Welcome to The Club v2.2 April 2022

A Magazine for 55+ Like No Other! Welcome to The Club features timeless articles and anecdotes including many from the archives of Daytripping Magazine. It's online at www.welcometotheclub.ca and is also distributed free in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.

A Magazine for 55+ Like No Other!
Welcome to The Club features timeless articles and anecdotes including many from the archives of Daytripping Magazine. It's online at www.welcometotheclub.ca and is also distributed free in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.


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<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />


L<br />

...which..wh<br />

h is beer e<br />

than<br />

being under it!<br />

CLUB<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

A ‘’New’ Magazine for PEOPLE P<br />

who aren’t<br />

Pho<strong>to</strong> by Jayne Primeau, Brights Grove<br />

View more of Jayne’s work on Flickr & Facebook<br />

From<br />

the<br />

crea<strong>to</strong>rs of...<br />

.<br />

welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />


VOLUME 2, 2 ISSUE 2 SPRING <strong>2022</strong>

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> the Spring issue!<br />

is Looking for<br />

Volunteers<br />

You could support a neighbour<br />

or assist with a program.<br />

All positions available.<br />

Age-Friendly Best Practices for<br />

Businesses and Service Providers<br />

E-Learning Program!<br />

• Free education program for businesses and service<br />

providers<br />

• Certified Age-Friendly designation<br />

• Practical up-<strong>to</strong>-date resources for supporting<br />

clients and cus<strong>to</strong>mers in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Contact<br />

<strong>to</strong> learn more about<br />

implementing this educational<br />

e-learning in your workplace or<br />

how <strong>to</strong> get yourself certified!<br />

aweiler@lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />

519-845-1353 Ext. 310<br />

Happy<br />

Senior’s<br />

Month!<br />

June <strong>2022</strong><br />

Helping you remain safe, active,<br />

and connected <strong>to</strong> your<br />

community, so you can live life<br />

<strong>to</strong> the fullest!<br />

Get Connected, Stay Connected<br />

<strong>to</strong> the resources you're looking for.<br />

Visit www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca or<br />

call the Family Counselling Centre's Care<br />

Pathway Line, 519-336-3000<br />

519-845-1353 www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />

Volunteer programs include:<br />

• Friendly Visiting<br />

• Volunteer Transportation<br />

• Diner’s <strong>Club</strong><br />

• Forever Fitness<br />

• Meals on Wheels<br />

• Fundraising<br />

How We Can<br />

Help You Live<br />

at Home<br />

Transportation<br />

Non-Urgent Stretcher Van<br />

Meals on Wheels<br />

Home Maintenance<br />

Personal Care<br />

Home Help<br />

Care Giver Respite Support<br />

Crisis Intervention<br />

Housing Support<br />

<strong>The</strong> Peer Program<br />

Friendly Visiting<br />

Diners <strong>Club</strong><br />

LEO Scored 98% Exemplary Standing<br />

for providing Quality Services<br />

Funded in part by the United Way of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

and Jackpot City, Sarnia<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach • 1-800-265-0203 • www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.orgb ld l h<br />

P A G E<br />

2<br />

Times have changed and so has our way of doing things…

This FREE magazine is distributed in most of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Have a Look and Have Your Say!<br />

Deciding what <strong>to</strong> feature on the cover of<br />

this issue <strong>to</strong>ok a while, but we finally decided<br />

on one of many awesome pho<strong>to</strong>graphs<br />

by Jayne Primeau of Brights Grove. It’s an<br />

honour <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> showcase some of the<br />

incredibly talented pho<strong>to</strong>graphers in our<br />

area.<br />

We have a favour <strong>to</strong> ask of you, and<br />

there’s a reward involved. You’ll find a<br />

questionnaire on page 38 and we hope <strong>to</strong><br />

see what direction you’d like <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>to</strong><br />

go in. Many of the articles in the magazine<br />

come from the archives of Daytripping,<br />

which we’ve published for 27 years, and it<br />

was our original intention <strong>to</strong> run many of<br />

those along with some of the interesting<br />

fillers you see - we have an incredible<br />

collection of both. <strong>The</strong> articles are often<br />

nostalgic and timeless, and our hope is <strong>to</strong><br />

keep the words of many past contribu<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

alive. That’s one of the main reasons we<br />

wanted <strong>to</strong> create a magazine for people 55<br />

plus. We feel we have something unique<br />

<strong>to</strong> offer, an escape from the ordinary and<br />

the daily news which can be challenging,<br />

and even depressing. With no politics and<br />

no real serious issues being addressed, we<br />

hope <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is a magazine you’ll read<br />

from start <strong>to</strong> finish and maybe read again<br />

By Mark Moran, Publisher<br />

or pass on <strong>to</strong> someone else.<br />

However, along the way we’ve also tried<br />

some new columns and columnists and they<br />

bring a lot <strong>to</strong> the table as well. Chris Treftlin<br />

has great advice for aging at home and he’s<br />

local - it’s not some canned article from a<br />

media service. Sipkens Nurseries has been<br />

providing a gardening article, Cathy Dobson<br />

is writing great feature pieces as well as a<br />

new column called “In a Few Words” that<br />

I’m a big fan of. We have our first article<br />

about a local trail in this issue.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n there are the crossword and word<br />

search puzzles, our Miles<strong>to</strong>nes page, a local<br />

postcard feature, an Events List now that<br />

there are events again, and the various<br />

funny or sentimental anecdotes that we fill<br />

the spaces in between with.<br />

So the question is... what do you want<br />

<strong>to</strong> see more of, or less of. Remember, we<br />

want <strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>to</strong> be unique<br />

enough that you’ll think twice about<br />

throwing it away. Please have a look and<br />

have your say. Two random readers that<br />

reply <strong>to</strong> the questionnaire will win $100 in<br />

Tourism Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n gift certificates,<br />

redeemable at many local shops, restaurants<br />

and attractions.<br />

Thanks for your time and for reading!<br />


"<strong>The</strong> Perfect Dress"<br />

Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could<br />

dampen her excitement, not even her parents' nasty divorce.<br />

Her mother had found the PERFECT dress <strong>to</strong> wear<br />

and would be the best-dressed mother-of-the-bride ever!<br />

A week later, Jennifer was horrified <strong>to</strong> learn that her father's<br />

new young wife had bought the exact same dress as her mother!<br />

Jennifer asked her step mom <strong>to</strong> exchange it,<br />

but she refused. "Absolutely not. I look like a million bucks in this<br />

dress, and I'm wearing it," she replied.<br />

Jennifer <strong>to</strong>ld her mother who graciously said, "Never mind<br />

sweetheart. I'll get another dress. After all, it's your special day."<br />

A few days later, they went shopping and did find another<br />

gorgeous dress. When they s<strong>to</strong>pped for lunch, Jennifer asked<br />

her mother, "Aren't you going <strong>to</strong> return the other dress?<br />

You really don't have another occasion where you could wear it."<br />

Her mother just smiled and replied,<br />

"Of course I do, dear. I'm wearing it <strong>to</strong> the rehearsal dinner<br />

the night before the wedding."<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is published four times annually by Moran Advertising, Brights Grove, Ontario. <strong>The</strong> publisher reserves<br />

the right <strong>to</strong> reject, discontinue or omit any advertisment without notice or penalty <strong>to</strong> either party. No portion of this<br />

publication can be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of Moran Advertising. <strong>The</strong> content of this<br />

publication does not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher. <strong>The</strong> content of this publication has not been deemed<br />

by the publisher <strong>to</strong> be correct and accurate. <strong>The</strong> advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising<br />

directly or indirectly from errors occuring in this publication beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that<br />

portion of the advertisment in which the error occurred, whether such error is due <strong>to</strong> the negligence of its servants or<br />

otherwise, and there shall be no liablity for non insertion of any advertisment beyond the amount paid for such advertisment.<br />

Use of Material: submitted articles, letters, and other works or materials may be used, published, distributed and s<strong>to</strong>red by<br />

Moran Advertising, <strong>Welcome</strong> To <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, and Daytripping Magazine, in whole or in part, in print or by any other means.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

CLUB<br />

VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 • SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

Trivia 22<br />

Discount List 23<br />

Word Search 13<br />

Postcards from the Past 12<br />

Recipes 14<br />

Crossword 29<br />

Miles<strong>to</strong>nes & Memories 25<br />

Other Stuff 1-40<br />

Jayne a y e Primeau, P m u Cathy C t<br />

Dobson, b<br />

n John o Gardiner, d e , Kelly-Lynn<br />

y L<br />

n<br />

Musico, M<br />

i<br />

c , Chris Treftlin, e i , Sipkens Nurseries, N r s,<br />

Mary Lou Tasko,<br />

k<br />

o<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n b<br />

t n Shores e<br />

Nature N t<br />

Trails, #local, # o<br />

a l, Ann A n Callum, Marion<br />

M Urquhart q rt<br />

Charkow, k<br />

Rita R t<br />

Veel, e l<br />

Kenneth ne<br />

Lapointe, i<br />

e<br />

Gayle<br />

e<br />

Ethering<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong>n Black, a k Donald l<br />

Black, a k Norma West e t Linder, d<br />

e , Barb<br />

Day, y Geraldine V. Lightfoot, t,<br />

Jacoba b<br />

Bos, s Adina Haas, a s Marion<br />

Clouse, o Mary M Jane MacVicar c ar<br />

and d<br />

all l<br />

the Recipe e and<br />

Miles<strong>to</strong>nes e & Memories submissions.<br />

sion<br />

s.<br />

Mark Moran - Publisher, Ad Sales<br />

Carrie Ann Timm - Associate so<br />

Publisher<br />

Carla MacGregor r - Advertising in<br />

Sales<br />

Rhonda Long - Advertising in<br />

Sales<br />

Angela Lyon - Graphics & Article Formatting<br />

Carla Mejia j - Graphic Design<br />

From<br />

the publishers<br />

of Daytripping Magazine<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Features<br />

You’ll find<br />

current and<br />

nostalgic<br />

articles<br />

throughout<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.<br />



P.O. Box 430 • Brights Grove, ON •N0N 1C0<br />

519-491-1676 • info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

www.welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />


To receive eive<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> in the<br />

mail for $20/year (4 issues),<br />

s)<br />

give us a call <strong>to</strong> discuss payment.<br />

t<br />

You can also view each issue online -<br />

just ask <strong>to</strong> be added <strong>to</strong> our email notification tion<br />

list.<br />

t<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ries & Local Pho<strong>to</strong>s os <strong>Welcome</strong>!<br />

F R I E N D Answer from Alzheimer’s puzzle, Page 24<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> …do you think the tasks on our bot<strong>to</strong>m borders are obsolete?<br />

P A G E 3

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

7143 Forest Road,<br />

Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming<br />

(4 km S. of Forest)<br />

Come<br />

<strong>to</strong> our<br />

on farm<br />

Brewery!<br />

s<strong>to</strong>nepickerbrewing.com<br />

Follow us for live band announcements.<br />

My mother did “Spring Cleaning”<br />

every year. It was a big deal around<br />

our house. It seemed that every<br />

surface and textile within our four<br />

walls was either polished, washed,<br />

scrubbed or waxed. Curtains billowed<br />

on the clothes line, windows were<br />

stripped of nose and hand prints<br />

and the floors were transformed<br />

in<strong>to</strong> skating ponds. It<br />

was a flurry of activity<br />

that signaled change and<br />

renewal. I never really<br />

unders<strong>to</strong>od what came<br />

over my Mother at this<br />

time. It was almost as if<br />

she was trying <strong>to</strong> remove<br />

the dullness that had gathered over<br />

our family and home during the<br />

winter months. <strong>The</strong> act of cleaning<br />

was like a shedding of our winter<br />

chrysalis. Soap and water bringing<br />

forth our new emerging spirits.<br />

Part of my mother’s regime<br />

included the rearranging of furniture<br />

in the bedroom that I shared with<br />

my sister. Every other year, one of<br />

us would be in enviable position<br />

of having her bed placed directly<br />

by the window. This desirable<br />

spot included an outside view<br />

and full access <strong>to</strong> the precious<br />

evening breeze. <strong>The</strong> other <strong>to</strong>ok her<br />

placement on the opposite side of<br />

the room graciously, contented with<br />

a change of scenery.<br />

I loved <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> bed at night with<br />

my head against the sill looking<br />

Do you want <strong>to</strong> reach<br />

our age 55+ readers?<br />

advertise<br />

in the club<br />

Call 519-491-1676<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

Ode To My Mother<br />

by Gayle Ethering<strong>to</strong>n Black, Ancaster • From Daytripping May-June 2006<br />

at my neighbourhood through<br />

the small holes in the screen. <strong>The</strong><br />

view from my private perch was a<br />

solitary pleasure for the senses. I<br />

can still recall lying awake with my<br />

face pressed <strong>to</strong> the screen listening<br />

<strong>to</strong> the symphony of night sounds<br />

which included raccoons, cats and<br />

grown up voices lilting softly on the<br />

night air. I would watch<br />

spell bound at the flying<br />

insects as they danced<br />

erratically under the<br />

street lamp and every<br />

now and then I would<br />

get a whiff of my father’s<br />

pipe <strong>to</strong>bacco and knew<br />

that he must be right below me on<br />

the front porch.<br />

Over the years, I often<br />

wondered why there was such a<br />

strong connection regarding the<br />

transformation of our little space.<br />

How could moving a couple of<br />

beds create such long lasting joy?<br />

Perhaps it is the association with<br />

the change of season and the<br />

intangible emotions of freedom and<br />

rejuvenation that ran so prevalent in<br />

my youth.<br />

My mother probably had no idea<br />

at the time, but her simple act of<br />

cleaning and changing around our<br />

room brought a happiness and<br />

continuity in our lives that will<br />

always be remembered. I like <strong>to</strong><br />

think of it as a ritual of love. For that<br />

Mom, I truly thank you!<br />

By appt please<br />

You must be 55 or over <strong>to</strong> read this magazine.<br />

Available frozen<br />

as whole, quartered<br />

or by individual cuts.<br />

7078 Wisbeach Rd,<br />

ARKONA<br />

• Farm Raised • Free Range • Non-Medicated<br />

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also at Williamson Farms Country S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

I love Spring anywhere,<br />

but if I could choose,<br />

I would always greet it<br />

in a garden.<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p & shop in Forest, Ontario!<br />

Check out our down<strong>to</strong>wn - browse our shops,<br />

enoy a meal at one of our fantastic restaurants or<br />

take in a movie at the his<strong>to</strong>ric Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre!<br />

Make a day of it in Forest!<br />

Purified Water • Propane Exchange<br />

Key Cutting • Window & Screen Repair<br />

Knife & Scissor Sharpening<br />


8483 Townsend Line<br />

ARKONA • 519-828-3383<br />

(Ruth S<strong>to</strong>ut)<br />

t)<br />

Keep up <strong>to</strong> date with event & shopping information<br />

on our website, Facebook & Instagram!<br />

An Old Fashioned Country S<strong>to</strong>re with a Modern Twist!<br />

• Collecbles & Giware • Kids Secon<br />

• Fudge • Maple Buer Tarts & Baking<br />

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Cheese & Maple Syrup • Gi Baskets<br />

Wednesday is<br />


Numerous Savings for 55 & over<br />

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Delivery Available<br />

14 King St. W., FOREST • 226-520-0144<br />

Open Tuesday <strong>to</strong> Friday 10am-6pm • Saturday 10-5 (opening Mondays <strong>April</strong> 25)<br />

P A G E<br />

4<br />

Obsolete Task? Dialing a rotary phone

We’re all getting older, we may as well laugh about it!<br />

Happy Trails <strong>to</strong> You!<br />

Ausable River Cut Conservation Area Trail<br />

By Mary Lou Tasko, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trail • www.lsntblazers.com<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trails (LSNT)<br />

is a local volunteer organization with<br />

a lofty vision: <strong>to</strong> build a network of<br />

user-friendly nature trails that inspire<br />

people <strong>to</strong> experience the biodiversity of<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores and vicinity.<br />

Since 2011 LSNT has partnered<br />

with public and private landowners<br />

<strong>to</strong> maintain and improve several local<br />

hiking trails.<br />

Most importantly, LSNT blazes, trims<br />

and clears trails so that the public can<br />

use them year-round. Our accessibility<br />

projects improve access for people of<br />

all ages and abilities. While we strive<br />

<strong>to</strong> expand and connect the trails, LSNT<br />

remains committed <strong>to</strong> protecting and<br />

preserving environmentally sensitive<br />

areas. Beautification of trailheads and<br />

community spaces has been a natural<br />

evolution as we encourage people <strong>to</strong> use<br />

and appreciate our “Gems of Nature.”<br />

If you are new <strong>to</strong> the area—or new<br />

<strong>to</strong> hiking—we encourage you <strong>to</strong> visit<br />

lsntblazers.com <strong>to</strong> learn about our local<br />

trails.<br />

Thanks <strong>to</strong> <strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Club</strong> for<br />

providing the opportunity <strong>to</strong> educate<br />

the public about LSNT’s work and <strong>to</strong><br />

highlight some of our most popular<br />

trails.<br />

In this issue, we introduce the Ausable<br />

River Cut Conservation Area Trail.<br />

First, a little his<strong>to</strong>ry of the area:<br />

Between 1872 and 1875, the “Ausable<br />

River Cut” was constructed between the<br />

northward-moving Ausable River—<br />

just north of <strong>The</strong>dford—and Port<br />

Franks. As a result, the <strong>The</strong>dford<br />

Marsh was drained and flooding in<br />

the area was checked. <strong>The</strong> rich land<br />

of the <strong>The</strong>dford Marsh could now<br />

be used for vegetable farming. <strong>The</strong><br />

Parkhill Creek still flows in<strong>to</strong> the old<br />

river bed north of “<strong>The</strong> Cut” and<br />

outlets at the Grand Bend harbour<br />

through a canal constructed in 1892.<br />

<strong>The</strong> “Old Ausable Channel.” running<br />

from Grand Bend through the Pinery<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> Cut is the remnant of the<br />

Ausable River section that used <strong>to</strong><br />

flow southward behind the dunes.<br />

In 1973, the Ausable Bayfield<br />

Conservation Authority purchased a<br />

19.6-hectare tract of land along the<br />

south side of the Ausable River Cut <strong>to</strong><br />

protect the natural environment and<br />

provide a public walking area. For<br />

over ten years, LSNT has partnered<br />

with ABCA <strong>to</strong> maintain the trails here<br />

and make significant improvements<br />

<strong>to</strong> accessibility. <strong>The</strong>re are a few trail<br />

options depending on your motivation<br />

and fitness level.<br />

A short, wheelchair-accessible loop<br />

(535 m) on flat ground offers a walk<br />

through the Carolinian forest and along<br />

the Ausable River Cut. It includes a<br />

wheelchair-accessible viewing platform<br />

overlooking <strong>The</strong> Cut. A newly refurbished<br />

stairway leads <strong>to</strong> the river’s<br />

edge where a floating dock is available<br />

during the warmer months <strong>to</strong> launch<br />

canoes/kayaks or offer a fishing perch!<br />

A children’s S<strong>to</strong>rywalk®, courtesy of<br />

the Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Public Library, follows this<br />

short loop as well.<br />

A longer (2 km) difficult loop leads<br />

through Carolinian forest, over sand<br />

dunes and along <strong>The</strong> Cut. <strong>The</strong> dirt path<br />

is narrower, and there is a challenging<br />

dune ascent/descent. However, an<br />

impressive view of <strong>The</strong> Cut (and rest<br />

s<strong>to</strong>p!) await you at the <strong>to</strong>p. Check the<br />

trailhead map—and hike the trail in a<br />

clockwise direction—if you want <strong>to</strong> go<br />

down the dune’s steep side. A connec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

trail cuts across the larger trail loop if<br />

you want <strong>to</strong> shorten your hike—or miss<br />

the large dune!<br />

Free parking is available, as well as<br />

picnic areas and a washroom.<br />

For more information and a map<br />

of the Ausable River Cut Conservation<br />

Area Trails, please visit lsntblazers.com<br />

or abca.ca.<br />

Until we meet you on the trails…<br />

Ausable River Cut Trail<br />

Wheelchair<br />

Accessible<br />

Main Trail<br />

Difficult<br />

Middle<br />

Trail<br />

Moderate<br />

Northville Cres.<br />

Lakeshore Rd<br />

(Hwy 21)<br />

Ausable River<br />

To Grand Bend <br />

To Forest<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

foresttravelservice.com 519-786-2319<br />

We’re here <strong>to</strong> help you<br />

make travelling easier.<br />

18 King Street West, Forest<br />


IN 1977<br />

Open the door <strong>to</strong> your<br />

financial well-being.<br />

Pat Smits<br />

Financial Advisor<br />

12 Mac Donald Street<br />

Forest, ON N0N 1J0<br />

519-786-4924<br />


THE <strong>Club</strong><br />


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Registered<br />

ered<br />

ed<br />

Physiotherapist<br />

ist<br />

Forest Physiotherapy<br />

and Rehabilitation<br />

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Forest • 519-786-3336<br />

36<br />

Forest Pharmacy<br />

Unique Gifts & Greeting Cards<br />

Herbal Products & Supplements<br />

Compression S<strong>to</strong>ckings • Mobility Aids<br />

Purses, Scarves & Jewellery<br />

*Free Delivery in Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores<br />

* Some restrictions apply<br />

Seniors Save *15% Wednesdays<br />

View our flyer and services at<br />

forestpharmacy.ca<br />

Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-5, Sun & Holidays 10-2<br />

