Ashburton Courier: April 21, 2022
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APRIL <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> | |Phone: 308 7664<br />
Cheersto<br />
oat milk!<br />
PAGE 4<br />
Cultural focus<br />
at A&P Show<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
Ayoung <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
entrepreneur plans to take on<br />
the dairy industry producing<br />
his own brand of chocolate<br />
flavoured oat milk.<br />
Daniel Williams, 19, has<br />
launched Vegifareanoat<br />
based chocolate drink he<br />
hopes will not only appeal to<br />
vegans but dairy drinkers will<br />
switch over to the benefits of<br />
oats.<br />
‘‘We have designed the<br />
producttomake it taste like<br />
dairy, and it does tastelike<br />
dairy, you can’t tell it’s oat<br />
milk,’’ Danielsaid.<br />
The health benefits over<br />
alternative milk options is<br />
anotherselling point.‘‘Our<br />
productislow in fat, carbs and<br />
sugar, highindietaryfibres<br />
compared to othermilk<br />
Daniel Williams with oneof the first bottlesofchocolate oatmilk off the production line.<br />
options,itisNew Zealand<br />
made with almost all natural<br />
ingredients,’’ he said.<br />
Danielcame up withthe<br />
idea for an oat basedchocolate<br />
milk whenhetrialled avegan<br />
lifestyle two yearsago.<br />
‘‘I attempted to go veganfor<br />
health and sport reasons, at<br />
the time Ihad acar grooming<br />
businesssoIwas on the road<br />
all the time, and therewas no<br />
chocolate milk alternatives to<br />
dairy milk.’’<br />
His entrepreneurial eye saw<br />
agap in the market he could<br />
fill, and after alot of research<br />
and finding shareholders to<br />
help fundthe venture, Daniel<br />
launched Vegifare.<br />
The first batchrolledoff the<br />
production line last month in<br />
Auckland.<br />
Auckland is currently the<br />
only place with a<br />
manufacturer who can both<br />
produce and bottleoat milk.<br />
Daniel’s goal is to set up a<br />
production facility in Mid<br />
Canterbury.<br />
‘‘The key is to get good<br />
traction over six monthsthen<br />
we can make our own facilities<br />
here.’’ Apartfrom<br />
manufacturing, everything<br />
else is done in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
includingstorage and label<br />
printing.<br />
The oats are from Otagobased<br />
Harraways, and Daniel<br />
attempted to develop the<br />
recipe himself.<br />
‘‘I worked on it for three<br />
months until it got to atricky<br />
part, so Iended up hiring a<br />
food scientist in Auckland.’’<br />
The milk is ultraheat<br />
treated at 142.5 degrees<br />
preserving it without adding<br />
preservatives.<br />
‘‘Almost everything is natural<br />
in it, no added oils, oils can be<br />
common in oat milk, I’m just<br />
trying to make it as healthy as<br />
possible.’’<br />
Daniel, who went to<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College, may be<br />
young but he has plenty of<br />
experience running abusiness,<br />
starting when he was 12 years<br />
old grooming cars, then he set<br />
up amotorbike shop from<br />
home, distributing motorcycles<br />
for an Australian company.<br />
He thrives on the challenge<br />
of creating asuccessful<br />
product ‘‘I'm just obsessed with<br />
it,’’ he said. The plan for his<br />
latest venture is to start selling<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
Christchurch, then to Auckland<br />
and Wellington.<br />
PAGE 6<br />
Cadet unit set<br />
for Anzac Day<br />
PAGE 8<br />
Survivor tells<br />
Wahine story<br />
•Lamb Sweetbreads<br />
•Plain or Minted<br />
Lamb Shanks<br />
•Oxtails<br />
meats<br />
Netherby Shopping Centre •Phone 308 7354<br /><br />
2467825<br />
We now supply European batteries for European cars<br />
European vehicle AutoLogic scanning tool<br />
187 Alford Forest Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong> P 307 2696<br />
NEWS<br />
2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
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2467837<br />
Group presents water plan<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil Brownhas<br />
joined mayors and chief executives<br />
representing the32 member councils<br />
of Communities 4Local Democracy<br />
He hapori mō te Manapori (C4LD) in<br />
Wellington to present politicians<br />
with aplan for three watersreform<br />
that could gainwide support.<br />
The mayors presented their<br />
10point plantothe Minister for<br />
Local Government Nanaia Mahuta<br />
and Department of Internal Affairs<br />
officials, as well asGreen Partyco<br />
Leaders MaramaDavidson and<br />
James Shaw, andGreenMPEugenie<br />
Sage.<br />
Thegroup hadalreadypresented<br />
its models to National Party and<br />
ACT.<br />
Mr Brownsaid people in the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> district had given aclear<br />
message they were notinsupport of<br />
government’s reformmodel and<br />
wanted the process stopped.<br />
“We’ve spent alot of money over<br />
the years to make sure ourthree<br />
watersinfrastructureismaintained<br />
toahighstandard.Thiscouncilhas<br />
alongheldpolicytorenew pipes<br />
and other infrastructure before<br />
theybreak, and to plan aheadfor<br />
growth.<br />
‘‘In thepast18months we’ve<br />
replaced the wastewaterpipes<br />
under the<strong>Ashburton</strong> Riverthat<br />
leadtoour treatmentfacility at<br />
NEW<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil Brown<br />
Wilkins Road, andput in newsewer<br />
lines from BridgeStreet thatwill<br />
capturethe hundreds of newhomes<br />
to bebuilt that areainthe near<br />
future.”<br />
Ongoingupgradestodrinking<br />
water,including newmembrane<br />
treatmentplants approved for<br />
Methvenand Mt Somers,and<br />
highlighted thecouncil's<br />
commitment to delivering quality<br />
services to the community.<br />
2388023<br />
<strong>21</strong>2 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 8309<br />
IDEALS ARE LIKE STARS ... by Angela Walker<br />
Ideals AreLike Stars is the remarkable true storyofYvetteWilliams,atrailblazing<br />
young athletewho defied the odds to wingold in the long jump at the Helsinki<br />
Olympics in 1952. Thefirst New Zealand woman to win an Olympic gold medal,a<br />
feat not repeatedfor fortyyears.<br />
Well-known forher rigorous training,down-to-earth natureand sense of humour,<br />
Yvettewas the epitome of the Kiwi sporting hero-humble,hardworking and<br />
dedicated -who wonthe hearts of the nation. To this day<br />
she is regarded as anationaltreasureand her storyis<br />
destined to inspiremanyyoung Kiwi athletes to followin<br />
her wake.<br />
Author Angela Walker has written aremarkably intimate<br />
narrativeaccountofthe lifeofone of our nation’s<br />
finest athletes.This is along overdue celebration of an<br />
extraordinarysporting lifeand a<br />
highly engaging chronicle of a<br />
young woman’s quest forexcellence.<br />
He saidwhile othercouncils<br />
needed assistance with three<br />
waters services, the currentmodel<br />
proposed by government was notfit<br />
forpurpose andhehoped ministers<br />
wouldlistencarefullytofeedback.<br />
“Weall want safe drinkingwater<br />
andsoweare keen to work with<br />
government on asolution that<br />
worksfor everyone. We mustkeep<br />
the twoway discussion going.”<br />
Manawatu District mayor andC4LD<br />
chair Helen Worboyssaid thatthe<br />
group is keen to workwith all parties<br />
to ensure any reforms have the broad<br />
base of support neededfor major<br />
longterm infrastructure investment.<br />
“The proposals we’ve broughttothe<br />
table enable the Government to<br />
deliver on all its aims, create<br />
opportunitiesfor strong andlasting<br />
partnerships and deliver safe,<br />
sustainable and affordable water<br />
services forall New Zealand,” she<br />
said.<br />
“They enable us build on existing<br />
partnerships and forge new<br />
relationships with Mana Whenua at a<br />
local level that consider codesign<br />
and partnership arrangements to<br />
acknowledge and enable TeTiriti<br />
based pathways at alocal and<br />
regional level.<br />
“They also provide forthe<br />
continuation of local influence and<br />
community propertyrights.’’<br />
Margaret grateful for support<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
MargaretRitchie, 85, had ascare<br />
recently when she was involved in a<br />
car accident andshe wanted to pass<br />
on her thanks to the locals who came<br />
to her assistance.<br />
In December last year Margaret<br />
was waiting at ared light on West<br />
Street when acar rear ended her.<br />
‘‘A silly old sod came rip roaring<br />
through and belted my car and Iwent<br />
flying, the whole back of thecar was<br />
pushed in.<br />
‘‘I got outofthe car andIsaid to him<br />
‘you hitmeyou silly old bugger!’ that<br />
wasn't very lady likewas it?’’ she said.<br />
After pulling over to the side of the<br />
road, thedriver and his wife swapped<br />
insurance details with Margaret,<br />
before saying they were in ahurry to<br />
get to Christchurch, leaving Margaret<br />
standing next to herdamaged car.<br />
Luckily two menand alady with<br />
her daughter came to help.<br />
‘‘The daughter got me acup of tea,<br />
which was lovely. IsaidIdon't have<br />
anychange, butshe said don't you<br />
worry.’’<br />
Apoliceman from Timaru also<br />
stopped and was curioustoknow<br />
where the people who had caused the<br />
crash hadgone.<br />
‘‘I said they hadgone to<br />
Christchurch, Iwas crying, Idon't<br />
mind admitting Iwas crying, it gave<br />
me ahell of afright,’’ Margaret said.<br />
One of the menwho helped, drove<br />
Margaret home.<br />
‘‘I just wantedtosay thank you,<br />
we’ve got tolet <strong>Ashburton</strong> know there<br />
arestill somewonderful people<br />
around,’’ Margaret said.<br />
Margaret, an ex nurse andfarmer is<br />
stillactive in the community,<br />
volunteering for the RSA, Grey Power<br />
andSenior Citizens.<br />
She hasspent months recovering<br />
from the accident, with injuries to her<br />
shoulders, hands, legs and back.<br />
‘‘ Iamrecovering but Istill can’t do<br />
my line dancing!’’ shesaid laughing.<br />
Another thing putting asmile on<br />
Margaret Ritchie<br />
her face is thereturn of her son, who<br />
lives in Australia, back home to see<br />
mum for thefirst time in seven years.<br />
NOW<br />
IN-STORE<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
3<br />
Wheels Week spectacle ready to roll<br />
Events on this year’s Wheels Week<br />
programmeare on thestarting line and<br />
ready to roll.<br />
The annual wheels spectacle runs<br />
from <strong>April</strong> 30 until May 15 and Greg<br />
Donaldson Contracting is once again the<br />
namingsponsor.<br />
The <strong>2022</strong> event is scaled back alittle bit<br />
because of covidbut will feature thrills,<br />
spills and wheelrelated action<br />
appealing to all ages.<br />
Wheels Week committee member<br />
PeterJacob saidwork on the programme<br />
of events had started in December.<br />
There had been arealchance Wheels<br />
Week might not have gone ahead<br />
because of covid, as was the case in 2020,<br />
but it had come together and there was<br />
excitement in theair with therelease of<br />
theofficial programme.<br />
Some events, like the swap meet in<br />
Tinwald and <strong>Ashburton</strong> Mountain Bike<br />
Club’s 6hour race had been cancelled a<br />
number of months ago because of covid<br />
uncertainty, he said.<br />
‘‘We are pleased with the programme<br />
we’ve be able to put together and I’m<br />
sure the events will provide aliftfor the<br />
community.’’<br />
Mr Jacob said he expected the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Plains Classic Car run tobe<br />
bigger than usual, simplybecause there<br />
had been few similar events for anumber<br />
of months.<br />
He saidsome events, like the<br />
wheelchairbasketball, which featured a<br />
travelling team of wheelchairbound<br />
Atractor pull event at Mayfield is new to this year’s Wheels Week programme.<br />
athletes from Christchurch, were<br />
dependent on how covid played out in<br />
the community.<br />
Theopening weekend will start with<br />
the roar of speedway.The <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Speedway track near theairport will<br />
host two days of racing that will include<br />
some NewZealand title races.<br />
May 1willfeature the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Plains Classic Car run, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Car<br />
Club’s motokhana and the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Motorcycle Club TT.<br />
Theworldclass <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation<br />
Museum will be open from 1pm until 4pm<br />
and again on May 8and 14 at the same<br />
times.<br />
Thesecond weekendofaction<br />
includesthe popular <strong>Ashburton</strong> Car<br />
Club’s street sprints, which start on<br />
Saturday and conclude with the top 32<br />
racing in the final on Sunday.<br />
There is amotorcycle show andshine<br />
eventonatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSAonMay 7<br />
andthe Plains Museum andhistorical<br />
complex is open thesameday, with the<br />
K88 train offeringrides.<br />
TheSusie Morrison andGrant Gordon<br />
Memorial Trial will run in the evening on<br />
May11.<br />
The final weekend of actionincludes<br />
Donn McLaren in his Mazda Escort in<br />
action at last year’s street sprints.<br />
an <strong>Ashburton</strong> Motorcycle Club ride and a<br />
family fun bike ride along theLake Hood<br />
Track sponsoredbyMcKay and<br />
Donaldson.<br />
Anew event this year is atractorpull<br />
at Mayfield Domain, which is open to old,<br />
new, big, small and modified tractors. It<br />
runs overtwo days.<br />
Otherevents include wheelchair<br />
basketball at the Oxford Street Stadium<br />
(May 14), acoffeeand classic vehicle<br />
show in theRobert Harris car park,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Family Go Kart Club event<br />
and Mid Canterbury4X4 Club event (all<br />
May 15).<br />
Thefull programme of events can be<br />
found on website<br />
andonFacebook.<br />
Museum’s hangar plans progressing nicely<br />
Conceptplans havebeen tweaked<br />
and there’s already money inthe<br />
banktosupport <strong>Ashburton</strong>Aviation<br />
Museum’s newhangar ambitions.<br />
Amuseum committee hasbeen<br />
formedtoguide and coordinate the<br />
1880m2 new hangarproject at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport.<br />
Thehangarwill houseaircraft and<br />
exhibitions,aswell as provide a<br />
functionarea, kitchen,toilets,<br />
reception and smoko room.<br />
The new addition willsit between<br />
the round hangar andasuper hangar<br />
builtand opened on the airport site<br />
in 2008.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum<br />
building committee chairman Owen<br />
Moore said the initial concept plans<br />
had been now beenrefined andafew<br />
alterations made.<br />
Thehangar was designed tobring<br />
themuseumcomplex togetherand to<br />
make it more welcoming.<br />
It was needed because thecurrent<br />
space was too tight andsomeaircraft<br />
could not be displayed in their full<br />
form.<br />
An exhibition space will enable<br />
themuseumtodisplay items<br />
currentlytucked away frompublic<br />
eyes.The displayboards can be<br />
wheeled out to enable functionsto<br />
takeplaceinthe space.<br />
“Weare keentohave more groups<br />
use thefacility formeetingsand<br />
funerals,for example, because that<br />
will enableustogeneratesome<br />
income,’’ MrMooresaid.<br />
The $1.5million project was<br />
moving forwardnicely and the focus<br />
now wasoncontinuing the<br />
fundraisingeffort.<br />
Abig fundraiser lined up wasthe<br />
Militariaand Aviation Extravaganza<br />
now scheduled to be heldover<br />
LabourWeekend (October 2223), he<br />
said.<br />
To datearound$150,000 has been<br />
raised,including$100,000 overthree<br />
years from Rogerand Isla Jones.<br />
Mr Moore said the museum wasa<br />
charityand all donations were tax<br />
deductible.<br />
Themuseum is aimingtocomplete<br />
the hangar projectby2024, which<br />
marks the museum’s 50thyear.<br />
Contact OwenMoore<br />
( to<br />
support or find outmore about the<br />
hangarproject.<br />
Owen Moore casts his eyes over the<br />
redrawn concept plans for the new<br />
hangar at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Cultural theme for show<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
• Additions and Renovations • All types of maintenance<br />
• Commercial and Farm buildings • New Housing<br />
ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />
Here’s areally funky fast moving story, action<br />
packed that will be fun forthe wholefamily.<br />
The 5Bad Guys are agreat mix. There’s the<br />
smooth talking Mr Wolf,the boss of the team,<br />
plus Mr Snake, Mr Piranha and MrShark plus<br />
a travelling tech wizard, Ms Tarantula, our<br />
favourite.<br />
Mr Wolf talkstousand says ...”we maybebad<br />
but we arereally goodatit”and they certainly<br />
are.<br />
The car chases are upthere with the best. Mr<br />
Wolf drives aspeedy blacksports car thatcan<br />
out do up to 25 police cars, helicopters and<br />
whateverelse is afterthem.<br />
At onestagewhenthe police need help, about<br />
athousand Guinea pigs turn uptojoin the<br />
chase ...weird! And there’s ameteor shaped<br />
like aheart which Istill can’t work out what it<br />
wasdoingbut it turnedupallthe time.<br />
We all gave this movie 4.5 stars!<br />
bookings ph 307 1230<br /><br />
2375510<br />
TheBad Guys<br />
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199 Burnett St<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>A&P Show will this<br />
year celebrate the diversity of those<br />
living and working in the district’s<br />
rural industry, new <strong>Ashburton</strong>A&P<br />
Association show president Victor<br />
Schikkersays.<br />
Mr Schikker hastaken overthe<br />
helm from immediatepastpresident<br />
PeterStewart, who hadthe ‘show<br />
with adifference’ last yeardue to<br />
covid restrictions.<br />
The showwentvery well with its<br />
mini events, butitdid impact on the<br />
association’sbottom line, Mr<br />
Schikkersaid.<br />
This year, all going well, the<br />
association and theshow committee<br />
will not have thesame issues of the<br />
past two yearsand areplanning on a<br />
full show on October 28 and29, with<br />
all thetrimmings.<br />
As president Mr Schikker has<br />
chosen thetheme ‘Multi Cultural<br />
Mid Canterbury’, whichisabreak<br />
from the mouldofatraditional A&P<br />
show and focuses on the people<br />
working in therural landscape.<br />
On farms around MidCanterbury<br />
there arepeoplefrom all around the<br />
world,hesaid.<br />
‘‘They arevital to the industry,<br />
farms couldn’t run withoutthem,’’ he<br />
said.<br />
Astock agent for the past 47 years,<br />
Mr Schikkerhas been privytoseeing<br />
many different cultures when out<br />
and aboutfor work.<br />
They werealsoinruralservicing<br />
Outdoor class<br />
Pupils from Hinds School recently engaged in outdoor<br />
learning as part of their Williams Pike Community<br />
Service Challenge.<br />
The challenge highlights benefits from community<br />
service and how volunteering improves ones health,<br />
wellbeing, problemsolving skills, and ability to work in<br />
ateam.<br />
The topic was healthy people and plant communities<br />
and their classroom was the Hinds Domain, alongside<br />
members of the Kanuka Mid Canterbury Regeneration<br />
Trust.<br />
They were joined by helpers David and Ruth Keeley,<br />
Barbara Taylor and Dean McConnell and given a<br />
generous donation of 30 native plants by Greenscene<br />
Propagation, of Willowby.<br />
It was the third planting at this site, which means the<br />
children are also getting to monitor the progress of their<br />
earlier endeavour, Kanuka Mid Canterbury<br />
Regeneration Trust’s Angela Cushnie said.<br />
It was another stage in the Hinds Reserve Restoration<br />
New <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Show president Victor Schikker.<br />
positions and many agriculture farm<br />
support and supply roles, including<br />
rural sales and processing.<br />
As part of theshow preparations<br />
he has been in contact withthe<br />
Hakatere Multi Cultural Council,<br />
and waskeentosee morenewcomers<br />
to the district getinvolved withthe<br />
showcommittee.<br />
Anyone interestedcan make<br />
contact through the association’s<br />
website or Facebook pages, he said.<br />
Mr Schikker himself is the son of<br />
immigrants.<br />
His parents the lateKeesand<br />
Mary, were the firstgeneration to<br />
live in New Zealand after arriving<br />
fromHolland,inthe Netherlands.<br />
They ownedasheep and beef farmat<br />
Mt Somers. The property is still in<br />
the family,although leased.<br />
Mr Schikkersenior even helped<br />
Victor, thenaged17,land his first<br />
job with the stock agency.<br />
He started working for Wrightson<br />
in theformer Bunnings building <br />
now Smith's City onWestStreet, in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>and since then has<br />
evolved throughmany company<br />
changes including the merger with<br />
Dalgety’s in 1986, and then Pyne<br />
GouldGuinness in 2006.<br />
Project.<br />
‘‘One of the things we talked about was building<br />
bridges between people and nature and what else Hinds<br />
School students can do as kaitiaki of their district. Going<br />
outdoors connects us with nature and is good for our<br />
health and wellbeing.’’<br />
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NEWS<br />
6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Show of respect for personnel<br />
MarcCalzada andBrodyn<br />
Gabitesfound friendship,<br />
unity and leadershipskills<br />
after joining the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Cadet Unit.<br />
The 17yearolds havebeen<br />
with theunitfor the pastfive<br />
years and havebothadvanced<br />
throughthe ranks to hold the<br />
title of staffsergeant. One of<br />
them will leadthe cadet unit<br />
in theAnzac Day dawn service<br />
ceremony at 6.30am.Itis<br />
consideredahugehonour.<br />
Cadets haveput in many<br />
hours trainingfor thedawn<br />
event, especiallycenotaph<br />
guard andflag guard rolesin<br />
the lead up to the day.<br />
It’s asolemn and<br />
ceremonious event where<br />
timedprecisionisimportant<br />
and trainingbecomessecond<br />
nature.<br />
Studying at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
College, Marc and Brodyn<br />
joinedthe unit as Year 9<br />
studentscoming from<br />
different placesintheir lives.<br />
Marchad relocatedwith his<br />
family to <strong>Ashburton</strong>from<br />
Aucklandand joined to meet<br />
others andexperience<br />
outdoor adventure. Brodyn<br />
sought similar adventure but<br />
alsofelt asense of duty.<br />
Now Year 13, the two look<br />
back ontheirtimewith<br />
fondnessatthe friendships<br />
they havemade, thesurvival<br />
skillstheyhavelearnedand<br />
the adventures theyhave<br />
taken part in.Ithas also been<br />
an honourtobeapart of a<br />
Marc Calzada, left, and Brodyn Gabites of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Cadet Unit.<br />
national body, which canopen<br />
careeropportunities.<br />
Theduo haveattended<br />
outdoor survivalcamps,<br />
carriedout bush craft<br />
training, visited defenceforce<br />
bases, flown on defence force<br />
aircraft including aNH90<br />
helicopter andinlatter years<br />
attended Junior NCOcourses<br />
to develop theirleadership<br />
andinterpersonalskills.<br />
They sayits beenanhonour<br />
to be apartofthe unit,<br />
especially at formal<br />
remembrance servicessuch as<br />
Anzac Day.<br />
‘‘I learnedalot aboutWorld<br />
War1(growing up),’’ Marc<br />
said.<br />
‘‘Anditreallyopened my<br />
mindtothe sacrifices that alot<br />
of peoplehad to make for us<br />
today ... the conditions and<br />
everything theyhad to go<br />
through.’’<br />
‘‘FormeAnzac Day is about<br />
the sacrifices peoplemade<br />
and how despite those<br />
conditions people canshow<br />
through their humanity and<br />
work together,’’ he said.<br />
Brodynsays, ‘‘WhenIthink<br />
about Anzac Day Ithink about<br />
the sacrifices that occurred,and<br />
how so many sacrifices (and<br />
fatalities) since then have<br />
occurredlike in Afghanistan (as<br />
peacekeepers).<br />
Personnelfromthe New<br />
Zealand Defence Force have<br />
been used around theworld to<br />
help othersbuild their<br />
countries backup, he said.<br />
He had respectfor the armed<br />
forces andtheir crisis works<br />
includinghumanitarian efforts<br />
closertohome, including the<br />
aftermathofthe Christchurch<br />
earthquakesand in Mid<br />
Canterbury to help with<br />
flooding last year.<br />
They, along with hundreds of<br />
others will be on site, to<br />
rememberonAnzac Day.<br />
‘‘We willbeshowing respect<br />
for all thosewho have come<br />
before us and all thosestill in<br />
service,’’ Marc said.<br />
The unit, which celebrates its<br />
135th anniversary this year, is<br />
planningaformal, invitationonly<br />
dinner on July 2, and open<br />
day at the base for all past,<br />
presentcadets, leaders and<br />
supporters to attend onJuly 3.<br />
It is also an opportunity for<br />
new members aged Year 9and<br />
above to visit,although a<br />
recruitment drive will begin in<br />
Term Two.<br />
The unit, officially began on<br />
March 18, 1887, with the interest<br />
of 29 boys. It grew to 56 cadets<br />
once established underthe<br />
banner of <strong>Ashburton</strong> High<br />
School Cadets, which ran<br />
alongside the existing<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Rifles and<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Guards forces.<br />
Anzac Dayremembrance<br />
ceremonies in<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
include the dawn service at<br />
6.30am and theCivicService,<br />
bothatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Cenotaph.<br />
There will be no cemetery<br />
serviceand fewer district<br />
services due tocovid.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA president<br />
Merv Brenton saidgroupsthat<br />
wouldnormally supplya<br />
wreath for the civicservice at<br />
11amare asked to deliver<br />
named wreathstothe Linton<br />
Loungeatthe RSA on Sunday,<br />
<strong>April</strong> 24 between 1pm and4pm.<br />
Thecadets will laying all<br />
wreaths. Alternatively groups<br />
can lay their own wreathsafter<br />
thecivic service is completed,<br />
he said.<br />
Groups willassemble around<br />
the cenotaph,ratherthanin<br />
paradeformation,being<br />
mindful of others, wearmasks<br />
and maintaining social<br />
distancing.<br />
There werealso going to be<br />
fewer servicesheld in the<br />
surrounding districts.<br />
TheHinds servicewill be at<br />
the community hall, held<br />
outsidefrom 10am, andthe<br />
Rakaia service at the<br />
communitycentrewhere<br />
people are to assemble from<br />
10am, service at 10.15am and a<br />
wreath layingservice will<br />
follow.<br />
An Anzac Day Servicewill<br />
also be held at the Ealing Hall,<br />
from 9.15am,followed by pot<br />
luckmorning tea.<br />
HoweverMethven, and<br />
Mayfieldand Districtshave<br />
cancelled theirservices.
