Welcome to The Club v3.3 Summer 2023
A Magazine for 55+ Like No Other! Welcome to The Club features timeless articles and anecdotes including many from the archives of Daytripping Magazine. It's online at www.welcometotheclub.ca and is also distributed free in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.
A Magazine for 55+ Like No Other!
Welcome to The Club features timeless articles and anecdotes including many from the archives of Daytripping Magazine. It's online at www.welcometotheclub.ca and is also distributed free in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.
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<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
...which is better than<br />
being under it!<br />
CLUB<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
A ‘’New’ Magazine for PEOPLE who aren’t<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong> by Jayne Primeau, Brights Grove • View more of Jayne’s work on Flickr & Facebook • See article on Page 3<br />
From the crea<strong>to</strong>rs of...<br />
welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 SUMMER <strong>2023</strong>
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> our <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> issue!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
P A G E<br />
2<br />
Our bot<strong>to</strong>m borders for this issue feature popular movie quotes...
This FREE magazine is distributed in most of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />
Beautiful Things That People Do,<br />
by Mark Moran, Publisher<br />
Because <strong>The</strong>y Can...<br />
“It’s been a quite a seed we planted<br />
that bloomed in<strong>to</strong> something we never<br />
could have imagined.” That’s how Brian<br />
Schoonjans summed up he and Shannon<br />
Armstrong’s role in Miracle Max’s<br />
Minions.<br />
You’ve probably seen the fields of<br />
sunflowers that have been grown in<br />
memory of Max Rombouts who passed<br />
at the age of two after a battle with<br />
leukemia. Since this tribute began in<br />
2019 countless people have s<strong>to</strong>pped <strong>to</strong><br />
take pho<strong>to</strong>s and selfies, and donation<br />
boxes were set up with proceeds going<br />
<strong>to</strong> the families of children fighting<br />
childhood cancers. Almost $400,000 has<br />
been raised so far!<br />
<strong>The</strong> Schoonjans’ farm is at 5023<br />
Douglas Line near Aberarder and the<br />
six acres here will bloom for about<br />
two weeks around the end of July. <strong>The</strong><br />
sunflowers bloom roughly 60 days after<br />
planting, But that’s not the only location.<br />
Sipkens Garden Centre added a smaller<br />
field last year and will be doing it again<br />
but, because they re-plant throughout<br />
the summer, the field will bloom<br />
continuously.<br />
Doug & Tracy Rogers have a farm on<br />
Hwy. #21, just south of Kettle Point. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
actually farm sunflowers as a crop and<br />
were surprised a few years ago when<br />
hundreds of people started s<strong>to</strong>pping<br />
by <strong>to</strong> take selfies every day, but they<br />
were on board once they learned about<br />
Miracle Max. <strong>The</strong>ir fields will probably<br />
bloom early <strong>to</strong> mid-July.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re have been other fields as well<br />
but Brian explained how the field crops<br />
need <strong>to</strong> be rotated on occasion. <strong>The</strong>re’s<br />
also a canola field at the VanLoon family<br />
farm at 8727 Confederation Line near<br />
Watford this year but it may be finished<br />
blooming by the time you read this.<br />
We love it when these beautiful people<br />
do beautiful things just because they can.<br />
We also love the cover pho<strong>to</strong> by Jayne<br />
Primeau that was taken at one of Miracle<br />
Max’s fields.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re’s also an article on page 14<br />
about the Seniors Cruise on the Duc<br />
D’Orleans II. This long running tradition<br />
was forced <strong>to</strong> take a break during the<br />
pandemic but it’s back, thanks <strong>to</strong> a<br />
number of volunteers and the generosity<br />
of the ship’s new owners who are<br />
following in the footsteps of previous<br />
owners Ken & Sherry Bracewell.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are countless other examples<br />
of citizens volunteering throughout<br />
our community and I don’t need <strong>to</strong><br />
remind any of our readers that it’s often<br />
folks with gray hair (or no hair at all)<br />
doing much of the heavy lifting in our<br />
communities.<br />
We hope you’ll enjoy and hang on <strong>to</strong><br />
this issue of <strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, and<br />
please let our advertisers know that<br />
you’ve seen their ads. This free magazine<br />
wouldn’t be possible without them.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Features<br />
You’ll find<br />
current and<br />
nostalgic<br />
articles<br />
throughout<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.<br />
Events 16-17<br />
Discount List 12<br />
Community Resources 15<br />
Giving List (Volunteering) 18<br />
Word Search 29<br />
Postcards from the Past 27<br />
Trivia 31<br />
Recipes 7&20<br />
Crossword 24<br />
Glen C. Phillips, lips<br />
Chris Treftlin, #local, l<br />
Mary Lou Tasko, Sipkens<br />
Nurseries, s,<br />
Mike Keenan, en<br />
Ruth Sharon, Jayne Primeau, Brian A.<br />
Keelan, elan<br />
Tammy With, Kelly-Lynn Musico, Daniel J. Bellyk, lyk,<br />
George<br />
Rosema, Deb Lumley, Frank Kowalec, Cathy Dobson, Glynn A.<br />
Leyshon, Jeanette Paddon, Bob McCarthy, Agnes Burroughs,<br />
Jean Elford, Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Stirling, Kathryn Hixon Lees, es<br />
Gail Northgrave<br />
Adams, Roger Allen, l<br />
, Nadine Wark, Susan Iedema, em<br />
Mario Urquhart<br />
Charkow, Corrina rina<br />
Austin, Maryleah Ot<strong>to</strong>, <strong>to</strong>, B. A. Coleing, Marion<br />
Clouse, Hollie Langlois, i<br />
Gord Lane, and all the Recipe contribu<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />
i<br />
t<br />
ors.<br />
Mark a k Moran o a - Publisher, b i e Ad Salesa Carrie Ann Timm - Associate Publisher<br />
Carla MacGregor - Advertising Sales<br />
Rhonda Long - Advertising Sales<br />
Angela Lyon - Graphics & Editing<br />
Carla Mejia - Graphic Design<br />
From the<br />
publishers of<br />
ING<br />
VOLUME 3,<br />
ISSUE 3<br />
SUMMER <strong>2023</strong><br />
“<strong>The</strong> Inheritance”<br />
Morris Schwartz is on his deathbed, knows the end is near, is<br />
with his nurse, his wife, his daughter and 2 sons. "So", he says <strong>to</strong><br />
them, "Bernie, I want you <strong>to</strong> take the Beverly Hills houses. Sybil,<br />
take the apartments over in Los Angeles Plaza. Hymie, I want<br />
you <strong>to</strong> take the offices over in City Center." Sarah, my dear wife,<br />
please take all the residential buildings down<strong>to</strong>wn." <strong>The</strong> nurse is<br />
just blown away by all this, and as Morris slips away, she says,<br />
"Mrs. Schwartz, your husband must have been such a<br />
hard-working man <strong>to</strong> have accumulated all this property.”<br />
Sarah replies, "What Property? He has a paper route!"<br />
P.O. Box 430 • Brights Grove, ON •N0N 1C0<br />
519-491-1676 • info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
www.welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
To receive eive<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> in the<br />
mail for $20/year (4 issues),<br />
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give us a call <strong>to</strong> discuss payment.<br />
t<br />
You can also view each issue online -<br />
just ask <strong>to</strong> be added <strong>to</strong> our email notification tion<br />
list.<br />
t<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is published four times annually by Moran Advertising, Brights Grove, Ontario. <strong>The</strong> publisher reserves<br />
the right <strong>to</strong> reject, discontinue or omit any advertisment without notice or penalty <strong>to</strong> either party. No portion of this<br />
publication can be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of Moran Advertising. <strong>The</strong> content of this<br />
publication does not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher. <strong>The</strong> content of this publication has not been deemed<br />
by the publisher <strong>to</strong> be correct and accurate. <strong>The</strong> advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising<br />
directly or indirectly from errors occuring in this publication beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that<br />
portion of the advertisment in which the error occurred, whether such error is due <strong>to</strong> the negligence of its servants or<br />
otherwise, and there shall be no liablity for non insertion of any advertisment beyond the amount paid for such advertisment.<br />
Use of Material: submitted articles, letters, and other works or materials may be used, published, distributed and s<strong>to</strong>red by<br />
Moran Advertising, <strong>Welcome</strong> To <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, and Daytripping Magazine, in whole or in part, in print or by any other means.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> See how many you (and a friend) remember, and try <strong>to</strong> guess the year <strong>to</strong>o! P A G E 3
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
“Your Feet Will Be In Good Hands”<br />
You must be 55 or over <strong>to</strong> read this magazine.<br />
Worth Repeating...<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
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This FREE Magazine is made possible by the<br />
companies you see adversing in these pages.<br />
Please consider them when making your<br />
purchasing decisions, and please let them<br />
know that you saw their ad in...<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE<br />
North Side of Michigan Avenue<br />
Looking West, Point Edward, circa 1920<br />
Point Edward’s his<strong>to</strong>ry aptly demonstrates how the arrival of a rail line could<br />
trigger remarkable growth in an already established community. Named in<br />
tribute <strong>to</strong> Queen Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’s father, Edward, the Duke of Kent, but also known as<br />
Huron Village until the 1860s, the Point boomed when the Grand Trunk Railway<br />
designated the place as the western terminus for its northern branch. To “bridge”<br />
the St. Clair, the Grand Trunk constructed a large car ferry facility at Point Edward<br />
in the late 1850s. To accommodate ferrying operations, the railroad also laid out<br />
a vast rail yard in the village. Not surprisingly, Grand Trunk workers poured in<strong>to</strong><br />
the place. In 1866, a direc<strong>to</strong>ry publisher described the rail centre in one simple<br />
word: “flourishing.” Point Edward incorporated<br />
as a village in 1878. Despite repeated<br />
overtures from its rather cove<strong>to</strong>us neighbour,<br />
Sarnia, the Point has remained “progressively<br />
independent” ever since.<br />
O.E. Evans pho<strong>to</strong>, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Museum<br />
Courtesy of Glen C. Phillips -<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n: An Illustrated His<strong>to</strong>ry of the County<br />
© 1999<br />
P A G E 4<br />
“May the Force be with you.” -Star Wars, 1977
We’re all getting older, we may as well laugh about it!<br />
Rope Skipping<br />
Back in time... <strong>to</strong> a much simpler<br />
lifestyle. An era without TV, computers,<br />
cell phones or iPods. Back <strong>to</strong> a time when<br />
kids made their own fun.. What did they<br />
do? <strong>The</strong>y entertained themselves with<br />
their own games. Games that changed<br />
with the season and in which the kids<br />
themselves set the rules and arbitrated<br />
decisions.<br />
Kids swarmed the streets. Sent out<br />
with the admonition “Come in when the<br />
streetlights come on,” children were on<br />
their own. No adult interference presumed<br />
<strong>to</strong> make rules in the activities<br />
that followed. As the<br />
seasons changed, so <strong>to</strong>o<br />
did the games. Relievo, a<br />
somewhat violent contest<br />
pitted two teams, the IN<br />
team and the OUT team,<br />
against one another. It was<br />
played mostly by boys.<br />
One team attempting <strong>to</strong><br />
capture members of the other by patting<br />
one of the OUTs three times on the back.<br />
Great were the struggles <strong>to</strong> prevent this<br />
after being surrounded by the INs.<br />
Girls were more decorous. One of their<br />
chief games was rope skipping. Not the<br />
type of solo skipping used by boxers <strong>to</strong><br />
enhance their footwork but something<br />
that was almost equally demanding. First<br />
a long stretch of rope was taken up after<br />
shouts of “no ender.” Those who failed<br />
<strong>to</strong> get the call out in time had <strong>to</strong> begin<br />
the session being rope turners. <strong>The</strong> two<br />
turners s<strong>to</strong>od facing each other about<br />
12 feet apart. Everyone else lined up <strong>to</strong><br />
one side and <strong>to</strong>ok a turn running in<strong>to</strong> the<br />
revolving rope and often chanting a sing-<br />
By Glynn A. Leyshon, London<br />
from Daytripping Sept-Oct 2010<br />
song rhyme in rhythm <strong>to</strong> the slap of the<br />
rope on the pavement. <strong>The</strong>y skipped both<br />
feet clearing the rope at once. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />
actually jumping rope. One of the chants<br />
<strong>to</strong> accompany the skipping was:<br />
Grapes on the vine<br />
Ready <strong>to</strong> be picked<br />
One fell off and did the splits.<br />
At this juncture the skipper landed on<br />
both feet attempting <strong>to</strong> capture the rope<br />
between her feet. Failing <strong>to</strong> do so meant<br />
she had <strong>to</strong> trade places with one of the<br />
rope turners.<br />
A better test of agility and<br />
timing was “double<br />
dutch.” In this type of<br />
skipping, the rope turners<br />
s<strong>to</strong>od facing one another<br />
with the rope around<br />
the waist of one and<br />
extending <strong>to</strong> surround<br />
the waist of the other<br />
so that two ropes could<br />
be turned simultaneously, one by each<br />
hand and in opposite directions – left<br />
hand clockwise and right hand counter<br />
clockwise. Now it became a challenge of<br />
agility and timing for one had <strong>to</strong> jump in<br />
quickly and skip on alternate feet twice<br />
as fast as with a single rope turning. It<br />
was a good workout. One of the patters<br />
<strong>to</strong> go with the skipping was:<br />
On the corner lives a lady<br />
Who she is I do not know<br />
All she wears is gold and silver<br />
All she eats are ice cream cones<br />
It might be a good thing <strong>to</strong> encourage<br />
more double dutch on playgrounds and<br />
streets of <strong>to</strong>day. <strong>The</strong> old days had a lot <strong>to</strong><br />
recommend them.<br />
940 MURPHY ROAD<br />
Sarnia • 519-542-1491<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
It’s never <strong>to</strong>o late <strong>to</strong><br />
reinvent yourself.<br />
Start a new career at 40.<br />
Fall in love at 50.<br />
Learn <strong>to</strong> dance at 60.<br />
Start a whole new life at 70.<br />
S<strong>to</strong>p saying you can’t.<br />
You can and you should.<br />
Dreams don’t have<br />
an expiration.<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Here at Napoli Pizza<br />
we’re not just a food<br />
business, we’re a<br />
family business. Our<br />
specialty is homemade<br />
pizza, pasta and so<br />
much more.<br />
We are dedicated <strong>to</strong><br />
providing you with<br />
only the highest<br />
quality ingredients. We make our food the old<br />
fashioned way. With classic Italian dishes, we<br />
offer our cus<strong>to</strong>mers a warm atmosphere filled<br />
with the same friendly faces and aromas of<br />
freshly made dough, sizzling pizza and delicious<br />
fresh pasta. Whether you’re dining in or<br />
ordering out, we’ve made your food with the<br />
same quality & care we would make for our own<br />
family, so that you can enjoy it with yours!<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “<strong>The</strong>re’s no place like home.” -<strong>The</strong> Wizard of Oz, 1939<br />
P A G E 5
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
563 Front St. N., Sarnia<br />
519-337-9998<br />
GlassAndPillarSpa.com<br />
An<strong>to</strong>ine de la Mothe Cadillac saw<br />
300 years ago that a settlement beside<br />
the Detroit River would become a<br />
commercial success and a strategic<br />
point for defence. Never could he<br />
have imagined how it would grow or<br />
what an impact it would have on the<br />
Americas from Cape Horn <strong>to</strong> the North<br />
Pole. Nor could he have foreseen the<br />
effect it would have on Sarnia, Ontario,<br />
sixty miles <strong>to</strong> the northeast, on the St.<br />
Clair River.<br />
Descendants of French Canadians<br />
whom Cadillac brought <strong>to</strong> Detroit<br />
were the first white people <strong>to</strong> settle in<br />
Sarnia. <strong>The</strong>y came here after the British<br />
withdrew from Detroit in 1796. John<br />
Courtney, the first English-speaking<br />
settler on the eastern shore of the St.<br />
Clair, also came from Detroit. He and<br />
his French neighbours rented from<br />
the indiginous people, farmed and<br />
depended for cash on what they sold in<br />
Detroit. After the 1805 fire, there was<br />
ready sale for their shingles and pickets.<br />
When the War of 1812 broke out,<br />
indigenous people divided in<strong>to</strong> pro-<br />
British or pro-American. <strong>The</strong> French<br />
settlers, afraid of being caught in tribal<br />
warfare, fled <strong>to</strong> Detroit for protection<br />
and not until the Americans held Detroit<br />
secure did they straggle back home.<br />
<strong>The</strong>ir lives were disrupted again<br />
when the Erie Canal opened in 1825.<br />
Immigrants from Great Britain,<br />
particularly Napoleonic war veterans,<br />
had been given land in Upper Canada.<br />
To avoid the miseries of immigrant<br />
ships and the journey west from the<br />
St. Lawrence, those who could<br />
afford <strong>to</strong> came by New York,<br />
travelled up the Hudson and<br />
<strong>to</strong>ok the new canal <strong>to</strong> Buffalo.<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Be Ready for Sandal Season<br />
Trendy mani-pedi<br />
colour combos <strong>to</strong><br />
try this <strong>Summer</strong>!<br />
We have the highest<br />
safety pro<strong>to</strong>cols in place!<br />
No appointment needed <strong>to</strong> shop the boutique<br />
Feel free <strong>to</strong> send in pho<strong>to</strong>s showcasing Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />
We stand by our reputation - Over 47 years in business & still growing!<br />
Jim’s<br />
Jim’sCome talk<br />
<strong>The</strong> Benign Impact of Detroit<br />
From there they sailed <strong>to</strong> Detroit, <strong>to</strong><br />
go north on one of the steamers the<br />
enterprising Detroiters had in service.<br />
One of them, General Gratiot, was<br />
described by a girl who made the<br />
passage as the smallest ship she had<br />
ever seen, and so slow that it <strong>to</strong>ok two<br />
stints with a one night s<strong>to</strong>pover <strong>to</strong> reach<br />
Sarnia.<br />
English immigrants soon outnumbered<br />
the French and like them, looked <strong>to</strong><br />
Detroit for transportation, mail, and a<br />
market <strong>to</strong> sell and buy goods. <strong>The</strong> fact<br />
that they bought supplies unobtainable<br />
locally is evident from a bill, still in<br />
existence, made out <strong>to</strong> a Mr. Wheatley<br />
of the Sarnia area. It is dated “Detroit,<br />
April 4, 1839” and it lists tea, coffee,<br />
currants, wine, C.S. soap, yellow soap,<br />
loaf sugar, rice and a jug. <strong>The</strong> bill, paid<br />
for in British currency and converted <strong>to</strong><br />
American dollars, amounted <strong>to</strong> $9.74.<br />
Payment was received “per H. Hyatt<br />
Jas. Malcom.”<br />
From the time of the above transaction<br />
<strong>to</strong> 1860, Detroit’s population multiplied<br />
five times, and its products accordingly.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se were distributed by railways <strong>to</strong><br />
New York and Chicago, but goods could<br />
only be taken north by small, slow ships.<br />
When the waterways filled with ice,<br />
by Jean Elford • from Daytripping Sept-Oct 2008<br />
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transportation between Detroit and<br />
Sarnia relied on a Detroit-based<br />
stagecoach service <strong>to</strong> Port Huron.<br />
Detroiters and Sarnians rejoiced<br />
when, in 1859, the Grand Trunk<br />
Railroad, financed by British interests,<br />
completed its line from Montreal <strong>to</strong><br />
Detroit. <strong>The</strong> rail cars crossed the St.<br />
Clair by ferry from Sarnia <strong>to</strong> Port Huron<br />
and proceeded <strong>to</strong> Detroit <strong>to</strong> connect<br />
with an existing line <strong>to</strong> Chicago.<br />
In 1860, when the Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bridge<br />
across the St. Lawrence opened, the<br />
railway line was extended <strong>to</strong> Portland,<br />
Maine. With Portland being an icefree<br />
port, any place on the railway<br />
could now engage in overseas trade<br />
year ‘round. <strong>The</strong> Sarnia - Port Huron -<br />
Detroit section gave passenger service<br />
for 95 years, but it did not serve<br />
residents along the west side of the<br />
Lake or the River St. Clair. To remedy<br />
this, innovative Detroiters eventually<br />
had a rail line operating along the<br />
waterway from Detroit <strong>to</strong> Port Huron.<br />
Powered by electricity, it made fast<br />
runs between the two cities. Known as<br />
the Rapid, it was a boon <strong>to</strong> Canadians.<br />
With the Rapid, travel between their<br />
communities became easier. For<br />
example, someone from Courtright<br />
could cross the river <strong>to</strong> St. Clair,<br />
Michigan, take the Rapid <strong>to</strong> Port<br />
Huron, and the ferry <strong>to</strong> Sarnia,<br />
in about an hour. That beat<br />
driving a horse over awful<br />
roads for several hours.<br />
While the Rapid operated,<br />
cruise ships were popular. Detroit’s<br />
new Tashmoo started <strong>to</strong> run excursions<br />
in 1900. She called at Sarnia, <strong>to</strong>ok on<br />
church groups, company picnics and<br />
other holiday-makers before crossing<br />
<strong>to</strong> Port Huron for a similar crowd and<br />
heading downriver. Most passengers<br />
disembarked at Algonac and returned<br />
home on the Wauketa in the evening.<br />
When the passenger ships were in<br />
their heyday, enterprising Detroiters<br />
brought forth the au<strong>to</strong>mobile. It<br />
changed transportation all over the<br />
Americas. By the late twenties, cars had<br />
run horses off the streets and, in a few<br />
years, caused the demise of the Rapid<br />
and the cruise ships. But, in Sarnia,<br />
the dependency on gasoline ensured<br />
the success of its largest company -<br />
Imperial Oil.<br />
Thanks <strong>to</strong> the au<strong>to</strong>mobile, Sarnians<br />
can and do drive <strong>to</strong> Detroit for an<br />
evening and cheer for the Tigers, the<br />
Red Wings or the Lions. Others favour<br />
the plays and concerts that a big city<br />
attracts. Many also go <strong>to</strong> the Detroit<br />
Institute of Arts <strong>to</strong> see shows of world<br />
famous works that only a city like<br />
Detroit can present.<br />
In addition <strong>to</strong> these pleasures, it<br />
should be noted that when Sarnians<br />
first got radios, Detroit’s WJR was their<br />
closest and strongest station. <strong>The</strong> same<br />
thing happened with television- at first<br />
the Detroit channels were the only<br />
ones they could get. Again, when they<br />
<strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> the air, they flew out of Willow<br />
Run and still use Detroit’s Metropolitan<br />
Airport.<br />
For the benign impact Detroit has had<br />
on Sarnia for so many years, much is<br />
owed <strong>to</strong> Cadillac, who began it all on<br />
July 24, 1701.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Join us by y<br />
the Lake!<br />
Thank you for voting us<br />
as Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n’s<br />
Favourite Restaurant <strong>2023</strong>!<br />
2713 Old Lakeshore Road, Brights Grove<br />
519-869-2794 • skeeterbarlows.com<br />
P A G E 6<br />
“I’m the king of the world!” -Titanic, 1997<br />
• Authentic ti Hik Hickory Smoked dRi<br />
Ribs<br />
• Genuine Broasted Chicken<br />
• Seafood, Sandwiches, Wraps<br />
Reserve for panoramic views<br />
of Lake Huron from our patio!<br />
• Take Out • Lakeside parks & benches nearby<br />
Most articles in here have been written by people like you.<br />
Recipes<br />
Send Us<br />
Your Recipes!<br />
es<br />
We’ll be bringing you recipes from <strong>Club</strong> contribu<strong>to</strong>rs & from local<br />
fundraising cookbooks we’ve collected over the last quarter of a century.<br />
You’re welcome <strong>to</strong> send your own recipes, or on behalf of an organizaon<br />
that has a new cookbook, & we can help promote those cookbooks for free.<br />
Lemon Blueberry<br />
Muffins<br />
2 1/2 cups flour<br />
1 cup sugar<br />
2 tsp. baking powder<br />
1 tsp. baking soda<br />
Mix dry ingredients from first column and cut in buer. Combine eggs, yogurt<br />
and rind. Add <strong>to</strong> first mixture and sr just unl combined. Fold in blueberries.<br />
Bake in a 400°F oven for 20 minutes. Makes 16 muffins.<br />
Guacamole<br />
1 ripe avocado, peeled & seed removed<br />
1 small ripe <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong><br />
1/4 cup diced red or green pepper<br />
1/4 cup diced jalapeño pepper (if desired)<br />
or hot red pepper flakes<br />
1 clove garlic, minced<br />
Greek Salad<br />
4 large <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es, cut in chunks<br />
2 medium cucumbers, cut in chunks<br />
(or 1 English cucumber)<br />
1/4 lb. feta cheese, crumbled (1 cup)<br />
2 Tbsp. crumbled dried oregano<br />
By: Mrs. McLeod<br />
(from “Millennium Menus”<br />
by Bridgeview Public School<br />
1/2 cup buer or margarine<br />
1 cup yogurt<br />
2 eggs<br />
Grated rind of 1 lemon<br />
1 1/4 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen<br />
By: Mrs. J. McCreery<br />
(Holy Rosary School, Wyoming<br />
50th Anniversary Cookbook)<br />
1 or 2 green onions, diced<br />
Squeeze or two, of lime<br />
or lemon juice<br />
Pinch cumin (oponal)<br />
Salt & pepper <strong>to</strong> taste<br />
Put the above ingredients in<strong>to</strong> a food processor and blend or they may be<br />
mashed with a fork for a chunkier consistency. Serve with <strong>to</strong>rlla chips,<br />
vegetable crudités or spread over fish & bake.<br />
By: Carol Gardiner<br />
(from Wyoming Lioness <strong>Club</strong><br />
30th Anniversary Cookbook)<br />
2 Tbsp. lemon juice<br />
10 black kalamata olives<br />
1 Tbsp. oilve oil<br />
Salt & pepper<br />
In a shallow salad bowl or plaer, combine <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es, cucumbers, cheese,<br />
oregano, lemon juice and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper <strong>to</strong> taste.<br />
Toss gently <strong>to</strong> mix; sprinkle with olives. Serve at room temperature. Makes<br />
6 servings. ADD-INS: Archokes, capers or chopped red onion.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
“Big or Small, JohnnyRemax<br />
Sells T hem All”<br />
John A. McCharles, Broker<br />
Re/Max Sarnia Realty Inc. Brokerage<br />
519-383-4812<br />
johnnyremax@bellnet.ca<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Punny Travel Destinations<br />
I have been in many places, but I’ve never been in Kahoots. Apparently,<br />
you can’t go alone. You have <strong>to</strong> be in Kahoots with someone.<br />
I’ve also never been in Cogni<strong>to</strong>. I hear no one recognizes you there.<br />
I have, however, been in Sane. <strong>The</strong>y don’t have an airport. You have <strong>to</strong><br />
be driven there. I have made several trips there thanks <strong>to</strong> my children,<br />
