Welcome to The Club Spring 2024

A Magazine for 55+ Like No Other! Welcome to The Club features timeless articles and anecdotes including many from the archives of Daytripping Magazine. It's online at www.welcometotheclub.ca and is also distributed free in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.

A Magazine for 55+ Like No Other!
Welcome to The Club features timeless articles and anecdotes including many from the archives of Daytripping Magazine. It's online at www.welcometotheclub.ca and is also distributed free in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.


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<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />


Must be 55<br />

or older!<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />


...Even if we might be getting older.<br />

See page 12 for more information.<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Playhouse Petrolia, pho<strong>to</strong> by Al McGillivray<br />

From the crea<strong>to</strong>rs of...<br />

welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Spring</strong> issue!<br />

P A G E<br />

2<br />

Our bot<strong>to</strong>m borders for this issue are actual answers from Family Feud.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

This FREE magazine is distributed in most of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

It’s Only Rock and Roll, or is it?<br />

by Mark Moran, Publisher<br />

It’s no secret that we have far <strong>to</strong>o much stuff these days. It controls us far more than<br />

we control it and sometimes it’s all we can do just <strong>to</strong> get rid of it… <strong>to</strong> purge. We live in<br />

a world where we can have a thousand TV channels <strong>to</strong> choose from and still can’t find<br />

anything worth watching. Every song that’s been recorded since you were born can be<br />

s<strong>to</strong>red on a device smaller than your baby finger. It’s incredible, but do we really need<br />

it? Are we happier? Is it more rewarding? Does it bring joy <strong>to</strong> our lives, or are we better<br />

people because of this technology and all this stuff? Would we be happier if we had fewer<br />

<strong>to</strong>ys, and would we appreciate those ones more?<br />

It’s hard <strong>to</strong> truly appreciate one or two things when we just have so many <strong>to</strong> choose<br />

from. I’m yet <strong>to</strong> learn how <strong>to</strong> play the harmonica (the easiest of all instruments apparently)<br />

but I own six of them. One would probably suffice, given my complete lack of ability or<br />

practice time.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’s a point <strong>to</strong> this s<strong>to</strong>ry, which<br />

is about my first radio. It was a GE or<br />

Panasonic I think, and I bought it at<br />

Consumers Distributing which was in<br />

the Zellers Plaza on London Road in<br />

Sarnia. I’m guessing that it was 1978<br />

and that my mom encouraged me<br />

<strong>to</strong> buy it because I needed an alarm<br />

clock for high school. I don’t know<br />

that I ever mastered the alarm clock option but that radio, and the cassette recorder<br />

contained within, had an immeasurable impact on my life.<br />

This was in Port Lamb<strong>to</strong>n... a very small <strong>to</strong>wn then, as it is now. I was a few years away<br />

from getting a drivers license and the sense of independence it might bring, and it wasn’t<br />

likely that I’d be seeing a rock concert anytime soon, but that radio <strong>to</strong>ok me <strong>to</strong> all points<br />

of the globe, and especially on the stage with the bands of the day. Even backstage!<br />

CKLW was about as cool as Canadian radio stations got <strong>to</strong> be in this neck of the woods,<br />

but we were blessed with the proximity of Detroit, Rock City, Mo<strong>to</strong>wn, and the FM signals<br />

that emanated from there knew no borders, and they didn’t care that I was only 12 or 13.<br />

WCSX, and WLLZ rocked my world, and I knew all the D.J’s names and their individual<br />

voices like the back of my own hand, but nothing compared <strong>to</strong> WRIF and the voice of<br />

one Arthur Penthalow. At that time, in that music city, he was the epi<strong>to</strong>me of the rock<br />

‘n’ roll disk jockey. School teachers taught me what they could about math and English<br />

and the importance of remembering the combination <strong>to</strong> my lock, but the voices and the<br />

songs in my radio taught me so much more about growing up, trying <strong>to</strong> be cool, and<br />

being comfortable in my own skin.<br />

You couldn’t live in Port Lamb<strong>to</strong>n without being a S<strong>to</strong>nes and Bob Seger and Lynryd<br />

Skynrd fan, but the radio opened my eyes <strong>to</strong> Van Halen and Journey and REO Speedwagon<br />

and Pat Benatar and AC/DC and so many more. That was my golden era and it still is in<br />

many ways. Like many of you I would wait by that $29 device with the record and play<br />

but<strong>to</strong>ns pushed down carefully in<strong>to</strong> place and my finger on the pause but<strong>to</strong>n, holding<br />

my breath in anticipation, waiting <strong>to</strong> release it and record the newest song by one of<br />

those artists, or countless more. It was even more fun <strong>to</strong> make our own playlists by<br />

choosing which songs we wanted <strong>to</strong> fill the cassette up with, and trying not <strong>to</strong> miss more<br />

than the first few seconds of the starting. I eventually became a musician, and spent<br />

countless hours rewinding those very cassette tapes bit by bit, again and again, in an<br />

effort <strong>to</strong> learn the lyrics. It was years later before the internet came along and made all<br />

the words <strong>to</strong> almost every song freely available, and I was able <strong>to</strong> look back and see how<br />

embarrassingly wrong I’d been singing them for so long. It’s Tiny Dancer… not Tony<br />

Danza! And that’s only one example. <strong>The</strong>re are many more, though no one ever seemed<br />

<strong>to</strong> notice.<br />

In my own personal experience, that is nostalgia! It’s not just the radio/alarm clock/<br />

cassette recorder and its eternally cool, panel brown appearance. It’s that this one device<br />

(and I really can’t think of anything else that mattered at that point in my life) had<br />

that much of an impact on me, then and well in<strong>to</strong> the future. I’ve been a professional<br />

musician for over 40 years. It began by watching my eight older sisters and brothers<br />

embark on their own musical journeys, whether they were players or just listeners (and<br />

singing in the church choir) but it’s that radio that <strong>to</strong>ok me <strong>to</strong> places I couldn’t otherwise<br />

go. And no one else could really go with me on that experience. It was time I spent alone,<br />

with all the disk jockeys and the rock stars of course.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first cassette I ever bought was Queen’s “News of the World” at the Sears in<br />

the Northgate plaza (near the escala<strong>to</strong>r). I bought it <strong>to</strong> impress a girl (and because I’d<br />

practically worn out the 8 track of their previous album “A Night at the Opera” in my<br />

brother Dave’s car). It cost $9 and the guitar solo at the end of We Will Rock You is what<br />

made me want <strong>to</strong> be a guitar player. Not a bad investment in hindsight. I still play songs,<br />

a lot of songs <strong>to</strong> be truthful, that I first heard on that marvel of modern 1979 technology,<br />

all those years ago.<br />

Getting back <strong>to</strong> the question of <strong>to</strong>o much stuff, I do love each of my nine guitars<br />

and am always looking <strong>to</strong> add <strong>to</strong> the collection. But if you asked me if I would trade<br />

that crappy old radio for the hundreds of channels and millions of songs that are at<br />

my fingertips <strong>to</strong>day… well, probably not... but I am glad that it’s all I had back then.I<br />

wouldn’t trade that experience for the world, and having little more <strong>to</strong> my name than<br />

that radio and those cassette tapes was an important part of the experience.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />

Event Listings ................... 22-23<br />

Discount List ............................. 26<br />

Community Resources ....... 25<br />

Giving List (Volunteering) ... 15<br />

Snapshots .................................. 20<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Features<br />

Glen e C. Phillips, lips<br />

,<br />

Chris Treftlin, e i , #local, # o<br />

a l,<br />

Sipkens Nurseries,<br />

N r s,<br />

Kelly-Lynn y Musico, i o Ruth R t<br />

Sharon, o , Mary M Lou Tasko, a k , Norma r a West<br />

s t<br />

Linder, d<br />

e , Barry B Lox<strong>to</strong>n, on, Susan Enders, r , Dave McIn<strong>to</strong>sh, M h Daniel J.<br />

J<br />

Bellyk, Lou Parry, y<br />

Sean e n Donnelly, l<br />

ly<br />

, Steve e e Arseneault, A s n Agnes<br />

n s<br />

Burroughs, B s<br />

Billy ly<br />

Armstrong, r<br />

ro<br />

Jayne y e Primeau, e u<br />

Joan Pierson,<br />

P s n<br />

Glynn y n Leyshon, y n Lyn y<br />

Tremblay, r<br />

b<br />

l y Susan a<br />

Iedema, I ema,<br />

Jeanette e n Paddon,<br />

o ,<br />

Jacoba b<br />

Bos, Alice i e Gibb, b ,<br />

Cherie h<br />

DeBurger, D g r,<br />

David i<br />

J. Polley, e , Steve<br />

e e<br />

Lox<strong>to</strong>n, on<br />

, Laurissa sa<br />

Ellsworth and d<br />

all l the Recipe e contribu<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

rs.<br />

Mark Moran - Publisher, Ad Sales<br />

Carrie Ann Timm - Associate Publisher<br />

Carla MacGregor - Advertising Sales<br />

Rhonda Long - Advertising Sales<br />

Angela Lyon - Graphics & Editing<br />

Carla Mejia - Graphic Design<br />

From the<br />

publishers of<br />


ING<br />


VOLUME 4,<br />

ISSUE 1<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />



Trivia ........................ 34<br />

Recipes ............ 18, 38<br />

Crossword ............. 17<br />

Word Search ....... 39<br />

Sudoku ................... 28<br />

P.O. Box 430 • Brights Grove, ON •N0N 1C0<br />

519-491-1676 • info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

www.welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />


To receive e<br />

eive<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> b in the<br />

h<br />

mail i for $20/year 2 e r (4 ( issues),<br />

s)<br />

,<br />

give e us a call l <strong>to</strong> discuss s payment.<br />

y<br />

t<br />

You can n also view each h<br />

issue online -<br />

just s t<br />

ask a k<br />

<strong>to</strong> be added e<br />

<strong>to</strong> our email notification tion<br />

list.<br />

t<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is published four times annually by Moran Advertising, Brights Grove, Ontario. <strong>The</strong> publisher reserves<br />

the right <strong>to</strong> reject, discontinue or omit any advertisment without notice or penalty <strong>to</strong> either party. No portion of this<br />

publication can be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of Moran Advertising. <strong>The</strong> content of this<br />

publication does not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher. <strong>The</strong> content of this publication has not been deemed<br />

by the publisher <strong>to</strong> be correct and accurate. <strong>The</strong> advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising<br />

directly or indirectly from errors occuring in this publication beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that<br />

portion of the advertisment in which the error occurred, whether such error is due <strong>to</strong> the negligence of its servants or<br />

otherwise, and there shall be no liablity for non insertion of any advertisment beyond the amount paid for such advertisment.<br />

Use of Material: submitted articles, letters, and other works or materials may be used, published, distributed and s<strong>to</strong>red by<br />

Moran Advertising, <strong>Welcome</strong> To <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, and Daytripping Magazine, in whole or in part, in print or by any other means.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) Name something normally worn only by children. – Clothing P A G E 3

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

You must be 55 or over <strong>to</strong> read this magazine.<br />

I have a friend who<br />

writes music about<br />

sewing machines.<br />

He’s a singer/songwriter.<br />

Or sew it seams.<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p & Shop in<br />


FOREST<br />

Check out our down<strong>to</strong>wn -<br />

browse our shops or take in a movie<br />

at the his<strong>to</strong>ric Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre!<br />

Make a day of it in Forest!<br />

Keep up <strong>to</strong> date with event & shopping<br />

information on our website & socials.<br />

P A G E<br />

4<br />

Mother’s<br />

Day<br />

2nd Sunday<br />

in May<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Film & Food<br />

Festival<br />

starts 4th<br />

Fri in May<br />

Farmers’<br />

Market<br />

Fridays start<br />

1st Friday<br />

in May<br />

Father’s<br />

Day<br />

3rd Sunday<br />

in June<br />

Car Show<br />

3rd<br />

Thursday<br />

in July<br />





5547 Aberarder Line, Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming<br />

519-381-1112 • AFEW.wine<br />

A Shopping Experience<br />

by Jacoba Bos, Strathroy • from Daytripping Sept-Oct 2007 issue<br />

On the rare occasion that I find myself<br />

shopping in a big box s<strong>to</strong>re, I find myself<br />

wishing for the way we used <strong>to</strong> buy and<br />

sell. Although we can’t go back <strong>to</strong> the<br />

General S<strong>to</strong>re days when farmers bought<br />

bindertwine and axle grease while their<br />

wives bartered eggs for oatmeal and<br />

sugar, we can take a personal interest<br />

in cus<strong>to</strong>mers. This can do a lot more<br />

for good business than any advertising<br />

gimmick.<br />

Often we find interesting shopping<br />

experiences while daytripping or in our<br />

home<strong>to</strong>wn. Several years ago I found one<br />

of those s<strong>to</strong>res that sold everything from<br />

shovels <strong>to</strong> socks and pantyhose beside a<br />

full line of groceries in<br />

a small <strong>to</strong>wn in eastern<br />

Ontario. <strong>The</strong> service<br />

was exceptional and<br />

very personal. When<br />

I asked for a mosqui<strong>to</strong><br />

net <strong>to</strong> fit over a baby<br />

buggy, the s<strong>to</strong>re owner<br />

walked with me <strong>to</strong> the<br />

back of her shop <strong>to</strong><br />

look for the netting.<br />

“Perhaps you could make a net from<br />

cheesecloth,” she suggested when our<br />

search through piles of baby supplies<br />

proved unsuccessful. “We keep that in<br />

the front aisle by the canning supplies,”<br />

she continued, as she led the way in<br />

the narrow aisle past shelves filled with<br />

boots, work socks and straw hats, <strong>to</strong><br />

the front of the s<strong>to</strong>re where sunbeams<br />

peeked in the spaces not covered by<br />

posters announcing rummage sales,<br />

ball games and church suppers past and<br />

present. I s<strong>to</strong>pped when I spotted work<br />

pants on special. “Can you find the right<br />

size?” the lady asked as she <strong>to</strong>ok a step<br />

back from her canning supplies. “What<br />

size does your husband wear?” she<br />

continued while her trained eye scanned<br />

the crumbled labels. “<strong>The</strong>se pants have<br />

lost their tag but it looks <strong>to</strong> be about a<br />

size 40. Would these fit him?” When<br />

I didn’t reply quickly, she <strong>to</strong>ok action.<br />

Raising her eyes and her voice <strong>to</strong>ward<br />

the back of the s<strong>to</strong>re where her husband<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A famous or fictional Willy. – Willy the Pooh<br />

sat, overlooking his business and his<br />

bookeeping, she called, “Floyd, would<br />

you come down here a minute?” Floyd<br />

obediently put down his pencil, ran his<br />

hand through his sparse gray hairs and<br />

descended down the creaky stairway<br />

past an assortment of pots and pans <strong>to</strong><br />

where his wife was about <strong>to</strong> continue her<br />

sales pitch. “Now Floyd,” she said, “this<br />

lady isn’t sure about her husband’s size.”<br />

She turned <strong>to</strong> me while Floyd tucked in<br />

his s<strong>to</strong>mach, straightened his tie and<br />

s<strong>to</strong>od like a soldier awaiting orders.<br />

“Would your husband be about the same<br />

size as mine?” she asked as I nodded at<br />

her long-suffering spouse. “Very well,”<br />

she beamed, “then<br />

these should fit him.”<br />

She <strong>to</strong>ok the pants<br />

from the pile, stepped<br />

over <strong>to</strong> her husband<br />

and held them up in<br />

front of him. Smiling<br />

approvingly, she<br />

raised her eyes <strong>to</strong> me.<br />

“Now these pants are<br />

on sale, so normally<br />

they can not be returned, but...” she<br />

lowered her voice as if some secret<br />

transaction was about <strong>to</strong> take place,<br />

“in your case we’ll make an exception<br />

won’t we Floyd?” She draped the<br />

pants over her arm and headed for the<br />

cash register, giving Floyd a chance <strong>to</strong><br />

escape <strong>to</strong> his lofty heights and me an<br />

opportunity <strong>to</strong> savour the sights and<br />

smells of a s<strong>to</strong>re where time seemingly<br />

had s<strong>to</strong>od still.<br />

<strong>The</strong> General S<strong>to</strong>re may have gone<br />

the way of the horse and buggy, but we<br />

still have merchants who care for their<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mers. <strong>The</strong>y are the people who<br />

give. Not only in personal service but<br />

also <strong>to</strong> charities that feed the hungry,<br />

look after the sick and provide shelter<br />

for the homeless, not <strong>to</strong> mention the<br />

support they provide for the arts and<br />

sports. Like the General S<strong>to</strong>re of long<br />

ago, these community builders are a<br />

great asset, not only for the community<br />

they live in, but for society as a whole.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

We’re all getting older, we may as well laugh about it!<br />

Rob’s<br />


FRIES<br />




OPEN WED-SUN 12-7 pm<br />

@RobsFries<br />

Try our homemade burgers, poutine<br />

famous pickerel and fries<br />

Home of the COMATOSE and RANCH FRIES.<br />

9371 West Ipperwash Road, Kettle Point<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

Don’t ruin a good<br />

apology with an<br />

excuse.<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />


BscP.T. MCPA<br />

Registered<br />

ered<br />

ed<br />

Physiotherapist<br />

ist<br />

Forest Physiotherapy<br />

and Rehabilitation<br />

10 Watt Street, et<br />

Forest • 519-786-3336<br />

36<br />

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• Maple Buer Tarts & Baking • Williamson Farms Beef & Pork<br />

• Local Honey • Cheese • Local Cider • Williamson Farms Maple Syrup<br />

Open Tues <strong>to</strong> Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5 • April 22 on... Mon <strong>to</strong> Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5<br />

14 King Street West, FOREST • 226-520-0144<br />

www.williamsonfarmscountrys<strong>to</strong>re.ca<br />

williamsonfarmscountrys<strong>to</strong>reiamsonfa mscount <strong>to</strong> ca<br />

Promote your<br />

business or<br />

events in ...<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />

Forest Basket Company Truck<br />

1930<br />

THANK YOU <strong>to</strong> all the wonderful, local businesses<br />

that have made this free magazine possible!<br />

Mark Moran 519-491-1676<br />

Carla MacGregor 519-464-3230<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

carla@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

For Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores area advertising, contact Rhonda Long<br />

519-657-1869 • rhonda@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

Not all agriculturally based manufacturers in the county were food<br />

processors. For instance, the Forest Basket Company Limited, established in<br />

1913, produced a variety of baskets, crates, boxes, and hampers for the fruit,<br />

vegetable, and meat-packing industries in Lamb<strong>to</strong>n and across Southwestern<br />

Ontario. Employing a yearly staff of approximately 80 <strong>to</strong> 100 people, with<br />

an extra 50 or so hired for summertime peaks, the plant boasted a daily<br />

manufacturing capacity of 30,000 berry boxes, 10,000 eleven- or six-quart<br />

fruit baskets, or 7,200 bushel baskets.<br />

Naturally, with these production levels, the fac<strong>to</strong>ry needed its own trucks<br />

for timely shipment. However, as a qualifying trailer on company letterhead<br />

noted during the 1930s: ‘’All orders and agreements contingent upon strikes,<br />

fires, accidents and other delays unavoidable beyond our control.”<br />

At any rate, the Forest Basket Company<br />

stayed in business until closing in the<br />

spring of 1968. Subsequently reopened, the<br />

fac<strong>to</strong>ry shut down for good five and a half<br />

years later. LHM<br />

Courtesy of Glen C. Phillips -<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n: An Illustrated His<strong>to</strong>ry of the County<br />

© 1999<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) Something you squeeze. – Peanut Butter<br />

P A G E 5

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Feel free <strong>to</strong> send in pho<strong>to</strong>s showcasing Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />


MPP – Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Building A Better Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

With the former Councillor, Mayor,<br />

MPP, Minister of the Crown, and<br />

Chairman, Mr. Andrew S. Brandt.<br />

At the Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Sports of<br />

Hall of Fame Banquet. Even in<br />

retirement, Andy was always<br />

excited <strong>to</strong> support local events and<br />

recognize outstanding<br />

contributions by the people of<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Joining Mayor Bradley and Dave<br />

Brown <strong>to</strong> Celebrate Andy’s 80th<br />

Birthday in 2018.<br />

In 2019, Sarnia officially renamed<br />

its Marina the Andrew S. Brandt<br />

Marina. Joining Andy at the<br />

dedication are Mayor Bradley, Ray<br />

Curran, and Dave Brown.<br />

With the arrival of spring, all of us in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n are ready <strong>to</strong> get<br />

out and enjoy the wide range of events and activities happening right<br />

here on our doorsteps. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is a great place <strong>to</strong> start! I encourage<br />

you <strong>to</strong> flip through the spring edition and mark your calendars so you<br />

don’t miss any of the great things happening across Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County.<br />

As I speak <strong>to</strong> people throughout our area, one of the biggest <strong>to</strong>pics of<br />

conversation, especially for those of us in the 55+ age group, is access<br />

<strong>to</strong> high quality, public health care.<br />

Just one year after our government launched our health care strategy,<br />

Your Health Plan, we’re making steady progress <strong>to</strong> connect more<br />

people <strong>to</strong> convenient care and ensure everyone that wants a primary<br />

care provider can connect <strong>to</strong> one. In Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n, the Ontario<br />

government is making a nearly $1 million investment <strong>to</strong> connect more<br />

people <strong>to</strong> primary care teams, like the North Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Community<br />

Health Centre, the Central Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Family Health Team, and the<br />

Rapids Family Health Team. This is part of Ontario's $100 million<br />

investment <strong>to</strong> connect up <strong>to</strong> 328,000 people <strong>to</strong> primary care teams,<br />

bringing the province one step closer <strong>to</strong> ensuring everyone in Ontario<br />

has access <strong>to</strong> primary care. I look forward <strong>to</strong> more important<br />

investments in the months ahead.<br />

In closing, I’d like <strong>to</strong> acknowledge the passing of Andy Brandt. Many<br />

readers will remember Andy from his many decades of leadership and<br />

civic engagement in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n. Andy’s work in politics and our<br />

community left a significant imprint on our region and the province. I<br />

was lucky <strong>to</strong> have been able <strong>to</strong> know Andy and call him a friend. He will<br />

be missed.<br />

I hope you and your family have a very happy spring and embrace the<br />

opportunity <strong>to</strong> experience everything that Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n has <strong>to</strong> offer.<br />

Enjoy life <strong>to</strong> the fullest!<br />

Improving Primary Care is a <strong>to</strong>p<br />

priority for the Ontario Government.<br />

Here I’m joined by Ann Tuplin and<br />

Kathy Bresett of the North Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Community Health Centre, and Ralph<br />

Ganter of the Central Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Family Health Team.<br />


805 Christina St. North, Suite 102<br />

Point Edward, ON N7V 1X6<br />

Meeting with the leadership of<br />

the Rapids Family Health Team<br />

<strong>to</strong> discuss increased<br />

investments in Family Health<br />

Teams across the province.<br />

Contact Bob Bailey<br />

Tel.: 519-337-0051<br />

Fax: 519-337-3246<br />

Providing my outlook<br />

for <strong>2024</strong> at the<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Chamber of Commerce<br />

Breakfast.<br />

Joining the Minister of Natural<br />

Resources and Forestry; Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

County Warden, Kevin Marriott; and<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County officials Laurie Webb<br />

and Andrew Meyer at the Oil Museum<br />

for an important announcement on<br />

the future of carbon capture and<br />

s<strong>to</strong>rage in Ontario.<br />

E-mail: bob.baileyco@pc.ola.org<br />

Website: bobbaileympp.com<br />

P A G E<br />

6<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A boy mentioned in nursery rhymes. – Little Red Riding-Hood<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Most articles in here have been written by people like you.<br />