03 307 9028<br />
NEWS<br />
8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Lions distributes funds<br />
More than $180,000 has been<br />
distributed by the Lion<br />
Foundation in its latest<br />
grants fundinground.<br />
Mid Canterbury Rugby<br />
Union received$80,000<br />
towards operating costs and<br />
building maintenance, the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> PerformingArts<br />
TheatreTrust $30,000for<br />
operating costs andthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Seniors Centre<br />
$12,000 for insurance and<br />
office costs.<br />
New Mid Canterbury<br />
charitable trust, Digital<br />
Waitaha, setuptosupport<br />
and helplearnersnavigate<br />
the digital world, receives<br />
$15,000, andMid Canterbury<br />
Plunket gets $34,988for<br />
operating costs and<br />
maintenance of its building<br />
on Wills Street.<br />
There is alsofunding given<br />
to <strong>Ashburton</strong> IndoorBowls<br />
Association towards aroof<br />
replacement ($7287), Rakaia<br />
Swimming Clubfor<br />
operating costs ($4135) and<br />
Allenton Rugby Football<br />
Club for akitchenupgrade<br />
($3000).<br />
Kevin Cartwright with abook aboutthe Wahine disaster.<br />
Wahine memories<br />
WHEELS WEEK <strong>2022</strong><br />
Wheels events catering forall roads of life<br />
Major sponsor<br />
An exciting line up of action for<strong>2022</strong>with old favourites and new events,<br />
including the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Speedway with several NZ titles up forgrabs,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Car Club Street Sprints,Motorcycle and vehicle Showand Shines,<br />
aFamily FunRidetoLakeHood ...and forthe first time -aTractorPull!<br /> plus facebook<br />
Check outthe <strong>2022</strong>programme on our website<br />
Facebook pages or next week’s issue of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong>.<br />
2474525<br />
<strong>April</strong> 10,1968 is adateetched on<br />
the memory of Hindsretiree<br />
Kevin Cartwright it’s the day<br />
the Wahine ferry wentdown,<br />
with him on board.<br />
Kevin wasafreshfaced<br />
<strong>21</strong>yearold travelling from<br />
Lyttelton to Wellington with two<br />
mates when the disaster<br />
happened.<br />
The trio were heading further<br />
afield to Australia for work, but<br />
the sinking of the rollon/rolloff<br />
ferryhaltedthoseplans and<br />
almost claimed their lives.<br />
The Wahine wascaught in a<br />
fiercestorm stirred by Tropical<br />
Cyclone Giselle andran<br />
agroundonBarrett Reef,later<br />
capsizing andsinking in the<br />
shallow waters at the mouth of<br />
Wellington Harbour.<br />
Of the 734 people on board, 53<br />
people died fromdrowning,<br />
exposureto theelements, or<br />
from injuries sustained in the<br />
evacuation.<br />
‘‘It was early in the morning<br />
and two big storms had merged<br />
over Wellington.<br />
‘‘I was on theEastbourne side<br />
of the boatand Ican still see<br />
thosehugewavesrisingupover<br />
it,’’ he said.<br />
Kevin said the ferry was<br />
slowly leaningover which<br />
meant the lifeboats on one side<br />
wereuseless.<br />
He and one of his mates slid<br />
downinto the water from a<br />
smoko room door andinto a<br />
rubber dingy.Others were able<br />
to scrambleupthenets of<br />
fishing boats andinto other<br />
rescue craft.<br />
‘‘It was cold andImusthave<br />
beenclose to hypothermic. I<br />
rememberIlost my shoes and<br />
hadbig ripsinmy trousers,’’ he<br />
said.<br />
Kevin lost his suitcase and all<br />
his belongings,but his wallet<br />
survivedthe ordeal.<br />
In the wallet was aferry<br />
boardingpass, amemento that<br />
he cherishes today and is a<br />
reminder of hisclose call.<br />
Threedays afterthe Wahine<br />
sinking, Kevin was grateful to be<br />
ableto celebratehis 22nd<br />
birthday.<br />
He returnedtoMid<br />
Canterbury and to concerned<br />
parents and friends.<br />
‘‘I can still picturethe whole<br />
Wahine thing in my head, as<br />
clear as day.<br />
‘‘I’ve been on boats since and<br />
in rough seas, but nothing<br />
comes close to that early<br />
morning in 1968.’’<br />
The 2010 Canterbury<br />
earthquake andaftershocks<br />
stirred up Wahine memories for<br />
Kevin and he started having<br />
nightmares.<br />
‘‘I needed sleeping tablets for<br />
awhile, but thankfully the<br />
nightmaresare gone now.’’<br />
Kevin, who is 76, drove atruck<br />
for abig chunk of his working<br />
life and was also afarm worker.<br />
While his two matesfrom the<br />
Wahine voyage arenolonger<br />
alive, Kevin reckons he’s used<br />
up all of his ninelives over the<br />
years, both before and after the<br />
Wahine incident.<br />
‘‘When Iwas kid in Hinds Ifell<br />
off atractor. I’ve been in car<br />
crashes and hadanumber of<br />
health scares, butI’mstill<br />
going.’’<br />
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Subject to availability. Notavailable in conjunctionwith anyother offer.Exclusionsapply.Limits mayapply. Personal shoppersonly,trade notsupplied. Airpointsterms, conditions,and exclusions apply. for full details.
Diamond<br />
Wedding Anniversary<br />
RobertWilliam Gooseman<br />
married Diana Slater at St<br />
Mary’s Church, Waipukurau,<br />
Central Hawkes Bay, New<br />
Zealand, on<strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>st 1962.<br />
Married 60 years on <strong>21</strong>st<br />
<strong>April</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Congratulations and best<br />
wishes from all the family.<br />
Family<br />
Notices<br />
Enquiries phone<br />
Mary,Jann<br />
or Karenon<br />
308 7664<br />
or callinto<br />
199 Burnett<br />
Street<br />
Family Notices<br />
Deaths<br />
AMYES, Zita Irene (nee<br />
Lowery), on <strong>April</strong> 11, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Passed away peacefully<br />
at Radius Hawthorne,<br />
Christchurch, in her 100th<br />
year. Dearly loved wife of<br />
the late Fred. Much loved<br />
mother and mother-in-law<br />
of Neville and Terri, Donald<br />
and Pauline, Murray, and<br />
Sandra and the late Rupert<br />
Curd. Loved Nana of all her<br />
grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.<br />
Beloved<br />
sister, sister-in-law, aunty,<br />
and cousin. Aspecialthank<br />
you tothe staff at Radius<br />
Hawthorne for their loving<br />
care ofZita. Messages to<br />
the Amyes family POBox<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A<br />
private service for Zita has<br />
been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
Acknowledgements<br />
LEATH, Bruce James:<br />
Audrey, Darryl, Jacinda,<br />
Michelle, Philip and their<br />
families would like to<br />
express their heartfelt<br />
thanks to everyone for<br />
their kindness; the lovely<br />
flowers, cards, baking,<br />
visits and messages and for<br />
their support both during<br />
Bruce’s illness and at the<br />
celebration of Bruce’s life.<br />
It is acomfort toknow that<br />
Brucewas sohighly thought<br />
of by so manypeople.<br />
Family owned,<br />
locally owned<br />
22 MooreStreet,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
0800 263 6679<br />
2468641<br />
In Memoriam<br />
COULTER, Craig:<br />
Threeyears have gone by<br />
without youbyour side.<br />
We alwaysthink of youDad,<br />
Youare missed everyday.<br />
We love you with all our<br />
heart and wish you were<br />
still herewithus.<br />
Love youforever<br />
Lucy and Holly<br />
COULTER, Craig:<br />
In loving memory ofadear<br />
husband and wonderful<br />
Dad.<br />
Theyearspass by,memories<br />
stay.<br />
Loved and remembered<br />
everyday.<br />
With love from your Family<br />
Memorial Service<br />
Please join us fora<br />
Memorial to celebrate<br />
Jim (Frederick James) Small.<br />
Friday29<strong>April</strong><br />
from 11am-2pm<br />
Celtic RugbyClubrooms,<br />
46 Keenan’s Road,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
All welcome<br />
Family<br />
Notices<br />
Birth, engagement,<br />
anniversary, death,<br />
acknowledgement,<br />
and in memoriam<br />
notices will be<br />
charged $18 fora<br />
maximum of 35<br />
words, thereafteron<br />
aper-line basis of<br />
$2.50 for5words.<br />
Deadline forthese<br />
notices 4pm Tuesday<br />
prior to Thursday<br />
publication date.<br />
NEWS<br />
10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Hospital visit update<br />
An adult visitorand achild over the age of<br />
12can nowvisit apatient in care at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Hospital.<br />
It follows as the Canterbury District<br />
Health Boardhas updated its visitor policy<br />
following changes to the orange traffic light<br />
setting.<br />
Visitors are also welcomed back for<br />
residents in care at TuarangiHome, with<br />
covidscreening checks in place.<br />
Canterbury DHB Emergency Coordination<br />
Centre incident controller<br />
Tracey Maiseysaid the updates applied to<br />
visitor policy across all facilities to be<br />
consistentwith the recent change to the<br />
Orange traffic lightsetting.<br />
It recognised Canterbury has passed the<br />
peak of this Omicron outbreak, she said.<br />
The changes mean one adult visitor may<br />
be accompaniedbynomore than one child<br />
over the age of 12 per patient in the hospital<br />
at anygiventime, except for ‘exceptions’.<br />
Nochildren under 12 and those 12 and<br />
over must be accompanied by an adult and<br />
wear amedical mask<br />
Visitors or support people shouldnot<br />
visit our facilitiesifthey are unwell.<br />
Surgical/medical masks mustbeworn at<br />
all Canterbury DHB sites, unless eatingor<br />
drinking or medically exempt, and will be<br />
provided if people don’thave them.<br />
Hand sanitiser stationsare visible and<br />
must be used.<br />
Visitors are no longer requiredtoscanor<br />
sign in, but can if they want. Visitor passes<br />
are no longer needed,nor is proofofyour<br />
Covid19vaccinationstatus (it was never<br />
required).<br />
‘‘For areas wherepatients are<br />
particularly vulnerable, you may be asked<br />
to take asupervised RAT that shows a<br />
negative result before you may visit,’’she<br />
said.<br />
‘‘By adhering to these conditions, you<br />
help keep our patients, staff, other visitors<br />
and yourself safe. We thankyou in advance<br />
for your patienceand understanding as our<br />
staff work hard to protect and care for some<br />
of the mostvulnerable in our community.’’<br />
At Canterbury DHBoperated aged<br />
residential care facilities such as Tuarangi<br />
Home, in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, one visitorper patient<br />
at atime –except where achild over 12 is<br />
being accompanied by an adult.<br />
‘‘All visitors will be screened for Covid19<br />
symptoms and must wear amedicalmask.’’<br />
At <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital all usual<br />
entrances are now open.<br />
One visitor per patient at atime –except<br />
where achild over 12 is being accompanied<br />
by an adult. Children mustbeaged 12 and<br />
over and mustwear amedical mask.<br />
Visitorpassesare no longer requiredat<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital visiting hours are<br />
11am –2pm, and 4pm –8pm daily.<br />
Easter egg hunt fun<br />
Sixty people enjoyed the<br />
sunshine and activities on<br />
offer at the Easter Egg Hunt<br />
at Violinos last week.<br />
The highlight for the kids<br />
was the Easter Egg hunt, the<br />
musical seesaw and the<br />
percussion jam session,<br />
while adults enjoyed ashort<br />
concert, ashared afternoon<br />
tea in the sunshine and a<br />
tour of the fascinating<br />
Collector's Gallery. People<br />
of all ages tried their hand at<br />
outdoor games, had fun<br />
making music and took up<br />
the challenge of completing<br />
aquiz. Organisers, Mid<br />
Canterbury Timebank and<br />
Mid Canterbury Newcomers<br />
Network, were happy to see<br />
so many families having fun<br />
and people connecting with<br />
others and enjoying the<br />
special place.<br />
Complete<br />
Local Care<br />
Since 1982
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 11<br />
<strong>21</strong> <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Message From ThePrincipal<br />
Easter and StudentHolidayBreak<br />
As you read this, Easter has come and gone and,<br />
hopefully, we have all enjoyed some settled<br />
weather. Iam no meteorologist, but I’m always<br />
struck by the contrast between thesettled weather<br />
in autumn compared with the unpredictable<br />
offeringsinspring.<br />
The arrival of the holidays provides a welcome<br />
break and Iwouldlike to thank all ourstaff fortheir<br />
mahi last term,asnearly all have had to pick up extraduties to coverfor a<br />
colleague with COVIDorundertaking home isolation.<br />
This has applied to our cleaning staff, our office staff, our Learning<br />
SupportAssistants and ourteachers;manyofwhom have hadtopickup<br />
someone else’s duties to keep AshColl functioning.<br />
The old saying of ‘we couldn’t have managed without you’ certainly<br />
applies here.<br />
Acknowledging OurStudents<br />
In termsofacknowledgements, Iwould also like to thank our students as<br />
acollective, particularly around their willingness to wear masks. At the<br />
start of this red setting there was going to be the challenge around the<br />
wearing of masks which, let’s faceit, none of us enjoy.<br />
However, our students,asacollective,havetakenonthe notion that they<br />
are protecting themselves, their friends and their whānau by wearing<br />
their masksinside.Mythanksgotothem forbeing very responsible.<br />
It is worth noting that, in-spite of reasonably widespread COVID within<br />
our region, only 30%ofour studentshaveactuallytested as positive.<br />
Term Two<br />
We areall hopeful that we can begin next term in an OrangeLightsetting<br />
and without anyneed to roster homeyear levels.<br />
Thelatterwill allowustoprovide normal face-to-faceteaching forall year<br />
levels,althoughwewill still need onlinelearning available forthose who<br />
needtocatchuporfor those isolatingathome.<br />
An 0range Light setting will allow ustorun many school events such as<br />
interviews, school productions, assemblies, House Sports and also our<br />
school sports exchanges. Many ofthese events are the highlights of a<br />
school week andtheyhavebeen badly missed.<br />
The major restriction for schools in Orange, isthe requirement towear<br />
masks whilst on school transport. However, such decisions are ofcourse<br />
made at anational level.<br />
AdvicefromNZQAreNCEA Credits <strong>2022</strong><br />
NZQA has announced that, at this stage, there will be no Learning<br />
Recognition Credits, orcompensatory mechanisms for COVID-related<br />
disruption.<br />
In advising this,NZQAhas said that while Term One has been disrupted,<br />
they believe there issufficient time in the year to manage the effects<br />
within the parameters of NCEA’s structures.They are continuing to work<br />
with the sector’speak bodies to test this.<br />
In the eventthatmitigation measures arerequired laterinthe year,NZQA<br />
and the Ministrywill provide advicetothe Minister.<br />
WinterSportsSeason<br />
When we return on02May we also see the start ofour winter sports<br />
season. As many of youare aware, sportcan have amajor positiveimpact<br />
on thelives of many of our youngpeople<br />
We are very blessed at<strong>Ashburton</strong> College tohave ahuge range of<br />
sporting codes onoffer, and atall levels. Iam going toattempt toget<br />
to watchall our winterteams at leastonceduringthe season, which is a<br />
significantchallengefor this ‘armchair athlete’.<br />
My thanks go to the hugenumber of parents,caregiversand community<br />
members who will support our teams over the coming months.<br />
Again -‘we couldn’t manage without you!’<br />
Ross Preece, Principal •Tumuaki<br />
Information<br />
OutwardBound NewZealand –<br />
Funded Courses Available ForStudents<br />
With aPhysical Disability<br />
Outward Bound New Zealand isanot-for-profit<br />
organisation offering personal development<br />
courses in the outdoors for New Zealanders,<br />
young and old.<br />
Their courses arerun from their schoolinAnakiwa in<br />
the Marlborough Sounds.<br />
OutwardBound saytheyare excited to offer twonew<br />
fully-funded courses foryouthwith aphysical disability.<br />
TheOutward Bound NZ Youth Activate Course<br />
is scheduledfor 10-17May <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
If youare interested, go online and<br />
check whetherspaces arestill available or not.<br />
The second course is laterinthe year -<br />
The fully funded Leaps & Bounds Activate 8-day course is for<br />
physically disabled youth (13 to 16yrs) and their parentorcaregiver.<br />
Thenextcourse date is 10-17 October<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Find more information about Leaps &Bounds Activate here (put these<br />
wordsintoyour browser).<br />
Information<br />
Please notethe following variations to three forthcoming school days,<br />
in Term Two.<br />
In the eventofany COVID-impactedchanges to anydates,<br />
these will be advised as soon as possible,ifrequired.<br />
College ClosedThursday 12 May<br />
forthe purpose of an<br />
ACCORD Teacher Only Day<br />
Please notethatthe College will also be closed fornormal instruction<br />
on this day, in order to undertakeanACCORD Teacher Only Day.<br />
These Teacher Only Days were allocatedinthe Accord<br />
between the MinistryofEducation, NZEI Te RiuRoa,<br />
and PPTATeWehengarua, and arebeing held throughout<br />
New Zealand on set days forregions.<br />
The days areset aside to supportthe implementation of<br />
changes to NCEA, and wider strengthening of curriculum,<br />
progress and achievementpractice.<br />
We do ask thatyou makealternativearrangements foryour<br />
sons/daughters on this day, and thank youfor your support.<br />
Parent/Student/SubjectTeacher Interviews<br />
and Early Closures<br />
Thursday19May and Tuesday24May<br />
2:30pm–8:00pm, Hotel<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Theinterviews arefor all year levels.<br />
ForYear 9students, interviews arewith subjectteachers only,<br />
(not option teachers).<br />
Thelength of eachinterview is fiveminutes.<br />
It is expected that students attend with their parents/caregivers,<br />
in order to be part of the three-way conversation.<br />
Bookings forInterviews will go liveonTuesday03May<br />
and will be abletobe booked through:<br /><br />
Your SchoolPointlogin is thesameasyour Kamar login.<br />
If youdonot have an onlinefacility,<br />
youwill be able to book by contacting the<br />
CollegeOfficeon3084193, Ext0.<br />
Further information will be advisedtofamilies.<br />
School Early Closure-Both Days,from1:20pm<br />
PleaseNote: schoolearly closurefor all students,<br />
at 1:20pm,onboth of these twodays.<br />
Theclosures areBoardofTrustees approved.<br />
Consultation Process–NCEALevel 1<br />
As has been advised previously, <strong>Ashburton</strong> College isundertaking<br />
acomprehensive consultation processtoconsiderifour Collegewill<br />
retain NCEA Level1asthe primarydriver forour Year 11 students.<br />
This is adiscussion which istaking place in secondaryschools<br />
and theircommunities aroundNew Zealand.<br />
Consultation is with our staff,current and former students,<br />
parents/caregivers and employers.<br />
As part of this process we will host severalhui, as follows:<br />
At College (specific meetingvenue to be advised):<br />
•Tuesday31May<br />
7:00pm<br />
•Thursday 02 June<br />
10:00am<br />
•Thursday 02 June<br />
2:30pm<br />
•Saturday11June<br />
2:30pm<br />
Hakatere Marae<br />
•Thursday 02 June<br />
7:00pm<br />
We inviteand strongly encourage youtoattend one of these hui<br />
to gain informationand provide feedback to us at College.<br />
It is anticipatedthe hui willbeforapproximately onehour.<br />
Forthcoming Events<br />
Please note: dates are as at the time of publishing. Alterations, due to<br />
COVID Omicron level restrictions will be advised torelevant groups as<br />
soonasdetailsare known.<br />
<strong>April</strong><br />
25 ANZACDay<br />
26-28 Hockey Boys’1st XI pre-season tournament,<br />
Trust Aoraki Hockey Turf,Timaru<br />
02 May StartofTerm 2<br />
May<br />
05-06 Year 10 Outdoor Education Hike 2, Peel Forest<br />
06 South Island and New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Gymnastics<br />
Tumbling,QEII, Christchurch<br />
07-08 Gymnastics Trampoline and Double Mini Trampoline, Olympia<br />
Gymnastics Sports Club,Wigram, Christchurch<br />
11 CanterburySecondary Schools’Road Race,Christchurch<br />
12 ACCORD Teacher Only Day<br />
13 MidCanterburySports Awards<br />
Events<br />
Year 13 Agricultural ScienceField Trip –<br />
‘Wai Water?’<br />
Currently in class, Year 13Agricultural Science students have been<br />
working towards an Achievement Standard, being to carry out an<br />
investigation into an aspect ofaNew Zealand primary product or its<br />
production.<br />
TheTopic This Year Is‘WaiWater?’<br />
More specifically this has meant the study of the effect ofmilk production<br />
managementpractices on water qualityand biodiversityinthe Hinds River<br />
Catchment.<br />
Teacher Abbey Bruce said that, as part ofthis, the class spent one day, on<br />
Monday 04<strong>April</strong>, collectingwatersamplestolookatNitratelevels,Phosphate<br />
levels, water clarity, conductivity, sedimentation and invertebrate samples<br />
from various locationsalong the HindsRiver.<br />
(Pictured below, left to right):<br />
Anna Gray evaluating samples.<br />
Millar Newlands, Devon Flannery and<br />
(Pictured above,leftto<br />
right): Debbie Eddington<br />
(ECAN), Charles Savage<br />
(obscured),<br />
Emma Graham and<br />
Ashleigh Blakemore<br />
collecting samples.<br />
(Pictured left, front, leftand<br />
right): XavierDaltonand<br />
Debbie Eddington(ECAN)<br />
evaluating waterclarityin<br />
the Hinds River.<br />
Along the way the group also had alook at the Hekeao/Hinds Managed<br />
Aquifer Recharge Project (MAR), and had afarm visit at Align Clareview<br />
to discuss various management practices they are using to mitigate their<br />
effects on waterquality.<br />
The focus ateach of the six Align Farms, is the social, environmental and<br />
commercial responsibilities of farming. Their approach is to advance<br />
human health by producing high-quality, nutrient-rich food and aligning<br />
farming with nature. AlignFarms believeit’spossibletominimise farming’s<br />
environmental impact, whilemaximising profitability, and theyare learning<br />
everything they can about regenerative farming, tohelp develop amore<br />
sustainable approach.<br />
Following the day‘inthe field’the class -onThursday 07 <strong>April</strong>-had apanel<br />
of guest speakerscome in and discuss the results.<br />
(Pictured above): Students in the Auditorium meeting with the panel of<br />
guest speakers.<br />
Many thanks are given tothis panel of Debbie Eddington, Kim Dynes and<br />
Maria Captein from Environment Canterbury (ECAN); Peter Lowe from the<br />
Hekeao/Hinds WaterEnhancementTrust,and AlignClareview.<br />
Term Dates<strong>2022</strong> –<br />
Term Two Monday02May - Friday08July<br />
Term Three Monday25July - Friday30September<br />
Term Four Monday17October - Year level final dates tobeadvised,<br />
but final days forYears 13, 11 and 12 likely to be in the week<br />
beginning 31 October;while Year 9and 10 students’final dayis<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 11<br />
<strong>21</strong> <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Congratulations<br />
Hanmer Springs Pre-season Combined<br />
Schools’Boys’ 1st XV Tournament<br />
Manager Dale Thomas said this tournament was played atthe Amuri<br />
Rugby Grounds in Hanmer Springs, on Saturday 09<strong>April</strong>, innearperfectrugbyconditions.<br />
Alongside MidCanterburyCombined,the otherthreeteams contesting<br />
this tournament were Waimea Combined, Selwyn Combined and<br />
Roncalli Combined. The teams are all Crusaders’ Region Miles Toyota 1st<br />
XV teams.<br />
Mid CanterburyTeam Members for this fixture were: Colt Hill (Captain),<br />
Reuben Brown (both Mount Hutt College); <strong>Ashburton</strong> College players:<br />
Byron Breen, Devon Flannery, Ricky Fuluasou, Eddie Galbraith, Izayih<br />
Harris, Fletcher Hobbs, Oliver Hobbs, Paulo Kamoe, Iraia Langi, Fononga<br />
Lisala, Sonny McMillan, Jack Middleton, Ivana Milo, Millar Newlands,<br />
Stephen Palavi, Nuku Penisoni, HenryThomas,Talatau Touli, David Tugaga,<br />
Logan Williams.<br />
Coach of the team is Geoff Chapman.<br />
The Mid Canterbury Combined team iscomprised of players from both<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>and MountHutt Colleges.<br />
Results<br />
Game 1-Win:<br />
This wasagainstSelwyn Combined,reaping a 19-7win to MidCanterbury<br />
Combined.<br />
Tries were scored by: Fonoga Lisala (2) and Ivana Milo; with two<br />
conversions made by SonnyMcMillan.<br />
MVP(Most ValuablePlayer) DevonFlannerycontrolled anddirectedthe<br />
gameskilfully from 1st five.<br />
Game 2-Win:<br />
This was against Roncalli Combined and also resulted in awin to Mid<br />
CanterburyCombined 10-5. This wasatough, closegame, with atry-saving<br />
tackle by Soni Ahotaeiloa being the major difference between the two<br />
teams.<br />
Tries were scoredby: FonogaLisala and Oliver Hobbs.<br />
MVP (Most ValuablePlayer) HenryThomas wasexcellentinthe lineout<br />
andmade several runs off theback of thescrum.<br />
Game 3-Draw:<br />
Against Waimea Combined, this was aback-to-back game after playing<br />
Roncalli Combined,whichtested the teams and fitness.<br />
MidCanterburyCombined drew 12-all in atightly foughtgame.<br />
Trieswere scoredby: FonongaLisala andIvana Milo,and a conversion<br />
made by JackMiddleton.<br />
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Fononga Lisala had another solid game<br />
andwas strong in the tackle,and mobilearoundthe paddock.<br />
(Pictured above): Mid Canterbury Combined hard onattack against Selwyn<br />
Combined.<br />
Track CyclingNationals Silver Medal<br />
Successes forMaddi Lowry<br />
Held in Cambridge at the Grass-Roots Trust Velodrome from 15-19<br />
March, Year 13 student Maddi Lowry described this as a‘really good<br />
week’s racing’ which is amodest descriptor for aweek inwhich she<br />
gainedtwo Silver Medals.<br />
Maddialso describedthe Nationals as providing‘lots of learning’.<br />
Representing Canterbury and<br />
riding in the Under 19 Women’s<br />
team, Maddi said there were<br />
approximately sixteen to twenty<br />
riders in each race, representing<br />
Canterbury, Southland, Auckland,<br />
Tasman, West Coast North Island<br />
(one rider) and Waikato. Missing<br />
from the event were riders from<br />
Otago, Wellington, East Coast<br />
North Islandand Northland.<br />
(Pictured right): Maddi with her two<br />
silver medals.<br />
The Medals were gainedin:<br />
TheTeam Sprint–teamsofthree riders contest this event, starting as ateam<br />
of three but with one rider pulling off at theend of 250 metres,followedby<br />
the second rider at 500 metres, while the third rider bringsthe team home<br />
at 750 metres. The team is timed from start tofinish and, inwinning the<br />
Silver Medal,the team finished in 54.739secondswithanaverage speed of<br />
49.324 km/h.<br />
The Team Pursuit – this is a4km event, with afour-member team which<br />
fans out at the endofthe race and normallythree cross the line at the same<br />
time, with the time taken off the third rider. The time for this event was<br />
4:43.712withanaveragespeedof50.755 km/h.<br />
(Pictured above): Maddi, with her Canterbury team mates, in the starting<br />
gatesatthe startofthe Team Pursuit.<br />
Top5Finishesfor Maddi<br />
Good results were also apart ofMaddi’s week with top 5finishes. Three<br />
were in ‘bunch’riding being the Scratch Race of7.5km; the Points Race of<br />
15km, being 60 laps of the track, with four laps equalling akilometre; and<br />
the Elimination Race where the last rider is eliminated atthe end of each<br />
lap and the race continues until there are two riders remaining.These two<br />
fightitout for1st and 2nd placings,while the last rider eliminatedgains the<br />
BronzeMedal.<br />
Maddi also gained atop 5finish in the 500m Time Trial. All in all,this could<br />
be described as aqualityweek’s racing.<br />
College 1st XI Boys’HockeyPrepare<br />
forthe Season<br />
TheCollege 1st XI Boys’HockeyteamplayedTimaru Boys’ High School<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong> on Wednesday 06 <strong>April</strong>.<br />
Manager Jason Vannini said the team has been promoted tothe top<br />
division in Christchurch and had asolid warm-up to this game with six<br />
practices alreadybehindthem.<br />
Timaru Boys’ isavery good team and started the game off swiftly to be<br />
3-0 up after the first quarter. However, in the second quarter AshColl<br />
only conceded one goal with improved defence by Sam Orr and<br />
Lachie Jemmett.<br />
At half-time, Centre Back HenryWallis arrivedfromanother commitment<br />
and the team wasable to pushfurther up the field.Agoodrun forwardfrom<br />
Hamish O’Reilly, all the way into the circle, saw him score offabackhand<br />
shot to make it 4-1atthe endofthe thirdquarter.<br />
In the fourth quarter, College had apenalty corner but could not convert,<br />
and Timaru scored onemoregoal forafinal score-line of 5-1.<br />
College CoachRyanHampton was,however,pleasedwith the second half<br />
(1-1), oncethe boys got usedtothe paceofthe game.<br />
The next competition for the team is four games atthe Timaru Boys’ High<br />
School-hosted ‘Anzac Tournament’ in the second week of the school<br />
holidays,and we look forwardtoreporting on thatevent earlyTermTwo.<br />
The Eighteen-Member Squad/Team is –Joshua Cannan, Harrison Doak,<br />
Jack Ellis, Archie Glanville, Riley Harris, Lachie Jemmett, Nick Kershaw,<br />
Braden Luxton, Hamish O’Reilly, Sam Orr, Will Rollinson, Tom Rosevear,<br />
Nicholas Stringer,Henry Thomas, HenryWallis.<br />
Not available to play inthis fixture were Zane Cameron, Devon Flannery<br />
(injured) and Toby Grant.<br />
Successes forAnna McFall at the Canterbury<br />
Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships<br />
The <strong>2022</strong> Canterbury Championships were held on Saturday and<br />
Sunday9-10 <strong>April</strong>,hostedbythe Olympia Gymnastic Sports Clubatthe<br />
Lincoln EventsCentre.<br />
Incorporatedinthe competition were the SecondarySchool Championships.<br />
Competitors compete once ineach of their disciplines, but their score<br />
counts towards both competitions.<br />
This was aTier 1event sanctioned by School Sport Canterbury, and also a<br />
Gymnastics New Zealand-endorsed event.<br />
Tier 1isaNew Zealand SecondarySchools’Gymnastic Championship Event<br />
wherecompetitivegymnastics pathwayathletes compete forNew Zealand<br />
Secondary Schools’ Championships alongside selected Gymnastics NZ<br />
Endorsed Qualifying events.<br />
Anna McFall is an Under 15, Year 10 student, competing at Level7thisyear,<br />
which is the highest Junior level (Levels 5, 6and 7are Junior levels). Coach/<br />
Manager with Anna is Ashleigh Pont, of Olympia Gymnastics Christchurch,<br />
whereAnna trains nine hours per week at the Hornbyvenue.<br />
Secondary School Results –3rd Placed Overall<br />
Anna’s results were very good,asshown below:<br />
1st placed Rope<br />
3rd placed Ball<br />
3rd placed Clubs<br />
Canterbury Championships Results –6th Placed Overall<br />
Fromafield of tenLevel 7competitors,Anna’s Individual Placings were:<br />
4th placed Rope<br />
6th placed Ball<br />
6th placed Clubs<br />
(Pictured above): Anna competing in the Rhythmic Gymnastics Rope Event.<br />
(Pictured above): SonnyMcMillanlining up to kick asuccessful conversion.<br />
Caps to Colt Hill and Millar Newlands<br />
Team Captain Colt Hill and loose forward Millar Newlands both<br />
achieved their Caps, having both achieved playing twelve games for the<br />
MidCanterburyCombined 1st XV. Achieving acap is alwaysamilestone for<br />
College players.<br />
<strong>2022</strong> Change to Season<br />
The Mid Canterbury Combined team has, this year due to numbers,<br />
withdrawn from the Miles Toyota Competition, but will still play inpreseason<br />
fixtures,and school exchanges wherethereisanopposition team.<br />
During the season, members will playUnder 16 and Under 18 club rugby.<br />
(Pictured above): Maddiatthe frontofthe bunch in the Points Race.<br />
Next Event<br />
Coming up from 22-24 <strong>April</strong>, Maddi is competing in the Road Nationals, in<br />
Hokitika, and will be the only Collegerider at thatevent. Maddisaid she is<br />
attendingthis eventdue to it being closetohome.<br />
(Pictured right): Anna in the<br />
CollegeClubs section of the<br />
competition.<br />
Next Event –New ZealandSecondary Schools’Championships<br />
The next event for Anna is the New Zealand Secondary Schools’<br />
Championships being held in Auckland over 28-29 May, for which<br />
Anna has been nominated byher club, Olympia. As with the Canterbury<br />
Championships, the Secondary Schools’ competition runs alongside the<br />
Margaret Woolf Rhythmic competition, with competitors’scores counting<br />
towards both competitions.