friends, family and work.<br />
I would like <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> Conclusions, but you have <strong>to</strong> jump, and I’m not <strong>to</strong>o<br />
much on physical activity anymore.<br />
I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place <strong>to</strong> go, and I try not <strong>to</strong> visit<br />
there <strong>to</strong>o often.<br />
I’ve been in Flexible, but only when it was very important <strong>to</strong> stand firm.<br />
Sometimes I’m in Capable. I go there<br />
more often as I’m getting older.<br />
One of my favourite places <strong>to</strong> be is in<br />
Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin<br />
flowing and pumps up the old heart!<br />
At my age I need all the stimuli I can<br />
get!<br />
I may have been in Continent, but I<br />
don’t remember what country I was in.<br />
It’s an age thing. <strong>The</strong>y tell me it is very<br />
wet and damp there.<br />
Fruit Salsa &<br />
Cinnamon Chips<br />
SALSA:<br />
2 qt. strawberries, chopped<br />
2 Granny Smith apples, peeled<br />
and chopped<br />
1 qt. raspberries<br />
CHIPS:<br />
1 pkg. 10 inch <strong>to</strong>rllas<br />
1/2 cup sugar<br />
By: Kori Myers<br />
(from Brigden Fall Fair<br />
Cookbook)<br />
1 qt. blackberries<br />
1 Tbsp. brown sugar<br />
2 Tbsp. favourite fruit preserve<br />
1 tsp. cinnamon<br />
4 cups canola oil<br />
Salsa: Combine fruit in large bowl and sr in brown sugar. Refrigerate for 1 hour<br />
then mix in fruit preserve. Refrigerate unl ready <strong>to</strong> serve.<br />
Chips: Heat canola oil in a small deep pan <strong>to</strong> low/medium seng. Cut <strong>to</strong>rllas<br />
in<strong>to</strong> 6 wedges. Combine sugar and cinnamon in a shaker or small bowl. Once oil<br />
is hot, carefully place wedges in 4-5 at a me (oil should bubble around wedges<br />
if hot enough). Immediately flip wedges in oil and aer a few short seconds<br />
remove (should be light brown in colour). Put wedges in a large bowl and<br />
sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Repeat unl all wedges are done. If wedges come<br />
out <strong>to</strong>o dark, decrease oil temperature or me. Serve with fruit salsa. Enjoy.<br />
Send Your Recipes <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
ca<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “You had me at ‘hello.’” -Jerry Maguire, 1996<br />
P A G E 7
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
JUNE 17 • 9<br />
9am-2pm<br />
Add yours <strong>to</strong> this map https://arcg.is/DKPDm<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
A Great Community Whether You Work or Play Here!<br />
@Mit<strong>to</strong>nVillage<br />
@mit<strong>to</strong>n_village_sarnia<br />
Saturday, August 26<br />
•<br />
Sidewalk Sales •Artis• Artisan Vendors<br />
• Kids K Activities • Food • Music • Prizes<br />
Contact mvcitizenscollective@gmail.com <strong>to</strong> volunteer.<br />
It takes a village!<br />
E-bikes, E-scooters,<br />
E-mobility, E-kick scooters<br />
Since 2014<br />
Sales, Parts<br />
& Service<br />
Life is better<br />
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Don’t forget<br />
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insides!<br />
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154 Mit<strong>to</strong>n Street North, Sarnia | sarniaebikes@gmail.com<br />
• Fashionable designer frames<br />
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• Personal aenon <strong>to</strong> your vision needs<br />
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• Offer direct billing <strong>to</strong> most vision plans<br />
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sunglasses & contact lenses!<br />
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141 Mit<strong>to</strong>n St. South, Sarnia • info@tywc.ca • www.tywc.ca<br />
Your Body Requires Cleansing Too<br />
Fly Fishing By Tammy With,<br />
Wyoming<br />
I’ve been fishing since<br />
the day I was big enough<br />
<strong>to</strong> hold the rod. My father,<br />
an avid fisherman,<br />
<strong>to</strong>wed me around with<br />
him all my childhood in<br />
his little aluminum boat<br />
fishing for bluegill and<br />
panfish. I spent a great<br />
deal of my childhood<br />
riding around Mitchell’s<br />
Bay in my bathing suit<br />
and lifejacket. My father<br />
would throw me overboard with a rope<br />
and I’d float along merrily beside the<br />
boat. But my favourite part was always<br />
being with my dad.<br />
My father is a special kind of<br />
fisherman. He is a fly fishman. Like<br />
most of his kind he has spent many<br />
years teaching himself how <strong>to</strong> cast.<br />
Sometimes he would even practice<br />
casting in our backyard with a cork on<br />
the end and I would pretend <strong>to</strong> be a fish<br />
and grab his line. It was something I<br />
found more amusing than he did, but<br />
it provided me with hours of fun. He<br />
even makes his own flies, something he<br />
has developed quite a talent for over the<br />
years.<br />
I, however, had my own method of fly<br />
fishing as a child.<br />
See, I was a pretty excitable child,<br />
and when I would hook a fish I would<br />
get very excited. So excited I would<br />
pull the fish clear out of the water and<br />
through the air <strong>to</strong> the other side of the<br />
boat. Usually I would flip it back and<br />
forth across the boat a few times before<br />
<strong>to</strong>ssing it in<strong>to</strong> the boat.<br />
On one trip, we came<br />
across a boat full of men<br />
who s<strong>to</strong>pped <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong><br />
my father. <strong>The</strong> men sat<br />
and talked for what felt<br />
like forever, so I decided<br />
<strong>to</strong> put my line back in the<br />
water. After only a few<br />
minutes I had a fish on.<br />
Like any kid, I didn’t care<br />
at all that my father was<br />
busy, and I didn’t care<br />
about what those men<br />
thought of my expert fishing technique.<br />
With a flick of the wrist I had that fish<br />
up in the air and on the other side of the<br />
boat. <strong>The</strong> men let out a roar of laughter.<br />
I didn’t care, I just kept going, flipping<br />
the fish back and forth across the boat.<br />
My poor embarrassed father grabbed<br />
my rod and brought it in, then sent me<br />
back <strong>to</strong> the water. Again, moments later<br />
I hooked another one, and off it flew<br />
through the air like a majestic bird. <strong>The</strong><br />
men could barely contain themselves.<br />
This went on and on. I must have caught<br />
10 fish in the time my father visited<br />
with these men. Each time my father<br />
would come rescue the poor fish and<br />
put it in the live well. We fished all day<br />
like that, until our well was overflowing<br />
with flying fish.<br />
I don’t fish like that anymore, but<br />
I still look forward <strong>to</strong> every summer<br />
when I can sit on a dock and exchange<br />
words with my father. Some of my best<br />
memories are beside the water with<br />
my dad. I think he likes it <strong>to</strong>o, although<br />
I’m sure he’s glad I learned how <strong>to</strong> do it<br />
correctly.<br />
P A G E 8 “Elementary, my dear Watson.” -<strong>The</strong> Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1939
Thank you for continuing <strong>to</strong> shop locally!<br />
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www.soledecisions.com<br />
35 YEARS<br />
For help with comfort,<br />
support, circulation,<br />
fatigue and balance.<br />
303 Davis St, Sarnia • 888-971-6345 Quick Solutions with On-site Lab<br />
’Tis the season <strong>to</strong> be jolly! Don’t<br />
worry, it’s not Christmas time again,<br />
but it is a time filled with people jostling<br />
about, on the hunt for that very special<br />
item at that very special “sale” price. You<br />
know what I mean. Yard sale season!<br />
Myself, I fall somewhere between an<br />
amateur and a well seasoned fanatic in<br />
both buying and selling. I do not like<br />
“early birds” and I am certainly not one<br />
of them, but I do manage <strong>to</strong> make it out<br />
of the house in somewhat decent time. I<br />
do not like <strong>to</strong> leave home without my hot<br />
drink, money (lots of change), route list,<br />
map, snack and hand wipes. Although<br />
I’d prefer <strong>to</strong> work alone so I can move<br />
quickly, I have a small companion who<br />
loves <strong>to</strong> share this quality time with<br />
me and has her own baggage <strong>to</strong> bring:<br />
drink, snack, her “own” money <strong>to</strong> spend<br />
etc. That’s okay by me, I enjoy our time<br />
<strong>to</strong>gether. I know that some day she’ll be<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
Yard Sale Season<br />
by Hollie Langlois • from Daytripping May-June 2010<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
We donate $25 for each reprinted<br />
Daytripping Magazine article.<br />
$3350 donated since Jan. 2021<br />
Miracle Max’s Minions<br />
mortified that I buy people’s used “stuff” walking distance of where I lived, but<br />
and she’ll be <strong>to</strong>o embarrassed <strong>to</strong> be seen that’s when I discovered the Salvation<br />
with me. I know it could happen. I did it Army and Goodwill thrift s<strong>to</strong>res. It was<br />
myself.<br />
like a permanent yard sale with an ever<br />
As a youth in a small <strong>to</strong>wn, I changing assortment of goods. Back then<br />
begrudgingly went along with my mom the prices were rather cheap and you had<br />
<strong>to</strong> her “junk” sales on Saturday mornings. v1.1 LEO <strong>to</strong> go often <strong>to</strong> get the good stuff and beat<br />
She was a single mom trying <strong>to</strong> v1.2 save Forest the competition. Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre Gone were the days of<br />
a few bucks by buying our household v1.3 Heritage feeling self St. conscious Clair about buying used<br />
items second hand. I was a young girl items. I was known <strong>to</strong> drag items big<br />
v1.4 Sarnia Blessings<br />
trying <strong>to</strong> hide so no one I knew would and small on<strong>to</strong> the subway and buses, I<br />
see me, and think we were poor; which, v2.1 Canatara enlisted the Log help Cabin of anyone Res<strong>to</strong>ration I knew with<br />
at the time, we were.<br />
v2.2 Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n a vehicle, and I even Rebound had strangers help<br />
Going <strong>to</strong> college in Toron<strong>to</strong> changed v2.3 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n me carry Shores things down Nature the Trails street. I was<br />
all that. It became not only necessary v2.4 nuSarnia hooked by Foundation the thrill of finding something<br />
but even trendy <strong>to</strong> shop second hand.<br />
v3.1<br />
I<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
I wanted<br />
Wildlife<br />
at a price<br />
Inc.<br />
that I liked.<br />
could only get <strong>to</strong> the yard sales within As an adult I have continued <strong>to</strong><br />
v3.2 United Way of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
<strong>v3.3</strong> Miracle Max’s Minions<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Ideas...<br />
van Goozen Music<br />
Women’s Interval Home<br />
Neighbourlink<br />
For yourself, your kids<br />
River City Vineyard<br />
or grandkids!<br />
Victim Services<br />
CCMF<br />
Habitat<br />
Hospice<br />
STORE & STUDIO • 519-344-2319<br />
115 Mit<strong>to</strong>n Humane Street Society South, Sarnia<br />
Inn of the Good Shepherd<br />
supplement my household income<br />
with shopping Lawrence “cheap.” House I have learned<br />
that I have Kiwanis a knack Animal and Farm an interest<br />
for refinishing Pathways and reinventing used<br />
items that SODA I have found. My yard sale<br />
excursions Noelle’s have Gift improved my map<br />
reading skills, opened my eyes <strong>to</strong> new<br />
Mike Weir Foundation<br />
areas and quaint little shops that I never<br />
knew existed Gallery before, in the and Grove allowed me <strong>to</strong><br />
meet all kinds VPP of different people.<br />
Best of <strong>The</strong>atre all, over Sarnia the years, I have<br />
been able Lamb<strong>to</strong>n acquire Young quite an <strong>The</strong>atre interesting Players<br />
assortment of pieces that give our<br />
Bluewater Trails<br />
home character and personality. That<br />
is something Strangway that you Centre just cannot buy<br />
in a s<strong>to</strong>re. various Each piece city options has a s<strong>to</strong>ry that<br />
you remember, various especially trails if you got a<br />
great deal! Halkovich And when Outdoor the time has Learning come Cen<br />
for change, I simply have my own sale<br />
Parents for Parks<br />
(complete with neat, clean and well<br />
priced items) Petrolia and start Discovery the search for the<br />
next “new” thing.<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trails<br />
donation by e-transfer <strong>to</strong><br />
lsntlindaa@gmail.com<br />
(separate note for security answe<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “It’s alive! It’s alive!” -Frankenstein, 1931<br />
P A G E 9
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Don’t let old age get you down - it’s <strong>to</strong>o hard <strong>to</strong> get back up!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Sexy. Sassy. Spectacular.<br />
For a good time,<br />
call Lola's Lounge!<br />
!<br />
Down<strong>to</strong>wn at 110 CHRISTINA ST.<br />
SARNIA 519.336.8088<br />
We want your<br />
pho<strong>to</strong>s, s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />
& anecdotes<br />
showcasing<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
Send them <strong>to</strong><br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
We also welcome your ideas,<br />
comments or questions.<br />
By Brian A. Keelan, Sarnia<br />
Flowers for Ethyl<br />
Ethyl <strong>to</strong>ld her husband George<br />
that one of the things she<br />
regretted about their 60 years<br />
of marriage was the fact that he<br />
never bought her flowers.<br />
George said, “To tell you the<br />
truth sweetheart, I never knew<br />
you sold flowers.”<br />
Senior dental issues<br />
As they are getting in<strong>to</strong> bed,<br />
80-year-old Archie asks his wife,<br />
“Did you brush your teeth, dear?”<br />
She looks at him and smiles,<br />
“Yes, I did, sweetheart, and just<br />
<strong>to</strong> show what a nice guy I am,<br />
while I was at it, I brushed yours<br />
<strong>to</strong>o.”<br />
Losing it?<br />
Seventy-nine-year-old Syd wakes up one morning and can’t find his hearing<br />
aid. Frustrated because he has <strong>to</strong> buy a new one, Syd goes <strong>to</strong> see his audiologist.<br />
<strong>The</strong> audiologist examines him, sees something in the ear, takes his tweezers<br />
and pulls it out. <strong>The</strong>n he tells Syd, “It’s a supposi<strong>to</strong>ry!”<br />
Syd immediately pulls out his cell phone and calls his wife, “Hey, Ethyl,” he<br />
says, “Guess where I put my hearing aid?”<br />
9AM - 1AM<br />
7 DAYS<br />
A WEEK<br />
1730 London Line, Sarnia ON<br />
at Hiawatha, 519-383-3732<br />
sarnia@gatewaycasinos.ca<br />
10AM - 2AM 7 DAYS A WEEK<br />
2000 Venean Blvd<br />
Point Edward ON<br />
519-383-7770<br />
pointedward@gatewaycasinos.ca<br />
Don’t ask and don’t ever tell<br />
Now that they are retired, Fred and Ethyl are discussing all aspects of their<br />
future. “What will you do if I die before you do?” Fred asks.<br />
After some thought, Ethyl said that she’d probably look for a house-sharing<br />
situation with three other single or widowed women who might be a little<br />
younger than herself since she is so active for her age.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n Ethyl asked Fred, “What will you do if I die first?”<br />
With a lecherous smile, Fred replied, “Probably the same thing.”<br />
Eating crow<br />
While on a road trip, an elderly couple s<strong>to</strong>pped at a roadside restaurant for<br />
lunch. After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant and resumed their trip.<br />
<strong>The</strong> elderly woman unknowingly left her glasses on the table, but she didn’t<br />
miss them until after they had been driving for about twenty minutes. By then,<br />
<strong>to</strong> add <strong>to</strong> the aggravation, they had <strong>to</strong> travel quite a distance before they<br />
could find a place <strong>to</strong> turn around in order <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> the restaurant <strong>to</strong> retrieve<br />
her glasses.<br />
All the way back, the elderly husband became the classic grouchy old man.<br />
He fussed and complained and scolded his wife relentlessly during the entire<br />
return drive. <strong>The</strong> more he chided her, the more agitated he became; he just<br />
wouldn’t let up for even one minute. To her relief, they finally arrived back at<br />
the restaurant.<br />
As the woman got out of the car and hurried inside <strong>to</strong> retrieve her glasses, the<br />
old geezer yelled after her, “While you’re in there, would you mind grabbing<br />
my hat and my credit card?”<br />
Geriatric surgery<br />
Sydney was on the operating table awaiting surgery. His son Melvin, a<br />
renowned cardiac surgeon, would perform the operation.<br />
As he was about <strong>to</strong> get the anesthesia, Sydney asked <strong>to</strong> speak <strong>to</strong> his son.<br />
Sydney says, “Yes, Dad, what is it?”<br />
Sydney said, “Don’t be nervous, my son. Just do your best and remember…<br />
if it doesn’t go well… if by chance something should happen <strong>to</strong> me, your<br />
mother is going <strong>to</strong> come and live with you and your wife... forever!”<br />
Memory loss<br />
Max goes <strong>to</strong> his doc<strong>to</strong>r and tells him, “Doc, I’m having a real problem with<br />
my memory. It’s getting worse every day.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> doc<strong>to</strong>r says, “Max, you’re seventy-five years old. It’s perfectly normal<br />
for a guy your age <strong>to</strong> forget a few things. How long has it been since you first<br />
noticed the problem?”<br />
Max says, “Problem? What problem?”<br />
Brian’s book can be found at Book Keeper in Sarnia<br />
P A G E 10<br />
“I’ll be back.” -<strong>The</strong> Termina<strong>to</strong>r, 1984
Maybe we should s<strong>to</strong>p it with the elderly jokes. <strong>The</strong>y’re getting old.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Welcoming<br />
New Patients<br />
Corunna Pharmasave<br />
Glencoe Pharmasave<br />
• Pharmacist available 24/7 for our paents<br />
• FREE Delivery • FREE Compliance Packs<br />
• $2.00 Co-Pay waived on elegible ODB Prescripons<br />
• 10% discount on otc items every Tuesday & Friday<br />
SARNIA: 206 Maxwell St, 519-337-3215 • CORUNNA: 409 Lyndoch St, 519-862-2020 • GLENCOE: 235 A Main St, 519-287-3225<br />
He was a beautiful, reddish brown<br />
immaculately groomed, very friendly<br />
standard poodle - but he was both blind<br />
and deaf. He was found wandering<br />
along a country road on a very dark,<br />
cold evening, alone.<br />
When the dog catcher <strong>to</strong>ok him <strong>to</strong> a<br />
vet <strong>to</strong> be checked, he was found <strong>to</strong> be in<br />
good health aside from his two physical<br />
handicaps and several skin tumors that<br />
were found on each of his sides but<br />
which were apparently benign.<br />
When the animal control officer<br />
called me back <strong>to</strong> see if I would foster<br />
him, I was more than happy <strong>to</strong> do so,<br />
since I felt strongly that someone out<br />
there must be in a panic looking for their<br />
lost beloved pet.<br />
When I first saw Keller it was love<br />
at first sight. He licked my hand and I<br />
warmly <strong>to</strong>ok his face in<strong>to</strong> my two hands.<br />
What a handsome boy you are, I <strong>to</strong>ld<br />
him, but knowing he could neither hear<br />
nor see, I leaned close <strong>to</strong> his back and<br />
spoke again hoping he might at least feel<br />
the vibration of what I’d said. I wanted<br />
<strong>to</strong> cry, it was so sad, his situation. It was<br />
horrible that he was blind and deaf, but<br />
that he was lost as well was devastating.<br />
As a foster home for many<br />
unwanted pets, Keller (who I named<br />
after the famous Helen Keller) was one<br />
dog I would have loved <strong>to</strong> keep forever<br />
Keller - <strong>The</strong> Mystery Poodle<br />
by B. A. Coleing, Ingersoll • from Daytripping Jan-Feb 2006<br />
because he was so needy of love and<br />
companionship, though<br />
I was also sure that it<br />
would be easy <strong>to</strong> reunite<br />
him with his real owner.<br />
But as time would tell, no<br />
such event happened.<br />
Because he was<br />
so well groomed, I<br />
immediately started<br />
by calling all the dog groomers in my area,<br />
since he had obviously been recently<br />
done. But as strange as it seemed, no<br />
one remembered doing him, and no one<br />
would forget grooming a dog that was<br />
both blind and deaf and as lovely and<br />
friendly as he was. I followed up those<br />
calls by calling grooming establishments<br />
that were further away from London, <strong>to</strong><br />
no avail. Apparently no one was missing<br />
him. I placed an ad in the newspaper,<br />
again <strong>to</strong> no avail. It was a mystery <strong>to</strong> be<br />
sure, a beautiful dog, recently groomed<br />
but owned by no one... how strange it<br />
was.<br />
And each time I <strong>to</strong>ok him for a walk,<br />
he was so good on a leash... another<br />
point that spoke of<br />
being used <strong>to</strong> being<br />
on a leash. He walked<br />
along the sidewalk<br />
with confidence and<br />
ease. If I tightened the lead<br />
he would au<strong>to</strong>matically<br />
slow down or s<strong>to</strong>p. He was so<br />
good <strong>to</strong> walk!<br />
At home he wanted <strong>to</strong><br />
follow me around - I don’t know how he<br />
knew where I was but he seemed <strong>to</strong> be<br />
everywhere I went, always waiting for<br />
my next move. What a dear heart he<br />
was! It was hard <strong>to</strong> believe that his lovely<br />
chocolate brown eyes were sightless.<br />
I just loved him, and even though I<br />
already had three smaller dogs that I<br />
also loved very much, I really did want<br />
<strong>to</strong> keep him! I felt he needed me and I<br />
was more than willing <strong>to</strong> be his eyes and<br />
ears. However, the group I worked with<br />
as a volunteer thought I should try <strong>to</strong><br />
find a good home for him. <strong>The</strong>y felt I had<br />
enough animals <strong>to</strong> take care of already<br />
and that Keller would be a burden for<br />
me. With me, Keller was just one of four<br />
dogs, whereas if I found him a home<br />
of his own where he would be the only<br />
dog, he would receive all the attention,<br />
which could be a perfect match for him.<br />
I really didn’t want <strong>to</strong> agree, but I knew<br />
they were right!<br />
I started the screening process <strong>to</strong><br />
find a new home for Keller. It was a<br />
painful experience, my heart ached at<br />
the thought. Eventually however, I met<br />
a couple who were looking for a dog<br />
for their aged mother. <strong>The</strong>y came over<br />
<strong>to</strong> visit Keller several times and thought<br />
he’d make an excellent pet for their<br />
mother, even with his disabilities. A<br />
friend went with me <strong>to</strong> visit the woman.<br />
And while I had doubts since she<br />
seemed very short-tempered and gruff,<br />
her record with the other animals she<br />
had had was very good, and my friend<br />
thought she could offer Keller a good<br />
home. So this place became Keller’s new<br />
home. But there is still rarely a day goes<br />
by that I don’t wish I’d kept him with<br />
me. He was a precious soul.<br />
I still wonder why the animal control<br />
officer had found him wandering all<br />
alone in the middle of nowhere on that<br />
cold dark evening, and why strangest of<br />
all... no one was looking for him, despite<br />
the fact that he had been recently<br />
groomed. Someone obviously cared<br />
about him - but where were they?<br />
Established in 2010, Shine at Home serves seniors who wish<br />
<strong>to</strong> live in full independence. Since our earliest beginnings we<br />
have learned that with just a little help, people can remain<br />
in their homes for many years safe and free in the<br />
knowledge that a dedicated team is there for them.<br />
Seniors’ Home Independence Network<br />
Life is Better When<br />
You’re Home<br />
Seniors live at home -<br />
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comfortably & happily.<br />
It doesn’t matter how old you are, life is always better<br />
when you’re home. <strong>The</strong>re’s a deep comfort that comes<br />
from being in familiar surroundings, sleeping in your own<br />
bed, and living under a roof that belongs <strong>to</strong> you.<br />
Housekeeping<br />
Companionship<br />
and Care<br />
Call <strong>to</strong>day and find out<br />
how Shine at Home<br />
can help you:<br />
519-336-9898<br />
"All the staff go out of their<br />
way <strong>to</strong> make life easier for our<br />
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definitely recommend Shine at<br />
Home <strong>to</strong> others looking for<br />
excellent care for their elderly<br />
parents"<br />
Heather – Daughter of Client<br />
"<strong>The</strong> lady who does my<br />
housekeeping is so nice and<br />
efficient and always fits in<br />
special requests"<br />
Ruth Ann - Client<br />
shineathome.com<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” -Jaws, 1975<br />
P A G E 11
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
LIST<br />
Sponsored By:<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Thank you, <strong>to</strong> all the advertisers you see throughout the magazine.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>The</strong> DISCOUNT LIST<br />
A list i of o local discountsi<br />
s or offers that benefit n<br />
efi t<br />
people ple e over e acertain a a i<br />
age.<br />
TOWN<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
AGE+<br />
BRIGHTS GROVE Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-869-4224<br />
CORUNNA Corunna Pharmasave 10% OFF Tuesdays & Fridays 65+ 519-862-2020<br />
Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-862-1451<br />
Corunna Foodland 2% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-862-5213<br />
Get It<br />
Done Right<br />
<strong>The</strong> First<br />
Time<br />
• Faucet Installation<br />
• Leak Repairs<br />
• Clogged Drains<br />
• Camera Inspection<br />
• Toilet Replacement<br />
& Installation<br />
• Sump Pump<br />
• Frozen Pipes<br />
• Sewer & Waterline<br />
Replacement<br />
Ask for your<br />
Seniors Discount<br />
Family i<br />
l<br />
Owned e d<br />
& Operated<br />
p and a d Proudly Serving<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n b<br />
t n County u Since 1991<br />
345 Ontario Street, Unit B<br />
SARNIA • 519-337-1545<br />
Cus<strong>to</strong>mPlumbingSarnia.com<br />
Give us a call with<br />
your plumbing questions<br />
or for a free estimate!<br />
FOREST CDS Pharmacy 15% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-786-2104<br />
Forest Naturals & Home Health 10% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 226-520-0054<br />
Forest Pharmasave 15% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-786-5161<br />
Williamson Farms Country S<strong>to</strong>re Various Wednesdays 55+ 226-520-0144<br />
PETROLIA Bargain Shop 20-30% 1st Wednesday of month 60+ 519-882-0057<br />
Country Yarns 15% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> all ages 519-882-8740<br />
Gramma’s Candy S<strong>to</strong>re 5% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-1212<br />
Gray’s Floral Market 50% OFF Fresh & Premade all ages 519-882-1330<br />
Saturdays 2-4pm only<br />
Heidi’s Your Independent Grocer 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-2211<br />
Hogan Pharmacy 20% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-882-1840<br />
M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-4316<br />
McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-882-3678<br />
PT EDWARD Twin Bridge Lighting 15% OFF Mondays 55+ 519-344-3535<br />
SARNIA Bulk Barn 10% OFF Wednesdays 65+ 519-542-6668<br />
Cameron Paint (two locations) 15% OFF Wednesdays 55+ 519-491-9994<br />
Cameron Paint (two locations) 20% OFF 1st Friday of month all ages 519-332-8081<br />
Cus<strong>to</strong>m Plumbing 10% OFF Every day 65+ 519-337-1545<br />