Bathroom<br />

& Kitchen<br />

Showroom<br />

519-845-3726<br />

www.Plymp<strong>to</strong>nPlumbing.com • 4401 London Line, Wyoming<br />

Sap Buckets - First Sign of <strong>Spring</strong><br />

As the warmth of the spring sun begins<br />

<strong>to</strong> create fringes of lacy crystal ice at the<br />

edges of snow piles, I know one thing for<br />

sure - - the sap will soon be running.<br />

I’ll watch for the buckets that will be<br />

hung on the aple trees along familiar<br />

roads, and I will be tempted <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p and<br />

have a taste of the sweet liquid I know will<br />

be dripping in<strong>to</strong> them.<br />

Years ago another familiar row of maple<br />

trees bordered the hill on the road <strong>to</strong> our<br />

farmhouse. My sisters and I would follow<br />

our father and watch as he went <strong>to</strong> ‘tap’<br />

the trees. He slowly turned a hand drill<br />

in<strong>to</strong> the sunny side of the trunks, white<br />

curls of inner wood fell <strong>to</strong> the ground and<br />

a small metal ‘spile’ was inserted. We’d<br />

get our first taste as the sap started <strong>to</strong> flow<br />

out over its lip and in<strong>to</strong> the bucket hung<br />

underneath.<br />

After school it would be our job <strong>to</strong><br />

collect the sap in pails and carry it <strong>to</strong> the<br />

boiling-down site over in the sugar bush.<br />

Donning rubber boots, each day we’d find<br />

our way along the paths where sugary<br />

snow was starting <strong>to</strong> turn <strong>to</strong> mud.<br />

If it was ‘boiling-down day,’ we’d be<br />

greeted by the smell of wood smoke.<br />

With any luck, Dad would have already<br />

collected the sap from some of the trees<br />

and we could hear the rhythmic ‘drip,<br />

drip, drip’ of the liquid as it hit the bot<strong>to</strong>m<br />

of the metal buckets. He would have<br />

been there all day, tending the crackling<br />

fire that burned under the huge black<br />

iron kettles hanging from chains over<br />

the flames - it takes 40 gallons of sap <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />







<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

We donate $25 for each reprinted<br />

Daytripping Magazine article.<br />

$4525 donated since Jan. 2021<br />



THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Ideas...<br />

Women’s Interval a Home Farm<br />

<strong>to</strong> Table<br />

Neighbourlink Restaurant<br />

River City Vineyard<br />

Open<br />

Victim Services Wed-Sat<br />

Elevated Seasonal CCMF Dishes, Inspired Cocktails,<br />

Ontario Beers, Habitat Daily & Weekly Features.<br />

639 BROADWAY Hospice ST. WYOMING<br />

www.localwyomingon.ca<br />

Humane Society<br />

Inn of the Good Shepherd<br />

Kiwanis Animal Farm<br />

Growing<br />

Pathways<br />

A Greener<br />

SODA Community,<br />

Noelle’s Gift One Tree<br />

Mike Weir Foundation At A Time<br />

Gallery in the Grove<br />

<strong>The</strong>atre Sarnia<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Young <strong>The</strong>atre Players<br />

Bluewater Trails<br />

Strangway Centre<br />

various city options<br />

various trails<br />

Halkovich Outdoor Learning Cen<br />

Parents for Parks<br />

v1.1 LEO<br />

v1.2 Forest "HOW Kine<strong>to</strong> OLD <strong>The</strong>atre<br />

WAS YOUR<br />

v1.3 Heritage HUSBAND?” St. Clair<br />

"98," SHE REPLIED.<br />

by Lyn Tremblay, Simcoe • from Daytripping March-April 2007<br />

v1.4 Sarnia "TWO<br />

Blessings<br />


make one gallon of syrup, and hours v2.1 of Canatara Log Cabin Res<strong>to</strong>ration<br />

patience. He’d watch as the sap bubbled<br />

ME." "SO YOU'RE 96?" THE<br />

v2.2 Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Rebound<br />

in the big cauldrons, every once in a while<br />

v2.3 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n UNDERTAKER Shores Nature COMMENTED. Trails<br />

skimming the froth off of the <strong>to</strong>p as the<br />

colour changed from clear <strong>to</strong> dark amber. v2.4 nuSarnia SHE RESPONDED, Foundation<br />

"HARDLY<br />

Contact Us: 519-845-0847<br />

It was a time he enjoyed, relaxing v3.1 with Lamb<strong>to</strong>n WORTH Wildlife GOING Inc.<br />

HOME, IS IT?” info@wyomingtreeservice.ca<br />

nothing but time on his hands before v3.2 United Way of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

gearing up for a summer that meant v3.3 long Miracle Max’s Minions<br />

hours on the road running a sand v3.4 and Lawrence House Centre for the Arts<br />

gravel business and doing farm chores.<br />

After making sure all of the buckets<br />

v3.5 Bluewater Centre for Rap<strong>to</strong>r Rehabilitation<br />

had been emptied, we’d sit and V4.1 watch VPP<br />

with him. He’d mention the call of a<br />

blue-jay or tell us that he’d seen a deer<br />

earlier, ask us about what we had learned<br />

in school that day. Quiet conversation,<br />

comfortable - I guess, the modern day’s<br />

version of ‘quality time’ spent with our<br />

father. Sometimes I recall spreading my<br />

notebooks out on my lap and doing my<br />

homework while he sat on the log next <strong>to</strong><br />

me.<br />

As the sun dipped lower, the leafless<br />

trees of the sugar bush s<strong>to</strong>od out like dark<br />

sculptures against a crimson horizon.<br />

Mom would come down through the<br />

woods with supper -sandwiches and<br />

thermoses of soup and tea or maybe a<br />

cold beer for Dad.<br />

Once the boiling-down process has<br />

begun, it can’t be s<strong>to</strong>pped and the last few<br />

hours can become tedious as the thicker<br />

the syrup becomes, the easier it is <strong>to</strong> burn.<br />

Sometimes it would be long after dark<br />

before my parents would bring the syrup<br />

home. <strong>The</strong> next day Mom would bring it<br />

<strong>to</strong> a boil in batches on the s<strong>to</strong>ve<strong>to</strong>p, so<br />

she could skim any impurities off, before<br />

running it through cheesecloth in<strong>to</strong> sealer<br />

jars.<br />

Our reward for all of this effort was<br />

the delicious maple syrup that covered<br />

mounds of my mother’s home made<br />

pancakes.<br />


Petrolia<br />

10%<br />

Discovery<br />

OFF (65+)<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trails<br />

donation by e-transfer <strong>to</strong><br />

lsntlindaa@gmail.com<br />

(separate note for security answ<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) A famous bridge.– Bridge Over Troubled Water P A G E 7

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Marca<br />

arcanda Gifts<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

Gift Shop<br />

& Ladies<br />

Fashions!<br />

4562 London Line,<br />

Reeces Corners<br />

519-845-3133<br />


PICK YOUR OWN • Strawberries • Raspberries<br />

• Apples • Pears • Pumpkins (in season)<br />

4622 London Line, Reeces Corners • 519-845-3482<br />


FARM STORE with fresh produce,<br />

bakery items, preserves, maple syrup,<br />

honey & more. S<strong>to</strong>p by soon!<br />

www.zekveldgardenmarket.ca<br />

Green County Ebikes<br />

and<br />

Mobility Scooters<br />

Thank you for continuing <strong>to</strong> shop locally!<br />


Children <strong>Welcome</strong><br />


NEW<br />





FOODS<br />

AS WELL<br />

5354 Camlachie Rd., Wyoming<br />

OPEN Tues., Fri. & Sat. •519-845-1613<br />

5 1613<br />

New • Used<br />

Parts • Sales • Service<br />

Financing Available<br />

Ebike &<br />

Mobility Scooter<br />

Batteries<br />

Also Sundays in Grand Bend<br />

at Pinery Antique Flea Market<br />

638 Broadway Street, Wyoming • 519.333.8313 • www.greencountyebikes.com<br />

Resolve <strong>to</strong> Keep<br />

Your Resolution<br />

By Mary Lou Tasko,<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trails<br />

www.lsntblazers.com<br />

Many of us greet the new year with<br />

a resolution <strong>to</strong> eat healthier foods, shed<br />

some extra pounds, lead a more active<br />

life… there are all sorts of goals that<br />

we set. <strong>The</strong> problem is that it’s hard<br />

<strong>to</strong> maintain motivation for outdoor<br />

activities like walking, especially with the<br />

unpredictable and often gloomy weather<br />

that continues through the winter. It’s<br />

<strong>to</strong>o easy <strong>to</strong> look out the window and say<br />

“Bah, humbug! Don’t feel like it.”<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> will come, however—maybe<br />

sooner than we think if we give any<br />

credence <strong>to</strong> the rodent reckonings<br />

of Groundhog Day! Until then, don’t<br />

be stymied by less-thanperfect<br />

weather. Take what<br />

Mother Nature offers and<br />

roll with it.<br />

Snow—still?!<br />

For some, the limited<br />

snowfall this year has made<br />

the big ‘dumps’ even more<br />

onerous. However, it’s likely<br />

that we’ll see a few more<br />

of those before we’re out<br />

of the winter woods. In<br />

fact, one of the best ways<br />

<strong>to</strong> embrace an unexpected<br />

snowfall is <strong>to</strong> go in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

woods and appreciate<br />

the serenity that a fresh<br />

snowfall offers. Even a walk<br />

around the neighbourhood<br />

during or after a snowfall<br />

helps us appreciate the way<br />

it beautifies a grey, soggy<br />

landscape.<br />

At this time of year, at<br />

least we can be optimistic<br />

that a significant snowfall<br />

is not likely <strong>to</strong> hang around<br />

<strong>to</strong>o long. It might even<br />

make shovelling the white<br />

stuff a little more enjoyable!<br />

Liquid snow? Okay, rain!<br />

If it’s not a <strong>to</strong>rrential downpour,<br />

you can still get out for a walk. You’ll<br />

probably pick up your pace a little<br />

which means that you’ll burn more<br />

calories. Throw your rain jacket over<br />

your winter coat if need be, pull up the<br />

hood and put on your boots. If you live<br />

in a wooded neighbourhood, you may<br />

not even notice the rain.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are actually several benefits <strong>to</strong><br />

walking in the rain. Many people find<br />

the sound of rain calming at bedtime,<br />

so why not try it out as a stress reliever<br />

during the day? Focusing on the sound<br />

of raindrops hitting the ground or trees<br />

while you walk is a great way <strong>to</strong> take<br />

your mind off your worries. Many<br />

things in life are beyond our control and<br />

the weather is one of them! Taking a<br />

walk in the rain might remind you that<br />

sometimes we just have <strong>to</strong> let things go.<br />

<strong>The</strong> smell of rain can also calm you<br />

and boost your mood. Petrichor, the<br />

smell of the ground and air during<br />

and after a rain, is created when<br />

compounds from plant oils mix in<strong>to</strong><br />

moisture droplets. <strong>The</strong> result is that<br />

fresh, soothing scent which is nature’s<br />

aromatherapy at work.<br />

Another interesting health benefit of<br />

“rain-walking” is that the air is actually<br />

cleaner during and after rainfall. As the<br />

water droplets fall, they attract particles<br />

of pollution that are lingering in the<br />

air, and the air that follows a rainfall<br />

contains fewer allergens and dust. A<br />

2015 study suggested that this natural<br />

process can positively impact human<br />

health.<br />

Finally, the natural world is a different<br />

place in the rain. If you are observant,<br />

you are likely <strong>to</strong> notice and appreciate<br />

this novel perspective. Who knows?<br />

Maybe it will inspire a shift in your own<br />

way of thinking.<br />

No rain or snow, but just dreary?<br />

Take advantage of the opportunity<br />

<strong>to</strong> get out on one of our local trails.<br />

Even if it’s overcast, hiking in late<br />

winter or early spring has several<br />

advantages over the summer: more<br />

comfortable temperatures, virtually<br />

no bugs, abundant bird activity<br />

and emerging plant life. Trails<br />

are less likely <strong>to</strong> be busy<br />

which promotes a more<br />

tranquil experience where<br />

TUES. TO FRI.<br />

10AM - 5PM<br />

hikers can immerse themselves in their<br />

surroundings and leave stress behind.<br />

As in any season, hiking is as difficult<br />

as you want it <strong>to</strong> be. Your choice of trail<br />

dictates how long and hard you work,<br />

and also what type of scenery you will<br />

enjoy. If you hike with others, you not<br />

only have support and encouragement,<br />

but also experience the camaraderie of<br />

completing a challenge <strong>to</strong>gether.<br />

Especially when the weather is messy,<br />

ensure your safety and enjoyment by<br />

being prepared and understanding<br />

how <strong>to</strong> stay safe on the trail or manage<br />

unexpected events.<br />

A few reminders:<br />

• Respect your physical condition and<br />

limitations when choosing a trail.<br />

Some local trails can be very wet or<br />

muddy and slippery at this time of<br />

year.<br />

• Dress appropriately for the weather.<br />

That includes layers <strong>to</strong> manage your<br />

body temperature and footwear<br />

<strong>to</strong> keep your feet dry and provide<br />

traction. A hiking pole or stick is<br />

helpful on steep or slippery slopes.<br />

• Carry a backpack so that your hands<br />

are free. Pack your cell phone (with<br />

the what3words app installed), water,<br />

snacks and a simple first aid kit.<br />

• Stay on blazed trails and pay attention<br />

<strong>to</strong> signage.<br />

For details about our local trails and<br />

how <strong>to</strong> keep your hiking experience<br />

positive, visit LSNTBlazers.com.<br />

Whatever your health resolution<br />

might be this year, having a few<br />

options for staying active<br />

will help you keep<br />

moving. And, if the<br />

sun comes out,<br />

that’s just icing on<br />

the resolution cake!<br />

P A G E<br />

8<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A famous brother and sister. – Bonnie and Clyde<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Do you live in the<br />

BOONIES?<br />

<strong>The</strong> CLUB is<br />

available at all<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County<br />

libraries<br />

(while they last)!<br />

• Manicures • Pedicures • Waxing<br />

• Massage <strong>The</strong>rapy • Electrolysis<br />

a getaway from the everyday<br />

635 Broadway Street<br />


226-307-0772<br />


60 Y Years of f S Service i t <strong>to</strong> Wyoming<br />

W i<br />

& <strong>The</strong> Surrounding Community!<br />


• Compounding Service Offered<br />

607 Broadway Street,<br />

Wyoming 519-845-3341<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

Wisdom of...<br />

• hay fever<br />

• oral thrush<br />

• pink eye<br />

• dermatitis<br />

We offer<br />

prescriptions for:<br />

• acid reflux<br />

• hemorrhoids<br />

• cold sores<br />

• impetigo<br />

• insect bites and hives<br />

• urinary tract infections<br />

• menstrual cramps<br />

• sprains & strains<br />

• tick bites<br />

Martin Luther King Jr.<br />

A man who won't die for something is not fit <strong>to</strong> live.<br />

An individual has not started living until he can rise<br />

above the narrow confines of his individualistic<br />

concerns <strong>to</strong> the broader concerns of all humanity.<br />

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do<br />

that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.<br />

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the<br />

whole staircase.<br />

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy<br />

in<strong>to</strong> friend.<br />

I am not interested in power for power's sake, but I'm<br />

interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is<br />

good.<br />

623 Broadway St., Wyoming • 519-845-9915 • VillageFireplaceShop.com<br />

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign<br />

You’ve got a lot riding on those tires!<br />

You can trust Wyoming Tirecraft<br />

for personal small <strong>to</strong>wn service.<br />

Wyoming<br />

Au<strong>to</strong> Centre<br />

At a<br />

Farmer's<br />

Field...<br />

"<strong>The</strong> farmer allows<br />

walkers <strong>to</strong> cross<br />

the field for free,<br />

but the bull charges."<br />


Cars, Trucks, Performance<br />

Specializing in Farm<br />


We can also do repairs,<br />

oil changes,<br />

brakes, batteries,<br />

seasonal maintenance<br />

and much more.<br />

It’s worth<br />

the trip<br />

<strong>to</strong> Wyoming!<br />

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a<br />

means by which we arrive at that goal.<br />

<strong>The</strong> past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars<br />

are poor chisels for carving out peaceful <strong>to</strong>morrows.<br />

All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and<br />

importance and should be undertaken with painstaking<br />

excellence.<br />

547 Ontario Street, Wyoming • 519-845-0813 • tirecraft.com<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) Something that comes in 7s. – Fingers<br />

P A G E 9

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

Established in 1978,<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Pharmacy continues <strong>to</strong><br />

provide caring, professional pharmacy<br />

services <strong>to</strong> residents of the beautiful<br />

<strong>to</strong>wn of Petrolia and Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County.<br />

4130 Glenview Rd, Unit 2, Petrolia<br />

519-882-0650<br />

Danielle Edgar, B.Sc., PharmD<br />

Pharmacist<br />

Monday–Friday 9–6<br />

Saturday 9–12<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

THE WALK<br />



Vendors<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong><br />

Just Ask Your<br />

Friendly Travel Agent ...<br />

Petrolia’s<br />

Luxury<br />

Down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />

Development<br />

<strong>The</strong> Walk is Petrolia’s only luxury<br />

apartment project in the down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />

core. Within walking distance <strong>to</strong> the<br />

grocery s<strong>to</strong>re, hospital, pharmacies and<br />

more, the location is ideal for adopting<br />

Petrolia’s trendy down<strong>to</strong>wn lifestyle. 519-882-3157<br />

www.albanyretirementvillage.com/the-walk<br />

Special<br />

Events<br />

MAY 18 TO OCTOBER 19<br />

Saturday Mornings 7:30am-Noon<br />

Fletcher St. (behind Library) 519-882-2350<br />

• A woman called <strong>to</strong> make reservations from Chicago <strong>to</strong> Hippopotamus, New<br />

York. I was at a loss for words. Finally, I asked “Are you sure that’s the name of<br />

the <strong>to</strong>wn?” She replied, “Yes, what flights do you have?” After some searching, I<br />

said “I’m sorry ma’am, I’ve looked up every airport code in the country can’t find a<br />

Hippopotamus anywhere.” She replied, “Oh don’t be silly, everyone knows where it<br />

is, check your map!” I scoured a map of New York state and finally offered, “You don’t<br />

mean Buffalo, do you?” She said, “That’s it! I knew it was a big animal!”<br />

• A woman called and said, “I need <strong>to</strong> fly <strong>to</strong> pepsi-cola on one of those computer planes.”<br />

I asked if she meant Pensacola on a commuter plane. She said, “Yeah, whatever.”<br />

• A woman called <strong>to</strong> ask, “Do airlines put your physical description on your bag so they<br />

know who’s luggage belongs <strong>to</strong> who?” I said, “No, why do you ask?” She replied, “Well,<br />

when I checked in with the airline, they put a tag on my bag that said FAT, and I’m<br />

overweight, is there any connection?” After putting her on hold so I could ‘look in<strong>to</strong> it’ (I<br />

was actually laughing), I came back and explained that the city code for Fresno is FAT,<br />

and the airline was just putting a destination tag on her luggage.<br />

Don’t let old age get you down - it’s <strong>to</strong>o hard <strong>to</strong> get back up!<br />

Oil Field His<strong>to</strong>ry... in Action.<br />

1860s Working Oil Field His<strong>to</strong>ric Site<br />

Antique &<br />

Unique Sale<br />

Saturday June 15th<br />

9:00 am <strong>to</strong> 2:00 pm<br />

4281 Discovery Line, PETROLIA • www.PetroliaDiscovery.org<br />

Please use entrance off Petrolia Line through Bridgeview Park north.<br />

Planting A Garden of Memories<br />

by Alice Gibb, London • from Daytripping May-June 2007 issue<br />

All gardeners know winter<br />

can be endured because it is<br />

the precursor of spring. And<br />

springtime, for the garden lover,<br />

has a host of special attractions.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is the moist, sun-warmed<br />

smell when you turn over the first<br />

shovelful of earth. Or the rush of<br />

emotion when you let a handful<br />

of that warm, sweet-smelling soil<br />

first trickle through your fingers.<br />

Finally, there's the sense of expectation<br />

when you drop the first seeds in<strong>to</strong> a thin<br />

line etched in the soil - even if that soil is<br />

only a balcony windowbox!<br />

Admittedly, when I was a youngster, I<br />

didn't feel any great rush of affection for<br />

either the good earth or my father at garden<br />

planting time.<br />

My father, who had been raised on a farm<br />

but worked in one of Sarnia's petrochemical<br />

industries, threw his zeal in<strong>to</strong> a half-acre<br />

vegetable plot at the back of our property.<br />

Gardening, for my father, was a welcome<br />

adventure. Every spring he would try at<br />

least one or two new crops ranging from<br />

deep blue garden huckleberries <strong>to</strong> pale<br />

green kohlrabi.<br />

<strong>The</strong> spring ritual my brother and I followed<br />

religiously was trying <strong>to</strong> avoid the gardenplanting<br />

marathon. <strong>The</strong> annual routine of<br />

moving a stake and string at a snail's pace<br />

across the plowed field and bending over <strong>to</strong><br />

drop miniscule seeds in<strong>to</strong> the ruler-straight<br />

lines my father favoured, held little appeal.<br />

I would try <strong>to</strong> disappear in<strong>to</strong> the farthest<br />

reaches of the house with a good mystery<br />

- my brother just plain disappeared!<br />

During the Depression, my father had<br />

headed west in search of cheap land and<br />

the opportunity <strong>to</strong> test his independence.<br />

He had settled on a quarter section of land<br />

outside Peace River, Alberta and eked out<br />

subsistence living until war was declared.<br />

Perhaps it was those sparse years that<br />

inspired him <strong>to</strong> produce a bonanza of<br />

vegetables that was far <strong>to</strong>o great for the<br />

needs of our four-member family. Even<br />

with my mother frantically canning and<br />

freezing, we could not keep up <strong>to</strong> the<br />

garden's yields. <strong>The</strong> solution was for my<br />

hardworking father <strong>to</strong> wash and bag up<br />

the extra produce. <strong>The</strong>n my brother and<br />

Open for Tours:<br />

JUNE: Sat and Sun 10-4<br />

JULY & AUG: Wed <strong>to</strong> Sun 10-4<br />

Other <strong>to</strong>ur times available<br />

by appointment - 519-882-0897<br />

petroliadiscovery@outlook.com<br />

I were sent out on Saturday mornings<br />

<strong>to</strong> knock on doors around our village.<br />

Really, all we had <strong>to</strong> do was go <strong>to</strong><br />

about three or four homes, sell the 10<br />

and 25 cent bags of carrots, onions,<br />

and <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es, and the proceeds<br />

were ours <strong>to</strong> spend at the local<br />

general s<strong>to</strong>re. Our task was<br />

made even easier by the fact<br />

that we had several families<br />

with eight and ten children in<br />

our neighborhood - so the cooks in those<br />

families would take any vegetables we had<br />

<strong>to</strong> market.<br />

Despite that fact, and the reality that my<br />

brother and myself rarely did any of the<br />

hard hoeing and weeding and cultivating<br />

that made the garden thrive, we considered<br />

it a great hardship <strong>to</strong> have <strong>to</strong> peddle<br />

produce door-<strong>to</strong>-door. Even as youngsters,<br />

we liked <strong>to</strong> consider ourselves gentry, who<br />

should spend afternoons on the banks<br />

of the St. Clair, or swinging gently in a<br />

backyard hammock.<br />

Perhaps I should have realized, however,<br />

that gardeners beget gardeners. For years<br />

now, I've rented various little patches of<br />

land in and around London. My rows are<br />

always crooked, because I lack my father's<br />

patience with life's challenges. Since I don't<br />

own an old hand-cranked Farmall trac<strong>to</strong>r or<br />

a cranky cultiva<strong>to</strong>r, weeds and couch grass<br />

win out by season's end. I should spend<br />

more time in the summer with hoe in hand<br />

and less time at a computer terminal.<br />

But I do feel that special rush experienced<br />

by all gardeners when the seed catalogues<br />

start <strong>to</strong> arrive during the dark winter<br />

months. By April, there's a physical ache in<br />

my bones, wanting <strong>to</strong> feel the warm earth<br />

between my fingers again. It's not much<br />

different than the ache you feel when you<br />

first fall madly in love.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re's another more personal reason<br />

why I still plant huckleberries and strange<br />

new <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong> varieties every spring. Some<br />

nights, just as the sun sets, I half expect <strong>to</strong><br />

see my father just a few rows over, wearing<br />

his battered old straw hat and leaning on<br />

his hoe, smoking a pipe. A garden is many<br />

things <strong>to</strong> many people. But for this gardener,<br />

planting memories is even more important<br />

than planting seeds.<br />

P A G E<br />

10<br />

(Family Feud Answers) Something Russia is famous for. – Russians<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Maybe we should s<strong>to</strong>p it with the elderly jokes. <strong>The</strong>y’re getting old.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

SARNIA<br />


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follow our Facebook page.<br />