19 King Street West, Forest, ON<br />

519-786-5161<br />

info@forestpharmasave.ca<br />

www.edwardjones.ca<br />

GRAND BEND - Wednesdays 8am-1pm,<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Museum, starting May 25.<br />

FOREST - Thursdays 4-8 pm, at the corner<br />

of Jefferson & Main, starting May 26.<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Popping corn in a pot with oil<br />

P A G E 5

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />




569 BROADWAY ST, WYOMING • 519-845-1613<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

SARNIA<br />

519-337-3713<br />


519-834-2833<br />

• AUTO • HOME • FARM<br />


1-800-265-7506 • www.cam-ron.ca<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wellness Corner<br />

by Marion Clouse, M.Ed., Public Educa<strong>to</strong>r, CMHA<br />

From Daytripping July-August 2003<br />

<strong>The</strong> Greatest Occupation<br />

Feel free <strong>to</strong> send in pho<strong>to</strong>s showcasing Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Marcanda Gifts<br />

Tea Room & Boutique<br />

Bed & Breakfast<br />

Gift Shop<br />

& Ladies<br />

Fashions!<br />

4562 London Line<br />

Reeces Corners<br />

Wyoming’s First and Only<br />

Health Food S<strong>to</strong>re & Refillery<br />

519-845-3133<br />

647 Broadway Street, Wyoming<br />

LICENSED 226-307-0694 • suncoastnaturalhealth.ca<br />

I want <strong>to</strong> share a s<strong>to</strong>ry that I recently<br />

received from a mother who is a firm<br />

believer that Attitude is Everything and<br />

that humour can see you through any<br />

difficult situation! I think every mother<br />

could use this pick-me-up, especially<br />

on days when everything appears <strong>to</strong> be<br />

going wrong. Mothers have a special role,<br />

and are rarely appreciated for everything<br />

they do. Motherhood is one of the most<br />

rewarding, difficult, exhausting, exciting,<br />

and humorous jobs you will have in your<br />

lifetime.<br />

A mother was picking up her children at<br />

school recently, another mother she knew<br />

rushed up <strong>to</strong> her. She was fuming with<br />

indignation. “Do you know what you and<br />

I are?” she demanded. It seemed she had<br />

just returned from renewing her driver’s<br />

license. Asked by the woman recorder <strong>to</strong><br />

state her occupation, she had hesitated,<br />

uncertain how <strong>to</strong> classify herself. “What I<br />

mean is,” explained the recorder, “do you<br />

have a job, or are you just a …” My friend<br />

responded by saying she was a mother.<br />

“We don’t list ‘mother’ as an occupation…<br />

‘housewife’ covers it, said the recorder. My<br />

friend was furious.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mother forgot all about the s<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

until one day she found herself in the same<br />

situation. “And what is your occupation?”<br />

the recorder probed. What made her say it,<br />

she did not know. <strong>The</strong> words popped out.<br />

“I’m a Research Associate in the field of<br />

Child Development and Human Relations.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> clerk paused, and looked as though she<br />

had not heard right. She repeated it again.<br />

<strong>The</strong> clerk asked with interest “what do you<br />

do in your field?” She calmly answered,<br />

“I have a continuing program of research<br />

(what mother doesn’t?) in the labora<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

and in the field (normally I would have<br />

said indoors and out). “I’m working for<br />

my Masters (the whole darned family) and<br />

already have four credits (all daughters)”.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> job is one of the most demanding in<br />

the field (any mother like <strong>to</strong> disagree?), and<br />

I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more<br />

like it)”. <strong>The</strong> clerk was very impressed, and<br />

personally saw her out the door.<br />

As she drove in<strong>to</strong> her driveway, her<br />

spirits raised by her glamorous new career,<br />

she was greeted by her lab assistants<br />

– ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs she could<br />

hear her new experimental model (6<br />

months) in the child-development program<br />

testing out a new vocal pattern. She felt<br />

triumphant! She had gone on the official<br />

records as someone more distinguished<br />

and indispensable <strong>to</strong> mankind than “just<br />

another mother.”<br />

When you are having a down day (as<br />

all of us do) and you feel you can’t face<br />

another day, change your attitude and look<br />

upon the situation with humour. Think<br />

of yourself as not just a mother, but a<br />

researcher in the field of child development<br />

and that your work is priceless. Your results<br />

may change the world!<br />

For more information, or <strong>to</strong> find a<br />

Canadian Mental Health branch near you,<br />

visit www.cmha.ca.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Creation of the Dog<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Green County Ebikes<br />

and<br />

Mobility Scooters<br />

New • Used<br />

Parts • Sales • Service<br />

Financing Available<br />

Ebike &<br />

Mobility Scooter<br />

Batteries<br />

638 Broadway Street, Wyoming • 519.333.8313 • www.greencountyebikes.com<br />

TUES. TO SAT.<br />

9AM - 5PM<br />

P A G E<br />

6<br />

Obsolete Task? Watching movies on VHS, renting movies from the video s<strong>to</strong>re.

Most articles in here have been written by people like you.<br />

PICK YOUR OWN • Strawberries<br />

• Apples • Pears • Pumpkins (in season)<br />


www.zekveldgardenmarket.ca<br />

4622 London Line, Reeces Corners • 519-845-3482<br />

Phrase Origins<br />

RETAIL STORE on the Farm with lots of<br />

fresh produce, baking & local preserves.<br />


Children <strong>Welcome</strong><br />

Show Your True Colours<br />

Refers <strong>to</strong> revealing your real character, especially when it’s<br />

undesirable. Comes from warships using multiple flags<br />

<strong>to</strong> confuse their enemies while at sea. However,<br />

warfare rules dictated that ships had <strong>to</strong> show their<br />

real flag before firing, so the “true colours” refers <strong>to</strong><br />

the colours of their actual flag.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

623 Broadway St., Wyoming • 519-845-9915 • VillageFireplaceShop.com<br />

Enjoy the Benefits of “Green Time”<br />

By Kelly-Lynn Musico, Brights Grove • Registered Physiotherapist, Registered Yoga Teacher<br />

As you begin reading this, maybe<br />

go find a window and look out, or if<br />

you can, take a step outside. Have<br />

you noticed those first telltale signs<br />

of spring and new growth? So, now<br />

what?<br />

Many of us have been couped up<br />

indoors over the winter and are excited<br />

at the endless possibilities<br />

<strong>to</strong> get moving outdoors.<br />

Getting outdoors is a<br />

fantastic way <strong>to</strong> improve<br />

our mental and physical<br />

health. It’s time <strong>to</strong><br />

increase our in-person<br />

social connections and<br />

physical abilities.<br />

Spring has sprung and<br />

now is the time <strong>to</strong> literally<br />

‘smell the roses’ and get<br />

moving. I recently saw<br />

a program on CTV news<br />

about a BC physician who<br />

has started prescribing<br />

“Green-time,” (spending<br />

time in nature) <strong>to</strong> her<br />

patients. I absolutely love this! Although<br />

I have been informally encouraging<br />

my clients <strong>to</strong> get outdoors <strong>to</strong> do their<br />

exercises, I now have the research <strong>to</strong><br />

back the health benefits of spending<br />

time in nature. This program tweaked<br />

my curiosity, so I further explored<br />

this concept. Yes, there is research<br />

Why Nature?<br />

• 90% of us say we’re happier when we’re outside—and stress hormone<br />

levels drop significantly after just 15 minutes of sitting in a forest.<br />

• Increasing nature time reduces your risk of developing heart disease,<br />

high blood pressure and diabetes.<br />

• Spending time in nature boosts memory, creativity and work satisfaction.<br />

• Spending time in the forest drops inflammation and stress in adults with<br />

COPD and reduces the risk of lung infections.<br />

• Nature therapy improves the psychological wellbeing of cancer patients<br />

and activates tumour-killing cells.<br />

• Seniors who live closer <strong>to</strong> walkable green spaces live longer.<br />

Source: https://www.parkprescriptions.ca/en/whynature<br />

<strong>to</strong> support the health<br />

benefits of spending time<br />

in nature.<br />

My further investigation<br />

concluded,<br />

<strong>to</strong> obtain the health<br />

benefits of nature it is<br />

recommended <strong>to</strong> spend<br />

2 hours a week, only<br />

20+ minutes at a time.<br />

Seems doable, right?<br />

So, what counts as<br />

time spent in nature?<br />

According <strong>to</strong> research,<br />

whenever we feel like<br />

we’ve had meaningful<br />

contact with nature,<br />

it will start <strong>to</strong> create<br />

health benefits which<br />

will start <strong>to</strong> add up. It<br />

could be as simple as<br />

sitting on a park bench<br />

or walking a nature<br />

trail.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are plenty<br />

of wonderful nature<br />

Pho<strong>to</strong>: Ontario’s Southwest<br />

adventures <strong>to</strong> be had in and around<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

When was the last time you walked<br />

the Howard Watson trail? Sat on a park<br />

bench? Sat at the river and watched<br />

the boats go by? Watched the ducks<br />

in Lake Chipican? How about a stroll<br />

along the beach? Exploring a sugar<br />

bush? Apple orchard? Maybe even<br />

sitting at some of our nature filled<br />

local wineries, cideries, and breweries<br />

could count? Spring has sprung and<br />

it’s a great time <strong>to</strong> get moving, feeling<br />

and living better.<br />

Go ahead and start adding up those<br />

health benefits by exploring all that<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County has <strong>to</strong> offer.<br />

Move. Feel. Live.<br />

663 Broadway Street<br />

Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0<br />

519-845-3212<br />

beth@bethhackettins.ca<br />

Great Local Service<br />


SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Using a flash cube on a film camera.<br />

P A G E 7

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

• Manicures • Pedicures • Waxing<br />

• Cosmetic Injections (Bo<strong>to</strong>x & Fillers)<br />

• Electrolysis • Independent Hair Stylists<br />

a getaway from the everyday<br />

635 Broadway Street<br />


226-307-0772<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />



• Residential<br />

i<br />

t<br />

ial<br />

• Re-Roofs<br />

• New Work<br />

Mike Daamen<br />

519-845-0182 5-<br />

82<br />

• 519-899-2422<br />

99-2<br />

-242<br />

2<br />

Thank you for continuing <strong>to</strong> shop locally!<br />

Grandkids are F UNNY<br />

Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl<br />

whispered <strong>to</strong> her grandmother, "Why is the bride<br />

dressed in white?" "Because white is the color of<br />

happiness, and <strong>to</strong>day is the happiest day of her<br />

life," her grandmother tried <strong>to</strong> explain, keeping it<br />

simple. <strong>The</strong> child thought about this for a moment, then said,<br />

"So why is the groom wearing black?"<br />

Growing<br />

A Greener<br />

Community,<br />

One Tree<br />

At A Time<br />

We want your<br />

pho<strong>to</strong>s, s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

& anecdotes<br />

showcasing<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />


59 9Y Years of fS Service i <strong>to</strong> oWyo<br />

Wyoming o &Th <strong>The</strong> Surrounding S o un<br />

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Physician Consults<br />

available through our<br />



Call us for details<br />

SENIORS 10% OFF (65+)<br />

Contact Us: 519-845-0847<br />

info@wyomingtreeservice.ca<br />

Send them <strong>to</strong><br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

We also welcome your ideas,<br />

comments or questions.<br />

You’ve got a lot riding on those tires!<br />

Wyoming<br />

Au<strong>to</strong> Centre<br />

You can trust<br />

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oil changes,<br />

brakes, batteries,<br />

seasonal maintenance<br />

and much more.<br />

It’s worth<br />

the trip<br />

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• Compounding Service<br />

• Rapid COVID Tesng<br />

607 Broadway Street, Wyoming 519-845-3341<br />

Makin’ a List<br />

Making a list. It’s an ancient art, I<br />

suspect. I can imagine the housewife<br />

of long ago, etching her list in the sand<br />

or on s<strong>to</strong>ne. Were pieces of wood and<br />

leather used before paper became<br />

abundant? Your choice of list paper is<br />

reflective of you and your tastes. Take<br />

the “Chopin-Liszt” (Shopping List) for<br />

music lovers, the “HoneyDew List” for<br />

spousal duty-delegation, the culinaryshaped<br />

list for groceries, the<br />

“Things <strong>to</strong> do after I pray”<br />

list for those who consult<br />

Him for help with their plans.<br />

Lists written in haste have<br />

been on Kleenex, napkins,<br />

even clean <strong>to</strong>ilet paper, in an<br />

emergency!<br />

You were probably on a list<br />

before you were born. Your<br />

name was on a list somewhere,<br />

with meaning and origin. I made baby<br />

name lists long before my children were<br />

born. It was fun. It was hopeful. It was<br />

relaxing. Relaxed list-making takes place<br />

at a leisurely pace. It lists pleasurable<br />

things like vacation destinations, party<br />

menu items, <strong>to</strong>pics for speeches and<br />

s<strong>to</strong>ries. When writing on favourite<br />

paper with a smooth-gliding pen, these<br />

lists take on a dream-like quality, where<br />

all things are possible and turn out well.<br />

Not all list-making is relaxing. Take<br />

the Saturday <strong>to</strong>-do list. Drafted on the<br />

back of a paycheque envelope, you<br />

feel weary with each entry. Looking at<br />

hurried handwriting, you know there<br />

are not enough hours <strong>to</strong> accomplish the<br />

things listed. A wise person once said,<br />

a list should be written down, then<br />

promptly cut in half, literally folded<br />

and <strong>to</strong>rn in half, with half <strong>to</strong>ssed in the<br />

trash. Only half of what you listed will<br />

by Adina Haas, LaSalle<br />

From Daytripping May-June 2010<br />

likely get done. Is this your experience?<br />

Your list is for your eyes only. Guard<br />

your list. <strong>The</strong> shorthand you have used<br />

<strong>to</strong> remind yourself of something may<br />

be misinterpreted by others. One of my<br />

lists leading up <strong>to</strong> Christmas dinner had<br />

included, in red pen, “Clean up blood”<br />

as a reminder <strong>to</strong> wipe up drops spilled<br />

when my husband cut his finger while<br />

cutting wood trim. This item would<br />

look very suspicious mingled<br />

in with “Iron the tablecloths,<br />

Bake the cakes, and Roast the<br />

turkey”!<br />

Is list-making a skill we are<br />

born with or is it something<br />

we must learn? I once asked<br />

my first-graders <strong>to</strong> make a<br />

list. I thought it would be a<br />

great activity. I gave them<br />

each a $100.00 bill (fake) and<br />

prompted them <strong>to</strong> write (on a triplescoop<br />

ice-cream cone paper) a list of<br />

how they would spend the money. I<br />

looked around. How could some of<br />

them say they were done? I asked <strong>to</strong><br />

see one list. It said, “All <strong>to</strong> the poor.”<br />

How could I condemn that list! It<br />

wasn’t the in-depth writing activity I<br />

had imagined but it had heart! Other<br />

more list-like lists had listed spending<br />

on Haiti, on me, and on my prize-box!<br />

Lists. We make ‘em, we refer <strong>to</strong><br />

them, we revise them, we misplace<br />

them. You know you are overdoing listmaking,<br />

when you need a master list <strong>to</strong><br />

keep track of other lists. Since we seem<br />

<strong>to</strong> need them, let’s make ‘em fun,<br />

keep ‘em simple and realistic, work at<br />

accomplishing the things on them. Get<br />

out the glitter pens, and colourful pads<br />

of paper. We’re makin’ a list. We’re<br />

checking it twice and cuttin’ it in half!<br />

P A G E<br />

8<br />

Obsolete Task? Winding a watch or clock

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Calling the movie theatre <strong>to</strong> find out show times. P A G E 9

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

Country Yarns<br />

2776 LaSalle Line, PETROLIA • 519-882-8740<br />


Wed.10-5 • Thurs.10-6 • Fri.10-5 • Sat. 10-3<br />

www.country-yarns.com<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Everything for<br />

your Kning,<br />

Crocheng,<br />

Cross Stch &<br />

Needlepoint<br />

Needs!<br />

- Menon this ad for a 15% discount -<br />

Don’t let old age get you down - it’s <strong>to</strong>o hard <strong>to</strong> get back up!<br />

Established in 1978,<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Pharmacy continues <strong>to</strong><br />

provide caring, professional pharmacy<br />

services <strong>to</strong> residents of the beautiful<br />

<strong>to</strong>wn of Petrolia and Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County.<br />



Exquisite Giftware<br />

Home & Garden Decor<br />

Jewellery • Gourmet Foods<br />

4192 Petrolia Line • Petrolia • 519-882-0238<br />

Lewis Thomas, born in 1913,<br />

expressed it well: “We are, perhaps<br />

uniquely among the earth’s creatures,<br />

the worrying animal. We worry away<br />

our lives, fearing the future, discontent<br />

with the present, unable <strong>to</strong> take in the<br />

idea of dying, unable <strong>to</strong> sit still.”<br />

We throw the term around loosely,<br />

but I truly believe there are “born<br />

worriers” I’m one of them!<br />

When I was about seven I was playing<br />

alone in one corner of our large yard<br />

when friends of my parents s<strong>to</strong>pped on<br />

the gravel road near me. “Want <strong>to</strong> go<br />

for a ride?” they called.<br />

It’s hard <strong>to</strong> believe <strong>to</strong>day, but in our<br />

village on Mani<strong>to</strong>ulin Island in the ‘30s<br />

a car ride was something of a novelty.<br />

I hopped in<strong>to</strong> the back seat of that<br />

boxy-looking Ford, forgetting in my<br />

excitement <strong>to</strong> tell my mother. <strong>The</strong>n,<br />

instead of enjoying the outing, I was<br />

Confessions Of A Born Worrier<br />

By Norma West Linder, Sarnia • From Daytripping March-<strong>April</strong> 2012<br />

worried sick every minute of the time I<br />

was away. I raced in<strong>to</strong> the house as soon<br />

as I got home. My mother, busy with my<br />

little brother, hadn’t even noticed my<br />

absence. That should have taught me a<br />

lesson about the futility of worrying. It<br />

didn’t.<br />

I’ve even posted signs above my desk<br />

- signs <strong>to</strong> read and heed. My favourite<br />

is: Worry is like paying interest on money<br />

you haven’t borrowed. Or words <strong>to</strong> that<br />

effect. I don’t know who coined it, but<br />

that saying worked for me, right up until<br />

a few days later when a friend was late<br />

for a luncheon date. <strong>The</strong> roads were<br />

icy, and I went straight <strong>to</strong> worst scene<br />

scenario, imagining her car upside<br />

down in a ditch, all four wheels spinning<br />

as she lay bloodied and unconscious.<br />

Nothing of the sort happened, of course.<br />

I hate <strong>to</strong> indulge in generalizations,<br />

but it seems <strong>to</strong> me women are more<br />

prone <strong>to</strong> be worriers than are men.<br />

Most of my female friends are like me<br />

when it comes <strong>to</strong> fretting about the vast<br />

number of possible disasters, especially<br />

those of us who have children, or, as<br />

I sometimes call them, “hostages <strong>to</strong><br />

fate.” My daughter Karen was sitting<br />

in a bus shelter in London, England,<br />

in November, when a mo<strong>to</strong>rcyclist lost<br />

control and ran in<strong>to</strong> her. She suffered<br />

cuts on one leg that required surgery<br />

and she needed time <strong>to</strong> overcome the<br />

4130 Glenview Rd, Unit 2, Petrolia<br />

519-882-0650<br />

Danielle Edgar, B.Sc., PharmD<br />

Pharmacist<br />

Monday–Friday 9–6<br />

Saturday 9–12<br />

event. I had good reason <strong>to</strong> worry, but I<br />

carried it <strong>to</strong> extremes, picturing that girl<br />

in the film <strong>The</strong> Horse Whisperer waking<br />

up in the hospital minus a leg.<br />

My older daughter, unfortunately, is a<br />

worrier like me, but my son is not. He’s<br />

quite right when he says worry is a bad<br />

use of time because it doesn’t change<br />

the outcome of anything.<br />

I have learned a few ways of lessening<br />

my talent for worry. I no longer open my<br />

big book entitled A Home Medical Guide.<br />

I used <strong>to</strong> imagine I had every symp<strong>to</strong>m<br />

of every illness it contained. Worriers<br />

should never have such reference books<br />

in the house. We should all try <strong>to</strong> take<br />

<strong>to</strong> heart the words penned in 1915 by<br />

George H. Powell (1880-1951):<br />

“What’s the use of worrying? It<br />

never was worthwhile, so, pack up your<br />

troubles in your old kit-bag. And smile,<br />

smile, smile.”<br />


THE WALK<br />


Petrolia’s<br />

Luxury<br />

Down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />

Development<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hint is ...<br />

