />

We are simultaneously working on the release of<br />

http://SolObserver.com - this tool is a collection<br />

aggregator that provides insights into popular<br />

collections on the Solana Blockchain. View floor<br />

price history, holder counts, sort by specific<br />

traits, compare price vs. rank, +more<br />

We have a lot more planned for the future. Some<br />

notable items include our MBB marketplace, an<br />

exclusive Solana marketplace (aimed at creating<br />

a stable trading environment for NFT investors),<br />

Secondary analytics tools to help fuel better<br />

trading decisions, and much much more.<br />

The ability to leverage my design and<br />

development team to work on propelling Solana<br />

forward through innovative tools and products<br />

is not something that I take for granted. We<br />

are thoroughly enjoying this space and plan to<br />

continue to provide value for many years to<br />

come.<br />

Long story short ... Don’t Sleep on Monkey Baby<br />

Business!<br />

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