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Frances’<br />

Helpful<br />

Hints<br />

1) Leather saddles, handbags,<br />

shoes and the multitude of<br />

other leather items need<br />

proper care <strong>to</strong> deter vermin<br />

and <strong>to</strong> retain a soft pliant<br />

texture. How can you do this<br />

without all the smelly and<br />

sometimes potent cleaners<br />

and polishes? Follow what the<br />

old timers used <strong>to</strong> do. Mix your<br />

own polish - half cas<strong>to</strong>r oil<br />

and half mineral oil. Works<br />

like magic and no <strong>to</strong>xic fumes<br />

<strong>to</strong> deal with.<br />

2) Have you ever encountered<br />

those irritating stains on the<br />

inside of your glass vases?<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’s one easy way <strong>to</strong> avoid<br />

that from happening. Spray<br />

the inside of the vase with Pam<br />

before you put in the water<br />

and flowers. This non-stick<br />

product really works.<br />

3) Don’t do this. Don’t do that.<br />

Here I go again. Don’t put<br />

china with gold trim or<br />

hand-painted surfaces, or<br />

pottery or porcelain that is<br />

crazed in the dishwasher. <strong>The</strong><br />

finish will fade and eventually<br />

wear off and the crazed pieces<br />

may crack even further.<br />

4) Did you know that lace can<br />

be coloured by a dipping in<br />

tea?<br />

5) If you have an outdoor<br />

bronze figural or any outdoor<br />

bronze decorative item, wash<br />

it with warm soapy water <strong>to</strong><br />

remove any dirt and grime<br />

that may have accumulated<br />

on its surface. Rinse<br />

thoroughly and dry with a soft<br />

cloth. <strong>The</strong>n rub with a flannel<br />

cloth pad dipped in olive oil.<br />

Make sure that no excess oil<br />

remains on the surface.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) A former President most people would say is honest. – Nixon P A G E 11

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Thank you, <strong>to</strong> all the advertisers you see throughout the magazine.<br />

A Party 150 Years<br />

in the Making<br />

By Laurissa Ellsworth<br />

Petrolia is pleased <strong>to</strong> bring the<br />

community <strong>to</strong>gether for a series of<br />

celebrations, events and activities <strong>to</strong><br />

highlight the Sesquicentennial miles<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

in the oil <strong>to</strong>wn.<br />

<strong>2024</strong> marks the 150th anniversary<br />

of the incorporation of Petrolia as<br />

a <strong>to</strong>wn and commemorates By-<br />

Law number one—the By-Law <strong>to</strong><br />

formally create the Petrolia and<br />

North Enniskillen Fire Department.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Oil Town launched their year of<br />

celebrations on January 1, <strong>2024</strong> and<br />

will wrap the activities on January<br />

1, 2025.<br />

<strong>The</strong> larger events include a jam<br />

packed June weekend with the<br />

Provincial Town Criers Competition<br />

from June 14-16, the Fire<br />

Department’s 150th anniversary on<br />

the 15th, and the legendary RCMP<br />

Musical Ride on the 15th and 16th.<br />

Another stellar weekend on August 15-<br />

17 will welcome the Hard Oil Music<br />

Festival, with three days of live music,<br />

the likes of which Petrolia has not seen<br />

before. Tickets are on sale for this now.<br />

Petrolia is accus<strong>to</strong>med <strong>to</strong> welcoming<br />

guests and have a number of other large<br />

events you may have been <strong>to</strong> in the past<br />

from Pizzafest (June 1st); Canada Day<br />

Fireworks (July1st); Art in the Park (July<br />

12 & 13); the Barn Dance (July 13th);<br />

Harvestfest (Sept. 14th) and more.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir Town Wide Yard Sale is one of<br />

the largest in Ontario and has a new<br />

date this year—June 7th and 8th.<br />

Numerous other events are also<br />

planned including a down<strong>to</strong>wn Art<br />

Crawl, a monthly Free Swimming and/<br />

or Skating Birthday Parties, Christmas<br />

celebrations and New Year’s Eve party.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are <strong>to</strong>o many <strong>to</strong> mention but all<br />

can be found at www.Petrolia150.com.<br />

In addition <strong>to</strong> the events listed<br />

above, there are several other activities<br />

and opportunities <strong>to</strong> participate in<br />

throughout the year. Students of Petrolia<br />

and area schools should be on the<br />

lookout for an activity book created by<br />

youth member Telsie Jackson, apparel<br />

is for sale and pre-order at www.<br />

Petrolia150.com, the Committee is<br />

selling his<strong>to</strong>ric commemorative coin<br />

sets, lawn signs, flags and more <strong>to</strong> help<br />

you celebrate. <strong>The</strong>re is also a Petrolia<br />

150 Mosaic Mural Project that will be<br />

announced in detail soon.<br />

Down<strong>to</strong>wn businesses will display<br />

his<strong>to</strong>rical graphics and information<br />

about their s<strong>to</strong>refronts and host special<br />

shopping events throughout the year.<br />

Black Gold Brewery is even offering<br />

special beer labels <strong>to</strong> help us celebrate!<br />

A committee of volunteers from the<br />

community, service clubs and <strong>to</strong>wn<br />

staff have been working on the events<br />

and ideas since 2018, and despite a<br />

slowdown of in-person meetings in 2020<br />

and 2021, the Petrolia 150 Committee<br />

has been able <strong>to</strong> focus on their mandate<br />

and set goals and choose projects that<br />

are both inclusive and affordable for the<br />

<strong>to</strong>wn <strong>to</strong> celebrate <strong>to</strong>gether.<br />

Those celebrating a special miles<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

birthday or anniversary are encouraged<br />

<strong>to</strong> let the Clerk’s Office at Town Hall<br />

know all about it so that a special<br />

commemorative certificate can be<br />

issued. A special edition newspaper,<br />

activity guide and calendar has been<br />

distributed <strong>to</strong> all residents <strong>to</strong> help save<br />

the dates.<br />

Petrolia will be home <strong>to</strong> a year full<br />

of celebrations and reminders about<br />

what makes Petrolia a special place <strong>to</strong><br />

live and do business. On behalf of the<br />

committee, we encourage you all <strong>to</strong><br />

“save the dates!”<br />

To stay up <strong>to</strong> date and track any<br />

changes <strong>to</strong> scheduling or events,<br />

please connect with us online at:<br />

Petrolia 150th Anniversary - <strong>2024</strong><br />

Petrolia150_<strong>2024</strong><br />

Petrolia150_<strong>2024</strong><br />

@150Petrolia<br />

www.petrolia150.com<br />

Petrolia 150 Events<br />

& Signature Town Events<br />


Monday - 1<br />

Petrolia 150 Gala<br />

7:30-10:30pm<br />


Fri-Mon 16, 17, 18 & 19<br />

Family Fun Days Weekend<br />

MAY<br />

Saturday - 25<br />

Farmers’ Market<br />

Grand Opening<br />

JUNE<br />

Saturday - 1<br />

Town - Pizzafest<br />

Sat-Sun 15 & 16<br />

RCMP Musical Ride<br />

Greenwood Park<br />

Fri-Sun 14, 15 & 16<br />

Petrolia 150<br />

Town Crier Contest<br />

JULY<br />

Monday - 1<br />

Town - Canada Day<br />

Celebrations<br />

Fri & Sat 12 & 13<br />

Art in the Park<br />

Saturday - 13<br />

Town - Barn Dance<br />

AUGUST<br />

Thurs-Sat - 15, 16 & 17<br />

Hard Oil Music Festival<br />

in Greenwood Park<br />

Saturday - 17<br />

Petrolia 150 Parade<br />

Sunday - 18<br />

11 am Nonsectarian<br />

Church Service<br />

in Greenwood Park<br />


Saturday - 14<br />

Harvestfest -<br />

Farmers’ Market<br />


Friday - 6<br />

Town - Christmas in the Park,<br />

Chili Cook Off<br />

Saturday - 7<br />

Town - Christmas Market,<br />

10am-3pm<br />

Saturday - 7<br />

Town -<br />

Santa Claus Parade - 2pm<br />

“Celebrating Petrolia 150”<br />

Tuesday - 31<br />

Petrolia 150<br />

Closing Event at Greenwood<br />

Recreation Centre<br />

Thursday - Saturday, AUGUST 15, 16 & 17<br />

Hard Oil Music Festival in Greenwood Park<br />

Visit: petrolia150.com<br />

for event details, and more!<br />

P A G E<br />

12<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A sport which involves throwing something. – Tennis<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

As you may have guessed by now, it’s for people 55+<br />

• Fresh Produce<br />

• Bulk Food<br />

• Fresh Meat<br />

• Seasonal<br />

• Party Trays<br />

Merchandise<br />

• Bakery<br />

• Flower<br />

• Deli<br />

Market<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Retirement<br />

Village<br />

Down<strong>to</strong>wn Retirement Living<br />

in a Quaint Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Town<br />

Every Tuesday is SENIORS DISCOUNT DAY<br />

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Doesn’t apply <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>bacco, lottery or gift cards<br />

Use our easy<br />

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A Rush of Excitement<br />

Unveiling Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Playhouse Petrolia’s<br />

Spectacular <strong>2024</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre Season<br />

In the heart of Ontario’s picturesque<br />

Petrolia, the Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Playhouse Petrolia<br />

(VPP) gears up for a summer that<br />

promises not just stellar performances<br />

but an aptly titled ‘A Rush of Excitement’<br />

as the upcoming theatre season unfolds<br />

a diverse array of productions that<br />

celebrate Petrolia’s rich his<strong>to</strong>ry, pay<br />

homage <strong>to</strong> musical legends, welcome<br />

audience favourites back <strong>to</strong> the stage,<br />

and bring poignant tales <strong>to</strong> life.<br />

Oil Rush: <strong>The</strong> Big Discovery Musical<br />

– May 7-26<br />

Kicking off the season is “Oil Rush,”<br />

a Canadian musical written by Robert<br />

More and Jacqueline Sadler that delves<br />

in<strong>to</strong> the roots of Petrolia, paying tribute<br />

<strong>to</strong> its his<strong>to</strong>ric connection <strong>to</strong> the oil<br />

industry. As the <strong>to</strong>wn commemorates<br />

its 150th birthday “Oil Rush” promises<br />

<strong>to</strong> be a captivating journey through time<br />

showcasing the resilience and spirit of<br />

the community that thrived amidst the<br />

black gold boom. Audiences can expect<br />

a visually stunning performance full of<br />

amusing characters and some fine knee<br />

slappin’ music that not only entertains<br />

but also educates, offering a unique<br />

glimpse in<strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>wn’s fascinating past.<br />

Rainy Day People: A Tribute <strong>to</strong><br />

Gordon Lightfoot – June 4-23<br />

<strong>The</strong> VPP continues its stellar lineup<br />

with “Rainy Day People,” a musical<br />

tribute <strong>to</strong> the legendary Gordon<br />

Lightfoot. Lightfoot’s timeless melodies<br />

and poetic lyrics have left an indelible<br />

mark on the world of folk music and this<br />

production aims <strong>to</strong> honour his legacy in<br />

a way that only live theatre can. Lead by<br />

Canada’s own Sarah Smith the company<br />

performs a beautifully curated selection<br />

of Lightfoot’s greatest hits immersing<br />

patrons in the nostalgia and musical<br />

brilliance of a true Canadian folk hero.<br />

Sweet Soul Music: A Non-S<strong>to</strong>p Hit<br />

Parade – July 2-28<br />

<strong>The</strong> excitement doesn’t wane as the<br />

season progresses in<strong>to</strong> “Sweet Soul<br />

Music,” a soulful journey that pays<br />

homage <strong>to</strong> the greatest in the genre.<br />

Headlined by VPP favourite Justin<br />

• Wedding • Birthday<br />

• Baby • Home Decor<br />

4177 Petrolia Line, Petrolia • (519) 882-1840 Mon-Fri 9-9, Sat 9-6, Sun10-5<br />

Bacchus, known for his electrifying<br />

performances and soul-stirring vocals,<br />

this production promises <strong>to</strong> be a<br />

mesmerizing experience for lovers<br />

of soul music and beyond. <strong>The</strong> stage<br />

will come alive with the energy and<br />

emotion of timeless classics creating an<br />

atmosphere that transports the audience<br />

<strong>to</strong> the golden era of soul music.<br />

Tuesdays with Morrie: A Life<br />

Altering Friendship – August 6-18<br />

As August unfolds the Vic<strong>to</strong>ria<br />

Playhouse Petrolia takes a poignant turn<br />

with “Tuesdays with Morrie,” written by<br />

Jeffrey Hatcher and Mitch Albom. Based<br />

on a true s<strong>to</strong>ry, this emotionally charged<br />

play explores the profound lessons<br />

learned by a young journalist (played<br />

by Michael Vanhevel) from his former<br />

college professor, Morrie Schwartz<br />

(played by Keith Savage). Delving<br />

in<strong>to</strong> themes of life, love, and human<br />

connection, this production is sure <strong>to</strong><br />

leave a lasting impact on the hearts of<br />

the audience.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ultimate Fiddler on the Loose:<br />

All Your Fiddlin’ Favourites –<br />

September 10-29<br />

September brings the muchanticipated<br />

return of Jesse Grandmont<br />

and friends in “<strong>The</strong> Ultimate Fiddler on<br />


the Loose.” Due <strong>to</strong> popular demand, this<br />

lively and energetic group commands<br />

the VPP stage once again, showcasing<br />

the mastery of fiddling, comedy and<br />

step-dancing, promising <strong>to</strong> blow the VPP<br />

roof off one more time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Tony Bennett Songbook: A Heart<br />

Full of Song – Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 8-27<br />

Closing the season with a flourish,<br />

the Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Playhouse Petrolia presents<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Tony Bennett Songbook.” A very<br />

special cast comes <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> celebrate<br />

the everlasting music of Tony Bennett,<br />

highlighting some of his most memorable<br />

performances and moments in the<br />

entertainment business. Audiences can<br />

expect an evening filled with nostalgia,<br />

reverence, and an immersive tribute <strong>to</strong> a<br />

musical legend.<br />

As excitement builds for the<br />

upcoming season, stay tuned for further<br />

casting announcements. Matinee and<br />

evening performances are offered, and<br />

tickets are available at thevpp.ca or<br />

by calling the box office at 1-800-717-<br />

7694. <strong>The</strong> Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Playhouse Petrolia’s<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Season, ‘A Rush of Excitement’,<br />

is set <strong>to</strong> captivate audiences, offering<br />

a diverse and unforgettable journey<br />

through his<strong>to</strong>ry, music, and the human<br />

experience- don’t miss it!<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) Something that comes with a summer s<strong>to</strong>rm. – Snow P A G E 13

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

Tax Season is Here!<br />

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As I write this article in anticipation<br />

of a publishing deadline, it is a bit<br />

easier <strong>to</strong> think about spring when the<br />

skies are sunny, and we have enjoyed<br />

a very balmy February. Every outdoor<br />

enthusiast has their eye on the weather<br />

forecast and that ever eager gardener is<br />

no different. Nothing quite satisfies this<br />

urge like getting your hands in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

garden with the sun on your shoulders.<br />

In the greenhouse, we are thinking<br />

about <strong>Spring</strong> from November forward.<br />

Our production schedule has us<br />

purchasing seeds, cuttings, and<br />

supplies well in advance. We are on<br />

the continuous lookout for new and<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Planning<br />

Ahead<br />

Courtesy of<br />

Sipkens<br />

Nurseries<br />

Do you<br />

want<br />

copies<br />

of...<br />

<strong>The</strong>y’re T<br />

FREE for people 55+! + innovative plants and trends <strong>to</strong> add a bit<br />

more excitement <strong>to</strong> an already exciting<br />

time. As I write, we have started many<br />

thousand cuttings and seeds of spring<br />

flowers and tropical plants. <strong>The</strong>se are all<br />

queued in<strong>to</strong> our well-tuned plan <strong>to</strong> be<br />

ready at our garden centre for the prime<br />

weeks of spring gardening. All these<br />

quick growing plants are added <strong>to</strong> the<br />

assortment of plants we have started<br />

and grown over the past one <strong>to</strong> seven<br />

years. It is easy <strong>to</strong> think of that sprint<br />

<strong>to</strong> spring of flowers and transplants,<br />

but at our nursery we also grow many<br />

shrubs and trees that have a much<br />

longer production cycle and incredible<br />

longevity. This marathon is a reminder<br />

that gardening is not only a spring rush<br />

but a year-round and multi-year effort<br />

<strong>to</strong> grow excellent plants <strong>to</strong> beautify our<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mers’ homes and businesses for<br />

the future.<br />

But <strong>to</strong> that frequently aired question<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />

Do you remember being 19? Neither do we!<br />

For a group,<br />

apartment<br />

building,<br />

or meeting?<br />

Call 519-491-1676 or email<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

“whether spring will be early or late?” I<br />

prefer <strong>to</strong> answer “spring always comes<br />

when it is supposed <strong>to</strong> come.” So<br />

when the weather permits, get yourself<br />

outside, putter in the garden, make<br />

plans for something new and fresh, find<br />

a fabulous plant for inside or outside,<br />

plant that tree, tune-up the yard.<br />

Gardening is not a ‘job’ <strong>to</strong> get done but<br />

an experience <strong>to</strong> enjoy. Put away the<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> Gardening Checklist:<br />

❏ Seek advice from a professional and<br />

from friends <strong>to</strong> make good plans<br />

for spring landscaping changes you<br />

hope <strong>to</strong> make.<br />

❏ Plant that tree you should have<br />

years ago (in the right place).<br />

❏ Look in<strong>to</strong> vertical gardening if you<br />

are limited on outdoor space.<br />

❏ Plan a habitat space for wildlife in<br />

your garden.<br />

❏ Improve the soil in veggie beds and<br />

containers with new soil, peat moss,<br />

compost and natural fertilizer.<br />

❏ Keep on <strong>to</strong>p of weeds in a garden<br />

bed by starting clean, and consider<br />

adding a layer of mulch/ straw <strong>to</strong><br />

keep weeds at bay.<br />

❏ Transplant seedlings and/or sow<br />

seeds in<strong>to</strong> the garden based on the<br />

instructions on the seed packet,<br />

van Goozen Music<br />

Lessons & Books<br />

AGES 3 <strong>to</strong> 103<br />

Class or Private<br />

Instruction<br />

Available 6<br />

days a week.<br />

STORE & STUDIO • 519-344-2319<br />

115 Mit<strong>to</strong>n Street South, Sarnia<br />

digital world, get outdoors, soak up that<br />

sun, enjoy the beauty of created things,<br />

and if you haven’t yet, start your new<br />

gardening adventure.<br />

If you are interested in learning more<br />

about gardening, landscaping, and the<br />

artistic side of plants, we host many<br />

events at Sipkens <strong>to</strong> this end, and are<br />

always ready <strong>to</strong> help you get started on<br />

this journey.<br />

good advice from friends or from<br />

your favourite garden centre.<br />

❏ Feed your plants regularly for a<br />

great yield—you only get out what<br />

your put in. Great organic options<br />

include hen manure and kelp meal.<br />

❏ Plant cold-loving veggies early April<br />

(onions, radish, snow peas and<br />

perennial herbs).<br />

❏ In mid-April <strong>to</strong> May, plant pota<strong>to</strong>es,<br />

broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.<br />

❏ Plant tender veggies after the frostfree<br />

date (usually after Vic<strong>to</strong>ria<br />

Day) such as <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es, peppers,<br />

cucumber and melons.<br />

❏ Water vegetables and fruit regularly<br />

for continued growth.<br />

❏ In June, start <strong>to</strong> reap the rewards by<br />

picking early crops like leafy greens,<br />

radishes, and strawberries.<br />

P A G E<br />

14<br />

(Family Feud Answers) Something orange. – A Banana<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Putting the “old” back in “Damn, you’re old!”<br />

Owen R. Wyrzykowski<br />


Barristers and Solici<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Whether you are buying or selling real estate,<br />

or need <strong>to</strong> update your estate planning,<br />

we provide personal service <strong>to</strong> help you<br />

through the legal process.<br />

Owen R. Wyrzykowski<br />

519-336-6118<br />

6118<br />

orw@wrlawoffice.ca<br />

722 Lite Street, Point Edward<br />

• Real Estate Purchases & Sales<br />

• Mortgages & Credit Lines<br />

• Wills & Powers of Aorney<br />

• Estate Planning & Administraon<br />

30 Years Experience<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

<strong>The</strong> Giving List<br />

Many of us have time m<br />

<strong>to</strong> give, v , consider<br />

n d<br />

being a volunteer!<br />

Here’s a list i t of opportunities ortu<br />

i<br />

ties<br />

<strong>to</strong> give<br />

<strong>The</strong>se listings in<br />

are for reference eren<br />

ence<br />

only.<br />

Please contact ct<br />

the organization atio<br />

n for details.<br />


R<br />

A<br />

N<br />

I<br />

Z<br />

ATA<br />

T<br />

IOI<br />

ONO<br />

N<br />

Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Rebound VOLUNTEER V O<br />

L<br />

U<br />

N T<br />

E<br />

ER<br />

RO<br />


P<br />

PO<br />

OR<br />

T<br />

U<br />

TY<br />

T<br />

Program & Special Event Volunteers, Cinderella Project Volunteer Committee, Rebound Rocks CONTACT<br />

C<br />

O<br />

CTC<br />

T<br />

519-344-2841 ext. 101<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Order of Nurses Visi<strong>to</strong>r, Footcare Clinic Assistant, Bingo, Adult Day Program, In-Home Exercise 519-542-2310 ext. 4267<br />

LC Long-Term Care Living Various opportunities from Coffee Program <strong>to</strong> organist/pianist <strong>to</strong> dining companions lamb<strong>to</strong>ncares.ca/volunteer<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach Reception, Transportation, Friendly Visiting, Meals on Wheels, Diner’s <strong>Club</strong>, Forever Fitness 519-845-1353<br />

Alzheimer Society of S-L Program, Event and Bingo Volunteers 519-332-4444<br />

Habitat for Humanity Handyman Assistant, Build Volunteer, ReS<strong>to</strong>re: Sales Floor Support, Cashier 519-339-7957<br />

St. Joseph’s Hospice S-L Residence Reception, Volunteers for Kitchen, Grocery Shopping, Direct Support, and more 519-337-0537 stjosephshospice.ca<br />

Literacy Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Volunteer opportunities in the Adult or Family Literacy Programs, Special Events, and more literacylamb<strong>to</strong>n.org/volunteer/<br />

Noelle’s Gift <strong>to</strong> Children Bingo & Event Volunteers: online registration at www.noellesgift.ca under volunteer tab www.noellesgift.ca<br />

Bluewater Health Patient Care Assistant, Help Program, Reception 519-464-4400 ext. 5406<br />

United Way of S-L Bingos, and Thank You Community Volunteers theunitedway.on.ca or 519-336-5452<br />

P-W His<strong>to</strong>rical Society Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming His<strong>to</strong>rical Society (positions on the Board) and at Museum (in Camlachie) sueewright53@gmail.com<br />

Canadian Red Cross Meals on Wheels (Sarnia, Bright’s Grove, Pt Edward), Transportation in- and out-of-<strong>to</strong>wn www.redcross.ca (volunteer tab)<br />

Family Counselling Centre Provide support <strong>to</strong> local older adults through Tel-Check and Distress Line programs.. 519-336-0120 ext. 251<br />

St. Vincent de Paul S-L Volunteers needed <strong>to</strong> raise awareness and help end hunger and poverty in our community. stvincefb@gmail.com<br />




Sarnia Humane Society Several volunteer opportunities. Non-clumping cat litter, <strong>to</strong>wels and small fleece blankets, etc. www.sarniahumanesociety.com<br />

River City Vineyard Donation of food, extra clothing, valuables, and small household items <strong>to</strong> foodbank and shelter 519-383-8463(VINE)<br />

Petrolia Food Bank Monetary and food donations <strong>to</strong> food bank (please check expiry dates) 519-882-3950<br />

Inn of the Good Shepherd Clothing, linens & bedding, food items. Volunteer opportunities available. 519-344-1746<br />

Women’s Interval Home New unused items only will be accepted <strong>to</strong> shelter: hygiene items, clothing, gift cards, etc. kyla@womensintervalhome.com<br />

Petrolia Comm. Refrigera<strong>to</strong>r Any type of food items, personal items and monetary donations 519-882-1390<br />

Willing Hands Yarn <strong>Club</strong> Donations of yarn used for scarves, hats, blankets, etc. distributed locally and nationally. 519-336-8088 biskit@sympatico.ca<br />