Generation Paint Company 15% OFF Every day 65+ 519-330-4424<br />
Giant Tiger 10% OFF Ist Monday of month 65+ 519-336-0831<br />
Goodwill 25% OFF 2nd Monday of month 55+ 519-541-9273<br />
London Road Pharmacy 20% OFF Thursdays 60+ 519-491-6778<br />
M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-542-8398<br />
McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-336-7096<br />
Michaels 10% OFF Every day 60+ 519-542-3200<br />
Mission Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-337-1614<br />
Don’s Home Renovations 10% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> all ages 226-343-2265<br />
OMG Poutine 15% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-491-5563<br />
Petsmart 10% OFF Grooming on Tuesdays 65+ 519-542-2822<br />
Peavey Mart 20% OFF Last Tuesday of month 55+ 519-542-4091<br />
Pet Valu 10% OFF Last Thursday of month 60+ 519-541-0468<br />
Ren’s Pets 10% OFF Last Wed. of month 60+ 519-333-6606<br />
Rexall Pharmacy 20% OFF Tuesdays 55+ 519-332-5575<br />
Russell Street Home Hardware 20% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 60+ 519-383-0688<br />
Salvation Army Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re 25% OFF 1st Wednesday of month 60+ 519-344-3781<br />
Sarnia Pharmacy 10% OFF Tuesdays and Fridays 65+ 519-337-3215<br />
Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-337-3727<br />
Value Village 30% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-541-0153<br />
STRATHROY M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-245-6355<br />
McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-245-3821<br />
WYOMING SunCoast Natural Health 15% OFF Every day 65+ 226-307-0694<br />
Wyoming Tree Service 10% OFF Every day 65+ 519-845-0847<br />
Call 519-491-1676 or email info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca <strong>to</strong> add one!<br />
Please remember: e<br />
r: <strong>The</strong>se discounts are for reference. eren<br />
en<br />
<strong>The</strong>y may change & may not<br />
apply ply <strong>to</strong> specific c items. S<strong>to</strong>res are not obligated <strong>to</strong> adhere <strong>to</strong> what we’ve printed.<br />
You may also need <strong>to</strong> ask in order <strong>to</strong> get the discount. t Thanks for understanding.<br />
ndin<br />
P A G E<br />
12<br />
“Here’s looking at you, kid.” -Casablanca,1942
As you may have guessed by now, it’s for people 55+<br />
SARNIA<br />
Au<strong>to</strong> Centre<br />
SUMMER!<br />
Be prepared with<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Tires<br />
and a Complete<br />
Oil Change.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
Kern<br />
water<br />
1804 London Line, Sarnia<br />
519-542-4211<br />
kernwater.com<br />
Mon–Fri 9 am–6 pm • Sat 8 am–2 pm<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
U-Fill<br />
Water<br />
Delivery<br />
Service<br />
Reverse<br />
Osmosis<br />
and Alkaline<br />
Owen R. Wyrzykowski<br />
Barristers and Solici<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
Whether you are buying or selling real estate,<br />
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we provide personal service <strong>to</strong> help you<br />
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7966 6<br />
McCleary Line • 519-627-3335<br />
-333<br />
335<br />
35<br />
We all know that staying in your<br />
home, surrounded by your memories,<br />
family, friends and neighbours is where<br />
your loved one wants <strong>to</strong> be. Increasingly<br />
technology is stepping in <strong>to</strong> assist<br />
caregivers in making that happen. We<br />
will review some tried and true legacy<br />
systems that have been doing the job for<br />
years. <strong>The</strong>n I will suggest ways <strong>to</strong> take the<br />
technology <strong>to</strong> another level and point out<br />
the rewards it can deliver. Lastly, we will<br />
look in<strong>to</strong> the future and see what new<br />
and exciting options are on the horizon.<br />
Don’t worry, there are no robots.<br />
Currently we have the emergency<br />
medical alert systems that you are<br />
familiar with. Connected <strong>to</strong> call centres,<br />
these telephone-based systems have<br />
proven their worth. I have <strong>to</strong>o many<br />
s<strong>to</strong>ries <strong>to</strong> tell were these systems worked<br />
flawlessly when called upon. Add fall<br />
moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>to</strong> the basic system and<br />
these systems have been there when<br />
the seniors needed them most. Lifeline,<br />
formerly Philips Lifeline is the best known<br />
A Path <strong>to</strong> Wellness<br />
By Chris Treftlin, Shine at Home, Sarnia<br />
SARNIA<br />
Au<strong>to</strong> Centre<br />
www.tirecraft.comw.ti i<br />
c f<br />
Using Technology <strong>to</strong> Help Mom & Dad Stay at Home<br />
and offers a great program. Lifeline has<br />
added new features that have greatly<br />
enhanced the services they offer. Along<br />
with fall moni<strong>to</strong>ring, there is now a geolocating<br />
option. Branded as GoSafe, it<br />
uses GPS and fall moni<strong>to</strong>ring that allow<br />
caregivers access <strong>to</strong> the location of the<br />
loved one and respond wherever they<br />
may be. It gets better. <strong>The</strong> pendant has<br />
a two-way voice system that allows<br />
for direct communications. Further,<br />
au<strong>to</strong>mated medication reminders and<br />
dispensing has been added by Lifeline.<br />
I believe in medic alert systems<br />
because I have seen them work. So,<br />
let’s take it <strong>to</strong> the next level. Home<br />
based moni<strong>to</strong>ring has been amped up<br />
with the internet. With the addition of<br />
more and more bandwidth, more data<br />
can travel over our internet networks.<br />
More and more web-based devices<br />
have been created <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the home.<br />
Enter the webcam. You have heard of<br />
Zoom meetings made popular by the<br />
pandemic. Well, companies have created<br />
Owen R. Wyrzykowski<br />
519-336-6118<br />
6118<br />
orw@wrlawoffice.ca<br />
722 Lite Street, Point Edward<br />
all-in-one webcams with voice, speakers,<br />
and motion detection. Not just a ring<br />
camera that allows you <strong>to</strong> see the person<br />
at the front door. I have had clients<br />
place cameras in and around the home<br />
in order <strong>to</strong> help them care and moni<strong>to</strong>r<br />
their aging loved one. <strong>The</strong> early iterations<br />
focused on home security. Now, these<br />
systems moni<strong>to</strong>r personal health and<br />
security. With this system in place, AKA a<br />
grandparent cam, a caregiver can access<br />
the home from their smartphone 24/7.<br />
All of these options are excellent and<br />
<strong>to</strong>gether can improve the quality of the<br />
“age in place” senior. So, what’s coming?<br />
<strong>The</strong> “smart<br />
home” is the<br />
newest addition<br />
<strong>to</strong> the evolving<br />
senior technology<br />
scene. And what<br />
is that? <strong>The</strong> best<br />
example of this<br />
is the ubiqui<strong>to</strong>us<br />
Alexa by Amazon.<br />
You have heard<br />
the commercial.<br />
“Alexa, what is the weather?” or “Alexa,<br />
how do I make chocolate chip cookies?”<br />
and “Alexa, turn on the lights.” <strong>The</strong> smart<br />
home has been modified by Amazon <strong>to</strong><br />
accommodate the unique needs of an<br />
aging individual. <strong>The</strong>y have branded it<br />
• Real Estate Purchases & Sales<br />
• Mortgages & Credit Lines<br />
• Wills & Powers of Aorney<br />
• Estate Planning & Administraon<br />
30 Years Experience<br />
Alexa Together. Here is what it looks<br />
like. With a counter <strong>to</strong>p tablet computer<br />
that has been provided by the company,<br />
access <strong>to</strong> all the Alexa functions is there<br />
plus more. Medication reminder, an<br />
appointment calendar, phone and video<br />
calling are all there. Add <strong>to</strong> that a thirdparty<br />
medical alert pendant that has<br />
falls moni<strong>to</strong>ring, voice, and push but<strong>to</strong>n<br />
activation. Now you see the home with<br />
Alexa Together is completely wired <strong>to</strong><br />
assist the senior with independence.<br />
That’s the good news. <strong>The</strong> bad news is<br />
that it is not available in Canada at the<br />
moment.<br />
Now I appreciate<br />
technology. I see<br />
its advantages.<br />
However, nothing is<br />
more important, and<br />
nothing can replace<br />
the personal, face <strong>to</strong><br />
face interaction of<br />
family and friends for<br />
a senior. Technology<br />
can only assist. Use it<br />
wisely.<br />
As with all things tech, the landscape<br />
is ever-changing. I could probably write<br />
another article next month with all of the<br />
new options and devices that have been<br />
created. And as you can see there are no<br />
robots…yet!<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “My precious.” -<strong>The</strong> Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, 2002<br />
P A G E 13
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
New Owners Continue the Tradition<br />
Free seniors day on the Duc d’Orleans II<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
By Cathy Dobson<br />
Anchors away! <strong>The</strong> annual free seniors <strong>to</strong> music and transportation <strong>to</strong> the boat.<br />
cruise aboard the Duc d’Orleans II is After Henderson’s death in 2010,<br />
back this year thanks <strong>to</strong> the hard work local resident Marni Thomas stepped<br />
of local volunteers and the generosity of up <strong>to</strong> voluntarily organize the cruise.<br />
the ship’s new owner.<br />
In 2018, when Thomas ran in<strong>to</strong> health<br />
“It’s a lot of work but it’s an event problems, Yurchuk became involved. At<br />
that is completely unique and, I think, the time, he was executive direc<strong>to</strong>r at<br />
very important,” says Bill Yurchuk who Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach (LEO)<br />
voluntarily chairs the new Sarnia Seniors and didn’t want <strong>to</strong> see a fabulous<br />
Community Organization.<br />
tradition for seniors end.<br />
A free ride on Sarnia’s local cruise “I believe the senior demographic<br />
boat, complete with lunch and live is one of the most overlooked<br />
entertainment, has enriched the lives of groups when it comes <strong>to</strong> social<br />
many thousands of seniors and people activity,” he said. “A trip on the<br />
with disabilities for 45 years.<br />
river is something many seniors<br />
“It’s a nice way <strong>to</strong> give back <strong>to</strong> our may not have the opportunity <strong>to</strong><br />
seniors for bringing their wisdom <strong>to</strong> our enjoy otherwise.”<br />
community,” said Yurchuk.<br />
Yurchuk is now the general<br />
“You should see all the faces that light manager of Wellings of Corunna,<br />
up as they arrive at the dock.”<br />
which offers independent living<br />
<strong>The</strong> long-held Sarnia tradition began for people 55 and older.<br />
in 1978 when the late broadcaster Peter <strong>The</strong> Sarnia Seniors Community<br />
Henderson decided local seniors would Organization was founded as a<br />
enjoy a day of food and fun on the St. non-profit in 2018 specifically <strong>to</strong><br />
Clair River.<br />
hold the annual seniors cruise with<br />
He assembled a large group of support from Wellings, Steeves &<br />
volunteers and donors who chipped in Rozema Group, LEO, and <strong>The</strong> Eye<br />
everything from sandwiches and drinks Guy.<br />
Yurchuk hopes that the organization<br />
will ultimately hold other events for<br />
seniors, but for now the focus is on<br />
cruise day.<br />
While the cruise had <strong>to</strong> be cancelled<br />
for three years during the pandemic,<br />
Scott Turner, the new owner of the Duc<br />
d’Orleans, has graciously agreed <strong>to</strong><br />
provide his boat and crew for the day<br />
this year. Sponsors have stepped up and<br />
Ron Tedball & Friends is returning <strong>to</strong><br />
provide live music.<br />
Do you remember being 19? Neither do we!<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong> credit: Facebook Sarnia Senior Cruise<br />
This year’s cruise is scheduled for<br />
Monday June 26, rain or shine.<br />
Between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., the<br />
Duc will head out on<strong>to</strong> the river<br />
approximately every hour with a new<br />
load of passengers. As many as 1,500<br />
people or more get onboard every<br />
seniors’ cruise day, Yurchuk said.<br />
This year, passengers are responsible<br />
for getting themselves <strong>to</strong> the dock at<br />
Centennial Park. Registration begins<br />
at 8 a.m. on the day of the cruise and<br />
needs <strong>to</strong> be in-person.<br />
“Just come at 8 a.m. and choose<br />
the cruise time you want and get<br />
your ticket,” said Yurchuk. First<br />
come, first served.<br />
Escorting all those people on<br />
and off the boat, as well as feeding<br />
them, requires about 25 volunteers<br />
but the committee never has trouble<br />
finding people <strong>to</strong> help, he added.<br />
“Everyone wants <strong>to</strong> be a part of it.”<br />
And, of course, just as founder<br />
Peter Henderson used <strong>to</strong> say, the<br />
price of admission is just a smile.<br />
For more information,<br />
visit the Sarnia Senior Cruise<br />
page on Facebook, email<br />
SarniaSeniorsCruise@gmail.com or<br />
call Caryn at 519-344-1763 ext. 306<br />
and leave a message with your phone<br />
number.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Register in person at the<br />
Duc D’Orleans II dock,<br />
on the day of the event.<br />
Cost is just a smile!<br />
45 minute cruises run<br />
from 8am <strong>to</strong> 4pm<br />
Rain or Shine<br />
Lunch available on land<br />
11:30am <strong>to</strong> 1:00pm only<br />
Tickets are limited and departure times fill quickly;<br />
Please attend early <strong>to</strong> get your desired departure time.<br />
Monday, June 26, <strong>2023</strong><br />
CALL CARYN 519-344-1763 x306 & LEAVE A MESSAGE<br />
OR EMAIL SarniaSeniorsCruise@gmail.com<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong> by George Rosema<br />
Thank you <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> Eye Guy and <strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> for donating this ad!<br />
P A G E 14<br />
“Hous<strong>to</strong>n, we have a problem.” -Apollo 13, 1995
Putting the “old” back in “Damn, you’re old!”<br />
Bicycles & Bloomers<br />
By Bob McCarthy, Sarnia • from Daytripping July-Aug 2007<br />
Efforts <strong>to</strong> ensure women's equality<br />
are a part of our everyday lives.<br />
However, no example was more<br />
shocking <strong>to</strong> the men of the time<br />
than when women appeared on the<br />
streets dressed in bloomers. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
were great, blossoming bloomers in<br />
bright colours which extended from<br />
waist <strong>to</strong> upper calf. No more of the<br />
lady was able <strong>to</strong> be seen, but this<br />
sudden change from petticoats and<br />
gingham <strong>to</strong> something resembling<br />
men’s pants was more than the<br />
male of the time could stand.<br />
Men gathered on the sidewalks<br />
gaping and confiding disbelief.<br />
When was this? It was the<br />
1890’s and ladies bloomers<br />
were very suited <strong>to</strong> a new<br />
activity for ladies - bicycling.<br />
During the last decade of the<br />
1800’s and the first decade of<br />
the 1900’s, the bicycling craze<br />
swept North America, with<br />
national racing champions<br />
such as Fred Loughead, Angus<br />
MacLeod and Bloss Corey from<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n. <strong>The</strong> bicycle lobby forced<br />
governments <strong>to</strong> build the paved<br />
roads which would later be<br />
needed by au<strong>to</strong>mobiles. By the<br />
early 1890’s, bicycles crowded<br />
the streets and parks. <strong>Club</strong>s<br />
were formed and conducted<br />
regular jaunts between Petrolia,<br />
Sarnia and Brigden.<br />
<strong>The</strong> purchase of a bicycle put you<br />
in<strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>wn gossip and even the<br />
newspaper. So and so had just bought<br />
a CCM, or a Columbia, a Monarch or<br />
an Eclipse. Young and old appeared<br />
on the streets dressed <strong>to</strong> bicycle<br />
<strong>to</strong> work, <strong>to</strong> church or <strong>to</strong> picnic in<br />
the country. You courted your girl<br />
on a bike, and if she wanted <strong>to</strong> be<br />
courted, she had better buy a bike.<br />
<strong>The</strong> bicycle craze and the advent of<br />
bloomers arrived about the same<br />
time. While many men were<br />
shocked <strong>to</strong> see this change<br />
of dress for ladies, some of<br />
the newspapers rejoiced in<br />
the new fad. <strong>The</strong> Petrolia<br />
Advertiser-Topic of the day<br />
<strong>to</strong>ok the side of women who<br />
appeared in bloomers and<br />
addressed itself angrily <strong>to</strong> the<br />
“sanctimonious hypocrites”<br />
and the “rude and ignorant<br />
loafers” who made low<br />
remarks about female<br />
cyclists in bloomers.<br />
<strong>The</strong> bicycle craze was<br />
over in little more than a<br />
generation, waning as the<br />
au<strong>to</strong>mobile became more<br />
available. Bicycles are once<br />
again popular, but will likely<br />
not return <strong>to</strong> the glory days<br />
of more than 100 years ago,<br />
the days before the au<strong>to</strong>mobile<br />
came <strong>to</strong> Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
226-455-9938 | mosqui<strong>to</strong>hero.com<br />
Don’t let mosqui<strong>to</strong>es<br />
take over your yard.<br />
FIRST<br />
VISIT ONLY $34. 95 *<br />
PROMO CODE: DM34<br />
*First visit only $34.95. Plus applicable<br />
taxes. New cus<strong>to</strong>mers only. Must<br />
sign on for full mosqui<strong>to</strong> program.<br />
Valid up <strong>to</strong> 20,000 sq. ft.<br />
Protect your family, friends<br />
& pets from mosqui<strong>to</strong>es!<br />
Powered by<br />
www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />
fi i<br />
i<br />
Your one-s<strong>to</strong>p shop for local supports and<br />
resources, from health care and social support<br />
services <strong>to</strong> local events and transportation.<br />
519-336-3000<br />
Need Assistance Finding the<br />
Resources You Need? Call and<br />
Speak <strong>to</strong> a Community Naviga<strong>to</strong>r.<br />
211 Mental Health Support, Food Services, Financial Assistance 211 211ontario.ca<br />
Age-Friendly Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n List of Supports & Services 519-845-1353 agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />
Bayshore Home Care Solutions Assistance with Housekeeping, Errands & Meal Prep 519-383-6979 bayshore.ca<br />
Canadian Red Cross Grocery Pickup & Transportation Services 519-332-6380 redcross.ca<br />
Care-A-Van Door-<strong>to</strong>-Door Public Transportation - lift equipped vehicles 519-336-3789<br />
Habitat for Humanity Low-Cost Home Reno Services 519-339-7957 habitatsarnia.org<br />
Heart <strong>to</strong> Home Meals Pre-Made Frozen Meal Delivery <strong>to</strong> 60+ 877-404-4246 heart<strong>to</strong>homemeals.ca<br />
Home Instead Memory Care, Meal Prep, Laundry, Pers. Care, 24hr & Overnight 519-704-1471 homeinstead.com/Sarnia<br />
Instacart Delivery from several local s<strong>to</strong>res 888-246-7822 instacart.ca<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach Community & Home Support Services, Volunteerism, Activities 519-845-1353 lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Public Health Individual, Agency and Caregiver help 226-254-8222 lamb<strong>to</strong>npublichealth.ca<br />
Neighbourlink Household Chores, Transportation, Shopping, Companionship 519-336-5465 neighbourlinksarnia.org<br />
Sarnia Blessings Free Meals for Seniors & Vulnerable People 519-402-9093 sarniablessings@outlook.com<br />
Shine at Home Transportation, 24 hr Housekeeping, Shopping, Meal Prep 519-336-9898 shineathome.com<br />
Strangway Community Centre Recreational, Social & Educational Programs & Activities 519-332-0656 strangway@sarnia.ca<br />
Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Order of Nurses (VON) Dementia Programs, Home Nursing, Respite, Much More 519-542-2310 von.ca/en/site/sarnia<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “<strong>The</strong>re’s no crying in baseball!” -A League of <strong>The</strong>ir Own, 1992<br />
P A G E 15
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Upcoming<br />
EVENTS<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
Events are listed d FREE for<br />
non-profit groups<br />
(space<br />
perming).<br />
Laughter is the best medicine - here’s <strong>to</strong> your health.<br />
JUNE <strong>2023</strong><br />
S M T W T F S<br />
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JULY <strong>2023</strong><br />
S M T W T F S<br />
1<br />
2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />
9 10 11 12 13 14 15<br />
16 17 18 19 20 21 22<br />
23 24 25 26 27 28 29<br />
30 31<br />
DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please check ahead if possible.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
daily ongoing Weekly adult activities at Strangway Centre, Sarnia sarnia.ca 332-0330 ext.3131<br />
daily ongoing Euchre, Watford Legion, Mon-Sat, 9am 519-876-2351<br />
daily ongoing Weekly summer programming with LEO 519-845-1353 ext. 301<br />
Mon 1st/3rd June NLCHC Coffee Time, Elders Lodge, Kettle Pt 10am www.nlchc.com<br />
Mon June Indoor Yoga, Camlachie Community Ctr, 9am 519-786-4545 ext. 235<br />
Mon <strong>to</strong> Jul 17 Shuffle up and Deal, ELCC, Watford 1-4pm 519-876-2808<br />
Mon June Low Impact Exercise, Canatara Park 9:30am 519-344-3017 ext. 237<br />
Mon ongoing Open Play Adult Pickleball, ELCC Watford 7pm warwick<strong>to</strong>wnship.ca<br />
Mon ongoing Shuffleboard, Arkona Seniors <strong>Club</strong>, Seniors Hall, 9:30<br />
Mon ongoing Zoom Genealogy meetings, last Mon/month 2-3:30 www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />
Mon June Pepper 1pm Cornhole, 6:30pm Corunna Legion 519-862-1240<br />
Mon ongoing City of Sarnia Sounds of <strong>Summer</strong> Concert Series calendar.sarnia.ca<br />
Tues June Beach Yoga, Ipperwash Beach at 9:30am 519-786-4545 ext. 327<br />
Tues ongoing Euchre, Arkona Seniors <strong>Club</strong>, Seniors Hall, 1pm<br />
Tues ongoing City of Sarnia Sounds of <strong>Summer</strong> Concert Series calendar.sarnia.ca<br />
Wed ongoing Bikes & Fries Under the Bridge, 5:30-7:30pm FB Bikes & Fries Under the Bridge<br />
Wed June Wacky Wednesday, Corunna Legion, all day 519-862-1240<br />
Wed ongoing Farmers’ Market, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Museum, 8-1 www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
Wed ongoing Open Play Adult Pickleball, ELCC Watford, 9:30am warwick<strong>to</strong>wnship.ca<br />
Wed ongoing Caring Quilters of Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Pt Franks Community Ctr, 10-2<br />
Wed ongoing Pickleball, Port Franks Seniors, Pt Franks Comm. Ctr, 7pm FB Port Franks Seniors<br />
Wed ongoing City of Sarnia Sounds of <strong>Summer</strong> Concert Series calendar.sarnia.ca<br />
Thurs June Trail Walking, various Lamb<strong>to</strong>n locations, 10am 519-786-4545 ext. 327<br />
Thurs ongoing Park Nite, Sarnia Street Cruisers, Canatara Park, 5pm FB Sarnia Street Cruisers<br />
Thurs ongoing Cribbage, Corunna Legion, 1pm 519-862-1240<br />
Thurs July-Aug Petrolia Discovery Guided Tours, 10am-4pm www.petroliadiscovery.com<br />
Thurs ongoing City of Sarnia Sounds of <strong>Summer</strong> Concert Series calendar.sarnia.ca<br />
Fri ongoing Pickleball - Port Franks Seniors, Port Franks Comm. Ctr. 7pm FB Port Franks Seniors<br />
Fri ongoing Meat Draw & Karaoke, Grand Bend Legion 7pm 519-238-2120<br />
Fri July-Aug Petrolia Discovery Guided Tours, 10am-4pm www.petroliadiscovery.com<br />
Fri June Low Impact Exercise, Canatara Park 9:30am 519-344-3017 ext. 237<br />
Fri June NLCHC Coffee Time, 9:30 am Forest www.nlchc.com<br />
Fri June NLCHC Coffee Time, 9am Orchard view Apt, Arkona www.nlchc.com<br />
Fri ongoing Open Play Adult Pickleball, ELCC Watford, 7pm 519-876-2808<br />
Fri (1st) ongoing Sarnia First Friday, down<strong>to</strong>wn multi-cultural walkabout FB Sarnia First Friday<br />
Sat ongoing Meat Raffle, Forest Legion, 4pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />
Sat June <strong>to</strong> Aug Petrolia Discovery Guided Tours, 10am-4pm www.petroliadiscovery.com<br />
Sun June <strong>to</strong> Aug Petrolia Discovery Guided Tours, 10am-4pm www.petroliadiscovery.com<br />
Sun (4th) June Sarnia Stamp <strong>Club</strong> Meetings, Grace United, 2pm www.sarniastampclub.ca<br />
ongoing online Nnigiiwemin/We are going home exhibit (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Agricultural Hall of Fame (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online Lamb<strong>to</strong>n at War (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online Shine: Spotlight on Women of Lamb<strong>to</strong>n www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online <strong>The</strong> Farmerettes (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
Jun29-Sep 2 L Shores North Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Quilter’s Guild Quilt Show www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
Jun10-Jul 8 Br Grove Ron Broda and Taylor Broda www.galleryinthegrove.com<br />
July 15-29 Br Grove Off Your Wall Fundraiser www.galleryinthegrove.com<br />
Sept 9-Oct 28 Br Grove CANSCAP in the Grove: <strong>The</strong> Art of Picture books www.galleryinthegrove.com<br />
JUNE <strong>2023</strong><br />
6-25 Petrolia “Where the Heart Is” at VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />
9 Sarnia Food Truck Festival at Gateway Casino Sarnia www.sarnia.gatewaycasinos.com<br />
9 Wyoming Lunch & Cards, Model Lodge of Oddfellows, Noon 519-845-3146<br />
9 P-Wyoming Al<strong>to</strong>n Farms 10 Years Celebrations www.al<strong>to</strong>nfarmsestatewinery.com<br />
9 Forest Fish Fry, Forest Legion, 5-7pm Tickets required forestlegion.ca 519-786-5357<br />
10 Sarnia Used Book Sale for Rajyon, Grace United Church 9-2 519-312-6745<br />
10 Sarnia Adoption Event, Caregivers Petrolia Ferals, Pet Valu petroliaferals@gmail.com<br />
JUNE <strong>2023</strong> Cont’d<br />
10 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Town Wide Yard Sales<br />
10 Petrolia First Baptist Church, Ladies Day Event. Pre-register fbcpetrolia@gmail.com OR FB<br />
10 Petrolia BBQ, Petrolia Legion FB Royal Canadian Legion Br 216 882-1557<br />
10 L Shores Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Gallery Re-Opening Celebration, 11-4 www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
10 Port Franks Mexican Fiesta, Pt Franks Seniors, Comm. Ctr, 6p FB Port Franks Seniors 243-1797<br />
11 Sarnia Redfern Psychic & Wellness Fair at RCNA, 10-4 FB Sarnia Psychic & Wellness Fair<br />
11 Wyoming Decoration Day, Wyoming Public Cemetery, 2pm 519-845-3939<br />
11 Sarnia Decoration Day, Lakeview Cemetery, 12:30pm www.sarnialegion.com<br />
11 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Summer</strong> Sundays in the Park, Jacklyn Wills & Missy Burgess brookealvins<strong>to</strong>n.com<br />
12 Corunna Sunflower Wreath Making, Corunna Legion, 7pm 519-862-1240<br />
13 Online Geneology by Google, LC Branch of Ontario Ances<strong>to</strong>rs www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />
13 Sarnia LSW Prostate Cancer Support Group, Kiwanis Ctr, 7pm 519-365-1599<br />
14 Sarnia Age-Friendly Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Expo www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />
14 Petrolia Seniors Picnic, Petrolia Lions <strong>Club</strong> FB Petrolia Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />
15 Pt Edward Surf Inn Turf, Sunbridge Hotel, Call for tickets 519-344-1746 ext. 337<br />
16 Forest Kiwanis Strawberry Social, Forest Legion, 4-7pm sally.a.hoskin@gmail.com<br />
16 Moore<strong>to</strong>wn SODA Golf Tournament, St. Clair Pkwy, 11:30am sarniaorgandonors@gmail.com<br />
16 Sarnia Tom Green, Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre http://imperialtheatre.net<br />
16-18 Sarnia Sarnia Kinsmen Ribfest, Centennial Park FB Sarnia Kinsmen Ribfest<br />
16-18 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Pro Rodeo www.alvins<strong>to</strong>nprorodeo.com<br />
17-18 Aamjiwnaang 60th Annual Aamjiwnaang Pow Wow, Bear Park www.aamjiwnaang.ca<br />
17 Corunna Pub Night, Corunna Legion, 6-9pm Mark Blayney 519-862-1240<br />