NEWS<br />
14 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Satisfaction from<br />
helping families<br />
Somepeople, likeHeather van<br />
derKley, have volunteering in<br />
their DNA.She isthis month’s<br />
Volunteering Mid&South<br />
Canterbury and the Hotel<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteer of the<br />
Month.<br />
Heather has been<br />
volunteeringwithSharing<br />
Everyday Experiences and<br />
DrawingonSkills(SEEDS) for<br />
four years now.<br />
She gotinvolvedafter seeing<br />
an advertisement callingfor<br />
morevolunteers.<br />
SEEDSmatches trained<br />
volunteers with families who<br />
have preschoolers and are<br />
currentlylookingfor more<br />
volunteers.<br />
Heather is assigned afamily<br />
bythe coordinator of SEEDS<br />
and shemeets withthefamily.<br />
Her role is to findout what<br />
issues thefamily wants help<br />
with.<br />
Listening is abuild part of<br />
buildingatrustingrelationship<br />
which is so vital to the role.<br />
Heather could be helping<br />
parentswith budgeting skills,<br />
organisingchildren’s meals,<br />
developingsleeppatternsfor<br />
thechildren ormany other<br />
parenting issues.<br />
Familiesdon’t always have<br />
close extended family to help<br />
and support or families can be<br />
estranged and Heather provides<br />
parenting advice basedonher<br />
personal knowledge and<br />
experienceasamum.<br />
Thesupport sheoffers<br />
generallyisfor aroundtwo<br />
months butthatcan be<br />
extended.<br />
Over her timevolunteering<br />
she has worked with ten<br />
families to help them grow in<br />
their confidence.<br />
Heather has had agreat<br />
successrate with herfamilies<br />
and helping them find theirown<br />
solutions.<br />
She freely offers her advice<br />
and wisdom and it over to the<br />
families if they take it.She loves<br />
it when theycomeback to her<br />
and saytheyhave tried<br />
something she suggested, and it<br />
worked.<br />
She quickly buildsarapport<br />
withafamily andfeels really<br />
privileged they trust her, as a<br />
stranger, to come into their<br />
Heather van der Kley<br />
home andguide them. They<br />
move frombeing strangers to<br />
Heather beingpart of their<br />
family at this part oftheir<br />
journey.<br />
Heather feels an immense<br />
satisfaction from volunteering<br />
and it’s not her onlyrole.She,<br />
andhusbandWalter, have<br />
fostered many children, helped<br />
with Meals on Wheels andare<br />
actively involvedinRotary.<br />
Volunteeringiscertainly in<br />
theirDNA with bothsetsoftheir<br />
parentshavingbeenvolunteers<br />
which laid strong foundation for<br />
them.<br />
Afoundationwhich has been<br />
passed on to Heather and<br />
Walter’stwo daughtersalso<br />
involved with Rotary; oneisthe<br />
current president of Rotary<br />
Club at Rolleston.<br />
For Heather, volunteering<br />
with SEEDS is about sharing<br />
her ownparentingexperience<br />
andbecause she has been<br />
through the joys, challenges,<br />
high and lows of parenting she<br />
canshare howshe managed<br />
parentingwithother parents.<br />
Ifyou are aNot forProfit<br />
organisation and have a<br />
volunteer/s who you would like to<br />
nominate for the<br />
Volunteering Mid &South<br />
Canterbury/ Te Rōpū Tūao ite<br />
waengaoWaitaha andthe Hotel<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteer of the<br />
Month<br /><br />
Lake Clearwater in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes district.<br />
Public focus for lakes<br />
Key themes emergingfrom public feedback<br />
on the future of the lakes Camp and<br />
Clearwater include requests for more public<br />
rubbish and toilet facilities, restrictions on<br />
future development and adesire to retain a<br />
natural, pristine environment.<br />
Bachowners and the widercommunity<br />
were askedwhat they valued about the area<br />
and their aspirations for the future of the area<br />
during consultation in February and March.<br />
Morethan 150 peopleoffered feedback.<br />
Nearlyall submitters wanted <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Counciltowork collaborativelywith<br />
landowners and otherstakeholderssuch as<br />
DOC and Environment Canterbury (ECan) on<br />
ashared vision for the area.<br />
Anumberofsubmitters spoke to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District councillors at hearingheld last week.<br />
Adair Bruorton said she had beencoming to<br />
the Lake Clearwater/Camp area for the last 60<br />
years and three generations of her family<br />
loved the area.<br />
She valued the naturallandscape and the<br />
fact the settlement retained the original<br />
character of it's basic bachcommunity.<br />
Volunteers spent hours looking after the<br />
public space and playground areas,she said.<br />
‘‘It has acommunity feel and kidscan run<br />
around, explore and play safelyand learn<br />
about the high country land and<br />
environment.’’<br />
Mrs Bruorton said the area’spopularity had<br />
increased and meant more people and traffic,<br />
more rubbish, more damagetotracks, and<br />
increased freedom camping numbers.<br />
She was sad by the deterioration of water<br />
qualityinthe lakes and supported council’s<br />
actionstodecommission long drops at all<br />
baches.<br />
‘‘A thrivingLake Clearwaterand Lake<br />
Camp means we all look after what's there.<br />
We don't let it grow any further as it won't be<br />
sustainable, and we continue to ensure that<br />
it's awonderful, safe area that can be enjoyed<br />
by many.’’<br />
Hutholder Ben Tothilltold councillorshe<br />
and his wife valued the simplicity of the<br />
village, its scale, its uniqueness, its character,<br />
and the fact it hadn’t been commercialised.<br />
It was vitally important thatthe risk and<br />
challenges of the environmentwere carefully<br />
considered, planned and managed, including<br />
the substantial fire risk.<br />
Also of importance was to ensurehuman<br />
interaction at the lakes carried on without<br />
making an adverse impact on the<br />
environment.<br />
Mr Tothill also suggested engaging closely<br />
with the local farmertoshare scientific study<br />
in ordertowork to resolve the issues of water<br />
quality in LakeClearwater.<br />
Keith Gunnfrom Save the Rivers Mid<br />
Canterbury said the 20<strong>21</strong> ban on Lake<br />
Clearwater activities after the discovery of<br />
toxic algae served as amajor wake up call.<br />
It was short sighted to limit aplan to just the<br />
two lakes because hut holders and the public<br />
visited other <strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes and all of the<br />
lakes impacted on the values of the area.<br />
His group wantedarecognised group to coordinate<br />
and take responsibility for the<br />
implementationofaplantothe restoration of<br />
water qualityinthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> lakes, he said.<br />
There was concern different interest<br />
groups, like council, DOCand ECan,<br />
appearedtohave theirown patches.<br />
He said the main contributing factor to the<br />
decline in water quality was aresult of<br />
nutrient runoff from agricultural land.<br />
The Lake Clearwater village started out in<br />
the 1920s as afew baches for fishermenand<br />
picnickers.<br />
There are now 180 dwellings, as well as a<br />
camping ground and public toilets.<br />
Council will draft adevelopment plan then<br />
consult with key stakeholdersbefore<br />
adoption later this year.
Strowan Fields -Titles Due Mid <strong>2022</strong>!<br />
BED 2<br />
3.8x3.0<br />
GARAGE<br />
6.0x6.0<br />
BED 1<br />
3.5x3.8<br />
.<br />
BED 3<br />
3.0x3.3<br />
LIVING<br />
4.8x4.4<br />
DINING<br />
3.8x3.9<br />
FAMILY<br />
3.8x3.9<br />
MS5<br />
Price: $715,000<br />
186m 2<br />
3bdrm<br />
LIVING<br />
3.6x4.1<br />
DINING<br />
3.6x4.1<br />
BED 1<br />
3.8x3.5<br />
GARAGE<br />
6.0x6.0<br />
BED 3<br />
3.2x3.4<br />
BED 2<br />
3.0x2.8<br />
MS8<br />
Price: $655,000<br />
151m 2<br />
5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website<br />
Thursday,<strong>21</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | ISSUE 75<br />
Pothole eliminatorbusy on Forks Road<br />
Fine weather on Tuesday provided<br />
the perfect opportunity for Mayor<br />
Neil Brown and Councillor Stuart<br />
Wilsontosee the pothole eliminator<br />
at work on Forks Road.<br />
Council added $300,000 to this year’s<br />
roadingrepairprogrammetohaveanextra<br />
stabilising machinework inthedistrict.Itis<br />
focused on potholes.<br />
The stabiliser mills the top layer of the<br />
road; cement is added andthen theroad<br />
compactedready forchipseal.<br />
Mayor Brown said while the process<br />
looked simple, it relied onexperienced<br />
crews testing the road base, milling it<br />
to the right height and then adding the<br />
required volume of cement.<br />
“The extra $300,000 is being used to<br />
stabilise around 8000 square metres of<br />
road in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District. Repairing<br />
it now, beforewinter,will stop these roads<br />
further deteriorating and lengthen their<br />
life.”<br />
Council is planning tospend around $18<br />
million on its roads in the next financial<br />
year and is looking for community<br />
approval inits Annual Plan, out now for<br />
consultation.<br />
The $18m covers road maintenance,<br />
renewals,stabilisationsandrepairs,aswell<br />
as reseals of somefootpaths and roads.<br />
Mayor Brownsaid Council plannedtouse<br />
$1.7mfromaforestryreserve fund to help<br />
payfor the work.<br />
“Our Annual Plan asks residents what<br />
JohnFalloon,Councillor<br />
The importanceofreserves<br />
As part of the Annual Plan<br />
process, Council is currently<br />
consulting with thecommunity<br />
as to whether or not$1.7million<br />
shouldbetaken from the forestry<br />
reserve and used forrepairing the<br />
district'sroads.<br />
Reservesform an important part of any<br />
balance sheet,for Councils, businesses,<br />
or anyorganisation undertaking<br />
significantworks. In <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s<br />
case,onbehalf of the community,the<br />
Council holds anumber of reserves<br />
withatotalvalue of $65.6 million.<br />
The forestry reserve is arelatively small<br />
part of that, with abalance of $5.1<br />
million, whichhas been built up over<br />
timefromthe saleofCouncil-owned<br />
forestry andforestryland.<br />
By farthe largest component is the<br />
propertyreserve,now standingat$27.1<br />
million, whichisfundedfromamix of<br />
capitalgains on Council property sales<br />
and depreciation.<br />
Depreciation is the amountbywhich<br />
theythink of using the reservestogiveour<br />
roading repairs programme aboost. Last<br />
May’srain and floodsdid alot of damage<br />
to our network and we need to catch up<br />
because roads are vital for people toget<br />
to work or school, and take our farming<br />
producetomarket.<br />
“Weknowthatincreasing numbersofbig<br />
trucks on ourroads overthe past yearsare<br />
also taking atoll. Roads built 30 yearsago<br />
were notsubject to the same volumesof<br />
freight and weight.”<br />
Mayor Brown said this was coupled with<br />
Council'sassets reduceinvalue each<br />
year.Each groupofassets is written<br />
off overacertain number of years,<br />
dependingonthe typeofasset.<br />
Forexample,ifabuilding costs$1<br />
million,and is expectedtohavea<br />
lifetimeof50years,then forCouncil's<br />
accounting purposes thatbuilding will<br />
be depreciatedat$20,000 per year.<br />
The monies received from ratesand<br />
other sourcestocoverthiscostwill be<br />
placed in areserve in order to havea<br />
fund to coverits eventual replacement.<br />
It is arequirement of councils to cover<br />
the depreciation of their assets by the<br />
amount theycharge forrates.<br />
Anumber of yearsago the Queenstown<br />
Lakes District Council did notrate for<br />
depreciation, which, although leading<br />
to lowerrate increases foraperiod,<br />
led to arundown in reserves, and<br />
eventually ahigher cost when those<br />
assets needed replacement.<br />
But the importanceofreserves goes<br />
beyond justhaving cash stored for<br />
assetreplacement in thefuture. In the<br />
a reduced amount of money coming<br />
from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency<br />
to maintain roads. “So we will also<br />
be lobbying the decision-makers in<br />
Parliament to ensuredistricts likeoursget<br />
more of ashare ofthe road user charges<br />
andpetrolexcise duty thattheycollect.”<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District has one of the biggest<br />
roading networks in the country and<br />
its roading contractor HEB has had two<br />
pothole repair crews, each with aspecial<br />
road stabilising machine, working in the<br />
districtwhilethe weatherisstill warm.<br />
shortterm, theycan be borrowed<br />
internallytofund other Council<br />
projects,particularly,asisoftenthe<br />
case, where the cost of borrowing is<br />
greaterthanthe reserves areearning in<br />
term deposits or otherinvestments.<br />
Majorprojects such as the recently<br />
completed CBD redevelopment was<br />
partly funded from reservessuchasthe<br />
footpaths and roadingreserves, with<br />
the balance beingfunded by external<br />
funding.<br />
This is thecasewith most infrastructure<br />
developmentswhich arefunded by a<br />
mix of reservesand newborrowing,<br />
unless we canobtain central<br />
government fundingaswedid recently<br />
forthe relief sewerfromBridgeStreet<br />
to Milton Road.<br />
Community<br />
provides<br />
feedbackon<br />
Annual Plan<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District residents have a<br />
little over two weeks remaining to<br />
have their say on Council’s Annual<br />
Plan.<br />
Councillors have taken their plan tothe<br />
community via three town meetings and<br />
an online presentation, and submissions<br />
willbeaccepted until5pm on Friday 6May.<br />
Mayor Neil Brown said while they would<br />
haveliked to see more people attend the<br />
public meetings, the quality of questions<br />
and discussionhad been very good.<br />
“Some ofthe more common questions<br />
havebeen aroundthe state of our roads,<br />
which we are proposing to improve with<br />
a$1.7m boost from forestry reserves, and<br />
about howthe newlibraryand civic centre<br />
building is tracking.<br />
“The new build isafew months behind<br />
schedule because of Covid-19 lockdowns<br />
and supply chains issues, but it is still<br />
within the budget and itscontingency. Fair<br />
to say,though, thatweare keeping aclose<br />
eyeonit.<br />
“Weencourageresidents to have theirsay<br />
on this Annual Plan, which spells out what<br />
we aim to do in <strong>2022</strong>-23 and howwewill<br />
payfor it.<br />
“There have been some obvious<br />
challenges, like record-high inflation and<br />
Covid-19, but the work we plan to do is all<br />
about maintainingcurrent levels of service<br />
and meetingGovernment compliancefor<br />
things likedrinking water.”<br />
The overall effect ofthe Annual Plan is a<br />
9.4 per cent averageratesrise.<br />
Mayor Brown said people could use<br />
the online rates calculator tosee what<br />
the result would be for their individual<br />
properties. “Bearinmindtoothatproperty<br />
valuations havealso gone up much higher<br />
forurban people compared to ruralareas.”<br />
Residents can find out more about<br />
what’s proposed and have their say<br />
online at They can also<br />
watchareplay of theonline meeting and<br />
find explanations of what’s planned for<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Methvenand Rakaia.<br />
All submissions received will be discussed<br />
by Councillors following hearings on 24<br />
and 25 May.<br />
Haveyour say!<br />
Submissions close 6May<br />
1 Thursday,<strong>21</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 75<br />
Colourfulauthor shares recipes, lifestories<br />
Colourful caterer and former<br />
deputy mayor of Queenstown,<br />
Margaret McHugh, will talk about<br />
her autobiography and cookbook,<br />
The Real McHugh, whenshe makesa<br />
specialvisit to the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Public<br />
Library on Wednesday4May.<br />
The author’s talk begins at 7pm and is<br />
free; shewill present her recipes andtalk<br />
about her adventures as the daughter<br />
of aWinton dairy farmer who moved to<br />
London and rubbed shoulderswith some<br />
interesting characters before returning<br />
home toQueenstown and becoming the<br />
contractcatereronthe TSSEarnslaw.<br />
Queenstown in the 1980s and 1990s<br />
produced some rollicking stories and<br />
McHugh’s book details encounters with<br />
the local police, touristsand howshe came<br />
to be alocal body politician.<br />
She makes no apologies for her “rough<br />
edges”.<br />
She nowlives in Pictonand is aregularat<br />
thelocalfarmersmarket.Sheandhusband<br />
Billrun aluxury bedand breakfast.<br />
Her book isacollection ofrecipes, life<br />
stories andopinionsthathavemorethan<br />
aserving of hotsauceand spice.<br />
People who want to come along to the<br />
event in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library<br />
should phone 308 7192 toreserve their<br />
space, or email<br />
Margaret McHughhas writtenan<br />
autobiography and cookbook,The Real<br />
McHugh.<br />
Kerbside collections –Nokerbside<br />
collections will be affectedover the<br />
ANZACDay period.<br />
Rakaia Resource RecoveryPark –<br />
Closed25<strong>April</strong>(ANZACDay).<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Resource Recovery Park –<br />
Open.<br />
Gascylinderscannot be putintoyellow<br />
wheeliebins forrecycling, or left<br />
alongsideany wheelie bins at thekerb for<br />
collection.Gas cylinderscan be dropped<br />
off at anyresource recovery park forfree.<br />
Mayorstakealternative<br />
three waters plan to MPs<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Mayor NeilBrown joined Mayorsand CEs representing the 32 member<br />
councils of Communities 4Local Democracy He hapori mō te Manapori(C4LD) in<br />
Wellington recently topresent politicians with a10-point plan for three waters<br />
reform thatcould gain wide support.Mayor Brownsaid peopleinthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
districthad given aclear messagetheywerenot in support of the Government’s<br />
reform model and wanted the process stopped.<br />
ANZACDay traffic plans<br />
Meetingsare at CouncilChambers,<br />
137 HavelockStreet, unless specified<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Water Zone Committee,<br />
Tuesday 26<strong>April</strong>, 1pm<br />
MethvenCommunity Board, Monday2<br />
May,10.30am atMtHuttMemorial Hall<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictRoadSafety Coordinating<br />
Committee, Tuesday3May,<br />
9.30am<br />
Council Meeting, Wednesday 4May,<br />
1pm (live-streamed)<br />
Council ActivityBriefings, Wednesday<br />
11 May,9.30am<br />
Audit &Risk Committee, Wednesday<br />
11 May,1.30pm (live-streamed)<br />
Council Meeting, Wednesday 18 May,<br />
1pm (live-streamed)<br />
Annual Plan Submission Hearings,<br />
Tuesday 24 May, 9am (live-streamed)<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Water ZoneCommittee,<br />
Tuesday 24 May (live-streamed)<br />
AnnualPlan Submission Hearings,<br />
Wednesday 25 May,9am (live-streamed)<br />
We need a<br />
facilitycleaner<br />
Hours: From 6am-10am Monday<br />
to Friday,two hours on a<br />
Saturday morning.<br />
Location: Council buildings.<br />
Mustbephysically fit andfully<br />
Covid-19 vaccinated.<br />
Apply nowtohr@ashburtondc.<br /><br />
Job details areatwww.<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil givespublic<br />
noticeofaroadclosure forthe purpose<br />
of allowingthe <strong>Ashburton</strong>Car Club to<br />
hold “Standing QuarterMileSprint”<br />
(with the exception of emergency<br />
vehicles) forthe period indicated<br />
hereunder.<br />
Road to be closed:<br />
the Longbeach Road intersection to<br />
approximately 500 metres from the<br />
intersection of State Highway 1<br />
Period of Closure: From9am until5pm<br />
on Saturday,23<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Thisnoticeofclosureismadeunder the<br />
Local Government Act1974 -Schedule<br />
10 (11(e)). It will be anoffenceunder<br />
the above regulations forany person<br />
otherwise than under authority ofan<br />
authorised permit to usethe roads /<br />
streetsfor ordinaryvehiculartraffic<br />
during the periodofclosure.<br />
InfrastructureServices Group Manager<br />
Biketip:Communicateyour<br />
intentions<br />
Usearm signals to letother people on<br />
the road knowwhatyou'redoing, so<br />
they cananticipateyour movements<br />
and giveyou space. Always checkto<br />
makesurethe traffic around youhas<br />
seen and understood your signals<br />
beforeyou move.Ifindoubt, pull over<br />
and wait.<br />
BaringSquare Westwas receiving some special attentionfromOpen Spaces staff<br />
this week, ahead of Anzac Day services at the Cenotaph on Monday 25 <strong>April</strong>.Roads<br />
aroundthe square, including State Highway 1, will be closed forservices on Anzac<br />
Day and traffic will be detoured.<br />
5Baring Square West<br />
Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />
Thursday 9am -5pm<br />
180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />
Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />
Sat10am-1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />
20 River Terrace<br />
Mon -Fri 6.00am -9.00pm<br />
Sat&Sun 7.00am -7.00pm<br />
327 WestStreet<br />
10am -4pm daily.Closed Public Holidays.<br /> Thursday,<strong>21</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 75<br />
NEWS<br />
18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Riders shake for cause<br />
As emergency ambulance<br />
staff continue to face<br />
unprecedented demand, St<br />
John is asking New<br />
Zealanders to support its<br />
annual appeal in <strong>April</strong>.<br />
They have a$2m<br />
fundraising target.<br />
Due to the ongoing risks<br />
associated with covid, St John<br />
cancelled its nationwide<br />
street collections and other<br />
facetoface fundraising<br />
activities. But as restrictions<br />
have eased, St John has been<br />
grateful to see people like<br />
Surrey Hills horsewoman<br />
Danielle McKenzie take up<br />
the reigns to make a<br />
difference.<br />
Danielle was organising<br />
an eventfor Distance Riding<br />
New Zealand’s (DRNZ)<br />
SouthIsland season at<br />
Montalto,Surrey Hills, in<br />
Mid Canterbury on <strong>April</strong> 10.<br />
It promisedhigh number of<br />
participantsfor the South<br />
Island season and saw 58<br />
riders head out on track.<br />
She thoughtthe event<br />
wouldbeagreatplace to<br />
‘shake abucket’ for St John.<br />
“While organisingthe<br />
ride,itcame to our attention<br />
St John waspromoting their<br />
HeartofGold.Hearingofthe<br />
increaseddemand,<br />
challenges, barriers and<br />
impacts on services and<br />
fundraising due to covid, we<br />
contactedStJohn to see if<br />
we couldbeofhelp with<br />
fundraising at our upcoming<br />
ride.’’<br />
St Johnstaff were very<br />
appreciativeofour offer,<br />
she said.<br />
“We oftendon’t give much<br />
thought to how importantSt<br />
Johnare until we needthem,<br />
usually when we’re at our<br />
mostvulnerable. St John is a<br />
charity, and in turn needs<br />
supportfrom us, the<br />
community, through<br />
fundraising,tohelp them to<br />
continue to provide their<br />
services.”<br />
St John extends its thanks<br />
to the riders,crew and<br />
DRNZSIteam, for getting<br />
behind the fundraiser, as<br />
wellassharing the appeal<br />
on social media,the team<br />
raised $81 fromthe ‘bucket<br />
shake.’<br />
Donations to St John’s<br />
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal<br />
can be made onlineby<br />
searching St John Appeal,<br />
directly at<br />
nz, by texting APPEAL to<br />
2790orbycalling 0800 ST<br />
JOHN(0800 785 646).<br />
Red Cross project<br />
Good and Ready is a<br />
communityprojectaimed at<br />
buildinganetwork of people<br />
in our communitiesthat will<br />
do more than pay lipservice<br />
to being prepared in timesof<br />
disaster.<br />
Preparedness is alot more<br />
than waterand baked beans!<br />
Red Cross is seeking Good<br />
and Ready volunteers.<br />
Afterpeople have<br />
completedthe onehour<br />
training, we hopethat they<br />
wouldbecomechampions of<br />
preparednessinour<br />
communities.<br />
The goal is to have<br />
increasednumber of<br />
householdsthat are better<br />
prepared for amajor disaster.<br />
This may be forevacuation<br />
Living at Orange<br />
It’s been great to have been<br />
able to enjoy the long weekend<br />
with greater freedoms across<br />
the country, now that we have<br />
moved to Orange.<br />
Over the past few weeks<br />
we’ve seen the case numbers<br />
and hospitalisations continue<br />
to drop, despite the relaxation<br />
of settings, so we’re confident a<br />
move to Orange can lock in<br />
those gains while helping the<br />
country return to agreater<br />
degree of normality.<br />
Under Orange there are no<br />
indoor capacity limits and the<br />
seated rule for hospitality<br />
venues lifts. Iknow this will be<br />
welcome for our bars, cafes and<br />
restaurants so they are able to<br />
fill up again.<br />
We’ve also now moved to the<br />
next step in our recovery plan<br />
and have welcomed our<br />
Australian friends and family<br />
back! Having Australian<br />
tourists back in time for the<br />
long weekend and ahead of the<br />
ski season will make ahuge<br />
difference for our local<br />
tourism, businesses and our<br />
economy.<br />
I’m really looking forward to<br /><br />
or isolationand wouldgive<br />
increasedconnectedness in<br />
communitiesand increased<br />
capacity to respondto<br />
emergencies/adverseevents.<br />
We will achieve this goal<br />
with active engagement with<br />
different communities.<br />
Meaningful collaboration to<br />
help further promote disaster<br />
preparedness and community<br />
resilience.<br />
Red Cross would hope to<br />
recruit Good and Ready<br />
volunteers who can support<br />
programmes associated with<br />
community resilience,<br />
disaster preparedness,<br />
response and recovery.<br />
We prefer to collaborate<br />
with otheragencies.<br />
We all have our part to play.<br />
Red Cross plan to have<br />
every household preparedfor<br />
evacuationorisolation.<br />
If Ican talk to yourgroup<br />
pleasecontactkathy.<br /> or<br />
phone 027 272 1983<br />
welcoming international<br />
tourists back to Mid Canterbury<br />
and showcasing our hospitality<br />
and all the beautiful scenery<br />
and adventure Mid Canterbury<br />
has to offer.<br />