United Way of S-L Funding over 30 local programs/services that assist people in or near poverty. theunitedway.on.ca or 519-336-5452<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) A classical music composer everyone knows. – Julio Iglesias P A G E 15

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Are you experiencing HAIR LOSS?<br />

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replacement solutions for any<br />

medical conditions or chemotherapy.<br />

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women find the perfect and<br />

most natural hair loss solution.<br />

Visit www.ContinentalHair.com<br />

565 Murphy Road, Unit 4<br />

Sarnia • 519-337-3699<br />

This FREE Magazine is made possible by the<br />

companies you see adversing in these pages.<br />

Please consider them when making your<br />

purchasing decisions, and please let them<br />

know that you saw their ad in...<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE<br />


Every Wednesday is Senior's Day. SAVE 15%<br />

Every First Friday of the Month SAVE 20%<br />

Cameron Paint Inc<br />

1107 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Mall Road<br />

Sarnia • 519-491-9994<br />

www.cameronpaint.ca<br />

Free & Private<br />

Consultations<br />

Laughter is the best medicine - here’s <strong>to</strong> your health.<br />

Society of<br />

Saint Vincent de Paul<br />

Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />






www.ssvpsarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

519-337-7089<br />

Come In...<br />

Enjoy<br />

Thrift<br />

Shopping!<br />

Together, we are “Helping people in our community!”<br />

Thank You for donating<br />

200 Vidal St., Sarnia I 226-472-0999<br />

106 East St., Sarnia I 519-337-7089<br />

gently used items at all<br />

385 Lyndoch St., Corunna I 519-862-3980<br />

3 James St., Forest I 519-786-4396<br />

locations during s<strong>to</strong>re hours!<br />

4187 Petrolia Line, Petrolia I 519-882-0541 OPEN Monday thru Saturday<br />

A Wild, Wacky Wooden<br />

Washing Machine<br />

by Norma West Linder, from Daytripping March-April 2006<br />

We take hydro so much<br />

for granted <strong>to</strong>day that we<br />

miss it terribly even when<br />

we lose it briefly. When<br />

I was a baby, we moved<br />

<strong>to</strong> Mani<strong>to</strong>ulin Island - <strong>to</strong> a<br />

house with no hydro.<br />

In an effort <strong>to</strong> “brighten” our lives,<br />

my father wrote an essay ex<strong>to</strong>lling the<br />

virtues of the Aladdin Lamp, an item<br />

he’d never even seen, let alone used.<br />

His literary efforts were rewarded by<br />

the presentation of a beautiful model<br />

decorated with hand-painted roses.<br />

It was my mother’s special pride -<br />

right up until the day my grandfather<br />

accidentally knocked it over.<br />

“What are you going <strong>to</strong> tell Les?”<br />

he asked, surveying the broken pieces.<br />

“What do you mean?” she replied.<br />

“You broke it.”<br />

“It would sound better coming<br />

from you.” Leaving her <strong>to</strong> sweep up the<br />

pieces, he came over <strong>to</strong> sit beside me<br />

on the couch. “I didn’t like the way it<br />

hissed anyway,” he whispered.<br />

Leaving the lighting situation,<br />

my father turned his attention <strong>to</strong><br />

the laundry problem. He rigged up<br />

a washing machine consisting of a<br />

two-handled wooden tub set on a<br />

wheel with a cross belt, hooked up<br />

<strong>to</strong> a homemade wooden pulley. <strong>The</strong><br />

whole affair was propelled by a onehorsepower<br />

gasoline engine. I use the<br />

word propelled advisedly.<br />

On the day of the washer’s<br />

christening, our entire family<br />

assembled in the kitchen. It turned out<br />

<strong>to</strong> be something of a maiden voyage as<br />

well. <strong>The</strong> clothes not only got washed,<br />

they got taken for a ride. We watched,<br />

helpless with laughter as the machine<br />

<strong>to</strong>ok off across the kitchen floor.<br />

After that, the inven<strong>to</strong>r’s presence<br />

was requested on wash days <strong>to</strong> help<br />

corral the wooden beast. But it did<br />

save my mother a lot<br />

of scrubbing on the old<br />

washboard, an item seen<br />

only in museums <strong>to</strong>day.<br />

In time, the power lines<br />

from Mindemoya reached<br />

us. Our coal oil lamps were<br />

replaced by electric light bulbs. And<br />

my father’s fantastic flying machine<br />

was replaced by a shining new “Easy”<br />

washer, its lime green enamelled sides<br />

necked with white dots. I loved <strong>to</strong> press<br />

my face against its warmth and listen <strong>to</strong><br />

the rhythmic chugging of its mo<strong>to</strong>r. As<br />

each load was finished, I watched as it<br />

was put through the wringer, fascinated<br />

<strong>to</strong> see wet clothes emerge as flattened,<br />

multi-coloured ribbons.<br />

<strong>The</strong> magic of hydro! No more sooty<br />

lamp chimneys <strong>to</strong> clean. No more<br />

laundry bubbling on the s<strong>to</strong>ve in a big<br />

copper boiler. And radio! <strong>The</strong> wonder<br />

of shared laughter as we sat listening<br />

<strong>to</strong> Bums and Allen. Jack Benny, Edgar<br />

Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. My big<br />

sister’s favourite was Amos and Andy.<br />

Mine was Fibber Magee and Molly. And<br />

Mortimer Snerd. Radio voices peopled<br />

our lives; they were as real <strong>to</strong> us as our<br />

paper friends in the Saturday comics.<br />

Strangely enough, as though hearing<br />

depended upon seeing, we always<br />

watched the small brown igloo-shaped<br />

radio as we sat listening <strong>to</strong> it in the<br />

living room.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was a closeness in family life<br />

then, the kind of closeness seclusion<br />

promotes. Weathering hardships might<br />

have had something <strong>to</strong> do with it as<br />

well.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y say necessity is the mother of<br />

invention, but it isn’t always so. When I<br />

think of that wacky homemade washing<br />

machine my father designed <strong>to</strong> make<br />

my mother’s wash days a little easier,<br />

I know that love can be the mother of<br />

invention <strong>to</strong>o.<br />

P A G E<br />

16<br />

(Family Feud Answers) Something specific you should drink a lot of when you’re sick. – Alcohol<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

It’s the advertising that makes this magazine possible, and free!<br />

THE CLUB <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />


<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

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<strong>The</strong> Carpenter<br />

Author<br />

unknown -<br />

from Daytripping<br />

Nov-Dec 2020<br />


An elderly carpenter was ready <strong>to</strong><br />

retire. He <strong>to</strong>ld his employer/contrac<strong>to</strong>r<br />

of his plans <strong>to</strong> leave the house-building<br />

business and live a more leisurely life<br />

with his wife, enjoying his extended<br />

family. He would miss the paycheque,<br />

but he needed <strong>to</strong> retire. <strong>The</strong>y could<br />

get by.<br />

<strong>The</strong> contrac<strong>to</strong>r was sorry <strong>to</strong> see his<br />

good worker go, and asked if he could<br />

build just one more house as a personal<br />

favour. <strong>The</strong> carpenter said yes, but in<br />

time it was easy <strong>to</strong> see that his heart<br />

was not in his work. He resorted <strong>to</strong><br />

shoddy workmanship and used inferior<br />

materials.<br />

It was an unfortunate way <strong>to</strong> end his<br />

career. When the carpenter finished his<br />

work and the builder came <strong>to</strong> inspect<br />

the house, the contrac<strong>to</strong>r handed the<br />

front door key <strong>to</strong> the carpenter. “This<br />

is your house,”<br />

he said, “my gift <strong>to</strong> you.”<br />

What a shock! What a shame! If he<br />

had only known he was building his<br />

own house he would have done it all<br />

so differently. Now he had <strong>to</strong> live in the<br />

home he had built none <strong>to</strong> well.<br />

So it is with us. We build our lives in<br />

a distracted way reacting rather than<br />

acting, willing <strong>to</strong> put up with less than<br />

the best. At important points we do not<br />

give the job our best effort. <strong>The</strong>n with<br />

a shock, we look at the situation we<br />

have created and find that we are now<br />

living in the house we have built. If we<br />

had realized that, we would have done<br />

it differently.<br />

Think of yourself as the carpenter.<br />

Think about your house. Each day you<br />

hammer a nail, place a board, or erect<br />

a wall, build wisely.<br />

It is the only life you will ever build.<br />

Even if you live it for only one day more,<br />

that day deserves <strong>to</strong> be lived graciously<br />

and with dignity.<br />

<strong>The</strong> plaque on the wall says, “Life is<br />

a do-it-yourself project.” Who<br />

could say it more<br />

clearly?<br />

Your life <strong>to</strong>day<br />

is the result of<br />

your attitudes<br />

and choices in<br />

the past. Your life<br />

<strong>to</strong>morrow will be<br />

the result of your attitudes and the<br />

choices you make <strong>to</strong>day.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) <strong>The</strong> worst kind of shoe <strong>to</strong> run a marathon in. – Scuba flippers P A G E 17

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Visit Sarnia’s Best Lile<br />

Family Shoe S<strong>to</strong>re Today!<br />

This magazine comes with a free, built-in, old fashioned fly swatter!<br />

Recipes<br />

Send Us<br />

Y<br />

Your Recipes!<br />

es<br />

565 Murphy Rd • 519-383-0588 • shoeboxsarnia.ca<br />

By Jeanette Paddon, St. Thomas<br />

from Daytripping March-April 2013<br />

Recipes from <strong>Club</strong> contribu<strong>to</strong>rs & local fundraising cookbooks we’ve<br />

collected over the years. Send your own recipes, or on behalf of an<br />

organizaon with a cookbook, we can help promote them for free.<br />

Mother Nature slowly awakens.<br />

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she<br />

surveys the bleakness surrounding<br />

her. Mounds of dirty snow dot the<br />

landscape and bare trees stand rigidly<br />

against the dullness of the skies; while<br />

silence reigns. It is time for fresh new<br />

beginnings, she decides. Shedding<br />

her winter garments, she turns up<br />

the sun; smiling with approval<br />

as the snow melts away <strong>to</strong><br />

nothingness, and gentle<br />

rains nourish the earth.<br />

Now, rolling up her<br />

sleeves, she magically<br />

starts working on<br />

her yearly<br />

transformation.<br />

She coaxes<br />

the trees in<strong>to</strong> new<br />

coats of many shades<br />

of green, <strong>to</strong> cover their<br />

nakedness. Plant life and<br />

insects sense the change in<br />

the air, and start nudging<br />

through the soil. Lakes and rivers once<br />

again flow freely, and the fish jump<br />

with delight. Across the miles, a gentle<br />

breeze signals the birds that it is time<br />

<strong>to</strong> return. <strong>The</strong> silence of winter is gone,<br />

replaced by the joyful sounds of birds<br />

crooning their love songs, and insects<br />

buzzing, as all wildlife prepares for<br />

newborns. Trees and shrubs explode<br />

with blossoms, infusing the air<br />

with the sweetest fragrance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> skies are a dazzling blue,<br />

and the days are longer,<br />

with the promise of<br />

more good things<br />

<strong>to</strong> come. Within<br />

just a few weeks,<br />

Earth has gone<br />

from drab<br />

<strong>to</strong> beautiful,<br />

from barren <strong>to</strong><br />

plentiful. Winter<br />

is now simply a<br />

memory. <strong>The</strong> marvels of<br />

Mother Nature indeed!<br />

Smothered Chicken<br />

Breasts<br />

4 boneless skinless<br />

chicken breast halves<br />

1/4 tsp salt<br />

1/4 tsp lemon pepper<br />

1 Tbsp vegetable oil<br />

Sprinkle chicken with salt and lemon pepper. In a large skillet, cook chicken<br />

in oil for 13 <strong>to</strong> 15 minutes or unl juices run clear; remove and keep warm. In<br />

same skillet, cook bacon over medium heat unl crisp. Using a sloed spoon,<br />

remove <strong>to</strong> paper <strong>to</strong>wels; drain, reserving 2 tablespoons drippings. In the<br />

drippings, saute onions and brown sugar unl onion is golden. Place 2 bacon<br />

strips on each chicken breast half; <strong>to</strong>p with caramelized onion and cheese.<br />

Tangy Ribs<br />

1/2 cup brown sugar<br />

1 tsp salt<br />

1 tsp garlic<br />

1 Tbsp dry mustard<br />

By: <strong>The</strong> Bourries<br />

(from Bridgeview Public School Cookbook)<br />

2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce<br />

1 cup ketchup<br />

1/2 cup vinegar<br />

1/2 cup water<br />

By: Vicky Coulbeck (from Holy<br />

Rosary School 50th Anniversary<br />

Cookbook)<br />

8 bacon strips<br />

1 med onion, sliced<br />

1/4 cup brown sugar<br />

1/2 cup shredded<br />

Monterey Jack cheese<br />

Boil ribs for up <strong>to</strong> 1 hour. Mix all ingredients <strong>to</strong>gether and <strong>to</strong>ss with ribs.<br />

Bake in pan at 350º for 1.5 hours. Baste half way through. Can be placed in<br />

slow cooker as well on low.<br />

Frosty<br />

Strawberry Pie<br />

(from Point Edward<br />

Ex-Servicemen’s Associaon<br />

Cookbook)<br />

Frozen pie shell, thawed<br />

3 oz pkg strawberry<br />

gelan powder<br />

1 1/4 cups boiling water<br />

1 pt strawberry ice cream<br />

1 <strong>to</strong> 1.5 cups sliced<br />

fresh strawberries<br />

Whipped cream<br />

Bake and thoroughly cool pie shell. Dissolve gelan powder thoroughly in<br />

boiling water. Add ice cream by spoonfuls, srring unl it melts. Chill,<br />

srring occasionally, unl slightly thickened. Fold in strawberries. Pour in<strong>to</strong><br />

pie shell and chill unl firm. Can be <strong>to</strong>pped with whipped cream and whole<br />

strawberries. Note: strawberries may be slightly sweetened and drained.<br />

Cheese Meat Loaf<br />

By: Iva Quigley (from Sombra<br />

Township Museum Cookbook)<br />

1 lb ground beef<br />

1 large onion, finely chopped<br />

2 eggs, well beaten<br />

1 can <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong> or mushroom soup<br />

1 cup grated cheese<br />

1 cup bread crumbs<br />

1 tsp salt<br />

1/2 tsp pepper<br />

1/2 cup rice uncooked<br />

Combine all ingredients and put in a buered loaf pan. Bake at 350º for 1 <strong>to</strong><br />

1.5 hours.<br />

Send Your Recipes <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

P A G E<br />

18<br />

(Family Feud Answers) Something you need <strong>to</strong> play Scrabble. – Dice<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Many of the articles are from the archives of Daytripping Magazine.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

On April 8, <strong>2024</strong>, a <strong>to</strong>tal solar<br />

eclipse will cross North America. A<br />

<strong>to</strong>tal solar eclipse happens when<br />

the Moon passes between the Sun<br />

and Earth, completely blocking<br />

the face of the Sun. <strong>The</strong> sky will<br />

darken as if it were dawn or dusk.<br />

In Southwestern Ontario, the only<br />

areas that will see a <strong>to</strong>tal eclipse<br />

are around Chatham, St. Thomas,<br />

Hamil<strong>to</strong>n and further East. Other<br />

Watch<br />

the<br />

Solar<br />

Eclipse<br />

areas, including Sarnia, will be able <strong>to</strong> witness a partial eclipse (sun not<br />

<strong>to</strong>tally hidden). It will last for up <strong>to</strong> 2 minutes in the afternoon between<br />

3 and 3:30 depending on location.<br />

Safety is very important when viewing a <strong>to</strong>tal solar eclipse. If you’re<br />

watching, make sure you wear eye protection designed for solar viewing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> jury has been in for a long time<br />

on smoking. <strong>The</strong> horrible long lasting<br />

and negative effects on our health are<br />

clear and as a society we are paying a<br />

price for this addiction. Salt, or sodium,<br />

needs <strong>to</strong> be placed under a similar level<br />

of scrutiny. Let’s be clear—give me<br />

a choice between a big piece of cake,<br />

or a bag of salty chips, a piece of fried<br />

chicken, or some roasted and salted<br />

peanuts; I will take the salty food every<br />

time. Refined sugar is a problem, but<br />

we are going <strong>to</strong> talk about salt. Funny,<br />

that they are both white granulated<br />

substances.<br />

Anyway, salt or<br />

sodium is a necessary<br />

element that we<br />

need <strong>to</strong> live. Sodium<br />

in proper amounts<br />

allows us <strong>to</strong> balance<br />

our body’s fluid levels,<br />

and maintain our<br />

muscles and nervous<br />

system. I said in the<br />

proper amounts. So,<br />

what is the proper<br />

amount? For a senior<br />

there is some debate,<br />

however the number<br />

is somewhere around<br />

1,500 mg per day.<br />

This is the number<br />

A Path <strong>to</strong> Wellness<br />

you should land on for your sodium<br />

intake — 1500 mg. However, most of us<br />

eat about 2,300 mg. That is over 50%<br />

more sodium then we should eat. Do<br />

your own research. Consult your health<br />

care provider for the amount of sodium<br />

that is right for you.<br />

Here is what happens with <strong>to</strong>o<br />

much salt intake.<br />

You are increasing<br />

the likelihood of high<br />

blood pressure, heart<br />

disease, and stroke.<br />

Too much sodium has<br />

a massive, negative<br />

impact on your<br />

kidneys and liver.<br />

Research is pointing<br />

<strong>to</strong> salts contributing<br />

<strong>to</strong> the development<br />

of diabetes. Scared<br />

yet? If you are not<br />

concerned, I will add<br />

one more, Alzheimer’s<br />

disease. So as<br />

mentioned earlier,<br />

high sodium leads<br />

By Chris Treftlin, Shine at Home, Sarnia<br />

Salt is the New Smoking<br />

<strong>to</strong> high blood pressure (BP), and there<br />

is a link between high BP and forms<br />

of dementia including Alzheimer’s<br />

disease.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is the learning. Here are the<br />

solutions <strong>to</strong> reduce sodium, if needed.<br />

How Do We Get Our Salt?*<br />

Added at the Table 6%<br />

Added in Cooking 5%<br />

Naturally Occurring 12%<br />

Prepared Food 77%<br />

*NB – Estimated Approximate Sodium Intake<br />

What should jump off the page<br />

at you is the amount of sodium in<br />

prepared food. While convenient, any<br />

food item cooked in large batches by<br />

large food companies will be high, very<br />

high, <strong>to</strong> ridiculously high in sodium.<br />

If you don’t believe me, go <strong>to</strong> your<br />

grocery s<strong>to</strong>re freezer case and grab a<br />

popular, national, frozen food brand<br />

and look at the nutrition label. <strong>The</strong><br />

dinners I recently checked out were<br />

between 1000mg and 1200 mg per<br />

meal. Remember, you should be eating<br />

1500 mg a day. Food companies add<br />

this much salt for a couple of reasons.<br />

First, they know people, like me, love<br />

salt. Second, sodium is a shelf-stabilizer.<br />

Another way <strong>to</strong> make the meal last<br />

longer in the freezer.<br />

Let’s Visualize 1500 mg<br />

Here comes the learning bomb! Go<br />

in<strong>to</strong> your utensil drawer and pull out<br />

the set of measuring spoons. You will<br />

not need <strong>to</strong> do this if you are a baker.<br />

For everyone else this is an essential<br />

step. Remember the recommended<br />

amount of salt per day is 1500 mg<br />

or approximately just over half a<br />

teaspoon. Now, pour salt in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

teaspoon measure, and take out one<br />

third. That is how much salt you should<br />

eat a day.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Solution<br />

<strong>The</strong> best and most effective way<br />

<strong>to</strong> get your sodium back in line is <strong>to</strong><br />

reduce, or eliminate prepared meals<br />

from your diet. <strong>The</strong> good news is that<br />

your body and taste buds will adjust<br />

<strong>to</strong> the lower levels of salt in your food.<br />

Honestly, now if I get something <strong>to</strong>o<br />

salty in my diet, I do not enjoy it. “But<br />

I love salt,” you say. Well, I do <strong>to</strong>o.<br />

After some consideration I decided my<br />

health was more important...is yours?<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) A musician who goes by one name. – Reba McIntyre P A G E 19

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

We’re living life <strong>to</strong> the fullest (until about 9 pm).<br />



Out Of the<br />

mouths Of<br />

KIDS<br />

Snapshots<br />

by Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Pho<strong>to</strong>graphers!<br />


850 Colborne Street @ Exmouth Street<br />

•<br />

Northgate Plaza, Sarnia • 519-336-3838<br />

TEACHER:<br />

John, why are<br />

you doing your<br />

math multiplication<br />

on the floor?<br />

JOHN:<br />

You <strong>to</strong>ld me <strong>to</strong> do it<br />

without using tables.<br />

Delicious<br />

meals.<br />

Frozen<br />

prices.<br />

Susan Enders<br />

Dave McIn<strong>to</strong>sh<br />

Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy by Daniel J. Bellyk<br />

As a promise<br />

<strong>to</strong> you, every<br />

meal, soup and<br />

dessert price<br />

will remain the<br />

same until<br />

September er <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Sean Donnelly<br />

Lou Parry Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />

Locally owned by<br />

Paul and Linda Knight<br />

Get your FREE Menu<br />

1-877-404-4246<br />

HeartToHomeMeals.ca<br />

Steve Arseneault<br />

Barry Lox<strong>to</strong>n Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />

Want your pho<strong>to</strong><br />

featured?<br />

519-491-1676 1676 or<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

P A G E<br />

20<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A fruit that comes in more than one colour. – Jell-O<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

You’re welcome <strong>to</strong> send in articles <strong>to</strong> help build this magazine.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Sales, Parts<br />

& Service<br />

Since 2014<br />

Electric Powered<br />

Mobility Scooters<br />

Bikes & Kick Scooters<br />

Life is better on an e-bike!<br />

154 Mit<strong>to</strong>n Street North • Sarnia sarniaebikes@gmail.com<br />

Already in February I can feel the<br />

coming of spring as if something has<br />

changed in the air. Or perhaps the early<br />

s<strong>to</strong>cking of spring items in the s<strong>to</strong>res<br />

has me anxious for its arrival!<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the first purple hyacinth pokes<br />

her head out from under the leaves in<br />

my east facing flowerbed. <strong>The</strong> warm<br />

sun brings her out. Confusion halts her<br />

progress from time <strong>to</strong> time when the<br />

snows and cold return.<br />

Before long the first robin appears.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first day I can replace my winter<br />

boots with walking shoes arrives. Soon<br />

<strong>to</strong> follow is the first time I exchange my<br />

winter coat for my spring one.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first sunny day where the<br />

temperature climbs in<strong>to</strong> the double<br />

digits brings people outdoors. Some of<br />

us are instinctively drawn <strong>to</strong> the nearby<br />

park where we smile and greet one<br />

another. <strong>The</strong> atmosphere is akin <strong>to</strong> the<br />

<strong>The</strong> Firsts of <strong>Spring</strong><br />

By Susan Iedema, London<br />

from Daytripping March-April 2019<br />

ending of a war. I guess our war with<br />

the harsher conditions of winter is over.<br />

We have survived and were vic<strong>to</strong>rious<br />

once more!<br />

<strong>The</strong> first walk about the yard is made<br />

<strong>to</strong> clean up as well as <strong>to</strong> uncover and<br />

discover new sprouts. Some are absent,<br />

evidence that those plants have not<br />

survived the winter. This realization<br />

leads <strong>to</strong> the first ideas for replanting<br />

beginning <strong>to</strong> form in my head.<br />

Neighbours are also seen for the first<br />

time when out in the yard and we catch<br />

up over the fence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first person is spotted raking<br />

their lawn.<br />

A day comes when I notice for the<br />

first time how the grass has become<br />

greener and the buds on the trees are<br />

becoming more visible.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first day I realize a load of laundry<br />

can go on the clothesline brings some<br />

excitement in<strong>to</strong> a normally mundane<br />

task.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first opening of doors and<br />

windows brings fresh air and new<br />

energy in<strong>to</strong> my house.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first weeds are noticed.<br />