17 Port Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Car Show at Brander Park, 8am-8pm FB Sombra Township Optimist <strong>Club</strong><br />
17 Petrolia Antique & Unique Sale, Petrolia Discovery, 9-2 petroliadiscovery@outlook.com<br />
17 Wyoming Legion Poker Run, Bluewater HOG, Wyo Legion, 9am FB Bluewater Chapter of HOG<br />
17 Wyoming Town Wide Yard Sales 519-845-3939<br />
17 Sarnia Mit<strong>to</strong>n Village Yard Sale FB Mit<strong>to</strong>n Village Citizens Collective<br />
17 Brights Grove Dog Festival, Fox and Hound Canine Retreat, 10-4 FB DOG FESTIVAL CB Homes...<br />
18 Petrolia Father’s Day Breakfast & Discovery Car Show FB Petrolia Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />
18 Petrolia Petrolia Legion, Breakfast 519-882-1557 or see Facebook<br />
21 Petrolia Petrolia Legion, Country & Soft Rock Jamboree 519-882-1557 or see Facebook<br />
22-24 Sarnia Bluewater Borderfest, Centennial Park www.bluewaterborderfest.ca<br />
22 Pt Edward Canada Day Celebrations, 4-8pm, Waterfront Park villageofpointedward.com<br />
22 Camlachie Gift Card Bingo, Huron Shores Optimists, Community Ctr 6:30 519-384-8110<br />
23 Sarnia Sarnia Legion, A Little Bit Country Dinner & Dance www.sarnialegion.com<br />
23 Wyoming Lunch & Cards, Starlight Rebekah Lodge, Noon 519-845-3146<br />
23-25 Watford 150th Anniversary Celebrations www.watford150.com<br />
Watford 150th Anniversary - JUNE 23, 24 & 25<br />
Food & Beer Garden • Antique Car & Trac<strong>to</strong>r Show • Art in the Park<br />
Ball Hockey & Corn Hole Tournaments • Community Market<br />
His<strong>to</strong>rical Tours • Fireman’s Breakfast • Strawberry Social<br />
• Contests • Outdoor Concert Series • Street Performers & more!<br />
For more details visit: www.watford150.com<br />
24-25 Inwood 150th Anniversary Celebrations FB Inwood 150th Celebration 519-844-2433<br />
24 Watford Horticultural Society Strawberry Social, 12:30-2:30pm 519-636-1161 or 876-2519<br />
Send Your Events in for Free Text Listing or Display Ad <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
P A G E 16<br />
“Love means never having <strong>to</strong> say you’re sorry.” -Love S<strong>to</strong>ry, 1970
<strong>The</strong>re’s no cost for non-profit groups and advertisers <strong>to</strong> submit events!<br />
Upcoming<br />
EVENTS<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
Events are listed d FREE for<br />
non-profit groups<br />
(space<br />
perming).<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
AUGUST <strong>2023</strong><br />
S M T W T F S<br />
1 2 3 4 5<br />
6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
27 28 29 30 31<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
SEPT <strong>2023</strong><br />
S M T W T F S<br />
1 2<br />
3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />
10 11 12 13 14 15 16<br />
17 18 19 20 21 22 23<br />
24 25 26 27 28 29 30<br />
DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please check ahead if possible.<br />
JUNE <strong>2023</strong> Cont’d<br />
24 Watford Hamburger & Hotdog fundraiser, Watford Legion, 11am-1pm 519-876-2808<br />
24 Brights Grove BG Optimists, Canada Day in the Grove FB Bright’s Grove Optimist <strong>Club</strong><br />
24 Forest Forest Legion, Double Meat Raffle BBQ 3pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />
24 Petrolia Petrolia Lions <strong>Club</strong>, LobsterFest FB Petrolia Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />
24 Grand Bend Beachfest <strong>2023</strong>, Main Beach FB Beachfest <strong>2023</strong><br />
25 Sarnia Cruise in the Park Car Show & Concert, Canatara Park sarniastreetmachines.com<br />
25 Wyoming Ride with Pride Bike & Road Safety Day, McKay Park FB Ride with Pride<br />
25 Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Concert Band “Canadiana” Sarnia Library, 2:30 lamb<strong>to</strong>nconcertband.com<br />
26 Sarnia Sarnia Seniors Cruise on Duc D’Orleans II 519-344-1763 ext. 306<br />
26 online Drop In and Chat, LC Branch of Ontario Ances<strong>to</strong>rs www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />
29-July1 Grand Bend NLQG Quilt Show Opening Weekend www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
JULY <strong>2023</strong><br />
1 Petrolia Canada Day Celebrations, Greenwood Park www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />
1 Wyoming Canada Day Celebrations, Fairgrounds FB P-W Special Events Committee<br />
1 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Canada Day Celebrations www.brookealvins<strong>to</strong>n.com<br />
2 Moore<strong>to</strong>wn Model Train Event, Moore Museum, 1-4pm www.mooremuseum.ca<br />
2 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Car Show, Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Legion FB Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Legion, Br. 249<br />
4-23 Petrolia “Yesterday Once More: 1973” www.thevpp.ca<br />
7-8 Petrolia Art in the Park, Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Park www.artintheparkpetrolia.ca<br />
th, 11am-7pm • Sat. a<br />
July 8 8th, 9am-5pm<br />
p<br />
In<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ric Down<strong>to</strong>wn Petrolia at Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Park<br />
~ Over 50 Artists & Artisans! ~<br />
Watercolour, oil & acrylic painting, metalwork, pottery,<br />
woodworking, fabric art, pho<strong>to</strong>graphy, jewellery,<br />
glasswork, soaps, candles, beadwork, clothing & more!<br />
www.artintheparkpetrolia.com 519-381-3558<br />
Live<br />
Music<br />
in the<br />
Bandshell<br />
FREE<br />
7-9 Sombra Sombra Days, 2-Pitch, family activities, entertainment FB Sombra Sports and Rec<br />
8 Sarnia R.O.C.K Ride <strong>2023</strong>, Precision Power Sports, 8:15am reg. www.rockride.com<br />
8 Petrolia Barn Dance, Farmers’ Market, 6:30-11, w/Scott Manery www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />
9 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Summer</strong> Sundays in the Park, Bill Knapp & Band, 1-4 brookealvins<strong>to</strong>n.com<br />
9 Grand Bend <strong>Summer</strong> Sunset Sounds, Shewolves of London at 7pm summersunsetsounds.ca<br />
14-15 Brights Grove Brights Grove Music Fest, Kenwick on the Lake FB BGMusicFest<br />
15 Corunna Corunna Legion Cornhole Tournament 519-862-1240 or FB<br />
16 Sarnia Charity Car/Bike Show and Shine, Moose Lodge FB Sarnia Moose Lodge<br />
16 Grand Bend <strong>Summer</strong> Sunset Sounds, Stacey Kay at 7pm www.summersunsetsounds.ca<br />
18 Port Franks Euchre Rama, Pt Franks Seniors, Community Ctr, 9am FB Port Franks Seniors<br />
21-22 Sarnia/Pt Edward Revelree Music Festival - Canatara Park www.revelreemusicfestival.com<br />
22 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Summer</strong> Market, BAICC, 10am FB <strong>Summer</strong> Market in Alvins<strong>to</strong>n<br />
23 Grand Bend <strong>Summer</strong> Sunset Sounds, Mudmen & Brothers Wilde summersunsetsounds.ca<br />
27 Camlachie Gift Card Bingo, Huron Shores Optimist, Comm. Ctr 6:30 519-384-8110<br />
30 Grand Bend <strong>Summer</strong> Sunset Sounds, Long Range Hustle, Matt Zaddy summersunsetsounds.ca<br />
AUGUST <strong>2023</strong><br />
2 Sarnia Charity Take Over for United Way, Refined Fool www.theunitedway.on.ca<br />
3 Point Edward Sarnia Street Machines: Hot Nights, Cool Cars www.sarniastreetmachines.com<br />
4 Corunna Captain Kidd Days FB Captain Kidd Days<br />
4-6 Port Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Gala Days, MacDonald Park FB Port Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Gala Days<br />
6 Brights Grove Bluewater International Granfondo https://bigf.ca<br />
8-27 Petrolia “Jonas & Barry In <strong>The</strong> Home” at VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />
AUG 8 - 27 ~ “JONAS & BARRY in the HOME”<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
1.800.717.7694 • www.thevpp.ca<br />
11-13 Sarnia Aviation Rally for Pathways Health Ctr. at C.H. Airport 330-9427, 312-7051 or FB<br />
11-13 Forest Western Ontario Steam Threshers Show, Fairgrounds www.steamthresher.com<br />
12 Sarnia Shop the Shoreline, Centennial Pk, for Sarnia Kinsmen FB Shop the Shoreline<br />
13 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Anniversary Celebrations, Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Legion & Ladies Aux. FB Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Legion<br />
13 Grand Bend <strong>Summer</strong> Sunset Sounds, <strong>The</strong> Mackenzie Blues Band summersunsetsounds.ca<br />
17 Pt Edward Chamber of Commerce Charity Comedy Show/Silent Auc. 519-336-2400<br />
19 Sarnia It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere, Alzheimer Society S-L events@alzheimersarnia.ca<br />
20 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Summer</strong> Sundays in the Park, 1-4pm, Gazebo Park brookealvins<strong>to</strong>n.com<br />
20 Grand Bend <strong>Summer</strong> Sunset Sounds, Maggie’s Wake, <strong>The</strong> Wanted summersunsetsounds.ca<br />
24 Camlachie Gift Card Bingo, Huron Shores Optimists, Community Ctr, 6:30 519-384-8110<br />
26 Petrolia 2nd Annual Fibre Arts Festival, Petrolia Lions <strong>Club</strong> Hall lcfibrefest@gmail.com<br />
27 Forest Forest Legion - Elimination Draw $20 www.forestlegion.ca<br />
27 Grand Bend <strong>Summer</strong> Sunset Sounds, Lyndon John X, Classy Wrecks summersunsetsounds.ca<br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
2 Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Plowing Match 519-828-3311 or FB<br />
5-24 Petrolia “Kitchen Lef<strong>to</strong>vers” at VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />
7 Sarnia Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament 519- 336-2400<br />
8 Sarnia Block Party <strong>2023</strong>, Agora Stage, Centennial Pk 519-328-9443 or revelree.ca<br />
8-10 Petrolia Fall Fair www.petroliafair.ca<br />
9 Brigden Ploughman’s Party, Brigden Fairgrounds www.brigdenfair.ca<br />
9 Sarnia United Way Classic Car Show by Enbridge, WO Research Pk theunitedway.on.ca<br />
12 Sarnia LSW Prostate Cancer Support Group, Kiwanis Ctr, 7pm 519-365-1599<br />
15-17 Wyoming Fall Fair www.plymp<strong>to</strong>n-wyomingfair.com<br />
16 Petrolia Farm <strong>to</strong> Table Harvestfest, Farmers’ Market, 4-9 www.visitpetrolia.ca<br />
17 Moore<strong>to</strong>wn Downriver Craft & Gift Sale, Moore Museum, 10-4 www.mooremuseum.ca<br />
Get an<br />
early start<br />
on holiday<br />
shopping!<br />
AUGUST <strong>2023</strong> Cont’d<br />
At MOORE MUSEUM • 94 Moore Line, Moore<strong>to</strong>wn<br />
25 minutes south of Sarnia • 519-867-2020<br />
www.mooremuseum.ca<br />
Sunday, September 17th, 10 am - 4 pm<br />
Over 100 tables<br />
Something for<br />
everyone.<br />
~FOOD BOOTH~<br />
Adults $2.00<br />
Children under 13<br />
FREE with adult<br />
19 Port Franks Euchre Rama, Pt Franks Seniors, Community Ctr, 9am FB Port Franks Seniors<br />
19 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Cty United Way Day of Caring, throughout Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n www.theunitedway.on.ca<br />
22-23 Forest Fall Fair www.theforestfair.ca<br />
23 Corunna Corunna 200 Down<strong>to</strong>wn Street Festival, 10-3 www.corunna<strong>2023</strong>.com<br />
23 Sarnia Trail & Ale for Rayjon, Blackwell Trails Park, 10am FB Rayjon Share Care<br />
28 Camlachie Gift Card Bingo, Huron Shores Optimists, Community Ctr 6:30 519-384-8110<br />
29-Oct 1 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Fall Fair www.alvins<strong>to</strong>nfair.com<br />
OCTOBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
6-9 Brigden Fall Fair www.brigdenfair.ca<br />
7 Forest Forest Legion, Thanksgiving Turkey & Ham Raffle 3pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />
10-29 Petrolia “Camelot” at VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />
14 Corunna Gwetaandaawe Market 519-336-8410 or FB<br />
26 Camlachie Gift Card Bingo, Huron Shores Optimists, Community Ctr 6:30 519-384-8110<br />
for FREE TEXT LISTING in Oct-Dec Issue<br />
Include locaon, date,<br />
name of the event,<br />
website or contact number.<br />
Send <strong>to</strong>:<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “You can’t handle the truth!” -A Few Good Men, 1992<br />
P A G E 17
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Visit Sarnia’s Best Lile<br />
Family Shoe S<strong>to</strong>re Today!<br />
565 Murphy Rd • 519-383-0588 • shoeboxsarnia.ca<br />
Lend a hand <strong>to</strong> a local organization... see the list below for ideas.<br />
As the world fights <strong>to</strong> figure everything out, I’ll be holding doors<br />
for strangers, letting people cut in front of me in traffic, saying<br />
good morning, keeping babies entertained in grocery lines,<br />
s<strong>to</strong>pping <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> someone who is lonely, being patient with<br />
sales clerks, smiling at passersby.<br />
WHY?<br />
Because I will not stand idly by and live in a world where love is<br />
invisible. Join me in showing kindness, understanding, and<br />
judging less. Be kind <strong>to</strong> a stranger, give grace <strong>to</strong> friends who are<br />
having a bad day, be forgiving of yourself - <strong>to</strong>day and every day.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
BE the change, BE the light,<br />
start <strong>to</strong>day and never s<strong>to</strong>p.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>The</strong> Giving List<br />
<strong>The</strong>se listings in<br />
are for reference eren<br />
en<br />
only. Please contact the organization i<br />
on for details.<br />
O<br />
A<br />
N<br />
Z<br />
AT<br />
IO<br />
ON<br />
N T<br />
E<br />
ER<br />
PO<br />
O<br />
OR<br />
T<br />
U<br />
N TY<br />
T<br />
Author Unknown<br />
Many of us have time <strong>to</strong><br />
give, consider n being a<br />
volunteer! l<br />
t<br />
r Here’s e’<br />
s a list s of<br />
opportunities po<br />
t<br />
ies <strong>to</strong> give back<br />
k<br />
<strong>to</strong> our community.<br />
mu i<br />
Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Rebound Program & Special Event Volunteers, Cinderella Project Volunteer Committee 519-344-2841 ext. 101<br />
Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Order of Nurses Visi<strong>to</strong>r, Footcare Clinic Assistant, Bingo, Adult Day Program, In-Home Exercise 519-542-2310 ext. 4267<br />
LC Long-Term Care Living Various opportunities from Coffee Program <strong>to</strong> organist/pianist <strong>to</strong> dining companions lamb<strong>to</strong>ncares.ca/volunteer<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach Reception, Transportation, Friendly Visiting, Meals on Wheels, Diner’s <strong>Club</strong>, Forever Fitness 519-845-1353<br />
Alzheimer Society of S-L Program, Event and Bingo Volunteers 519-332-4444<br />
Habitat for Humanity Handyman Assistant, Build Volunteer, ReS<strong>to</strong>re: Sales Floor Support, Cashier 519-339-7957<br />
St. Joseph’s Hospice S-L Residence Reception, Volunteers for Kitchen, Grocery Shopping, Direct Support, and more 519-337-0537 stjosephshospice.ca<br />
Literacy Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Volunteer opportunities in the Adult or Family Literacy Programs, Special Events, and more literacylamb<strong>to</strong>n.org/volunteer/<br />
Noelle’s Gift <strong>to</strong> Children Bingo & Event Volunteers: online registration at www.noellesgift.ca under volunteer tab www.noellesgift.ca<br />
Bluewater Health Patient Care Assistant, Help Program, Reception 519-464-4400 ext. 5406<br />
United Way of S-L Bingos, and Thank You Community Volunteers theunitedway.on.ca or 519-336-5452<br />
P-W His<strong>to</strong>rical Society Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming His<strong>to</strong>rical Society (positions on the Board) and at Museum (in Camlachie) sueewright53@gmail.com<br />
Canadian Red Cross Meals on Wheels (Sarnia, Bright’s Grove, Pt Edward), Transportation in- and out-of-<strong>to</strong>wn www.redcross.ca (volunteer tab)<br />
Family Counselling Centre Provide support <strong>to</strong> local older adults through Tel-Check and Distress Line programs.. 519-336-0120 ext. 251<br />
Sarnia Humane Society Several volunteer opportunities. Non-clumping cat litter, <strong>to</strong>wels and small fleece blankets, etc. www.sarniahumanesociety.com<br />
River City Vineyard Donation of food, extra clothing, valuables, and small household items <strong>to</strong> foodbank and shelter 519-383-8463(VINE)<br />
Petrolia Food Bank Monetary and food donations <strong>to</strong> food bank (please check expiry dates) 519-882-3950<br />
Inn of the Good Shepherd Clothing, linens & bedding, food items. Volunteer opportunities available. 519-344-1746<br />
Women’s Interval Home New unused items only will be accepted <strong>to</strong> shelter: hygiene items, clothing, gift cards, etc. kyla@womensintervalhome.com<br />
Petrolia Comm. Refrigera<strong>to</strong>r Any type of food items, personal items and monetary donations 519-882-1390<br />
Willing Hands Yarn <strong>Club</strong> Donations of yarn used for scarves, hats, blankets, etc. distributed locally and nationally. 519-336-8088 biskit@sympatico.ca<br />
United Way of S-L Funding over 30 local programs/services that assist people in or near poverty. theunitedway.on.ca or 519-336-5452<br />
P A G E 18<br />
“A martini. Shaken, not stirred.” -Goldfinger, 1964
Many of the articles are from the archives of Daytripping Magazine.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Scan QR code<br />
<strong>to</strong> register!<br />
Aqua Fitness & Water <strong>The</strong>rapy Classes<br />
5 DAYS A WEEK<br />
Seniors (60+)<br />
rate $7 per class<br />
Discounted Senior<br />
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Get Your<br />
Very Own<br />
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by Email<br />
Weekly!<br />
ALSO... Yoga • Spin • Mat Pilates • Guns & Buns<br />
1166 Emily Street, Moore<strong>to</strong>wn • 519-867-2651<br />
www.stclair<strong>to</strong>wnshipcommunityservices.ca<br />
A young man learns what’s most<br />
important in life from the guy next door.<br />
It had been some time since Jack had<br />
seen the old man. College, girls, career,<br />
and life itself got in the way. In fact,<br />
Jack moved clear across the country in<br />
pursuit of his dreams. <strong>The</strong>re, in the rush<br />
of his busy life, Jack had little time <strong>to</strong><br />
think about the past and often no time<br />
<strong>to</strong> spend with his wife and son. He was<br />
working on his future, and nothing could<br />
s<strong>to</strong>p him.<br />
Over the phone, his mother <strong>to</strong>ld him,<br />
“Mr. Belser died last night. <strong>The</strong> funeral is<br />
Wednesday.” Memories flashed through<br />
his mind like an old newsreel as he sat<br />
quietly remembering his childhood<br />
days.<br />
“Jack, did you hear me?”<br />
“Oh, sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you.<br />
It’s been so long since I thought of him.<br />
I’m sorry, but I honestly thought he died<br />
years ago,” Jack said.<br />
“Well, he didn’t forget you. Every time<br />
I saw him he’d ask how you were doing.<br />
He’d reminisce about the many days<br />
you spent over ‘his side of the fence’ as<br />
he put it,” Mom <strong>to</strong>ld him.<br />
“I loved that old house he lived in,”<br />
Jack said.<br />
“You know, Jack, after your father<br />
died, Mr. Belser stepped in <strong>to</strong> make<br />
sure you had a man’s influence in your<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
IN-BOX<br />
Send the good stuff <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
E-Mail<br />
life,” she said.<br />
“He’s the one who taught me<br />
carpentry,” he said. “I wouldn’t be in<br />
this business if it weren’t for him. He<br />
spent a lot of time teaching me things<br />
he thought were important... Mom, I’ll<br />
be there for the funeral,” Jack said.<br />
As busy as he was, he kept his<br />
word. Jack caught the next flight <strong>to</strong> his<br />
home<strong>to</strong>wn.<br />
Mr. Belser’s funeral was small and<br />
uneventful. He had no children of his<br />
own, and most of his relatives had<br />
passed away.<br />
<strong>The</strong> night before he had <strong>to</strong><br />
return home, Jack and his Mom<br />
s<strong>to</strong>pped by <strong>to</strong> see the old house<br />
next door one more time.<br />
Standing in the doorway, Jack<br />
paused for a moment. It was<br />
like crossing over in<strong>to</strong> another<br />
dimension, a leap through<br />
space and time.<br />
<strong>The</strong> house was exactly as he<br />
What Do You Value Most?<br />
remembered. Every step held memories.<br />
Every picture, every piece of furniture....<br />
Jack s<strong>to</strong>pped suddenly.<br />
“What’s wrong, Jack?” his Mom asked.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> box is gone,” he said.<br />
“What box? “ Mom asked.<br />
“<strong>The</strong>re was a small gold box that he<br />
kept locked on <strong>to</strong>p of his desk. I must<br />
have asked him a thousand times what<br />
was inside. All he’d ever tell me was ‘the<br />
thing I value most," Jack said.<br />
It was gone. Everything about the house<br />
was exactly how Jack remembered it,<br />
except for the box. He figured someone<br />
from the Belser family had taken it.<br />
“Now I’ll never know what was so<br />
valuable <strong>to</strong> him,” Jack said. “I better<br />
get some sleep. I have an early flight<br />
home, Mom.”<br />
It had been about two<br />
weeks since Mr. Belser<br />
died. Returning home<br />
from work one day Jack<br />
discovered a note in his mailbox. <strong>The</strong><br />
small box was old and looked like it had<br />
been mailed a hundred years ago. <strong>The</strong><br />
handwriting was difficult <strong>to</strong> read, but<br />
the return address caught his attention.<br />
“Mr. Harold Belser” it read. Jack ripped<br />
open the package. <strong>The</strong>re inside was the<br />
gold box and an envelope.<br />
Jack’s hands shook as he read the<br />
note inside.<br />
“Upon my death, please forward this<br />
box and its contents <strong>to</strong> Jack Bennett.<br />
It’s the thing I valued most in my life.”<br />
A small key was taped <strong>to</strong> the letter.<br />
His heart racing, tears filling his eyes,<br />
Jack carefully unlocked the box. <strong>The</strong>re<br />
inside he found a beautiful gold pocket<br />
watch.<br />
Running his fingers slowly over the<br />
finely etched casing, he unlatched the<br />
cover.<br />
Inside he found these words engraved:<br />
“Jack, Thanks for your time! -Harold<br />
Belser.”<br />
“<strong>The</strong> thing he valued most... was...<br />
my time.”<br />
Jack held the watch for a few minutes,<br />
then called his office and cleared his<br />
appointments for the next two days.<br />
“Why?” Janet, his assistant asked.<br />
“I need some time <strong>to</strong> spend with my<br />
son,” he said.<br />
“Oh, by the way, Janet... thanks for<br />
your time!”<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” -Apocalypse Now, 1979 P A G E 19
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
We’re living life <strong>to</strong> the fullest (until about 9 pm).<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
FOLLOW US!<br />
To find (and post) current events<br />
& community information, please<br />
follow our Facebook page.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
All Inclusive Suites & Apartments with kitchenettes.<br />
Call for a personal <strong>to</strong>ur.<br />
WALLACEBURG • 519-627-9292<br />
Sweet and juicy Ontario grown peaches are<br />
widely available during the summer months.<br />
Once again, we count our fruit-filled Ontario<br />
grown blessings! We’re sharing some<br />
peachy-keen recipes, from our home <strong>to</strong> yours.<br />
Peach “Butter ”<br />
It isn’t butter, but it resembles its texture. It’s amazing on pancakes, <strong>to</strong>ast & muffins.<br />
4 large peaches, sliced<br />
1/4 cup orange juice<br />
3/4 cup sugar<br />
Patties with Peach Sauce<br />
PATTIES:<br />
1 1/2 lbs. lean ground meat<br />
(chicken, beef, veal,<br />
pork or any combination<br />
of these meats)<br />
1 onion, finely chopped<br />
2 1/4 tablespoons honey<br />
1/2 teaspoon grated orange rind<br />
Pinch of ground allspice<br />
In a saucepan, combine orange juice and peaches. Bring <strong>to</strong> a boil. Cover,<br />
reduce heat. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 8 <strong>to</strong> 9 mins., or until<br />
peaches are tender. Place mixture in food processer (or blender) and<br />
process until smooth. Return mixture <strong>to</strong> saucepan and add sugar, allspice,<br />
orange zest and honey. Bring <strong>to</strong> a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered,<br />
for 25 mins., or until thickened (stir occasionally). Spoon in<strong>to</strong> glass<br />
container. Cover and refrigerate. Makes 1 1/2 cups.<br />
1 egg<br />
1/2 cup bread crumbs<br />
salt & pepper <strong>to</strong> taste<br />
1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary<br />
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme<br />
1 tablespoon oil<br />
Mix <strong>to</strong>gether all ingredients except oil. Make 6 patties (1/4 lb ea.) about 1<br />
1/2 <strong>to</strong> 2 inches thick. Heat oil in deep fry pan. Brown patties on both sides.<br />
Russell Street<br />
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(some exclusions apply)<br />
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Sarnia • 519-383-0688<br />
Family Owned and<br />
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1/2 cup chili sauce<br />
1 tablespoon lemon juice<br />
1/4 cup brown sugar<br />
Combine all ingredients except peaches. Pour over meat in pan. Cover and<br />
simmer on low for 20 <strong>to</strong> 30 mins. (time will vary depending upon your<br />
protein selection). Add peaches and liquid. Cook another 15 mins. Good<br />
served over rice. If desired, garnish with parsley.<br />
Peach Relish<br />
1 large peach (or 2 small),<br />
peeled & chopped<br />
2/3 teaspoon fresh gingerroot, minced<br />
Peach Crisp<br />
4 cups fresh peaches, sliced<br />
3/4 cup rolled oats<br />
3/4 cup brown sugar<br />
1/2 cup flour<br />
1 teaspoon prepared mustard<br />
2 teaspoons soy sauce<br />
2 1/2 cups tender peaches, peeled & sliced<br />
(with their juices or add a bit of apple juice)<br />
or a 19 oz can of peaches with its juice.<br />
You can use this peachy-pleasant <strong>to</strong>pping as you would use mayo or burger<br />
relish. It’s particularly good a<strong>to</strong>p lean turkey burgers.<br />
1 teaspoon teriyaki sauce<br />
1/3 cup mayonnaise<br />
In a skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add ginger and peaches. Cook,<br />
stirring, until peaches are tender. Stir in teriyaki sauce, continue cooking<br />
for 1 min. Transfer <strong>to</strong> a bowl <strong>to</strong> cool. When cooled, stir in mayonnaise.<br />
Makes enough for 6 burger <strong>to</strong>ppings.<br />
1/2 cup COLD butter, cubed<br />
1/3 cup raisins (optional)<br />
1/3 teaspoon ground cinnamon<br />
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg<br />
Place sliced peaches in an 8-inch baking dish sprayed with non-stick spray.<br />
Stir in raisins. In a large bowl, combine sugar, oats, nutmeg, flour and<br />
cinnamon. Add cubed butter and cut butter in<strong>to</strong> mixture using a pastry<br />
blender or 2 knives. Mixture is ready when it is the<br />
consistency of coarse crumbs. Spread evenly over<br />
peaches.<br />
Bake, uncovered, in a preheated 350 degree F<br />
oven for 25 <strong>to</strong> 30 mins. Top should be a delightful<br />
golden colour. Top with whipped cream if desired<br />
or serve with vanilla ice cream. Makes 8 servings.<br />
P A G E 20<br />
“If you build it, he will come.” -Field of Dreams, 1989
You’re welcome <strong>to</strong> send in articles <strong>to</strong> help build this new magazine.<br />
First Love Affair<br />
My first love affair did<br />
not involve a member of<br />
the opposite sex, and it<br />
had nothing <strong>to</strong> do with<br />
the forbidden terri<strong>to</strong>ry<br />
of same sex attractions.<br />
Such things, in my<br />
youth, were barely<br />
whispered about. I<br />
didn’t have a crush on a<br />
movie star, and I certainly didn’t fancy<br />
any of my schoolteachers or distant<br />
cousins, even the ‘kissing’ cousin variety.<br />
None of the above: no, my first love affair<br />
had absolutely nothing <strong>to</strong> do with sex<br />
at all. I simply fell victim <strong>to</strong> an undying<br />
infatuation with books.<br />
<strong>The</strong> very first book I can remember<br />
was made of brown linen that was<br />
indestructible, at least in the hands of<br />
a <strong>to</strong>ddler. It was an ABC book in bright<br />
colours with no more than six or eight<br />
pages. I couldn’t have been much more<br />
than three when that treasure came in<strong>to</strong><br />
my life. I loved that book as much as I<br />