Winter tourism is also getting<br />
alift from agovernment<br />
decision to allow 275<br />
experienced workers to enter<br />
the country to support<br />
businesses operating ski fields<br />
and snow sports destinations.<br />
Kiwis fill the majority of ski<br />
field and snow sports roles,<br />
however there are not enough<br />
locals with the required skills,<br />
certification or experience to<br />
meet seasonal shortterm<br />
needs. Having tourists back will<br />
further spur our economic<br />
recovery, especially for<br />
workers, businesses and<br />
communities who rely on<br />
international visitors. Having<br />
the right mix of skilled<br />
technicians and experienced<br />
workers keeps our mountains<br />
operating safely so that visitors<br />
and locals alike not only have a<br />
great time, but are well looked<br />
after.<br />
This week is arecess week<br />
and I’ll be out in the electorate<br />
for community visits, anice<br />
change after being in<br />
Wellington for the last sitting<br />
block. I’m looking forward to<br />
catching up with people across<br />
the electorate including Mayor<br />
Neil Brown, Mid and South<br />
Canterbury Fed Farmers and<br />
Venture Timaru.<br />
040 trainsNmodels<br />
2473583<br />
03 307 0155<br /><br /><br />
Openbyappointment<br />
THE<br />
geraldinenews<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>21</strong> APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />
view online at<br />
Geraldine District Golf Club woodchoppers take abreak. FROM LEFT: Jim Worner, Bill Pearsall, Doug Sheldon, Nigel Dewe, Dave Lapthorne, Alister Ensor, and Campbell Paton. PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />
Denfield golfers chop wood to keep club swinging<br />
Ateam of keen woodchoppers has been<br />
supporting the Geraldine District Golf Club<br />
with their cutting skills for the last ten years,<br />
selling woodtobenefittheDenfield golf course.<br />
Organiser Nigel Dewe says, We havebeen<br />
doing the woodcuttingsince the big winds of<br />
2013. It started with all the fallen trees, and<br />
we have just continued. We have been very<br />
lucky tohave golf club members who have<br />
donated trees for us to chop up and then sell<br />
for club fundraising.<br />
Nigel, who works at FreshChoice Geraldine,<br />
began by mentioning the fundraiser tolocal<br />
customers. I would say to people in the<br />
supermarket, Have you got afire? Would you<br />
like to buy some wood? Most people have a<br />
fire, so it was agreat conversation starter. Sales<br />
are by word of mouth; we have never had to<br />
advertise.<br />
GNews visited the team recently as they<br />
chopped their way through apile of wood<br />
donated by club member Campbell Paton.<br />
Nigelsays, We areincredibly lucky to have<br />
generous members. Today we have eight guys<br />
here helping; our best day had seventeen of<br />
our members on the job. It is abit of hard<br />
work, but we enjoy abit of banter, and if we<br />
get acold beer in the clubhouse afterwards, it<br />
is all good. Thegolf ladies do agreatjob providing<br />
us with food for the day, which is much<br />
appreciated. Members are very generous in<br />
bringing theirsplitters, chainsaws andtractors,<br />
and we never refuse any offer of fallen trees.<br />
This season has sold out already; we are only<br />
just keeping up with supply.<br />
Recent fundraising efforts have raised around<br />
$20,000annually, all of whichhelpswith the<br />
clubs upkeep. DEBBIE OLIVER<br />
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Aldous new album tops NZ Music charts<br />
On 4<strong>April</strong>, Aldous Harding topped New<br />
Zealandsalbum charts forthe first time<br />
with Warm Chris, her new studio album<br />
and follow-up to 2019sacclaimed album<br />
Designer.Lorde and Hollie Smith arethe<br />
only other female Kiwi soloists to have<br />
scored aNo1album in the last six years.<br />
( Aldouspreviously reached<br />
No 6with 2017s Party and No 5with<br />
Designer.<br />
On their website,Kiwirecordcompany<br />
Flying Nun, who released the album on<br />
25 March, says, An artist of rare calibre,<br />
Aldous Harding does morethan sing; she<br />
conjures asingular intensity.<br />
Stuff journalist Alex Behan writes,<br />
Warm Chris is as confident as all Hardings<br />
records, but feels more comfortable, as<br />
thoughshe has shrugged off anyniggling<br />
self-doubt. Itlooks likely to drastically<br />
increase her popularity -this isnt her only<br />
glowing review ... It scored acoveted<br />
8+ from notorious pop snobs Pitchfork;<br />
the New York Times calls her songs<br />
gloriously peculiar, while the Guardian<br />
is rolling with endearingly introspective.<br />
(<br />
Singer-songwriterand former Geraldine<br />
High School student Hannah Harding,<br />
who performs professionally as Aldous,<br />
wrotemuchofthe album while based in<br />
Geraldine in 20<strong>21</strong>. FI MCCAFFERTY<br />
Aldous Harding in ascene from the<br />
official video for Lawn, the lead single on<br />
her new album Warm Chris. PHOTO:Pitchfork
WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>21</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />
GeraldinePharmacysLaura Pinn wasspotted wearing a<br />
distinctivepoppythis week.She says,The brass buttonatthe<br />
centreofthe poppycame from my Great Grandfathers World<br />
WarTwo uniform.MyGranny, NoraJelly, knittedone foreach<br />
of her granddaughters. DEBBIE OLIVER PHOTO: Supplied<br />
We hope youenjoyedthe Easter break.AsHughand<br />
Fi emerged from isolation last weekend, they were<br />
surprised at how busy the town was. After amixed<br />
season, the farmers markethad agood crowd forits<br />
final day. We are glad to be hearing anecdotes of<br />
retailers enjoying good trading too.<br />
Last weekend was one of the few times that the<br />
threeAbrahamicreligions have hadtheirmain festival<br />
at the same time.Sunday was, of course, Easter Sunday,<br />
thoughthe orthodoxchurches will not celebrateEaster<br />
until this Sunday, 24<strong>April</strong>. Meanwhile, our Jewish<br />
friends celebrate Pesach (Passover) between 15 and<br />
23 <strong>April</strong>. We arealso in the middle of the Muslim holy<br />
fast of Ramadan, whichbegan on 1<strong>April</strong>and willend<br />
on the evening of Sunday1May.Ramadan is governed<br />
by alunar calendar,soitmovesthroughout the year.<br />
We pray ablessing on adherents to all faiths as we<br />
emerge from this holy season.<br />
To our readers along the North Road and beyond<br />
the 50kmzoneonCox Street, we regret that our friends<br />
at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> were unable to give usthe<br />
agreed-upon bundle to deliver to you. It was not for<br />
want of trying on their part, but the printing industry<br />
is under tremendous pressure. We read on<br />, Printers andprint buyers areindespair<br />
after theFinnish PaperworkersUnion rejected strike<br />
settlement proposals The strike, which began on<br />
1January, is projected tocontinue until atleast 14<br />
May. Inour interconnected world, astrike inFinland<br />
is one of the reasons paper is costing so much here<br />
on the other side of the world.<br />
Friday is Poppy Day, with Anzac Day on Monday.<br />
As reportedinGNews (07.04.22), given the demographic<br />
of the majority ofRSA members, the Anzac Day<br />
commemorations will be pared back. It is suggested<br />
that we can visit the various war memorials at our<br />
leisure and place our poppies inprivate acts of<br />
remembrance.<br />
Meanwhile, our communityisbeing warned not to<br />
be complacent about mask-wearing. While infection<br />
rates inAuckland are declining rapidly, here inthe<br />
south, we areatthe peak.Weare also told to expect<br />
along tail.<br />
Stay warm and safe. HUGH &FI<br />
They shall grow not old, as we<br />
that are left grow old; age shall<br />
not weary them, nor the years<br />
condemn. At the going down of<br />
the sun and in the morning,<br />
we will remember them.<br />
NEWS: | 027 920 8751<br />
ADS: | 027 899 0703<br />
DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday<br />
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous business day<br />
ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />
HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />
Mobile Surgical Unit paediatric dentist AravindParachuru and clinicalnursemanager Liz Grant. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson<br />
Mobile Surgical Unit to make regular visits<br />
The Mobile SurgicalUnit, which provides<br />
day surgery for rural communities, had<br />
its first day in Geraldine last week, its<br />
clinicalteamdelivering paediatric dental<br />
surgery from McKenzie Healthcares<br />
carpark.<br />
Mobile Health clinical nurse manager<br />
Liz Grantsays the unit, which holds free<br />
clinics in 26 ruralcommunitiesbetween<br />
Kaikohe and Balclutha onafive-week<br />
national rotation, is resourced by a<br />
combination of private and Ministry of<br />
Health funding.<br />
Shesays, It takes patients off the DHB<br />
[district health board] list. They cometo<br />
us if they meet our criteria Wedolowrisk<br />
elective day surgery. The team<br />
provides endoscopy, general surgery,<br />
gynaecology, orthopaedic, and plastic<br />
surgery specialities, as well as dental.<br />
The 20-metre-long Freightliner<br />
Argosy will bearegular at McKenzie<br />
Healthcare, whose carpark has been<br />
levelled and widened to accommodate<br />
it. The unit will provide paediatric dental<br />
surgery exclusively. Liz says, New Zealand<br />
children with poororal hygiene at a very<br />
young age is ahuge problem.Wedidfive<br />
today. Normally, without Covid, itd be<br />
around eight.<br />
Easter colouring competition proves popular<br />
The Harcourts Geraldine team says<br />
theywereoverwhelmedtoreceive 260<br />
entries in response to their inaugural<br />
Easter colouringcompetition, awarding<br />
over40prizes.<br />
Sales consultant JanineHuddleston<br />
says, we handed out the entry<br />
formstoour local schools,kindy,and<br />
preschools. Everyone waskeentobe<br />
involved, and we love supporting our<br />
community.<br />
Administrator Rachael Sullivan<br />
says, The childrens imaginations<br />
were amazing. There were alot of<br />
additions totheir entries; some had<br />
drawn carrots on the rabbitspyjamas,<br />
some wroteEasterjokes ...,and some<br />
added extra eggs for ustofind; it<br />
really was very impressive.<br />
Wehad three age groups: sixyears<br />
and under, seven to 11 years and 11<br />
years and over. The middle group<br />
was byfar the most popular, with<br />
well over 100 entries, says sales<br />
consultant Rachael Williams.<br />
The team awarded first, second,<br />
and thirdplace winners in eachage<br />
group and gave out 34 spot prizes.<br />
Wewereimpressed withthe entries<br />
and the success of the competition.<br />
It is definitely something we will<br />
continue each year, says Janine.<br />
The winners entries will be on<br />
display in the Harcourts Geraldine<br />
office window for the next week.<br />
Willow Nelson (5) was excited with<br />
her very first win receiving first prize in<br />
her category, while brother Elliot (6)<br />
received aspot prize. PHOTO: Supplied<br />
$16 *<br />
WE<br />
THURD<br />
FRIAY<br />
SATRD<br />
SUNAY<br />
McKenzieHealthcaregeneralmanager<br />
Karen Blackburn welcomes the chance<br />
to support the wider communitys health.<br />
We facilitate them being here ... [in<br />
addition to the carpark] they use two<br />
rooms in the facility: one as admissions,<br />
and one as recovery. Everyones RATtested<br />
first - staff, patients,and parents.<br />
The Mobile Surgical Unit was set up<br />
in 2002byurologist and founding member<br />
of New Zealand Urology Associates,<br />
Stuart Gowland CNZM. He stepped down<br />
fromhis role as Mobile Healthmanaging<br />
director in 2017,continuing as medical<br />
director until 2019. JAN FINLAYSON<br />
:<br />
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6 *<br />
Bee<br />
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Lambb<br />
Do-pyz<br />
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Curried Lamb Mince<br />
Soy Chll<br />
al Mkhni<br />
Chna Bhtur<br />
Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracyofinformation in thispublication,<br />
GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibility for errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />
arising from relianceoninformation published. The content of submittedmaterial<br />
is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make<br />
decisions on publication of stories and the quality/suitability ofsubmitted ads.<br />
7T TA ALBO ST TREET |P 30H 693 8877<br />
*<br />
Y ON A<br />
AKEAWA<br />
AY<br />
FULLF<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>21</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />
Developing the regions<br />
since 1978<br />
FROM LEFT: Abbi Collins (17) says sheandLia Roberts (18) were delightedwith theirwin. PHOTO: Facebook/Geraldine HighSchool NZ<br />
Shakespearian duo doth seek<br />
yonder fame, nay fortune<br />
Freephone 0508 227 237<br />
Bruce 027 449 7259<br />
Email<br />
Year13Geraldine High School students<br />
AbbiCollins and Lia Robertshave taken<br />
top honours in the five-minute section<br />
of the <strong>2022</strong> University of OtagoSheilah<br />
Winn Shakespeare Festivalregionalcontest<br />
against Craighead Dioscesan Schooland<br />
TwizelArea School.InJunethe pairwill<br />
head off tocompete at the national<br />
competition in Wellington.<br />
GNews caught up with Abbi and Lia<br />
to talk about their win:<br />
Whatmadeyou decide to enter this<br />
competition? Abbi says, Shakespeare<br />
is apart ofour Level 3curriculum.<br />
Performing at the Shakespeare festival<br />
isnt compulsory, but we did it last year,<br />
and bothenjoyed it.<br />
Whichscene from RomeoandJuliet<br />
didyouperform? Lia says,Act 2, scene<br />
5, described in onesentence as:The nurse<br />
finally returns to Juliet,who is impatiently<br />
waiting for news of Romeos intentions<br />
towards her. Its arelatively short scene,<br />
serving to establish one plotpoint: Romeo<br />
andJuliet can get married. (<br />
How did you make ityour own?<br />
This year, we put alot more effort into<br />
learning and understanding our script,<br />
so when we delivered our lines, we<br />
understood better whatwewere saying,<br />
says Lia. We kept our scene contemporary,<br />
but we made our jokes as big and<br />
melodramatic as we could so that even<br />
if someone didnt understand the language<br />
we used, they would still get that it was<br />
afunnyscene andbeable to laugh at the<br />
physical humour. We also wanted the<br />
audience to feel included in our<br />
performance, so we broke the fourth wall<br />
severaltimes by speaking straight to the<br />
audience rather than the other person<br />
on stage.<br />
Wereyou nervous? Abbi says, Yes<br />
and no, as we havebeen doingdrama for<br />
many years and were comfortable with<br />
this scene.Ofcourse, nerves are always<br />
present before aperformance, but this<br />
helps us perform to ourbestability.<br />
How did you feel when you won?<br />
Abbi says, We were both very shocked,<br />
neither of us could really believe it, and<br />
we just looked at each other and froze<br />
for acouple of seconds before we finally<br />
went and collected our award. We were<br />
so happy and super-proud of ourselves.<br />
Abbi also won the Elizabeth Grubb<br />
Trophy For Outstanding Performance of<br />
aRoleatthe regional festival, an award<br />
established lastyearand named for former<br />
Timaru drama teacherElizabethGrubb.<br />
Andnow youre off to the finals in<br />
Wellington. We cantwait; weresuperexcited,says<br />
Lia. But also very nervous<br />
because we arent just performing with<br />
two other schools; this time therell be<br />
schools from all over New Zealand. But<br />
overall, its going to be agreat experience.<br />
Lia says she would love to minor in<br />
theatre while studying. Her mother, local<br />
Jill Griffin,isanactor, so Lia has grown<br />
up acting.Ihaveareal love for it.<br />
The Shakespeare Globe Centre New<br />
Zealand established the competition in<br />
1991. There are 24 regional festival<br />
contests held nationwide eachyear, with<br />
the most outstanding entries going on<br />
to compete in the nationals.<br />
25 APRIL <strong>2022</strong><br />
We will remember them<br />
Owing to the current Covid-19 outbreak in<br />
South Canterbury, the Geraldine RSA Executive<br />
Committee has decided that therewill be no<br />
public serviceheld in the Geraldinedistrict.<br />
However, to mark theoccasion, the<br />
executivewill hold small, private services<br />
at the Geraldine, Woodbury, Peel Forest and<br />
Rangitt Island memorials on the day.<br />
As youare aware, Anzac Dayisthe most<br />
importantdate on the RSA calendar and<br />
we areextremely disappointed with the<br />
situationwefind ourselvesin.<br />
We apologise for this significant change<br />
which is beyond our control.<br />
Youcan still supportthe GeraldineRSA by<br />
scanningthis QR Code and makingadonation<br />
to our PoppyFund. This goes directly to the<br />
GeraldineRSA, ensuring every cent donated stays<br />
in the district for veterans and theirfamilies.<br />
Annual trailride afun way tosupport GPS<br />
On Sunday, 10 <strong>April</strong>, Geraldine Primary<br />
School (GPS) took part in the Beautiful<br />
Valley Trailride event forthe 13th year,<br />
with <strong>21</strong>4individual riders and 74 family<br />
groups participatingthis year.<br />
GPS Home and School Committee<br />
President Lou Ochsner says, This is one<br />
of our main fundraisers. Funds raised by<br />
the committee go towards resources that<br />
expand learning opportunities both in and<br />
out of theclassroom...<br />
Committee membershelped prepare<br />
tracks ahead of the event and provided<br />
logistical support forthe marshals out on<br />
the course, whichincluded ferrying back<br />
broken-down bikes. We alsoprovidedthe<br />
barbeque for the event, feeding hungry<br />
riders throughout the day with almost<br />
200 burgers and 150 sausages. We had a<br />
good group of parent helpers as well as<br />
school principal Andrew Leverton, who<br />
was flipping burgersfor most of the day.<br />
The main circuit was approximately<br />
40km long and took the fastest riders<br />
about anhour and ahalf tocomplete.<br />
There was a mix of farm tracks, forestry,<br />
and grassland. This year there were a<br />
couple of enduro options that were a bit<br />
more challenging, and there is always a<br />
pee-wee track set up for the smallest riders<br />
andbeginners. Grenville Button of<br />
Adventure Trailrides EventsinSpringfield<br />
is the organiser; he has quite afollowing<br />
that comes down from North Canterbury.<br />
We saw riders from far and wide;<br />
Queenstown, Dunedin,Oamaru, and lots<br />
of locals took part in the event.<br />
Lou says that these fundraisingevents<br />
are only possible because of the generosity<br />
of local farm and forestry owners and<br />
donationsfrom local businesses. TheGPS<br />
Home and School Committeewould like<br />
to thank all those that supported the<br />
fundraisingevent.Thanks to that support,<br />
riders enjoyedagood feed andanenjoyable<br />
day riding. DEBBIE OLIVER<br />
LEFT: GPS student Alex Coleman (9)<br />
said the ride was Good, but hard.<br />
PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />
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WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>21</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />
south canterbury<br />
DROP-OFF<br />
POINT<br />
Smaller donations to your<br />
Hospice Shop can now be dropped off<br />
to Hammer Hardware Geraldine<br />
To leave your items, use the customer parking off<br />
Wilson Street. If you need assistance just ask the<br />
friendly Hammer Hardware team.<br />
Larger items please call<br />
03 6883965<br />
and we will arrange collection<br />
Thanks for your support<br />
Turning Pre-Loved Goods Into First Class Care<br />
Invest inyour town,<br />
invest inyour future.<br />
Construction of Geraldine<br />
Sculpture Trail gets underway<br />
The Geraldine Sculpture Trail project<br />
is about to burst into life as, over the<br />
next few weeks, earthworksbegin on the<br />
first loop of the trail in Todd and<br />
Kennedy Parks, says co-project manager<br />
Janene Adams.<br />
Weve been abit like aduck gliding<br />
across the water until now. For most<br />
people, it has probablyfelt like notmuch<br />
has been happening, but below the surface,<br />
our feet have been madly paddling as<br />
weve been busy putting the building<br />
blocks in place .<br />
Thetrail concept moved from an idea<br />
tossed around by locals,toaproject with<br />
real potential in 2020 with a funding<br />
allocation from Venture Timaru, as part<br />
of the Governments Strategic Asset<br />
Protection Programme.<br />
Since then, the Timaru District Council,<br />
through the Parks and Recreation<br />
Department, has also been a major<br />
supporter ofthetrail, managed by a<br />
Geraldine-based project group including<br />
members from the Community Board,<br />
Departmentof Conservation,,<br />
Timaru District Council, and with support<br />
from local iwi.<br />
The first loop spans both sidesofthe<br />
Waihi River from the McKenzie Street<br />
road bridge to the pedestrian bridge on<br />
Wilson St, taking in Todd and Kennedy<br />
Parks and the historic bell tower.<br />
This section was selected for<br />
development first because Todd Parkis<br />
highly visibletovisitors driving into town.<br />
We wanted to piquepeoplesexcitement<br />
and interest as they arrive in Geraldine,<br />
says Janene.<br />
There has already been some action,<br />
as work recently startedonasmall pathway<br />
andseating area on the northside of Todd<br />
Park.Thisarea will eventually showcase<br />
a rare plantsgarden and provide avantage<br />
point to look over at the trees and sculptures<br />
on the other side of the road.<br />
Brandingfor thetrail, officiallynamed<br />
theGeraldine Sculpture Trail, was recently<br />
finalisedbyGlasson HuxtableLandscape<br />
Architects. Theyhavealso developed the<br />
landscape plan for this phase of the trail.<br />
Were delighted with the logo design,<br />
whichisset within aRhododendron leaf,<br />
anod to both the stunning Rhododendron<br />
dell, which is animportant part of the<br />
trail, and also to nature generally, which<br />
we see as a key partner in the concept.<br />
Each trail isrepresented by a different<br />
colour and design on the right side of<br />
theleaf,withthe unusualuseofthe koru<br />
reflecting the connection to water and iwi.<br />
Paul Smith Earthmoving has been<br />
engaged to undertake the earthworks to<br />
develop the trail through Todd andKennedy<br />
Parks. Implementation manager Steve<br />
Sullivan notes that there will be some<br />
disruption for park and trail users, from<br />
the endof<strong>April</strong> until the end of May, with<br />
sections of the river trail and both parks<br />
closed during that time. We ask for the<br />
communitys support and patience while<br />
this important work is carried out.<br />
Weather permitting, the work will start<br />
in Todd park in the last week of <strong>April</strong>,<br />
taking about two weeks and then move<br />
to Kennedy Park in early May for afurther<br />
three weeks. Residents are requested to<br />
observe and comply with allsafety signage.<br />
Were very excited about this stage<br />
commencing and cant wait to see it<br />
completed and being used by the<br />
community, says Janene.<br />
The Timaru District Council is<br />
undertaking additional work to seal a<br />
footpath along the riverside of McKenzie<br />
St, which will link the loop between<br />
KennedyPark andthe river.<br />
Please see the community notice in<br />
this edition (page11) for specific details<br />
on locations impacted by the upcoming<br />
work. SUBMITTED<br />
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1920-1940s Vintage Fruit &Vegetable Crate orginal lithograph labels<br />
by Schmidt Lithograph Company, San Francisco<br />
earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings now instore<br />
40A Talbot St, Geraldine |Carolyn 027 305 3000<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>21</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />
Geraldine-based street artist Koryu completed this Christchurch mural in just 10 days. PHOTO: Facebook/Flare Ōtautahi Street Art Festival<br />
Koryu Aoshima wins peoples choice award<br />
The annual Flare Ōtautahi Street Art<br />
Festival took place in Christchurch in<br />
March. Thisyear, eight artists from around<br />
New Zealandtook part, including sometime<br />
Geraldine resident KoryuAoshima,who<br />
last week was announced theKathmandu<br />
Peoples Choice award winner.<br />
The festivals Facebook page says,<br />
Located at 158 High St, Koryus mural<br />
was the largest of the collection. Entitled<br />
The Beginning and The End, the mural<br />
is apainting of Niō warriors, guardian<br />
statues of Buddhist temples in Japan.<br />
The circular motif in the middle of the<br />
image suggests the infinite quality of<br />
existence. The warriors themselves<br />
represent the beginning and end of all<br />
things (the open and closed mouths<br />
symbolic ofthe in and out breath, the<br />
first andlastcharacters of the alphabet).<br />
Although the work measures 160sqm,<br />
Koryu was able tocomplete this mural<br />
in just 10 days.<br />
Koryu saysthat he wantedtosymbolise<br />
the shared experiences of the Christchurch<br />
earthquakes andthe Tohukuearthquake<br />
andtsunamiinJapan in 2011, when both<br />
regions were struck by devastating natural<br />
disasters, making this work agift of<br />
guardians.<br />
Koryureturned to Japanatthe beginning<br />
of <strong>April</strong> to attend afriendsweddingand<br />
to catch up with family as Covid restrictions<br />
ease. Before leaving, he said thathewould<br />
be back at the end of May to complete<br />
further commissions. FI MCCAFFERTY<br />
vEer ry<br />
year,our clubs Znd literally hundreds of w sya ot help<br />
others. From the coal face, we can promise you: the<br />
satisfactionand rewew<br />
dra of doing what we do is prettyt<br />
much<br />
beyond w ro ds. Like many<br />
of ushave done before you, y uo<br />
mightjust needto<br />
try<br />
it to belie ev.i t<br />
-5 h6JbK36J5@4b6Z4j5dRKb6 6J8 ZKKX K9b 3KJ K9J 4$3KJ76b4K$<br />
@5 5$b q6hh5$4$x56JZ8 M68.<br />
To have achat about whatshappening at Rotar<br />
y before<br />
then, get in touch with Gerald on027 229 2422 or Paul on<br />
027 2424040.
WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>21</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />
275 100% Kiwi Owned<br />
Hearing Clinic<br />
We are100%locally ownedand<br />
operated andpromise to giveyou<br />
expert care and attention for every step<br />
of your hearing journey.<br />
•Diagnostic hearing tests<br />
•Hearingaid fittings<br />
•Freehearing screening<br />
•ACC registeredprovider<br />
•Hearing aid repairs<br />
•Veteran’s affairs provider<br />
Call us todayfor acomplimentaryhearing<br />
screening.<br />
03 683 1545<br />
245 Otipua Road, Highfield,<br />
Timaru<br />
Juliet Marsden &Barbara Brown<br />
Scan and email your entry<br />
Post to Crossword, 65Connolly Street, Geraldine<br />
ENTRY DEADLINE: 5pm FRIDAY06MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />
NAME:<br />
ADDRESS:<br />
PHONE:<br />
EMAIL:<br />
ACROSS<br />
1 Shortnotice aboutErato possibly<br />
being tickled (6)<br />
5 Sixballs with charge is too much<br />
weight (8)<br />
9 Similar to someEastAnglia kings (4)<br />
10 Billy-goats holding some trophy<br />
flowers (10)<br />
11 Star explorers? (6,6)<br />
13 This departure point could be<br />
past curing (8)<br />
15 Press club (4)<br />
17 Puts on more for tots (4)<br />
18 Expression of disgust in later<br />
show of mirth (8)<br />
20 Consume inferior pastry and<br />
apologise (3,6,3)<br />
23 Reduction in status when about<br />
fifty-one causes ruin (10)<br />
24 Time to finish care (4)<br />
25 Tossing fast fliers into ditch (8)<br />
26 Investigate and measure to make<br />
aplan(6)<br />
DOWN<br />
2 Create publicity about people to<br />
compensate (4,6)<br />
3 Become aware of smellperhaps(5)<br />
4 Her first appearance as anut.<br />
Debt has upset her (8)<br />
5 Amirage could be atopical<br />
misinterpretation (7,8)<br />
6 Asouthernmost height. Chaos<br />
was responsible (6)<br />
7 Hairdresser? Hiscraft needs<br />
keys (9)<br />
8 They slither and pass out (4)<br />
12 Funny girl in need -come<br />
dancing (10)<br />
14 Strange strip? More like tell<br />
wrongly (9)<br />
16 Man. United is probably one of<br />
them (8)<br />
19 Removes bands (6)<br />
<strong>21</strong> Sign on for record (5)<br />
22 Fun day out sounds alot (4)<br />
Congratulations toTed Barwell,<br />
winner of Cryptic Crossword No. 274<br />
274 SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 9. Tramp 10. About turn 11. Amorous 12. Enlarge<br />
13. Deep-seated 14. Teat 16. Masseur 19. Nudists <strong>21</strong>. Heap 22. Clumsiness<br />
26. Exceeds 27. Reserve 28. Amendment 29. Opted DOWN: 1. At random 2. Cajole<br />
3. Upholster 4. Nausea 5.Foreseen 6. Still 7. Quarrels 8. Insect 15. Admission<br />
17. Snatches 18. Relishes 20. Suspends <strong>21</strong>. Hyenas 23. Merits 24. Egrets 25. Feuds<br />
5pm Friday<br />
12pm Monday<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>21</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />
10 PEEL STREET<br />
03 693 6130<br />
TutorGraeme Mould(front,second right) with participants in the<strong>2022</strong>NewZealand LogBuilding Associations annuallog building<br />
coursewith theMtLyford-boundcabin theyve partially constructed. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson<br />
Geraldine host to annual<br />
log building course<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
The New Zealand Log Building Associations<br />
annual building course is available only<br />
in Geraldine, atGraeme MouldsNatural<br />
Log Homes. The <strong>2022</strong> event, in early<br />
<strong>April</strong>, saw itsnine participants construct<br />
much of acabin destined for Mt Lyford.<br />
Graeme, who has 30 years experience<br />
in log building, saysthatitis empowering,<br />
teaching not only the spectrum of log<br />
building skills but also helping students<br />
become conversant withthe crafts technical<br />
and bureaucratic landscape. The threeweek<br />
course, itself oneofjust ahandful<br />
internationally, giveslearners everything<br />
they need to know; the proper way to<br />
build their own log homes.<br />
Participant Adam Brownless, a<br />
Whakatane agricultural contractor, says<br />
he and his family have always dreamed<br />
of building aloghome. Im thinking of<br />
using Graemes expertise -and joiningin.<br />
With abackground that includes beef<br />
farming, bricklaying, and optometry,<br />
Pierre Besson, from France, says he has<br />
found his niche: From my point of view,<br />
you need to practice. I want to work in<br />
this industry.<br />
Graeme says thatstudents were expected<br />
to supply their own tools and safety<br />
equipment. Theyspent the first few days<br />
working on disposable firewood logs,<br />
learning how to peel, scribe and notch<br />
(plot andcut away parts of logscrosswise<br />
and lengthways to allow them to lock<br />
togetherwhenstacked).<br />
They then moved tothe high-value<br />
logs that are both the structure and<br />
wallpaper of log buildings -inthiscase,<br />
thelogs thatwill collectively make up the<br />
Mt Lyford cabin.<br />
Theyve got to learn a lot of different<br />
chainsaw skills and theyve got to learn<br />
log selection. Its abit like art. The logs<br />
are natural; theytaper. They [the course<br />
participants] learn howtofit themtogether<br />
like theyre gluedtogether.<br />
He says, Theres classroom work as<br />
well. We looked at plans and designs;we<br />
had Jess Paterson, the architect, come<br />
in to talk about plans, consents, and the<br />
building code. And other technical aspects:<br />
roof systems, staircases, fittings, and<br />
joinery.<br />
We also went on abus tour around<br />
South Canterbury tolook atother log<br />
homes that Natural LogHomes havebuilt,<br />
including some under construction.<br />
Log construction goes back to the<br />
Bronze Age (around3,500BC), beginning<br />
in Russia, eastern Europe, and Scandinavia.<br />
The concept was transported to North<br />
America around 400 years ago. Log<br />
buildings withstand earthquakes well.<br />
(Wikipedia)<br />
Natural Log Homes is at the corner<br />
of KennedyStreet and High Street; phone<br />
03 693 7468. Forinformationabout the<br />
Log Building Association of New Zealand s<br />
annualbuildingcourse, call06370 8199<br />
or email:<br />
M & G A U T O C E N TRE<br />
TIME FOR ANEW CAR? T oyota has held aspecial<br />
place inthe hearts and minds of New Zealanders for<br />
generations.TealokatT<br />
Tak oyotas range of cars,<br />
hybrids, SUVs, 4x4 and utes. M&G Auto Centre can<br />
help you decide which is the right one for you.<br />
M&G<br />
| 036939664 |20 7208 7590
WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>21</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />
PHOTO:<br />
GNews editors questioned<br />
Do the GNews editors truly think that the seismic<br />
events ofthe past two years can soeasily become<br />
adim rear-view-mirror image (GNews 31/3/22)?<br />
Havetheyno identificationwiththe members of<br />
their communitywhomPMArderngleefully relegated<br />
to second-class status? Ornoidea what itwas like<br />
forlong-serving employees to be ousted from careers<br />
and positions with no apology ornegotiation?<br />
As proxy law-enforcers, did they never have to<br />
utter the ominous words, Im just doing myjob?<br />
Or hear them from vaccinators when only the<br />
impending calamityofbecomingincomeless drove<br />
workers to the chair?<br />
What of security guards outsidelibraries and the<br />
humiliation of being threatened with removal by<br />
policeorbeing trespassed from premises so familiar<br />
to them?<br />
But,worst of all, aretheyunawareofthe ignominy<br />
of belonging to agroup that was legally ostracised<br />
and whose exclusion wassanctioned and encouraged<br />
by the most powerful and respected forces in the<br />
land?<br />
The tsunami we were drilled to fear fortwo years<br />
has washed around our ankles. We will recoverfrom<br />
this small wave. But the devastation caused by the<br />
accompanying seismic upheaval remains and has<br />
changed our social landscape forever.<br />
The full passage from our editorial reads: Passes<br />
and mandating have caused deep division inour<br />
society. We hope that reconciliation will come and<br />
come soon. It has been an unhappy episode, even<br />
in this areas history. We look forward towhen it is<br />
but dimly seen in the rear-viewmirror. (GNews31/3/22)<br />
Loya l locals<br />
love Gera ldine.<br />
Show your love and think local.<br />
Geraldine Wahines too tough for the opposition; Senior Bteams wall of defence. PHOTOS: Gideon Snow<br />
Two out ofthree agood result<br />
Saturday 9 <strong>April</strong> saw abeautiful day at<br />
Raukāpuka Reserve with three games<br />
on offer:<br />
WAITAKI The first was contested between<br />
our own Geraldine wahine toa and the<br />
Waitaki wahine from Oamaru. With a<br />
high-tempo start, both teams fought for<br />
dominance in the early exchanges until<br />
Sophie Kerr wove her way through the<br />
tiring defence to put the first points on<br />
the boardfor Geraldine.Kerr would again<br />
touch down after a clearing kick didnt<br />
find touch to put the home team up<br />
14-0 after 25 minutes. The defence<br />
tightened,and fierce battles ensued, with<br />
both teams attacking through themiddle<br />
until Sia TuanaI intercepted awayward<br />
pass from Waitaki. A fantastic game to<br />
watch; both sides played positive and<br />
attackingrugby that was hotly contested<br />
to the last minute. The Geraldine wahine<br />
came away with aconvincing win, 47-22.<br />
Coach Jason Hurley said that he was<br />
immensely proudof his team,who showed<br />
they are only getting better and better.<br />
The Geraldine Senior Bteamwas up next.<br />
Expectations were high as the Stumpy<br />
Phimister coached team was determined<br />
Satisfac<br />
CARE<br />
guar tion<br />
anteed<br />
to bring the Chamberlain Cup home after<br />
atwo-year absence. The action was fastpaced<br />
from the get-go, withthe Geraldine<br />
side executing aperfect 50-22 kick from<br />
James Stacker McLeod. The Red and<br />
Blacksrumbledforward from theensuing<br />
lineout to crash overearly. The home side<br />
dominated the game, with excellent<br />
direction from first-five Isaac Bolt, who<br />
controlled the game well for Geraldine.<br />
An individual piece of brilliance, again<br />
from Stacker, left Waimate defenders<br />
grasping at air as he pierced their defences<br />
to dot downunder the posts. Local legend<br />
Hag McRae also bagged atry, as the<br />
ageless war horse marshalled his troops<br />
throughout the game, time and time again.<br />
The team came away with aconvincing<br />
win, 38-10, and should take much<br />
confidence from their performance.<br />
game of the day saw the high-flying<br />
Waimate senior team meetthe new-look<br />
Axemen in a rematch of last year, where<br />
Waimate won 95-0. In warm conditions,<br />
the teams took to the field for Waimate<br />
to go straight on the attack in the Axemens<br />
22.Waveafter wave of relentless attack<br />
came andcrashed into theRed and Black<br />
wall of defenders, 0-0 after 20 minutes.<br />
Try as they might, the Waimate team<br />
couldnt break the home sides line as the<br />
Axemen refused toyield and continued<br />
to moveforward. Finally, after 30 minutes,<br />
the visitors broke through from ascrum<br />
set-piece 5m out to score 5-0. Half-time<br />
came and went, and straight after the<br />
kick-off, Waimate scored again from a<br />
rolling maultogo up 12-0. The floodgates<br />
may have openedlast year,but the Axemen<br />
dug in, finding space 60 minutes in, and<br />
flew down the fieldinto the Waimatered<br />
zone. Attack after attack and some good<br />
ball retention finally paid dividends for<br />
the home side as Que Coops sold adummy<br />
and crashed over from 2m out, 12-5. The<br />
game continued to be abattle of defence<br />
until the last whistle. Waimate managed<br />
to add apenalty in the last five minutes<br />
to take the game 15-5. A fantastic defensive<br />
effort bythe Axemen showed there is<br />
character there and the potential to be<br />
the dark horse ofthe competition once<br />
they find cohesiveness in their attack.<br />
There was no rugby this Easter weekend;<br />
the Axemen will return this Saturday,<br />
24 <strong>April</strong>, at School Park from 1300. See<br />
you there. GIDEON SNOW<br />
Medium square bales pea straw $50<br />
Medium square bales linseed straw $50<br />
Free delivery in Geraldine area<br />
CONTACT: Dave Doy<br />
PHONE: 03 693 8033<br />
ONLINE PAYMENT TO: Lions Club of Geraldine<br />
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 03 0839 0103574 00<br />
REFERENCE: Your name<br />
Great after care<br />
Great quality<br />
Fast and friendly<br />
Competitive &affordable pricing<br />
ATION,<br />
41 Church Street, Timaru Jenny Wang PG Dip CDT<br />
(opposite To<br />
ony’s<br />
Ty<br />
yres) Registered ClinicalDental Technician<br />
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm |03688 6182 Caira UyPG Dip CDT<br />
Registered ClinicalDental Technician<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>21</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 9<br />
Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />
staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />
the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />
Under the Red Level C-19<br />
Protection Framework,<br />
the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />
8.30am to 5.30pm, by appointment only.<br />
Contact us on 03 693 8207 to make an in-person<br />
or contact-less appointment with one of our team,<br />
to discuss all your legal matters.<br />
Phone 03693 8207 or<br />
or visit our website:<br />
Sundays trotting event will be fully open to the public now that Covid restrictions have eased. PHOTO: Supplied<br />
Trotting club event to honour Anzacs<br />
The Geraldine Trotting Club (GTC) is<br />
holding anine-raceprogramme at Ōrari<br />
racecourseonSunday, 24 <strong>April</strong>, starting<br />
at 1pm. The event has an Anzac theme<br />
in recognition ofthe sacrifice and<br />
contribution made byMid Canterbury<br />
and South Canterbury racing families<br />
over two world wars. Eachrace is dedicated<br />
to the family of someone who served.<br />
This late autumn racing opportunity<br />
will be one of the first fully open for the<br />
public to attend since Covid restrictions<br />
changed theface of public eventsin20<strong>21</strong>.<br />
It is also the last grass track trotting<br />
meeting in New Zealand for the current<br />
season, which finishes in July.<br />
The event is intended as afamilyfriendly<br />
day out with free entry and the<br />
opportunity to experience grass track<br />
racing at itsbest. Like alllocal organisations,<br />
the GTC relies on community support<br />
andisgratefulfor the generosity of sponsors<br />
who continue to support aclubthat has<br />
been an integral part of the Geraldine<br />
community for over 70 years.<br />
T<br />
Excavators: Track &Wheeled<br />
Bobcat Chain Trencher Graders<br />
TipTrucks &Trailers Loaders Cherry Picker<br />
Shingle, Landscaping Rock, Bark Chip<br />
Laser Level available on all machines<br />
NOPERA10Geraldine-Fairlie Highway Geraldine<br />
Ph 0274 340570 or a/hph/fax 693 7985<br />
S<br />
McKenzie HealthCare general manager Karen Blackburn. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson<br />
Its agreat team here, says new manager<br />
New McKenzie HealthCare general manager<br />
Karen Blackburn has traversed much of<br />
the nation -fromWaikato to Buller and<br />
theChatham Islands,innursing andaged<br />
care -enroutetothe role she began eight<br />
weeks ago.<br />
Her rural and clinical background,<br />
and the appeal ofboth Geraldine and<br />
McKenzie HealthCare, were amatch. I<br />
really like it here. Im from asmall town<br />
in the King Country.This job was different,<br />
achallenge. Its alovely facility.<br />
With the Covid-19 pandemic rolling<br />
on andaregistered nurse shortagebiting,<br />
she faces some challenges but regards<br />
them with equanimity. Were building<br />
up in all areas, although aged care has<br />
its difficulties in Covid.<br />
Those difficulties gobeyond Covid<br />
strictures (although Karen says, So far,<br />
our residents have been Covid-free).<br />
Conversely, she has to consider how to<br />
keep McKenzie HealthCareand its residents<br />
connected withthe wider community and<br />
the peopleand activities they love.<br />
Community engagement isreally<br />
important; for example, we have the<br />
MobileSurgicalUnithere today. Normally,<br />
we would have contact with schools and<br />
playgroups in the area, et cetera. The<br />
residents love that kind of contact, and<br />
its good forthe community.<br />
She sees McKenzies Covid protocols<br />
as an abundanceofcare. Its abalancing<br />
act.Weve gottokeep theresidents safe,<br />
but theres apsychosocial aspect. Friends<br />
andfamily, and getting outisimportant.<br />
Karen takes asimilarly nuanced<br />
approach to the national shortage of<br />
registered nurses. Weve got to meet<br />
whatever the market isstating at the<br />
momentplus try to beat the competitors.<br />
We sell Geraldine as awhole package<br />
deal: agreat placetoliveand agreat place<br />
to work -and we offer competitive wages.<br />
Theres alot you can give; alot of job<br />
satisfaction.<br />
She says, McKenzie is great. Its a<br />
great team here. Wewant everyone to<br />
know were caring for everyone here.<br />
Geraldine Community Vehicle Trust bus<br />
goes to Timaru every Tuesday |$15 Return<br />
We pick you upand drop you home<br />
DEPARTS 9.30am |RETURNS 2pm<br />
CALL 03 693 1007<br />
WHĀRANGI 10 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>21</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />
SOME DIRT?<br />
• Tr ew<br />
foundations •Vegetation<br />
clearing/control •Landscaping<br />
•Cleaning out dairysheds<br />
•Certifying drainlayer<br />
Denys -027 686 2237<br />
Jared -027 277 9519<br />
or 03 692 2963 (ah)<br />
Manager<br />
Funeral Director<br />
?J (9J 8/88<br />
5n;o6Br7C95n;nr7C8Z+oZnz<br />
YYYZ Br7C95n;nr7C8Z+oZnz<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />
Direct billing to Insurance Companies<br />
TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />
23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331<br />
Experienced arborist available for all your<br />
tree pruning and removal needs<br />
Phone Li Tane on 022 308 1858<br />
OR EMAIL: for afree quote<br />
What to do<br />
now that<br />
the evenings are dark?<br />
Get off the couch, come on down to the<br />
squash courts at 144 Talbot Street.<br />
All levelsls of experience wholeheartedly welcome.<br />
Club night Monday and Thursday from 6pm,<br />
come down for ahit and get to know everyone.<br />
Tuesday interclub will startatthe end of the month.<br />
Wednesday has potential forladies night.<br />
Friday night fish and chips kids night.<br />
OR CONTA<br />
ACT TOBY HOW 027 303 1033<br />
ECE<br />
Teacher<br />
Geraldine Preschool is seeking aqualified<br />
ECE teacher to join our dedicated team at our<br />
community-owned preschool. We value<br />
relationships with our colleagues, whānau and<br />
tamariki as we learn alongside each other.<br />
Our centre has achieved our<br />
Green-Gold Enviroschools Award, values<br />
aconnection to nature and boasts anatural<br />
outdoor space. We have astrong focus on<br />
inclusiveness, recognising and valuing the rich<br />
diversity of the tamariki, whānau and local<br />
community. Wepromote strategies for learning<br />
within aplay-based curriculum.<br />
We offer pay parity, generous non-contact hours<br />
and aprofessional development budget, paid<br />
teacher registration and flexible working<br />
conditions.<br />
If you are asupportive team member who shows<br />
enthusiasm, is flexible, fun-loving and an open<br />
communicator we would love tohear from you.<br />
Please send your CV and name of two referees to:<br />
Jolenne Sowden:<br />
APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Friday 27<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
south canterbury<br />
DROP-OFF<br />
POINT<br />
Smaller donations to your<br />
Hospice Shop can now be dropped off<br />
to Hammer Hardware Geraldine<br />
To leave your items, use the customer parking off<br />
Wilson Street. If you need assistance just ask the<br />
friendly Hammer Hardware team.<br />
Larger items please call<br />
03 6883965<br />
and we will arrange collection<br />
Thanks for your support<br />
Hereto<br />
help<br />
Jacqui Dean<br />
MPforWaitaki<br />
Contact me anytime<br /><br />
127 Thames St, Oama<br />
0800 MP WAIT<br />
AKI<br />
20 APRIL 4.30pm<br />
03 693 9723<br />
Turning Pre-Loved Goods Into First Class Care<br />
Authorised by Jacqui Dean,<br />
Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.<br /><br />
THURSDAY, <strong>21</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 11<br />
gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />
GNews NOTICES<br />
DIDN’T GET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />
youdon’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />
GNews, email or call ortxt<br />
027 920 8751. We’ll try to get one to you and try<br />
to ensure any delivery issues are resolved.<br />
URBAN MYTH DEBUNKED All classifieds, including<br />
public notices are, and have always been, charged<br />
at the GNews classified ad rate. The only exceptions<br />
are alistofnew board members, anotice to describe<br />
afounditem, club results, raffle results and the first<br />
15 wordsofadeath notice and the Community Diary.<br />
Pass it on.<br />
CLASSIFIED ADS CASHSALES 24 HislopStreet 10am<br />
til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask. Ads are<br />
60 cents per word.<br />
PLACEAGREETING TO AFRIEND just 60c per word.<br />
or drop intothe Resource Centre. 60c per word.<br />
Death notices: first 15 words free.<br />
your business and tax requirements. Phone Raylene<br />
on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />
Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />
dogs. 208 Woodbury Road. Phone 03 6939929.<br />
BUILDER QualifiedLBP,20years experience, for all<br />
buildingwork.Phone Ants027 3090798.<br />
CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />
Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />
owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 1187580.<br />
CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />
Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />
COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Call Geraldine Computer<br />
Solutions: Prompt, professional, affordable.<br />
03 693 9496.<br />
Glass 03 693 9927.<br />
DISCOUNT 15% offall and labour pricesonly.Phone<br />
Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />
Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 041 3318.<br />
PAINTER GERALDINE-BASED Friendly professional<br />
service, good rates, excellent local references.<br />
Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or 027 962 4841.<br />
PC UPGRADES /REPAIRS Geraldine Computer<br />
Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />
SHARPENING SERVICE Knives, scissors, blades.<br />
Geraldine Forge and Blades 029 646 6327.<br />
TECH SUPPORT GERALDINE for computer help.<br />
Shane 029 646 6327.<br />
Clover Honey Special1kg $15, 2kg $25. Newseason’s<br />
Honeycomb alsoavailable.<br />
GERALDINE BRIDGE CLUBOrari Handicap Pairs<br />
Session 1, 14.04.22 North South; 1st KMiles &R<br />
Pitelen 60.05% 2nd TBoyce &VCrawford 61.66%.<br />
East West; 1st KGidlow-Black &SStevens64.56%,<br />
2nd VHill &MBray 43.67%. 13.04.22 1st JKelly &<br />
LGraybill 65.63%, 2nd= DMMcColl &CMarshall<br />
53.13%,TBoyce&DCrafts 53.13.<br />
St Mary’s church, Talbot Street, Geraldine follwed<br />
by the parish AGM.<br />
5pm Friday<br />
12pm Monday<br />
Earthworkswillbetaking place on the first loop<br />
of the Geraldine SculptureTrail from 25 <strong>April</strong> to 27 May.<br />
Users may be affectedatthe following locations<br />
during this 4-week period:<br />
Waihi River Trail -trail closed from the bottom of<br />
the bell tower ramp to McKenzie Street bridge<br />
Trail from Pedestrian Bridge to Bell Tower Ramp<br />
(below NPD) -will remain open<br />
Todd Park -accessclosed to sections of the park<br />
close to river<br />
Kennedy Park -accessclosed along river stopbank<br />
Kennedy Park -sectionofcarpark will be closed for<br />
materials stockpile<br />
Kennedy Park -trucks crossing, and vehicular access<br />
may be restricted at times<br />
Thank youfor your supportand consideration as this<br />
work is completed forthe enhancement of our community.<br />
Questions? Contact Janene Adams on 027 555 6524.<br />
eatingout<br />
Our business goal is simple:<br />
to help you achieve<br />
your business goals.<br />
Offices in Geraldine (Wed) and Timaru<br />
PHONE: 03 687 9045<br />
MOBILE: 0<strong>21</strong> 109 0149<br />
EMAIL:<br />
BARKER’SFOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />
menuincorporating Barker’s products withseasonalingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />
8.30am-4.30pm. Phone 03 693 9727.<br />
BREWERY CAFÉ Hours: Monday/Tuesday closed, Wednesday 9am-5pm,<br />
Thursday/Friday/Saturdays 9am to late(kitchencloses8pm), Sunday9am-4pm.<br />
Bookingsadvisablebyphoning 03 697 4959.<br />
CAFE VERDE Licensed café in adelightful garden setting. Menu and cabinet<br />
options. Open 7days 9am-3pm.45Talbot St. Phone03693 9616.<br />
THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the Forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />
Thu-Sun and Fri &Sat evenings. Phone 03 6963567.<br />
MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />
and lunch menu are available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is openevery<br />
Friday night 5.30pm-9pm.<br />
GERALDINE FARM SHOP&CAFE Open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Weekends<br />
8.30am-5pm. Menuchoices change regularly.Somethingfor everyone. Come<br />
and check us out. Phone 03 6939514.<br />
THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Street Food Takeaway (feel free to sit and<br />
enjoy your food outside or in The Clubhouse. Hours: Wed-Thu 4.30-8.30pm;<br />
Friday-Sat 4.30pm till later than that. 36 Talbot Street. Phone 03 693 9723.<br />
Online ordering &delivery coming soon.<br />
THE RUNNING DUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />
popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />
8am-4pm;Saurday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm.<br />
THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />
phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />
WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />
restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />
-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km from Geraldine. Phone 03 971 6292.<br />
PH: 03 693 9399<br />
Laser ElectricalGeraldine,17Peel Street<br />
03 6939399|<br />
PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />
THURSDAY <strong>21</strong> APRIL TIL WEDNESDAY 27 APRIL<br />
Special preview screenings this Anzac weekend!<br />
Colin Firth &Penelope Wilton star in the amazing<br />
true story from WW2 based on the best-selling book<br />
The Man Who Never Was<br />
(M) VIOLENCE<br />
SAT 8PM |SUN 3PM<br />
MON 5.15PM<br />
Anostalgic, uplifting &modern documentary<br />
about HRH Queen Elizabeth II, the<br />
longest-serving monarch of all time<br />
SAT 6.15PM |SUN 5.30PM<br />
SAT 4.15PM FINAL!<br />
Sandra Bullock &Channing Tatum<br />
star in this comedy adventure<br />
SUN 7.30PM |MON 3PM<br />
WED (27) 7.30PM<br />
Helen Mirren &Jim Broadbent star in<br />
THE DUKE<br />
SUN 1PM |WED (27) 5.30PM FINAL!<br />
The all new children's animated feature<br />
THU, FRI &MON 1PM<br />
WED (27) 3.15PM<br />
THU &FRI 3.15PM<br />
SAT 2PM |WED (27) 1PM<br />