Soon the first lawn mower is heard.<br />

Some firsts have a “yuck” fac<strong>to</strong>r<br />

such as the first time the snow melts<br />

completely revealing the garbage<br />

buried underneath. <strong>The</strong>n there’s the<br />

first time after a rain that the sidewalks<br />

are covered with worms making for a<br />

hazardous and somewhat sickening<br />

walk.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first thunders<strong>to</strong>rm of the season<br />

causes grass and plants <strong>to</strong> have a growth<br />

spurt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first bird nests are built and the<br />

first baby birds are seen.<br />

Some firsts are more personal such as<br />

the first time I can sit in the back yard<br />

and journal. Sometimes this is done in<br />

a winter coat with snow still a few feet<br />

away in the shady part of the yard. <strong>The</strong><br />

day also comes where I can sit in the<br />

warmth of the sun <strong>to</strong> enjoy my first cup<br />

of coffee outside.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first bicycle ride of the season<br />

comes as well.<br />

I look forward <strong>to</strong> spring and the firsts<br />

of this season. Perhaps I’ll discover<br />

some new ones this year or even some<br />

I may have forgotten!<br />

Established in 2010, Shine at Home serves seniors who wish<br />

<strong>to</strong> live in full independence. Since our earliest beginnings we<br />

have learned that with just a little help, people can remain<br />

in their homes for many years safe and free in the<br />

knowledge that a dedicated team is there for them.<br />

Seniors’ Home Independence Network<br />

Life is Better When<br />

You’re Home<br />

Seniors live at home -<br />

independently,<br />

comfortably & happily.<br />

It doesn’t matter how old you are, life is always better<br />

when you’re home. <strong>The</strong>re’s a deep comfort that comes<br />

from being in familiar surroundings, sleeping in your own<br />

bed, and living under a roof that belongs <strong>to</strong> you.<br />

In-Home Care<br />

Housekeeping<br />

Companionship<br />

Call <strong>to</strong>day and find out<br />

how Shine at Home<br />

can help you:<br />

519-336-9898<br />

"All the staff go out of their<br />

way <strong>to</strong> make life easier for our<br />

Mom when we aren't able <strong>to</strong><br />

be there everyday! We<br />

definitely recommend Shine at<br />

Home <strong>to</strong> others looking for<br />

excellent care for their elderly<br />

parents"<br />

Heather – Daughter of Client<br />

"<strong>The</strong> lady who does my<br />

housekeeping is so nice and<br />

efficient and always fits in<br />

special requests"<br />

Ruth Ann - Client<br />

shineathome.com<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) A boy’s name that starts with the letter H. – José P A G E 21

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Upcoming<br />

EVENTS<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />

Events are listed FREE for<br />

non-profit groups<br />

(space<br />

perming).<br />

I’d write something better here, but I forgot <strong>to</strong>!<br />

MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2<br />

3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

10 11 12 13 14 15 16<br />

17 18 19 20 21 22 23<br />

24 25 26 27 28 29 30<br />

31<br />

APRIL <strong>2024</strong><br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20<br />

21 22 23 24 25 26 27<br />

28 29 30<br />

DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please check ahead if possible.<br />


weekdays Sarnia Weekly adult activities at Strangway Centre, Sarnia sarnia.ca 332-0656<br />

weekdays TV Low Impact Chair Yoga on Your TV, Cogeco, 9am Cogeco Channel 700<br />

weekdays TV Balanced Yoga on YourTV Cogeco, 9:30am Cogeco Channel 700<br />

weekdays Sarnia Mall Walking, visit Guest Services <strong>to</strong> sign up www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nmall.com<br />

weekdays various Wellness Programs by North Lamb<strong>to</strong>n CHC. Pre-reg. www.nlchc.com<br />

Mon-Sat Watford Euchre, Watford Legion, 9am 519-876-2351<br />

Mon-Thurs Sarnia Adult Skate, Clearwater Arena, Free, <strong>to</strong> Mar 22nd www.sarnia.ca/play<br />

monthly various Book <strong>Club</strong>s and events at Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Libraries lclibrary.libnet.info/events<br />

Mon Corunna Pepper, Corunna Legion, 1pm 519-862-1240<br />

Mon (last) online Drop in & Chat, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Ont Ances<strong>to</strong>rs, 7-8pm www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />

Mon Petrolia Adult Lunch Time Skate, Petrolia, 12-1, $3 www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />

Mon (2nd) Sarnia Buddy Check Coffee, Free Support Group, 11am Legion svance505@gmail.com<br />

Mon <strong>The</strong>dford Adult Skate, <strong>The</strong>dford, 12:30-1:30, Free <strong>to</strong> April 4 www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nshores.ca<br />

Mon Wyoming Forever Fit with LEO, Wyoming Legion, 9:30am www.leohelps.ca<br />

Mon Watford Open Play Adult Pickleball, ELCC Watford 7pm www.warwick<strong>to</strong>wnship.ca<br />

Mon Watford Darts, Watford Legion, 7pm info@watfordlegion.com<br />

Tues (2nd) online Zoom Genealogy meetings, 2-3:30 (not in December) www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />

Tues (4th) Petrolia LEO Diners <strong>Club</strong>, Hot Lunch, pre-reg. www.leohelps.ca<br />

Tues (alt) Petrolia Meat Raffle - 6:30 at Black Gold Brewery, Kiwanis www.petroliakiwanis.ca<br />

Tues Sarnia Euchre - Sarnia Legion, 6:45pm FB Sarnia Legion Branch 62<br />

Tues Sarnia Casual Guitar Jam at Grace United Sarnia, 1-3pm, $2 226-784-3206<br />

Tues (2nd) Sombra LEO Diners <strong>Club</strong>, Soup & Sandwich, pre-reg. www.leohelps.ca<br />

Tues Watford Senior Exercises, 10-11am, Watford Legion 519-876-2351<br />

Tues Watford Euchre - Watford Legion 7pm FB Watford Legion<br />

Tues Wyoming Euchre - Wyoming Legion 7pm FB Wyoming Legion<br />

Tues (alt) Wyoming Euchre - Plymp<strong>to</strong>n/Wyoming Fair Bldg, 1pm $5 FB Plymp<strong>to</strong>n/Wyoming Ag. Society<br />

Wed Corunna Chair Yoga, Corunna Legion, 6:30pm, Register, $12 519-862-1240<br />

Wed Corunna Beginner Yoga, Corunna Legion, 7:30pm, Register, $12 519-862-1240<br />

Wed (3rd) Corunna LEO Diners <strong>Club</strong>, Hot lunch, pre-register www.leohelps.ca<br />

Wed Forest Adult Skate, Forest, 12-1pm, Free <strong>to</strong> April 4 www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nshores.ca<br />

Wed Forest Darts, Forest Legion, 7pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />

Wed (3rd) Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Meeting Night at Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Legion, 7pm FB Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Legion<br />

Wed Petrolia Euchre - Petrolia Legion 7pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />

Wed (3rd) Petrolia Jamboree, Soft Rock, Country. Lunch 12-1pm $10, 1-4pm petrolialegion216.ca<br />

Wed (2nd) Petrolia Lions Gift Card Bingo, Petrolia Lions Hall 7pm 519-882-8728<br />

Wed Sarnia Facts and Chats, Strangway Centre, 10-11am, Register sarnia.ca 332-0656<br />

Wed Sarnia Triple C Carvers, Royal Cdn Naval Assoc, 8:30am-noon www.tripleccarvers.ca<br />

Wed 2nd/4th Sarnia Day Hospice St. Joseph’s Hospice, Reg. required 519-337-0537<br />

Wed (1st) Sarnia LEO Diners <strong>Club</strong>, Afternoon Tea, pre-register www.leohelps.ca<br />

Wed Sarnia Morning Chair Yoga at Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Mall, visit Guest Services, Free lamb<strong>to</strong>nmall.com<br />

Wed Watford Adult Skating, Watford, 12-1pm, ELCC until Mar 27 www.warwick<strong>to</strong>wnship.ca<br />

Wed Watford Open Play Adult Pickleball - ELCC Watford 9:30am www.warwick<strong>to</strong>wnship.ca<br />

Wed Wyoming Forever Fit with LEO, Wyoming Legion, 9:30am www.leohelps.ca<br />

Wed (1st) Wyoming Meat Bingo, Wyoming Lions Hall 7pm, until June FB Wyoming Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />

Thurs Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Forever Fit with LEO, Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Arena, 9am www.leohelps.ca<br />

Thurs (2nd) Alvins<strong>to</strong>n LEO Peer Social <strong>Club</strong>, Coffee, 10-noon. Pre-register www.leohelps.ca<br />

Thurs Br Grove Meat Raffle, BG Optimist <strong>Club</strong>, Skeeter Barlow’s, 6pm brightsgroveoptimists.com<br />

Thurs Corunna Minds in Motion, Mar21-May 9, 1:30-3:30,$15, pre-reg vbarnes@alzheimersarnia.ca<br />

Thurs Corunna Cribbage, Corunna Legion 1pm 519-862-1240<br />

Thurs Forest Shuffleboard, Forest Legion 10am www.forestlegion.ca<br />

Thurs Forest Adult Skate, Forest, 12-1pm, Free <strong>to</strong> April 4 www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nshores.ca<br />

Thurs Forest Euchre, Forest Legion 1:30pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />

Thurs Petrolia Darts, Petrolia Legion 7pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />

Thurs Petrolia Meat Raffle, Petrolia Optimist <strong>Club</strong>, Crabby Joe’s 6pm www.lcpetroliaoptimist.org<br />

Thurs Petrolia Meat Raffle, Petrolia Lions <strong>Club</strong>, 6-8pm at the Bull Wheel 519-882-3626<br />

Thurs Petrolia Adult Lunch Time Skate, Petrolia, 12-1pm, $3 www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />

Thur 2nd/4th Sarnia Caregiver Support Group, St. Joseph’s Hospice, 1:30-3 519-337-0537<br />

Thurs Sarnia Catch the Ace, Trivia Night, Sarnia Legion www.sarnialegion.com<br />

Thurs Watford Senior Exercises, 10-11am, Watford Legion 519-876-2351<br />

WEEKLY EVENTS Cont’d<br />

Fri Corunna Bridge, Corunna Legion 1pm 519-862-1240<br />

Fri 2nd/4th Corunna Meat Darts, Corunna Legion, 7-11pm 519-862-1240<br />

Fri Forest Cornhole, Forest Legion, 7pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />

Fri Grand Bend Meat Raffle, 50/50, Karaoke, 5pm at Legion FB Grand Bend Legion<br />

Fri Petrolia Karaoke at the 216 Lounge, Petrolia Legion 8pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />

Fri 2nd/4th Sarnia Open Dances, 7:30-11pm, $10, Polish Hall Sarnia 519-337-5708<br />

Fri (1st) Sarnia First Friday, down<strong>to</strong>wn multi-cultural walkabout FB Sarnia First Friday<br />

Fri Sarnia Live Music and Dancing, Sarnia Legion www.sarnialegion.com<br />

Fri <strong>The</strong>dford Adult Skate, <strong>The</strong>dford, 12:30-1:30, Free <strong>to</strong> April 4 www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nshores.ca<br />

Fri Watford Open Play Adult Pickleball, ELCC Watford 7pm www.warwick<strong>to</strong>wnship.ca<br />

Fri Watford Meat Raffle, Catch the Ace, Watford Legion 6:30pm 519-876-2351<br />

Sat Corunna Meat Draw, Corunna Legion, 4pm 519-862-1240<br />

Sat Forest Meat Raffle, Forest Legion 3:30pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />

Sat (alt) Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Meat Raffle, Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Legion 4pm FB Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Legion<br />

Sat Petrolia Meat Raffle, Petrolia Legion 2pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />

Sat Petrolia Live Music, Petrolia Legion 7pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />

Sat Sarnia Meat Raffle, Sarnia Legion 3pm www.sarnialegion.com<br />

Sat Sarnia Live Music and Dancing, Sarnia Legion 7pm www.sarnialegion.com<br />

Sat Wyoming Meat Raffle, Wyoming Legion 4pm FB Wyoming Legion<br />

Sun (4th) Sarnia Stamp <strong>Club</strong> Meetings, Grace United, 2pm, Sept-June www.sarniastampclub.ca<br />

Sun (1st) Petrolia Free Family Swim, Petrolia YMCA 1-3:30pm www.petrolia150.com<br />

For Live Music Listings check out FB group “Sarnia’s Live Music Hub” or www.sarniarocks.com<br />


ongoing L Shores His<strong>to</strong>ric Buildings at Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Museum www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

ongoing online Nnigiiwemin/We are going home exhibit (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

ongoing online Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Agricultural Hall of Fame (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

ongoing online Lamb<strong>to</strong>n at War (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

ongoing online Shine: Spotlight on Women of Lamb<strong>to</strong>n www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

ongoing online <strong>The</strong> Farmerettes (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

ongoing online First Nations in the 149th www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />

Feb17-Mr23 Br Grove Where I’m From, Juried Exhibition, Mon-Sat galleryinthegrove.com<br />

Mr30 -Ap27 Br Grove Fibre & Fabric Fusions: Patti Cook & Fibre Artists Collective galleryinthegrove.com<br />

May 4-Jun 1 Br Grove Fast Forward: Sr. High School Student Exhibition galleryinthegrove.com<br />

June-July Br Grove Art Workshops galleryinthegrove.com<br />

Upcoming<br />

Events<br />

Send Us Your Events Nowfor FREE TEXT LISTING<br />

in the JUNE-AUGUST UG<br />

US<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Issue<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

Include locaon, date,<br />

name of the event,<br />

website or contact number.<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

o e e ca<br />

JUNE <strong>2024</strong><br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1<br />

2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

9 10 11 12 13 14 15<br />

16 17 18 19 20 21 22<br />

23 24 25 26 27 28 29<br />

30<br />

CLUB<br />

P A G E<br />

22<br />

(Family Feud Answers) Something a blind date might forget <strong>to</strong> mention. – He’s blind<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Feel free <strong>to</strong> submit events... info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />

1 Sarnia Man Machine Poem (Tragically Hip Tribute) www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

1 Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Friday Night Cornhole, Reg. 6:30pm, Youth Centre www.oilsprings.ca<br />

1 Sarnia First Friday, Monthly Down<strong>to</strong>wn Cultural Walkabout www.sarniafirstfriday.com<br />

2 Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Chili Cook-Off at Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Legion, 6pm FB Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Legion - Branch 535<br />

2 Wyoming Rabbit Dinner, Wyoming Lions Hall, $30 adv tkts only FB Wyoming Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />

2 Watford Live Music, Watford Legion, 2-5:30pm “Silver Soul” FB Watford Legion<br />

2 Sarnia Hells Bells - 30th Anniversary tribute <strong>to</strong> AC/DC www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

7 Sarnia Changing Seasons Concert, Sarnia Library, 7pm www.bluewaterwindensemble.org<br />

9 Sarnia Classic Albums Live - Fleetwood Mac - Rumours www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

9 <strong>The</strong>dford TSL: Cheersfest at Widder Station, $20 adv tickets www.cheers<strong>to</strong>thecoast.com<br />

10 Sarnia Zachary Stevenson’s tribute <strong>to</strong> Buddy Holly www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

10 Forest Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, Legion, 9am-2pm, Tours 519-466-2287<br />

10 Brigden Everyone’s Irish Country Jamboree, Fairgrounds, Noon-7pm, $15 FB Brigden Fair<br />

13 Sarnia LEO “Bridging Generations”, Free Pre-Register at 519-845-1353 x 310<br />

15 Sarnia Grief Education Series, St. Joseph’s Hospice, pre-reg. 519-337-0537<br />

16-17 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n A.W.Campbell Maple Syrup Fest, 10-3, shuttle at arena FB St. Clair Region C A<br />

16-17 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Firefighters Pancake Breakfast, BAICC FB Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Firefighters Assoc.<br />

17 Petrolia Ladies Auxiliary Breakfast, Petrolia Legion 9am-Noon www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />

17 Warwick Firefighters Pancake Breakfast, 9am-1pm, WCC www.warwick<strong>to</strong>wnship.ca<br />

17 Forest St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast, 9am-12pm, Legion www.forestlegion.ca<br />

19 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Easter Ham Bingo, Optimist <strong>Club</strong>, 7pm, BAICC FB Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Optimist <strong>Club</strong><br />

20 Sarnia Fact & Chat, Native Plants, Strangway Ctr. 10-11 sarnia.ca 332-0656<br />

20 Sarnia Gryphon Trio at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

21 Sarnia Legendary Life of Tom Petty featuring Clay<strong>to</strong>n Bellamy www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

22 Sarnia Abbamania at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

22 & 23 Petrolia LCDS presents: Dueling Pianos at Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Hall www.thevpp.ca<br />

23 Watford Firefighters Pancake Breakfast, Fire Hall, 8am-2pm www.warwick<strong>to</strong>wnship.ca<br />

23 Forest Easter Ham/Turkey Raffle & 50/50 www.forestlegion.ca<br />

23 Forest Cdn Country Music artist Jamie Warren, 7:30pm, $30 www.forestlegion.ca<br />

23 Corunna Pickerel Fry and Dance, Legion, $25 Celtic Hillbillies 519-862-1240<br />

24 Sarnia ISO - Shost and Fire at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

24 Brigden Ag. Society Beef Dinner, 4:30-6:30, Adv. Tickets FB Brigden Fair<br />

28 Wyoming Quarter Auction, 6:30pm, at Wyoming Legion, $5 FB Wyoming Legion<br />

31 Brigden Easter Sunday Brunch, Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall, 9:30am-1pm FB Brigden Fair<br />

APRIL <strong>2024</strong><br />

5 Oil <strong>Spring</strong>s Friday Night Cornhole, Reg. 6:30pm Youth Centre www.oilsprings.ca<br />

5 Sarnia First Friday, Monthly Down<strong>to</strong>wn Cultural Walkabout www.sarniafirstfriday.com<br />

5-6 Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Science Fair, L College Ballroom www.lamb<strong>to</strong>ncountysciencefair.ca<br />

6 Sarnia Classic Albums Live - Led Zeppelin at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

10-14 Sarnia “<strong>The</strong> Wolves” a play at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

13 Forest Dolly Par<strong>to</strong>n/Neil Diamond Tribute at Forest Legion www.forestlegion.ca<br />

13 Sarnia Romeo Dallaire at Sarnia Library <strong>The</strong>atre, $10 in adv www.sarniabookkeeper.com<br />

15 Sarnia LEO “<strong>Spring</strong> Luncheon” Fairwinds Lodge, $10 incl. craft Pre-Reg. at 519-845-1353 x 310<br />

17 Sarnia Ladom Ensemble at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

19 Sarnia Grief Education Series, St. Joseph’s Hospice, pre-reg. 519-337-0537<br />

19 Wyoming Fish Fry, Wyoming Lions Hall, Adv tkts, take out avail. FB Wyoming Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />

19-21 Forest Indigenous Film Festival, Learning & Healing Together www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />

21 Petrolia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Youth Choir 30th Ann. Concert, Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Hall 1pm www.thevpp.ca<br />

21 Petrolia Breakfast, Legion Ladies Aux, 9am-Noon www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />

27 Pt Franks LSNT Health & Wellness Bazaar, Comm. Ctr FB Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trails<br />

28 Petrolia Kiwanis <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> Fashion Show, 11am-2pm, YMCA www.petroliakiwanis.ca<br />

28 Sarnia ISO - Rach the Imperial at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

** Petrolia Townwide Yard Sales - NEW DATES! June 7&8 www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />

MAY <strong>2024</strong><br />

1 Pt Edward Age-Friendly Expo, 10am-6pm, Pt Ed arena agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

Expo<br />

Supporting You is What We Do!<br />

Wednesday, MAY 1, <strong>2024</strong><br />

10 <strong>to</strong> 6 • Point Edward Arena<br />

For more r<br />

information on<br />

visit:<br />

it:<br />

agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n@gmail.com<br />

1 Watford Gardening Speaker Paul Zammit, Horticultural Society, ELCC hortsoc@brktel.on.ca<br />

3 Sarnia First Friday, Monthly Down<strong>to</strong>wn Cultural Walkabout www.sarniafirstfriday.com<br />

3-12 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Bluewater Anglers 48th Annual Salmon Derby www.bluewateranglers.com<br />

MAY <strong>2024</strong> Cont’d<br />

4-5 Sarnia <strong>Spring</strong> In<strong>to</strong> Summer Art & Craft Show, Sarnia Kinsmen www.sarniakinsmen.ca<br />

7-26 Petrolia <strong>The</strong> Big Discovery Musical: “Oil Rush” at VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />

MAY 7th through 26th ~ “OIL RUSH”<br />

<strong>2024</strong><br />

1.800.717.7694 • www.thevpp.ca<br />

8 Sarnia Trans-Canada HighwayMen at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

9 Sarnia Billy Nation, <strong>The</strong> Premiere Billy Joel Experience www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

10 Sarnia CAL: <strong>The</strong> Police Synchronicity www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

11 Pt Edward Annual Village-Wide Garage Sale www.villageofpointedward.com<br />

11 Sarnia Horticultural Society Plant Sale, 1515 Lakeshore, 8-1 dhughes29@cogeco.ca<br />

11 Sarnia Sarnia Stamp <strong>Club</strong> Show & Bourse “Lampex <strong>2024</strong>” www.sarniastampclub.ca<br />

11 Forest Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Film & Food Festival Gala, Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />

11 Sarnia Walk <strong>The</strong> Line - Tribute <strong>to</strong> Johnny Cash www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

15 Sarnia Duo-Fortin Poirier at Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre, Sarnia Concert Assoc. www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

16 Sarnia Popular Movies & Game <strong>The</strong>mes Concert, Library 7pm bluewaterwindensemble.org<br />

18 Petrolia IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s alzheimer.ca/sarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n/en<br />

24-June 1 Sarnia <strong>The</strong> Little Mermaid, <strong>The</strong>atre Sarnia www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

24-26 Forest Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Film & Food Festival, Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />

25 Petrolia Farmers’ Market Grand Opening www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />

26 Sarnia IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s alzheimer.ca/sarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n/en<br />

JUNE <strong>2024</strong><br />

1 Petrolia Pizzafest www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />

2 Forest D-Day Parade, Legion www.forestlegion.ca<br />

4-23 Petrolia Tribute <strong>to</strong> Gordon Lightfoot: “Rainy Day People” VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />

7-8 Petrolia Townwide Yard Sales - NEW DATES! www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />

9 Forest Father’s Day Breakfast, 9am-Noon, Legion www.forestlegion.ca<br />

14 <strong>The</strong>dford Charity Golf Tourn. for St. Joe’s Hospice, Widder Stn FB Wyoming Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />

14-15 Wyoming Town Wide Yard Sales FB Town of Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming<br />

14-16 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n 5th Annual Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Pro-Rodeo, BAICC www.alvins<strong>to</strong>nprorodeo.com<br />

14-16 Sarnia Ribfest, Sarnia Kinsmen 25th Annual, Centennial Park www.sarniakinsmen.ca<br />

15 Petrolia Discovery Antique & Unique Sale, 9am-2pm www.petroliadiscovery.org<br />

Antique & Unique Sale<br />

Saturday June 15th • 9 am <strong>to</strong> 2 pm<br />



4281 Discovery Line, Petrolia • 519-882-0897 • www.petroliadiscovery.org<br />

15-16 Petrolia RCMP Musical Ride www.petroliafair.ca<br />

14-16 Petrolia Provincial Town Crier Contest www.Petrolia150.com<br />

21 Forest Fish Fry, Legion, 5-7pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />

23 Pt Edward Cruise In the Park, Canatara Park, 8am-3pm www.sarniastreetmachines.com<br />

24 Sarnia Ian Thomas... Not Gone Yet! www.imperialtheatre.net<br />

28 Wyoming Live Music Night, outdoor event FB Wyoming Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />

JULY <strong>2024</strong><br />

1 Petrolia Canada Day Celebrations www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.ca<br />

2-28 Petrolia “Sweet Soul Music” A VPP Original www.thevpp.ca<br />

12-13 Petrolia Art in the Park www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.ca<br />

12-14 Brigden Ram Rodeo at Brigden Fairgrounds www.ramrodeoontario.com<br />

13 Petrolia Barn Dance www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.ca<br />

19-20 Sarnia Revelree Music Festival, Canatara Park, all ages www.revelreemusicfestival.com<br />

28 Grand Bend Great Canadian Truck Show, GB Mo<strong>to</strong>rplex, 9am-11pm FB Great Canadian Truck Show<br />

AUGUST <strong>2024</strong><br />

6-18 Petrolia Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays with Morrie” at VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />

15-17 Petrolia Hard Oil Music Festival, Greenwood Park www.Petrolia150.com<br />

17 Petrolia Petrolia 150 Parade www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />

18 Petrolia Nonsectarian Church Service in Greenwood Park, 11am www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />

24 Sarnia Alz. Society of S-L’s “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere” alzheimer.ca/sarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n/en<br />

24 Petrolia Kiwanis Charity Golf Tournament www.petroliakiwanis.ca<br />

Send Your Events in for Free Text Listing or Display Ad <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

or Submit online at www.welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca/events<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) A noisy bird. – Chipmunk<br />

P A G E 23

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> Power of Gratitude<br />

By Kelly-Lynn Musico, Brights Grove • Registered Physiotherapist, Registered Yoga Teacher<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> is a season of renewal and<br />

growth, making it a perfect time <strong>to</strong><br />

cultivate a practice of gratitude for the<br />

beauty and positivity that surrounds<br />

us. Building a habit of gratitude can be<br />

a powerful and transformative practice<br />

for everyone and its never <strong>to</strong>o late <strong>to</strong><br />

start.<br />

Nurturing an attitude of thankfulness<br />

can act as a buffer against the stresses<br />

that can come with aging, and foster<br />

resilience and a more positive outlook.<br />

This positive mindset has the power<br />

<strong>to</strong> enhance our mental and emotional<br />

well-being and improve our social<br />

connections and foster a positive<br />

outlook at every stage of our life.<br />

So how can we cultivate gratitude<br />

this spring season?<br />

1. Blooming Nature Walks:<br />

Take leisurely walks in our local<br />

neighbourhoods or parks <strong>to</strong> witness<br />

the blossoming flowers and trees.<br />

Express gratitude for the vibrant<br />

colours, fragrant blossoms, and the<br />

sense of renewal that spring brings.<br />

2. Outdoor Meditation:<br />

Find a peaceful spot in a park or even<br />

your backyard, sit comfortably, and<br />

look listen and feel the sensations<br />

of nature. Express gratitude for the<br />

present moment and the connection<br />

<strong>to</strong> the natural world.<br />

3. Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy Gratitude Journal:<br />

Create a gratitude journal by<br />

documenting daily snapshots of<br />

the blossoming world around you.<br />

Reflect on the pho<strong>to</strong>s regularly <strong>to</strong><br />

appreciate the fleeting yet profound<br />

moments of spring.<br />

4. Sunrise or Sunset Reflection:<br />

Find a scenic spot <strong>to</strong> observe the<br />

changing colours of the sky. Express<br />

gratitude for the local beauty of our<br />

sunrise or sunsets and maybe the<br />

sense of awe that these moments<br />

inspire.<br />

5. Birdwatching Thankfulness:<br />

Spend time observing birds returning<br />

as they migrate back during the<br />

spring. Set up bird feeders or simply<br />

We’d like <strong>to</strong> hear your honest opinions on how you like this magazine.<br />

enjoy their melodies. Express<br />

gratitude for the variety of local bird<br />

species and their beauty in nature.<br />

6. <strong>Spring</strong>time Creativity:<br />

Engage in creative activities inspired<br />

by spring. Paint, write, create<br />

artwork, or do puzzles that reflects<br />

Pho<strong>to</strong> by Jayne Primeau Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy, Brights Grove<br />

the beauty and energy of spring.<br />

Express gratitude for the ability <strong>to</strong><br />

channel your creativity.<br />

7. <strong>Spring</strong> Cleaning Appreciation:<br />

Instead of viewing spring cleaning<br />

as a chore, express gratitude for<br />

the chance <strong>to</strong> declutter and create<br />

a fresh, organized living<br />

space. Acknowledge the<br />

positive impact it has on<br />

your mental well-being.<br />

So, as the spring season<br />

unfolds, let us embrace the<br />

transformative power of<br />

gratitude. Let us take time<br />

<strong>to</strong> reflect on the beauty of<br />

spring, both in nature and<br />

within ourselves. Through<br />

the lens of gratitude, we<br />

can harness the energy<br />

of renewal and growth,<br />

fostering a sense of joy and<br />

appreciation.<br />

So, what are you waiting<br />

for? <strong>Spring</strong> is a wonderful<br />

time <strong>to</strong> start cultivating<br />

more gratitude in your<br />

everyday life!<br />

Move. Feel. Live.<br />

Free<br />

Admission<br />

Swag<br />

Resources&Supports<br />

Health Care<br />

Mental Health<br />

Social Participation &<br />

Active Living<br />

Employment & Volunteer<br />

Housing & Help at Home<br />

Family & Caregiver Supports<br />

Financial & Legal Planning<br />

Transportation<br />

Learning Sessions<br />

Stay Tuned for details on<br />

eventtransportation<br />

Expo<br />

Supporting You is What We Do!<br />

Wednesday<br />

May 1, <strong>2024</strong><br />

10am-6pm<br />

Point Edward<br />

Arena<br />

Sponsored By:<br />

For more information visit:<br />

www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n@gmail.com<br />

P A G E<br />

24<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A part of a telephone. – <strong>The</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m part<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

See below for a great list of helpful resources.<br />

If your dog is fat,<br />

you aren’t getting enough<br />

exercise<br />

Unknown<br />

Dogs!<br />

You can’t buy<br />

Happiness<br />

but you can<br />

BUY<br />

LOCAL!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

Kern<br />

water<br />

1804 London Line, Sarnia<br />

519-542-4211<br />

kernwater.com<br />

Mon–Fri 9 am–6 pm • Sat 8 am–2 pm<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

U-Fill<br />

Water<br />

Delivery<br />

Service<br />

Reverse<br />

Osmosis<br />

and Alkaline<br />


Do you know someone living with dementia?<br />

Enjoy Retirement Living <strong>to</strong> its fullest<br />

at the Oaks Retirement Village.<br />

Only a select few suites remaining!<br />

3 out of 5 people living with<br />

dementia will go missing at some<br />

point, a frightening experience,<br />

and a dangerous one.<br />

That’s why the Alzheimer Society<br />

of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n is partnering<br />

with <strong>The</strong> Sarnia Police Services and<br />

OPP <strong>to</strong> provide an opportunity for<br />

individuals living with dementia <strong>to</strong><br />

be registered as someone at risk of<br />

going missing. Critical information<br />

collected provides searchers with<br />

quick access <strong>to</strong> key information <strong>to</strong><br />

assist in locating the individual and<br />

returning them home safely.<br />

Y<br />

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Y<br />

Can you find the 12 words related<br />

<strong>to</strong> the vulnerable person registry?<br />

Offering Independent Living and quality care<br />

<strong>to</strong> enhance the life for our cherished seniors!<br />



519-627-9292 bmohr@oaksrv.ca<br />

Registration<br />

is easy!<br />

Let’s all do our part <strong>to</strong> help individuals with<br />

dementia live safely in our community.<br />

Simply call Alzheimer Society Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

at 519 332 4444 <strong>to</strong> learn how.<br />


www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

fi i<br />

i<br />

Your one-s<strong>to</strong>p shop for local supports and<br />

resources, from health care and social support<br />

services <strong>to</strong> local events and transportation.<br />

519-336-3000<br />

Need Assistance Finding the<br />

Resources You Need? Call and<br />

Speak <strong>to</strong> a Community Naviga<strong>to</strong>r.<br />


211 Mental Health Support, Food Services, Financial Assistance 211 211ontario.ca<br />

Age-Friendly Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n List of Supports & Services 519-845-1353 agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

Bayshore Home Care Solutions Assistance with Housekeeping, Errands & Meal Prep 519-383-6979 bayshore.ca<br />

Canadian Red Cross Grocery Pickup & Transportation Services 519-332-6380 redcross.ca<br />

Care-A-Van Door-<strong>to</strong>-Door Public Transportation - lift equipped vehicles 519-336-3789 cav@sarnia.ca<br />

Habitat for Humanity Low-Cost Home Reno Services 519-339-7957 habitatsarnia.org<br />

Heart <strong>to</strong> Home Meals Pre-Made Frozen Meal Delivery <strong>to</strong> 60+ 877-404-4246 heart<strong>to</strong>homemeals.ca<br />

Home Instead Memory Care, Meal Prep, Laundry, Pers. Care, 24hr & Overnight 519-704-1471 homeinstead.com/Sarnia<br />

Instacart Delivery from several local s<strong>to</strong>res 888-246-7822 instacart.ca<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach Community & Home Support Services, Volunteerism, Activities 519-845-1353 lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Public Health Individual, Agency and Caregiver help 226-254-8222 lamb<strong>to</strong>npublichealth.ca<br />

Neighbourlink Household Chores, Transportation, Shopping, Companionship 519-336-5465 neighbourlinksarnia.org<br />

Sarnia Blessings Senior Meal-plan, Prices Geared <strong>to</strong> Income 519-402-9093 sarniablessings@outlook.com<br />

Shine at Home Transportation, 24 hr Housekeeping, Shopping, Meal Prep 519-336-9898 shineathome.com<br />

Strangway Community Centre Recreational, Social & Educational Programs & Activities 519-332-0656 strangway@sarnia.ca<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Order of Nurses (VON) Dementia Programs, Home Nursing, Respite, Much More 519-542-2310 von.ca/en/site/sarnia<br />

SPRING Health811 <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Free Answers) and confidential A part health of advice the body 24/7. Call everybody or chat online. only has 8-1-1 one of. – Big ontario.ca/health811<br />

Toe P A G E 25

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE<br />


LIST<br />

Sponsored By:<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Cut out this list and tell your friends about it... Great deals!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

<strong>The</strong> DISCOUNT LIST<br />

A list i of o local discountsi<br />

s or offers that a t<br />

benefit n<br />

efi t<br />

people ple e over e acertain a a i<br />

age.<br />


TOWN<br />



AGE+<br />


BRIGHTS GROVE Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays ask 519-869-4224<br />

CORUNNA Corunna Foodland 2% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-862-5213<br />

Corunna Pharmasave 10% OFF Tuesdays & Fridays 65+ 519-862-2020<br />

Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays ask 519-862-1451<br />

Get It<br />

Done Right<br />

<strong>The</strong> First<br />

Time<br />


• Faucet Installation<br />

• Leak Repairs<br />

• Clogged Drains<br />

• Camera Inspection<br />

• Toilet Replacement<br />

& Installation<br />

• Sump Pump<br />

• Frozen Pipes<br />

• Sewer & Waterline<br />

Replacement<br />

Ask for your<br />

Seniors Discount<br />

Family l<br />

Owned e d<br />

& Operated<br />

p and Proudly Serving<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n t n County Since 1991<br />

345 Ontario Street, Unit B<br />

SARNIA • 519-337-1545<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>mPlumbingSarnia.com<br />

Give us a call with<br />

your plumbing questions<br />

or for a free estimate!<br />

FOREST CDS Pharmacy 15% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-786-2104<br />

Forest Foodland 2% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-786-2321<br />

Forest Naturals & Home Health 10% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 226-520-0054<br />

Forest Pharmasave 15% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-786-5161<br />

Williamson Farms Country S<strong>to</strong>re Various Wednesdays 55+ 226-520-0144<br />

PETROLIA Bargain Shop 20-30% 1st Wednesday of month 60+ 519-882-0057<br />

Country Yarns 15% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> all ages 519-882-8740<br />

Gramma’s Candy S<strong>to</strong>re 5% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-1212<br />

Heidi’s Your Independent Grocer 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-2211<br />

Hogan Pharmacy 20% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-882-1840<br />

Johnny G’s Premium Pizza 15% OFF Tuesdays 55+ 519-882-2000<br />

M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-4316<br />

McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-882-3678<br />

PT EDWARD Twin Bridge Lighting 15% OFF Mondays 55+ 519-344-3535<br />

SARNIA Bulk Barn 10% OFF Wednesdays 65+ 519-542-6668<br />

Cameron Paint 15% OFF Wednesdays 55+ 519-491-9994<br />

Cameron Paint 20% OFF 1st Friday of month all ages 519-491-9994<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>m Plumbing 10% OFF Every day 65+ 519-337-1545<br />

Generation Paint Company 15% OFF Every day 65+ 519-330-4424<br />

Giant Tiger 10% OFF Ist Monday of month 65+ 519-336-0831<br />

Goodwill 25% OFF 2nd Monday of month 55+ 519-541-9273<br />

London Road Pharmacy 20% OFF Thursdays 60+ 519-491-6778<br />

M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-542-8398<br />

McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-336-7096<br />

Michaels 10% OFF Every day 55+ 519-542-3200<br />

Mission Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-337-1614<br />

OMG Poutine 15% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-491-5563<br />

Petsmart 10% OFF Grooming on Tuesdays 65+ 519-542-2822<br />

Peavey Mart 20% OFF Last Tuesday of month 55+ 519-542-4091<br />

Pet Valu 10% OFF Last Thursday of month 60+ 519-541-0468<br />

Ren’s Pets 10% OFF Last Wed. of month 60+ 519-333-6606<br />

Rexall Pharmacy 20% OFF Tuesdays 55+ 519-332-5575<br />

Russell Street Home Hardware 20% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 60+ 519-383-0688<br />

Salvation Army Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re 25% OFF 1st Wednesday of month 60+ 519-344-3781<br />

Sarnia Pharmacy 10% OFF Tuesdays and Fridays 65+ 519-337-3215<br />

Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays ask 519-337-3727<br />

Value Village 30% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-541-0153<br />

STRATHROY M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-245-6355<br />

McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-245-3821<br />

WYOMING SunCoast Natural Health 15% OFF Every day 65+ 226-307-0694<br />

Wyoming Tree Service 10% OFF Every day 65+ 519-845-0847<br />

Call 519-491-1676 or email info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca <strong>to</strong> add one!<br />

Please remember: e<br />

r: <strong>The</strong>se discounts are for reference. eren<br />

en<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may change & may not<br />

apply ply <strong>to</strong> specific c items. S<strong>to</strong>res are not obligated <strong>to</strong> adhere <strong>to</strong> what we’ve printed.<br />

You may also need <strong>to</strong> ask in order <strong>to</strong> get the discount. t Thanks for understanding.<br />

ndin<br />

P A G E<br />

26<br />

(Family Feud Answers) Something a rabbit might do in a magicians’ hat. – Fly away<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Our next issue will come out around the beginning of June <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

To Help You ‘SEE’ <strong>The</strong> World More Clearly<br />

Kind, Patient,<br />

Efficient,<br />

Informative<br />

& Caring<br />

Dr. Murari Pa<strong>to</strong>dia<br />

How often do you let other people’s<br />

nonsense change your mood? Do you<br />

let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss,<br />

or an insensitive employee ruin your<br />

day? Unless you’re the Termina<strong>to</strong>r,<br />

you’re probably set back on your heels.<br />

However, the mark of your success is<br />

how quickly you can refocus on what’s<br />

important in your life.<br />

Sixteen years ago I learned this<br />

lesson. And I learned it in the back of<br />

a New York City taxi cab. Here’s what<br />

happened.<br />

I hopped in a taxi, and we <strong>to</strong>ok off<br />

for Grand Central Station. We were<br />

driving in the right lane when all of a<br />

sudden, a black car jumped out of a<br />

parking space right in front of us. My<br />

taxi driver slammed on his brakes, the<br />

car skidded, the tires squealed, and at<br />

the very last moment our car s<strong>to</strong>pped<br />

just one inch from the other car’s<br />

back-end.<br />

I couldn’t believe it. But then I<br />

couldn’t believe what happened next.<br />

<strong>The</strong> driver of the other car, the guy<br />

who almost caused a big accident,<br />

whipped his head around and he<br />

started yelling bad words at us. How<br />

do I know? Ask any New Yorker -<br />

certain words in New York come with<br />

a special face. And for emphasis, he<br />

Law Of <strong>The</strong> Garbage Truck<br />

By David J. Pollay • from Daytripping Nov-Dec 2010<br />

threw in a one finger salute, as if his<br />

words were not enough.<br />

But then here’s what really blew me<br />

away. My taxi driver just smiled and<br />

waved at the guy. And I mean, he was<br />

friendly. So, I said, “Why did you just<br />

do that!? This guy could have killed<br />

us!” And this is when my taxi driver<br />

<strong>to</strong>ld me what I now call, “<strong>The</strong> Law of<br />

the Garbage Truck.” He said:<br />

“Many people are like garbage trucks.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y run around full of garbage, full<br />

of frustration, full of anger, and full of<br />

disappointment. As their garbage piles<br />

up, they look for a place <strong>to</strong> dump it. And<br />

if you let them, they’ll dump it on you.<br />

So when someone wants <strong>to</strong> dump<br />

on you, don’t take it personally. Just<br />

smile, wave, wish them well, and move<br />

on. Believe me. You’ll be<br />

happier.”<br />

So I started thinking,<br />

how often do I let<br />

Garbage Trucks run<br />

right over me? And<br />

how often do I take their<br />

garbage and spread it <strong>to</strong><br />

other people at work, at<br />

home, or on the street? It was then that<br />

I said, “I don’t want their garbage and<br />

I’m not going <strong>to</strong> spread it anymore.”<br />

I began <strong>to</strong> see Garbage Trucks. Like<br />

in the movie “<strong>The</strong> Sixth Sense,” the<br />

little boy said, “I see Dead People.”<br />

Well now “I see Garbage Trucks.” I see<br />

the load they’re carrying. I see them<br />

coming <strong>to</strong> dump it. And like my taxi<br />

driver, I don’t take it personally; I just<br />

smile, wave, wish them well, and I<br />

move on.<br />

One of my favorite football players<br />

of all time is Walter Pay<strong>to</strong>n. Every<br />

day on the football field, after being<br />

tackled, he would jump up as quickly<br />

as he hit the ground. He never dwelled<br />

on a hit. Pay<strong>to</strong>n was ready <strong>to</strong> make the<br />

next play his best. Over the years the<br />

best players from around<br />

the world in every sport<br />

have played this way.<br />

And the most inspiring<br />

leaders have lived this<br />

way: Nelson Mandela,<br />

Mother <strong>The</strong>resa, Ghandi,<br />

and Martin Luther King.<br />

See, Roy Baumeister,<br />

a psychology researcher from Florida<br />

State University, found in his extensive<br />

research that you remember bad<br />

things more often than good things in<br />

your life. You s<strong>to</strong>re the bad memories<br />

more easily, and you recall them more<br />

frequently.<br />

So the odds are against you when<br />

a Garbage Truck comes your way.<br />

But when you follow <strong>The</strong> Law of the<br />

Garbage Truck, you take back control<br />

of your life. You make room for the<br />

good by letting go of the bad.<br />

<strong>The</strong> best leaders know that they<br />

have <strong>to</strong> be ready for their next<br />

meeting. <strong>The</strong> best sales people know<br />

that they have <strong>to</strong> be ready for their<br />

next client. And the best parents know<br />

that they have <strong>to</strong> be ready <strong>to</strong> welcome<br />

their children home from school with<br />

hugs and kisses, no matter how many<br />

garbage trucks they might have faced<br />

that day. All of us know that we have<br />

<strong>to</strong> be fully present, and at our best for<br />

the people we care about.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m line is that successful<br />

people do not let Garbage Trucks take<br />

over their lives.<br />

What about you? What would<br />

happen in your life, starting <strong>to</strong>day, if<br />

you let more garbage trucks pass you<br />

by? Here’s my bet: You’ll be happier.<br />

Join us by y<br />

the Lake!<br />

Thank you for voting us<br />

as Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n’s<br />

Favourite Restaurant 2023!<br />







2713 Old Lakeshore Road, Brights Grove<br />

519-869-2794 • skeeterbarlows.com<br />

• Authentic ti Hickory Smoked Ribs<br />

• Genuine Broasted Chicken<br />

• Seafood, Sandwiches, Wraps<br />

Reserve for panoramic views<br />

of Lake Huron from our patio!<br />

• Take Out • Lakeside parks & benches nearby<br />

Mobile Library Service<br />

Library cardholders at long-term<br />

care homes and retirement homes<br />

in Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County can access library<br />

materials through Mobile Library.<br />

This service provides residents with<br />

library materials delivered directly<br />

<strong>to</strong> their location.<br />

Call Sarnia Library at 519-337-3291<br />

for more information about this service.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) Something you feel before you buy it. – Excited P A G E 27

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional!<br />

Russell Street<br />

120 Russell St. North,<br />

Sarnia • 519-383-0688<br />

Family Owned and<br />

Operated Since 1989.<br />

146 EAST ST. N., SARNIA 519-336-1415<br />

Once when I was a teenager, my father<br />

and I were standing in line <strong>to</strong> buy tickets<br />

for the circus. Finally, there was only one<br />

family between us and the ticket counter.<br />

This family made a big impression on me.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were eight children, all probably<br />

under the age of 12. You could tell they<br />

didn't have a lot of money. <strong>The</strong>ir clothes<br />

were not expensive, but they were clean.<br />

<strong>The</strong> children were well-behaved, all of<br />

them standing in line, two-by-two behind<br />

their parents, holding hands. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

excitedly jabbering about the clowns,<br />

elephants and other acts they would<br />

see that night. One could sense they<br />

had never been <strong>to</strong> the circus before. It<br />

promised <strong>to</strong> be a highlight of their young<br />

lives.<br />

<strong>The</strong> father and mother were at the head<br />

of the pack standing proud as could be.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mother was holding her husband's<br />

hand, looking up at him as if <strong>to</strong> say,<br />

"You're my knight in shining armor."<br />

He was smiling and basking in pride,<br />

looking at her as if <strong>to</strong> reply, "You got that<br />

right." <strong>The</strong> ticket lady asked the father<br />

how many tickets he wanted. He proudly<br />

responded, "Please let me buy eight<br />

children's tickets and two<br />

adult tickets so I can take my<br />

family <strong>to</strong> the circus."<br />

<strong>The</strong> ticket lady quoted<br />

the price.<br />

SAVE<br />

20%<br />

OF F one<br />

regular priced<br />

item with<br />

this coupon.<br />

For Seniors 60+<br />

(some exclusions apply)<br />

E-Mail<br />

<strong>The</strong> E-Mail<br />

IN-BOX<br />

Send the good stuff <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

<strong>The</strong> Circus<br />

<strong>The</strong> man's wife let go of his hand, her<br />

head dropped, the man's lip began <strong>to</strong><br />

quiver. <strong>The</strong> father leaned a little closer<br />

and asked, "How much did you say?"<br />

<strong>The</strong> ticket lady again quoted the price.<br />

<strong>The</strong> man didn't have enough money.<br />

How was he supposed <strong>to</strong><br />

turn and tell his eight kids that<br />

he didn't have enough money<br />

<strong>to</strong> take them <strong>to</strong> the circus?<br />

Seeing what was going on,<br />

my dad put his hand in<strong>to</strong> his pocket,<br />

pulled out a $20 bill and dropped it on<br />

the ground. (We were not wealthy in any<br />

sense of the word!) My father reached<br />

down, picked up the bill, tapped the man<br />

on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me,<br />

sir, this fell out of your pocket."<br />

<strong>The</strong> man knew what was going on.<br />

He wasn't begging for a handout but<br />

certainly appreciated the help in a<br />

desperate, heartbreaking, embarrassing<br />

situation. He looked straight in<strong>to</strong> my<br />

dad's eyes, <strong>to</strong>ok my dad's hand in both<br />

of his, squeezed tightly on<strong>to</strong> the $20<br />

bill, and with his lip quivering and a tear<br />

streaming down his cheek, he replied,<br />

"Thank you, thank you, sir. This really<br />

means a lot <strong>to</strong> me and my family."<br />

My father and I went back <strong>to</strong> our<br />

car and drove home. We didn't go <strong>to</strong><br />

the circus that night, but we didn't go<br />

without.<br />

THE CLUB<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

SUDOKU<br />

Sudoku puzzles are formaed as a 9x9 grid, broken down in<strong>to</strong> nine<br />

3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each<br />

row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row,<br />

column and box.<br />

You can figure out<br />

the order in which<br />

the numbers will<br />

appear by using<br />

the numeric clues<br />

already provided<br />

in the boxes. <strong>The</strong><br />

more numbers you<br />

name, the easier it<br />

gets <strong>to</strong> solve the<br />

puzzle!<br />

PUZZLE<br />


ON<br />

PAGE 34<br />

P A G E<br />

28<br />

(Family Feud Answers) Word or phrase that starts with “Pork.” – U-pine<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