loved my teddy bear and my stuffed dog<br />
“Rags.” I think I loved them all more<br />
than my parents. And yes, I <strong>to</strong>ok them<br />
By Maryleah Ot<strong>to</strong>, Gravenhurst • from Daytripping Nov-Dec 2013<br />
<strong>to</strong> bed <strong>to</strong> hold close <strong>to</strong> me all night long.<br />
I suppose I actually learned the alphabet<br />
from that funny old book. <strong>The</strong> linen<br />
became soft and crumpled, the edges<br />
slightly frayed in time. Some of the<br />
pictures faded, but I loved the book all<br />
the more. It was still among my dearest<br />
possessions by the time I was ready for<br />
school.<br />
In first grade I was introduced <strong>to</strong> a<br />
very different book, one called Mary,<br />
John and Peter, the standard primary<br />
reader for Ontario schoolchildren during<br />
the 1930s. I can’t say I was intrigued by<br />
the colourless, boring s<strong>to</strong>ry of these three<br />
forgettable moppets, but at least I learned<br />
<strong>to</strong> read. Meantime, at Christmas and on<br />
my birthday, kindly aunts gave me copies<br />
of When We Were Very Young by A. A.<br />
Milne and later Swiss Family Robinson<br />
and Robinson Crusoe, or Blackie’s Girls’<br />
Annual, a marvelous compendium of<br />
exciting if proper tales of young girls, as<br />
well as some poems, pictures and trivia.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se books came from England and<br />
they were hugely popular. <strong>The</strong>re was, of<br />
course, a Blackie’s Boys’ Annual <strong>to</strong>o. But<br />
no one ever gave me that.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
Sometime during the second or third<br />
grade, our teacher led us all in a line <strong>to</strong><br />
the local public library where we were<br />
allowed <strong>to</strong> buy, for a dime, a library card<br />
of our very own. Oh joy of joys! A whole<br />
library full of wonders and delights! I read<br />
Black Beauty, Beautiful Joe, Heidi, Little<br />
Women, Pollyanna, <strong>The</strong> Water Babies and<br />
countless other children’s classics. And<br />
every Saturday morning, the librarian, a<br />
beautiful Irish woman with flaming red<br />
hair and green eyes, Miss Isobel O’Brien,<br />
<strong>to</strong>ok a group of us in<strong>to</strong> the s<strong>to</strong>ry room<br />
where we sat on carpeted steps in front<br />
of a real log fire and listened <strong>to</strong> myths,<br />
legends and folktales from all over the<br />
world and all periods of his<strong>to</strong>ry. I thought<br />
I’d died and gone <strong>to</strong> heaven!<br />
When I was about twelve, I discovered<br />
series books. It wasn’t Nancy Drew—<br />
perhaps I was ahead of those—but it was<br />
a series called Grace Harlowe and Her<br />
Overland Riders. <strong>The</strong> heroine, usually<br />
up in the saddle of her favorite horse,<br />
galloped through almost every state in<br />
the Union. <strong>The</strong> books were American,<br />
triumphing over ‘the bad guys.’ Not<br />
surprisingly, she had a boyfriend, Hippy,<br />
who came <strong>to</strong> be not only the heroine’s<br />
romantic attachment, but mine <strong>to</strong>o. After<br />
all, I was on the cusp of puberty! <strong>The</strong>se<br />
novels cost 25 cents each and I saved<br />
every penny and nickel I could <strong>to</strong> buy<br />
Come In<br />
& Eat<br />
With Us!<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
the next in the series. I think there were<br />
at least a dozen of them. I lined them<br />
all up on a bookshelf in our living room<br />
and admired the effect greatly. A couple<br />
of years later, we moved <strong>to</strong> a different<br />
house, and my mother <strong>to</strong>ok a notion <strong>to</strong><br />
give away my precious books. She knew<br />
I had read them so no doubt she thought<br />
I wouldn’t miss them. But I did! I still do!<br />
I don’t think I ever really forgave her.<br />
High school English courses brought<br />
my introduction <strong>to</strong> Shakespeare, the<br />
great poets of England, and Latin classics.<br />
Even struggling with the Latin text, I<br />
was moved, sometimes <strong>to</strong> tears, by the<br />
beauty of the s<strong>to</strong>ry and the language.<br />
My favorite was Virgil’s Aeneid. When<br />
I entered university, I chose <strong>to</strong> study<br />
the literature of France and Germany.<br />
Once again, my mind and heart were<br />
opened <strong>to</strong> wonders beyond my wildest<br />
imagination.<br />
I think the ending of my little s<strong>to</strong>ry is<br />
predictable. Yes, I became a librarian and<br />
a writer. Both have brought me continued<br />
joy and a sense of fulfillment. Books still<br />
sit on the night table beside my bed. No<br />
need for sleeping pills when a fine new<br />
novel can be cracked open and savoured<br />
until the eyelids grow heavy and sleep is<br />
only a few more seconds away. And <strong>to</strong><br />
think that it all started with a linen ABC<br />
book many many decades ago.<br />
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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “<strong>The</strong> stuff that dreams are made of.” -<strong>The</strong> Maltese Falcon, 1941<br />
P A G E 21
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
I’d write something better here, but I forgot <strong>to</strong>!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Drop us a line… we’d love <strong>to</strong> know what you think!<br />
What a joy it was <strong>to</strong> receive your colourful copy of “<strong>Welcome</strong> To <strong>The</strong><br />
<strong>Club</strong>”. I love the size and the look. You’ve kept the best of Daytripping -<br />
fonts, bot<strong>to</strong>m borders, great community content - and added humour<br />
and wisdom geared <strong>to</strong> seniors and retirees, a demographic which<br />
now includes me.<br />
It would have been easy <strong>to</strong> portray aging with negative stereotypes,<br />
but instead you have cleverly blended the ability of older folks <strong>to</strong> laugh<br />
at aging, along with providing healthy, positive images.<br />
What a sensational read. It even makes me interested in exploring<br />
retirement living options in beautiful Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />
Thanks, of course, as well for re-publishing my s<strong>to</strong>ry “Slow Lane”.<br />
I hope your readers got a laugh or two from it.<br />
Congratulations again on “<strong>Welcome</strong> To <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>” and thank you for<br />
providing such fresh and appealing content.<br />
All the best ~ Vivienne Mathers (a long time Daytripping contribu<strong>to</strong>r)<br />
Send your o r thoughts ts <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
@<br />
t th<br />
ec<br />
lub.<br />
ca<br />
or comment ment<br />
on our Facebook b<br />
ok page<br />
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character of your neighbours and their<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
children. This might be a good letter<br />
for you <strong>to</strong> simply write in order <strong>to</strong><br />
Retirement vent, but then it’s best <strong>to</strong> tear it up<br />
in<strong>to</strong> small pieces, and place them on<br />
Coach © by Mike Keenan<br />
your neighbour’s lawn. Just kidding.<br />
http://theretirementcoach.libsyn.com/ This sort of letter will antagonize<br />
your neighbours and make you seem<br />
as thoughtless as they are. <strong>The</strong>y may<br />
be going through a rough period.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Dale <strong>The</strong>y could be ‘Leaf fans. Try <strong>to</strong> be<br />
more pleasant and make it a win-win<br />
Carnegie<br />
situation.<br />
Now for letter #2 - Dear neighbours,<br />
Listen Technique<br />
<strong>to</strong> Mike’s podcasts (humour, travel and poetry) at: <strong>The</strong> Retirement We were Coach: so pleased when you and<br />
http://theretirementcoach.libsyn.com/ His book, ‘Don’t Ever Quit - a Journal of Coping<br />
your lovely family moved in a few<br />
with Crisis & Nourishing Spirit,’ is available in print & electronic format at Amazon:<br />
https://amzn.<strong>to</strong>/2KBdPWQ<br />
In my podcasts I provide my email years ago. Your children are delightful,<br />
address for those who might have not shy, and thanks <strong>to</strong> them, we now<br />
personal questions. Today, we will<br />
examine a problem submitted by a<br />
listener as follows:<br />
Dear Retirement Coach,<br />
have acquired a terrific nature path<br />
cut across our lawn that we can use<br />
for shortcuts just like they do. This<br />
also greatly minimizes the lawn care<br />
I’ve admired your sagacious that afflicts us each week.<br />
advice in the past, and need help<br />
with a perplexing matter affecting<br />
my relationship with neighbours.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y are wonderful people, but our<br />
municipal garbage day has become a<br />
nightmare for me because they don’t<br />
fasten their refuse such that it blows<br />
over on our lawn, in<strong>to</strong> our trees and<br />
sometimes finds its way in<strong>to</strong> shrubs<br />
and flowerbeds. I’m tired of picking<br />
up discarded pizza boxes that act<br />
like kites in the wind. At first I was<br />
amused by the items listed on their<br />
discarded Costco receipts. So many<br />
carbohydrates—muffins, bread and<br />
cake and pie. No wonder they have<br />
weight issues, but nonetheless, it has<br />
become tedious. <strong>The</strong>y seem oblivious<br />
<strong>to</strong> the eyesores that they create for us<br />
and other neighbours. What do you<br />
suggest?<br />
Here is my reply -<br />
Fortunately, I’ve been reading Dale<br />
Carnegie’s “How To Win Friends And<br />
Influence People.” I think I can help. For<br />
example, here are two letters that you<br />
can send <strong>to</strong> your wayward neighbour.<br />
We will discuss the pros and cons of<br />
each.<br />
Letter #1 - Dear sloppy neighbours,<br />
Were you born in a barn or perhaps<br />
a trailer camp? Your refuse may be<br />
something that you want <strong>to</strong> share<br />
with the rest of the world, but we do<br />
not enjoy pretending that we are FBI<br />
operatives searching for the <strong>to</strong>p ten<br />
most wanted criminals by grazing<br />
looking through your discarded trash.<br />
By the way, do either of you cook or<br />
is it all fast food at dinner time? Your<br />
kids are also sloppy, the way that they<br />
litter on their somnambulistic way <strong>to</strong><br />
and from school. Do you know what<br />
somnambulistic means? No? Look it<br />
up. Oh, I forgot; you probably don’t<br />
know what a dictionary is. Did you<br />
know your little one smokes, and<br />
I’m not talking cigarettes! It’s terrific<br />
that your husband can read, in fact<br />
a surprise, but we are not interested<br />
in your subscription <strong>to</strong> Playboy<br />
Magazine. I like the pictures, but my<br />
wife thinks they’re disgusting. Please<br />
clean up your act before we call the<br />
health department.<br />
Okay, that was one approach. Here<br />
are some comments:<br />
Dale Carnegie would not recommend<br />
letter number one. While direct and<br />
informative, it makes several negative<br />
We really appreciate your efforts<br />
<strong>to</strong> help lower our municipal tax<br />
assessment in such creative ways<br />
that we had not contemplated before.<br />
Probably, the more dilapidated a place<br />
looks, the less people should have<br />
<strong>to</strong> pay the taxman. Nonetheless, we<br />
wonder if you would help us <strong>to</strong> make<br />
each day an “Earth Day” <strong>to</strong> honour that<br />
great environmentalist, P. Cola, whose<br />
product you seem <strong>to</strong> enjoy drinking in<br />
vast quantities. Did you know that you<br />
can get rebates for those containers<br />
rather than letting them blow away?<br />
Also, they make great bird-feeders.<br />
As for your vast array of pizza<br />
boxes that drift our way, the boys<br />
can make really neat cut-outs with<br />
the cardboard. Rather than using<br />
our windows as targets when your<br />
children play ball hockey, they could<br />
fashion bull’s eyes from the pizza<br />
boxes and attach them <strong>to</strong> the bumpers<br />
on your cars.<br />
We welcome your suggestions (other<br />
than moving out, of course) on how <strong>to</strong><br />
make this the best neighbourhood in<br />
<strong>to</strong>wn.<br />
Now for the comments on letter #2:<br />
This is your classic Dale Carnegie type<br />
letter. Notice all of the compliments that<br />
will make the neighbours feel accepted<br />
and appreciated? Even the kids are<br />
praised, and this will inspire them <strong>to</strong> act<br />
accordingly. Also, there are no threats<br />
or abusive language. This letter works<br />
best because it offers suggestions,<br />
teamwork and creative solutions <strong>to</strong> a<br />
vexing problem.<br />
I know, most people would probably<br />
opt for letter number 1, but I personally<br />
think the Dale Carnegie suggestions<br />
in letter number 2 will have a greater<br />
impact. If that doesn’t work, this more<br />
inventive approach might work. First,<br />
book a month’s holiday somewhere out<br />
of <strong>to</strong>wn. Next, enlist the aid of a local<br />
farmer <strong>to</strong> drop a full load of manure<br />
on your neighbour’s lawn. <strong>The</strong>y will<br />
get the message. When you get back,<br />
apologize for the mistake, and get all of<br />
the neighbours <strong>to</strong> take manure for their<br />
gardens. A win-win scenario. Everyone<br />
will love you, even Dale Carnegie.<br />
Listen <strong>to</strong> Mike’s podcasts (humour,<br />
travel and poetry) at: <strong>The</strong> Retirement<br />
Coach: http://theretirementcoach.libsyn.<br />
com/ His book, ‘Don’t Ever Quit - a Journal<br />
of Coping with Crisis & Nourishing Spirit,’<br />
is available in print & electronic format at<br />
value judgments concerning the Amazon: https://amzn.<strong>to</strong>/2KBdPWQ<br />
P A G E 22 “Magic Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?” -Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs, 1937
It’s the advertising that makes this magazine possible, and free!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Games of My Childhood<br />
After spending ten months of the<br />
year in school, children look forward <strong>to</strong><br />
their summer vacation. Growing up in<br />
the 1950’s we were no exception. My<br />
friends and I were from families with<br />
at least half a dozen children, and lived<br />
in the countryside on grain farms. We<br />
never relied on our parents <strong>to</strong> take us<br />
anywhere, and got used <strong>to</strong> walking a<br />
mile or more <strong>to</strong> visit with each other.<br />
We also planned our next meeting at<br />
the time, as we did not have the luxury<br />
of telephones. After doing our chores,<br />
we played outside until supper time.<br />
Extra food was always available at lunch<br />
time for the ones visiting, no matter<br />
how many of us were present, plus a<br />
big jug of Kool-Aid <strong>to</strong> quench our thirst<br />
throughout the afternoon.<br />
When a lot of us were getting <strong>to</strong>gether,<br />
baseball was a favourite game, played<br />
by our own rules, and without umpires.<br />
If smaller brothers or sisters begged us<br />
<strong>to</strong> join the game, we always made sure<br />
<strong>to</strong> throw a ball the child could hit, and<br />
cheered the little one on <strong>to</strong> first base.<br />
Hide and go seek was also very<br />
popular as there were so many good<br />
hiding places on everyone’s farm. Some<br />
of the kids hid so well, that they were<br />
never found, and chances were by the<br />
time he or she decided <strong>to</strong> come out,<br />
another game was taking place. Kick<br />
the can, hopscotch, and tag were always<br />
popular. Does anyone still play those<br />
games?<br />
We were thrilled <strong>to</strong> discover hulahoops.<br />
Contests were held <strong>to</strong> see who<br />
could twirl the longest. Some of us<br />
could make the hoop go down <strong>to</strong> our<br />
knees, then all the way up <strong>to</strong> our neck,<br />
or twirl several hoops at once.<br />
I will always remember the summer<br />
when someone created a pair of stilts<br />
out of two long 2x4 inch pieces of<br />
lumber, with a triangular piece of wood<br />
on each stilt, placed two feet from the<br />
ground. Soon everyone had their own<br />
stilts, and some kids were rarely without<br />
them, so it seemed nearly normal <strong>to</strong> see<br />
them walking around with their head<br />
so much higher up than ours.<br />
We also fashioned our own<br />
kites in all shapes and sizes,<br />
crafted from brown wrapping<br />
paper with long snake-like<br />
tails, and flew them for hours<br />
on breezy days. Each kite was<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
By Jeanette Paddon, St. Thomas<br />
from Daytripping July-Aug 2018<br />
unique, as crayons were used <strong>to</strong> create<br />
designs <strong>to</strong> our liking. If the kite got<br />
caught in a tree, we just made another<br />
one.<br />
We had clay soil, which was perfect<br />
for creating a mud slide after a heavy<br />
rain in a friend’s long sloping driveway.<br />
Rolling up our jeans, we would glide<br />
barefoot down our slide. Naturally, falls<br />
did happen on<strong>to</strong> the slippery mud, so<br />
returning home we had <strong>to</strong> hand wash<br />
our jeans in a tub of water outside the<br />
house, and dry them on the clothesline<br />
before putting them in<strong>to</strong> the laundry<br />
basket.<br />
At the end of June, summer seemed<br />
<strong>to</strong> stretch out forever before us. Yet, in<br />
no time at all, or so it seemed, we were<br />
waiting for the school bus once again.<br />
Sun-tanned and played out, we now<br />
looked forward <strong>to</strong> a different kind of<br />
adventure.<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
Wisdom of...<br />
Einstein<br />
Everything that can be counted does not necessarily<br />
count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be<br />
counted.<br />
A man should look for what is, and not for what he<br />
thinks should be.<br />
A person who never made a mistake never tried<br />
anything new.<br />
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl<br />
is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.<br />
Imagination is more important than knowledge.<br />
It is the supreme art of the teacher <strong>to</strong> awaken joy in<br />
creative expression and knowledge.<br />
Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.<br />
Learn from yesterday, live for <strong>to</strong>day, hope for <strong>to</strong>morrow.<br />
<strong>The</strong> important thing is not <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p questioning.<br />
Logic will get you from A <strong>to</strong> B. Imagination will take you<br />
everywhere.<br />
Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and<br />
more violent. It takes a <strong>to</strong>uch of genius – and a lot of<br />
courage – <strong>to</strong> move in the opposite direction.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” -<strong>The</strong> Godfather Part II, 1974 P A G E 23
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
We’d like <strong>to</strong> hear your honest opinions on how you like this magazine.<br />
THE CLUB <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Great Gadgets<br />
I am mad about gadgets. Not<br />
just any kind of gadget. Kitchen<br />
gadgets are my passion. Now, I<br />
am admittedly a non-cook and<br />
my idea of entertaining is <strong>to</strong> buy a premade<br />
lasagna at the local delicatessen.<br />
But my bookshelves are brimming with<br />
cookbooks of every kind and my kitchen<br />
cupboards and drawers are filled with<br />
the latest innovations in gadgetry. Garlic<br />
presses, garlic peelers, vegetable peelers<br />
(at least four – one cannot have <strong>to</strong>o many<br />
veggie peelers), egg slicers. I could go on.<br />
A few days ago I decided <strong>to</strong> do some<br />
real baking and found the perfect recipe<br />
for a blueberry coffee cake that would be<br />
a wonderful accompaniment <strong>to</strong> a Sunday<br />
dinner. I gathered the ingredients and<br />
kicked my husband out of the kitchen.<br />
“Too many cooks...” Ready <strong>to</strong> do my best<br />
imitation of my favourite TV cook, I set<br />
out in<strong>to</strong> somewhat unfamiliar terri<strong>to</strong>ry.<br />
All was going well until the recipe called<br />
for lemon zest. Ok, I had the lemon but a<br />
zester? Was it possible that I had missed<br />
that glorious device in my collection? I<br />
thought, “Ok, so I can use a paring knife<br />
and chop some lemon zest.” I tried but it<br />
just didn’t cut it. My next idea was <strong>to</strong> use<br />
a cheese grater. Not bad but the pieces<br />
by Kathryn Hixon Lees, Hamil<strong>to</strong>n<br />
from Daytripping May-June 2003<br />
of lemon zest were just <strong>to</strong>o uneven.<br />
<strong>The</strong> myriad of vegetable peelers<br />
netted the same result. What<br />
else could I use? My cake was<br />
nearly ready <strong>to</strong> go in<strong>to</strong> the oven<br />
but not without the special ingredient.<br />
Suddenly, just as if the proverbial light<br />
bulb turned on over my head, it hit me. A<br />
wood rasp! Didn’t I see a rasp used on a<br />
recent food channel programme? Did my<br />
husband have a rasp in the workshop? He<br />
must have, he has as many woodworking<br />
gadgets as I have kitchen gadgets. I ran<br />
down <strong>to</strong> the basement and began <strong>to</strong><br />
rummage in his workbench drawers.<br />
Eureka! I knew he would have it. Ok,<br />
so it was a bit dusty but a quick dunk in<br />
some soapy water would take care of that.<br />
Finally, I was all set. My lemon zest was<br />
perfect. <strong>The</strong> rasp had done the trick. Thin,<br />
curling strands of tangy yellow tendrils<br />
were incorporated in<strong>to</strong> my creation and<br />
as the cake was baking, I leafed through a<br />
catalogue. Another kitchenware catalogue,<br />
you may ask? Oh, no, not this time. I<br />
had found my husband’s Lee Valley Tool<br />
Catalogue. I wondered what other marvels<br />
there could be in the woodworking<br />
publications that I could add <strong>to</strong> the<br />
collection in my kitchen.<br />
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P A G E 24<br />
“I am your father.” -Star Wars Episode V: <strong>The</strong> Empire Strikes Back, 1980
Contact us any time. 519-491-1676 or info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
A Year Round Garden Centre, Gi Shop & Bouque!<br />
NEWLY EXPANDED 28,000 sq <br />
63,000 sq of GREENHOUSE<br />
Extraordinary selecon<br />
of Plants & Unique<br />
Decoraons & Poery<br />
for enhancing your indoor<br />
& outdoor living spaces.<br />
OPEN Monday <strong>to</strong> Saturday<br />
Take Exit 15 off Hwy 402<br />
USA<br />
Lake Huron<br />
Sarnia<br />
22<br />
Bright’s<br />
Grove<br />
From<br />
26<br />
London<br />
401<br />
From<br />
Wallaceburg<br />
N<br />
Well Water<br />
I was 20 years old and married,<br />
admiring this bountiful piece of land,<br />
all two acres of it, in the Township of<br />
Toron<strong>to</strong> Gore of which, my husband<br />
and I were the proud owners. “We can’t<br />
lose in Canada,” he said. “<strong>The</strong> country<br />
is booming.” And indeed it was. But we<br />
needed water.<br />
As soon as the excavation was dug,<br />
the footings had <strong>to</strong> be laid, sand,<br />
cement and water were required. “Get<br />
old Bill Kersey, he’ll witch it,” said a<br />
farmer. Sure enough Bill was there<br />
the next day with his forked witching<br />
branch walking back and forth holding<br />
the twigs in each hand. Suddenly the<br />
main branch swooped downward, so<br />
much so Bill could hardly hold on<strong>to</strong><br />
the divided twigs. Out came his pocket<br />
watch and he started <strong>to</strong> swing it back<br />
and forth by the chain, counting as he<br />
went.<br />
At 25 counts it started <strong>to</strong> swing<br />
erratically until it reached thirty-two<br />
when it lost all control. “Twenty-five<br />
feet, you’ll hit water,<br />
thirty-two feet you’ll<br />
have a good well”. We<br />
<strong>to</strong>ok that as gospel<br />
truth —and it was.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re was no<br />
money for welldigging<br />
apparatus, a<br />
shovel would do. A<br />
large man, a dearest<br />
of friends, Jimmy, started digging. As<br />
he eventually descended on a Jacob’s<br />
Ladder, a rope ladder, as the hole<br />
got deeper, he shipped many, many<br />
bucketfuls of earth <strong>to</strong> the surface and<br />
true enough water was struck at 25<br />
feet but he carried on until the water<br />
threatened <strong>to</strong> submerge him. Well tiles<br />
were slipped down and the building<br />
of the house began. That well went<br />
dry a couple of times and being more<br />
affluent we were able <strong>to</strong> hire a real well<br />
drilling rig <strong>to</strong> deepen it but we were<br />
always respectful of the usage of water,<br />
although free, it was ours <strong>to</strong> watch over.<br />
Spring forward thirty-odd years<br />
and daughter and her husband with<br />
Miracle Max’s Minions coming this summer<br />
3261 London Line (Rd. R . 22)<br />
East of SARNIA<br />
519-542-8353<br />
Proud Member of...<br />
By Marion Urquhart Charkow,<br />
Thunder Bay<br />
a baby on the way had bought an old<br />
farmhouse in Flesher<strong>to</strong>n. Life was<br />
lonely back in the Gore. A few months<br />
later, grandson now on the scene a<br />
beautiful 25 acre parcel appeared on<br />
the real estate listing, with an ancient<br />
barn and stable beside a drilled well. Ah,<br />
that was new. <strong>The</strong> water was excellent<br />
and over 30 years the well certainly<br />
didn’t go dry. <strong>The</strong> house was large<br />
and comfortable, a neighbour raised<br />
cattle and ploughed the field and it was<br />
bliss. A granddaughter had arrived in<br />
the meantime. Many years later that<br />
same granddaughter presented us with<br />
a great grandson. That wee grandson<br />
of years ago, had married, bought<br />
a house nearby and gave us a great<br />
granddaughter. All was surely right with<br />
the world. But it was not <strong>to</strong> be.<br />
Grandson announced he was moving<br />
back <strong>to</strong> his university <strong>to</strong>wn, some<br />
fourteen hundred miles away, daughter<br />
and the rest of the family promptly<br />
sold out and as was their want settled<br />
in a wee village out of<br />
<strong>to</strong>wn but not <strong>to</strong>o far<br />
from grandson and<br />
family. We were all<br />
alone. We were aging,<br />
long distance driving <strong>to</strong><br />
doc<strong>to</strong>rs was no longer<br />
wished for, it was<br />
lonely.<br />
At age 93 and myself<br />
pushing 87, husband announced we<br />
should join them. We did. For the first<br />
time since I was twenty I am now living<br />
in a city—the great habitat of Thunder<br />
Bay. And I love it. <strong>The</strong> air is so pure,<br />
traffic is slow and also spacious, people<br />
are very friendly, there’s no hustle and<br />
bustle, just a very laid back atmosphere.<br />
And we love being all <strong>to</strong>gether as a<br />
family once again.<br />
However, there is one sad<br />
disappointment. <strong>The</strong> city water! Oh<br />
how I miss my well water. Can’t wait <strong>to</strong><br />
visit daughter in Nolalu and have a big<br />
gulp. Sorry <strong>to</strong> the waterworks people of<br />
Thunder Bay, city water just doesn’t cut<br />
it.<br />
146 EAST ST. N., SARNIA 519-336-1415<br />
Author<br />
You Tell on Yourself Unknown<br />
You tell on yourself by the friends you seek<br />
By the very manner in which you speak,<br />
By the way you employ your leisure time,<br />
By the use you make of dollar and dime.<br />
You tell what you are by the things you wear,<br />
By the spirit in which your burden you bear,<br />
By the kind of things at which you laugh,<br />
By the records you play on your phonograph.<br />
You tell what you are by the way you walk,<br />
By the things of which you delight <strong>to</strong> talk,<br />
By the manner in which you bear defeat,<br />
By so simple a thing as how you eat.<br />
By the books you choose from a well-filled shelf.<br />
In these ways & more, you tell on yourself.<br />