PAGE 12 |GERALDINE NEWS | THURSDAY, <strong>21</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong><br />
L<br />
COLY ALL<br />
OP<br />
EN<br />
ANZA C<br />
W<br />
EEKEND<br />
IN<br />
Buy any Top Flite bird food during <strong>April</strong> and<br />
go in the draw to win a lighthousefeeder<br />
rf ee delivery<br />
within the town boundary<br />
PHONE:<br />
03<br />
693 9514<br />
C<br />
$3.99ea<br />
Off<br />
ends<br />
fe<br />
er<br />
30 <strong>April</strong><br />
$1.99 each<br />
5kg ONIONS<br />
$11.99 bag<br />
$2.49kg<br />
$10.99kg<br />
$3.99 abag<br />
INS<br />
STT<br />
ORE<br />
N<br />
OW<br />
NOR<br />
O<br />
W<br />
AP<br />
PLES<br />
20<strong>April</strong> til Tuesday26<strong>April</strong> or while stocks last<br />
SpecialsavailableWednesday 2<br />
TheFarm<br />
Shop Café in Geral-<br />
VISIT:<br />
ger<br />
raldinefarmshop<br /><br />
56 Main North Road, Geraldinee<br />
PHONE:<br />
30 693 9514<br />
PHONE:<br />
HOURS:<br />
30 693 9514<br />
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm<br />
Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-5pm<br />
Public Holidays 9am-5pm<br />
11am-3pm<br />
$50 BALE<br />
$50 BALE<br />
GLASS<br />
Double Glazing, Insurance<br />
Repairs, Splash Backs,<br />
Window Repairs, Mirrors &<br />
Showers, Insect Screens<br />
03 693 9927<br /><br />
WEEKLY<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
31<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Strollers Club<br />
Our first February stroll for the year was in<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes district where we joined<br />
the Te Araroa Trail at the top of Lake<br />
Clearwater to walk to the Potts Gorge and<br />
return.<br />
Later in February, our Sunday trip saw us<br />
travelling to Lake Heron Station, where we<br />
were afforded grand views of the Arrowsmith<br />
Range. Abeautiful day meant that we didn’t<br />
mind the numerous river crossings as we<br />
tramped up the Smite River.<br />
Sunday 6th March saw us venture up the<br />
Rakaia Gorge, to the Dry Acheron Station.<br />
Although the norwester was blowing rather<br />
strongly, it wasn’t enough to put us off enjoying<br />
our day out tramping in the tussocky hills.<br />
Adverse weather conditions forced the<br />
cancellation of our Wednesday walk in the<br />
foothills.<br />
<strong>April</strong> 3rd saw 18 members enjoying a<br />
sunny day in the Whitecliffs area, where an<br />
uphilltramp was rewarded with lovely views of<br />
the surrounding countryside.<br />
The Wednesday walkers travelled to Lake<br />
Tekapo, where they completed the Lagoon<br />
Loop.<br />
Two extra strolls have been into Woolshed<br />
Creek and up the Stour River.<br />
Members are most appreciate of the<br />
wonderful work being done to improve the<br />
tracks, by the hard working volunteers of the<br />
Mt Somers Walkways Committee.<br />
There is aclub night and annual general<br />
meeting on Tuesday 2nd August when David<br />
Howden will show his video called ‘Mustering<br />
with Sharkie’.<br />
Strolls are held on the first Sunday and<br />
second Wednesday of the month, usually<br />
departing from the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Courthouse at<br />
8.30am.<br />
New walkers are always welcome to join<br />
in.<br />
For further information about the club and<br />
activities, please phone Jenny on 027 308<br />
6864, or<br />
Mid Canterbury LadiesFriendship Club<br />
President Julie opened the <strong>April</strong> meeting<br />
held recently. After the National Anthem was<br />
sung birthdays and anniversaries were celebrated.<br />
The Mid Canterbury Area Representative<br />
had sent an update. Donations for the<br />
foodbanks were collected.<br />
Members were asked toshare values or<br />
skills their parents taught them. These were<br />
many and varied and included wearing gloves<br />
when putting on stockings, being kind, turning<br />
pillow cases inside out when washing to get<br />
the fluff out, don’t believe everything you hear,<br />
keep the bench tidy but most of all wear clean<br />
knickers as you might be hit by abus!<br />
The raffle of Easter Eggs was drawn.<br />
After morning tea the speaker was Sue<br />
Allen. She told us of coming to <strong>Ashburton</strong> in<br />
2001 and joining Creative Fibres. This group<br />
was started in New Zealand in 1969, there are<br />
now over 3000 members, also some overseas.<br />
There are 15 geographical areas,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> has abig group. There are many<br />
activities including spinningand knitting, lots of<br />
traditional crafts, also a magazine, festivals<br />
and charity work. In 2005 there was aFestival<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> now has 64 members and meet<br />
at the Plains Village, where they have fun,<br />
inspiration, learning and friendship. There are<br />
also Open Days and demonstrations, school<br />
visits. A highlight is the Annual Retreat at<br />
Staveley.<br />
Sue then showed many beautiful<br />
examples of her work including a Shetland<br />
wool shawl, tartan rug, and lots of others. Julie<br />
thanked Sue for her talk.<br />
The Thought for the Month “We cannot<br />
cure the world of sorrow, butwecan chooseto<br />
Arose from the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Horticultural Society.<br />
live in joy”.<br />
If you wish to visit our friendlygroup please<br />
phone either Julie 3084254 or Rae 3088927,<br />
we would love to meet you. Next meeting is<br />
10am on 11 May <strong>2022</strong> at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Horticultural Society<br />
President Joy welcomed 12 members and<br />
1 visitor from Invercargill to our Garden<br />
Group's <strong>April</strong> meeting which was held at<br />
Domain Pavilion.<br />
John Hoogwegspoke on his attendance at<br />
the South Island National Dahlia Show held in<br />
Timaru on the weekend 19th &20th February.<br />
There were 466 blooms of all varieties on<br />
display. John had six entries and came home<br />
with five prizes. Next year <strong>Ashburton</strong> Dahlia<br />
Groupiscombining with Christchurch to stage<br />
the show here in <strong>Ashburton</strong>atthe Tinwald Hall<br />
on 3rd weekend in February 2023.<br />
The organisers are expecting a similar<br />
number of entries. Table show results. 8<br />
members &71entries<br />
Brian Glassey - 6,5,2, Graham - 5,3,0,<br />
John Hoogweg -2,1,5, Cyril Keen -2,3,0, Joy<br />
Jaine -1,1,1<br />
Surrey Lamont -1,1,0, Anne Gamblin -0,<br />
1,2, Trevor Gamblin -1,0,0. Premier Award:<br />
Graham Gunn -Class 19 -1apricotrose -City<br />
of Auckland. Brian Glassey set up adisplay of<br />
eight different coloured abutilons (Chinese<br />
Lanterns). Raffle was won by Allan Johnstone<br />
Next meeting will be aPot Luck Lunch at<br />
1pm on Friday 20th May <strong>2022</strong> at Domain<br />
Pavilion, Walnut Avenue.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Forest and Bird<br />
Covid has continued to have implications<br />
for our branch activities.<br />
Our annual meeting has been postponed<br />
until Tuesday May 17th. Annualreports will be<br />
ratified at the newly scheduled May meeting.<br />
Our guest speaker is Paul Sagar ornithologist<br />
for NIWA who has recently returned from<br />
research work at the Sub Antarctic Snares<br />
Islands.<br />
What's coming up?<br />
The District Council isholding awilding<br />
day on<strong>April</strong> 23rd atLake Camp. Meet at<br />
9.30am atthe east end of Lake Camp.<br />
Please email Biodiversity Officer Christian<br />
Chukwuka christian.chukwuka@adc.<br /> tolet him know you are coming.<br />
Usual sturdy footwear, bring your own<br />
loppers orpruning saws ifyou have them.<br />
BBQ tofollow.<br />
Keep May 8th free too.<br />
Forest and Bird is revisiting wildings<br />
over the wider Lake Heron and Lake Hill<br />
areas.<br />
This is another chance to deal with<br />
regrowth and small seedling trees that keep<br />
appearing. This area has been our 'patch'<br />
for some time and very satisfying to see the<br />
regrowth contained.<br />
More information nearer the time.<br />
Join our committee.<br />
Weeding and planting are popular<br />
activities. Weare looking for members who<br />
are keen to be part of the team at the<br />
forefront of the conservation work we do.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />
Hope you all had a great Easter and<br />
enjoyed the goodies the weekend brings.<br />
An Anzac Tournament isbeing held in<br />
Christchurch onMonday in which some of<br />
our members are playing. The following<br />
Sunday we have our Club Women’s and<br />
Men’s Drawn Doubles.<br />
This Saturday, 23<strong>April</strong>, we are trialling<br />
play for members and the general public,<br />
following requests for weekend games.<br />
This will continue through the winter<br />
months and is in addition to our Tuesday<br />
and Thursdayplay,socomealongand learn<br />
the game, you will enjoy it.<br />
Boules and tuition will beprovided.<br />
See you at 115 Racecourse Road at<br />
1pm.<br />
PEOPLE<br />
WHO MEAN<br />
Don’t delay call AJ today<br />
A.J Kerr<br />
•Spider Proofing •Fly Control<br />
•Grain Fumigation •Moss/Lichen Treatment<br />
ent<br />
•Rodents •Wasp nests<br />
LocallyOwned&Operated<br />
Fully qualified ®istered Pest Control Technician<br />
Call A.J 308 8147<br />
or 0274 325 447<br />
2470806<br />
For your complete<br />
Build, Alteration,<br />
Renovation and Repair<br />
(Licensed Building Practitioners)<br />
Cawte Whiting 027-418-7955<br /><br />
2470808<br />
Spruce<br />
Gardens<br />
Forfreequotes contactAndrew<br />
027 765 2899 or03307 307 1693<br /><br />
2470810<br />
Is yourgarden<br />
screamingfor<br />
attention?<br />
Forall your gardeningneedsneeds<br />
We offerthe personal touch<br />
•Mowing•Pruning•Flower bedPreparation<br />
•Fertilisation •Service&Advice& •Professionalattentionntion<br />
Forqualified,experienced &reliable<br />
serviceand advice<br />
Andrew Williams-Freeman
32 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
&<br />
SILAGE<br />
115 Archibald Street<br />
Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone/Fax (03) 307 2354<br />
Email<br /><br />
Canvas or<br />
vinyl seat<br />
covers<br />
made to fit<br />
utes and<br />
farm bikes<br />
Forany quotes or enquiries contactuson03308-4816<br />
or call into the yard at GroveFarm Road,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Email:<br />
&<br />
WaterTroughs<br />
Feed Troughs<br />
Precast panels<br />
Wingwalls<br />
Weeping Walls<br />
WaterTanks<br />
Effluent Tanks<br />
ConcretePipes<br />
ConcreteBunkers<br />
Cattle Stops<br />
Silage Pits<br />
Killing Sheds<br />
SILAGE<br />
2474172<br />
2474507<br />
Award for<br />
pioneering<br />
biocontrol<br />
scientist<br />
Dr Barbara Barratt, an AgResearch scientist<br />
at its Invermay campus, was recently named<br />
aFellow of Royal Society Te Aparangi, which<br />
recognises distinction in research,<br />
scholarship or the advancement of<br />
knowledge at the highest international<br />
standards.<br />
In acitation, the society said Dr Barratt<br />
pioneered internationally relevant research<br />
into the biosafety of introduced biocontrol<br />
agents for insect pests, which was now being<br />
widely applied domestically and<br />
internationally.<br />
‘‘A key example of impact is Barratt’s<br />
contribution to the identification and<br />
biosafety assessment of aparasitoid wasp for<br />
the biocontrol of clover root weevil.<br />
‘‘Through her vision and determination,<br />
Barratt has become aleader in the field, both<br />
in New Zealand and internationally.’’<br />
Originally from the United Kingdom, Dr<br />
Barratt was born in the southeast of England<br />
and attended Durham University where she<br />
completed adegree in zoology and aPhd in<br />
entomology.<br />
She recalledher fatherbeing astrong<br />
influence on herbecominginterestedin<br />
science—and also the teacherwho took the<br />
❛‘‘I just knew then Ineeded to<br />
be involved in natural history ...<br />
and particularly insects. Iwas<br />
just fascinated❜<br />
—Barbara Barratt<br />
class on naturewalks.<br />
‘‘I justloved it,’’ she said, recallinghow they<br />
would collect ‘‘things’’ and bringthem back to<br />
the classroom where they would thenwatch<br />
the ‘‘creepycrawlies’’.<br />
‘‘I justknew then Ineeded to be involved in<br />
natural history ...and particularly insects. I<br />
was just fascinated,’’ she said.<br />
Her degree wasaverytraditional, general<br />
degree and, whenshe wentontodoaPhD, she<br />
lookedatinsect behaviour.<br />
She arrived in NewZealandinthe late1970s<br />
as aNationalResearchAdvisory Councilpostdoctoral<br />
research fellow, basedatInvermay<br />
(which wasthen theMinistry of Agriculture<br />
and Fisheries), and laterjoinedthe staff.<br />
Initially, Dr Barratt had to get herhead<br />
aroundagriculture in NewZealandand<br />
inspectthe problems and it was all new to her.<br />
She was ‘‘blown away’’ so manyinsectshad<br />
not beendiscovered.<br />
She became ascientist and worked through<br />
the ranks to seniorscientistand then on to<br />
principal scientist. Shealso worked<br />
extensivelyinnative grassland ecosystems,<br />
resultinginanunderstandingofthe impacts of<br />
fireand agricultural development.<br />
Her workchanged overthe years from<br />
initially controlling pests with pesticides or<br />
other management methodsintobiological<br />
control. Insectpests could causeconsiderable<br />
lossesinpastoral production.<br />
She became particularly interested in the<br />
safety aspects of biological control and<br />
whetheritwas safe to bringbiological agents in<br />
fromoverseas.<br />
Mostofher worksince thenhad been<br />
Dr Barbara Barratt<br />
workingonthe impacts of biocontrol agents<br />
andhelping the EPA make better decisions<br />
aboutthe safety of agents.<br />
Over thelast1015 years,she hadbeen quite<br />
closelyassociated with colleagues at the<br />
University of Otago,where shewas an<br />
honoraryprofessor.<br />
Sheworked with postgraduatestudents,<br />
mainlyinthe botany department andalsowith<br />
some zoologystudents.<br />
Sheenjoyedworking withstudents,<br />
particularlypostgraduates, as they were<br />
enthusiastic andchallenged her.<br />
Shealsoenjoyed the association withstaff.<br />
Somethingthat had been very influential in<br />
hercareer was beingelected to the<br />
InternationalOrganisation for Biological<br />
Control.<br />
Shefinished last yearaftera12year<br />
involvementwith theglobal organisation,<br />
whichincluded fouryearterms as bothvicepresidentand<br />
president.<br />
Therewas much traveloverseas to meetings<br />
andalot of opportunitiesasaresultofher<br />
involvement whichhad beenhugelybeneficial<br />
to hercareer.<br />
It hadwidened her horizonsand she brought<br />
some of those experiences back to New<br />
Zealand. Therewas alsothe networking aspect<br />
as well.<br />
It wassatisfying knowingthe organisation<br />
wasbeingkeptactive and engaged, shesaid.<br />
Dr Barratt initially thought shewould<br />
probably onlystayinNew Zealandfor three<br />
years butshe found herself‘‘just so happy’’<br />
here she realised shedid notwant to go backto<br />
theUK.<br />
‘‘It’s such awonderful place to liveand<br />
work,’’ shesaid.<br />
Sheenjoyedher workand felt honoured,<br />
flatteredand humbled aboutthe society’s<br />
recognition of her.~ODT<br />
Originally from the UK:<br />
Dr Barbara Barratt was born in the southeast of<br />
England and attended Durham University where<br />
she completed adegree in zoology and aPhd in<br />
entomology.<br />
She recalled her father being astrong influence<br />
on her becoming interested in science —and<br />
also the teacher who took the class on nature<br />
walks.<br />
‘‘I just loved it,’’ she said, recalling how they<br />
would collect ‘‘things’’ and bring them back to<br />
the classroom where they would then watch the<br />
‘‘creepy crawlies’’.<br />
‘‘I just knew then Ineeded to be involved in<br />
natural history ... and particularly insects. Iwas<br />
just fascinated,’’ she said.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
33<br />
&<br />
SILAGE<br />
Time to prepare awinter feed budget<br />
Late autumn is an ideal time to do afeed<br />
budget to help meet livestock<br />
performance targets and set up pastures<br />
for spring.<br />
On arecent Beef +Lamb New<br />
Zealand Feed Planning webinar, Farm<br />
Systems scientist Tom Fraser outlined<br />
the value of carrying out afeed budget to<br />
drive profitability and reduce farmer<br />
stress levels.<br />
He says afeed budget will identify<br />
deficits and surpluses and highlight any<br />
red flags so actions can be taken early.<br />
“Doing something is better than waiting<br />
for disaster to happen and every time<br />
you do afeed budget you will get better<br />
at it.”<br />
Farmers in different parts of the country<br />
are going into winter with different<br />
challenges.Many regions have had awet<br />
summer so feedquality could be an issue,<br />
otherareas are very dry andfacing feed<br />
deficits. Everyone is affected by Omicronrelated<br />
supplychain disruptions.<br />
All these challenges build astrong case<br />
for putting togetherafeed budget going<br />
into winter.<br />
Afeed budget allowdecisions to be<br />
made early, feed to be allocated to priority<br />
stockand ensure animalsare fed to meet<br />
theirrequirements, not management<br />
requirements. It could cover awhole farm<br />
for one year,part of afarm for ashort<br />
period or even just onepaddock for one<br />
stock class for aday. “It’s not an exact<br />
science but it will help youmake<br />
decisions.”<br />
The information required to put<br />
togetherafeed budget includes stock<br />
classes and numbers, stockweights and<br />
production status (maintenance or<br />
growth), feed available whichincludes<br />
pasture covers (sward stickswill help<br />
measure covers and help calibratethe<br />
eye) and supplementary feed(grain,hay<br />
nitrogen).<br />
With all the necessary information on<br />
hand,Tom recommends working through<br />
each classofstock to calculate their<br />
requirements and total feed demand.Itis<br />
important to include feed utilization<br />
whichwill vary depending on the quality<br />
of the feed and climate. It is important to<br />
note baleage is not 100 per cent drymatter,<br />
agood estimate is 50 per cent drymatter.<br />
Aspreadsheet, availablethrough B<br />
+LNZ extension managers, will allow<br />
users to run different scenarios and test<br />
different management strategies.<br />
Winter is the easiest time to do afeed<br />
budget as growth rates don’t varymuch<br />
throughthe colder months, Tomsays.<br />
Quality<br />
Farmerswho are goinginto winter with<br />
long pasture covers and tag need to<br />
addressthe issue of quality before spring.<br />
Tom recommendsusing whatever class of<br />
stock is available to clean up areas where<br />
qualityisimportant going to spring,rather<br />
than tackling the whole farm. This,for<br />
example, could be wheretwinbearing<br />
ewes are setstockedfor lambing.<br />
Lambs<br />
With potential processing delays, lambs<br />
should be maintained and if they’re not up<br />
to weight, considering buyingin<br />
supplement to increase growth rates and<br />
achievetarget weights.<br />
To workout the cost effectiveness of a<br />
supplement, Tom suggests using the cost<br />
of grainasthe benchmark, as this is ahighquality<br />
feedwith high utilization.<br />
“Itisneverefficient to take weight off an<br />
animal. It takes threetimes the amount of<br />
energytoput on akilogram of liveweight<br />
on an animalthan whatyou’re saving by<br />
taking weightoff.”<br />
~B+LNZ<br />
Keep safewhen<br />
diggingor moving<br />
equipment<br />
Overhead and underground powerlines can be easy<br />
to forget about when diggingormoving farm machinery<br />
around your property.<br />
Beforeyou start digging,find outwhere power lines<br />
and cables arelocated. Contact 0800 b4u dig<br />
If you do come intocontact with live lines,call<br />
EA Networkson0800 430 460 immediately and<br />
staystill untilhelp arrives.<br />
34 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
&<br />
SILAGE<br />
Autumn grub and slug warning<br />
Arable farmers arebeing<br />
advised to keep agoodeye out<br />
for grass gruband slug<br />
populations heading into the<br />
busy autumn sowing period.<br />
In the case of grass grub,<br />
FARresearcher Richard<br />
Chynoweth says in adry year,<br />
many eggs arelost to<br />
desiccation, but thisseason’s<br />
wetter than average December<br />
and January meansalot of the<br />
eggs have survived and<br />
hatchedinto larvae.<br />
They’regoing to be tricky to<br />
manage and there are alot of<br />
factors to consider, he says.<br />
“It's quite easy to find grass<br />
grub larvae now as the good<br />
feeding season means they are<br />
biggerthan they would usually<br />
be at thistimeof year.<br />
‘‘On theupside, this means<br />
they are potentially more<br />
susceptible to cultivation<br />
damage, but on the downside,<br />
they’re hungry.<br />
grub larvaeatpresent, but<br />
once those weeds are removed,<br />
presowing,they'll be sitting<br />
there waitingfor the new crop<br />
to come through andcancause<br />
enormous damage at that<br />
point. The use of ashort term<br />
cover crop that provides afood<br />
source mayactually provide<br />
someprotection of the main<br />
crop planting by advancing<br />
larval development so the stop<br />
2474667<br />
Heavy duty2.4m x1.4m with<br />
1.6mm steel sheet base.<br />
Competitiveprice–depending on quantity<br />
We canrepair and service:<br />
•Round bale feeders •Calf feeders •Sheep feedersand more<br />
Anddon’t forget we repair rotaryboomirrigators<br />
Phone 308 5903 weekdays l<br />
On call 7days: Doug: 027 282 2245, Matt (Tomo): 0<strong>21</strong> 518 538<br />
15 Malcolm McDowell Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
ThreeRivers Bale Feeders<br />
• Holds round or squarebales<br />
• Strong yetflexible.<br />
• Lightweight 35kg –staff and stock friendly<br />
• Easily movedbyhand –notractor needed<br />
• Will notrust and UV stable<br />
• Insulatedfor hotwirerollover<br />
• Optional adjustable ring –<br />
stop stock jumping in<br />
• New Zealand made<br />
• Custom built options available<br />
Grubby finds ...Grass grubs can decimate crops during awet season.<br />
feeding earlier in winter.<br />
“Naturally occurring<br />
pathogens are another thing to<br />
factor in.The wet seasonwill<br />
have suitedthem as well, but<br />
it’s really difficult to know<br />
what impactthey will haveon<br />
larvalpopulations.<br />
‘‘Mysuggestion to all<br />
growersistoget outwith a<br />
spadeand look atthe number<br />
of larvae they'vegot,<br />
Alistair 027 487 6711<br /> l<br />
especially relativetohow<br />
manyseeds of the cropthey're<br />
goingtoplant and make acall<br />
as towhether they need toput<br />
some treatmenton.”<br />
For slugs the story isslightly<br />
different as slugs’ major<br />
reproductiveperiod is just<br />
beginning,sothe summer<br />
rainfall may nothave<br />
influenced numbers to any<br />
greatextent,yet.<br />
2476220<br />
Feed quality fears<br />
There’s no shortageoffeed forupper South Islandsheep<br />
andbeef farmers —but qualityiscoming intoquestion.<br />
Beef+LambNewZealandisencouraging farmers<br />
establishing new cropsand pastures to keep aneyeout<br />
forslugs andother insect pestsbecauseofmoistsoils<br />
andpasturesurpluses.<br />
More pasture thatch than usual is creatingan<br />
environment for insectstothrive, as farmers deal with<br />
othergrass qualityproblems.<br />
Northern SouthIsland extension manager Lucy<br />
Murraysaidsome farmers haduptotwo winters’worth<br />
of feedinfrontofthem.<br />
Feed quality wasdropping duetoalarge feedsurplus,<br />
andfarmerswould need to focusonmaintainingfeed<br />
quality to maximise animalproductioncome springand<br />
nextsummer.<br />
‘‘Weneed to encourage farmers to target key paddocks<br />
that theywill be lambingonand grazing lambs on in<br />
spring. Farmersmay wanttolook atbuying in stock to<br />
help managefeed qualityandthere areafewoptions<br />
with weaner calf sales, store lambs coming up from<br />
Southlandand dairy cattle forfattening.’’<br />
*All<br />
prices<br />
plus<br />
GST<br />
Silage Tines<br />
.820 curvedfor<br />
silage grabs<br />
Only 25 available<br />
OUR<br />
PRICE<br />
$60 ea<br />
<br />
<br />
Phone: 03 308 2059 Mobile: 0274 326 847<br /><br /><br />
However, it’s important to<br />
note thatthankstothe wet<br />
season, unirrigated farmsare<br />
sitting on thesame conditions<br />
as irrigated ones,and may<br />
need to be more vigilant than<br />
usual.<br />
As withgrass grub,<br />
monitoringfor slugs is going to<br />
be absolutely key, especially<br />
in the high riskcrops like<br />
brassicasand clovers.’’<br />
2474676<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
Anational service hasbeen<br />
activatedbythe MinistryofPrimary<br />
Industriestosupport farmers<br />
sourcing feed.Priority areas are<br />
thoseaffectedbyrecent flooding<br />
anddroughtconditions.<br />
The activationis supported by B<br />
+LNZ and DairyNZ, withFederated<br />
Farmers contracted to deliver it.<br />
Theservicematches willing<br />
buyers and willing sellers –like a<br />
dating service, but forfeed.<br />
Registering is simple–ifyou<br />
require feedgohereorifyou have<br />
feed for sale go here.<br />
Oryou cancall0800Farming<br />
(0800 327 646) and select option 2<br />
to request acall back.<br />
Join the Gumboot Runfundraiser,<br />
organised by FarmFit, from 6pm<br />
<strong>April</strong> 29 throughto6pm on May1to<br />
support mentalhealth.<br />
Donationsraisedduring the run<br />
willgotowards mental health<br />
charitiesIAmHope, andWill To<br />
Live.Anyone interestedcan<br />
download the Strava App by mobile<br />
phone and logkilometresasyou<br />
runduring those dates.<br />
For every kilometre run,<br />
donations will be raised to support<br />
the two charities.<br />
Alan Broomhall hasbeennamed<br />
overall winner of theMayfieldA&P<br />
Associationon-farmheifer<br />
competition.Itwas organised and<br />
run by Hayleyand JonDampney.<br />
Mr Broomhallhad second<br />
placing success in two classes; the<br />
Class 3GrazierR1Heifers, andthe<br />
Class4GrazierR2Heifers.<br />
TheMayfieldA&P committee<br />
wasthankful for thecommunity<br />
support and sponsorship forthe<br />
event.<br />
Full results:Overallwinner Alan<br />
Broomhall.<br />
Class1Owner R1 Heifers: 1st<br />
Grant Early, 2ndFraser Hutchinson<br />
,3rd Steve Schmack.<br />
Class2Owner R2 Heifers: 1st<br />
MarkMcDonald, 2ndFraser<br />
Tasker,3rd BenWoodhouse.<br />
Class3Grazier R1 Heifers: 1st<br />
MikeRigarslford,2nd Alan<br />
Broomhall, 3rd DaveKing.<br />
Class4Grazier R2Heifers: 1st<br />
Dave King, 2ndAlanBroomhall,<br />
3rdJames Murdoch.<br />
Spot Prizes: Ben Woodhouse<br />
most even line and Bert Oliver beef<br />
Free Delivery<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Give us acalltoredeem<br />
T’s&C’sApply<br />
Massive<br />
IN-STORE Savings<br />
Call us @034<strong>21</strong> 6997 to secureone
36 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7 8<br />
9 10 11<br />
12 13 14<br />
15 16 17 18<br />
22/4<br />
Across<br />
2. I’mentering non-uclub, which is uphill<br />
work (5)<br />
5. Be held by toplessboy anddoashetells<br />
you (4)<br />
7. Putitout it’s the hour to return (4)<br />
8. So to say, it goes without saying(8)<br />
9. Went aheadand made aloan(8)<br />
11. Is extralargeacross the beam (4)<br />
12. Popularlyintwomindsastorich zone<br />
chips comefrom (13)<br />
15. It takessolong, beingacceptedinvillage<br />
society (4)<br />
17. One of apair oneiskeeping in store?(8)<br />
19. Sortofattachéofrefinement (8)<br />