My name is Alvin.<br />

I was built in 2014 by<br />

Murray Watson and I’m 10’ tall.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are a lot of bees in my <strong>to</strong>wn.<br />

Find the answer<br />

in our<br />

Summer <strong>2022</strong> issue<br />

From our Winter <strong>2022</strong> issue:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hint was ...<br />

At which type of building might you find a carving<br />

such as this? If you can guess that part, you just<br />

have <strong>to</strong> pick the right <strong>to</strong>wn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Answer is...<br />

This is outside the<br />

Royal Canadian Legion in Forest<br />

<strong>The</strong> Walk is Petrolia’s only luxury<br />

apartment project in the down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />

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Alvin can be found alongside<br />

Highway 79 in Alvins<strong>to</strong>n. <strong>The</strong><br />

bees we’re referring <strong>to</strong> would be<br />

at Munro Apiaries, a long time<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mer and great destination.<br />

www.albanyretirementvillage.com/the-walk<br />

P A G E<br />

10<br />

Obsolete Task? Rolling up or down a car window (manually)

Maybe we should s<strong>to</strong>p it with the elderly jokes. <strong>The</strong>y’re getting old.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Do you<br />

want<br />

copies<br />

of...<br />

<strong>The</strong>y’re T<br />

FREE<br />

for people 55+!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />

For a group,<br />

apartment<br />

building,<br />

or meeting?<br />

Call 519-491-1676 or email<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

Retirement<br />

Village<br />

Down<strong>to</strong>wn Retirement Living<br />

in a Quaint Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Town<br />


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Full Service Pharmacy<br />

Full Service Cosmetic Department<br />

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Call <strong>to</strong> Book a Tour:<br />

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Petrolia, ON<br />

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Wisdom of...<br />

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• Fresh Produce<br />

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Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-6, Sun10-5<br />

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Market<br />

Eleanor Roosevelt<br />

Do one thing everyday that scares you.<br />

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but<br />

beautiful old people are works of art.<br />

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events;<br />

Small minds discuss people.<br />

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long<br />

enough <strong>to</strong> make them all yourself.<br />

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.<br />

Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it<br />

one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.<br />

If someone betrays you once, it’s their fault; if they betray<br />

you twice, it’s your fault.<br />

It is not fair <strong>to</strong> ask of others what you are unwilling <strong>to</strong> do<br />

yourself.<br />

One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you<br />

never have <strong>to</strong> look for new interests. <strong>The</strong>y come <strong>to</strong> you.<br />

When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will<br />

always lead <strong>to</strong> something else.<br />

Every Tuesday is SENIORS DISCOUNT DAY<br />

10% OFF for age 60 and over (must tell cashier)<br />

Doesn’t apply <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>bacco, lottery or gift cards<br />

Use our easy<br />

ONLINE<br />



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We’ll bring your groceries <strong>to</strong> your car!<br />

4136 Petrolia Line,<br />

Petrolia • 519-882-2211<br />

www.yourindependentgrocer.ca<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Plucking chickens<br />

P A G E 11

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Thank you, <strong>to</strong> all the advertisers you see throughout the magazine.<br />

POSTCARDS of<br />


See the Dave Burwell Postcard Collecon at sarniahis<strong>to</strong>ricalsociety.com<br />

F. Filia & Associates Ltd.<br />

2-565 Murphy Road, Sarnia<br />

519-332-5400 I franco_filia@coopera<strong>to</strong>rs.ca<br />

Franco Filia<br />

Advisor/Owner<br />

Sponsored o o By:<br />

B y<br />

Band in Brigden<br />

Waterfront, Courtright<br />

Vidal Street South, Sarnia<br />

Petrolia Train Staon Lake Huron Hotel, Sarnia Cull Drain Bridge, Bright’s Grove<br />

Why don’t people bend at the knees<br />

when they garden? It’s not very attractive,<br />

when you’re walking by delighting in the<br />

sweetly-scented honeysuckle, the russet<br />

tiger-lilies, their long stems swaying in<br />

the breeze and the vibrant fuchsia roses.<br />

Suddenly, there it is…the full moon facing<br />

the roadway for all passing by <strong>to</strong> see, but<br />

not admire. <strong>The</strong> sight has inspired those<br />

wooden lawn ornaments you can buy, with<br />

Ma and Pa bent over gardening <strong>to</strong>gether.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’s Pa in his low-riding trousers and<br />

Ma in her polka-dot bloomers.<br />

I’m not a fan of gardening. In our old<br />

neighbourhood we were surrounded by<br />

retired gardeners with years of experience.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir rows of perfectly planted vegetable<br />

gardens <strong>to</strong>ok up entire backyards. <strong>The</strong><br />

most amazing garden of all belonged <strong>to</strong> the<br />

old European couple, the Schwarzkopf’s.<br />

Carrots, pota<strong>to</strong>es, green beans, radishes,<br />

<strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es of every size and type - you<br />

L.C.C.V.I, Petrolia Front and Lochiel Street, looking South, Sarnia Blue Water Bridge, Point Edward<br />

Green T humb<br />

name it, those Schwarzkopf’s grew it.<br />

I remember the day my sister came for<br />

a visit. “<strong>The</strong>re’s Mr. Schwarzkopf digging<br />

in his garden,” she said.<br />

I looked out the window. <strong>The</strong>re it was<br />

again! <strong>The</strong> no<strong>to</strong>rious gardener, bent at the<br />

waist, butt reaching for the sky, rubber<br />

boots <strong>to</strong> the hips, hoe in hand.<br />

“That’s not Mr. Schwarzkopf.<br />

That’s Mrs. Schwarzkopf,” I<br />

exclaimed.<br />

Gardening is clearly<br />

not my forte. All you<br />

hardcore green thumbs<br />

out there will not get this,<br />

but I’d rather be cooped<br />

up in the house typing<br />

away at my computer,<br />

writing about gardening<br />

By Barb Day, Paris, ON<br />

From Daytripping, July-August 2010<br />

or any other subject for that matter,<br />

than actually gardening. How can that<br />

be, you ask, when one could be outside,<br />

enjoying the fresh air, digging in the dirt<br />

under a cloudless sky. Last time I checked<br />

my thumb was still pink. Definitely not<br />

green…never will be.<br />

Naïve, we moved <strong>to</strong> an old house from an<br />

apartment, and were anxious<br />

<strong>to</strong> start a vegetable garden<br />

in that huge backyard at<br />

the first hint of spring.<br />

We moved in the fall,<br />

and all winter we read<br />

books on the subject.<br />

We even subscribed<br />

<strong>to</strong> Harrowsmith and<br />

Canadian Gardener.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y all made it look so<br />

easy. We were pumped, and decided, why<br />

have only one? That yard is so big - there<br />

could be two big gardens, side-by-side!<br />

“Don’t bite off more than you can<br />

chew.” “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”<br />

“Think big, start small.” Those great<br />

words of wisdom forgotten, we forged<br />

ahead. <strong>The</strong> tidy rows started out looking<br />

nice enough, but by summer were an<br />

overwhelming tangle of weeds and crab<br />

grass. It was like a trek through the jungle<br />

<strong>to</strong> find a tiny, weak vegetable plant that<br />

hadn’t yet been strangled <strong>to</strong> death by an<br />

angry weed.<br />

Mr. Schwarzkopf would stand at the<br />

fence, shaking his head in disbelief,<br />

while handing over a basket of succulent<br />

beyond belief Beefsteak <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es.<br />

Sadly, we were the laughing s<strong>to</strong>ck of the<br />

master gardeners of the neighbourhood,<br />

and the last time I checked, my thumb<br />

was still pink.<br />

P A G E<br />

12<br />

Obsolete Task? Using carbon paper <strong>to</strong> make copies

As you may have guessed by now, it’s for people 55+<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Providing ing the best quality and style of footwear otwe<br />

for generaons.<br />


<strong>April</strong> 7 – 20% OFF in s<strong>to</strong>ck kids items<br />

May 5 – 20% OFF in s<strong>to</strong>ck sandals<br />

June 2 – 20% OFF in s<strong>to</strong>ck accessories<br />

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565 Murphy Rd,<br />

Sarnia<br />

519-383-0588<br />

For Those Feeling Younger than ‘Old’<br />

When you see old remember that<br />

we’ve lived a lifetime already. “Been<br />

there, done that” kinda thing, albeit<br />

in many ways differently than you<br />

get <strong>to</strong> experience in this time and<br />

age. We’ve worked, we’ve played,<br />

we’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve<br />

planned and not had all of our<br />

plans pan out. This was where our<br />

flexibility and fortitude were tested.<br />

We’ve chosen <strong>to</strong> slow down (at<br />

least our minds and bodies have<br />

chosen for us) which, for each of<br />

us, can be something different.<br />

Sometimes that choice is made for<br />

us for reasons beyond our control.<br />

Our bodies are tired and usually<br />

sore. We’re just trying <strong>to</strong> keep our<br />

minds alert. As long as we are<br />

capable of making decisions for<br />

ourselves, we will make them<br />

without intentionally, negatively<br />

affecting any of our loved ones’<br />

lives.<br />

It’s about being respectful <strong>to</strong><br />

us older people, and receiving<br />

that same respect in return from<br />

us. We appreciate your concern<br />

By Ann Callum, Sarnia<br />

for our well-being. Thank you for<br />

caring.<br />

Know <strong>to</strong>o, when you’ve come <strong>to</strong><br />

this place in time, you will appreciate<br />

being valued for what you’ve created<br />

and accomplished.<br />

Freedom of choice and freedom <strong>to</strong><br />

express who we are, as long as we’re<br />

not hurting anyone or ourselves, is<br />

what a happy life is all about.<br />

Please help us <strong>to</strong> communicate<br />

our needs, and we’ll help you <strong>to</strong><br />

understand what growing old is<br />

really like. With lots of patience and<br />

caring we can do this <strong>to</strong>gether and<br />

accomplish a rewarding conclusion<br />

<strong>to</strong> a life well lived.<br />

Growing old<br />

is inevitable;<br />

Growing up<br />

is optional.<br />


110 S. Mit<strong>to</strong>n • 519-344-7557 • alsvacandsew.ca<br />

Mother’s Day WORD SEARCH<br />

Find these words hidden vertically, horizontally, diagonally and backwards.<br />

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Follow Us On Facebook For Specials, Trials, Taste Tests, Contests & More!<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Having <strong>to</strong> memorize everyone’s phone number P A G E 13

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

Kern<br />

water<br />

kernwater.com<br />

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THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

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519-542-4211<br />



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your way around,<br />

you're not<br />

going anywhere.”<br />

~ Anonymous<br />

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147 N. Mion St., Sarnia • 519-337-4060 • <strong>The</strong>EyeGuySarnia.com<br />

Recipes<br />

Do you remember being 19? Neither do we!<br />

Send Us<br />

Your Recipes!<br />

e c es<br />

We’ll be bringing you recipes from <strong>Club</strong> contribu<strong>to</strong>rs & from local<br />

fundraising cookbooks we’ve collected over the last quarter of a century.<br />

You’re welcome <strong>to</strong> send your own recipes, or on behalf of an organizaon<br />

that has a new cookbook, & we can help promote those cookbooks for free.<br />

Party Pota<strong>to</strong> Salad<br />

4 tsp mustard seed<br />

1 Tbsp celery seed<br />

1/3 cup white vinegar<br />

6 lb pota<strong>to</strong>es<br />

2 cups chopped celery<br />

By: Alma Wigle (from<br />

Brigden Fall Fair Cookbook)<br />

1 cup finely chopped green onions & <strong>to</strong>ps<br />

6 hard cooked eggs, chopped<br />

3 1/2 cups mayonnaise<br />

2 tsp salt<br />

Soak mustard seed, celery seed in 1/3 cup white vinegar for several<br />

hours or overnight. Cook, cool, peel and cube 6 pounds of pota<strong>to</strong>es<br />

(about 15 cups). Sprinkle cubed pota<strong>to</strong>es with salt. Toss with celery,<br />

onions and eggs. Combine seed mixture and 2 teaspoons salt with<br />

mayonnaise. Toss pota<strong>to</strong> mixture with mayonnaise. Chill thoroughly.<br />

Garnish with hard cooked egg whites. Serves 25 <strong>to</strong> 30.<br />

Balsamic Glazed Salmon<br />

(from Point Edward<br />

Ex-Servicemen’s<br />

Assoc. Cookbook)<br />

8 fresh salmon fillets, 3/4 inch thick (1 1/2 lb)<br />

Freshly ground black pepper<br />

3 Tbsp Balsamic vinegar<br />

3 Tbsp olive oil<br />

1 Tbsp orange juice<br />

4 1/2 tsp cornstarch<br />

1 Tbsp brown sugar<br />

1 3/4 cups chicken broth<br />

1 tsp grated orange peel<br />

Place salmon in a 12x8x2 inch shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with black<br />

pepper and drizzle with oil. Bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes, or unl<br />

the fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.<br />

Sr the cornstarch, broth, vinegar, orange juice, brown sugar and orange<br />

peel in a 2 quart saucepan over high heat. Heat the mixture <strong>to</strong> a boil.<br />

Connue <strong>to</strong> cook unl the mixture thickens, srring constantly. Place the<br />

salmon on a serving plaer and serve with the sauce. Makes 8 servings.<br />

Hot Artichoke Dip<br />

By: Madame Deery<br />

(from “Millennium Menus”<br />

by Bridgeview Public School<br />

1 can (14 oz) archoke hearts, drained, chopped<br />

1 cup (4 oz) Kra 100% grated Parmesan cheese<br />

1 cup (4 oz) Kra natural shredded, low moisture, part-skim<br />

Mozzarella cheese<br />

3/4 cup Kra real mayonnaise or Miracle Whip salad dressing<br />

1 clove garlic, minced<br />

Heat oven <strong>to</strong> 350 degrees F. Mix all ingredients. Spoon in<strong>to</strong> 9 inch quiche dish<br />

or pie plate. Bake 20 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Garnish with steamed<br />

archoke leaves and red cabbage leaves. Serve with <strong>to</strong>asted French bread<br />

slices or crackers. Makes 2 cups. This is easy, fast and delicious!<br />

Pineapple Upside Down Cake<br />

2 Tbsp buer<br />

1 cup brown sugar<br />

1 cup sliced pineapple<br />

Maraschino cherries<br />

2 eggs<br />

1 cup white sugar<br />

1/2 cup juice from pineapple<br />

1 cup flour<br />

2 tsp baking powder<br />

pinch of salt<br />

By: Linda Reid<br />

(from Wyoming<br />

Lioness <strong>Club</strong> 30th<br />

Anniversary nive<br />

book)<br />

o Melt buer in baking pan. Add brown sugar. Cover with drained pineapple<br />

rings (save juice). Put a cherry in the middle of each ring. Mix remaining<br />

ingredients and pour over pineapple. Bake at 350 degrees F approx. 20<br />

minutes or unl done. Invert on serving plate. Serve with whipped <strong>to</strong>pping.<br />

Send Your Recipes <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

ca<br />

P A G E<br />

14<br />

Obsolete Task? Calling collect for long distance calls

Putting the “old” back in “Damn, you’re old!”<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

940 MURPHY ROAD<br />

Sarnia • 519-542-1491<br />

This FREE Magazine is made possible by the<br />

companies you see adversing in these pages.<br />

Please consider them when making your<br />

purchasing decisions, and please let them<br />

know that you saw their ad in...<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE<br />


Here at Napoli Pizza<br />

we’re not just a food<br />

business, we’re a<br />

family business. Our<br />

specialty is homemade<br />

pizza, pasta and so<br />

much more.<br />

We are dedicated <strong>to</strong><br />

providing you with<br />

only the highest<br />

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fashioned way. With classic Italian dishes, we<br />

offer our cus<strong>to</strong>mers a warm atmosphere filled<br />

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Pho<strong>to</strong> credit:<br />

Phil Collins<br />

(for real)<br />

My Lefthanded, Backwards,<br />

Upsidedown Life & Assorted Short S<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

By John Gardiner<br />

I’ve already covered my brief hockey<br />

career and my even briefer baseball<br />

career, so I might as well fill you in my<br />

only other venture in<strong>to</strong> organized sports<br />

– other than bowling. And that was my<br />

time with the Hanover District High<br />

School Midget Basketball Team……Now,<br />

basketball has never really been my<br />

thing – it was kind of an exotic sport in<br />

Hanover back in the 1960’s….I mean,<br />

why would you play basketball in the<br />

winter if you could play hockey – and<br />

everybody played hockey and usually<br />

only the real jock guys in high school<br />

shot hoops. But when I first went in<strong>to</strong><br />

Hanover High, I was resolved <strong>to</strong> try <strong>to</strong><br />

get with the program and I’d been <strong>to</strong>ld<br />

I’d get more out of high school if I put a<br />

little effort in<strong>to</strong> it. So, I joined the midget<br />

boys’ basketball team…..<br />

We practiced for a couple of weeks<br />

before the season started and everything<br />

looked good. Most of us were just<br />

beginners <strong>to</strong> the game, other than a tiny<br />

bit in public school, but we had a couple<br />

of jock-type guys on the team and it was<br />

assumed they’d carry us <strong>to</strong> vic<strong>to</strong>ry after<br />

vic<strong>to</strong>ry, while the rest of us would play a<br />

strong supporting role. I actually got sort<br />

of good at the game in practice and could<br />

hit free throws pretty well and could<br />

run drill after drill with some degree of<br />

success.<br />

We had a couple of exhibition games<br />

before the regular season and the first<br />

was against Durham High School. We<br />

battled the Durham team <strong>to</strong>ugh up <strong>to</strong><br />

halftime – the game was tied. And that’s<br />

as close as we got <strong>to</strong> a win all season<br />

– tied at halftime of our first exhibition<br />

game. It turned out that our team<br />

really sucked – like big time. It turned<br />

out our jock-type guys were just mere<br />

mortals and couldn’t possibly hope <strong>to</strong><br />

compensate for the rest of the team. And<br />

so we lost game after game. And what<br />

happened was that the jock-type guys<br />

couldn’t stand the humiliation, so they<br />

started <strong>to</strong> quietly drop off the team – and<br />

<strong>The</strong> following is an excerpt from “My Lefthanded,<br />

Backwards, Upsidedown Life & Assorted Short S<strong>to</strong>ries”<br />

by Wallaceburg writer John Gardiner, who grew up and<br />

came of age in Hanover, Ontario during the 1950’s and<br />

1960’s. In this memoir, Gardiner tells the s<strong>to</strong>ry of his<br />

growing-up years with a series of colourful anecdotes<br />

about the way life used <strong>to</strong> be. More of the writer’s work is<br />

available at www.johngardiners<strong>to</strong>ries.com or by contacting<br />

the author at gardiner@kent.net.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Basketball Diaries<br />

that meant the team got weaker and<br />

weaker as the season progressed. Like<br />

at the beginning of the season, I was an<br />

extra guy on the team, but by halfway<br />

through the season, I was a starter.<br />

And I discovered that I was a really bad<br />

basketball player, mainly because of my<br />

self-consciousness, and I couldn’t hit a<br />

basket under pressure in a real game<br />

for all the tea in China – whatever that<br />

means.<br />

And so our defeats started <strong>to</strong> get<br />

more and more lopsided. Like at the<br />

beginning of the season, we were losing<br />

sort of like 42-28, but by mid-season we<br />

were losing by scores of 64-12, and as<br />

the end of the season approached, most<br />

opposing teams were trying <strong>to</strong> score<br />

over 100 points against us, while trying<br />

<strong>to</strong> hold us <strong>to</strong> less than 10. And, of course,<br />

they would announce the scores of all<br />

the school teams over the PA at morning<br />

announcements. And it got so the whole<br />

school waited for the score of our latest<br />

game, so they could all cheer wildly for<br />

us. Those of us who had stuck with the<br />

team became sort of celebrities around<br />

the school – like it was an honour <strong>to</strong><br />

be part of what was possibly the worst<br />

midget basketball team in Canadian<br />

sports his<strong>to</strong>ry.<br />

Anyway, there were a couple more<br />

life lessons contained in this experience.<br />

First - don’t be part of a team under<br />

any circumstances, because if the team<br />

sucks, it’ll look like you suck as well.<br />

Second - if you do suck, hang in there<br />

and sometimes it sort of pays off. You<br />

get a type of fame if you’re really pitifully<br />

bad at something. I mean, people laugh<br />

at you, but at least they notice you –<br />

which in some cases is better than not<br />

getting noticed at all. Still, I was glad for<br />

the Neustadt drinking trips while this<br />

was going on… drinking is more fun<br />

than playing losing basketball and pretty<br />

well any other sport. Words well written.<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Balancing a chequebook<br />