So there's really no particle of sense, in an effort <strong>to</strong> keep up false pretense.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “Just keep swimming.” -Finding Nemo, 2003<br />
P A G E 25
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
Promote your<br />
business or<br />
events in ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Do you know someone living with dementia?<br />
3 out of 5 people living<br />
with dementia will go<br />
missing at some point, a<br />
frightening experience,<br />
and a dangerous one.<br />
That’s why the Alzheimer<br />
Society of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
is partnering with <strong>The</strong><br />
Sarnia Police Services and<br />
OPP <strong>to</strong> provide an<br />
opportunity for individuals living with dementia <strong>to</strong> be registered as someone<br />
at risk of going missing. Critical information collected provides searchers with<br />
quick access <strong>to</strong> key information <strong>to</strong> assist in locating the individual and<br />
returning them home safely.<br />
Registration<br />
is easy!<br />
Let’s all do our part <strong>to</strong> help individuals with<br />
dementia live safely in our community.<br />
Simply call Alzheimer Society Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
at 519 332 4444 <strong>to</strong> learn how.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
A new magazine for people who aren’t (new that is!)<br />
Here in the Hundred Acre Wood<br />
By Corrina Austin, St. Thomas • from Daytripping Nov-Dec 2005<br />
In these lines, I am going <strong>to</strong> share<br />
a personality test that I designed<br />
over the years. Of course, I will first<br />
need <strong>to</strong> acknowledge A. A. Milne, the<br />
author of the Winnie the Pooh s<strong>to</strong>ries,<br />
for without him, I would have had <strong>to</strong><br />
base my “astute” observations on the<br />
work of some other famous children’s<br />
author.<br />
I started <strong>to</strong> notice, after reading the<br />
Winnie the Pooh books <strong>to</strong> my own four<br />
children and the children at school (I<br />
am a teacher), that most of the people<br />
I knew could be characterized by one<br />
of Milne’s characters. This may sound<br />
ludicrous when you first consider it,<br />
but believe me, this will make more<br />
sense <strong>to</strong> you as you think about it at<br />
greater depth. Let me break it down.<br />
<strong>The</strong> person who is always cheerful,<br />
focused on life’s simple pleasures,<br />
enjoys his or her meals with profound<br />
gus<strong>to</strong>, and accepts whatever<br />
comes his or her way<br />
with infinite optimism<br />
is a Winnie the Pooh.<br />
This person has many<br />
friends and is<br />
an unconditional<br />
support <strong>to</strong> all of them.<br />
Getting stuck in holes<br />
and waiting patiently<br />
<strong>to</strong> lose enough weight <strong>to</strong><br />
squeeze out again. Taking<br />
whatever comes along,<br />
rolling with the punches. Winnie.<br />
<strong>The</strong> person who is morose, gloomy,<br />
pessimistic and resigned is an Eeyore.<br />
Forever losing his tail and sighing,<br />
rather than taking any action <strong>to</strong> recover<br />
it. Eating thistles and never trying<br />
anything else. Face drooping, never<br />
expecting <strong>to</strong> be happy and therefore<br />
fully meeting his expectations. Eeyore.<br />
<strong>The</strong> workaholic, forever serious,<br />
worried about messes and catastrophes<br />
every waking moment of his or her life<br />
is a Rabbit. He puts his carrot patch<br />
above people. He is angry and resentful<br />
all the time, although underneath it all,<br />
he is kind-hearted and comes through<br />
for you in the end. Rabbit.<br />
<strong>The</strong> worrier, the one who fusses, the<br />
one who hides his head under pillows<br />
during thunders<strong>to</strong>rms, is a Piglet. He<br />
is afraid of most things. He hesitates.<br />
He is a follower. He picks someone he<br />
trusts <strong>to</strong> shadow, and then does so,<br />
without question. <strong>The</strong> person wringing<br />
his hands and whimpering, “Oh dear,<br />
oh dear,” that’s him. Piglet.<br />
<strong>The</strong> tender-hearted, gentle soul,<br />
the nurturer, that is a Kanga. Focuses<br />
on nothing else but her children.<br />
Everything revolves around that little<br />
baby in her pocket. She is indiscernible<br />
without her offspring. She has little<br />
identity aside from Roo. Kanga.<br />
<strong>The</strong> hyper one, spontaneous and<br />
annoying, is a Tigger. Very self-centred,<br />
thinking of little more than where the<br />
next thrill is coming from. You are<br />
lucky if you can get one coherent and<br />
logical thought out of him.<br />
When you press him for<br />
information, all he<br />
will tell you is that he<br />
likes bouncing best.<br />
Which would be<br />
fine if he would just<br />
bounce somewhere<br />
else. But he happens<br />
<strong>to</strong> like bouncing<br />
where he will be<br />
most noticed, which is<br />
often right in your face.<br />
When he is not bouncing, he<br />
harbours some irrational fears about<br />
Heffalumps. <strong>The</strong>re’s no talking it out of<br />
him, because he would have <strong>to</strong> listen<br />
<strong>to</strong> you first. Tigger.<br />
And then, there is the voice of<br />
reason, the one you run <strong>to</strong> when<br />
everything falls apart. <strong>The</strong> one who will<br />
pick you up and hug you, call you silly<br />
with great and unalterable affection<br />
and invite you <strong>to</strong> a tea party. His socks<br />
are always pulled up. Everything he<br />
says is right. You would trust him with<br />
your life. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Robin.<br />
Which one are you? My guess is that<br />
you are one of them!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
THANK YOU <strong>to</strong> all the wonderful, local businesses<br />
that have made this free magazine possible!<br />
Mark Moran 519-491-1676<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
Carla MacGregor 519-464-3230<br />
carla@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
For Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores area advertising, contact Rhonda Long<br />
519-657-1869 • rhonda@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
Mother Nature<br />
Mother nature has I've found,<br />
A tendency <strong>to</strong> make things round.<br />
While works of man I've noticed there,<br />
A tendency <strong>to</strong> make things square.<br />
If she had only made square trees,<br />
Construction could have been a breeze.<br />
By<br />
Gord Lane<br />
1919-2008<br />
P A G E 26 “What we’ve got here is failure <strong>to</strong> communicate.” -Cool Hand Luke, 1967
Our next issue will come out around the beginning of September <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
POSTCARDS of<br />
PETROLIA POSTCARDS from the Bradshaw Postcard Collecon<br />
F. Filia & Associates Ltd.<br />
2-565 Murphy Road, Sarnia Franco Filia<br />
519-332-5400 I franco_filia@coopera<strong>to</strong>rs.ca Advisor/Owner<br />
Sponsored o o By:<br />
B y<br />
Post Office, Petrolea<br />
Fairview, Petrolea<br />
Main Street, Petrolia<br />
Main Street (looking East) Petrolea<br />
Province of Birtish Colubmia<br />
Ministry of Fish & Wildlife<br />
Province de la Colobmia Britanik<br />
Dept. de Poison et Animaux Sauvages<br />
Due <strong>to</strong> the rising frequency of human-bear encounters, the B.C. Fish & Wildlife<br />
Branch is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen, and any persons that use the<br />
out-of-doors in a recreational or work related function <strong>to</strong> take extra precautions.<br />
We advise the outdoorsman <strong>to</strong> wear little noisy bells on clothing <strong>to</strong> give advanced<br />
warning <strong>to</strong> any bears that might be close by so you don't take them by surprise.<br />
We also advise anyone using the out-of-doors <strong>to</strong> carry pepper spray with him or<br />
her in case of an encounter with a bear.<br />
Outdoorsmen should also be on the watch for<br />
fresh bear activity, and be able <strong>to</strong> tell the<br />
difference between black bear droppings and<br />
grizzly bear droppings. Black bear droppings are<br />
smaller and contain lots of berries and squirrel fur.<br />
Grizzly bear droppings have bells in them and<br />
smell like pepper.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “Hasta la vista, baby.” -Termina<strong>to</strong>r 2: Judgment Day, 1991<br />
P A G E 27
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
Seniors<br />
SAVE 20%<br />
Every Thursday!*<br />
*Discount applies <strong>to</strong><br />
regular priced merchandise<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Available with a PC Optimum card at<br />
the following Shoppers Drug Mart s<strong>to</strong>res:<br />
260 Indian Road South, Sarnia<br />
420 Lyndoch Street, Corunna*<br />
*Under New Ownership<br />
Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional!<br />
Snapshots<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong>graphs from Our Readers<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> Expertise of Six Year Olds<br />
by Gail Northgrave Adams, London • from Daytripping Sept-Oct 2005<br />
Daniel J Bellyk<br />
Six year olds are inquisitive<br />
and open <strong>to</strong> knowledge.<br />
Everyone should have one,<br />
even if only for a few hours.<br />
Our six year old grandson,<br />
Jordan was out visiting and<br />
having a private birthday<br />
party with us. I <strong>to</strong>ok him<br />
shopping so he could select<br />
his own gifts. However, it<br />
was Grandpa who had the pleasure of<br />
teaching him how <strong>to</strong> use them. Lessons<br />
included putting batteries in<strong>to</strong> a new<br />
flashlight and firing his bow and arrow<br />
at the target. Jordan spent a lot of time<br />
licking the suction cup of his arrow, then,<br />
gave a yell of delight when it finally stuck<br />
on target. This was another success s<strong>to</strong>ry<br />
<strong>to</strong> be added <strong>to</strong> his six years on Planet<br />
Earth.<br />
After dinner, and while working in the<br />
garden, Grandpa discovered a partly<br />
decomposed cat under the brush pile.<br />
As Jordan watched Grandpa burying it he<br />
declared, “That was probably a perfectly<br />
good cat at one time.”<br />
Next, a conversation ensued about the<br />
mysteries of death. “Why,” ask Jordan,<br />
“did the eyes of the cat stay<br />
open?”<br />
“Well,” explained Grandpa,<br />
“sometimes humans die with<br />
their eyes open <strong>to</strong>o.”<br />
Jordan silently <strong>to</strong>ok in this<br />
information, then raised his<br />
blue eyes <strong>to</strong> meet Grandpa’s<br />
brown ones and spoke his<br />
six year old wisdom. “I guess<br />
people could die of a heart attack and not<br />
have time <strong>to</strong> close their eyes.”<br />
Grandpa smiled and nodded.<br />
Watching my grandson with his grandpa,<br />
I realized how necessary it is for boys <strong>to</strong><br />
have adult male companionship. Adults<br />
who enjoy explaining, showing, and<br />
doing things with children contribute<br />
enormously <strong>to</strong> their well-being. In return,<br />
boys remind adults <strong>to</strong> be open <strong>to</strong> the joys<br />
and mysteries of life.<br />
“Age,” wrote Goeth, “does not make<br />
us childish. It only finds us true children<br />
still.” Fortunately, in everyone’s days of<br />
seriousness there are six year olds who<br />
have an unplanned, uncanny expertise<br />
<strong>to</strong> bring smiles <strong>to</strong> both Grandma’s and<br />
Grandpa’s faces.<br />
George Rosema<br />
Snowy Owl by Deb Lumley<br />
Life<br />
is Better with<br />
Friends!<br />
Be welcomed by a warm community of<br />
like-minded peers. Enjoy the peace of mind that<br />
comes with knowing help is available at the push<br />
of a buon if you need it. Connue <strong>to</strong> enjoy your<br />
independence in a supporve environment that<br />
gives you the freedom <strong>to</strong> pursue your passions<br />
and spend more me with those you love most.<br />
Included Amenies:<br />
• Chef-prepared meals • Fitness classes<br />
• Great recreaonal • Weekly<br />
programs<br />
housekeeping<br />
• 24/7 emergency • Pet Friendly<br />
support<br />
And more!<br />
1218 Michigan Ave. Sarnia, ON<br />
Sales Office and Model<br />
Suite opening in June <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Call for an appointment<br />
or drop in Monday<br />
through Thursday<br />
8:00 am <strong>to</strong> 4:00 pm<br />
Reopening in Fall of <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Reserve your suite <strong>to</strong>day!<br />
1-866-959-4848<br />
Frank Kowalec<br />
Send us your great pho<strong>to</strong>s showcasing Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong>:<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
P A G E 28<br />
“Bond. James Bond.” -Dr. No, 1962
If your business caters <strong>to</strong> people 45+, you should advertise here!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
To Help You ‘SEE’ <strong>The</strong> World More Clearly<br />
Kind, Patient,<br />
Efficient,<br />
Informative<br />
& Caring<br />
Dr. Murari Pa<strong>to</strong>dia<br />
Rewards<br />
of <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Courtesy of<br />
Sipkens Nurseries<br />
<strong>Summer</strong>time WORD SEARCH<br />
It seems as if the summer takes such a long time <strong>to</strong> arrive. Each year all spring we<br />
field the questions—Do you think it’s the last frost? Is it safe <strong>to</strong> plant yet? Will my<br />
cucumbers be ok?<br />
Every year summer comes the same, always a few dicey evenings where the<br />
temperatures dip low, frost on the grass and roof<strong>to</strong>ps, but summer always comes.<br />
Time <strong>to</strong> plant tender annuals and vegetables always arrives... after May 2-4 but never<br />
is the weather guaranteed.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> in the garden seems the thing most homeowners anticipate every year.<br />
When you see the summer flowers coming in<strong>to</strong> their glory, there is time for relaxation<br />
at hand but best not <strong>to</strong> waste it.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are always many chores in the garden, but for those who love <strong>to</strong> be in the<br />
garden, these are mostly enjoyable.<br />
Now that the temperatures are rising and the days are long, all our planting efforts<br />
yield their reward—colour, fruit, shade, wildlife and pollina<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> enjoy—and so<br />
much more. Remember <strong>to</strong> take the time <strong>to</strong> enjoy. I particularly love the mornings and<br />
evenings in the garden as the colours look their best and there is so much activity in<br />
the flowers from birds and pollina<strong>to</strong>rs. I hope for a few lazy, hazy afternoons for a<br />
quick outdoor snooze followed by a cool dip in the water. Here in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n we<br />
are surrounded by clear waters that are so inviting.<br />
Below you will find a list of some of the garden activities <strong>to</strong> enjoy and, as always,<br />
something you love never seems like a job.<br />
To Do:<br />
July<br />
❏ Water deeply all the new plantings<br />
from this year and the veggie<br />
garden<br />
❏ Trim spent blossoms <strong>to</strong> encourage<br />
more blooms (or just let the seeds<br />
develop <strong>to</strong> feed the birds)<br />
❏ Keep weeds at bay so plants have<br />
space <strong>to</strong> develop<br />
❏ Moni<strong>to</strong>r insect and bird populations<br />
and marvel at their beauty and<br />
design<br />
❏ Harvest <strong>to</strong> enjoy and share the<br />
produce from your garden<br />
Doing something you love<br />
never seems like a job.<br />
August<br />
❏ Start thinking about adding new<br />
seasonal colour where there are no<br />
showy flowers<br />
❏ If plants are out of place make note<br />
<strong>to</strong> relocate these in late September<br />
❏ Keep the hummingbird feeder clean<br />
and s<strong>to</strong>cked<br />
September<br />
❏ Move the plants that need a new<br />
home and divide perennial plants<br />
❏ Add Fall blooming mums,<br />
ornamental kale, and tall grasses <strong>to</strong><br />
container gardens <strong>to</strong> welcome the<br />
next season<br />
❏ Plant trees for shade and other<br />
larger plants you should have many<br />
years ago. (You remember how hot<br />
July and August were don’t you?)<br />
Find these words hidden vertically, horizontally, diagonally and backwards.<br />
Affordable Rates • All Work Guaranteed • 25 Years Experience<br />
Interior & Exterior Painting and Makeovers<br />
All types<br />
of<br />
painting,<br />
feature walls,<br />
wallpaper<br />
15% Seniors<br />
Call Mark 519-330-4424 or email 1863989ontarioinc@gmail.com<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “You talking <strong>to</strong> me?” -Taxi Driver, 1976<br />
P A G E 29
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ... THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Don’t put this down! You’ll have <strong>to</strong> bend over <strong>to</strong> pick it back up!<br />
Cover of the CLUB<br />
Our local cover<br />
pho<strong>to</strong>grapher is<br />
Have my 46 years of experience<br />
Jayne Primeau<br />
work for you!<br />
Jayne lives in Bright's Grove, and is past president of the Sarnia<br />
“I still like <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> people,<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong>graphic <strong>Club</strong>. She has been interested in pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />
like the good old days.”<br />
since she began work in a Toron<strong>to</strong> Camera Shop in her early<br />
Ask your friends about me!<br />
twenties. Her pho<strong>to</strong> of a Great Egret shot in Canatara Park won<br />
the grand prize in the Cottage Life 2020 magazine's pho<strong>to</strong><br />
Mario Moscone, Sales Representative<br />
contest. Wildlife pho<strong>to</strong>graphy is her passion.<br />
www.facebook.com/jayne.primeau.37/ www.flickr.com/pho<strong>to</strong>s/jaynepic/<br />
<strong>The</strong> Wellness Corner<br />
by Marion Clouse • from Daytripping Jan-Feb 2004<br />
Stigma<br />
through the day and through life. Actress Stigma happens within families,<br />
Margot Kidder confessed <strong>to</strong> Barbara communities and in the workplace.<br />
Walters in an interview that she would “Upon my return <strong>to</strong> work, telling my coworkers<br />
rather be thought of as an alcoholic and<br />
about my mental illness was not<br />
drug abuser than a person with bipolar a consideration – hiding it was.” “When<br />
disorder.<br />
I was first diagnosed, I made the mistake<br />
When people have a physical illness of of telling my supervisor at the time what<br />
any kind it is discussed and talked about, was going on. She decided I couldn’t<br />
people often offer <strong>to</strong> help in any way. handle a job I’d been doing for ten years<br />
Why can’t it be the same when someone and demoted me.” <strong>The</strong>se types of s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />
is struggling with depression, anxiety, are the norm, not the exception. Is it a<br />
eating disorders, or bipolar disorder? wonder people are hesitant <strong>to</strong> tell anyone<br />
Support the person and encourage them that they are struggling with mental<br />
<strong>to</strong> seek help.<br />
or emotional problems? When talking<br />
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If it rained macaroni, what<br />
a fine time for glut<strong>to</strong>ns!<br />
Yes<br />
Seniors<br />
It is better <strong>to</strong> give away the wool than the sheep.<br />
you<br />
20% OFF<br />
Old wine and friends improve with age.<br />
can!<br />
*Regular Priced<br />
Items In-S<strong>to</strong>re<br />
<strong>The</strong> fool does last what the wise did first.<br />
Fender<br />
Every THURSDAY!<br />
Who depends on another person’s table often dines late.<br />
J Mascis<br />
Telecaster<br />
Small<br />
Where there are no hounds, the fox is king.<br />
Pharmacy<br />
Years and sins are always more than admitted.<br />
Big<br />
To make money, you must spend money.<br />
Service<br />
A person who flatters you more than you desire<br />
We answer<br />
either has deceived you or wishes <strong>to</strong> deceive you.<br />
our own<br />
phones! Tammy Maure<br />
Go early <strong>to</strong> market and as late as you can <strong>to</strong> battle.<br />
Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it.<br />
<strong>The</strong> person who gives little with a smile gives more<br />
than the person who give much with a frown.<br />
A person may have good eyes but see nothing.<br />
1249 London Rd • 519-491-6778 A person with the courage <strong>to</strong> laugh is master of the world 430 Exmouth Street, Sarnia<br />
londonroadpharmacy.com<br />
almost as much as the one who is ready <strong>to</strong> die.<br />
519-344-7740<br />
Find us on<br />
pickersalley.com<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
A friend of mine <strong>to</strong>ok her own life.<br />
At the funeral home, there was a lot<br />
of whispering. “Was it an accident?”<br />
“What really happened?” When it came<br />
out that it was suicide, the conversation<br />
always <strong>to</strong>ok the turn of “why would<br />
anyone choose that way out and why<br />
didn’t the person get some help?” Many<br />
people don’t get help when they’re<br />
feeling depressed, overwhelmed by life,<br />
helpless, and hopeless. <strong>The</strong>re is still a<br />
great stigma, or fear, attached <strong>to</strong> any<br />
mental illness. If someone is not doing<br />
well emotionally or mentally it is talked<br />
about in a whisper, “they had a nervous<br />
breakdown,” or “they’re not themselves,”<br />
or “they have trouble coping with life.”<br />
People think you are less of a person,<br />
weak, not like everyone else. Often,<br />
the person struggling sees themselves<br />
as weak as well. It’s hard <strong>to</strong> admit that<br />
sometimes you need a little help <strong>to</strong> get<br />
NEW<br />
about his struggle with depression, 60<br />
Minutes anchor Mike Wallace admitted,<br />
“I just didn’t want people <strong>to</strong> know of my<br />
vulnerability. I was ashamed. It was a<br />
confession of weakness.”<br />
If you are struggling with any mental<br />
or emotional illness, seek help. Talk <strong>to</strong><br />
people. Fifty years ago, Cancer was a<br />
word that was whispered about. How<br />
far have we come since then in Cancer<br />
education and research? Can we dream<br />
that in fifty years time people will<br />
understand that mental illness is an<br />
illness like any other illness, and that<br />
there is hope? Talking about it will help<br />
erase the stigma associated with mental<br />
illness.<br />
Assoc. Publisher's Note: This article was<br />
written about 20 years ago. I do believe<br />
we've come a long way in making it more<br />
"normal" <strong>to</strong> have open conversations about<br />
mental health, but we can still do better.<br />
P A G E 30 “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.” -Back <strong>to</strong> the Future, 1985
Please tell our advertisers that you saw their ad in this magazine!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
850 Colborne Street @ Exmouth Street<br />
Northgate Plaza, Sarnia • 519-336-3838<br />
Do you<br />
want<br />
copies<br />
of...<br />
<strong>The</strong>y’re T<br />
FREE<br />
for people 55+!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
For a group,<br />
apartment<br />
building,<br />
or meeting?<br />
Call 519-491-1676 or email<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
Never sing in the shower!<br />
Singing leads <strong>to</strong> dancing,<br />
dancing leads <strong>to</strong> slipping<br />
and slipping leads <strong>to</strong><br />
paramedics seeing you naked.<br />
So remember… don't sing!<br />
Driving<br />
TRIVIA<br />
Answers Below<br />
1. American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson had a hit single called<br />
“Breakaway.” It was co-written by another Canadian singer. Was it<br />
a] Paul Anka b] Avril Lavigne or c] Amanda Marshall?<br />
2. What term describes a part of the body only when seated?<br />
3. What is the common name for the High Mobility Multi-purpose<br />
Wheeled Vehicle?<br />
4. What does 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 equal?<br />
5. <strong>The</strong>re is a statue in the park. It has a person on a horse, the horse<br />
has both feet in the air. What does this mean?<br />
6. What do the words “Kayak”, “Level” and “Racecar” have in<br />
common?<br />
7. What happened in Ontario, the winter of 1932 due <strong>to</strong> extreme cold?<br />
8. Who was the voice of Shaggy on the Scooby-Doo car<strong>to</strong>ons?<br />
9. In Nelly Furtado’s hit song “Promiscuous Girl,” she makes a<br />
reference <strong>to</strong> a fellow Canadian. Who?<br />
10. <strong>The</strong> birthplace of Radar is said <strong>to</strong> be which Ontario <strong>to</strong>wn?<br />
11. What man did Adolf Hitler commission <strong>to</strong> build his “car for the<br />
people” or Volkswagen?<br />
12. Who appeared as Mini Me in the Austin Powers movies?<br />
13. Who is the person that Narcissus fell in love with?<br />
14. In the 1950’s, who made stars out of “<strong>The</strong> Comets”?<br />
15. <strong>The</strong> piano was invented in which country in 1709?<br />
16. Which NHL player retired with exactly 500 goals <strong>to</strong> his credit?<br />
ANSWERS:<br />
1. b] Avril Lavigne 2. the lap 3. HMMV or Humvee or Hummer 4. 12345678987654321<br />
5. the person died in battle 6. they are all palindromes (the same forwards or<br />
backwards) 7. Niagara Falls froze completely solid 8. Kasey Kasem 9. Steve Nash<br />
10. Clin<strong>to</strong>n 11. Ferdinand Porsche 12. Vern Troyer 13. himself (or his reflection)<br />
14. Bill Haley 15. Italy 16. Lanny McDonald 500 goals, 1006 <strong>to</strong>tal points<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.” -Babe, 1995<br />
P A G E 31
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
Established in 1978,<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Pharmacy continues <strong>to</strong><br />
provide caring, professional pharmacy<br />
services <strong>to</strong> residents of the beautiful<br />
<strong>to</strong>wn of Petrolia and Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County.<br />
4130 Glenview Rd, Unit 2, Petrolia<br />
519-882-0650<br />
Danielle Edgar, B.Sc., PharmD<br />
Pharmacist<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong> by<br />
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Graham<br />
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Saturday 9–12<br />
1860s Working Oil Field His<strong>to</strong>ric Site<br />
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(other times by appointment)<br />
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com<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
This magazine comes with a free, built-in, old fashioned fly swatter!<br />
For the Love of Trees<br />
By Susan Iedema, London • from Daytripping Nov-Dec 2018<br />
As I have grown older, things that I am<br />
sure I <strong>to</strong>ok for granted as a child, I now<br />
appreciate. Trees are one of those things.<br />
Old black and white pictures, taken<br />
after an ice s<strong>to</strong>rm, depict the damage<br />
done <strong>to</strong> the trees around the house<br />
where I grew up. Broken, ice covered<br />
branches lay strewn about as larger<br />
limbs burdened with the ice, hang low<br />
above them. Other trees look as if they<br />
are ready <strong>to</strong> split in two. One of the trees<br />
damaged was my mom’s favourite, the<br />
birch tree. As my dad prepared <strong>to</strong> go<br />
outside and start the cleanup, my mom’s<br />
familiar warning that he better not cut<br />
down her birch tree rang out.<br />
In the summer, large maples on the<br />
west side of our house made the porch<br />
located there a cool place <strong>to</strong> sit after<br />
supper.<br />
Behind the garage, pieces of wood<br />
nailed up the trunk of a tree invited one<br />
<strong>to</strong> climb and find my brother’s treehouse<br />
hidden within the large branches.<br />
My dad regularly helped clear dead<br />
wood from a forested lot owned by a<br />
friend. This wood served as fire wood<br />
for both parties. My dad confided<br />
in me one day that he could<br />
take a chair and sit in that forest<br />
for hours. Maybe not then, but<br />
now I understand what he<br />
meant. I can sit for hours in<br />
my own backyard taking in<br />
the wonders of nature.<br />