<strong>21</strong>. How to get waterout of part of typewriter<br />
(4)<br />
22. Piece of film thatgoes at afastrate (4)<br />
23. Senioroffice-holderinchurch(5)<br />
Down<br />
1. I’m nocad maybe, butnot settled in my<br />
home (7)<br />
2. It is distinctly better to be one above (3)<br />
3. Order one coinofasort(5)<br />
4. Thedimension written outbythe bard (7)<br />
5. Cockney dog may sound likethis bird (3)<br />
6. Relaxed, aseedbeing knockedout (5)<br />
10. Afailuretomake contact is wrong(5)<br />
11. Take vengeance on the West: rakeit<br />
out(5)<br />
13. Note breve, so depicted (7)<br />
14. It shows where onecan drink, innings<br />
beingdisrupted(3,4)<br />
16. Gotporridgefor mishandlingLuger (5)<br />
18. Nothing but idle maybe when intoxicated<br />
(5)<br />
20. On whichthe supply is always to hand (3)<br />
<strong>21</strong>. Ameasure of pressureinthe saloon(3)<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />
box contains the digits 1to9.<br />
19 20 <strong>21</strong><br />
22 23<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7<br />
8 9<br />
10 11<br />
12 13 14 15<br />
16<br />
17 18 19 20<br />
<strong>21</strong> 22<br />
23 24<br />
Across<br />
1. Throws up (inf)(5)<br />
4. Small and dainty (6)<br />
8. Sure (7)<br />
9. Mettle(5)<br />
10. Infuriated (5)<br />
11. Fidgety(7)<br />
12. Avaricious (6)<br />
14. Grief-stricken (6)<br />
17. Use again (7)<br />
19. Imprecise (5)<br />
<strong>21</strong>. Precise (5)<br />
22. Conspire (7)<br />
23. Paper fastener (6)<br />
24. Print media (5)<br />
Down<br />
1. Hierarchy (7,5)<br />
2. Fate (5)<br />
3. Plant from theocean<br />
(7)<br />
4. Larder (6)<br />
5. Kitchen tool (5)<br />
6. Wood-eating ant (7)<br />
7. Notwithstanding (12)<br />
13. Captivate (7)<br />
15. Wraparound(7)<br />
16. Save from danger (6)<br />
18. Upset (3,2)<br />
20. Measure (5)<br />
Across: 1. Pukes,4.Petite, 8. Certain, 9. Nerve, 10.Irate, 11.<br />
Restive, 12. Greedy, 14. Bereft,17. Recycle, 19. Vague,<strong>21</strong>.<br />
Exact,22. Collude, 23.Staple, 24.Press.<br />
Down: 1. Pecking order,2.Karma, 3. Seaweed,4.Pantry, 5.<br />
Tongs, 6. Termite, 7.Nevertheless,13. Enchant, 15.Envelop, 16.<br />
Rescue,18. Cut up, 20.Gauge.<br />
Across: 2. Climb 5. Obey7.Emit 8. Needless9.Advanced 11.<br />
Wide 12.Schizophrenic 15. Ages 17. Stocking19. Cultural<strong>21</strong>.<br />
Bail 22.Clip 23. Elder.<br />
Down: 1. Nomadic2.Cut 3. Ionic 4. Breadth 5.Owl 6. Eased<br />
10.Amiss 11. Wreak 13. Observe14. Inn sign16. Gruel 18.<br />
Oiled 20.Tap <strong>21</strong>. Bar.<br />
TARGET<br />
entrygentrygorygouty grey greysgroyne<br />
gurneygusty gutsy gyre gyres gyro gyrus<br />
noseynosy oyster rosy runty rusty sentry<br />
stogystonystoreystorystye suety surety<br />
syne tonytourneytourneys treytroy tyre<br />
tyro yens yogurt yore young younger<br />
youngest YOUNGSTER your yours yous<br />
youse yurt<br />
EASY<br />
TARGET<br />
G T O<br />
U Y E<br />
S R N<br />
Good 26<br />
Very Good 35<br />
Excellent 43+<br />
How many words of four letters or more can you<br />
make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />
Each letter may be used only once and all<br />
words must contain the centre letter.<br />
No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />
ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />
he fires the gun.<br />
Bruce and<br />
Denise<br />
McPherson<br />
Bruce and Denise keep busywith real estate but balance inlots of<br />
fun timewith theirfamily. Bruce likes the challenge ofkeeping up<br />
with his two sons, whether it’s atthe gym, on abike, or boating<br />
in the summer. Denise used to ride horses competitively and has<br />
judged internationally forseveral years. Maybe their granddaughter<br />
will love horse riding or followthe boys with motorbikes?<br />
There’s never adull moment living life tothe fullest.<br />
027 438 4250 •<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven • •03307 8317<br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Town To Country<br />
4Millibrook Place, Tinwald<br />
Park Like Family Home<br />
Atruly beautiful family home situated on1373 sqm of immaculately presented lawn and garden. The<br />
househas afloor area of 254 sqm withaseamless, open plan living design includingthree bedrooms with<br />
an ensuite to the master bedroom, two bathrooms and an office. Spacious double garage with entry and<br />
exit doors for easy access to vehicles etc. Plenty of room inside and out with apark like setting that has<br />
to be seen to be believed. Set inapeaceful location.<br />
•3spacious bedrooms<br />
•double garage<br />
•office space<br />
•2bathrooms<br />
•large section<br />
This house will be auctioned on site, Saturday 23rd <strong>April</strong> at 11am.<br />
Call Jarrod Ross today toview this beautiful and spacious home.<br />
3 2 2<br />
AUCTION: on site, this Saturday 23rd <strong>April</strong> at<br />
11am (unless sold prior)<br />
View: By Appointment<br /><br />
Jarrod Ross |027 259 4644<br /><br />
RE/MAX Town to Country<br /> | Each office independently owned and operated<br />
Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA 2008<br />
OFFICE: Lake Hood Drive, Lake Hood<br />
0800 REMAX T2C or 0800 736 298
What'smy<br />
property worth?<br />
It's FREE to<br />
find out!<br />
3D VIRTUAL<br />
Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />
All Sold..ButNow One is<br />
Available!<br />
•Arare opportunity to<br />
purchase adesirable<br />
section in the Camrose<br />
subdivision locatedin<br />
the growing township of<br />
Methven.<br />
•Verynicely positioned<br />
maximisingviews to the<br />
mountains.<br />
OffersOver$265,000<br />
12B Churchill Avenue<br />
ID: W730<br />
Desirable townhouse situatedinasoughtafterAllentonlocation. Well presented, sunnyaspect, two<br />
heatpumpsplus HRVkeepsthishomesuper cosy.<br />
Updatedkitchen with newgas cooktop, twogood sizedbedroomsand aconservatory makethis weebeauty a<br />
mustsee!<br />
These properties nowfor your appointmenttoview.<br />
OffersOver$379,000<br />
Open Home :Saturday23<strong>April</strong>, 10.00 -10.30am<br />
2 1 1<br />
JustWhatYou'reLooking<br />
For!!<br />
Three bedroom property<br />
with open plan living.<br />
Easy care section with garage<br />
pluscarport.<br />
Freshly painted, roughcast<br />
exterior and aluminium<br />
windows.<br />
An excellentfirsthome or<br />
investmentopportunity.<br />
Enquiries Over $349,000<br />
3 1 2<br />
ID: M107<br />
First Home Or Develop?<br />
This property has real<br />
character!<br />
Situatedonthe outskirtsof<br />
Rakaia on acorner section.<br />
Real potential here forthe<br />
astuteinvestorordeveloper.<br />
Four bedrooms and cosy<br />
living.<br />
Such agreat opportunity!<br />
Enquiries Over $299,000<br />
4 1 1 ID: R091<br />
15 Oak Grove<br />
ID:W729<br />
Situatedinaverydesirable Oak Grovelocation this substantial property has so much to offer.<br />
Boasting four bedrooms, office, formal dining,two living areas, beautiful conservatory and twobathrooms this<br />
exceptional home comes with everything afamily could ask forand more! The coveredand heatedswimming<br />
pool,tennis courts and games room arethe icing onthe cake!<br />
Three cargaraging (including carport), aprivate well and composting station,all on a1383m² private,secure<br />
section. This is onenot to be missed, call foranappointmenttoviewtoday!<br />
Enquiries Over $850,000<br />
Open Home :Saturday23<strong>April</strong>, 11.00 -11.30am<br />
4 2 3<br />
Still not SOLD?<br />
It's time to take ACTION!<br />
Call us today for aFREE no obligation appraisal<br />
Get LISTED, get FREE 3D Marketing &get SOLD!<br />
S<br />
O LD<br />
Built foraFamily!<br />
ID: ROL002<br />
On offer is this very spaciousfour bed brick home in the heart of the ever expanding town of Rolleston, within<br />
walking distance to all amenities. The property sits forwardofthe fully fenced sunnysection enjoying plenty of<br />
space out the back! The home offersverylarge open plan livingwith twolounges, doubleglazing,heatpump<br />
and gasheater, four spacious bedrooms with plenty of storage, walk in wardrobe and ensuitetothe master.<br />
Large double attached garage with workbenches.<br />
An added bonus is acovered entertaining area to the rear.<br />
Rollestonisonlya25km commutetoChristchurch.<br />
Enquiries Over $799,000 4 2 2<br />
Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! We donate from everypropertysold!<br />
Manager<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
0275 435 799<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
027 433 9695<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Manoj Rana<br />
022 453 1964<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Dannii May<br />
0<strong>21</strong>0 281 3310<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
0<strong>21</strong>0 752 180
THURSDAY <strong>21</strong>ST APRIL<br />
85 Racecourse Road, Methven 5:30-6:15pm 3 2 1 MVN30029<br />
360 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 9:45-10:15am 3 2 2 AHB30248<br />
24 Trellech Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 1 2 AHB30148<br />
59 Oxford Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 3 1 1 AHB30242<br />
37 Geoff Geering Dve, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 4 2 2 AHB30244<br />
1/63 Short Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 2 1 1 AHB30252<br />
85 Racecourse Road, Methven 11:30-12:15pm 3 2 1 MVN30029<br />
1/19 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 2 1 1 AHB30243<br />
63 Glassworks Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-1:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />
13 Hillier Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:00-1:30pm 3 1 2 AHB30255<br />
<strong>21</strong>/1242 RiverRoad, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-12:00pm 2 1 1 AHB20605<br />
63 Glassworks Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-1:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />
360 Havelock Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
What more could you need? This property has been<br />
lovingly renovated to suit todays modern lifestyle.<br />
*3Bedrooms Plus Office<br />
*Two Bathrooms &TwoToilets<br />
*New Carpet &Paint<br />
*Double Garage andNewSealed Driveway<br />
*New Roof &Guttering and Double Glazed<br />
*Centrally Located Residential “B” within the Avenues<br />
SetDate of Sale<br />
closing 26 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />
3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday9:45 -10:15am<br />
3 2 2<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 597 527<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
1/63 Short Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2 1 1<br />
With Street frontage, positioned to capture all daysun this<br />
home is perfect forthose downsizing, retirees,investor or first<br />
home buyers.Versatile living area with, modern kitchen with<br />
heaps of storage. Spacious living which leads to the conservatory<br />
that overlooks the small garden. Fresh updated bathroom<br />
with all the essentials. Asingle garage completes the package.<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
SetDate of Sale<br />
closing 27 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />
4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
027 290 6606<br />
37 Geoff Geering Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
4 2 2<br />
13 Hillier Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
3 1 2<br />
Turn Keyready 4bedroom plus media/office located in one<br />
of <strong>Ashburton</strong>s desired locations at Geoff Geering Drive. A<br />
fabulous qualitybuilt Grant Love home situated onaexcellent<br />
family sized section is available.The sun will be shining in your<br />
wonderful open plan living/dining and executive kitchen.<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
ForSale<br />
Offers over$810,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:30 -11:00am<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
027 410 6<strong>21</strong>6<br />
*3 double bedrooms with ample storage<br />
*Built to capture all daysun<br />
*Open plan kitchen/dining/lounge<br />
*Summerhill Stone<br />
*Double garage plus carport<br />
*Quiet cul-de-sac<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
SetDate of Sale<br />
closing 10 May<strong>2022</strong>, at<br />
4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday1:00 -1:30pm<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Kim Miller<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 236 8627<br />
Denise Russell<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 432 9717<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 751 009<br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 220 1528<br />
Carey VonLubke<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 697 6948<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 597 527<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 410 6<strong>21</strong>6<br />
Mike Grant ncre<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 272 0202<br />
Mark Totty<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 664 113<br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 438 4250<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 242 7677<br />
Janene McDowell<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 287 3388<br />
96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br /><br />
36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>21</strong> CHURCH STREET 3 1 -<br />
This property comes with:<br />
•3bedrooms •1Bathroom with ashower<br />
and bathtub! • Separate toilet • Spacious<br />
and open plan kitchen and dining. • Back<br />
yard space, would make for great outdoor<br />
entertaining area! BEO $329,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 10.30 -11.00am<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
33 CHALMERS AVENUE 3 2 2<br />
Spacious elegant kitchen, Sep. lounge, O/p<br />
dining/living, Double tiled ensuite & full<br />
bthrm, Indoor/outdoor flow to the private<br />
patio. Double int. garage with laundry.Set<br />
on a manicured low maintenance private<br />
section, this stylish home offers the lucky<br />
buyer comfortable easy living. BEO $639,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 0<strong>21</strong> 354 885<br />
3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />
•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />
•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />
Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />
Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />
to survey) BEO $539,000<br />
All offers considered after Tuesday, 19 <strong>April</strong><br />
<strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 0<strong>21</strong> 354 885<br />
•1.31ha &1.26ha Bareland •Residential D•1<br />
min to Mayfield shops •26min to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Set back from the road with shared<br />
driveway, the spectacular property covers 2<br />
sections of flat land &positioned for the sun<br />
&Mountains. Opportunity to subdivide down<br />
to 4000m2 (subject to survey). PBN<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 0<strong>21</strong> 354 885<br />
35 WAYMOUTH STREET 1 1 -<br />
Set on a930m2 section with huge potential<br />
in Fairton location, with lots of options.<br />
Peaceful &private yet incredibly convenient.<br />
Fairton is asmall township approximately 6<br />
km from <strong>Ashburton</strong>. If you are looking for an<br />
opportunity add value this cute 1bedroom<br />
home is amust see. BEO $269,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
2/361 BURNETT STREET 2 1 1<br />
Freshly renovated! All the hard work has<br />
been done ready for anew owner to enjoy.<br />
2bdrms with wardrobes. Single garage with<br />
storage shed. Sunny, easy care courtyard &<br />
an allotment at the back. BEO $339,000<br />
All offers considered after Tuesday, 26 <strong>April</strong><br />
<strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday 11.15 -11.45am<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
114 THOMSON STREET 3 1 1<br />
3 bdrm home with easy care fully fenced<br />
section. Just ahop skip and jump to Tinwald<br />
School! O/p living allows for easy heating<br />
via h/pump. Bath +shower with extraction.<br />
Int. access single garage. Freshly painted<br />
roof, ready for its new owner. BEO $279,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />
ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />
just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />
from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />
tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />
is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />
Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
29 WAYMOUTH STREET 3 1 3<br />
Space galore with 3dble bdrm home in a<br />
friendly community, Fairton. • Modern o/p<br />
kitchen &dining •Double glazed •Choice of<br />
diesel fire or h/pump for heating •Spa pool<br />
•Internal access carport •2single adjoining<br />
garages with workbench •Plenty of off street<br />
parking for all the toys! BEO $449,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
LEST WE<br />
Forget<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 354 885<br />
Manu Otene<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
022 308 6885<br />
LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit<br />
Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
41<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge Club<br />
Monday Evening <strong>April</strong> 11th,<br />
Flaxmere &King Trophies, 1st<br />
Karen Chettleburg &Janine<br />
Havis, 2nd Amanda Evans &<br />
Bernie Jopson, 3rd Averil<br />
Leckey &George Brown, 4th<br />
Anita Field &Bruce Leighton,<br />
5th Amanda Watson &Dee<br />
Murdoch, 6th Gladys &Noel<br />
Baker. Tuesday Evening <strong>April</strong><br />
12th, Robinson Trophy 1st<br />
Judith Edmond &Maryke<br />
Blignault, 2nd David Sewell &<br />
Debbie SeddonSewell, 3rd<br />
Jason Vannini &Mary<br />
Buckland, 4th Jan de Jong &<br />
Rosemary McLaughlin, 5th<br />
Trish Small &Val Palmer, 6th<br />
Bill Kolkman &Pat Jordan.<br />
Wednesday Afternoon <strong>April</strong><br />
13th, Valetta Trophy 1st =Sue<br />
Rosevear &Kay Robb and Mary<br />
Buckland &Trish Small, 2nd =<br />
Val Palmer &Ian Doel and<br />
Rosemary McLaughlin &Judith<br />
Edmond, 3rd Rewa Kyle &Bev<br />
Turton, 4th Beth McIlraith &<br />
Maree Moore, 5th Johnny<br />
Wright &Roy Keeling.<br />
Thursday Evening <strong>April</strong> 14th,<br />
Duplicate N/S 1st Judith<br />
Edmond &Maree Moore, 2nd<br />
Mike Holdaway &Rosemary<br />
McLaughlin, 3rd Trish Small &<br />
Maryke Blignault, E/W 1st<br />
Audrey Rooney &Bev Turton,<br />
2nd Linda Baker &Pat Jordan,<br />
3rd Wendy &Eric Parr.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club 9Holers<br />
Round 3Marion Marshall<br />
Trophy (Best Net) sponsored by<br />
Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong> are: Winner,<br />
Chris Anderson (32), followed<br />
by Muriel Morgan (34) and<br />
Gavin Johnston (35). Smith &<br />
Church Gobblers were scored<br />
by Fairlie Matsinger &Colin<br />
Fleming.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club<br />
Keig Cup &Coasters Cup<br />
(Greensome) 16 <strong>April</strong><br />
Radius Care &Winners of the<br />
Keig Cup: Blair and Karl<br />
Snowball 66.5 Nett. Winners of<br />
the Coasters Cup: Paul May and<br />
Ken Clucas 65 Nett 2nd (Keig<br />
Cup) Dannie Oosutihazen &<br />
Danielle King 67.5 Nett 2nd<br />
(Coasters Cup) Paddy Bradford<br />
&Rob Coyle 66.5 Nett Other<br />
good scores were; Greg<br />
Fleming &Tom Bird 67.5, Brad<br />
&Matt Fallaver 68.5, Adrian &<br />
Wendy Hopwood 68.5, Gavin<br />
Douglas &Karen McRae 68.5 by<br />
alot from Sharon Bradford &<br />
Hilary Lovett 68.5. Two’s: Karl<br />
Snowball, Brent Smith, Dave<br />
Fisher, Steve Richards &<br />
Sebastian McMillan. Nearest<br />
The Pins: Hole 4# 3Stooges<br />
“Brown Bombers”: Hilary<br />
Lovett, Hole 8# South Island<br />
Seeds &Processing Co: Hilary<br />
Lovett. Hole 12# Value Plus:<br />
Sebastian McMillan, Hole 14#<br />
Dock’s Seafood Bar &Grill:<br />
Greg Fleming, Hole 6# Hamish<br />
Niles Shout: Karl Snowball<br />
Hole 9# Tong’s Thai: Karen<br />
McRae, Tinwald Tavern Bonus<br />
Spot Prize: Paul May<br />
Hole Competition: Stableford<br />
1st: Harvey Bakehouse Winner:<br />
Linda Baker 23pts, 2nd: Chris<br />
Anderson 20pts, 3rd Sam<br />
Prince 20pts, 4th Jamie Stone<br />
18pts, 5th Terry O’Reilly 18pts.<br />
Womens Golf<br />
<strong>April</strong> 9&19: Aorangi Home<br />
Links, Jan McArthur –69,<br />
Jacqui Welch, Rhonda<br />
Gallagher, Vicki Moore –72on<br />
c/b, Nearest the Pins: No 4<br />
Chevalier Farm Ltd –Kay Fox,<br />
No 8Samantha Rose Flowers –<br />
Jenn Shepherd, No 12 Lynn’s<br />
small Salon –Daphne Hinton,<br />
No 14 Todd’s of <strong>Ashburton</strong> –<br />
Wendy Parr, No 18 2nd Shot –<br />
Ellenor Sullivan, Two’s<br />
Jenn Shepherd –No8,Wendy<br />
Parr –No14.<br />
Allenton Bowling Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 3the Barr Memorial<br />
was played for results were as<br />
follows: 1st Bruce Henderson,<br />
Bill Clarke 3wins 16 ends 28<br />
points, 2nd Murray Smallridge,<br />
Evan Pearce 2wins 14 ends 29<br />
points, 3rd Marty Watson, Nic<br />
Andrews 2wins 14 ends 24<br />
points. <strong>April</strong> 9rollup format<br />
was progressive pairs, results<br />
were as follows: leads 1st Des<br />
Schmack 3wins, 2nd Trevor<br />
Johnson 2wins, Skips, 1st Dick<br />
Smitheram 1win 2Draws, 2nd<br />
Equal GDowie/P Dury 2wins 14<br />
ends, Sunday 10th <strong>April</strong> the<br />
Rickard Cup results were: 1st<br />
Graeme Bishop, Donalda<br />
Watson, Ian McKay 3wins 15<br />
ends 34 points, 2nd Bruce<br />
Hopwood, Kelvyn O’Connor,<br />
Betty Beck 2wins 13 ends<br />
27points, 3rd Jock O’Connor,<br />
Marty Watson, Trish Clarke 2<br />
wins 13 ends 23 points.<br />
Also drawn was the Easter<br />
raffle thanks to all. 1st prize R<br />
Bennett, 2nd RHeads, 3rd D<br />
McDonnell, 4th CO’Connor.<br />
trusted<br />
<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email<br />
Laundrydreams can come true<br />
We’re <strong>Ashburton</strong> local,<br />
and our team have more<br />
than 50 years experience<br />
Your solution for:<br />
•Security systems • Building compliance • Gate automation<br />
•Fire extinguishers• Fire alarms • Alarm monitoring<br />
03 308 7778<br /><br /><br />
Contact us today<br />
free quote l advice l discuss<br />
2458017<br />
Custom made and designed especially foryou<br />
Free measure and quote<br />
606 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
03 307 7131<br />
2475758<br />
Help in person by appointment<br />
Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />
Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />
(0508 226 529) to makean<br />
appointment.<br />
Help by phone Infoline<br />
03 371 3819 or 0508 226 529<br />
<strong>21</strong>5 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2461547<br />
GLASS<br />
Wilsons Windscreens 2018 Ltd<br />
We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />
AUTO and HOUSE<br />
“Your placeorours”<br />
2461606<br />
152 Wills Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ph.308 8485<br />
GIVE<br />
Jann or Karen<br />
acall on<br />
308 7664<br />
PACKAGE^<br />
$<br />
149<br />
FROM<br />
24 HOUR CALLOUT SERVICE -03307 8438<br />
For Passenger, Commercial and Farm Vehicles<br />
Bridgestone Tyre Centre <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Cnr Cox &East St. Book now on03307 8438<br />
*Selected tyres only. Offers end 30-04-<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
†Double AA Smartfuel savings from 8-4-22 to 14-4-22.<br />
^Includes up to 4.5 litres of Penrite oil and astandard<br />
oil filter. Conditions apply, see in store for details.<br />
022 391 8136<br /><br />
Jann or Karen acallon<br />
308 7664<br />
• Ovens &Fridges<br />
• TVs&Aerials<br />
• Toilets & Chemicals<br />
• Kitchen Utensils & Accessories<br />
• Full Awnings & Parts<br />
• Roof Hatches<br />
• Generators<br />
Come in and check out<br />
our full range<br />
Available from:<br />
19 J.B. Cullen Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 8353<br /><br /><br />
trusted<br />
<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email<br />
JukeBox Hire<br />
Weddings,<strong>21</strong>st,<br />
PrivateFunctions<br />
Sound Systems &Lighting Hire<br />
Phone DJ Dave<br />
03 308 5106<br />
027 251 0015<br /><br />
2447382<br />
•Manufacturer and supplier of<br />
Rylock aluminium windows and doors<br />
•Retrodouble glazing installers foradrier,<br />
warmer,quieter home<br />
Forafreequote, contactDavid &Lorayne Oakley<br />
PHONE 308 8493. EMAIL:<br />
8A John Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2447381<br />
Phone Quentin andPhil on<br />
027 282 8908 or 027 2828909<br />
Does your garden need monthly<br />
maintenancetokeep it tidy and<br />
looking good through the seasons?<br />
Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />
or pruning completed?<br />
We can help!<br />
Allgarden wasteremoved<br />
ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 2675403 or 3082333<br />
Email:<br />
2461568<br />
Interior and Exterior Painting<br />
Interior Plastering<br />
Wallpapering<br />
Sales l Service l Repairs<br />
P 03 308 7982 - E<br />
W -734 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2461478<br />
2461567<br />
*Awnings/Shade sails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />
*Hay&bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />
*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />
*Commercial<br />
PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />
2461554<br />
2461566<br />
•Restoration<br />
•Modifications<br />
•Rust Removal<br />
•Custom Fabrications<br />
•WOF Reports<br />
• MagWheel Repairs &Painting<br />
16 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. 03 308 0387<br /><br /><br />
115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone /Fax: (03) 307 2354<br /><br />
2447388<br />
Fresh &frozenfood available<br />
Beef &wild gamemince<br />
Dogrolls Dogbones<br />
Frozenchucks<br />
Briskets<br />
Locally<br />
owned and<br />
operated<br />
Letthe team at<br />
Insideout takecareof<br />
all your painting and<br />
property maintenance<br />
• Painting<br />
• Carpentry<br />
• Renovations<br />
• Projectwisdom<br />
• Maintenance&repairs<br />
2010 LTD<br />
Call Shanetodayon03307 7071<br />
2461560<br />
GREAT<br />
RATES<br />
PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />
Icome to youday or evening!<br />
NewPCs<br />
and Laptops<br />
forsale<br />
027 461 9162<br /><br />
99 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2457651<br />
•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />
•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />
20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />
Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
P: 03 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br /><br />
trusted<br />
<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email<br />
Lubes WOF<br />
Allmechanical repairs<br />
Victoria Street,<br />
TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: (03) 308 6772<br />
2461605<br />
Prompt Service Guaranteed<br />
<br />
<br />
Repairs and renovations<br />
Switchboardupgrades<br />
LED lighting systems<br />
House rewires<br />
Sheds,garages,sleepouts<br />
Call 0<strong>21</strong> 576 044<br />
2458119<br />
$30<br />
0800 424 335<br />
OFF!<br />
APPOINTMENT<br /><br />
0800 4 A GEEK<br />
Forall your tyre requirements,<br />
see the localexperts<br />
•Wheel alignments<br />
•Wheel balancing<br />
2461603<br />
197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l<br />
Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />
2461571<br />
2460135<br />
Retrofit Double Glazing<br />
Aluminium Windows and<br />
Doors Replacement<br />