P A G E 15

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Laughter is the best medicine - here’s <strong>to</strong> your health.<br />

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can!<br />

EVH Guitar<br />

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pickersalley.com<br />

Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Court Fines<br />

(indirect taxes), Au<strong>to</strong> Emission Tests<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

(indirect again), Dog License Tax, Federal<br />

Income Tax, Federal Unemployment<br />

Retirement Tax, Fishing License Tax, Food License<br />

Tax, Fuel Permit Tax, Gasoline Tax,<br />

Coach © by Mike Keenan<br />

Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax,<br />

http://theretirementcoach.libsyn.com/<br />

Revenue Canada IRS Interest Charges<br />

(tax on <strong>to</strong>p of tax), Revenue Canada<br />

Penalties (tax on <strong>to</strong>p of tax), Liquor Tax,<br />

Local Income Tax, Luxury Taxes, Marriage<br />

Taxing Matters<br />

License Tax, Medicare Tax, Property<br />

Tax, Real Estate Tax, Septic Permit Tax,<br />

As a public service <strong>to</strong> seniors out there Service Charge Taxes, Social Security<br />

who might be wondering – yes, death and<br />

Listen <strong>to</strong> Mike’s podcasts (humour, travel and poetry) at: Tax, <strong>The</strong> Retirement Road Usage Coach: Taxes, Sales Taxes,<br />

taxes http://theretirementcoach.libsyn.com/ remain two givens in this His country book, ‘Don’t Ever Recreational Quit - a Journal Vehicle of Coping Tax, Road Toll Booth<br />

as with in Crisis most & Nourishing others, and Spirit,’ for is available Canadians, in print & electronic Taxes, School format at Tax, Amazon: Provincial Income Tax,<br />

May https://amzn.<strong>to</strong>/2KBdPWQ<br />

2, <strong>2022</strong> is the deadline <strong>to</strong> file your Unemployment Tax, Telephone Federal<br />

taxes while Jun 15, <strong>2022</strong> is the deadline Excise Tax, Telephone Federal Universal<br />

if you or your partner are self-employed. Service Fee Tax, Telephone Federal<br />

Presumably, the latter requires at least an and Local Surcharge Taxes, Telephone<br />

extra month <strong>to</strong> find all of those receipts Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax, Telephone<br />

secreted away in shoe boxes, which my Recurring and Non-Recurring Charges<br />

spouse prefers.<br />

Tax, Telephone and Local Tax, Telephone<br />

Many seniors have asked me if I Usage Charge Tax, Toll Bridge Taxes,<br />

support an extra Carbon Tax <strong>to</strong> help in the Toll Tunnel Taxes, Traffic Fines (indirect<br />

fight against environmental degradation. taxation), Trailer Registration Tax, Utility<br />

<strong>The</strong> logic works like this – suppose you Taxes, Vehicle License Registration Tax,<br />

think that bagels are bad for proper Vehicle Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax,<br />

nutrition. Government solution – apply Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation<br />

supplementary taxes on bagels. Will this Tax and GST on everything, including<br />

force me <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p eating bagels? No way; I your funeral, which nicely ties up death<br />

love them, especially the Montreal variety, and taxes.<br />

and there just happens <strong>to</strong> be a bagel shop None of these taxes existed 100 years<br />

near our home.<br />

ago. How did our nation survive? We had<br />

<strong>The</strong> government has tried a similar absolutely no national debt, one of the<br />

technique with alcohol, <strong>to</strong>bacco and pot largest middle classes in the world.<br />

with much the same results as a bagel Be aware that there are more indirect<br />

tax. <strong>The</strong>y love taxes as much as I admire taxes that I did not yet mention. For<br />

bagels. Under Liberal and Conservative example, when you ride in an eleva<strong>to</strong>r<br />

governments, we have been afflicted with while staying at a hotel, not only do<br />

55 separate kinds of taxes.<br />

you pay a municipal and federal and<br />

To assist your flagging memory, I provincial hotel tax (great <strong>to</strong> have so<br />

will outline them as follows: Accounts many layers of government, eh! Don’t<br />

Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, forget the Regional government.), but<br />

Capital Gains Tax, CDL license Tax (I do you also get <strong>to</strong> help pay for the eleva<strong>to</strong>r<br />

not know what CDL stands for), Cigarette license and inspection, the same way that<br />

you help pay for licenses and inspections<br />

for all other goods and services.<br />

Tax Freedom Day is the first day of the<br />

year in which a nation as a whole has<br />

theoretically earned enough income <strong>to</strong><br />

fund its annual tax burden.<br />

India enjoys the shortest tax burden<br />

taking a mere 74 days which amounts<br />

<strong>to</strong> 20% of the calendar year and falling<br />

on March 14. <strong>The</strong> United States is next<br />

at 113 days or 30.8% of the year, ending<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 23. Canada follows Es<strong>to</strong>nia, 114<br />

days, South Africa 132 days, Hungary 140<br />

days, New Zealand 141 days, Slovakia,<br />

142 days, Brazil, 147 days, Lithuania,<br />

150 days, United Kingdom, 153 days,<br />

Belgium, 161 days, Czech Republic, 161<br />

days and Croatia, 164 days.<br />

Yes, we follow all of those countries.<br />

We collectively work a full 165 days of the<br />

year, that’s a whopping 44.8%, and we do<br />

not finish paying for our taxes until June<br />

14. January, February, March, <strong>April</strong>, May<br />

and half of June! So, you wonder how I<br />

feel about another tax on carbon?<br />

It gets better. When retired, you<br />

depend upon a fixed income. <strong>The</strong> lucky<br />

ones have a COLA or cost of living clause.<br />

But unfortunately, the plot thickens.<br />

For example, the local gas station<br />

charged me $1.46 per gallon for regular<br />

gasoline <strong>to</strong>day. <strong>The</strong> way I see inflation<br />

with the huge rise in energy, food and<br />

transportation services, I might move <strong>to</strong><br />

Tahiti like Gaugin did, where at the least,<br />

I would save a lot on clothes. Of course,<br />

with global warming, more and more<br />

seniors will gradually opt <strong>to</strong> move in<strong>to</strong><br />

nudist colonies. I wonder at that time if<br />

the government will tax nudity.<br />

Listen <strong>to</strong> Mike’s podcasts (humour, travel<br />

and poetry) at: <strong>The</strong> Retirement Coach:<br />

http://theretirementcoach.libsyn.com/ His<br />

book, ‘Don’t Ever Quit - a Journal of Coping<br />

with Crisis & Nourishing Spirit,’ is available<br />

in print & electronic format at Amazon:<br />

https://amzn.<strong>to</strong>/2KBdPWQ<br />

P A G E<br />

16<br />

Obsolete Task? Changing tracks on an eight-track tape

It’s the advertising that makes this magazine possible, and free!<br />

“Big or Small, JohnnyRemax<br />

Sells T hem All”<br />

John A. McCharles, Broker<br />

Re/Max Sarnia Realty Inc. Brokerage<br />

519-383-4812<br />

johnnyremax@bellnet.ca<br />

My husband and I, ages 92 and<br />

86 were coping satisfac<strong>to</strong>rily or so I<br />

thought. I was busy with my spring<br />

cleaning which I have done every year<br />

for more than 60 years. Although, it<br />

is becoming more stressful on my<br />

body as I age, my mental attitude<br />

is happy accomplishing ridding the<br />

house of dust, cobwebs and clutter,<br />

a good feeling. It wasn’t <strong>to</strong> last.<br />

I noticed in rearranging my office<br />

desk that I would be shortly running<br />

out of cheques. Not a bother, just call<br />

up that cheque printing office and<br />

place an order. Much <strong>to</strong> my surprise,<br />

their response was not expected.<br />

I hadn’t ordered cheques in over<br />

three years so I was obliterated<br />

from their files. I thought with the<br />

new digital age all they had <strong>to</strong> do<br />

was call my name back again and<br />

it would be away <strong>to</strong> the races. No<br />

way! I was off the books. Wishing<br />

<strong>to</strong> get back <strong>to</strong> the cleaning, I dialled<br />

Exasperation<br />

By Marion Urquhart Charkow, Flesher<strong>to</strong>n<br />

my local bank assuring myself they<br />

would put it right in no time at all<br />

and I could get back <strong>to</strong> my dusting.<br />

I am still on a rotary telephone<br />

system and consequently when <strong>to</strong>ld<br />

<strong>to</strong> push this or that but<strong>to</strong>n, I have<br />

no but<strong>to</strong>ns <strong>to</strong> push. This happened<br />

immediately and in most cases is<br />

followed by the request, “If you are<br />

on a rotary phone, please stay on the<br />

line.” but there was no such request<br />

and I was literally left hanging. On<br />

<strong>to</strong> operation Two. I delved in my<br />

loaded purse and located my very<br />

tiny cell phone, cost $100 a year,<br />

bought for emergency problems<br />

on the road. It has ten digits. I<br />

redialled the local bank’s number<br />

<strong>to</strong> be <strong>to</strong>ld that my wait would be<br />

5 <strong>to</strong> 20 minutes. “Odd,” I thought,<br />

“<strong>The</strong>y usually answer right away.”<br />

So I sat and sat and sure enough<br />

at twenty minutes, of course not at<br />

five, a male answered whom I didn’t<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />



THE <strong>Club</strong><br />


303 Davis St, Sarnia • 888-971-6345 Essential Business - Onsite Lab<br />

recognize. I asked who he was <strong>to</strong> be<br />

<strong>to</strong>ld this was the bank’s call centre<br />

in down<strong>to</strong>wn Toron<strong>to</strong>. I didn’t call<br />

the bank’s call centre in down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />

Toron<strong>to</strong>, I wanted my local bank<br />

on Main Street in Markdale. I was<br />

<strong>to</strong>tally frustrated and one might say<br />

angry at this point. If this was the<br />

new digital age where everything<br />

was <strong>to</strong> be efficient cus<strong>to</strong>mer service<br />

with all this new technology, why<br />

then at every turn of attempting this<br />

new digital world, I was frustrated,<br />

my time was wasted, my opinion no<br />

longer counted, I was just another<br />

decimal in the system. Cus<strong>to</strong>mer<br />

benefits, cus<strong>to</strong>mer appreciation,<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mer courtesy went in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

nether world with all the digits.<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>mers, in other words people,<br />

no longer counted.<br />

I was finally connected with a<br />

lady I knew from MY branch of the<br />

bank on Main Street and she <strong>to</strong>ok<br />

the full extent of my wrath. In <strong>to</strong>tal<br />

I had wasted 30 minutes of my day<br />

which would have, in the pre-digital<br />

age, taken one-tenth of that time.<br />

Please tell me how computers have<br />

improved my life.<br />

Julie Munday, Certified Pedorthist<br />

www.soledecisions.com<br />

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It doesn’t matter how old you are, life is always better<br />

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Ruth Ann - Client<br />

shineathome.com<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Changing the ribbon on a typewriter<br />

P A G E 17

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

This magazine comes with a free, built-in, old fashioned fly swatter!<br />

Senior Support Care<br />

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519-704-1267 or 519-466-4302<br />

<strong>The</strong> Orange Crate<br />

A few weeks ago, while daytripping<br />

with my wife, I bought myself an<br />

orange crate. I had not seen one<br />

of these for some time and it<br />

brought back many memories<br />

from my boyhood.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are wooden crates in<br />

which oranges were shipped from<br />

the groves <strong>to</strong> the retailers. <strong>The</strong>se were<br />

used for many years before corrugated<br />

cardboard came in<strong>to</strong> use. As a boy, these<br />

boxes were considered a real prize if we<br />

could acquire one from a friendly corner<br />

grocer. <strong>The</strong>y are rarely seen <strong>to</strong>day. I am<br />

sure many thousands of them still exist<br />

all over the country, where they are used<br />

as bookshelves and record s<strong>to</strong>rage in<br />

college dorms and summer cottages all<br />

over North America.<br />

As kids, we wanted them <strong>to</strong> make<br />

playthings from, like pushcarts or<br />

scooters so we could race up and down<br />

city sidewalks in them! It was almost as<br />

much fun <strong>to</strong> make these things as it was<br />

<strong>to</strong> play with them.<br />

To make a pushcart, you needed four<br />

old wheels from a <strong>to</strong>y wagon and the<br />

axles and a piece of rope <strong>to</strong> steer with.<br />

Or you could make a more elaborate<br />

steering mechanism using a fifth wheel<br />

By Donald Black, Port Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Submitted <strong>to</strong> Daytripping in 2006<br />

from a wagon along with some<br />

rope <strong>to</strong> rig it up. This<br />

was more difficult so we<br />

usually used simply a<br />

rope for steering.<br />

My really favourite thing<br />

<strong>to</strong> make from an orange<br />

crate though, was a scooter. For<br />

this you needed one old clip-on<br />

type of roller skate, a piece of board four<br />

inches wide and about four feet long. <strong>The</strong><br />

orange crate was nailed standing on end<br />

at the front of the four foot board, and<br />

the roller wheels were mounted on the<br />

bot<strong>to</strong>m of the board, two wheels at the<br />

front and two wheels at the rear. A cross<br />

bar could then be nailed across the <strong>to</strong>p of<br />

the orange crate for use as handle bars <strong>to</strong><br />

steer with. When complete you could tear<br />

up and down the sidewalk standing with<br />

one foot on the scooter and the other <strong>to</strong><br />

propel you at great speed forward!<br />

Oh, we didn’t have video games, or<br />

Ipods, X-Boxes or even television then,<br />

but we didn’t need them. We just used<br />

our ingenuity and made our own fun<br />

back in the good old days!<br />

So what am I using my “new” old<br />

orange crate for? It’s a shelf for several<br />

books!<br />

TOP 10<br />

1972<br />

Country Hits<br />

1 Carolyn Merle Haggard and <strong>The</strong> Strangers<br />

2 <strong>The</strong> Happiest Girl In <strong>The</strong> Whole U.S.A. Donna Fargo<br />

3 Chantilly Lace Jerry Lee Lewis<br />

4 Funny Face Donna Fargo<br />

Source:<br />

playback.fm<br />

5 It's Four In <strong>The</strong> Morning Faron Young<br />

6 She's Got To Be A Saint Ray Price<br />

7 Separate Ways Elvis Presley<br />

8 If You Leave Me Tonight I'll Cry Jerry Wallace<br />

9 Jambalaya (On the Bayou) John Fogerty<br />

10 It's Gonna Take A Little Bit Longer Charley Pride<br />

Billboard Hits<br />

Source:<br />

playback.fm<br />

1 American Pie Don McLean<br />

2 Popcorn Hot Butter<br />

3 Without You Harry Nilsson<br />

4 Nights in White Satin <strong>The</strong> Moody Blues<br />

5 Heart of Gold Neil Young<br />

6 <strong>The</strong> First Time Ever I Saw Your Face<br />

Roberta Flack<br />

7 Beautiful Sunday Daniel Boone<br />

8 Let's Stay Together Al Green<br />

9 Alone Again (Naturally) Gilbert O'Sullivan<br />

10 Clair Gilbert O'Sullivan<br />

Movies<br />

<strong>The</strong> Godfather<br />

(Oscar for Best Picture)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Poseidon Adventure<br />

What's Up, Doc?<br />

Deliverance<br />

Deep Throat<br />

Jeremiah Johnson<br />

Cabaret<br />

<strong>The</strong> Getaway<br />

Last Tango in Paris<br />

Lady Sings the Blues<br />

Source: the-numbers.com<br />

P A G E<br />

18<br />

Obsolete Task? Changing the TV channel without a remote control

Many of the articles are from the archives of Daytripping Magazine.<br />


Reasonable Prices<br />


Decks, Sheds, Repairs...<br />

(Excludes plumbing/electrical)<br />

YOU NAME IT,<br />

I’ll get it done for you.<br />

10% OFF with mention of this ad<br />

Some believe war is necessary, others<br />

cry out for peace. Why can’t we learn<br />

<strong>to</strong> live with each other regardless of<br />

who we are, where we come from, the<br />

colour of our skin, or the language we<br />

speak? Why must there always be war<br />

and rumours of war?<br />

We can learn a lot about life from<br />

a simple box of crayons. Some are<br />

pointed, while others are dull. Some<br />

have funny names. Some are plain and<br />

ordinary. But notice that all the crayons<br />

are different colours, and they all<br />

exist <strong>to</strong>gether in the same box. When<br />

working with a common purpose, they<br />

can make a beautiful picture.<br />

Imagine for a moment, the crayons<br />

in our box of life. <strong>The</strong> red one stands<br />

for the frustration and anger in our<br />

lives. <strong>The</strong> green one stands for envy<br />

and jealousy of others. <strong>The</strong> yellow<br />

one stands for fear of what we do not<br />

30 YEARS<br />


Call Don at<br />

226-343-2265<br />

understand; fearful of people who are<br />

different. <strong>The</strong> purple one is the pain<br />

of humanity that is bruised, battered<br />

and broken with no<br />

hope for the future. <strong>The</strong><br />

black one is in<strong>to</strong>lerance,<br />

racism and prejudice<br />

that is insidiously<br />

widespread although<br />

sometimes hidden and<br />

not acknowledged.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is good news!<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a positive side<br />

<strong>to</strong> the colours. Red is for<br />

the red rose of love, the<br />

splendour of a sunset.<br />

Green is for growth<br />

and a new beginning.<br />

Yellow is the sunshine<br />

of acceptance of our<br />

neighbours and all citizens of earth.<br />

Purple is the majesty of beauty of the<br />

Learning To<br />

Live With<br />

v1.1 LEO<br />

One Another<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

We donate $25 for each reprinted<br />

Daytripping Magazine article.<br />

$1750 donated since Jan. 2021<br />


Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Rebound<br />

world around us. Black represents<br />

the wonderful mysteries of life. White<br />

stands for purity and hope; purity<br />

of heart and hope for<br />

our hurting world.<br />

Sometimes the colour<br />

white is hard <strong>to</strong> see, but<br />

it is there.<br />

People don’t necessarily<br />

want <strong>to</strong> be moulded<br />

in<strong>to</strong> the same shape<br />

as everyone else <strong>to</strong> fit<br />

v1.2 Forest Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre nicely in<strong>to</strong> a box. What<br />

v1.3 Heritage St. Clair if we take all the colours<br />

and transform them in<strong>to</strong><br />

by Geraldine v1.4 Sarnia V. Lightfoot, Blessings<br />

North Bay<br />

a rainbow – a rainbow <strong>to</strong><br />

v2.1 Canatara Log Cabin<br />

From Daytripping provide Res<strong>to</strong>ration us with hope?<br />

<strong>v2.2</strong> Nov-Dec Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n 2003 Hope Rebound for the day when<br />

we can live <strong>to</strong>gether in<br />

harmony.<br />

Will we ever achieve what a box of<br />

crayons has achieved? We each of us<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Ideas...<br />

Women’s Interval Home<br />

Neighbourlink<br />

River City Vineyard<br />

Victim Services<br />

CCMF<br />

Habitat<br />

Music Lessons Hospice& Books for All Ages<br />

S<strong>to</strong>re & Studio Humane 115 Mit<strong>to</strong>n Society St. S. 519-344-2319<br />