Even my sister <strong>to</strong>ld me<br />
recently, out of the blue, of<br />
her love of trees.<br />
In my current back<br />
yard, a number of<br />
trees outline the yard. Large pine trees at<br />
the back grow on a slant and make me<br />
hope, when wind s<strong>to</strong>rms come, that their<br />
roots are strong. <strong>The</strong> eerie sound of the<br />
wind through their branches brings back<br />
another childhood memory of passing<br />
a property with pines that produced<br />
the same spooky sound. A sound that<br />
seemed <strong>to</strong> raise the hairs on the back of<br />
my neck and urged me <strong>to</strong> run for my life!<br />
On the east side of our yard, cedar<br />
trees provide morning shade giving us a<br />
place <strong>to</strong> sit in warm weather and have<br />
our morning coffee break.<br />
<strong>The</strong> maple tree on a neighbouring<br />
property will always remind me of the<br />
original owner who <strong>to</strong>ld me that her late<br />
husband planted that tree many years<br />
ago. Late in the day, this tree takes over<br />
the job of providing shade <strong>to</strong> our yard.<br />
I guess my love of trees was also<br />
witnessed by my excitement and<br />
anticipation when the city sent a notice<br />
announcing the planting of a tree in front<br />
of our house. I awaited the arrival like a<br />
new parent and watered her from a pail<br />
during a recent drought.<br />
Most days I can hardly wait <strong>to</strong><br />
get outside for a walk in the nearby<br />
park. If I pick the right entrance a<br />
majestic willow greets me. More<br />
gnarly and knotty ones, which I<br />
think are beautiful, await me<br />
further along.<br />
Research online produces<br />
a long list of the benefits of<br />
trees, but I really don’t need<br />
a list as I can see and feel<br />
these benefits every day<br />
of my life!<br />
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<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
THE WALK<br />
Petrolia’s<br />
Luxury<br />
Down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />
Development<br />
<strong>The</strong> Walk is Petrolia’s only luxury<br />
apartment project in the down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />
core. Within walking distance <strong>to</strong> the<br />
grocery s<strong>to</strong>re, hospital, pharmacies and<br />
more, the location is ideal for adopting<br />
Petrolia’s trendy down<strong>to</strong>wn lifestyle. 519-882-3157<br />
www.albanyretirementvillage.com/the-walk<br />
TOP 10<br />
1 Bill Anderson Still1963<br />
Country Hits<br />
Source:<br />
playback.fm<br />
2 Bobby Bare 500 Miles Away from Home<br />
3 George Hamil<strong>to</strong>n IV Abilene<br />
4 Johnny Cash Ring Of Fire<br />
5 Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs & the Foggy Mountains Boys<br />
<strong>The</strong> Ballad Of Jed Clampett<br />
6 Skeeter Davis <strong>The</strong> End Of <strong>The</strong> World<br />
7 Jim Reeves <strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> My World<br />
8 Marty Robbins Ruby Ann<br />
9 Buck Owens Love's Gonna Live Here<br />
10 Ned Miller From A Jack To A King<br />
Billboard Hits<br />
Source:<br />
playback.fm<br />
1 <strong>The</strong> Crystals Da Doo Ron Ron<br />
2 <strong>The</strong> Chiffons He's So Fine<br />
3 <strong>The</strong> Kingsmen Louie Louie<br />
4 <strong>The</strong> Ronettes Be My Baby<br />
5 James Brown Prisoner of Love<br />
6 <strong>The</strong> Drifters On Broadway<br />
7 <strong>The</strong> Trashmen Surfin' Bird<br />
8 Martha And <strong>The</strong> Vandellas Heat Wave<br />
9 <strong>The</strong> Beach Boys Shut Down<br />
10 <strong>The</strong> Chiffons One Fine Day<br />
Movies<br />
Cleopatra<br />
How the West Was Won<br />
It's a Mad Mad<br />
Mad Mad World<br />
Tom Jones<br />
(Oscar for Best Picture)<br />
Son of Flubber<br />
Dr. No<br />
<strong>The</strong> V.I.P.s<br />
McLin<strong>to</strong>ck!<br />
Charade<br />
Source: the-numbers.com<br />
P A G E 32<br />
“I’m walking here! I’m walking here!” -Midnight Cowboy, 1969
Sometimes, no news really is good news.<br />
226-738-0665 • WWW.BLACKGOLD.BEER<br />
You can’t buy<br />
Happiness<br />
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<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
“Big or Small, JohnnyRemax<br />
Sells T hem All”<br />
John A. McCharles, Broker<br />
Re/Max Sarnia Realty Inc. Brokerage<br />
519-383-4812<br />
johnnyremax@bellnet.ca<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
HOGAN<br />
P•H•A•R•M•A•C•Y<br />
Beautiful Gift Shop<br />
Full Service Pharmacy<br />
Full Service Cosmetic Department<br />
Full Service Home Health Care Dept.<br />
Wednesday is Senior’s Day ~ 20% OFF* for Cus<strong>to</strong>mers 60+<br />
Mon-Fri<br />
9-6,<br />
Sat 9-6,<br />
Sun10-5<br />
• Wedding • Birthday<br />
• Baby • Home Decor 4177 Petrolia Line, Petrolia • (519) 882-1840<br />
SARNIA<br />
FOREST<br />
FOREST<br />
Sarnia<br />
197 Maria St<br />
134 Ontario St<br />
Bright St near Russell<br />
John near Devine<br />
Capel & Maxwell<br />
Guthrie Dr W<br />
Coerbury & Elgin<br />
Welling<strong>to</strong>n St & Stuart<br />
Pineview Ave (Guthrie Park)<br />
Greendale near Hall St<br />
Cathcart Blvd east of Colborne<br />
McCaw & Evan St<br />
McGee St<br />
Coventry Ct<br />
Cathcart Blvd & Bove Ct<br />
Beach Lane<br />
Animal Farm at Canatara Park<br />
Wilson St<br />
O'Rae St<br />
Webster & Willard<br />
Bradford Dr<br />
Clarence & Dent<br />
Dow Centre for Youth, Indian Rd S<br />
Exmouth & Murphy-First Chrisan<br />
Reformed<br />
Germain Park near airplane<br />
Twin Lakes Park<br />
Wiltshire Park<br />
Marcin Park<br />
Centennial Park<br />
Bright's Grove<br />
Sandfield Cres in S<strong>to</strong>ney Creek<br />
Bright St & <strong>The</strong>lma<br />
Old Lakeshore near pier<br />
Winslow Crescent<br />
St John In-the-Wilderness Church,<br />
Old Lakeshore<br />
Camlachie<br />
Devonshire & Evergreen<br />
King St & Timber Ridge<br />
Old Mill & Pepperhill Dr<br />
Mandaumin<br />
Mandaumin Rd & Confederaon<br />
Line<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores<br />
Collingwood & Thomas, Blue Point<br />
Broadview Ave in Lake Valley Grove<br />
Army Camp Road near lpperwash<br />
Foster Cres in Ipperwash<br />
Superior & Riverside in Pt Franks<br />
<strong>The</strong>dford<br />
Main St & Third St<br />
Forest<br />
Queen & Washing<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Forest United Church (James &<br />
Jefferson)<br />
Forest Road/Main Street (across<br />
from Esso)<br />
Waord<br />
Sunset Ave Park<br />
in Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County!<br />
Petrolia<br />
Derby near Holland<br />
4112 Petrolia Line (outside Remax)<br />
Maple & Eureka<br />
Pine & Catherine<br />
4475 Petrolia Line<br />
Petrolia YMCA on Tank St (by<br />
gazebo)<br />
Brigden<br />
Jane St (park entrance)<br />
Adelia St & Brigden Rd<br />
Aamjiwnaang First Naon<br />
Community Centre I Maawn Doosh<br />
Gumig/Virgil Ave<br />
Corunna<br />
Bennck & Homestretch<br />
Fane St<br />
Moore<strong>to</strong>wn<br />
Moore Line & Emily (across from<br />
museum)<br />
Sombra<br />
Smith Line just off St Clair Pkwy<br />
Port Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Along St Clair Pkwy River Trail (N of<br />
Brander Park)<br />
Wyoming<br />
O'Brien Park<br />
Wyoming Bapst Church (back SW<br />
corner)<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are over 100,000 Lile Free Libraries across over 100 countries, with an esmated 42,000,000 books shared annually. www.lilefreelibrary.org<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “It was beauty killed the beast.” -King Kong, 1933<br />
P A G E 33
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
60 might be the new 40, but 9 pm is the new midnight.<br />
Frances’<br />
Helpful<br />
Hints<br />
1) Have a sickly stained vase<br />
or bottle and don’t know<br />
what <strong>to</strong> do? Give it an Alka<br />
Seltzer! That’s right! Fill with<br />
water and drop in an Alka<br />
Seltzer and let stand for 24<br />
hours. <strong>The</strong>n brush, wash and<br />
rinse thoroughly. Dry and the<br />
stain should be gone. This<br />
usually works quite well. If<br />
not, what can I say, but throw<br />
out the vase or bottle.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
2) Don’t do this! Don’t do<br />
that! Well here are some<br />
more “don’t” mentions.<br />
Don’t wash ivory. Don’t<br />
repaint old <strong>to</strong>ys. Don’t tape<br />
old paper. Don’t wash oil<br />
paintings. Don’t buff pewter.<br />
Just don’t do it!<br />
NOV 24 - DEC 10<br />
DEC 15 - 17<br />
RIGH<br />
T<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
2<br />
A Glorious<br />
o<br />
Tradition<br />
io<br />
Foot S<strong>to</strong>mpin’<br />
Festive Fun<br />
3) How <strong>to</strong> clean Lacquer?<br />
Truly a dilemma but never<br />
fear because help is on the<br />
way. Make a paste of flour<br />
and olive oil. Use clean<br />
flannel cloth <strong>to</strong> polish the<br />
item with this concoction and<br />
the result is a clean gleaming<br />
finish. Tasting the paste is<br />
not recommended.<br />
4) Good old baking soda is<br />
still out there working like a<br />
trojan. Use baking soda and<br />
water <strong>to</strong> give graniteware and<br />
other enameled ware a<br />
gleaming finish. Truly<br />
amazing stuff!<br />
5) To wax or not <strong>to</strong> wax?<br />
That is the question. If you<br />
like <strong>to</strong> wax your furniture,<br />
remember that it is safe <strong>to</strong><br />
put paste wax over spray<br />
wax, but not a good idea <strong>to</strong><br />
apply spray over paste wax.<br />
It could soften the wax and<br />
ruin the finish. So, don’t<br />
spray the paste!<br />
I was a singer born in<br />
Tennessee on November 26,<br />
1939. I picked cot<strong>to</strong>n as a kid<br />
and worked as a nurse’s aide. A<br />
1971 single helped propel my<br />
music career, and I was called<br />
the Queen of Rock and Roll.<br />
I Guess<br />
Who?<br />
am a politician born in Canada on<br />
December 25, 1971. I followed my<br />
father in<strong>to</strong> politics and got involved<br />
with the Liberal party at an early<br />
age. I became a prominent member<br />
of Parliament, and then earned a<br />
key political position in 2015.<br />
Answer: Justin Trudeau Answer: Tina Turner<br />
6) Here’s a little quiz. I’ve got<br />
it, no, I had it, no, I threw it<br />
out. What are the most<br />
despised, the most hated<br />
expressions of all times for all<br />
antique dealers? By George,<br />
you’ve got it!<br />
P A G E 34<br />
“Stella! Hey, Stella!” -A Streetcar Named Desire, 1951
You’re not getting older, you’re just becoming a classic!<br />
• Fresh Produce<br />
• Fresh Meat<br />
• Party Trays<br />
• Bakery<br />
• Deli<br />
• Bulk Food<br />
• Seasonal<br />
Merchandise<br />
• Flower<br />
Market<br />
Every Tuesday is SENIORS DISCOUNT DAY<br />
10% OFF for age 60 and over (must tell cashier)<br />
Doesn’t apply <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>bacco, lottery or gift cards<br />
Use our easy<br />
ONLINE<br />
www.yourindependentgrocer.ca<br />
We’ll bring your groceries <strong>to</strong> your car!<br />
SARNIA<br />
519-337-3713<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
519-834-2833<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Country Yarns<br />
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Call 519-491-1676<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
Never judge<br />
someone by the opinion<br />
of others.<br />
Retirement<br />
Village<br />
Down<strong>to</strong>wn Retirement Living<br />
in a Quaint Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Town<br />
4136 Petrolia Line,<br />
Petrolia • 519-882-2211<br />
www.yourindependentgrocer.ca<br />
www.albanyretirementvillage.com<br />
Call <strong>to</strong> Book a Tour:<br />
423 Albany Street<br />
Petrolia, ON<br />
519-882-3157<br />
Enjoy Friends | Enjoy Independence | Enjoy Life<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Joy<br />
<strong>The</strong> wonderful joy and carefree bliss<br />
we all felt as children when it was<br />
picnic time can not be replaced by any<br />
<strong>to</strong>y, game or gimmick <strong>to</strong>day. Can you<br />
remember those feelings? I know I can.<br />
<strong>The</strong> sun felt kinder, the grass looked<br />
greener and the blue skies were oh so<br />
blue it felt like you could swim in them.<br />
Our annual family picnics were held<br />
in Woods<strong>to</strong>ck at Waterworks Park. We<br />
had <strong>to</strong> have a big open space like that,<br />
<strong>to</strong> accommodate all of us. <strong>The</strong>re were<br />
moms and dads, aunts, uncles, nieces,<br />
nephews and cousins twice removed<br />
(whatever that means) and that easily<br />
added up <strong>to</strong> over 100 folks sitting down<br />
<strong>to</strong> a sumptuous picnic lunch, games<br />
and gossip.<br />
Each year, you had <strong>to</strong> endure the<br />
endless string of relatives commenting<br />
how big you had grown since last<br />
year, and which one of the group you<br />
belonged <strong>to</strong> and my goodness how the<br />
those freckles had nearly taken over<br />
your face, before you could sit down <strong>to</strong><br />
a feast fit for the king.<br />
Everyone brought creamy pota<strong>to</strong><br />
salad, crispy scalloped pota<strong>to</strong>es,<br />
macaroni salad, sliced ham, fried<br />
chicken, spicy baked beans, threebean<br />
salad, pickled and devilled eggs,<br />
sweet pickles, dill pickles, bread and<br />
rolls, relish trays with celery, carrots,<br />
cheeses, salmon sandwiches, egg salad<br />
sandwiches and plenty of strawberry<br />
Freshie <strong>to</strong> wash all of it down. <strong>The</strong>re<br />
wasn’t an empty space <strong>to</strong> be had on<br />
your plate once you started down that<br />
long line of delicious treats. You learned<br />
really quickly who made the best baked<br />
beans or the best fried chicken and you<br />
praised their accomplishments (haven’t<br />
eaten this good since last year) so they<br />
would make the same thing next year.<br />
Of course there were always<br />
innova<strong>to</strong>rs who produced some new<br />
dish each year, and wanted everyone <strong>to</strong><br />
try (just a bit) but it was a long stretch,<br />
<strong>to</strong> think it could replace the tried and<br />
trues we had enjoyed for years. My<br />
theory is, it ain’t broke don’t fix it.<br />
After you had done true justice <strong>to</strong><br />
the first course, and were sure you<br />
couldn’t possibly eat another bite, you<br />
caught a whiff of the dessert table. Now<br />
that was perfection <strong>to</strong> see all of those<br />
angel food cakes with soft whipped<br />
frosting, lemon meringue pie with real<br />
by Agnes Burroughs • from Daytripping July-Aug 2012<br />
shoe,<br />
meringue, sweet apple pie, dark<br />
chocolate cake with frosting,<br />
marshmallow fruit pudding,<br />
chocolate chip, butterscotch and<br />
peanut butter cookies, pecan<br />
squares, butter tarts, pumpkin,<br />
custard, raisin, blueberry,<br />
strawberry and rhubarb pie, all<br />
set out like a bake shop just waiting<br />
<strong>to</strong> be savored. Some of the desserts<br />
had come a long distance, and were a<br />
little worse for wear, but we polished<br />
them all off no matter how slanted or<br />
squished <strong>to</strong>gether.<br />
How could you possibly eat another<br />
bite? Give us a few hours of running<br />
around the park, playing a few games,<br />
trying out the swings, slides and teeter<br />
<strong>to</strong>tters, and we would be right back<br />
over at that picnic table begging for a<br />
piece of pie or a rice krispie square <strong>to</strong><br />
munch on.<br />
After all that food you would think<br />
you would be in a sugar coma, but no,<br />
we were right ready <strong>to</strong> start the games,<br />
once the ladies had the tables sort of<br />
cleaned up and the food was safely put<br />
back in<strong>to</strong> coolers. <strong>The</strong>re were pota<strong>to</strong><br />
sack races, kick the shoe, hide the<br />
two legged races, water balloon<br />
<strong>to</strong>ss, hard boiled egg race, hammer and<br />
nail challenge, and lots of races just<br />
for the sheer fun of running. Everyone<br />
got a prize whether they won or lost.<br />
All the kids got coloured balloons, ice<br />
cold freezies, peanuts in the shell and<br />
rolls of rainbow Lifesavers. <strong>The</strong> men<br />
always had a friendly game of baseball,<br />
or played horseshoes. After the games,<br />
the ladies, having worked most of the<br />
previous day <strong>to</strong> get ready for <strong>to</strong>day, sat<br />
down and enjoyed a well deserved rest.<br />
<strong>The</strong> children never seemed <strong>to</strong> tire<br />
of finding something <strong>to</strong> keep them<br />
occupied, from playing in the water <strong>to</strong><br />
chasing after balls and balloons. All <strong>to</strong>o<br />
soon, it was time for a light snack and<br />
time <strong>to</strong> pack everything away for the<br />
journey home with promises <strong>to</strong> meet<br />
next year, same time, same place.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “Here’s Johnny!” -<strong>The</strong> Shining, 1980<br />
P A G E 35
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
If this brings back good memories, send us some of your own.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Helping launch Project<br />
Lifesaver, an innovative new<br />
program <strong>to</strong> quickly locate<br />
people who have wandered and<br />
are reported missing.<br />
With Lamb<strong>to</strong>n-Kent-Middlesex<br />
MPP Monte McNaugh<strong>to</strong>n,<br />
members of LIUNA Local 1059,<br />
and other dignitaries for an<br />
important announcement<br />
recognizing the importance of<br />
women in the trades and creating<br />
female-friendly jobsites.<br />
On behalf of Ontario’s Ministry of<br />
Health, I was pleased <strong>to</strong> announce<br />
$236,500 in one-time <strong>to</strong>p-up<br />
funding for St. Joseph’s Hospice<br />
<strong>to</strong> support and sustain existing<br />
residential hospice capacity.<br />
Visiting the Bluewater Anglers<br />
during their annual Open House<br />
with Ontario Trillium Foundation<br />
(OTF) Rep. Don McGugan (right) <strong>to</strong><br />
celebrate their $21,500 OTF grant.<br />
MPP – Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Building A Better Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> is upon us in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n. I hope you and your family have<br />
the opportunity <strong>to</strong> experience all the festivals, markets, cultural events,<br />
sporting activities and more that Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County has <strong>to</strong> offer.<br />
When I’m out and about in the community, one of the questions I often<br />
get asked is about what financial, health and housing supports are<br />
available for those of us in the 55+ age group.<br />
Here are just a few highlights of the incentives the Ontario government<br />
has <strong>to</strong> offer:<br />
<strong>The</strong> Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit supports a wide range of<br />
medical expenses <strong>to</strong> help low-<strong>to</strong>-moderate-income senior families age<br />
at home. <strong>The</strong>se supports include attendant care, assistive breathing<br />
devices, and hearing and walking aids. Eligible recipients receive up <strong>to</strong><br />
25 per cent of their claimable medical expenses up <strong>to</strong> $6,000, for a<br />
maximum credit of $1,500.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Home and Vehicle Modification Program helps children and adults<br />
with restricted mobility <strong>to</strong> continue living safely in their homes, avoid<br />
job loss and participate in their communities. Eligible individuals may<br />
receive grants of up <strong>to</strong> $15,000 <strong>to</strong> modify their home and/or vehicle.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Ontario Senior Homeowners’ Property Tax Grant is intended <strong>to</strong><br />
help offset property taxes for low-<strong>to</strong>-moderate-income people 64 years<br />
of age or older who own their own home. It provides up <strong>to</strong> $500 each<br />
year depending on adjusted family net income.<br />
Some other programs you might be interested in are the Ontario Trillium<br />
Benefit, the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit, the Ontario Sales<br />
Tax Credit, and the Ontario Seniors’ Public Transit Tax Credit.<br />
For more information on these and other programs for people 55+,<br />
please feel free <strong>to</strong> contact my Constituency Office.<br />
Have a wonderful summer – and enjoy everything that beautiful<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n has <strong>to</strong> offer!<br />
Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming Mayor Gary<br />
Atkinson (back left) and<br />
members of their Town Council<br />
paid a visit <strong>to</strong> the Legislative<br />
Assembly of Ontario.<br />
805 Christina St. North, Suite 102<br />
Point Edward, ON N7V 1X6<br />
Joining Michelle Holbrook and the<br />
team from Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Rebound <strong>to</strong> celebrate their<br />
$147,900 Ontario Trillium<br />
Foundation Grant and the grand<br />
opening of <strong>The</strong> ReFound S<strong>to</strong>re.<br />
Contact Bob Bailey<br />
Tel.: 519-337-0051<br />
Fax: 519-337-3246<br />
Honoured <strong>to</strong> welcome new<br />
Sarnia Police Service<br />
Deputy Chief Julie<br />
Craddock, seen here<br />
during her swearing-in<br />
ceremony.<br />
P A G E 36<br />
“I feel the need - the need for speed!” -Top Gun, 1986<br />
With Sarnia Mayor Bradley delivering<br />
a special thank you, on behalf of the<br />
Premier, <strong>to</strong> GM Tina Mel and the staff<br />
at Fairwinds Lodge Retirement<br />
Residence for their heroic efforts <strong>to</strong><br />
ensure residents’ safety during the<br />
January 15th fire.<br />
E-mail: bob.baileyco@pc.ola.org<br />
Website: bobbaileympp.com
Let’s grow old <strong>to</strong>gether. You go first.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Senior’s Bumper Sticker<br />
I asked my wife if old men<br />
prefer boxers or briefs<br />
- she said “depends”<br />
a Farm<br />
<strong>to</strong> Table<br />
Restaurant<br />
Open<br />
Wed-Sat<br />
Elevated Seasonal Dishes, Inspired Cocktails,<br />
Ontario Beers, Daily & Weekly Features.<br />
www.localwyomingon.ca<br />
15% OFF<br />
Every Day for<br />
Seniors (65+)<br />
647 Broadway Street, Wyoming<br />
226-307-0694 • suncoastnaturalhealth.ca<br />
663 Broadway Street<br />
Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0<br />
519-845-3212<br />
beth@bethhackettins.ca<br />
Great Local Service<br />
Golf, Really?<br />
By Kelly-Lynn Musico, Brights Grove • Registered Physiotherapist, Registered Yoga Teacher<br />
60 Y Years of f S Service i t <strong>to</strong> Wyoming<br />
W i<br />
& <strong>The</strong> Surrounding Community!<br />
• Compounding Service Offered<br />
607 Broadway Street,<br />
Wyoming 519-845-3341<br />
• hay fever<br />
• oral thrush<br />
• pink eye<br />
• dermatitis<br />
We offer<br />
prescriptions for:<br />
• acid reflux<br />
• hemorrhoids<br />
• cold sores<br />
• impetigo<br />
• insect bites and hives<br />
• urinary tract infections<br />
• menstrual cramps<br />
• sprains & strains<br />
• tick bites<br />
I recently shared a s<strong>to</strong>ry from when<br />
I was a physiotherapist in my 20’s. I<br />
recalled being inspired by two of my<br />
patients who were in their 80’s.<br />
At the time, I was treating clients in an<br />
outpatient physiotherapy department<br />
at a local hospital and, while I do not<br />
remember my clients’<br />
names, I do remember<br />
one client in her 80’s had a<br />
back injury and the other,<br />
also in her 80’s, a shoulder<br />
injury. Yes, it was great<br />
that they were actively<br />
seeking physiotherapy<br />
for their injuries but what<br />
was more impactful <strong>to</strong><br />
me at the time, was their<br />
committed desire <strong>to</strong> get<br />
better. I still remember<br />
them pleading with me, “I<br />
have <strong>to</strong> get better, I miss<br />
golfing with my friends.” <strong>The</strong> other<br />
said, “I’m still walking the course with<br />
my friends, but I want <strong>to</strong> golf <strong>to</strong>o.”<br />
What commitment.<br />
I absolutely loved this!<br />
Not only did they both demonstrate<br />
the physical benefits of golf, but it was<br />
evident there were social benefits <strong>to</strong>o.<br />
This was a huge eye opener for me,<br />
that golf was a sport that I <strong>to</strong>o could do<br />
well in my later years. At the time, I had<br />
not taken up the sport but I remember<br />
thinking... I’m not likely <strong>to</strong> be playing<br />
volleyball or basketball in my 80’s, so<br />
maybe I should try golf.<br />
And so, it was those two ladies in<br />
their 80’s who inspired my younger<br />
twenty-something self <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>to</strong><br />
stay active and start on my own golf<br />
journey. One is never <strong>to</strong>o old <strong>to</strong> provide<br />
inspiration <strong>to</strong> others!<br />
Although I do not play as much as I’d<br />
like, I am grateful I started golf and I do<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong> credit: Ontario’s Southwest<br />
hope <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> play well in<strong>to</strong> my<br />
later years. Golf is clearly a sport that<br />
can be played at any age, and it’s never<br />
<strong>to</strong>o late <strong>to</strong> start. I love that it provides<br />
physical activity in nature, mental<br />
stimulation, and opportunities for much<br />
needed social interaction.<br />
Also, remember that seeking<br />
physiotherapy at any age demonstrates<br />
a proactive approach <strong>to</strong> maintaining<br />
mobility, strength, and overall wellbeing.<br />
And, engaging in any physical<br />
activity and physiotherapy at any stage<br />
of life can be highly beneficial.<br />
Move. Feel. Live.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “I’ll have what she’s having.” -When Harry Met Sally, 1989<br />
P A G E 37
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
569 BROADWAY ST, WYOMING • 519-845-1613<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
PICK YOUR OWN • Strawberries • Raspberries<br />
• Apples • Pears • Pumpkins (in season)<br />
4622 London Line, Reeces Corners • 519-845-3482<br />
FARM STORE with fresh produce,<br />
bakery items, preserves, maple syrup,<br />
honey & more. S<strong>to</strong>p by soon!<br />
www.zekveldgardenmarket.ca<br />
Children <strong>Welcome</strong><br />
Putting the Grey in Great!<br />
Marcanda Gifts<br />
Tea Room & Boutique<br />
Bed & Breakfast<br />
Gift Shop<br />
& Ladies<br />
Fashions!<br />
4562 London Line 519-845-3133<br />
Reeces Corners<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Brain Teaser<br />
Bathroom<br />
& Kitchen<br />
Showroom<br />
519-845-3726<br />
www.Plymp<strong>to</strong>nPlumbing.com • 4401 London Line, Wyoming<br />
Have You Ever Seen God?<br />
Have you ever watched the setting sun or seen it rise in morn,<br />
Or gazed upon a mother’s face the day her baby’s born?<br />
Have you ever seen an ocean blue that meets the endless sky,<br />
Or s<strong>to</strong>od a<strong>to</strong>p a mountain peak <strong>to</strong> watch an eagle fly?<br />
Have you ever cried then felt at peace when situations fail,<br />
Or found a friend who comforts you when spirits feel so pale?<br />
Have you ever seen a flower bloom and marvelled at its hue,<br />
Or walked about before the dawn and felt the morning dew?<br />
Have you ever heard a song so sweet that tears begin <strong>to</strong> fall,<br />
Or watched a little puppy dog come running when you call?<br />
Have you ever seen a rainbow cloud with stripes like heaven’s door,<br />
Or sheltered in <strong>to</strong> watch the rain as s<strong>to</strong>rms and thunder roar?<br />
Have you ever hurt and felt such pain, and later found<br />
you’re healed,<br />
Or sensed a joy inside your soul that’s hard <strong>to</strong> keep concealed?<br />
Have you ever tasted something sweet, a flavour of delight,<br />
Or heard the still when you lay down and listen <strong>to</strong> the night?<br />
Have you ever seen a bride in white, adorned from head <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>e,<br />
Or had the chance <strong>to</strong> share your love and watch young<br />
children grow?<br />
Have you ever seen a summer’s field ablazed with golden grain,<br />