If your business offers anything <strong>to</strong> people 55+, you can advertise <strong>to</strong>o!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE<br />

Questionnaire<br />

We’d love your input again! And just for fun we'll award<br />

$50 gift certificates <strong>to</strong> two readers, selected randomly.<br />

Answer any or all questions, and feel free <strong>to</strong> elaborate.<br />

Email answers <strong>to</strong>: info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

or mail <strong>to</strong>: PO BOX 430, Brights Grove, ONN0N 1C0<br />

Include your name, email & phone number please.<br />

1. Is the magazine difficult <strong>to</strong> read at all?<br />

(Text <strong>to</strong>o small, <strong>to</strong>o many fonts, hard <strong>to</strong> read fonts)<br />

2. For those that have seen many issues, are we<br />

getting better, staying the same or slacking off?<br />

3. We publish four issues per year. For how long<br />

are you likely <strong>to</strong> keep this issue of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>?<br />

4. Is there a regular column you’d like <strong>to</strong> see/read?<br />

5. Is there anything in this magazine that offends<br />

you? (for example - jokes we print about aging)<br />

6. Does the content in this issue strike you as being<br />

<strong>to</strong>o old for you, <strong>to</strong>o young, or just right?<br />

Senior<br />

Discount<br />

Mention this<br />

Ad for<br />

15% OFF<br />

7. Where did you pick up this copy of the magazine?<br />

Where is the ideal place <strong>to</strong> pick one up?<br />

8. Do you follow or visit our Facebook Page?<br />

9. What is one place or business that everyone 55+<br />

in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n should know about?<br />

10. Do you have any positive comments <strong>to</strong> share<br />

that would be OK for us <strong>to</strong> publish?<br />

A Magazine<br />

for 55+<br />

like no other!<br />

Garden of Wisdom<br />

Submitted by:<br />

Eve Stickland<br />

Three grand essentials <strong>to</strong><br />

happiness in this life are<br />

something <strong>to</strong> do, something <strong>to</strong> “love,<br />

”<br />

and something <strong>to</strong> hope for.<br />

Joseph Addison<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) An animal whose legs are featured on a menu. – Panda P A G E 29

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Don’t put this down! You’ll have <strong>to</strong> bend over <strong>to</strong> pick it back up!<br />



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929 Michigan Ave., Sarnia<br />

519-542-5658<br />

Two wrongs won't<br />

make a right,<br />

but three rights<br />

will make a left.<br />

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We Can<br />

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• Acne • Insect bites & hives<br />

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• Pinworms and threadworms<br />

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• Yeast infections<br />

~ Call or visit for details ~<br />

Seniors<br />

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*Regular Priced<br />

Items In-S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Every THURSDAY!<br />

Small Pharmacy<br />

Big Service<br />



1249 London Rd • 519-491-6778<br />

londonroadpharmacy.com<br />

Find us on<br />

Driving Teachers<br />

Crazy<br />


How is dew formed?<br />

ANSWER:<br />

<strong>The</strong> sun shines down on the<br />

leaves and makes them perspire.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />

THE<br />

CLUB<br />

WHERE <strong>to</strong> PICK UP <strong>The</strong> club<br />

While they last!<br />

This is not a complete list, but these locations<br />

should always receive papers.<br />


Tourism Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Twin Bridge Lighting<br />

Ex-Serviceman’s <strong>Club</strong><br />

Davy Jones Market<br />

Sarnia Produce<br />

At Home Spa<br />

Sitara<br />

Bob Bailey, M.P.P.<br />

Glass & Pillar Spa<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>m Floors Carpet One<br />

Sarnia Produce<br />

Sarnia Library<br />

Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre<br />

London Road Diag. Clinic<br />

Strangway Centre<br />

Alzheimer’s Society<br />

Shine at Home<br />

Shoppers - Wellwise<br />

Metro Grocery - Northgate<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bookkeeper<br />

Local Motif<br />

Ken’s Independent Grocer<br />

M&M Food Markets<br />

Napoli’s Pizza<br />

Continental Hair<br />

<strong>The</strong> Shoebox<br />

Mission Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

London Road Pharmacy<br />

Metro - London Rd.<br />

Metro Pharmacy<br />

Pa<strong>to</strong>dia Eye Institute<br />

Sitara London Rd<br />

Cameron Paint & Wallpaper<br />

Marilyn Gladu, M.P.<br />

Food Basics - Pharmacy<br />

St. Vincent de Paul<br />

Giresi’s Pizza Pizza Fac<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

Russell St. Home Hardware<br />

Treat Yourself Wellness<br />

Sole Decisions<br />

<strong>The</strong> Eye Guy<br />

Home Instead<br />

Sipkens Nurseries<br />


Foodland<br />

Skeeter Barlow’s<br />


Foodland<br />

Rob’s No Frills<br />

Pharmasave<br />

Hogan Pharmacy<br />

Shoppers Drug Mart<br />

FOREST<br />

Al<strong>to</strong>n Farms Winery<br />

Foodland<br />

Williamson Farms Country<br />

S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Pharmasave<br />


Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Museum<br />


Moore Sports Complex<br />


Oil Museum<br />


Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Pharmacy<br />

Central Lamb. Family<br />

Health Team<br />

Hogan Guardian<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Heidi’s Your Independent<br />

Grocer<br />

Sitara<br />

Black Gold Brewery<br />

Petrolia Mercantile<br />

Country Yarns<br />


Grog’s Restaurant<br />


Zekveld’s Garden Market<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach<br />

Marcanda Gifts<br />


Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Archives<br />

Spa-Cation<br />

Foodland<br />

IDA Pharmacy<br />

Great Lakes Goat Dairy<br />

...and ALL<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

County<br />


P A G E<br />

30<br />

(Family Feud Answers) Something London, England is famous for. – Pasta<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Please tell our advertisers that you saw their ad in this magazine!<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

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Remember When<br />

By Agnes Burroughs, Dorchester<br />

Some people say “If you can<br />

remember that you must be old as dirt.”<br />

What that means I’m not sure, but I do<br />

remember having <strong>to</strong> load film in<strong>to</strong> a<br />

camera and not many can say that.<br />

That was a bit of a sticky trick, as<br />

you had <strong>to</strong> hold open the back door<br />

of the camera, pull the film across and<br />

fasten it <strong>to</strong> the opposite side without<br />

pulling <strong>to</strong>o much, smacking your<br />

fingers in the doorway or letting in <strong>to</strong>o<br />

much light. Way back then, we actually<br />

processed those wonderful little rolls <strong>to</strong><br />

find pho<strong>to</strong>s with the heads cut off and<br />

the light in every corner of the picture<br />

but where it was supposed <strong>to</strong> be. Pics<br />

taken at Christmas often didn’t see<br />

the light of day until a picnic in the<br />

good old summer time. <strong>The</strong>y rattled<br />

around in the bot<strong>to</strong>m of your purse,<br />

or the glove box until you happened <strong>to</strong><br />

think about taking them <strong>to</strong> your local<br />

pho<strong>to</strong> department <strong>to</strong> be revealed. You<br />

couldn’t believe the difference in the<br />

children’s size when the pictures landed<br />

on the dining room table. Where were<br />

your teeth? I don’t remember that old<br />

shirt. You used <strong>to</strong> have black hair? <strong>The</strong><br />

pictures were poured over for hours by<br />

the intended recipients of their his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

and everyone else as well. <strong>The</strong>n, you<br />

guessed it, they were dumped in<strong>to</strong> a big<br />

box with lots more his<strong>to</strong>ric pictures <strong>to</strong><br />

be looked upon many, many months<br />

later. I bet you have one of those boxes<br />

in your closet <strong>to</strong>o, with all the best<br />

pho<strong>to</strong>s waiting <strong>to</strong> be put in<strong>to</strong> an album.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y still make those albums don’t they,<br />

or am I <strong>to</strong>o late for that phase?<br />

Creative folks have actually<br />

brought themselves in<strong>to</strong> the 21st<br />

century by putting these pictures<br />

digitally and s<strong>to</strong>ring them in neat<br />

little folders—how boring is that?<br />

No big stacks of slightly warped<br />

pictures of who knows-who, no<br />

messages on the back and no<br />

clue <strong>to</strong> where are they now?<br />

Now a lot of people take<br />

pictures and pictures on their<br />

cellphones, and never see them<br />

again. How do you get them off,<br />

or are they floating around up on<br />

the clouds waiting for retrieval<br />

by someone qualified <strong>to</strong> run the<br />

space shuttle. It’s beyond me<br />

that is for sure! I was confused with the<br />

little rolls way back when!<br />

Another thing that confuses me is<br />

no more address books or telephone<br />

books. We used <strong>to</strong> have the neatest thing<br />

when I was a child: a little metal file<br />

thingy with the alphabet prominently<br />

displayed along the right hand side and<br />

a slider <strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> each list of names. My<br />

mom would update it each year <strong>to</strong> add<br />

a new address for Christmas cards—<br />

this one had a baby/new husband/left<br />

the country, etc. Now how do you find<br />

someone if they aren’t in the phone<br />

book without having <strong>to</strong> go through a<br />

myriad of steps? If I had their phone<br />

number I wouldn’t need their address<br />

because I could just call them, but when<br />

you type in Barbara Smith and get such<br />

a conundrum of addresses in every<br />

state and country, it is impossible <strong>to</strong><br />

find the real Barbara Smith! Remember<br />

that show To Tell the Truth: Will the real<br />

Barbara Smith please stand up? That’s<br />

how I feel, <strong>to</strong>o.<br />

Phone books were essential for<br />

locating businesses, people, holding<br />

down pressed flowers, (extra <strong>to</strong>ilet paper<br />

anyone?) but mostly <strong>to</strong> find people.<br />

Mind you, phones are handy but before<br />

you can actually find someone, the<br />

screen says low battery and you’ve lost<br />

where you were in the search.<br />

What’s wrong with paper and<br />

print that I can actually read?<br />

<strong>The</strong> older I get the smaller the<br />

print seems. Ever find yourself<br />

in a strange <strong>to</strong>wn and looking<br />

for a phone booth <strong>to</strong> look up a<br />

location? Forget that! No phone<br />

booth no phone book, even<br />

though the page you were looking<br />

for has probably been <strong>to</strong>rn out<br />

but nonetheless you are out of<br />

luck. Finding an actual person <strong>to</strong><br />

ask would be easier.<br />

I could go on, but it may be<br />

best <strong>to</strong> just nod when folks say<br />

“older than dirt” and let it go.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) A reason you don’t want <strong>to</strong> get out of bed. – You’re dead P A G E 31

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Retirement To-Do List: 1) Wake Up.... NAILED IT!<br />

LATIN<br />

A bird is distinguished<br />

by its note.<br />

A chain is no stronger<br />

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A chair unsound soon<br />

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A contented mind<br />

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A faithless wife is shipwreck <strong>to</strong> a house.<br />

A good beginning ensures a good ending.<br />

Life’s Aspirations Come Disguised As Children<br />

<strong>The</strong> favourite season of this battered<br />

old world must surely be spring. It’s no<br />

wonder that Mother’s Day is celebrated<br />

with great joy in May. A bounty of<br />

blossoms are blooming in gardens and<br />

countryside - just waiting for children’s<br />

eager hands <strong>to</strong> pick and present <strong>to</strong><br />

their smiling Mom.<br />

My tiny front yard is shaded by a<br />

huge maple tree and what earth there<br />

is used up by its roots. However, the<br />

window boxes in May are choc-a-bloc<br />

with a haze of blue forget-me-nots and<br />

colourful primroses and pansies. Each<br />

Mother’s Day I noticed that children<br />

would drag their feet and s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> look<br />

at my bright display. A wistful look<br />

would appear on their faces and their<br />

eyes would mirror their thoughts. “If<br />

only Mrs. Pierson would let me pick<br />

some for my Mom!”<br />

Well, I had a better idea than that!<br />

“Why don’t you come with me <strong>to</strong><br />

my back garden where the flowers<br />

grow better in lots of sunshine? <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are lots of colours for you <strong>to</strong> choose<br />

from. You pick out the ones you want!”<br />

“Let’s look in the shed and we might<br />

find a pretty little container <strong>to</strong> hold the<br />

A hungry man will listen <strong>to</strong> nothing.<br />

A leopard cannot change his spots.<br />

A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.<br />

A man as he manages himself may<br />

die old at thirty, or young at eighty.<br />

A rotten egg cannot be spoiled.<br />

water that flowers like <strong>to</strong> drink.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> word soon spread amongst the<br />

children that if they knocked on Mrs.<br />

Pierson’s back door they could play<br />

and pick flowers in her larger garden.<br />

Just imagine, they could pick bouquets<br />

for Mom from May till summer’s end!<br />

A constant parade of smiling children<br />

clutching their precious treasures<br />

wended their way along Bellevue<br />

Avenue all summer long. <strong>The</strong> girls<br />

generally outnumbered the bashful<br />

boys. But one brave boy asked, “Is it<br />

alright if I take some home for my Dad?<br />

He likes flowers <strong>to</strong>o!”<br />

I helped Douglas arrange bright<br />

orange and yellow marigolds and snowy<br />

white daisies in a small, tin watering<br />

can. Douglas just beamed. “My<br />

dad makes great hot dogs,<br />

Mrs. Pierson. I’m sure he’ll give<br />

you one when he sees these<br />

flowers.” Douglas was right!<br />

I sure enjoyed the delicious<br />

hot dog that Doug’s dad gave<br />

me, and the tin watering can<br />

filled with marigolds and<br />

daisies looked just right on<br />

the picnic table. Next door <strong>to</strong><br />

Douglas lived a very serious but<br />

thoughtful boy named Adam.<br />

Answering a timid knock on<br />

my back door, I saw it was Adam. He<br />

looked so sad and solemn and his<br />

luminous gray eyes clouded over.<br />

In a low, solemn voice he said, “Mrs.<br />

Gray, our next door lady just died. I’m<br />

going <strong>to</strong> the funeral home <strong>to</strong>night with<br />

my mom and dad. Could you give me<br />

some flowers for Mrs. Gray?”<br />

“Oh, Adam,” I replied<br />

“the flowers that people<br />

take <strong>to</strong> the funeral home<br />

are different from my<br />

ordinary garden flowers<br />

<strong>The</strong>y usually buy them<br />

at a florists and they<br />

put them <strong>to</strong>gether in<br />

a different way than<br />

by Joan Pierson, London<br />

from Daytripping May-June 2002<br />

we do. My flowers just aren’t nice<br />

enough.”<br />

His gray eyes regarded me<br />

thoughtfully “Mrs. Pierson, when<br />

you gave me flowers for my Mom,<br />

we sometimes used <strong>to</strong> divide them<br />

up and I always gave some <strong>to</strong> Mrs.<br />

Gray. She was a nice lady and she<br />

always gave me a big hug when<br />

I gave her the flowers. She loved<br />

your flowers. So when we put<br />

your garden flowers there with the<br />

rest of them - I know that Mrs. Gray will<br />

know.”<br />

Adam and I chose the flowers that<br />

Mrs. Gray liked best. We carefully<br />

placed clear wrapping around them<br />

and tied the small bouquet with pink<br />

ribbon.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next day Adam and I watched<br />

in sorrow as Mrs. Gray’s coffin was<br />

carried out from the funeral home on<br />

its way <strong>to</strong> the cemetery. Adam’s eyes<br />

met mine as we both saw the bouquet<br />

of pink petunias circled by pure white<br />

babies breath which had been placed<br />

on <strong>to</strong>p of the coffin.<br />

We were both certain that Mrs. Gray<br />

knew.<br />

P A G E<br />

32<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A type of bear. – Papa Bear<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Sometimes, no news really is good news.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

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Steeves & Rozema Group SENIORS LIVING<br />

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SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) Something associated with Liverpool. – <strong>The</strong> Yellow Brick Road P A G E 33

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />


<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />


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For <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

CROSSWORD on page 17<br />

For <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

SUDOKU on page 28<br />

Driving<br />

TRIVIA<br />

Selected<br />

After Hours<br />

questions from<br />

Annual Trivia Night<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Daytripper” has a team entered every year, but we have yet <strong>to</strong> win.<br />

Answers Below<br />

1. What is the capital of Romania?<br />

a] Budapest b] Bucharest c] Bukovina<br />

2. Identify the character <strong>to</strong> which this chapter refers. “Chapter 1: <strong>The</strong><br />

Boy Who Lived.”<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> world’s fastest growing plant is a species of what?<br />

4. What fearless patriot screamed, “AMERICA!” at an umpire after what<br />

he thought was a bad call in a 1984 Davis Cup tennis match?<br />

5. Amrit is a beverage served <strong>to</strong> Sikhs during an initiation ceremony<br />

where they affirm their commitment <strong>to</strong> the principles of their faith.<br />

Amrit consists of which of the following:<br />

a] Aged wine b] Martini, shaken, not stirred<br />

c] Water and sugar d] None of these answers<br />

e] Grape juice<br />

6. What phobia do you suffer from if you have an intense fear of<br />

Halloween?<br />

a] Phasmophobia b] Samhainophobia<br />

c] Wiccaphobia d] Halloweenophobia<br />

7. What pop artist created Time Magazine’s March 19, 1984 cover of<br />

Michael Jackson?<br />

8. Who was the King of England after Charles I?<br />

9. What province boasts Canada’s longest tunnel?<br />

10. What is the sticky wax substance obtained from sheep and used in<br />

burn centres and Mary Kay Cosmetics night cream?<br />

11. Who was the only person in NBA his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> be named Most Valuable<br />

Player, Coach of the Year, and Executive of the Year?<br />

a] Bill Russel b] Phil Jackson<br />

c] Larry Bird d] Michael Jordan<br />

12. How many layers of paint is a Faber Mongol pencil sprayed with?<br />

a] 7 b] 10 c] 13 d] 21<br />

13. In what year was the Beatles’ last public performance?<br />

14. What enclave’s name means “frangrant port” in Chinese?<br />

ANSWERS:<br />

1. Bucharest; 2. Harry Potter; 3. Bamboo; 4. John McEnroe; 5. Water and sugar;<br />

6. Samhainophobia; 7. Andy Warhol; 8. Charles II; 9. British Columbia; 10. Lanolin;<br />

11. Larry Bird; 12. 13; 13. January 30, 1969; 14. Hong Kong<br />

P A G E<br />

34<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A food that has one or more holes in it. – Spaghetti<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

You’re not getting older, you’re just becoming a classic!<br />

TOP 10 1974<br />

Billboard Hits<br />

1 Barbra Streisand <strong>The</strong> Way We Were<br />

2 Terry Jacks Seasons in the Sun<br />

3 Love Unlimited Orchestra Love's <strong>The</strong>me<br />

4 Redbone Come and Get Your Love<br />

5 <strong>The</strong> Jackson 5 Dancing Machine<br />

6 Grand Funk Railroad <strong>The</strong> Loco-Motion<br />

7 MFSB TSOP (<strong>The</strong> Sound of Philadelphia)<br />

8 Ray Stevens <strong>The</strong> Streak<br />

9 El<strong>to</strong>n John Bennie and the Jets<br />

10 Mac Davis One Hell of a Woman<br />

Country Songs<br />

1 Tom T. Hall I Love<br />

2 Charlie Rich A Very Special Love Song<br />

3 Billy Swan I Can Help<br />

4 Elvis Presley My Boy<br />

5 Billy Crash Craddock Rub It in<br />

6 Elvis Presley Promised Land<br />

7 Charlie Rich <strong>The</strong>re Won't Be Anymore<br />

8 John Denver Sweet Surrender<br />

9 Elvis Presley If You Talk in Your Sleep<br />

10 Bill Anderson World Of Make Believe<br />

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Source: playback.fm<br />

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Airport 1975<br />

<strong>The</strong> Life & Times of<br />

Grizzly Adams<br />

<strong>The</strong> Longest Yard<br />

Murder on the Orient Express<br />

<strong>The</strong> Godfather: Part II<br />

Oscar Winner, Best Picture<br />

Source: the-numbers.com<br />

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By Glynn Leyshon • from Daytripping Sept-Oct 2012<br />

Back when I was a boy I<br />

acquired the good grace <strong>to</strong><br />

realize what my mother<br />

meant. And not just what<br />

she meant <strong>to</strong> me but <strong>to</strong><br />

my brothers, sisters,<br />

father and various<br />

other relatives and<br />

family members. Some<br />

of these were better off<br />

ignored for there was<br />

enough trouble with the<br />

“good” without looking<br />

for trouble in the “bad.”<br />

Mother, I learned soon<br />

enough, handled all the finances of<br />

our family as well as the food. When<br />

my father was out of work for years<br />

she, like a magician, bewildering<br />

an audience with slight of hand, put<br />

food on the table no matter how<br />

little was the income. By dint of<br />

careful shopping and being ever alert<br />

<strong>to</strong> the possibilities of locally-grown<br />

vegetables, for example, she fed us<br />

what we now recognize as a rather<br />

good and balanced diet. Nothing fancy,<br />

nothing esoteric (unless it came free)<br />

but a substantial diet all the same.<br />

Mother was on first name terms<br />

with the green grocer, Chiarelli on<br />

Kenilworth Avenue, and after her<br />

weekly, five-block trek <strong>to</strong> the shop was<br />

more than willing <strong>to</strong> make him an offer<br />

on day-old produce. At other times she<br />

would organize those old enough in<strong>to</strong><br />

a formidable flotilla of cyclists <strong>to</strong> ride<br />

out <strong>to</strong> the surrounding fruit farms <strong>to</strong><br />

pick our own berries, cherries, apples,<br />

and peaches. Some of these would be<br />

consumed fresh and the remainder<br />

converted in<strong>to</strong> preserves —jams,<br />

jellies, and canned (actually jarred)<br />

chunks of fruit for consumption in<br />

winter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> canning season became a major<br />

operation. <strong>The</strong> fruit had <strong>to</strong> be washed<br />

and peeled and cored before stuffing<br />

Mother<br />

in<strong>to</strong> carefully treated, sterile (lots<br />

of boiling water) quart sealers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> production line<br />

of family members<br />

was a sweaty one. I<br />

remember we often<br />

did as many as 50<br />

quarts of peaches,<br />

a lot of which were<br />

“seconds,” meaning<br />

they were good<br />

enough for preserves<br />

but not for consumption<br />

as fresh fruit but cheaper<br />

because of the bruise or skin<br />

tear. Each jar had its two or three<br />

minute stay in the boiling water then<br />

peach halves were dumped in followed<br />

by a dollop or two of syrup. <strong>The</strong>n a<br />

rubber jar ring was placed around<br />

the <strong>to</strong>p followed by a heavy glass lid<br />

and finally a galvanized screw-on lid<br />

twisted down tightly <strong>to</strong> seal the jar for<br />

months.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entire family was recruited and<br />

each assigned a job in the process.<br />

<strong>The</strong> youngest might be responsible<br />

for bringing the baskets <strong>to</strong> the tables,<br />

while the oldest could be trusted with<br />

sterilizing the jars in the boiling water.<br />

All of us sweated profusely since the<br />

time for canning was late summer<br />

or early fall, so we did not mind that<br />

the bath afterward was in cold water.<br />

No need <strong>to</strong> light the gas jet under the<br />

boiler.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was no such thing as a<br />

weekly allowance. When the oldest<br />

of us earned a handful of change<br />

picking fruit, he/she turned it over<br />

<strong>to</strong> mother for the family coffers, no<br />

questions asked. <strong>The</strong> only relenting of<br />

this stricture was at Christmas when<br />

the rules were relaxed somewhat and<br />

treats were possible, but only if shared<br />

equally.<br />

Mother handled more than finances<br />

and food, she handled life.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) A type of bean. – Lesbian<br />

P A G E 35

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

If this brings back good memories, send us some of your own.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n & Now<br />