Inn of the Good Shepherd<br />

should keep trying <strong>to</strong> make this a better<br />

world. We Lawrence should try <strong>to</strong> House promote greater<br />

understanding, Kiwanis practice Animal Farm <strong>to</strong>lerance<br />

of each other, Pathways respect all people, rid<br />

ourselves SODA of our prejudices, and make<br />

a concerted<br />

Noelle’s<br />

effort<br />

Gift<br />

<strong>to</strong> live by the Golden<br />

Rule. Or simply put, let us sincerely love<br />

one another.<br />

Mike<br />

Love<br />

Weir<br />

is<br />

Foundation<br />

the great panacea<br />

of human Gallery pain and in the world’s Grove ills. As<br />

An<strong>to</strong>ine De VPP Saint Exupery wrote, “Love<br />

does not consist <strong>The</strong>atre in Sarnia gazing at each other,<br />

but in looking Lamb<strong>to</strong>n outward Young <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>The</strong>atre in the Players<br />

same direction.” And Robert Browning<br />

Bluewater Trails<br />

said, “Take away love and our earth is<br />

a <strong>to</strong>mb.” Strangway With love, we Centre all can make a<br />

difference. various city options<br />

Associate various Publisher’s trailsNote: This article<br />

was written Halkovich while the Iraq Outdoor war was Learning going Cen<br />

on, and I’ve edited that small mention out<br />

Parents for Parks<br />

of the lead-in <strong>to</strong> the article. Considering<br />

what is currently Petrolia going Discovery on in Ukraine,<br />

it seems a Lamb<strong>to</strong>n timely article Shores <strong>to</strong> share Nature again. Trails<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Letting your fingers do the walking (using paper phonebook) P A G E 19

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

Call <strong>to</strong><br />

book a<br />

<strong>to</strong>ur!<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

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WallaceburgRetirementResidence.com<br />

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As reported by<br />

www.hashtaglocal.com<br />

Treat Yourself Wellness Centre<br />

As passionate as Alisha Buchanan my <strong>to</strong>p priority.”<br />

is about treating her clients at Treat This ignited Alisha’s passion and<br />

Yourself Wellness Centre, she is the first in 2003 she decided <strong>to</strong> go all-in and<br />

<strong>to</strong> admit her career as a biofeedback join her mother as a partner at Treat<br />

specialist got off <strong>to</strong> something of a slow Yourself Wellness Centre. “I became a<br />

start. Treat Yourself Wellness Centre biofeedback specialist which is all about<br />

was actually started in 1995 by her evaluating stress messages from the<br />

grandmother, Hilda Van Wyk, and later body <strong>to</strong> give people feedback <strong>to</strong> make<br />

Alisha’s mother, Cathy Richard, joined informed decisions for themselves.”<br />

Hilda as a partner in the business. “I She <strong>to</strong>ok over as sole owner when<br />

would go <strong>to</strong> my grandmother’s house Cathy retired in 2018 and is ably<br />

after school when I was 14 years old and assisted by office administra<strong>to</strong>r Alice<br />

I would answer the phone for her and Kelly. Alice worked at ABB in Burling<strong>to</strong>n,<br />

learn about supplements and herbs,” Ont., for 34 years and had retired and<br />

Alisha says. “My grandmother would moved <strong>to</strong> Sarnia, but found having<br />

teach me about the body and selfawareness.<br />

I wasn’t passionate about it her. “I thought I would get a part-time<br />

<strong>to</strong>o much idle time didn’t agree with<br />

at that point in my life.”<br />

Hilda passed away in 1999<br />

when Alisha was 18. At that<br />

stage of her life, she really had<br />

no idea what she wanted <strong>to</strong> do<br />

as a career. Thus, she applied<br />

<strong>to</strong> five colleges for five different<br />

courses. “I really didn’t know<br />

what I wanted <strong>to</strong> do. Do I want<br />

<strong>to</strong> be a nurse? A lawyer? An<br />

interior designer?” But when<br />

Alisha’s health <strong>to</strong>ok a turn,<br />

suddenly wellness had very<br />

real applications for herself.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> need <strong>to</strong> become more<br />

aware and help myself became<br />

Pho<strong>to</strong> Credit: Sierra Hart Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />

job doing bookkeeping and went <strong>to</strong><br />

work for Cathy and Alisha and when<br />

Cathy retired, I <strong>to</strong>ok over the business<br />

operations and I have worked full-time<br />

for the past five years.”<br />

Alisha remains as passionate about<br />

her work as possible. “To enter in<strong>to</strong><br />

this field of work you need <strong>to</strong> have<br />

the desire <strong>to</strong> want <strong>to</strong> help people and<br />

help them feel more comfortable,”<br />

Alisha says. “You have <strong>to</strong> first become<br />

a technician and learn how <strong>to</strong> use the<br />

equipment. After that, you never s<strong>to</strong>p<br />

learning. To become a specialist, you<br />

have <strong>to</strong> continue your education with<br />

knowledge of how the software works,<br />

but also a lot of ana<strong>to</strong>my and a lot about<br />

diseases that people can experience.<br />

We are able <strong>to</strong> evaluate almost 13,000<br />

stress messages and we are able <strong>to</strong> get<br />

feedback through measuring the body<br />

electric system in 10 dimensions.” Alisha<br />

and her team offer a variety<br />

of services, including Ion Foot<br />

Cleanse, Aqua Massage, X’Tract<br />

lymphatic cleanse, SRP (Stress<br />

Release Program), Styku 3D<br />

Body Scan, HRV Scan, low-level<br />

light therapy and more.<br />

Alisha’s greatest pleasure is<br />

in helping people achieve their<br />

goals. “I am not the doc<strong>to</strong>r. I<br />

tell people they are the doc<strong>to</strong>r<br />

– they are the ones who will<br />

heal themselves with my<br />

assistance.”<br />

Read more s<strong>to</strong>ries like this at<br />

www.hashtaglocal.com<br />

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P A G E<br />

20<br />

Obsolete Task? Navigating by the stars

You’re welcome <strong>to</strong> send in articles <strong>to</strong> help build this new magazine.<br />

It’s officially Spring, and the gardening<br />

season is upon us at last, and it feels<br />

amazing! Here at Sipkens we have big<br />

changes happening, so this Spring is<br />

especially exciting for our team and our<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mers!<br />

I can almost feel the pulse quickening<br />

and vibe of excitement from gardeners<br />

everywhere as the temperatures begin<br />

<strong>to</strong> rise, the scent of soil and plants<br />

float through the crisp spring air and<br />

the first signs of new life pop up out<br />

of the ground—seemingly overnight. It<br />

feels like we wait (*ALL YEAR*) for this<br />

season and then it’s “Gardeners start<br />

your wheelbarrows!” with a race <strong>to</strong> fit<br />

as much gardening and outdoor living<br />

in<strong>to</strong> one season as we can.<br />

With so many gardening activities<br />

<strong>to</strong> set your sights on over the next few<br />

months, I thought it would be more<br />

manageable <strong>to</strong> focus on something<br />

bite-sized in this article, such as edible<br />

gardening! (See what I did there?)<br />

Growing your own food is incredibly<br />

rewarding and fun for the whole family.<br />

You not only get <strong>to</strong> tend a garden<br />

outdoors in the sun, you also get <strong>to</strong> reap<br />

the rewards and delight in the fruit of<br />

your labours—literally!<br />

If you’re new <strong>to</strong> edible gardening,<br />

you may feel overwhelmed or not<br />

know where <strong>to</strong> start. Consider this new<br />



S<strong>to</strong>ry and Pho<strong>to</strong> Courtesy of Sipkens Nurseries<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

Try Something New This Season!<br />

adventure! <strong>The</strong>re are plenty of ways <strong>to</strong><br />

grow your own crops on a smaller scale<br />

or <strong>to</strong> suit your needs.<br />

You can start with a small 4’ x 6’<br />

raised bed for veggies like carrots,<br />

peppers, <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es, and beet. Or start<br />

smaller with a patio vegetable planter<br />

with smaller items like lettuce, herbs or<br />

strawberries.<br />

To choose a location, watch at your<br />

yard throughout different times of<br />

day and see where and when the sun<br />

lands—you will need<br />

about 6-8 hours of<br />

sunlight for veggies <strong>to</strong><br />

thrive. Another smart<br />

way <strong>to</strong> start is by looking<br />

at your current grocery<br />

list. What do you buy<br />

regularly? What does<br />

your family like <strong>to</strong> eat?<br />

What seasonings do<br />

you regularly use? Grow<br />

what you know and you<br />

will really see the value<br />

of having your own food<br />

in your backyard. Maybe<br />

try the watermelon next<br />

year when you’ve nailed<br />

down strawberries.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n again, it’s your<br />

garden—grow, baby,<br />

grow!<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />


❏ Improve the soil in veggie beds and<br />

containers with new soil, peat moss,<br />

compost and natural fertilizer.<br />

❏ Keep on <strong>to</strong>p of weeds in a garden<br />

bed by starting clean and consider<br />

adding a layer of mulch/straw <strong>to</strong><br />

keep weeds at bay.<br />

❏ Transplant seedlings and/or sow<br />

seeds in<strong>to</strong> the garden based on the<br />

instructions on the seed packet,<br />

good advice from friends or from<br />

your favourite garden centre.<br />

❏ Feed your plants regularly for a great<br />

yield—you only get out what your<br />

put in. Great organic options include<br />

hen manure & kelp meal.<br />

❏ Plant cold-loving veggies early <strong>April</strong><br />

(onions, radish, snow peas and<br />

perennial herbs).<br />

❏ In mid-<strong>April</strong> <strong>to</strong> May, plant pota<strong>to</strong>es,<br />

broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.<br />

❏ Plant tender veggies after the frostfree<br />

date (usually after Vic<strong>to</strong>ria<br />

Day) such as <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es, peppers,<br />

cucumber and melons.<br />

❏ Water vegetables and fruit regularly<br />

for continued growth.<br />

❏ In June, start <strong>to</strong> reap the rewards by<br />

picking early crops like leafy greens,<br />

radishes, and strawberries.<br />

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SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Making ice cream with a hand-crank freezer<br />

P A G E 21

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Don’t forget <strong>to</strong> write something here!<br />

FOLLOW US!<br />

To find (and post) current events<br />

& community information, please<br />

follow our Facebook page.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

"If there are no dogs in<br />

heaven, then I want <strong>to</strong> go<br />

where they go when I die."<br />

(Unknown)<br />

Dogs!<br />

Plus<br />

Get Your<br />

Very Own<br />

Deals<br />

by Email<br />

Weekly!<br />

Driving<br />

TRIVIA<br />

Selected<br />

After Hours<br />

questions from<br />

Annual Trivia Night<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Daytripper” has a team entered every year, but we have yet <strong>to</strong> win.<br />

Answers Below<br />

1. Is gold considered an element or a compound?<br />

2. What did Sir John Harring<strong>to</strong>n invent in 1589?<br />

a] <strong>The</strong> flushing <strong>to</strong>ilet b] Microscope<br />

c] Lead pencil d] <strong>The</strong>rmometer<br />

3. Which of the following is the medical term for jet lag?<br />

a] Rhinorrhea b] Epistaxis<br />

c] Xeros<strong>to</strong>miath d] Circadian desynchronosis<br />

4. What is the study of electronic systems that can perform the<br />

functions of living beings?<br />

5. What was the average length of a Beatles concert on their first<br />

American <strong>to</strong>ur?<br />

a] 28 mins b] 45 mins c] 56 mins d] 1 hr 15 mins<br />

6. In 1994, what OHL franchise moved <strong>to</strong> Sarnia and became the Sarnia<br />

Sting?<br />

7. In an interview at Harvard University, Bill Gates admitted that<br />

CTRL-ALT-DELETE was a ___________?<br />

8. What head of government was the first <strong>to</strong> give birth in office?<br />

a] Isabel Martinez de Perón, Argentina b] Agatha Barbara, Malta<br />

c] Benazir Bhut<strong>to</strong>, Pakistan d] Mary Robinson, Ireland<br />

9. What nationality was Erno Rubik, the inven<strong>to</strong>r of the 80s craze, the<br />

Rubik’s Cube?<br />

a] Hungarian b] Polish<br />

c] Slovenian d] Austrian<br />

10. A verruca is:<br />

a] A type of rock b] A type of wind or a musical instrument<br />

c] A type of physical maladie (a wart)<br />

11. Name of one of the three angels mentioned by name in the Bible.<br />

12. Who beat Serena Williams in the 2018 US Open final match?<br />

13. True or False: <strong>The</strong> sheep is the source of most catgut, a material used<br />

for the strings of some musical instruments.<br />

ANSWERS:<br />

1. Element; 2. <strong>The</strong> flushing <strong>to</strong>ilet; 3. Circadian desynchronosis; 4. Bionics;<br />

5. 28 mins; 6. Newmarket Royals; 7. mistake; 8. Benazir Bhut<strong>to</strong>, Pakistan;<br />

9. Hungarian; 10. A type of physical maladie (a wart);<br />

11. Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer; 12. Naomi Osaka; 13. True.<br />

P A G E<br />

22<br />

Obsolete Task? Milking a cow by hand

A new magazine for people who aren’t (new that is!)<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Get It Done Right <strong>The</strong> First Time<br />


• Faucet Installation • Leak Repairs<br />

• Clogged Drains • Camera Inspection<br />

• Toilet Replacement & Installation<br />

• Sump Pump • Frozen Pipes<br />

• Sewer & Waterline Replacement<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

<strong>The</strong> DISCOUNT LIST<br />

A list i of o local discountsi<br />

s or offers that a t<br />

benefit n<br />

efi t<br />

people ple e over e acertain a e a i<br />

age.<br />

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ia AGE+<br />


BRIGHTS GROVE Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-869-4224<br />

CORUNNA Corunna Pharmasave 10% OFF Tuesdays & Fridays 65+ 519-862-2020<br />

Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-862-1451<br />

Corunna Foodland 2% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-862-5213<br />

FOREST Forest Naturals & Home Health 15% OFF Wednesdays 65+ 226-520-0054<br />

Forest Pharmasave 15% OFF Wednesdays 65+ 519-786-5161<br />

Williamson Farms Country S<strong>to</strong>re Various Wednesdays 55+ 226-520-0144<br />

PETROLIA Bargain Shop 20-30% 1st Wednesday of month 60+ 519-882-0057<br />

Country Yarns 15% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> all ages 519-882-8740<br />

Gramma’s Candy S<strong>to</strong>re 5% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-1212<br />

Heidi’s Your Independent Grocer 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-2211<br />

Hogan Pharmacy 20% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-882-1840<br />

M&M Meats 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-4316<br />

McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-882-3678<br />

PT EDWARD Twin Bridge Lighting 15% OFF Mondays 55+ 519-344-3535<br />

SARNIA Bulk Barn 10% OFF Wednesdays 65+ 519-542-6668<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>m Plumbing 10% OFF Every day 65+ 519-337-1545<br />

Generation Paint Company 15% OFF Every day 65+ 519-330-4424<br />

Giant Tiger 10% OFF Ist Monday of month 65+ 519-336-0831<br />

Goodwill 25% OFF 2nd Monday of month 55+ 519-541-9273<br />

London Road Pharmacy 20% OFF Thursdays 60+ 519-491-6778<br />

M&M Meats 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-542-8398<br />

McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-336-7096<br />

Michaels 10% OFF Every day 60+ 519-542-3200<br />

Don’s Home Renovations 10% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> all ages 226-343-2265<br />

Petsmart 10% OFF Grooming on Tuesdays 65+ 519-542-2822<br />

Peavey Mart 20% OFF Last Tuesday of month 55+ 519-542-4091<br />

Pet Valu 10% OFF Last Thursday of month 60+ 519-541-0468<br />

Russell Street Home Hardware 25% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 60+ 519-383-0688<br />

Salvation Army Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re 25% OFF 1st Wednesday of month 60+ 519-344-3781<br />

Sarnia Pharmacy 10% OFF Tuesdays and Fridays 65+ 519-337-3215<br />

Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-337-3727<br />

Value Village 30% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-541-0153<br />

STRATHROY M&M Meats 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-245-6355<br />

McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-245-3821<br />

WYOMING Wyoming Tree Service 10% OFF Every day 65+ 519-845-0847<br />

Call 519-491-1676 or email info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca <strong>to</strong> add one!<br />

Please remember: e<br />

r: <strong>The</strong>se discounts are for reference. eren<br />

ence<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may change & may not<br />

apply ply <strong>to</strong> specific c items. S<strong>to</strong>res are not obligated <strong>to</strong> adhere <strong>to</strong> what we’ve printed.<br />

You may also need <strong>to</strong> ask in order <strong>to</strong> get the discount. t Thanks for understanding.<br />

ndin<br />

Family Owned & Operated and Proudly<br />

Serving Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Since 1991<br />

Frances’<br />

Helpful<br />

Hints<br />

by Frances Botham<br />

1) Salt has more uses than seasoning<br />

for food. Silk handkerchiefs, scarves<br />

and ribbons washed in salt and water<br />

and ironed wet obtains the best<br />

results. I’ve tried this and it works<br />

well. Put salt in the water for washing<br />

glass bottles and you will be amazed<br />

at how it makes them shine. Everyone<br />

probably knows that rubbing salt on<br />

cups takes off the tea stains. Use salt<br />

and water <strong>to</strong> clean willow furniture.<br />

Apply with a brush and rub dry. Set<br />

the colour in fabric by washing with<br />

salt and cold water. Salt mixed with<br />

lemon juice removes iron rust.<br />

Sprinkle salt on a soiled carpet and<br />

then vacuum it. It eliminates musty<br />

odour and helps remove some of the<br />

soil. An old homemaker’s book states<br />

that mildew can be removed by<br />

rubbing a green <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong> and salt on<br />

the spot and then exposing <strong>to</strong> the<br />

sunlight.<br />

2) Lemons should be considered a<br />

valuable fruit in any kitchen. Of<br />

course you can use them for making<br />

lemonade, but there are many other<br />

uses. <strong>The</strong> juice of a lemon removes<br />

stains from your hands. After you<br />

have cleaned silver rub with a piece of<br />

lemon, wash and dry the item. <strong>The</strong><br />

item will have a white brilliancy and<br />

remain clean much longer. Copper<br />

utensils and cookware are easily<br />

cleaned with a piece of lemon that<br />

has been dipped in salt. Rub the<br />

salted lemon over the entire surface <strong>to</strong><br />

be cleaned. Rinse in cold water and<br />

polish dry with a soft cloth. <strong>The</strong>re is<br />

nothing more satisfying than standing<br />

back and observing the gleaming<br />

results.<br />

3) I received an email from a lady<br />

who had candle wax drippings on a<br />

cherished black silk table runner. I did<br />

some research and found this remedy<br />

in an old reference book. Scrape off<br />

all the wax possible. Wet the wax<br />

marks with alcohol and dry with a<br />

soft rag. I cautioned her that this may<br />

bleach the colour from the silk but<br />

she was prepared <strong>to</strong> try it anyway.<br />

Thankfully she contacted me again<br />

saying that this worked wonderfully.<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Not being able <strong>to</strong> use the phone and internet at the same time. P A G E 23

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... Please share your advice through our questionnaire on page 38.<br />

Lessons in Driving<br />

N UMB E R<br />


By Mary Jane MacVicar Leaming<strong>to</strong>n • From Daytripping March-<strong>April</strong> 2011<br />

I N F O R M<br />


When I was very young, we’re talking going, not even beginning <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p. Dad<br />

F A M I L Y<br />

the early 1950’s, living on a farm made had neglected <strong>to</strong> tell me that one had<br />

it easy <strong>to</strong> learn how <strong>to</strong> drive. I started <strong>to</strong> pump the brakes for them <strong>to</strong> catch,<br />

R E M I N D<br />

out on the trac<strong>to</strong>r and then graduated and started hollering “Pump it, pump<br />


<strong>to</strong> Dad’s pickup truck. In those days, it.”<br />

Find the answer on page 3<br />

O N T A R I O<br />

most vehicles came with standard Well I had no idea what he was<br />

transmissions so I had no choice but talking about and I froze - and drove<br />

<strong>to</strong> learn the horrors of using the clutch, straight in<strong>to</strong> the side of the barn! I was<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dementia-Friendly Canada project is a partnership between<br />

brake and gas pedal, in unison. quite upset but Dad <strong>to</strong>ok it in stride,<br />

Alzheimer Societies across the country. Providing free <strong>to</strong>ols and When I was about 12 years old, and the only damage was a little dent<br />

resources <strong>to</strong>wards building knowledge and confidence <strong>to</strong> support and Dad and I would drive the 7 miles <strong>to</strong> in the steel barn that caused one of the<br />

include people affected by dementia <strong>to</strong> live well in our community. <strong>to</strong>wn from our farm out in the country. headlights <strong>to</strong> turn outward.<br />

Would you like <strong>to</strong> support this cause?<br />

Since I was getting pretty proficient It was actually funny because<br />

in mastering all the gadgets in the whenever we went anywhere at night,<br />

pickup, I would beg and plead for Dad one headlight shone forward and the<br />

<strong>to</strong> let me drive home once we got on other lit up the ditch alongside the road.<br />

the outskirts of <strong>to</strong>wn and finally the Ah the trials and tribulations of<br />

pleading paid off. God rest his soul that<br />

learning how<br />

poor Dad didn’t suffer whiplash with<br />

<strong>to</strong> drive!<br />

my ongoing learning on how <strong>to</strong> have a<br />

smooth clutch release.<br />

On our return home one<br />

day, and me in the driver’s<br />

If your group, business, club, or organization would like seat, I turned down the<br />