Or tasted bread that’s freshly baked or played with<br />
Grandpa’s train?<br />
Have you ever felt the joy of love, the warmth of an embrace,<br />
Or pondered ‘bout the endless stars that sparkle out in space?<br />
For if you’ve ever sensed these things and marvelled them so much,<br />
<strong>The</strong>n you have seen the God of all and how our lives He’ll <strong>to</strong>uch.<br />
By Roger Allen (sent in by Roy Allen, Sarnia)<br />
Put two dimes and two quarters in the spaces that<br />
contain their pictures. <strong>The</strong> object is <strong>to</strong> make the<br />
quarters and dimes change places in exactly 8 moves.<br />
You are allowed two kinds of moves:<br />
1. You can slide any coin in<strong>to</strong> an empty space next <strong>to</strong> it.<br />
2. You can jump any coin over the coin next <strong>to</strong> it, like<br />
in checkers, provided you land on an empty space.<br />
It’s not as easy as it looks. Time yourself. If you solve it<br />
in 5 minutes, you're a genius. 10 minutes = excellent.<br />
20 is about average.<br />
Remember, only eight moves are allowed. If you do it in<br />
more moves, you haven't solved the puzzle.<br />
You’ve got a lot riding on those tires!<br />
Wyoming<br />
Au<strong>to</strong> Centre<br />
You can trust<br />
Wyoming Tirecraft<br />
for personal<br />
small <strong>to</strong>wn service.<br />
Cars, Trucks, Performance<br />
Specializing in Farm<br />
We can also do repairs,<br />
oil changes,<br />
brakes, batteries,<br />
seasonal maintenance<br />
and much more.<br />
It’s worth<br />
the trip<br />
<strong>to</strong> Wyoming!<br />
547 Ontario Street, Wyoming • 519-845-0813 • tirecraft.com<br />
P A G E 38<br />
“Inconceivable!” -<strong>The</strong> Princess Bride, 1987
Retirement To-Do List: 1) Wake Up.... NAILED IT!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Growing<br />
A Greener<br />
Community,<br />
One Tree<br />
At A Time<br />
• Manicures • Pedicures • Waxing<br />
• Cosmetic Injections (Bo<strong>to</strong>x & Fillers)<br />
• Electrolysis<br />
a getaway from the everyday<br />
635 Broadway Street<br />
226-307-0772<br />
SENIORS 10% OFF (65+)<br />
Contact Us: 519-845-0847<br />
info@wyomingtreeservice.ca<br />
When you truly love someone, are<br />
married or in a close partnership, there<br />
are few of us who want <strong>to</strong> admit we are<br />
unable anymore <strong>to</strong> care for that other<br />
person. Like me, however, they may<br />
finally have <strong>to</strong> face the reality unless<br />
they find alternate living arrangements<br />
for the person needing care. <strong>The</strong>ir own<br />
health will be compromised, which is<br />
not good for either one of them. It is<br />
one of the most difficult life decisions a<br />
lot of spouses face. I know, because it’s<br />
one I was forced <strong>to</strong> make.<br />
I dreaded November 18th, 2014.<br />
That was the arranged day <strong>to</strong> place my<br />
93 year old husband in a long term<br />
care home. I was fearful my elderly<br />
husband, suffering with dementia and<br />
several physical ailments, would create<br />
a terrible fuss. It was fortunate I had the<br />
wonderful support of a close friend, and<br />
our adult grandson, who both assisted<br />
me with the move.<br />
When we arrived at the facility our<br />
grandson <strong>to</strong>ok my husband gently<br />
by the arm as he guided him in<strong>to</strong> the<br />
home. We were met in the foyer by a<br />
staff member who escorted us up <strong>to</strong><br />
Norway Spruce, his assigned floor, and<br />
then in<strong>to</strong> his semi-private room.<br />
Harvey smiled as he looked around<br />
and appeared <strong>to</strong> like what he saw; he<br />
even said, “This is nice.” He was warmly<br />
<strong>The</strong> mailman<br />
bringeth<br />
and the<br />
trashman<br />
taketh away.<br />
Did I Do <strong>The</strong> Right Thing?<br />
By Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Stirling, London • from Daytripping Nov-Dec 2015<br />
greeted by more staff members as they<br />
busied getting him admitted, and he<br />
was affable and cheerful. Because of my<br />
earlier fears I was as<strong>to</strong>nished, as well as<br />
relieved, at how well all of it was going.<br />
My grandson and I were invited <strong>to</strong><br />
stay and have lunch in the dining hall<br />
with him. It was reassuring <strong>to</strong> see this<br />
was a brightly lit area with the tables<br />
pleasantly laid. <strong>The</strong> meal had been<br />
prepared in the home’s own kitchen<br />
and it was good; enjoyed by all of us.<br />
After his noon meal we returned <strong>to</strong> his<br />
room, and as my husband wanted <strong>to</strong><br />
take his usual afternoon nap, we <strong>to</strong>ld<br />
him we loved him, would see him again<br />
soon, and left.<br />
Yet as we drove away from the home<br />
that day part of me remained there<br />
with him. <strong>The</strong> feeling of guilt, that I had<br />
somehow let him down, continued <strong>to</strong><br />
be a personal burden during most of<br />
the seven months he lived in the long<br />
term care home. Even though I really<br />
knew I could not manage him at home<br />
it was always still there.<br />
Since July 6th, 2015 when my<br />
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beloved husband passed peacefully<br />
away with quiet dignity and pain free,<br />
I’ve learned he did have quality time in<br />
that facility.<br />
In many of the staff’s condolences<br />
since, I’ve read, as well as heard, of<br />
the effect my husband had on them.<br />
He had enjoyed a unique camaraderie<br />
I hadn’t been aware of with other<br />
residents, some relatives of residents,<br />
and those special staff members.<br />
Harvey had participated in<br />
recreational activities; among them<br />
the twice monthly happy hour which I<br />
know, having gone with him, was one<br />
of his favourite. While he was able,<br />
he’d done some walking in the halls<br />
with Dan, a male physiotherapist. As<br />
they walked they chatted. Dan <strong>to</strong>ld me<br />
how interesting he found my husband,<br />
especially hearing about all the things<br />
he had achieved in his life: his 26 years<br />
in the Royal Navy, the many countries<br />
he’d visited, and how he’d met and<br />
married me.<br />
When Harvey talked about his life<br />
in Scotland it reminded some listeners<br />
of their own heritage. A resident at the<br />
home said how much she’d enjoyed<br />
his company at the dining table they<br />
shared; how she would miss him, he<br />
always made her laugh.<br />
This was not how his life had been<br />
for the previous two years which he<br />
spent all and every day sitting, watching<br />
TV, just doing nothing. It didn’t matter<br />
how much I tried <strong>to</strong> encourage him<br />
that there was more <strong>to</strong> life, he wouldn’t<br />
budge.<br />
So how do I feel now? I’m sad for<br />
myself, as having been married <strong>to</strong> him<br />
for nearly 63 years his life and mine<br />
are united. He’ll always be a part of it.<br />
Still I’ve found much solace in learning<br />
about his experiences in the home. Just<br />
knowing the people he came in contact<br />
with, how they got <strong>to</strong> share a part of<br />
the man I knew, before Dementia had<br />
changed him. This has also erased<br />
some of the guilt I’ve carried all this<br />
time because now I know, for both of<br />
us, I did do the right thing. My hope is<br />
these words of mine may bring comfort<br />
<strong>to</strong> anyone else going through a similar<br />
experience.<br />
Publisher’s Note:<br />
Thank you Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, for having the<br />
bravery <strong>to</strong> share your experience with<br />
us. I hope your words may help another<br />
reader in some way.<br />
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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.” -Sunset Boulevard, 1950 P A G E 39
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Isn’t it weird being the same age as old people?<br />
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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
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Let the Wind Take Your Words<br />
By Mary Lou Tasko, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trails • www.lsntblazers.com<br />
Earlier this spring, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores<br />
Nature Trails, in partnership with the<br />
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Area,<br />
installed a “wind phone” in the Ausable<br />
River Cut Conservation Area, just off<br />
Highway 21 in the municipality of<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores.<br />
If you are unfamiliar with the<br />
concept, a wind phone is a disconnected<br />
telephone placed in a natural setting. It<br />
allows people who are grieving the loss<br />
of a loved one <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> them—letting the<br />
“wind take their words.” Although the<br />
conversation is one-sided, many people<br />
find it helpful in the grieving process as<br />
it gives them a voice <strong>to</strong> express their<br />
thoughts and feelings.<br />
<strong>The</strong> idea originated in Japan in 2010,<br />
when Itaru Sasaki installed a phone<br />
booth, complete with an obsolete phone,<br />
in his garden where he could sit and talk<br />
<strong>to</strong> his deceased cousin. He found the<br />
continued connection and peace of the<br />
garden comforting and therapeutic. <strong>The</strong><br />
idea caught on, and there are now over<br />
60 wind phones worldwide. <strong>The</strong>y take<br />
many different forms, but<br />
they all provide the same<br />
thing—a telephone and a<br />
private space in natural<br />
surroundings.<br />
Grief counsellors agree<br />
that grieving is an ongoing<br />
process that never really<br />
ends and “moving<br />
forward” is really about<br />
learning <strong>to</strong> live with loss.<br />
Local psychologist Dr.<br />
Fiona Meeks says, “People<br />
process and grieve in<br />
various ways, and there isn’t a one-sizefits-all<br />
approach or journey; however, for<br />
some people, it can be very therapeutic<br />
and healing <strong>to</strong> identify ways <strong>to</strong> connect<br />
with a deceased loved one as they<br />
navigate and move forward in their life.<br />
<strong>The</strong> concept of the wind phone achieves<br />
exactly that: it provides the ability <strong>to</strong><br />
maintain a connection with deceased<br />
loved ones in a natural setting.”<br />
LSNT learned about the wind phone<br />
through a CBC report on an installation<br />
in Deer Lake, Newfoundland. Melanie<br />
Young, family physician and deputy<br />
mayor of Deer Lake, chairs a health and<br />
wellness committee that spearheaded<br />
the installation of the wind phone in the<br />
community. Dr. Young says “<strong>The</strong> phone<br />
itself acts as a symbolic intermediary.<br />
It allows people who are grieving the<br />
opportunity <strong>to</strong> externalize their grief.<br />
For those of us that often help people<br />
along the grieving process, we know<br />
that externalizing grief can often be very<br />
powerful in healing.” She also noted<br />
that, once the world seems <strong>to</strong> move<br />
on after a death, people<br />
who are grieving can<br />
feel terribly isolated. For<br />
many, the wind phone<br />
allows them <strong>to</strong> sustain<br />
a relationship with their<br />
loved one. Source: https://<br />
www.cbc.ca/news/canada/<br />
newfoundland-labrador/<br />
wind-phone-grief-lossdeer-lake-1.6712982<br />
<strong>The</strong> wind phone<br />
installation in the Ausable<br />
River Cut CA is about 150<br />
S<strong>to</strong>p & shop in Forest, Ontario!<br />
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on our website, Facebook & Instagram!<br />
m north from the trailhead, just off the<br />
main trail. LSNT built a kiosk with a metal<br />
roof and a small bench from recycled<br />
materials. Inside the kiosk is a black<br />
<strong>to</strong>uch-but<strong>to</strong>n phone and small plaque<br />
inscribed with a poem. Written by Millet<br />
Israeli, a New York City psychotherapist,<br />
the poem eloquently expresses the<br />
purpose of the wind phone.<br />
Though I’ve lost you,<br />
I can hear your voice<br />
in the silent echoes of your absence.<br />
You speak <strong>to</strong> me through rustling<br />
leaves,<br />
whistling wind and bowing branches.<br />
Though I’ve lost you,<br />
I feel you here<br />
in this shrine of trees<br />
in nature’s sanctuary.<br />
This Wind Phone is for all who grieve.<br />
You are welcome <strong>to</strong> find solace here.<br />
Please use it <strong>to</strong> connect with those<br />
you have lost.<br />
To feel the comfort of their memory.<br />
May you hear their voices in the wind.<br />
May you be at peace with your losses.<br />
LSNT has been overwhelmed by the<br />
response! Since its installation in late<br />
March, the short path <strong>to</strong> the wind phone<br />
kiosk has been well-trodden and LSNT<br />
has received profuse positive feedback.<br />
<strong>The</strong> LSNT Facebook post alone has<br />
reached almost 10,000 hits. CBC Radio<br />
hosted Ross Atkinson, LSNT’s Chair of<br />
Operations, on Afternoon Drive with<br />
Allison Devereaux, and several articles<br />
have been published by CBC News,<br />
Cottage Life, Blackburn News and the<br />
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Area.<br />
Most important are the personal notes<br />
LSNT has received from individuals who<br />
have already used the wind phone.<br />
Dr. Meek notes that, “<strong>The</strong> installment<br />
of the wind phone at the Ausable River<br />
Cut Conservation Trail offers a means for<br />
members of our community <strong>to</strong> maintain<br />
significant connections and relationships,<br />
both psychologically and spiritually, and<br />
it also normalizes the importance of<br />
doing so for some people as part of their<br />
grieving process. I believe that the wind<br />
phone will provide a valuable means of<br />
coping with grief and loss for members<br />
in our community.”<br />
While the wind phone may not be<br />
an effective <strong>to</strong>ol for everyone who is<br />
grieving, its growing popularity is proof<br />
that it is one more strategy for people <strong>to</strong><br />
lessen the pain of loss. LSNT invites you<br />
<strong>to</strong> visit our local wind phone, or perhaps<br />
pass along this information <strong>to</strong> anyone<br />
you think it may benefit. You may also<br />
wish <strong>to</strong> check out the website My Wind<br />
Phone (https://www.mywindphone.com)<br />
for a little more his<strong>to</strong>ry, wind phone<br />
locations, shared s<strong>to</strong>ries and a myriad<br />
of resources for folks who are living with<br />
grief.<br />
P A G E 40 “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going <strong>to</strong> be a bumpy night.” -All About Eve, 1950
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.<br />
Puzzle<br />
Solution<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
Al<strong>to</strong>n Farms Estate Winery<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
For <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
CROSSWORD on page 24<br />
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yo mi<br />
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Visit Al<strong>to</strong>n Farms this summer for fun, food, music, walking trails, a large covered<br />
patio and of course, lots and lots of delicious wine. Find details on Facebook.<br />
As reported by<br />
Chris Williamson<br />
just couldn’t resist<br />
the temptation. After<br />
convincing herself she<br />
really didn’t want <strong>to</strong><br />
open Williamson Farms<br />
Country S<strong>to</strong>re in Forest,<br />
ON, she went ahead and<br />
did it anyway. “I bought<br />
the building 13 years ago on New Year’s<br />
Eve,” Chris proclaims. “It was a s<strong>to</strong>re<br />
that had been closed for many years and<br />
I looked at it, but said I wasn’t going <strong>to</strong><br />
buy it because it wasn’t really something<br />
I wanted <strong>to</strong> do.” However, the real estate<br />
agent visited Chris just before Christmas<br />
<strong>to</strong> tell her the price had been reduced.<br />
So the s<strong>to</strong>re that she didn’t want <strong>to</strong><br />
buy, was purchased on New Years Eve.<br />
Today, Chris runs the s<strong>to</strong>re alongside<br />
her daughters, Gwen Williamson who<br />
helps with their website and sales, and<br />
Nicci Podolinsky who helps with day <strong>to</strong><br />
day operations.<br />
Over time Williamson Farms Country<br />
www.hashtaglocal.com<br />
Williamson Farms Country S<strong>to</strong>re<br />
S<strong>to</strong>re has developed in<strong>to</strong><br />
a one-s<strong>to</strong>p shopping<br />
mecca. “We created a<br />
s<strong>to</strong>re of niches. We carry<br />
a little bit of everything<br />
for our small community.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re is a lot of stuff<br />
in 2,200 square feet<br />
of space.<br />
We don’t waste an inch,”<br />
says Chris - and she is not<br />
exaggerating. Williamson’s<br />
features children’s gifts,<br />
clothing and accessories,<br />
games, garden products,<br />
gift baskets, greeting cards,<br />
home décor, meats, maple<br />
syrup products, Canadian<br />
foods, and wall art among<br />
other products.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> priority was<br />
always <strong>to</strong> focus on locally<br />
grown foods,” says Chris.<br />
When the s<strong>to</strong>re opened,<br />
Chris wanted <strong>to</strong> feature<br />
Williamson Farms meats and maple<br />
syrup, as a way of a creating an income<br />
for their family. “It was important <strong>to</strong> us<br />
<strong>to</strong> feature farm fresh products, because<br />
farming is a seasonal income. We have<br />
evolved <strong>to</strong> the point where we have a<br />
small commercial kitchen so we can<br />
do homestyle baking and homemade<br />
fudge in the s<strong>to</strong>re and that has proven<br />
<strong>to</strong> be a real draw <strong>to</strong> the s<strong>to</strong>re.”<br />
Williamson Farms Country S<strong>to</strong>re is<br />
open seven days a week in July and<br />
August. In the winter, they are open<br />
Monday <strong>to</strong> Saturday. For Nicci, selling<br />
has been in her blood since she was<br />
a child. “My parents sold sweet corn<br />
from the back of their truck when I was<br />
very young,” Nicci says. “We’ve had<br />
the on-farm retail s<strong>to</strong>re for more than<br />
30 years. People used <strong>to</strong> walk in<strong>to</strong> that<br />
s<strong>to</strong>re when I was 12 or 13 and ask, ‘Are<br />
you the little redheaded kid who used <strong>to</strong><br />
sit in the back of the truck eating sweet<br />
corn?’ I have been selling one way or<br />
another my entire life.”<br />
Nicci and Chris have prioritized<br />
building a great rapport with their<br />
cus<strong>to</strong>mers. “We just try <strong>to</strong> be as honest<br />
with the cus<strong>to</strong>mers as possible,” says<br />
Nicci, 37. “If we have forgot something<br />
or made a mistake, we own up<br />
<strong>to</strong> it and tell people if they can<br />
give us 10 minutes, we’ll make<br />
sure everything is right.” While<br />
running the s<strong>to</strong>re, making and<br />
baking products, and working<br />
on the farm keeps them busy,<br />
the mother-daughter duo still<br />
prioritize having a good time.<br />
“Working at the s<strong>to</strong>re is a lot<br />
of fun. <strong>The</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mers are fun,<br />
the products are fun and even<br />
shopping trips for new products<br />
is fun.”<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong> Credit: Sierra Hart<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />
• Collecbles • Giware • Kids Toys, Games & Books • Fudge<br />
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Open Monday <strong>to</strong> Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5 • July & August Sundays 11-3<br />
14 King Street West, FOREST • 226-520-0144<br />
www.williamsonfarmscountrys<strong>to</strong>re.ca<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” -Dirty Dancing, 1987<br />
P A G E 41
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
I came, I saw... I forgot what I was doing. Retraced my steps and got lost.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
I'D GET OLD.<br />
A BIT OF A<br />
Do you live in the<br />
BOONIES?<br />
<strong>The</strong> CLUB is<br />
available at all<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County<br />
libraries<br />
(while they last)!<br />
GRAND BEND - Wednesdays 8am-1pm,<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Museum, until Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 4.<br />
FOREST - Fridays 9am-1pm, at the corner<br />
of Jefferson & Main, until Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 6.<br />
Grandparents Leave Lasting Legacy<br />
Grandparents are interesting people<br />
who can contribute a great deal <strong>to</strong><br />
families and society, as well as leave<br />
valuable legacies for future generations.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y add a special dimension and<br />
richness <strong>to</strong> our lives. I was fortunate <strong>to</strong><br />
grow up with an extended family that<br />
included my grandparents on my father’s<br />
side. Grandpa Cook was an Imperial Oil<br />
employee and farmer, born in Brooke<br />
Township. Grandma was a seamstress<br />
born in Dawn Township. Together they<br />
raised a family of four, starting out in a<br />
log cabin.<br />
Memories of my grandma draw me<br />
<strong>to</strong> the kitchen of two residences, first in<br />
Corunna, then in Alvins<strong>to</strong>n. <strong>The</strong> kitchen<br />
was the focal point of both the two-s<strong>to</strong>rey<br />
homes, the gathering place <strong>to</strong> not only<br />
have meals but <strong>to</strong> hang out with other<br />
family members. Grandma seemed <strong>to</strong><br />
have her head in the oven a lot, either<br />
putting something in or taking something<br />
out. Even <strong>to</strong>day, the smells of baking<br />
always bring her <strong>to</strong> mind, especially<br />
the smell of cinnamon. My sister and I<br />
would watch her roll out pastry for pies;<br />
unfortunately, neither one of us carried<br />
on this tradition.<br />
By Nadine Wark, Sarnia • from Daytripping May-June 2016<br />
According <strong>to</strong> family lore, Grandma<br />
had no problem chasing a chicken out<br />
back and cutting off its head for a ‘fresh’<br />
chicken dinner. Fortunately, we never<br />
witnessed that feat! <strong>The</strong>re was also the<br />
gardening, canning and preserving every<br />
year and sewing on the old Singer. When<br />
I was a very young girl playing in the<br />
orchard in the afternoons, she would<br />
call me <strong>to</strong> the porch and suggest it was<br />
nap time. Most times I don’t remember<br />
falling asleep as we were busy playing<br />
‘I Spy’ and ‘What would you do for a<br />
million dollars.’ I wanted <strong>to</strong> know if she<br />
would eat a cockroach for a million…her<br />
reply was always the same, “I suppose I<br />
would if it was roasted first.”<br />
Staying overnight was a real adventure<br />
as, like most grandparents, mine would<br />
ignore the clock, letting me stay up past<br />
bedtime eating snacks (<strong>to</strong>day known as<br />
junk food). <strong>The</strong>n there was Grandma’s<br />
snoring and her apology, “Sorry, dear, I<br />
will turn over.”<br />
When it was time <strong>to</strong> visit the outhouse<br />
in the middle of the night, she would<br />
grab the flashlight and lead me out in<strong>to</strong><br />
the spooky blackness. I always had a<br />
fear that a hand would come out of the<br />
hole and grab me! However, Grandma<br />
assured me that this was not possible.<br />
Both grandparents had a definite<br />
interest in my schoolwork and after<br />
reviewing my report card, would always<br />
find some change for penny candy<br />
at McRae’s General S<strong>to</strong>re. When I<br />
complained of having <strong>to</strong> walk six blocks<br />
<strong>to</strong> school, my jaw dropped as they said<br />
they walked five miles <strong>to</strong> school, even in<br />
snow-s<strong>to</strong>rms, <strong>to</strong> a one-room schoolhouse<br />
with all eight grades and one teacher…<br />
yikes!<br />
Memories of my grandpa include<br />
playing board games like regular<br />
checkers, Chinese checkers, Fish or Snap.<br />
When I was a little older, he taught me<br />
Canasta, I became good at it and<br />
he was ticked off when I beat him<br />
several times! He would pepper his<br />
conversations with phrases like<br />
“between you and me and the<br />
gatepost”…I thought that a<br />
bit strange. When I think<br />
of him, I recall the hours<br />
my friends and I played<br />
hide-and-go-seek in his<br />
cornfields or climbed his<br />
apple and cherry trees. I<br />
also remember my grandparents pulling<br />
up in their Ford <strong>to</strong> take my sister and I <strong>to</strong><br />
the Brigden Fair.<br />
Although only six years of age, I vividly<br />
recall in May of 1953, my grandparents<br />
calling me in from the yard in Corunna<br />
as the skies <strong>to</strong> the north looked dark<br />
and foreboding. It was May of 1953 and<br />
a <strong>to</strong>rnado hit Sarnia, leaving a path of<br />
devastation, but sparing our village of<br />
Corunna.<br />
My grandpa passed away when I<br />
was 12 years old, so our time <strong>to</strong>gether<br />
was short. My grandma, however, lived<br />
<strong>to</strong> be almost 99 years old. I cherish the<br />
memories as I recall the<br />
legacy of love and<br />
caring they left with<br />
our family.<br />
P A G E 42 “<strong>The</strong>y may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!” -Braveheart, 1995
Thanks again - keep this copy of pass it on <strong>to</strong> a friend please.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> “To infinity and beyond!” -Toy S<strong>to</strong>ry, 1995<br />
P A G E 43
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• Affordable<br />
Subsidized Service<br />
• Serving Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
County<br />
• Supporting<br />
Caregivers<br />
519-845-1353<br />
info@lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />
www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />
Making Access <strong>to</strong> Community Supports & Health Services Easier!<br />
Expanded local services & supports listings<br />
New community naviga<strong>to</strong>r option<br />
Inclusive of all ages & stages<br />
Community<br />
Naviga<strong>to</strong>rs listen<br />
and help find local<br />
resources and<br />
supports based<br />
on the needs<br />
Find. Specific supports you need.<br />
Search.<br />
☎Talk. Call <strong>to</strong> speak with a Community Naviga<strong>to</strong>r.<br />
of the caller.<br />
www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca 519-336-3000<br />
<br />
20 spaces<br />
available!<br />
• Lawn Maintenance<br />
• April 1 - Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 1, <strong>2023</strong><br />
• Monthly Billing<br />
For details or <strong>to</strong> register: 519-845-1353<br />
Looking for a meaningful way<br />
<strong>to</strong> connect <strong>to</strong> our community?<br />
We could use<br />
your help<br />
in a variety<br />
of client<br />
support<br />
areas and<br />
program<br />
development<br />
at LEO!<br />
Volunteer for:<br />
• Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
• Friendly Visiting<br />
• Bingo Helpers<br />
• Meals on Wheels<br />
• Transportation<br />
• Diner’s <strong>Club</strong><br />
• Forever Fit<br />
• Administration<br />
TO GET INVOLVED: 519-845-1353<br />
volunteer@leohelps.ca<br />
lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />
How We Can<br />
Help You Live<br />
at Home<br />
Transportation<br />
Non-Urgent Stretcher Van<br />
Meals on Wheels<br />
Home Maintenance<br />
Personal Care<br />
Home Help<br />
Care Giver Respite Support<br />
Crisis Intervention<br />
Housing Support<br />
<strong>The</strong> Peer Program<br />
Friendly Visiting<br />
Diners <strong>Club</strong><br />
LEO Scored 98% Exemplary Standing<br />
for providing Quality Services<br />
Funded in part by the United Way of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
and Jackpot City, Sarnia<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach • 1-800-265-0203 • www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.orgb ld l h