His<strong>to</strong>rical Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n scenes & their modern day counterpart<br />

circa<br />

1910<br />

by local<br />

his<strong>to</strong>rian<br />

Steve Lox<strong>to</strong>n<br />

<strong>2024</strong><br />

Hi! I’m Billy Armstrong and I’ve been<br />

volunteering with Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly<br />

Outreach (LEO) since 2021. In 2021,<br />

upon completing my undergrad and<br />

returning <strong>to</strong> Alvins<strong>to</strong>n, I actively sought<br />

ways <strong>to</strong> reconnect with my community.<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach (LEO) caught<br />

my attention with its diverse programs,<br />

prompting me <strong>to</strong> reach out. Two and<br />

a half years later, I have found myself<br />

engaged in multiple programs!<br />

What I love about volunteering with<br />

LEO is the support and positivity from<br />

the staff, the commitment of fellow<br />

volunteers, and the opportunity <strong>to</strong><br />

use my skills <strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong> creating<br />

a more age-friendly environment for<br />

older adults living at home.<br />

I initially embarked on my<br />

volunteering journey as a meals-onwheels<br />

driver, a role I embraced for<br />

two years before returning <strong>to</strong> univeristy.<br />

Volunteering with<br />

By Billy Armstrong, LEO Volunteer & University Student<br />

Interacting with clients along the route,<br />

watching familiar faces emerge over<br />

the years, and knowing that I played<br />

a role in facilitating healthy meal<br />

deliveries <strong>to</strong> their doorsteps brought<br />

immense satisfaction. Each shift paired<br />

me with another dedicated volunteer,<br />

fostering connections with like-minded<br />

individuals united in their commitment<br />

<strong>to</strong> community service.<br />

Additionally, I participated in the<br />

friendly visi<strong>to</strong>r program, where I<br />

formed a connection with an older<br />

woman navigating life at home with<br />

dementia. Meeting weekly, we shared<br />

s<strong>to</strong>ries, painted pictures, and played<br />

games <strong>to</strong> combat the isolation of being<br />

at home. Bridging generational gaps, we<br />

Front Street looking north from Cromwell. <strong>The</strong> 4 s<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

Belchamber Hotel (now Apartments) is seen in the distance.<br />

Note the streetcar tracks in the c. 1910 pho<strong>to</strong> by Louis Pesha.<br />

Our Readers Are Our Writers!<br />


Send us your s<strong>to</strong>ries, pho<strong>to</strong>s & anecdotes<br />

showcasing Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n!<br />

found joy in sharing laughter and smiles<br />

during our time <strong>to</strong>gether.<br />

My volunteering has extended <strong>to</strong><br />

Diner and Social <strong>Club</strong>s in Corunna,<br />

Sarnia, and Alvins<strong>to</strong>n. LEO’s flexibility<br />

and welcoming atmosphere allows<br />

me <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> these monthly clubs<br />

whenever my schedule permits. <strong>The</strong><br />

ability of these clubs <strong>to</strong> create a relaxed<br />

and enjoyable space for older adults<br />

from Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County <strong>to</strong> dine, chat with<br />

old friends, or make new ones is what<br />

consistently draws me back.<br />

Beyond social clubs, LEO facilitated<br />

my training with the Canadian Center<br />

for Activity and Aging at Western<br />

University. With my senior fitness<br />

instruc<strong>to</strong>r certification, I now lead a free<br />

Send <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

“Forever Fitness” program in Alvins<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

LEO’s understanding of my hectic school<br />

schedule and its support in offering free<br />

weekly fitness classes aligns perfectly<br />

with my interests. Being able <strong>to</strong> share<br />

my passion for being active with people<br />

from my home<strong>to</strong>wn is the highlight of<br />

my week!<br />

Throughout this journey, LEO has<br />

been accommodating of my evolving<br />

schedule and ambitions, and supported<br />

my growth by providing opportunities<br />

for professional development through<br />

courses offered by Bluewater Health.<br />

Volunteering with LEO has become my<br />

avenue <strong>to</strong> connect across generations,<br />

allowing me <strong>to</strong> give back <strong>to</strong> the<br />

communities that shaped the person I<br />

am <strong>to</strong>day!<br />

National Volunteer Week <strong>2024</strong> runs<br />

April 14th <strong>to</strong> 20th with this year’s theme<br />

being Every Moment Matters.<br />

P A G E<br />

36<br />

(Family Feud Answers) An animal with three letters. – Lion<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Let’s grow old <strong>to</strong>gether. You go first.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

Welcoming<br />

New Patients<br />


Corunna Pharmasave<br />

Glencoe Pharmasave<br />

With over 600 guitars & basses, along with<br />

keyboards, drums, amps, instruments & accessories...<br />

Sarnia’s<br />

LOCAL<br />

Music S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

is actually<br />

WORLD<br />

CLASS<br />

430 Exmouth Street<br />

Sarnia • 519-344-7740<br />

pickersalley.com<br />


2nd Graders Answer Questions About <strong>The</strong>ir Moms<br />

“What ingredients are mothers made of?”<br />

1) God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair<br />

and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.<br />

2) <strong>The</strong>y had <strong>to</strong> get their start from men’s bones.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n they mostly use string, I think.<br />

• Pharmacist available 24/7 for our paents<br />

• FREE Delivery • FREE Compliance Packs<br />

• $2.00 Co-Pay waived on elegible ODB Prescripons<br />

• 10% discount on otc items every Tuesday & Friday<br />



SARNIA: 206 Maxwell St, 519-337-3215 • CORUNNA: 409 Lyndoch St, 519-862-2020 • GLENCOE: 235 A Main St, 519-287-3225<br />

As reported by<br />

Danica Craig is the first <strong>to</strong> admit she<br />

was not looking for a new career. But<br />

when the job offer came, seemingly out<br />

of nowhere, she jumped at it. “I had an<br />

old friend who knew me growing up in<br />

church and she hadn’t seen me in years,”<br />

www.hashtaglocal.com<br />

St. Vincent de Paul<br />

Danica recalls. “But she reached out <strong>to</strong><br />

me and said, ‘<strong>The</strong>re is a job available<br />

and I think you would be perfect for it.’<br />

I have a background in social work and<br />

helping people, so it ended up working<br />

out and I got the job.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> job, as it turns out, is that of<br />

manager of St. Vincent De Paul Sarnia-<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n and Danica has held the<br />

position since June 2022. Not <strong>to</strong> be<br />

confused by the two thrift s<strong>to</strong>res that<br />

operate in Sarnia, Danica’s St. Vincent<br />

De Paul is strictly a food bank and<br />

help centre. According <strong>to</strong> its website,<br />

St. Vincent De Paul is an international<br />

Catholic lay organization founded by<br />

Frederic Ozanam in 1833 and established<br />

in Canada in 1846. <strong>The</strong>re are currently<br />

about one million Vincentians serving<br />

the poor in 134 countries worldwide.<br />

“I love, love, love seeing people from<br />

all walks of life who are in need, and<br />

being able <strong>to</strong> help and support them<br />

throughout the day is what I live for,”<br />

Danica says. “That is my passion; my<br />

favourite thing <strong>to</strong> do, so it’s lovely that<br />

I get the opportunity <strong>to</strong> do that with<br />

St. Vincent De Paul. I don’t always get<br />

the opportunity <strong>to</strong> work with people,<br />

but when I do, it’s wonderful. My goal<br />

is simply <strong>to</strong> help people. My number<br />

one thing is being able <strong>to</strong> help people in<br />

some way, shape or form.”<br />

Statistics show more people are<br />

relying on food banks than ever before.<br />

“We handle donations every day,”<br />

Danica says. “We give (tax) receipts<br />

<strong>to</strong> those who need them, and we deal<br />

with rent, utilities, and dental as well.<br />

Once upon a time, food banks used <strong>to</strong><br />

be attended mostly by single-parent<br />

households, but that has changed. Now<br />

food banks are attended by working<br />

families who are just trying <strong>to</strong> bridge<br />

the gap as they live from one paycheck<br />

<strong>to</strong> another. We are also seeing a lot<br />

of homelessness, <strong>to</strong>o, and a lot more<br />

people suffering from addictions<br />

coming <strong>to</strong> use our services.”<br />

Among the food items St. Vincent<br />

De Paul requests from donors are fresh<br />

and frozen meat and lunch meats,<br />

fresh and frozen and canned fruits and<br />

vegetables, milk, yogurt, cheese, pasta<br />

sauce, mac and cheese dinners, cereal<br />

and oatmeal, juice boxes, coffee, tea,<br />

brown beans, rice, and eggs. Personal<br />

items such as shampoo and conditioner,<br />

<strong>to</strong>othpaste and <strong>to</strong>othbrushes, soap,<br />

body wash, deodorant, razors, shaving<br />

cream, women’s hygiene products,<br />

<strong>to</strong>ilet paper, socks and underwear are<br />

also appreciated. St. Vincent also does<br />

a lot of fundraising and mostly leans on<br />

volunteers <strong>to</strong> organize the events.<br />

While Danica doesn’t know what her<br />

future holds, she is thrilled <strong>to</strong> be able<br />

<strong>to</strong> help people through her work. “This<br />

job is amazing for me. I hope I can stay<br />

here forever.”<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) Something slippery. – A Con Man<br />

P A G E 37

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

Proudly Powering<br />

Our Communities...<br />

For Over<br />

100 Years!<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />


A young executive was leaving the office one evening when<br />

he found the CEO staring at the shredder holding a piece of<br />

paper. “Listen,” said the CEO, “this is a sensitive document,<br />

and my secretary has gone for the night. Can you make this<br />

thing work?” “Certainly,” said the young executive. He turned the<br />

machine on, inserted the paper and pressed Start. “Excellent!” said the<br />

CEO as his paper disappeared in<strong>to</strong> the machine. “I just need one copy.”<br />



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• Sunrooms 3 - 3½<br />

and 4 season rooms<br />

• Windows<br />

• Entry Doors<br />

• Additions<br />

• Patio/Carport Enclosures<br />

Locally<br />

Owned &<br />

Installed<br />

For more details visit:<br />

www.sunsarsunroom.com<br />

519-542-6006<br />

Isn’t it weird being the same age as old people?<br />

Chunky Pork Chili<br />

This chili actually tastes like it has simmered for hours, but that time commitment has<br />

been greatly minimized. Tender and lean pork tenderloin cooks relatively quickly and<br />

the other spicy-good ingredients add <strong>to</strong> its zesty flavour. Enjoy!<br />

3/4 pound pork tenderloin,<br />

cut in<strong>to</strong> 3/4 inch cubes<br />

1 cup beer (or beef broth)<br />

1 (15 oz/425g) can small Mexican<br />

red beans or pin<strong>to</strong> beans,<br />

rinsed & drained<br />

1/2 cup salsa (or picante sauce)<br />

1 small onion, chopped<br />

1/2 yellow pepper, cut in<strong>to</strong> chunks<br />

1/2 red pepper, cut in<strong>to</strong> chunks<br />

4 cloves garlic, finely minced<br />

2 Tbsps chipotle peppers, finely<br />

chopped (often found in small<br />

cans, packed in adobo sauce)<br />

2 1/4 tsps. chili powder<br />

2 1/4 tsps. ground cumin<br />

2 tsps. cooking oil<br />

In a large saucepan, heat oil, adding onion and garlic. Cook for 3 minutes, or until<br />

tender. In a large bowl, <strong>to</strong>ss <strong>to</strong>gether pork, cumin and chili powder. Add <strong>to</strong><br />

saucepan. Using medium-high heat, cook and stir for 6 minutes, or until pork is<br />

browned. Stir in beer, salsa, sweet peppers and chipotle<br />

peppers. Bring <strong>to</strong> a boil. Reduce heat and simmer,<br />

uncovered, for 6 minutes, or until pork is done and<br />

tender (these lean meat cubes will cook quickly). Add<br />

beans and heat through. Makes 4 cups.<br />

Chicken Chili<br />

Chili’s On!<br />

Sharing a bowl of chili with friends, family & loved ones will<br />

warm our bodies & our spirits, inside & out. <strong>The</strong>se easy prep<br />

options can be made the day before you plan on serving.<br />

Truly, chili made the day before is usually superior, as the<br />

flavours have had the opportunity <strong>to</strong> blend overnight.<br />

2 <strong>to</strong> 3 skinless, boneless chicken<br />

breasts (2 lbs. <strong>to</strong>tal)<br />

2 (14.5 oz each) cans white kidney (or<br />

cannellini) beans, drained & rinsed<br />

1 cup chicken broth<br />

1 onion, chopped<br />

2 med. jalapeno peppers,<br />

seeded & chopped<br />

1 Tbsp canola oil<br />

1 green pepper, chopped<br />

2 cloves of garlic, chopped<br />

1 Tbsp ground cumin<br />

1 Tbsp ground coriander<br />

1 Tbsp lime juice<br />

3/4 tsp. salt<br />

1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper<br />

In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. To skillet, add onions, garlic, all<br />

peppers, cumin and coriander. Cover and cook, stirring periodically, for 5 <strong>to</strong> 6<br />

minutes. Transfer veggies <strong>to</strong> slow cooker. Add chicken, broth and beans. Cover<br />

and cook for 4 hours on HIGH or 6 hours on LOW heat. Remove only chicken<br />

from slow cooker after cooking time, leaving all liquid and veggies in place.<br />

Shred cooked chicken meat and return <strong>to</strong> cooker. Add lime juice, salt and ground<br />

pepper. Stir <strong>to</strong> combine all ingredients. Cover and allow <strong>to</strong> heat for 15 or so<br />

minutes in cooker, ensuring all is hot and ready <strong>to</strong> serve. Top all 4 generous<br />

servings with a dollop of sour cream if desired.<br />

Vegetarian Chili<br />

2 (14 oz each) cans chunky<br />

chili-style <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es (with liquid)<br />

1 (15 oz) can pin<strong>to</strong> beans, rinsed<br />

& drained<br />

1 (15 oz) can white kidney beans,<br />

rinsed & drained<br />

1 (15 oz) can red kidney beans,<br />

rinsed & drained<br />

1 can of beer (or equivalent beef broth)<br />

2 cups whole kernel corn<br />

(fresh or frozen)<br />

1 cup water<br />

1 cup of your favourite<br />

<strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong> sauce<br />

3 cloves garlic, minced<br />

1 Tbsp cooking oil<br />

1 Tbsp chili powder<br />

1 Tbsp snipped fresh oregano<br />

(or 1 tsp. dried). If using dry, add<br />

at beginning of prep.<br />

1 Tbsp Dijon-style mustard<br />

1 tsp. ground cumin<br />

3/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper<br />

4 <strong>to</strong> 6 dashes of your favourite bottled<br />

hot pepper sauce<br />

In a large skillet, heat oil over high heat. Add garlic and cook for 25 <strong>to</strong> 30<br />

seconds. Stir in <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es (with liquid), <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong> sauce, water, beer, dried oregano<br />

(if using dried), chili powder, ground pepper, hot sauce, cumin and mustard.<br />

Stir in beans. Bring all <strong>to</strong> boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes.<br />

Stir in corn. Return <strong>to</strong> boiling.<br />

Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for an<br />

additional 10 minutes. Stir in fresh oregano (if using fresh). Makes 10 cups.<br />

P A G E<br />

38<br />

(Family Feud Answers) A domesticated animal. – Leopard<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong>

Thanks again - keep this copy or pass it on <strong>to</strong> a friend please.<br />



SARNIA<br />

9AM - 1AM<br />

7 DAYS<br />

A WEEK<br />

1730 London Line, Sarnia ON<br />

at Hiawatha, 519-383-3732<br />

sarnia@gatewaycasinos.ca<br />

10AM - 2AM 7 DAYS A WEEK<br />

2000 Venean Blvd<br />

Point Edward ON<br />

519-383-7770<br />

pointedward@gatewaycasinos.ca<br />

Old Fashioned Family Time<br />

By Cherie DeBurger, Wallaceburg • From Daytripping Nov-Dec 2009<br />

When I was young, which <strong>to</strong> me<br />

was not that long ago but <strong>to</strong> my kids<br />

it is unimaginable, my parents would<br />

pack my brothers and sister and I in<br />

the car and go for a drive. My parents<br />

loved <strong>to</strong> drive <strong>to</strong> the little surrounding<br />

<strong>to</strong>wns and look at the beautiful big old<br />

houses. <strong>The</strong>re was no rhyme or reason<br />

<strong>to</strong> where we went, for my family it<br />

was a way <strong>to</strong> dream and relax, well<br />

most of the time.<br />

In those days it was an inexpensive<br />

way <strong>to</strong> spend some time <strong>to</strong>gether as<br />

a family, back before you had <strong>to</strong> sell<br />

a kidney <strong>to</strong> get a full tank<br />

of gas. It was not yet law<br />

<strong>to</strong> wear a seat belt so we<br />

would pile in the car,<br />

the four kids in the<br />

back and mom and<br />

dad in the front. As<br />

we rolled out of the<br />

driveway Dolly Par<strong>to</strong>n<br />

would start <strong>to</strong> sing<br />

about her ‘Coat of<br />

Many Colours’ from the<br />

8-track tape player and<br />

my little brother would<br />

start <strong>to</strong> sing along. We would drive<br />

along the Sydenham River through<br />

Dresden, which was only about a<br />

ten-minute drive from our home. It<br />

was long enough, however, for the<br />

rhythmic sound of the tires on the<br />

pavement <strong>to</strong> lull my youngest brother<br />

in<strong>to</strong> the hypnotic sleep that overtakes<br />

us all still <strong>to</strong> this day whenever we are<br />

in a car for any length of time. As we<br />

made our way through <strong>to</strong>wn, my older<br />

brother would slide down in his seat<br />

in an attempt <strong>to</strong> hide from his friends<br />

the fact that he was hanging out with<br />

his family. My sister would be looking<br />

out the window for any chance <strong>to</strong><br />

blow my brothers cover and I would<br />

be playing the ‘what if’ game. What<br />

if there’s an earthquake? What if<br />

all my hair falls out? What if we get<br />

a flat tire? In an effort <strong>to</strong> get me <strong>to</strong><br />

s<strong>to</strong>p talking for any amount of time<br />

at all, my mother would look out the<br />

window and ask me if I had seen the<br />

giraffe we just passed. Remembering<br />

back, I was definitely not the brightest<br />

crayon in the box as I whipped my<br />

head around <strong>to</strong> scan the block we just<br />

passed in hopes of spotting the <strong>to</strong>tally<br />

out of place herbivore. Not only did I<br />

fall for it once but repeatedly, never<br />

questioning my mother why there<br />

were lions, tigers and rhinos hiding<br />

behind farmer’s trac<strong>to</strong>rs or standing<br />

in the middle of a bean field outside<br />

of Petrolia.<br />

<strong>The</strong> name game never<br />

failed <strong>to</strong> come up at some<br />

point during our drive,<br />

this is the game where<br />

you have <strong>to</strong> make up<br />

a man’s name and<br />

a woman’s name<br />

as well as a <strong>to</strong>wn and<br />

something <strong>to</strong> sell all<br />

starting with the same<br />

letter. We would go<br />

through the alphabet<br />

and whoever landed on<br />

q or z would inevitably<br />

be stumped until my mom would<br />

whisper an answer in their ear in just<br />

the knick of time.<br />

Usually by the time we reached<br />

whatever small <strong>to</strong>wn we were visiting,<br />

the kids would all be sleeping, resting<br />

against each other in the back seat<br />

like some strange human domino<br />

formation. Mom and dad would<br />

slowly <strong>to</strong>ur up and down the streets<br />

that resembled any and all Norman<br />

Rockwell paintings. <strong>The</strong>y would look<br />

at the beautiful old brick homes with<br />

all the intricate woodwork adorning<br />

the gables and large front porches.<br />

That was their time, the part of the<br />

trip that belonged <strong>to</strong> them, <strong>to</strong> talk and<br />

dream or reminisce about life.<br />

Those slow, sleepy, dreamy days<br />

are held dear by everyone in our<br />

family and is something that we enjoy<br />

doing now with our own children.<br />

<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />

believe it or not<br />

An ad this size costs only<br />

$368<br />

+ hst<br />

Not per issue... PER YEAR!!!<br />

Every copy is picked up, and it’s online<br />

Call 519-491-1676<br />

info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />

“Advertising is <strong>to</strong>tally<br />

unnecessary. Unless you<br />

hope <strong>to</strong> make money.”<br />

~<br />

Jef. I. Richards<br />

THE <strong>Club</strong><br />

“Your Feet Will Be In Good Hands”<br />

Julie Coulombe-Morrison (CMP)<br />

Advanced Foot Care - Diabetes, Ingrowns,<br />

Corns, Fungus & other common foot problems<br />

For foot care, call or text<br />

Julie 519-466-5853<br />

Courtney Paulics (RCRT) REGISTERED<br />


For reflexology, call or text Courtney 519-466-9465<br />

Interior and Exterior Fixtures<br />

• Desk, Table & Floor Lamps<br />

• Chandeliers, Prints & More!<br />

116 Michigan Ave<br />


(519) 344-3535<br />

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm<br />

www.twinbridgelighng.com<br />

Located at Mara Surgical Centre<br />

704 Mara St. Point Edward, Unit 106<br />

Wilderness WORD SEARCH<br />

Find these words hidden vertically, horizontally, diagonally and backwards.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> (Family Feud Answers) Something you lose when you get older. – Your Purse P A G E 39


“It feels so good <strong>to</strong> help<br />

people. So get out there and<br />

feel good!” - Simon Sinek<br />

Volunteers Needed!<br />

Want To Get<br />

Involved?<br />


MAR<br />

13<br />

APR<br />

15<br />

May<br />

01<br />

Expo<br />

Set-up: Tuesday, April 30<br />

Event: Wednesday, May 1<br />

Clean up: Thursday May 2<br />

Questions: agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n@gmail.com<br />

Bridging Generations 1:30pm Free<br />

Converse with YMCA Youth Newcomers!<br />

Sarnia Library, pre-register<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> Luncheon 12pm $10, incl. Craft<br />

Fairwinds Lodge, pre-register<br />

Age-Friendly Expo 10am-6pm<br />

Pt Edward Arena, no reg. required<br />

Diner’s <strong>Club</strong>!<br />

Social Time. Hot Meal. Informative Presentation.<br />

Monthly Diner’s <strong>Club</strong>s<br />

foster <strong>to</strong>getherness<br />

& learning!<br />

Sarnia • Petrolia<br />

Corunna • Sombra<br />

Please register at: 519-845-1353 ext. 301<br />

dcroxford@lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />

Supporting You<br />

is What We Do!<br />

Sponsored By:<br />

Expo<br />

For more information visit:<br />

agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n@gmail.com<br />


Wyoming: Mon & Wed<br />

9:30am – 10:30am<br />

Wyoming Legion 493 Erie St<br />

Wednesday<br />

May 1, <strong>2024</strong><br />

10am-6pm<br />

Point Edward<br />

Arena<br />

FIT<br />

Alvins<strong>to</strong>n: Thurs<br />

9am – 10am<br />

BAICCC<br />

3310 Walnut St.<br />

Register at the Class<br />

Bring Running Shoes & Water<br />

Questions: 519-845-1353 ext. 301<br />

dcroxford@lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />

Making Access <strong>to</strong> Community Supports & Health Services Easier!<br />

Expanded local services & supports listings<br />

New community naviga<strong>to</strong>r option<br />

Inclusive of all ages & stages<br />

Find. Specific supports you need.<br />

Search.<br />

Talk. Call <strong>to</strong> speak with a Community Naviga<strong>to</strong>r.<br />

☎<br />

Community Naviga<strong>to</strong>rs listen and<br />

help find local resources and supports<br />

based on the needs of the caller.<br />

519-336-3000 www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca<br />

<br />

Looking for a meaningful way<br />

<strong>to</strong> connect <strong>to</strong> our community?<br />

We could use<br />

your help<br />

in a variety<br />

of client<br />

support<br />

areas and<br />

program<br />

development<br />

at LEO!<br />

Volunteer for:<br />

• Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

• Friendly Visiting<br />

• Bingo Helpers<br />

• Meals on Wheels<br />

• Transportation<br />

• Diner’s <strong>Club</strong><br />

• Forever Fit<br />

• Administration<br />

TO GET INVOLVED: 519-845-1353<br />

volunteer@leohelps.ca<br />

lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />

How We Can<br />

Help You Live<br />

at Home<br />

Transportation<br />

Non-Urgent Stretcher Van<br />

Meals on Wheels<br />

Home Maintenance<br />

Personal Care<br />

Home Help<br />

Care Giver Respite Support<br />

Crisis Intervention<br />

Housing Support<br />

<strong>The</strong> Peer Program<br />

Friendly Visiting<br />

Diners <strong>Club</strong><br />

LEO Scored 98% Exemplary Standing<br />

for providing Quality Services<br />

Funded in part by the United Way of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />

and Jackpot City, Sarnia<br />

Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach • 1-800-265-0203 • www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.orgb ld l h

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