<strong>to</strong> learn more about helping with this goal,<br />

inclined driveway, put my<br />

feet on the clutch and brake.<br />

contact Christine at 519-332-4444.<br />

To my horror, the pickup kept<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

GREEK<br />

A lucky person is someone who<br />

plants pebbles and harvests pota<strong>to</strong>es.<br />

All things good <strong>to</strong> know are<br />

difficult <strong>to</strong> learn.<br />

A library is a reposi<strong>to</strong>ry of<br />

medicine for the mind.<br />

A mad bull is not <strong>to</strong> be tied up<br />

with a packthread.<br />

Gray hair is a sign of age, not wisdom.<br />

A miser and a liar bargain quickly.<br />

A miser is ever in want.<br />

Act quickly, think slowly.<br />

A different man, a different taste.<br />

An iron rod bends while it is hot.<br />

An open enemy is better than a false friend.<br />

Before you can score you must first have a goal.<br />

Character is habit long continued.<br />

Death is never at a loss for occasions.<br />

Even from a foe a man may learn wisdom.<br />

First secure an independent income, then practice virtue.<br />

Good accounts make good friends.<br />

A gift, though small, is welcome.<br />

Great abilities produce great vices as well as virtues.<br />

Fun Educaonal Programs<br />

for Ages 55 and Beer<br />

For a list of all our Courses<br />

or <strong>to</strong> Register<br />

contact us at:<br />

519-325-3000 x4944 or<br />

laura@uwindsor.ca<br />

<strong>2022</strong> Spring Semester<br />


With funding provided by the<br />

Government of Ontario, ElderCollege<br />

is now offering HYBRID COURSES!<br />

Hybrid offers the choice of<br />

online or in-person parcipaon.<br />

www.eldercollege.ca<br />

P A G E<br />

24<br />

Obsolete Task? Putting a needle on a vinyl record

Please submit a pho<strong>to</strong> of your loved one for this feature page! It’s Free!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Just send s<br />

us s a pho<strong>to</strong> h o of f someone m n e who has h celebrated c e d any n birthday i t<br />

d<br />

y or anniversary, i e<br />

r<br />

ary r<br />

a<br />

rerement, rerement, an award or if they just deserve e recognion. recognion. <strong>The</strong> main m<br />

person p<br />

must s be 55<br />

5<br />

or over v and the pho<strong>to</strong> must be of good quality. Pho<strong>to</strong>s are not guaranteed <strong>to</strong> o run.<br />

.<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

Box 430, Bright’s Grove, ON N0N 1C0<br />

Alan Sco Sco<br />

celebrated 83 years on<br />

February 22nd.<br />


Terry MacDonald<br />

had a special birthday on<br />

February 10th.<br />

Happy 65th birthday Terry!<br />

Flo Mair<br />

celebrated her 100th birthday in January at<br />

Fairwinds Lodge Rerement Residence.<br />

Happy birthday, Flo!<br />

Jim Johnson<br />

Happy 75th birthday<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 1st!<br />

Bruce Atkins<br />

is 65 on <strong>April</strong> 17th!<br />

Cheers <strong>to</strong> 65!<br />

Love Rose<br />

Sue Ann Parkes<br />

on the right, turns 65<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 30th, seen here<br />

skiing with her friend,<br />

Nancy Greene.<br />

Happy Birthday Sue Ann!<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Hand writing & sending a letter in the mail.<br />

P A G E 25

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... We are really hoping <strong>to</strong> build on our events list in future issues!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

• Fresh &Silk Arrangements<br />

CLUB<br />

• Gis & Home Decor<br />

Events are listed FREE for<br />

• Jewellery • Greeng Cards<br />

EVENTS<br />

non-profit groups (space perming).<br />


1362 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Mall Rd. Sarnia • 519-542-3301<br />



CLOSED<br />


mysecretgarden.ca<br />


This section includes things that are ongoing OR that occur for over a week in duration<br />

You can’t buy<br />

ongoing Grand Bend Farm Mrkt Wednesdays 8am-1pm (May25-Oct5) www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nshoresmarkets.com<br />

ongoing Forest Farm Mrkt Thursdays 4-8pm (May26-Oct6) www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nshoresmarkets.com<br />

Text Only<br />

ongoing Brights Grove Farm Mrkt Wednesdays 4-8pm (Jun15-Sep21) Facebook.com/brightsgrovemarket<br />

Happiness<br />

Listings<br />

s<br />

ongoing Sarnia Summer Music & Entertainment Series (June7-Aug25) www.sarnia.ca<br />

but you can<br />

EVENTS<br />

are FREE<br />

ongoing Grand Bend North Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Quilter’s Guild Show, Heritage Museum www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

ongoing Grand Bend Nnigiiwemin/We are going home exhibit at Museum www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

Include <strong>to</strong>wn, date, name of the event,<br />

website/phone e/ph<br />

number.<br />

ongoing Zoom Genealogy drop-in meetings, last Mon. of month 2-3:30 www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />

BUY<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

ongoing Brights Grove Brights Grove Optimists Meat Raffle, Thursdays, Skeeter Barlow’s Facebook<br />

ongoing Lamb<strong>to</strong>n 56th Annual Salmon Derby, Apr 29-May 8 www.bluewateranglers.com<br />

LOCAL!<br />

Display Space Is Also Available<br />

APRIL <strong>2022</strong><br />

Seniors<br />

9 Sarnia <strong>The</strong> Stampeders - Celebrating 50 Years, Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

20%<br />

10 Forest Kiwanis <strong>Club</strong> of Forest Pancake Breakfast & Maple Syrup Festival Facebook<br />

OFF<br />

13 Sarnia Julie Nesrallah at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

Regular Priced<br />

Save<br />

14 Zoom Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Branch Ontario Ances<strong>to</strong>rs meeting 7 pm www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />

Items In-S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

14 Wyoming Wyoming Legion Quarter Auction 519-381-9787<br />

Every Thursday of every month!<br />

15 Wyoming Wyoming Lions Breakfast Facebook<br />

16 Petrolia Chicken <strong>to</strong> Go Dinner (pre order) at St. Paul’s United 519-383-9085 or Facebook<br />

Earn Free<br />

16 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Optimists Trivia Night 519-381-8914 or Facebook<br />

16 Sarnia Easter in the Park www.sarnia.ca<br />

Young @ Rewards<br />

20 Corunna Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach Diner’s <strong>Club</strong>, Wellings of Corunna 519-845-1353 ext.301<br />

on almost<br />

Heart<br />

20 Sarnia Horticultural Soc meeting - Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening 519-332-5837<br />

everything you<br />

20-21 Sarnia Donovan Woods in concert at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

buy at Pharmasave.<br />

22 Wyoming Wyoming Lions Fish Fry Facebook<br />

22-23 Sarnia Fundraiser for Ukraine - Potting Mix Sale at DeGroot’s michael.kooy@rbc.com<br />


Potting Mix Sale at Degroot’s<br />

All proceeds <strong>to</strong> Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Efforts<br />

FOR<br />

1,100 bags of Pro-Mix Potting Mix will be sold!<br />


UKRAINE APRIL 22nd & 23rd • $25 each (While quantities last!)<br />

Locally Owned and Operated 1249 London Rd<br />

For more info: 519-542-3435 or michael.kooy@rbc.com<br />

www.londonroadpharmacy.com 519-491-6778<br />

DeGroot’s Nurseries, in cooperation with the three Rotary <strong>Club</strong>s of Sarnia<br />

26 Port Franks Port Franks Seniors “Euchreama” Facebook<br />

* Every surface & product is disinfected daily for your safety!<br />

29-30 Sarnia This is Me at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

29-30 Petrolia Town Wide Yard Sale 519-882-2350<br />

MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

7 Sarnia Sarnia School of Irish Dance presents a Celtic Evening www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

7 Petrolia Sisters of Choice in Concert at St. Paul’s United 519-882-1390 or Facebook<br />

7 Petrolia Ham & Scalloped Pota<strong>to</strong> Take Out, St. Paul’s United (pre order) 519-882-1390 or FB<br />

7 Point Edward Seaway Sounds Annual Garage Sale, 723 Houser St. 8 til Noon mayerp21@gmail.com<br />

7 Point Edward Town Wide Yard Sale --<br />

7 Wyoming Wyoming Legion Craft Show Facebook<br />

7 Wyoming Mother’s Day Craft Sale, 5504 London Line 519-845-3680<br />

10-22 Petrolia Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Playhouse Petrolia - <strong>The</strong> Roaring Twenties www.thevpp.ca<br />

11 Sarnia Sinfonia Toron<strong>to</strong> at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

12 Zoom Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Branch Ontario Ances<strong>to</strong>rs meeting 7 pm www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />

13 Sarnia Jeff Leeson: <strong>The</strong> non virtual Comedy Tour www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

13 Sarnia Kentucky Derby Party @ Sarnia Golf - proceeds <strong>to</strong> Alzheimer’s 226-932-0699<br />

14 Petrolia Optimist <strong>Club</strong> Spring Craft & Gift Show www.lcpetroliaoptimist.org<br />

20-28 Sarnia Something Rotten” at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

All Inclusive Suites & Apartments with kitchenettes.<br />

23 Watford/Alvin Watford Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Road Race 226-402-3787<br />

27-29 Forest Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Film and Food Festival, Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />

28 Courtright Town Wide yard Sale Facebook<br />


JUNE <strong>2022</strong><br />

7-19 Petrolia Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Playhouse Petrolia - Dynamic Duos www.thevpp.ca<br />

11 Sarnia Kids Funfest www.sarnia.ca<br />

Call for a personal <strong>to</strong>ur.<br />

12 Sarnia Bluewater Chordsmen Annual Show at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

WALLACEBURG • 519-627-9292<br />

13 Sarnia Lunch at Allen’s concert at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

14 Zoom Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Branch Ontario Ances<strong>to</strong>rs meeting 7 pm www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />

17-19 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Pro Rodeo www.alvins<strong>to</strong>nprorodeo.com<br />

18 Petrolia Time & Talent Auction at St. Paul’s United Church See our Facebook Page<br />

23-25 Sarnia Bluewater BorderFest - Canadian Music Concert www.bluewaterborderfest.ca<br />

23-26 Sarnia Barefoot in the Park at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

25 Arkona Town Wide Yard Sale --<br />

25 <strong>The</strong>dford Town Wide Yard Sale --<br />

Send your upcoming events <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

Send your<br />

Upcoming<br />

P A G E<br />

26<br />

Obsolete Task? Using an adding machine

Our next issue will come out around the beginning of July <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Visit our online s<strong>to</strong>re... Praillsgreenhouse.com<br />

Spring is<br />

in the Air!<br />

Kids and Kites<br />

By: Kenneth Lapointe, Ottawa • From Daytripping July-Aug 2009<br />

When I was a kid, kites<br />

were a neverending source<br />

of fun. Every kid had a<br />

kite in the neighbourhood<br />

and kite-flying season<br />

would begin on the first<br />

warm, sunny, and windy<br />

day in March or <strong>April</strong>. We<br />

had the perfect place for<br />

it. Our backyard bordered<br />

on Superior Park, a very<br />

large field area where we<br />

also had our very own homemade ball<br />

diamond.<br />

Our kites were the triangle-shaped<br />

ones. Yellow plastic with a spaceman on<br />

the front, two wooden stick crosspieces<br />

and a tail you created out of bits of<br />

cloth and rags. It had <strong>to</strong> be just the right<br />

amount <strong>to</strong> give it the proper weight. Too<br />

much tail and the kite wouldn’t ‘get up’<br />

in<strong>to</strong> the air very well, <strong>to</strong>o little and it<br />

would just swoop around and around in<br />

dizzying circles and eventually ‘bang!’,<br />

in<strong>to</strong> the ever present, ever waiting<br />

ground below.<br />

Someone had a ‘box kite’ once. To<br />

me it seemed incomprehensible how<br />

they could fly. I mean a couple of square<br />

‘boxes’ of plastic on some long sticks?<br />

But fly they did, though <strong>to</strong> me they were<br />

simply weird and not ‘really’ a kite.<br />

Having four brothers, each one with a<br />

kite, made for some interesting and fun<br />

launches in<strong>to</strong> space.<br />

My older brothers Jim and Gary got<br />

the idea of putting somebody’s hamster<br />

in an empty <strong>to</strong>ilet paper cardboard<br />

tube, sealing the ends and sending him<br />

aloft. It worked! After the mission, kite<br />

came back down <strong>to</strong> earth with hamster<br />

emerging unscathed and vic<strong>to</strong>rious. Oh<br />

the glory and fame!<br />

Another time Gary decided <strong>to</strong> hook<br />

up a couple of lightweight batteries <strong>to</strong><br />

some tiny bulbs around the edge of the<br />

kite, and voila, a successful period of<br />

night flying was born. Well, theoretically<br />

anyway.<br />

Great<br />

Selection of...<br />

• Annuals<br />

• Perennials<br />

• Hanging<br />

Baskets<br />

• Nursery S<strong>to</strong>ck<br />

• Garden Decor<br />

& More!<br />

1508 Blackwell Rd.<br />

-5<br />

- SARNIA -<br />

519-542-3371<br />

I used <strong>to</strong> have a great<br />

little red and white<br />

striped plastic parachute,<br />

about a foot in diameter,<br />

with a 5” blue plastic<br />

soldier attached <strong>to</strong> it. I<br />

would fold it all up just<br />

perfectly, insert it behind<br />

the crosspieces of the<br />

kite, and then when it<br />

was way up high, yank<br />

the string hard enough<br />

<strong>to</strong> dislodge it and there he’d be, floating<br />

happily and slowly through the air back<br />

down <strong>to</strong> the ground. Sometimes for<br />

pretty great distances <strong>to</strong>o. I thought that<br />

was the neatest thing in the world.<br />

I put myself in that little man. I was<br />

way up there in the limitless sky, then<br />

floating, floating safely back down. And<br />

no matter how ripped that parachute<br />

became or how many strings came loose<br />

from it, a little plastic and Scotch tape<br />

fixed it right back up. It was one of the<br />

most favorite <strong>to</strong>ys.<br />

One time I tried a much smaller<br />

parachute and man version. But it was<br />

so light that the wind simply carried it<br />

up, up...up, and it never came down!<br />

It simply drifted clear out of sight. Bye!<br />

Have a nice voyage!<br />

And of course being brothers we tried<br />

<strong>to</strong> have ‘kite fights’ but being hard <strong>to</strong><br />

control, it was almost impossible <strong>to</strong> get<br />

them <strong>to</strong> smash <strong>to</strong>gether. Besides, you<br />

never wanted the dreaded ‘tangled-up<br />

kite string’ scenario. That was death!<br />

Another bad thing <strong>to</strong> happen when<br />

kite-flying was if the string broke and<br />

your kite was like WAY, WAY up there.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n you had <strong>to</strong> run like blazes after it,<br />

so scared you’d lose it or it might land on<br />

someone’s roof or in a mean stranger’s<br />

backyard.<br />

Eventually I got a new ‘eagle’ kite that<br />

was sort of fan-shaped with an eagle on<br />

the front. But it never lived up <strong>to</strong> the fun<br />

I had with just the regular old-fashioned<br />

spaceman kites.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

“Big or Small, JohnnyRemax<br />

Sells T hem All”<br />

John A. McCharles, Broker<br />

Re/Max Sarnia Realty Inc. Brokerage<br />

519-383-4812<br />

johnnyremax@bellnet.ca<br />

Come In<br />

& Eat<br />

With Us!<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

(M through P)<br />

Maggit: A subscription card that falls from a magazine.<br />

Maintenance-Free: When it breaks, it can't be fixed.<br />

Meter Maid: Windshield viper.<br />

Modesty: Being comfortable that others will discover your greatness.<br />

Noise: Having a train yard 20 feet from your backyard.<br />

Oxymoron: One who has used <strong>to</strong>o much acne goo.<br />

Paradox: Two physicians.<br />

Paranoid: Someone who just figured out what's going on.<br />

Parking Space: An area that vanishes as you make a U -Turn.<br />

Pessimist: An optimist with experience.<br />

Pharmacist: A helper on a farm.<br />

Politics: From "poly" meaning many and "ticks,"<br />

a small, annoying bloodsucker.<br />

Positive: Being mistaken at the <strong>to</strong>p of your voice.<br />

Puritan: Someone deathly afraid that someone,<br />

somewhere is having fun.<br />

Pickle:<br />

A cucumber<br />

soured by a<br />

jarring<br />

experience.<br />

For over 20 years,<br />

we have had the<br />

pleasure of serving you,<br />

our family & friends.<br />

Here at Big Fish,<br />

you are a part of<br />

our family & we can’t<br />

wait <strong>to</strong> share a drink,<br />

our love of food<br />

od<br />

& laughs with you.<br />

See you soon,<br />

on,<br />

Alex, Stacey & Gus<br />

For Lunch, Dinner or a Special Occasion<br />

Make Reservaons at Sarnia’s Finest<br />

1717 LONDON LINE, SARNIA I 519-542-5553<br />


SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Returning pop bottles <strong>to</strong> get your deposit back P A G E 27

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />


Visit our NEW LOCATION!<br />

595 MURPHY ROAD, SARNIA • 519-337-1614<br />

missionthrifts<strong>to</strong>re.com/s<strong>to</strong>re/sarnia<br />

141 Mit<strong>to</strong>n St. South, Sarnia • info@tywc.ca • www.tywc.ca<br />

• Free Expert Advice • No Waiting<br />

• No Appointment Needed<br />

Call us Today 519-339-8999 Ext. 2<br />

SARNIA<br />

Au<strong>to</strong> Centre<br />

Do You Have<br />

Health<br />

Concerns?<br />

This wellness<br />

team wants<br />

<strong>to</strong> meet you.<br />

GET YOUR<br />


SUMMER<br />

ROAD<br />

READY!<br />

and more reputable brands.<br />

Be prepared with<br />

Summer Tires and a<br />

Complete Oil Change.<br />


519-383-1000<br />

1341 4 Plank a k<br />

Road, a ,<br />

Sarnia<br />

a a<br />

Wallaceburg ac Location: on:<br />


7966 6<br />

McCleary Line • 519-627-3335<br />

-333<br />

335<br />

35<br />

SARNIA<br />

Au<strong>to</strong> Centre<br />

www.tirecraft.comw.ti i<br />

c f<br />

Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional!<br />

Cover of the CLUB<br />

Our local cover pho<strong>to</strong>grapher is Jayne Primeau<br />

Jayne lives in Bright's Grove, and is past president of the Sarnia<br />

Pho<strong>to</strong>graphic <strong>Club</strong>. She has been interested in pho<strong>to</strong>graphy since<br />

she began work in a Toron<strong>to</strong> Camera Shop in her early twenties.<br />

Her pho<strong>to</strong> of a Great Egret shot in Canatara Park won the grand<br />

prize in the Cottage Life 2020 magazine's pho<strong>to</strong> contest. Wildlife<br />

pho<strong>to</strong>graphy is her passion.<br />


During a recent cleaning spree, I<br />

came across a box marked “Old<br />

Papers.” As I sorted through various<br />

paper clippings and invitations<br />

<strong>to</strong> weddings and anniversaries,<br />

I came across some old letters<br />

with familiar handwriting and<br />

“Via Airmail” stickers on the<br />

envelopes. Putting all good<br />

intentions for cleaning out cupboards<br />

on hold, I sat down and started reading.<br />

Holding the thin paper pages and rereading<br />

the experiences of relatives<br />

in the Netherlands more than half a<br />

century ago brought back memories of<br />

how these precious letters arrived in my<br />

parental rural home in the Sarnia area.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mailman drove a car that must<br />

have been one of the first au<strong>to</strong>mobiles<br />

made by Henry Ford. It was at least<br />

twenty-five years old but as dependable<br />

as its driver, for we could count on the<br />

mailman <strong>to</strong> be at our mailbox at coffee<br />

time every weekday morning. Hearing<br />

the sound of gears shifting down and<br />

the car coming <strong>to</strong> a s<strong>to</strong>p made us drop<br />

whatever we were doing and run <strong>to</strong> the<br />

mailbox.<br />

For us new immigrants, mail meant<br />

not only a link <strong>to</strong> our old country, but<br />

also a window in<strong>to</strong> the new world we<br />

were living in, as advertising flyers and<br />

seed catalogues arrived by mail. <strong>The</strong><br />

Ea<strong>to</strong>n’s catalogue (or book as we called<br />

it) always received a royal welcome in<br />

our home. It was like a textbook for<br />

us, for it had pictures showing us what<br />

we could buy. When we discovered<br />

we could order by mail, the mailman<br />

became even more popular. We didn’t<br />

have <strong>to</strong> leave home <strong>to</strong> buy a new dress!<br />

We didn’t have <strong>to</strong> leave home <strong>to</strong> buy<br />

groceries either. Mother simply filled in<br />

the list of supplies needed, mailed it <strong>to</strong><br />

the grocer who five days later delivered<br />

the groceries along with a friendly<br />

chat and a list <strong>to</strong> fill in and mail for the<br />

next delivery. <strong>The</strong> grocer, who was a<br />

Second World War veteran, spoke and<br />

unders<strong>to</strong>od some Dutch, so we thanked<br />

him in our native language for not only<br />

bringing us the groceries but also for<br />

being instrumental in bringing freedom<br />

<strong>to</strong> our fatherland.<br />

When cameras became more<br />

affordable and easier <strong>to</strong> operate, we<br />

discovered that even films could be<br />

mailed <strong>to</strong> be developed in<strong>to</strong> pictures<br />

which we’d find two weeks later in<br />

the mailbox, complete with the bill<br />

and correct change from the paper<br />

money we had sent. That brought new<br />

opportunities, for now we could show<br />

family and friends where and how we<br />

...slightly less cool than the<br />

Cover of the Rolling S<strong>to</strong>ne,<br />

but we’re working on that!.<br />

By Jacoba Bos, Strathroy<br />

From Daytripping, March-<strong>April</strong> 2015<br />

lived. Soon, pictures of the house we<br />

lived in, with us smiling from ear <strong>to</strong><br />

ear in front of it, the church we<br />

attended, and the car that<br />

brought our family of eight<br />

<strong>to</strong> that church, were flying<br />

across the ocean one or two<br />

at a time so as not <strong>to</strong> exceed<br />

the allotted weight and price of a<br />

15 cent stamp for airmail.<br />

Because of all the conveniences<br />

Canada Post brought <strong>to</strong> our mailbox,<br />

we hardly ever saw the inside of the<br />

post office, except for finding out where<br />

people whom we knew who had moved<br />

or were new <strong>to</strong> the country were living.<br />

Phones were few and far between in<br />

those days and so were phone books, so<br />

before we’d set out <strong>to</strong> visit a newcomer<br />

who lived on a rural road in the area<br />

we’d s<strong>to</strong>p at the post office. Our request<br />

for help was always met in the typical<br />

Canadian patient and polite manner,<br />

as the postal employee would give us<br />

directions better than any GPS can do<br />

now, for I have yet <strong>to</strong> hear a GPS say,<br />

“when you come <strong>to</strong> that church, you’ve<br />

gone <strong>to</strong>o far.”<br />

Many things have changed at Canada<br />

Post since 1851. That was the year<br />

that Britain transferred control of the<br />

colonial postal system <strong>to</strong> Canada.<br />

Post offices were then established in<br />

places where settlers had formed a<br />

community. <strong>The</strong> newcomers welcomed<br />

this communication link <strong>to</strong> the country<br />

and people they had left behind, and<br />

appreciated the contact with their<br />

new neighbours who lived miles away<br />

through the post office.<br />

Gone are the days when we ran <strong>to</strong><br />

the mailbox <strong>to</strong> find the dress we’d<br />

ordered from the catalogue, the family<br />

allowance cheque from the government<br />

or postcards from friends vacationing<br />

in far away places. Technology has<br />

made great improvements, making<br />

life better for everyone. We now have<br />

instant communication with people<br />

across the ocean and beyond, via<br />

email and Skype. <strong>The</strong>se inventions<br />

that we could not have even dreamt of<br />

half a century ago are not only fast and<br />

easy ways <strong>to</strong> stay in <strong>to</strong>uch, they are<br />

also less costly than communication<br />

via Canada Post. But thanks <strong>to</strong> this<br />

old Canadian institution I will still be<br />

receiving mail, delivered <strong>to</strong> my rural<br />

mailbox. Even though it’s becoming<br />

more costly, I will keep in <strong>to</strong>uch with<br />

friends and relatives in Canada and<br />

Europe via the written word (and<br />

maybe a few pictures) sending them<br />

letters via Canada Post.<br />

P A G E<br />

28<br />

Obsolete Task? Adding water <strong>to</strong> car batteries

If your business offers anything <strong>to</strong> people 55+, you can advertise <strong>to</strong>o!<br />

THE CLUB Spring <strong>2022</strong><br />


<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Owen R. Wyrzykowski<br />


Barristers and Solici<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

Whether you are buying or selling real estate, or need <strong>to</strong><br />

update your estate planning, we provide personal service<br />

<strong>to</strong> help you through the legal process.<br />

Owen R.Wyrzykowsk<br />

Wyrzykowski<br />

y<br />

ki<br />

519-336-6118<br />

6118<br />

orw@wrlawoffice.ca<br />

722 Lite Street, Point Edward<br />

• Real Estate Purchases & Sales<br />

• Mortgages & Credit Lines<br />

• Wills & Powers of Aorney<br />

• Estate Planning & Administraon<br />

30 Years Experience<br />

ACROSS<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />


“<strong>The</strong> Wealthy Widow”<br />

Jock, a 70 year old<br />

extremely wealthy widower,<br />

shows up at the Country<br />

<strong>Club</strong> with a breathtakingly<br />

beautiful and very sexy 25<br />

year old who knocks<br />

everyone’s socks off with<br />

her youthful appeal and<br />

outright charm while<br />

hanging over Jock’s arm<br />

and listening intently <strong>to</strong> his<br />

every word. His buddies at<br />

the club are all aghast.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y corner him and ask,<br />

“Jock, How did you get the<br />

trophy girlfriend?” He<br />

replies, “Girlfriend? She’s my<br />

wife!” <strong>The</strong>y’re knocked over,<br />

but continue <strong>to</strong> ask. “So, how<br />

did you persuade her <strong>to</strong><br />

marry you?” Jock says, “I<br />

lied about my age.” His<br />

friends respond, “What do<br />

you mean? Did you tell her<br />

you were only 50?”<br />

Jock smiles and says,<br />

“No, I <strong>to</strong>ld her I was 90.”<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Having your gas pumped for you at a full-service gas station P A G E 29

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... Don’t put this down! You’ll have <strong>to</strong> bend over <strong>to</strong> pick it back up!<br />

Kids’ Letters <strong>to</strong> God<br />

Mainframe<br />


• Canvas Stretching<br />

• Object Framing such<br />

• Jersey Frames<br />

as War Medals and<br />

• Needlework Stretching<br />

Sports Memorabilia<br />

• Frame Repairs<br />

(the list is endless)<br />

• Glass Replacement<br />

• Plak-it also available<br />

1249 London Rd, Sarnia • 519-383-7114 In Teppermans’s Plaza<br />

A Year Round Garden Centre, Gi Shop & Bouque!<br />

Annual SPRING Landscape Sale<br />

NEWLY EXPANDED 28,000 sq <br />


MAY 2-7 SAVE 15%<br />

63,000 sq of GREENHOUSE<br />


Extraordinary selecon<br />

of Plants & Unique<br />

Decoraons & Poery<br />

for enhancing your indoor<br />

& outdoor living spaces.<br />

OPEN Monday <strong>to</strong> Saturday<br />

• Landscaping Materials • Retaining Wall<br />

Take Exit 15 off Hwy 402<br />

• Interlocking S<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

• Outdoor Fireplaces<br />

N<br />

Lake Huron<br />

Bright’s<br />

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Grove<br />

From<br />

Proud Member of...<br />

• Beach Pebble & River Rock • Flags<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

26<br />

London<br />

401 East of SARNIA<br />

• Large Decorative Boulders ...Much More!<br />

22<br />

USA<br />

Sarnia<br />

519-542-8353<br />

From<br />


Wallaceburg<br />


1189 Confederation Street, Sarnia • 519-337-2334 • www.patene.com<br />


By Cathy Dobson<br />

“Years ago, I never would have<br />

said I’d get in<strong>to</strong> hard goods or<br />

boutique stuff,” said Ken. “But<br />

that’s where the market is going.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> nursery business has<br />

changed dramatically since he and<br />

Jennifer started Sipkens Garden<br />

Centre 34 years ago. <strong>The</strong>y found<br />

acreage on London Line near<br />

Wyoming where Jennifer grew up<br />

and had one small greenhouse<br />

that first year. Ken was working<br />

for another nursery at the time<br />

and with their know-how, work<br />

ethic and a sense that market<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sipkens family celebrate their 34th year in business<br />

demand was in perennials, the<br />

with the opening of a large retail addition.<br />

Sipkens found success.<br />

From left are: Brian, Alyssa, Ken and Jennifer Sipkens.<br />

Missing are Mark, Chris and Brad.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second year, Ken quit his<br />

other job and the couple devoted<br />

of (garden centre sales) is hard goods,” all their time <strong>to</strong> their new venture and<br />

said Ken.<br />

their five small children.<br />

“People are interested in staying home “We went in<strong>to</strong> the business about the<br />

and they want <strong>to</strong> make their outdoor time that perennials like hostas, ferns and<br />

living space really nice,” said Jennifer, grasses were becoming popular,” said<br />

adding that’s there’s also been a recent Ken. “We saw that as an opportunity.”<br />

explosion in bird watching.<br />

That’s why Sipkens’ new addition is<br />

filled with a wide variety of hard goods<br />

like pottery, planters, bird houses, bird<br />

baths, and more. <strong>The</strong> new addition,<br />

which is adjacent <strong>to</strong> the garden<br />

centre’s boutique, makes room in the<br />

greenhouses for more plants.<br />

<strong>The</strong> addition is spacious, cheery<br />

and air-conditioned, all <strong>to</strong> attract more<br />

shoppers and make going <strong>to</strong> Sipkens<br />

more of an outing, said Jennifer.<br />

A refreshment counter and café<br />

Artist’s concept of the garden<br />

tables are set up just inside an archway<br />

centre’s new addition<br />

attaching the addition <strong>to</strong> the original<br />

boutique area.<br />

P A G E 30<br />

Obsolete Task? Using a pay telephone<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

If a business isn’t growing,<br />

it’s stagnating and slipping<br />

backwards, says Ken Sipkens.<br />

That’s why he and his<br />

family have built an enormous,<br />

24,000-square-foot addition <strong>to</strong><br />

their garden centre this spring<br />

and invested in extensive<br />

recycling and water reuse<br />

systems in recent years.<br />

“We reinvest on a regular<br />

basis,” Ken said. “A lot of mom<br />

and pop garden centres don’t do<br />

that and they are struggling. Here,<br />

we are always looking ahead and<br />

researching the newest trends.”<br />

When the pandemic hit, for<br />

instance, Sipkens immediately<br />

set up an online s<strong>to</strong>re that<br />

ultimately outstripped their prepandemic<br />

sales.<br />

“Every day during Covid, we had 60<br />

<strong>to</strong> 70 carts full and ready for pickup or<br />

delivery. It was go, go, go, go,” said Ken’s<br />

wife Jennifer Sipkens. “<strong>The</strong> pandemic<br />

was good for business.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sipkens, who run their garden<br />

centre with their five children, Mark,<br />

Chris, Brian, Brad and Alyssa, make sure<br />

they know about industry trends around<br />

the world and apply the best ones <strong>to</strong><br />

their own business.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have stayed on <strong>to</strong>p of things by<br />

going on regular trips across the globe<br />

with the International Garden Centre<br />

Association. A trip <strong>to</strong> Windsor, England<br />

a few years ago convinced them that<br />

the sale of hard goods like pots, trellises,<br />

garden supplies and yard accessories<br />

was about <strong>to</strong> take off in North America.<br />

“If you go <strong>to</strong> Europe now, about 85%<br />

Dear God,<br />

Did you mean for the<br />

giraffe <strong>to</strong> look like<br />

that, or was it just<br />

an accident?<br />

- Norma<br />

Sarnia’s<br />

choice<br />

for<br />

over<br />

40 years<br />

Today Sipkens grows at least 1,000<br />

varieties of perennials. <strong>The</strong>ir garden<br />

centre covers about 10 acres and<br />

employs 20 people year-round and 55<br />

seasonal workers.<br />

On <strong>to</strong>p of watching consumer<br />

trends and reinvesting, the Sipkens are<br />

also environmentally conscious and<br />

started an aggressive on-site recycling<br />

program eight years ago. About 90%<br />

of greenhouse plastic, cardboard,<br />

discarded pots and other waste<br />

produced by the business is recycled or<br />

composted.<br />

Four years ago, Sipkens began recycling<br />

the runoff from their greenhouses and<br />

irrigation by channelling the water in<strong>to</strong> a<br />

reservoir of tanks, treating it and reusing<br />

it for plant growth.<br />

Ken estimates that his five kids run<br />

about 70% of the business these days but<br />

he and Jennifer remain very involved.<br />

“We keep very busy and it’s a<br />

challenging business,” she said. “But we<br />

enjoy this kind of life.”<br />

Sipkens Garden Centre at 3261 London<br />

Line plans a Grand Opening for the new<br />

addition Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 30; 10 a.m.–3 p.m.

Please tell our advertisers that you saw their ad in this magazine!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

A Father's Love<br />

Author<br />

Unknown<br />

Fathers seldom say “I Love You”<br />

Though the feeling's always there,<br />

But somehow those three little words<br />

Are the hardest ones <strong>to</strong> share.<br />

And fathers say "I love you"<br />

In ways that words can't match<br />

With tender bedtime s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

Or a friendly game of catch!<br />

You can see the words "I love you"<br />

In a father's boyish eyeses<br />

When he runs home, all excited,<br />

With a poorly wrapped surprise.<br />

A father says "I love you"<br />

With his strong helping hands<br />

With a smile when you're in trouble<br />

With the way he understands.<br />

ds.<br />

He says "I love you" haltingly, ly<br />

With awkward tenderness<br />

(It's hard <strong>to</strong> help a four-year-old old in<strong>to</strong> a party dress!)<br />

He speaks his love unselfishly<br />

By giving all l he can<br />

To make some secret dream come true,<br />

Or follow through a plan.<br />

A father's seldom-spoken love<br />

Sounds clearly through the years<br />

Sometimes in peals of laughter,<br />

Sometimes through happy tears.<br />

Perhaps they have <strong>to</strong> speak their love<br />

In a fashion all their own.<br />

Because the love that fathers feel<br />

Is <strong>to</strong>o big for words alone!<br />

One Liners<br />

A fine is a tax for<br />

doing wrong.<br />

A tax is a fine for<br />

doing well.<br />

Do you live in the<br />

BOONIES?<br />

<strong>The</strong> CLUB is<br />

available at all<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County<br />

libraries<br />

(while they last)!<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Paying bills at post office or bank with paper bills/cheques. P A G E 31

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Contact us any time by email - info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

Announcing the long awaited<br />

24-bed, permanent Withdrawal<br />

Management Facility at<br />

Bluewater Health.<br />

Joining the Minister of Long-Term<br />

Care <strong>to</strong> announce new Long-Term<br />

Care beds at Sumac Lodge.<br />


Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Building A Better Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

At OWS Rail Car Inc. learning<br />

about their expansion project,<br />

supported in part through an<br />

investment by the Southwestern<br />

Ontario Development Fund.<br />

At Sarnia Arena celebrating<br />

Ontario’s investment in youth<br />

sports <strong>to</strong> help with their<br />

recovery from the pandemic<br />

and create opportunities for<br />

the next generation.<br />

Hello again <strong>to</strong> all the fans and followers of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. Spring is<br />

always my favourite season in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n. After the<br />

long, cold winter, we are experiencing all the renewal and<br />

energy in the community that comes with longer days and<br />

warmer temperatures. That is a welcome change and great<br />

for the spirit! Whether it’s sitting on the back patio or going for<br />

a long walk, I try <strong>to</strong> take every opportunity <strong>to</strong> get outside and<br />

enjoy the fresh air. This spring will bring even more outside<br />

time as candidates like myself in the <strong>2022</strong> Provincial Election<br />

hit the campaign trail before the June 2nd vote.<br />

<strong>The</strong> past four years have been very busy working <strong>to</strong> make<br />

things better in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n. Every day, I have been<br />

working <strong>to</strong> ensure Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n’s issues are front and<br />

centre at Queen’s Park. That’s why I’m pleased <strong>to</strong> see that so<br />

many important investments have been made in our<br />

community by the Ford Government.<br />

Although the COVID-19 pandemic created many challenges<br />

in our community, and across the province, our government<br />

never hesitated <strong>to</strong> do what was necessary <strong>to</strong> protect the<br />

health and safety of Ontarians. I continue <strong>to</strong> feel very<br />

optimistic about our future.<br />

It has been my honour <strong>to</strong> serve at Queen’s Park on behalf of<br />

the people of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n over the last four years. Each<br />

day I wake up with a sense of excitement for what the future<br />

holds for the residents of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n. With your support,<br />

I can’t wait <strong>to</strong> continue getting things done for our<br />

community. Stay safe and be well!<br />

Discussing Red Tape Reduction<br />

and Small Business Support with<br />

the Associate Minister of Small<br />

Business (right) and local<br />

business owner Manjit Singh<br />

(left) at Sitara Indian Cuisine.<br />

At St. Joseph’s Hospice <strong>to</strong><br />

announce funding support <strong>to</strong><br />

help with the important services<br />

they provide in our community.<br />

Horsing around on the job.<br />

With MP Gladu and Mayor<br />

Loosley attending the Vigil for<br />

Ukraine at Royal Canadian<br />

Legion Branch 216 in Petrolia.<br />

Contact Bob Bailey<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Progressive Conservative Riding Association<br />

Website: sarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ontariopc.ca<br />

Authorized by the CFO of the<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n PC Riding Association<br />

P A G E<br />

32<br />

Obsolete Task? Finding channels on UHF

Sometimes, no news really is good news.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

Going Above & Beyond for Our Clients!<br />


Sales Representave<br />

Cell: 519-383-5185<br />

Office: 519-542-9999<br />

movewithsteph@gmail.com<br />

E-Mail<br />

<strong>The</strong> E-Mail<br />

IN-BOX<br />

Send the good stuff <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

<strong>The</strong> Shoebox<br />

sarnia realty Inc., Brokerage*<br />

*Indepentently owned and operated<br />

1319 Exmouth Street, Sarnia<br />

At an<br />

Op<strong>to</strong>metrist's<br />

Office...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />


Sales Representave<br />

Cell: 519-328-7251<br />

Office: 519-542-9999<br />

laurie.l@bell.net<br />

#laurieloveslamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign<br />

"If you don’t see<br />

what you’re looking for,<br />

you’re in the right place."<br />

A man and a woman had been<br />

married for more than 60 years.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y had shared everything. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

had talked about everything. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

had kept no secrets from each<br />

other except for the little box that<br />

sat up in the closet.<br />

For all of these years he had<br />

never thought about the box, but<br />

one day the little old women got<br />

very sick and the doc<strong>to</strong>r said she<br />

would not recover.<br />

In trying <strong>to</strong> sort out their affairs,<br />

the little old man <strong>to</strong>ok down the<br />

shoebox and <strong>to</strong>ok it <strong>to</strong> his wife's<br />

bedside.<br />

She agreed that it was time that<br />

he should know what was in the<br />

box. When he opened it, he found<br />

two crocheted dolls and a stack of<br />

money <strong>to</strong>talling $95,000.<br />

He asked her about the contents.<br />

"When we were <strong>to</strong> be married,"<br />

she said, "my Grandmother <strong>to</strong>ld me<br />

the secret of a happy marriage was<br />

<strong>to</strong> never argue. She <strong>to</strong>ld me that if<br />

I ever got angry with you, I should<br />

just keep quiet and crochet a doll."<br />

<strong>The</strong> little old man was so moved<br />

that he had <strong>to</strong> fight back tears. Only<br />

two precious dolls were in the box.<br />

She had only been angry with him<br />

two times in all those years of living<br />

and loving.<br />

"Honey," he said, " that explains<br />

the dolls, but what about all this<br />

money? Where did it come from?"<br />

"Oh," she said, "that's the money<br />

I made from selling the dolls."<br />

223 North Christina Street • Sarnia<br />

519-336-2100 • www.s<strong>to</strong>nesnbones.ca<br />

Hall of Fame AWARD<br />



GALORE<br />

So Much More!<br />

& So Much More!<br />

TWO FLOORS <strong>to</strong> EXPLORE!<br />

Fluorescent en<br />

Mineral Display, Fossils, si<br />

s<br />

Minerals,<br />

Gems<strong>to</strong>nes, e<br />

s,<br />

Artifacts, ts, Shells, ls, Butterflies,<br />

Insects, s,<br />

Canadian adia<br />

Animals, Safari ari Room,<br />

om,<br />

Huge Shark Jaws and “Dinosaurs Galore!”<br />

Adults $7 • 12 & under $3 • Family Pass $30/Year<br />


10-5 Thurs. thru Sun.<br />

Closed Jan. 1, July 1 & Dec. 25<br />


(From m<strong>The</strong> Booklet “A Seniors’ GuideToSarnia-lamb<strong>to</strong>n”)<br />

a amb<strong>to</strong>n Resource booklet available through Age-Friendly Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

by calling 519-332-0527 or visiting www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />


211 Mental Health Support, Food Services, Financial Assistance 211 211oncovid19.ca<br />

Age-Friendly Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n List of Supports & Services 519-332-0527 agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

Bayshore Home Care Solutions Assistance with Housekeeping, Errands & Meal Prep 519-383-6979 bayshore.ca<br />

Canadian Red Cross Grocery Pickup & Transportation Services 519-332-6380 redcross.ca<br />

Care-A-Van Door-<strong>to</strong>-Door Public Transportation - lift equipped vehicles 519-336-3789<br />

Habitat for Humanity Low-Cost Home Reno Services 519-339-7957 habitatsarnia.org<br />

Heart <strong>to</strong> Home Meals Pre-Made Frozen Meal Delivery <strong>to</strong> 60+ 877-404-4246 heart<strong>to</strong>homemeals.ca<br />

Instacart Delivery from several local s<strong>to</strong>res 888-246-7822 instacart.ca<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach Home & Yard Maintenance, Meals, Various Resources 800-265-0203 lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Public Health Individual, Agency and Cargiver help 226-254-8222 lamb<strong>to</strong>npublichealth.ca<br />

Neighbourlink Household Chores, Transportation, Shopping, Companionship 519-336-5465 neighbourlinksarnia.org<br />

Sarnia Blessings Free Meals for Seniors & Vulnerable People 519-402-9093 sarniablessings@outlook.com<br />

Shine at Home Transportation, 24 hr Housekeeping, Shopping, Meal Prep 519-336-9898 shineathome.com<br />

Strangway Community Centre Recreational, Social & Educational Programs & Activities 519-332-0656 strangway@sarnia.ca<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Order of Nurses (VON) Dementia Programs, Home Nursing, Respite, Much More 519-542-2310 von.ca/en/site/sarnia<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Using a paper address book or rolodex for your contacts. P A G E 33

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

Seniors<br />

SAVE 20%<br />

Every Thursday!*<br />

*Discount applies <strong>to</strong><br />

regular priced merchandise<br />

OMG, I’m rich!<br />

Silver in the Hair<br />

Gold in the Teeth<br />

Crystals in the Kidneys<br />

Sugar in the Blood<br />

Lead in the Ass<br />

Iron in the Arteries<br />

And an inexhaustible<br />

supply of Natural Gas.<br />

I never thought<br />

I’d accumulate such<br />

wealth.<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Available with a PC Optimum card at<br />

the following Shoppers Drug Mart s<strong>to</strong>res:<br />

510 Exmouth Street, Sarnia<br />

123 Mit<strong>to</strong>n Street South, Sarnia<br />

420 Lyndoch Street, Corunna<br />

60 might be the new 40, but 9 pm is the new midnight.<br />

Ah, Spring<br />

Yes your mother and<br />

grandmother were on<strong>to</strong><br />

something when they <strong>to</strong>ok<br />

advantage of a fine early spring<br />

day <strong>to</strong> hang rugs, blankets and<br />

quilts <strong>to</strong> air on the porch. Today<br />

Feng Shui (wind and water) tells<br />

us that stagnant air can be a<br />

health hazard and that <strong>to</strong> open<br />

your windows and keep them<br />

clean is a real boon <strong>to</strong> your overall<br />

health and well being.<br />

Feng Shui has been around for over<br />

four thousand years and has recently<br />

been rediscovered in North America.<br />

It started in China when people<br />

believed that an invisible energy<br />

called ch’i was instrumental in making<br />

certain locations sought after.<br />

Farmers believed that land, with the<br />

protection of tall mountains behind<br />

it would shield crops from wind and<br />

water in the front and so would yield a<br />

great harvest. Today Feng Shui is used<br />

<strong>to</strong> help you identify how ch’i flows<br />

through your work or living space.<br />

Now getting back <strong>to</strong> spring cleaning, in<br />

Feng Shui the belief is that everything<br />

by Rita Veel, London<br />

From Daytripping May-June 2006<br />

you own is attached <strong>to</strong> you<br />

by invisible threads.<br />

This includes stuff hidden<br />

behind doors, under beds<br />

and in your garage, I am<br />

not talking about well<br />

organized collections,<br />

strictly things that have<br />

no purpose in your life<br />

<strong>to</strong>day. Unless you rid<br />

yourself of the old stuff,<br />

no new things will enter your life. This<br />

spring, it is time <strong>to</strong> let go of clutter and<br />

once and for all take control of your<br />

environment. Less is more.<br />

Take a walk through your rooms and<br />

check the amount of space around the<br />

different pieces of furniture in your<br />

house.<br />

You should have a clear path, with<br />

no obstructions from room <strong>to</strong> room. If<br />

you are having a difficult time moving<br />

around your home comfortably, you<br />

will have a hard time negotiating<br />

certain aspects of your life as well.<br />

Open your windows, play music,<br />

clear your clutter and ch’i will bring<br />

positive spring energy in<strong>to</strong> your life.<br />

If you need access <strong>to</strong> additional funds,<br />

using the equity in your home<br />

can be a lower cost way <strong>to</strong> borrow<br />

the money than taking out a traditional loan.<br />

For example, you can use your home equity <strong>to</strong>:<br />



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P A G E<br />

34<br />

Obsolete Task? Using an atlas

You’re not getting older, you’re just becoming a classic!<br />



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<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

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120 Russell Street North, Sarnia • 519-383-0688<br />

Few Words<br />

AFew Words<br />

IN A<br />

By Cathy Dobson<br />

We asked some notable folks in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> have a little fun with us and<br />

answer some not-so-pressing questions, In A Few Words. Here’s what they said:<br />

Leona Holland<br />

Volunteer extraordinaire, mother of six and<br />

grandmother of 17<br />

Name one positive thing that surprises you about being over the age of 55.<br />

“Being over 55 tends <strong>to</strong> make other people more helpful and friendly.”<br />

If you won $1 billion, what would you do with your time?<br />

“I would work with the Department of Education <strong>to</strong> establish trade workshops in all<br />

Ontario high schools. Many non-academic students would benefit as we always need<br />

more trades people.”<br />

What do you love most about living in Sarnia?<br />

“I like the people, the lake, the bridges and the fries.”<br />

Did anything positive arise for you during the pandemic?<br />

“I had time <strong>to</strong> interact with family and friends as no volunteer time was available.”<br />

What’s your favourite day of the year and why?<br />

“My favourite day is Ground Hog Day as I always hope for an early spring.”<br />

Do you have a favourite place in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n? Where is it?<br />

“My favourite place is under the bridges.”<br />

Name one local s<strong>to</strong>re that everyone should visit.<br />

“Russell Street Home Hardware s<strong>to</strong>re is my favourite business in Sarnia.”<br />

Describe your perfect day.<br />

“My perfect day is anytime I can volunteer. I love people.”<br />

Name one person you think should run for office in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n even if they never will.<br />

“Anne Marie Gillis because she’s a great organizer with a clear vision for the future.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Beatles or <strong>The</strong> Rolling S<strong>to</strong>nes?<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Beatles. Rolling S<strong>to</strong>nes are <strong>to</strong>o far out there for me.”<br />

Who has had the greatest influence on your life, not counting your spouse or children?<br />

“My father. He was a teacher and a volunteer.”<br />

What’s your favourite restaurant in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n?<br />

“Olives Restaurant. Great people, great food and fun <strong>to</strong> visit.”<br />

What’s your favourite movie or book and why?<br />

“I couldn’t put down the book by Douglas Brinkley called <strong>The</strong> Great Deluge - Hurricane<br />

Katrina, New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. <strong>The</strong> fact that no one was prepared<br />

for Katrina even though they had warning was just unbelievable.”<br />

Name a bucket list item you intend <strong>to</strong> achieve, and one you probably won’t ever get <strong>to</strong>.<br />

“I never had a bucket list. I live day by day.”<br />

SUGGEST someone we should interview!<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

Charlie Fairbank<br />

of Oil Springs, operates North American’s oldest<br />

oilfield and produces about 24,000 barrels of oil a<br />

year at Fairbank Oil in Oil Springs. He is a fourth<br />

generation oil man and uses only 19th century technology, including the jerker line<br />

system his great-grandfather developed in 1863. Charlie is a teacher by vocation and a<br />

passionate his<strong>to</strong>rian.<br />

You have never retired. What are you working on?<br />

“Working with an amazing team, (locally, nationally and internationally) <strong>to</strong>ward our next<br />

application <strong>to</strong> obtain a UNESCO World Heritage designation for Oil Springs.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Beatles or <strong>The</strong> Rolling S<strong>to</strong>nes?<br />

“Mozart easily trumps these “boy bands.”<br />

What do you love most about living in Oil Springs?<br />

“I love the diverse landscape of open fields, woodlands, and wetlands with Black Creek<br />

meandering through it. It creates habitats for a rich assortment of wildlife and birds.”<br />

Name one local s<strong>to</strong>re that everyone should visit.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Book Keeper (in Sarnia) has my vote. Great reads, great staff and they will order<br />

any book for you. I also like <strong>The</strong> Ice Creamery on Front Street for a delicious treat.”<br />

What car have you owned that you like the best?<br />

“For me, cars and trucks are tied <strong>to</strong> fond memories. I had a Ford truck with a very chewed<br />

dashboard thanks <strong>to</strong> my wonderful border collie that often sat in the passenger seat.”<br />

Who has had the greatest influence on your life, not counting your spouse or children?<br />

“Both my parents, Charles and Jean Fairbank, were hard working compassionate people<br />

who cared about people and integrity. My father instilled me with immense respect<br />

for the early oilmen here and their ingenuity. My mother gave me a lifelong interest in<br />

singing and listening <strong>to</strong> music.”<br />

What’s your favourite restaurant in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n?<br />

“Hmmm. <strong>The</strong> question is <strong>to</strong>o difficult. I’d have <strong>to</strong> name five.”<br />

Name one positive thing that surprises you about being over the age of 55.<br />

“I don’t have <strong>to</strong> think about my boyhood interest in headstands. I never could do them.”<br />

Name a bucket list item you intend <strong>to</strong> achieve, and one you probably won’t ever get <strong>to</strong>.“I<br />

likely will not ride a helicopter over our oil field but my wife and I once had a terrific hot<br />

air balloon ride over it. And I just might be able <strong>to</strong> grow some really fantastic <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es<br />

this summer.”<br />

What are people most surprised <strong>to</strong> learn about you?<br />

“I’ve been interviewed on national television for Much Music and by Jonny Harris for<br />

CBC’s series Still Standing.”<br />

Do you have a guilty pleasure?<br />

“Yes, sweet chili pistachios. I have <strong>to</strong> limit myself.”<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Buying TV Guides, using paper TV listings <strong>to</strong> choose shows. P A G E 35

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

If this brings back good memories, send us some of your own.<br />


1018 Murphy Rd, Sarnia • 519-542-7273<br />







Making Home Care Affordable<br />

During Tax Season<br />

Aging at home, or “aging<br />

in place” is everyone’s<br />

desire. <strong>The</strong> issue for many<br />

is the cost. When paying for<br />

home care and housekeeping<br />

out of pocket the cost may<br />

be less than you think. <strong>The</strong><br />

“how” you can achieve this is<br />

what I will be demonstrating<br />

in this article.<br />

If you, or a loved one, need<br />

services <strong>to</strong> stay independent<br />

there are many options<br />

available <strong>to</strong> you. I will be<br />

speaking about private home care.<br />

Now the Local Health Integration<br />

Network, or LHIN, provides some<br />

home care, it usually isn’t enough.<br />

According <strong>to</strong> our clients the help is<br />

great, they just wish there was more.<br />

So how can I afford a service that cost<br />

$30 an hour and up?<br />

From the CRA:<br />

Disability tax credit - <strong>The</strong><br />

disability tax credit (DTC) is a nonrefundable<br />

tax credit that helps<br />

persons with disabilities or their<br />

supporting family members reduce<br />

the amount of income tax they<br />

may have <strong>to</strong> pay. A person with a<br />

severe and prolonged impairment<br />

in physical or mental functions<br />

may be eligible for the DTC. Once<br />

an individual is eligible for the<br />

DTC, the disability amount can be<br />

claimed on their tax return(s) for<br />

the applicable year(s).<br />

This is how. It is called the Attendant<br />

Care Claim. It is also called the<br />

Disability Tax Credit. This is a nonrefundable<br />

tax credit that can literally<br />

save you thousands of dollars in<br />

income tax.<br />

Disclaimer: I am not a tax professional.<br />

Your tax situation is unique and for<br />

the appropriate and proper advice you<br />

should consult a tax professional.<br />

While I am not a tax professional,<br />

I have been assisting many of my<br />

clients in taking full advantage of<br />

the Attendant Care Claim. Here is a<br />

brief description of the credit. I will<br />

give the link <strong>to</strong> the detailed Canada<br />

Revenue Agency (CRA) Guidelines in<br />

this article, but essentially the credit<br />

is for anyone that needs assistance in<br />

remaining independent in their home.<br />

<strong>The</strong> credit covers the cost of staffing,<br />

or wages that get paid <strong>to</strong> staff by a<br />

home care provider. <strong>The</strong> credit pays for<br />

much more, but I will focus on staffing<br />

costs. For my clients it is over half the<br />

billing amount —a lot of money and I<br />

am amazed at the number of people<br />

that do not take advantage of this tax<br />

credit.<br />

By Chris Treftlin, Shine at Home, Sarnia<br />

See link:<br />

https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/<br />

cra-arc/formspubs/pub/rc4064/rc4064-<br />

21e.pdf<br />

<strong>The</strong> details in the CRA document will<br />

fill in any blanks, but at a high level the<br />

steps you <strong>to</strong> get the credit are easy and<br />

as follows:<br />

First, print a copy of the T2201 form<br />

from the CRA website.<br />

See link:<br />

https://www.canada.ca/en/revenueagency/services/forms-publications/<br />

forms/t2201.html (or Google “T2201”),<br />

and take it <strong>to</strong> your primary medical<br />

professional, usually your doc<strong>to</strong>r. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

will fill in the form and return it <strong>to</strong> you.<br />

In the form they answer all the CRA’s<br />

questions regarding and confirming<br />

your specific needs for in-home care.<br />

With the T2201 filled out, the home<br />

care provider writes a letter confirming<br />

the amount that was paid <strong>to</strong> staff from<br />

the client’s annual billing. A little bit<br />

of homework for the service provider,<br />

but easily done. Now, with these two<br />

documents in hand, a claim can be<br />

made in your tax filing. Again, multiple<br />

thousands of dollars are available in<br />

this credit when you qualify.<br />

“Eligibility is not impacted by the<br />

receipt of other federal or provincial<br />

benefits. If you receive Canada<br />

Pension Plan or Quebec Pension<br />

Plan disability benefits, workers’<br />

compensation benefits, or other<br />

types of disability or insurance<br />

benefits, it does not necessarily<br />

mean you are eligible for the<br />

DTC. <strong>The</strong>se programs have other<br />

purposes and different criteria,<br />

such as an individual’s inability <strong>to</strong><br />

work.”<br />

It is also important <strong>to</strong> note that being<br />

on another form of support from the<br />

government does not, repeat does<br />

not necessarily disqualify you from<br />

receiving the credit. (From pg 16 of<br />

Information guide.)<br />

<strong>The</strong>re it is, get home care and save<br />

money on your taxes. I have <strong>to</strong> go<br />

now and write more letters for my<br />

clients.<br />

P A G E<br />

36<br />

Obsolete Task? Replacing s<strong>to</strong>rm windows

Let’s grow old <strong>to</strong>gether. You go first.<br />

563 Front St. N., Sarnia<br />

519-337-9998<br />

GlassAndPillarSpa.com<br />

Be Ready for Sandal Season<br />

Trendy mani-pedi<br />

colour combos <strong>to</strong><br />

try this Spring!<br />

We have the highest<br />

safety pro<strong>to</strong>cols in place!<br />

No appointment needed <strong>to</strong> shop the boutique<br />

How many of you remember<br />

the rest of these jingles?<br />

1) “My bologna has a first name”<br />

2) “I don’t wanna grow up”<br />

3) “Gimme a break, gimme a break”<br />

4) “<strong>The</strong> best part of waking up”<br />

5) “Sometimes you feel like a nut”<br />

6) “I’d like <strong>to</strong> teach the world <strong>to</strong> sing”<br />

Meow<br />

7) “Reach out and <strong>to</strong>uch someone”<br />

8) “If you dare wear short shorts”<br />

9) “<strong>The</strong>y’re magically delicious”<br />

10) “Meow, meow, meow, meow”<br />

11) “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is”<br />

12) “So kiss a little longer. Hold hands a little<br />

longer. Hold tight a little longer”<br />

... and how many of you sang them?<br />

Meow<br />

Meow<br />

Meow<br />

Meow<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

116 Michigan Ave<br />


(519) 344-3535<br />

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THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

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PT. EDWARD • 519-344-2855<br />

Puzzle<br />

Solution<br />

For <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Spring <strong>2022</strong><br />

CROSSWORD on page 29<br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Buying or selling items using classified ads in newspapers. P A G E 37

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... SPRING <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

“Your Feet Will Be In Good Hands”<br />

Are your feet f sore r<br />

and a n<br />

d<br />

keeping i<br />

you o<br />

from<br />

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doing i the things that t you u love?<br />

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Sarnia<br />

Since 2006<br />


<strong>The</strong>se were found on signs outside of churches.<br />



<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE<br />

Questionnaire<br />

We W Need d Your Advice... Again!<br />

selected randomly. Please feel free <strong>to</strong> send a few<br />

words or a few pages & elaborate as you see fit.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are articles/s<strong>to</strong>ries in <strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>,<br />

and then there are features (such as the<br />

Crossword, Postcards, Jokes, Events list, etc.)<br />

1) Tell us which 5 (or more) “ARTICLES” you liked the<br />

most and which 5 (or more) didn’t appeal <strong>to</strong> you as<br />

much. <strong>The</strong>re are no right or wrong answers.<br />

2) Many of the articles are nostlagic and say near the<br />

title that they were previously published in Daytripping.<br />

Would you like <strong>to</strong> see more or less of these?<br />

3) Tell us which 3 (or more) “FEATURES” you liked the<br />

most and which 3 (or more) didn’t appeal <strong>to</strong> you as<br />

much. Feel free <strong>to</strong> make suggestions.<br />

Again, please feel free <strong>to</strong> elaborate. We’re trying <strong>to</strong> build a<br />

magazine that is different than most, but we need <strong>to</strong><br />

know what you like, what will make you keep this<br />

magazine longer and/or pick up the next issue.<br />

Please mail answers (on a separate sheet) <strong>to</strong>:<br />

P.O. BOX 430 • Brights Grove, ON •N0N •N0N 1C0<br />

OR email: info welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

Include c your name, e email i and/or d<br />

phone number please.<br />

e.<br />

Thanks!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />

,<br />

Life<br />

is Better with<br />

Friends!<br />

Move-in incenves!*<br />

Do more of what you love.<br />

Let us take care of the rest!<br />

Be welcomed by a warm community of<br />

like-minded peers. Enjoy the peace of mind that<br />

comes with knowing help is available at the push<br />

of a buon if you need it. Connue <strong>to</strong> enjoy your<br />

independence in a supporve environment that<br />

gives you the freedom <strong>to</strong> pursue your passions<br />

and spend more me with those you love most.<br />

Included in your stay:<br />

• Chef-prepared meals • Fitness classes<br />

• Great recreaonal • Weekly<br />

programs<br />

housekeeping<br />

• 24/7 emergency • Pet Friendly<br />

support<br />

And more!<br />

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P A G E<br />

38<br />

Obsolete Task? Using shorthand

Thanks again - keep this copy or pass it on <strong>to</strong> a friend please.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

SPRING <strong>2022</strong> Obsolete Task? Dialing 411 <strong>to</strong> find a phone number.<br />

P A G E 39

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