Glass ShowerEnclosures<br />
Glass Splashbacks and more<br />
027 279 6771<br /> l 163 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
We offer the following:<br />
• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />
• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />
• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />
• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $90 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />
Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />
2461458<br />
“we clean to a<br />
standard,<br />
not aprice”<br />
UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />
level of service<br />
&quality cleaning<br />
• regular full house cleans<br />
• one off spring cleans<br />
• farm houses<br />
• builders cleans<br />
• <br />
100% LOCAL<br />
03 307 2656<br /><br />
2461465<br /><br />
2461470<br />
2461472<br />
Experts in glass<br />
308-3918<br />
<strong>21</strong>4Wills Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br /><br />
Ash Solar Power<br />
South Island<br /><br />
2461484<br />
Automotive<br />
Diagnostics &<br />
Servicing<br />
03 308 6646<br />
•Automotiveservicing,repairs<br />
and diagnostics<br />
•Latest scan tools and<br />
servicedata<br />
•All makes and models including<br />
European and Japanese<br />
•Vehicle transportand recovery<br />
TheBig Blue Shed<br />
CnrJohn &McLean Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Computer/Tech Help<br />
Need personalised help with your<br />
computer programs or backups?<br />
Trouble with your –PC–iPhone/iPad<br />
–printer –network –electronic stuff?<br />
Iwill<br />
come to you.<br />
Special price for Seniors<br />
Apple and Windows logos belong to their respective companies<br />
2461487<br />
Call Frank 0<strong>21</strong>-120-9292<br />
MSc (Electronic Engineering)<br />
EFTPOS available<br />
Painting/Plastering<br />
Business relocatedfromnorth island owner operated<br />
forover20years -interior &exterior painting,roofs,<br />
fences,interior plaster.Buying or selling?<br />
We offer free advicetoachieve maximum potential<br />
of your residential or commercial property.<br />
Anyjob small or big<br />
Tony Schmidt Painter Ltd<br />
027 328 3124 2461602<br />
Our authorised techniciansns<br />
service and repair all<br />
makes and models of<br />
sewing machines and<br />
overlockers<br />
OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />
Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br /><br />
2447565<br />
Protect what<br />
youvalue the<br />
smartway<br />
Manage your<br />
safety&security<br />
anywhere, anytime<br />
Call 0800 788 393<br />
57 Dobson Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
HartleyCurd 0<strong>21</strong> 328 301<br />
Keeping our communitysafefor over25years<br />
44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Anglers, stick to rules<br /><br />
Closetoone in ten anglers<br />
checkedbyCentral South<br />
IslandFish&Game arenoncompliant<br />
with sports fishing<br />
regulations.<br />
With more than five<br />
months of the sports fishing<br />
season completed,the<br />
CentralSouth Island Fish &<br />
GameCouncil (CSI Fish &<br />
Game) is disappointed with<br />
the eight percentnoncompliance<br />
its ranging team<br />
has encountered.<br />
Since October 20<strong>21</strong> there<br />
have been 592anglers<br />
interviewed by rangers,with<br />
48 offenders encountered.<br />
The most common offence<br />
was fishing withoutavalid<br />
sports fishinglicence.<br />
Other offences were: using<br />
more than one rod,fishing<br />
out of season, beingmore<br />
than 15 metres from their<br />
rod, fishing for searun<br />
salmon without salmon<br />
endorsement,failure to<br />
produce searun salmon<br />
endorsement whensalmon<br />
fishing, exceeding the daily<br />
bag limit, causinginjury to<br />
released fish and using<br />
illegal bait.<br />
CSI Fish &Game<br />
compliance coordinator<br />
Hamish Stevens said eight<br />
percent noncompliance was<br />
higherthannormal andit<br />
was ‘‘disappointingthatthis<br />
many anglers are notsticking<br />
to the rules. Regulations are<br />
putinplacetoprotect<br />
fisheries and ensure that the<br />
Deliverers Wanted!<br />
Need some extracash??<br />
Whynot get fit earning it!<br />
Be partofadynamic team from areputable and<br />
well-respectedcompanyand deliver advertising<br />
material andnewspapers<br />
to local houses.<br />
Interested?<br />
Forfurther details contact:<br /><br />
Please include your name,<br />
address and contactdetails<br />
Fishing rules protect the fisheries for future generations.<br />
harvest is sustainableso that<br />
future generations of anglers<br />
can enjoy the fishing<br />
experience.’’<br />
All anglers who target<br />
trout, salmon,perch and<br />
other sports fish in<br />
freshwater are required<br />
under the Conservation Act<br />
1987tohold avalid sports<br />
fishing licenceand adhere to<br />
the sportsfishing<br />
regulations.<br />
Anglersneedtocheck<br />
their regulation guides and<br />
ensure they adhere to the<br />
rules, which can differ<br />
betweenwaterways.<br />
Thesports fishing<br />
regulation guide is available<br />
on theFish &GameNew<br />
We requirehonest,reliable people,<br />
aged11orover,<br />
in your area NOW!<br />
Zealand website and at various<br />
sports stores around the<br />
region.<br />
Anglers who have further<br />
queries on regulations should<br />
clarifythem by contacting<br />
their local Fish &Game office.<br />
Mr Stevens said anglers who<br />
choose to fishwithout a<br />
licence or otherwise break the<br />
rules could expect to have<br />
their gear seized andend up in<br />
court. ‘‘So it's not arisk worth<br />
taking, and it is muchcheaper<br />
and less stressful to simplyget<br />
alicence andfollow the rules,’’<br />
he said.<br />
CSIFish &Game rangers<br />
look forward to meeting plenty<br />
of compliant anglers enjoying<br />
their fishing this autumn.<br />
2475270<br />
2473582<br />
Born Free –The OscarWinners<br />
May26th –28th 7-30pm, 29th 2pm<br />
Adult $35 /Senior $31.50*<br />
Born Free marks the 90th anniversary<br />
of the AcademyAwardssotocelebrate<br />
this eventwewill presentmanyofthe<br />
greatOscar winning or nominatedsongs.<br />
We have lined up the best singers and<br />
talentedensemble to bring youanevent<br />
to remember.<br />
TomSainsbury–SnapchatDue Live<br />
Sunday12th June 7-30pm<br />
Alltickets GA $69*<br />
He’s hitting the road with his brand new<br />
showSnapchatDude Live! and no stone<br />
will be leftunturned in his quest to poke<br />
fun at New Zillunders.Famous fortaking<br />
the mickey out of politicians like Paula<br />
Bennett and Simon Bridges,aswellas<br />
his lifeasGingerbread the cat, Tomwill<br />
certainly make youlaugh.<br />
MatarikiGlowShow<br />
Thursday30th June<br />
10am 0-5 years $13.50/<br />
11-30am 6-12 years $15.50<br />
TheMatarikiGlowShowisback with an all<br />
new giant–scale puppet show. Theglow<br />
in the darkcharacters aregetting ready to<br />
celebrate the first evernationwide Matariki<br />
holidaywith even morecharacters in a<br />
showthatisbigger,better and brighter.<br />
TheBoss –Bruce Springsteen TributeShow<br />
Wednesday14th September 7-30pm<br />
A-Reserve $65 /B-Reserve$55*<br />
Four years in the making “The Boss”is<br />
tuned to perfection bringing youathree<br />
hour world–class showfeaturing the<br />
entireBornInThe USA album plus more<br />
than twenty of the Boss’s greatest hits.<br />
Enjoysome of the best songs ever written<br />
in rock nrollhistory.<br />
03 307 2010 <strong>21</strong>1A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br /><br />
ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />
Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />
etc. Free light-grade metal<br />
in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />
weekdays &9.30-11.30am<br />
Saturdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />
Rd, (behind<br />
PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />
308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />
SELL<br />
SELL Meadow Hay. Small<br />
bales, top quality. $10. per<br />
bale. Ph 027 602 4885.<br />
SHOTGUNS x2 (pump), 22<br />
Rifle BA, Ex army web<br />
slings, Electric chainsaw.<br />
Phone 0<strong>21</strong> 140 1392.<br />
SHOTGUN - Winchester<br />
Field Sporter, 12 gauge<br />
XTR. As new. Please<br />
phone 027 640 3981<br />
PINECONES. Good quality<br />
$6. per bag. Delivery in<br />
urban area, $1per bag.<br />
Minimum 3 bags. Phone<br />
Murray 029 236 7723. An<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Menzshed Project.<br />
SELL<br />
9kg cylinders<br />
$28.50<br />
Anysizecylinder filled<br />
17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 2707<br />
LPG<br />
Small LPG cylinders<br />
Off Street Parking<br />
Available<br />
Arthur Cates Ltd<br />
26 McNally Street<br />
Ph 308 5397<br />
Riverside Industrial Estate<br />
Delivered to over 15,950 homes everyweek<br />
Phone 308 7664 l<br />
199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2470268<br />
2468593<br />
*Servicefees apply<br />
OLD Man Pine. Very dry, well<br />
split. $400. 4m 3 trailer,<br />
delivered <strong>Ashburton</strong> to<br />
Hinds. Ph 027 444 45<strong>21</strong>.<br />
$140 per cord<br />
GREEN<br />
$120 per cord<br />
$150 per cord<br />
$350 per cord<br />
C.O.D. in town<br />
Adams Sawmill<br />
Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />
Phone<br />
308-3595<br />
2459956<br />
JobOpportunities<br />
Marketing and Engagement Coordinator<br />
Promoteour exhibitionsand programmes to the communityand ensurethat<br />
our visitor experienceissecondtonone.<br />
CommunicationsManager<br />
Lead our team who drives, delivers andinfluences how we connect withour<br />
community and communicate with our employees. Whether you’re front<br />
footing the unexpected, or working with the Executive team to share our<br />
stories,thisrole will provide task diversity and growthopportunities.<br />
To find out more about these<br />
vacancies and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council has to offer you -go<br />
to our website.<br />
Applications forthese positions close<br />
on Monday,25<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
45<br />
Reporter–<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong><br />
We arecurrently looking foraversatile reportertojoin our team at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong>.Allied Press Limited employs over 450 people on a<br />
permanentbasis across our 15 sites in the South Island. Weoperate across<br />
multiple media platforms (print, online,digital) delivering news, information<br />
and entertainmentthrough our various regional and citypublications including<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong>,The Star (Christchurch) and the Otago Daily Times.<br />
Thesuccessful candidate will have:<br />
• Excellentwriting ability<br />
• Ahigh degreeofinitiative<br />
• The abilitytoworkautonomously,juggle multiple tasks and meet regular<br />
deadlines<br />
• Afull NZ driver’s licence<br />
• Photography, video and websiteskills aredesirable.<br />
• Relevantjournalism qualification (or equivalentexperience) would be a<br />
distinctadvantage<br />
What we offer<br />
• Agreatteam environmentand an opportunitytogrowyour<br />
journalism skills<br />
• Enjoybeing partofasmall,dedicatedteam.<br />
• Employeewellbeing benefits including medical insuranceand EAP<br />
Acopyofthe full position description can be found at<br /><br />
If youthink this role is foryou,please apply to:<br />
Daniel Tobin (Editor)<br />
with your covering letter and CV,<br />
or post to 199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>, 7700.<br />
ALTERATIONS; Sewing FIRE Extinquisher sales and MULCHING/Mulcher available<br />
mending and trouser hemming,<br />
servicing. On farm/<br />
for lifestyle blocks.<br />
curtain alterations contractors - trucks/trac-<br />
Tidying, roadsides, tree<br />
and curtain making. Call tors/balers/combines/cars/ trimming, sections. Call<br />
Michelle on 027 352 7248. boats/caravans etc. Phone JCR Livestock Services<br />
BUILD work to do? Contact Mack at Doors and More on Division 027 267 1959.<br />
Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />
Ltd. Alterations,<br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
027 396 0361.<br />
FLY control and spider<br />
Renovations, New builds<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
proofing. For all your<br />
and repairs. Qualified<br />
inside or outside. Professional,<br />
friendly service.<br />
domestic and industrial<br />
Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />
pest control needs phone<br />
027 418 7955.<br />
Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />
AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest 027 200 1619.<br />
BUILDER : Specialising in Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />
home renovations and 027 432 5447<br />
repair work. We also do<br />
decks, fences and retaining,<br />
plastering and painting, all your household removal &COATINGS<br />
FURNITURE Removals. For<br />
gardening, landscaping needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />
office relocations - Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />
and tree removal. Call<br />
Lindsay 027 230 0205 call Nudges Furniture Texture/Specialist<br />
CARPET Cleaning. Powerful Removals, phone 027 224<br />
Coatings.<br />
equipment and fast drying. 0609.<br />
The Finishing Company<br />
Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />
GARDENING, mowing, 03 307 8870<br />
Experienced owner/operator.<br />
Phone John Cameron<br />
2450092<br />
pruning, fertilising, projects<br />
or general spruce ups? Call<br />
at Supersucker. 027 435<br />
SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />
Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />
1042.<br />
Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />
to get the job done right. control for homes, offices<br />
CARPET 2YOU -for all your 027 765 2899 or 03 307 and cars. Phone Craig<br />
flooring needs. Supplier 1693.<br />
Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />
and installer of carpet and, member<br />
of Master Tinters NZ.<br />
vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />
carpet cleaning. Phone GUTTER Cleaning. Using a<br />
Mike Gill 027 491 4<strong>21</strong>0. vacuum system to clean TILING - For all your tiling<br />
CARR’S Chimney Cleaning, out the debris is a faster requirements including kitchen<br />
splash backs, flooring<br />
servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and and cleaner process. Call<br />
surrounding districts, $70 Allan on 027 209 5026. etc. (Full water proofing)<br />
per chimney. Phone LAWN Mowing. No job too Call Kevin on 027 496<br />
Rodney on 03 324 2999 small. Call Les Smith, From 8314.<br />
and leave amessage. The Ground Up, for acompetitive<br />
quote. Ph 027 840<br />
CHIMNEY Sweep - for a<br />
TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />
professional service call<br />
block, glare, heat control,<br />
0201 or 03 308 1500.<br />
Dan McKerrow, Chimney<br />
safety, security, privacy,<br />
Sweep and Repairs on 0<strong>21</strong> LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs. frosting films, solar protective<br />
window films. Free<br />
118 7580.<br />
Keys/locks, sliding and<br />
COMPUTER Problems? For bifold door roller repairs. quotes, 20 years local service.<br />
Phone 0800 368 468<br />
prompt reliable computer Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />
servicing and laser engraving,<br />
contact Kelvin, KJB 7104.<br /><br />
Doors and More on 027 516 now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />
Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />
Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />
308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />
card accepted.<br />
COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />
training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />
spyware<br />
cleanup. On-site day or FOR: Mobile Sandblasting<br />
evening. Low fees. Call<br />
Painting<br />
Robin Johnstone, Networks OF: Structural Steel<br />
Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />
1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />
Trailers<br />
CONCRETE Services -<br />
Farm Machinery<br />
Driveways, paths, patios,<br />
Car Parts<br />
mowing edging. Decorative<br />
Concrete Specialist operating<br />
locally with 30 years<br />
Concrete, Brick Rendering<br />
Shipping Containers<br />
experience. No job too big<br />
or small. Contactless service<br />
offered. Phone Paul<br />
0<strong>21</strong> 152 1966.<br />
Free quotes -Competitive rates<br />
Phone Kurt 027 332 4549 or Neil 0274 362 900<br />
ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />
farm equipment<br />
service and maintenance,<br />
WOF repairs, machining TURN THE PAGE TO VIEW<br />
and welding. Odd jobs a<br />
speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />
Can Collect. Phone<br />
Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />
2450863<br />
EngagementAdvisor:<br />
to supportattendance<br />
This is afixed-termposition of up to 20 hours per<br />
week forthe <strong>2022</strong> school year.<br />
Ideal commencementisfor the<br />
beginning of Term 2(2May <strong>2022</strong>).<br />
Although the position is term-time only,flexibilityis<br />
required to work within times thatmeet theneeds<br />
of the families.<br />
Therole is to supportwhānau overcome<br />
barriers to regular school attendanceand<br />
achievementand liaise between<br />
schools and whānau.<br />
Thesuccessful applicantmustundertake Police<br />
vetting requirements.<br />
Applicationsclose noon, Friday29<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Forinformation package enquiries and<br />
applications please contact<br />
Jodee Ross,Principal’s Secretary, <strong>Ashburton</strong>College<br />
at<br />
Application is by wayofletterof<br />
application and CV.<br />
Ref:ENGAD22<br />
RENT ME!<br />
Ideal as an extra<br />
bedroomoroffice.<br />
Fully insulatedand<br />
double glazed forwarmth.<br />
Threeconvenientsizes:<br />
Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />
Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />
Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />
Visit our displaycabin<br />
418WestStreet or callfor a<br />
freebrochure.<br /><br />
247<strong>21</strong>74<br />
0800 58 78 22<br />
2475976<br />
STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Self storage, variety<br />
of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />
Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />
phone/text 0<strong>21</strong> 554 570<br />
STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />
units available, long or<br />
short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />
Facilities. Contact us<br />
on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />
ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br /><br />
PEASTRAW $5. abale, Linseed<br />
straw $4. a bale,<br />
sheep manure $8. a bag.<br />
Medium square bales also<br />
available. Call Ian<br />
027-286-3697 or Dave<br />
027-6011-426. A Hinds<br />
Lions project.<br />
Interested in advancementinyour industry?<br />
Seed Processing<br />
Coordinator/Manager<br />
• Key Role with Westham Industries Ltd.,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, MidCanterbury<br />
The Seed Processing Coordinator will be<br />
responsible for efficiently managing the<br />
complete seedcleaningprocess forWest Farms<br />
Ltdand Westham Industries client’sseeds to the<br />
required standards.<br />
Skills requiredfor the role:<br />
• SeedIndustryexperienceisnecessary<br />
• Production experience and process plant<br />
setting essential<br />
• Strong attention to detail<br />
• Abilitytocreate agood team environment<br />
• Exceptional time management<br />
• Effectiveproblem solver with strong mechanical<br />
skills<br />
• Excellent Customer ServiceSkills<br />
• Health andSafetyfocused<br />
• Good computer skills<br />
• Excellent verbal and written communication<br />
skills<br />
An attractive remuneration package will be<br />
negotiatedwith the successful applicant.<br />
If youare interested in this role,thenplease email<br />
an up-to-date copy of your CV and acover letter<br />
General ManagerJanine Lee<br /> or<br />
call Janine on 0276655429 foradditionaldetails.<br />
Full Jobdescription is available.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Plains Rotary<br />
$7 per smallbale or<br />
$40 medium square, delivered.<br />
Harvested this year.<br />
Fordetails and ordering go to<br /><br />
or phone Philip 0278 247050<br />
2476436<br />
46 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
HospiceMid Canterbury<br />
Dealing withalifelimiting illness?<br />
We can supportyou and<br />
your family to make<br />
everyday count.<br />
Allservices arefree.<br />
Phone 307 8387 or 027 227 8387 email<br /> facebook hospicemidcanterbury<br />
FRESH Potatoes; Nadine<br />
and Agria $2.per kg.<br />
Peastraw; $5.per bale or<br />
$6.per bale delivered.<br />
Phone 03 308 3195 or 027<br />
531 9103; 81 Elizabeth<br />
Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />
types, specializing in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />
roofs not a problem. —<br />
Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />
2450058<br />
SMALL, Frederick James (Jim).<br />
— Memorial for Jim Small.<br />
Please join us for aMemorial to<br />
celebrate Jim (Frederick<br />
James) Small, on Friday, <strong>April</strong><br />
29, from 11 a..m-2 p.m., at Celtic<br />
Rugby Clubrooms, 46 Keenan's<br />
Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. All welcome.<br />
Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />
hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />
24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />
will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />
wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />
If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />
call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />
telephone health advice.<br />
All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />
passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />
New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />
Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />
East Street will be open on ...<br />
Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />
Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />
Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />
At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />
MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />
and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />
Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />
Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />
Brought<br />
toyouby<br />
CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />
Expert and painless hair<br />
removal using the latest<br />
laser technology<br />
Facial rejuvenation<br />
and body contouring<br />
with Ulfit<br />
0270<br />
550 8088<br />
TheConsortium,<br />
Unit 2, TheMall, Methven<br />
MENTAL Health Wellness. "I<br />
promise to listen, care and<br />
believe in you" Phone Pete<br />
on 027 280 0889. Dip<br />
Social Work, Dip Life<br />
Coaching. 30 years Tradie<br />
business experience. Member:<br />
A.N.Z. Coaching<br />
Alliance. www.peteyoung.<br /><br />
2472311<br />
SUZUKI Jimny JXB 2014,<br />
Silver, manual 5 speed.<br />
One lady owner. 41,000km,<br />
WOF, Rego, service history.<br />
Excellent condition<br />
inside and out. $14,990.<br />
Phone 027 470 9294.<br />
Peter Blacklow<br />
Call andtalk to the people who know . . .<br />
PETE’S<br />
PICK<br />
Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />
&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuumcleaners.<br />
Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />
Locally owned &operated family business for 69 years<br />
South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />
Email FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />
At the Cancer Societyweknowhow acancerdiagnosis can<br />
affectevery aspectofyourlifeand we areheretohelp.<br />
Ourservices arefreeand confidential.<br />
If youorsomeone youcareabout hascancer<br />
please contactusfor supportand information.<br />
Nau MaiKiTeKorero Wewelcomeyour call<br />
2470814<br />
MidCanterburyCentre<br />
Phone: 307 7691<br />
Facebook:@CancerSocietyMC<br /><br />
ANZAC DAYAPRIL 25th <strong>2022</strong><br />
Thefollowing services have been arranged and<br />
all citizens of the <strong>Ashburton</strong>County are<br />
invited to attend.<br />
6.30am DAWN SERVICE<br />
Dawn Serviceatthe<br />
Cenotaph Baring SquareWest.<br />
Speaker Major Cezarne Rogers and<br />
President<strong>Ashburton</strong>RSA Merv Brenton<br />
If your group normally supply a<br />
Wreath forthe Civic Service, please deliver to<br />
LintonLounge at the RSA between 1pm &4pm<br />
Sunday24th [Named]. Thecadets will be laying<br />
all wreaths. Ifnot youcan layyour wreath at your<br />
ownconvenienceafter the<br />
Civic Serviceiscompleted.<br />
11.00am CIVIC SERVICE &<br />
Cenotaph Baring SquareWest<br />
Guest Speakers: MayorNeil Brown<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>College Head Students Jack Brown<br />
and Jorja Roulston<br />
President<strong>Ashburton</strong>RSA Merv Brenton<br />
CommemorativeServiceatHinds Hall at 10am<br />
Held outside beside Squash Club<br />
and Davison Room.<br />
Cancelled<br />
Cancelled<br />
RAKAIA<br />
Please assemble at 10.00am followedby<br />
the Commemorativeserviceatthe Rakaia<br />
CommunityCentre10.15am<br />
wreath laying servicetofollow.<br />
2475919<br />
HiKOKI<br />
36V 5PieceCombo Kit<br />
TradeZone exclusive!<br />
See in-storethe extensiverange<br />
this quality kithas to offer.<br />
$1449+GST KC365TZ(GRZ)<br />
Anzac Day<br />
Service<br />
Ealing Hall<br />
Monday25th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
9.15am<br />
Followedbyamorning tea, please bring aplate<br />
All welcome<br />
10am, Hinds Hall<br />
(outside the Davison Room)<br />
20 Rogers Street,Hinds<br />
Please parkatthe frontofthe building<br />
and walk around to the Davison Room.<br />
No vehicle access past the cones.<br />
If wetwewill move inside.<br />
Special priceof<br />
$<br />
120<br />
Fully vaccinated,<br />
spayedand neutered<br />
Food donations appreciated<br />
Tuesday-Saturday<br />
9:30am -noon<br />
Phone 308 4432 or<br />
027 332 9286<br /><br />
2476393<br />
We encourage social distancing and maskwearing.<br />
DuetoCovid therewill be NO sharedmorning tea.<br />
Volunteering Mid & South Canterbury and<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Youth Council inaugural Youth<br />
Volunteering Recognition Awards. Thereare three<br />
categories for nominations -Community &Social<br />
Service, Cultural &Environmental and Sport.<br />
These awards acknowledge and honour young<br />
people in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District who are<br />
volunteering.<br />
Nomination forms are available from Community<br />
House Mid Canterbury, 44 Cass St <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
emailing the Manager of Volunteering Mid &<br />
South Canterbury –<br />
nz or Methven IHub, 160 Main Street, Methven.<br />
Nominations close 14th May<strong>2022</strong><br />
2475583<br />
Kindly sponsored by<br />
2476497<br />
180<strong>21</strong>6<br />
2468920<br />
Thur <strong>21</strong>st,Fri 22nd,<br />
Sat23rd, Sun 24th, Mon25th,<br />
Tues 26th &Wed 27th<br />
10.00 TheBad Guys<br />
PG<br />
10.00 Cinderella and the Little Sorcerer PG<br />
11.45 Elizabeth<br />
12.00 Sonic 2<br />
PG<br />
1.35 TheLast Bus<br />
M<br />
2.20 TheBad Guys<br />
PG<br />
2.20 TheDuke<br />
MM<br />
4.20 Morbius<br />
5.15 Sonic 2<br />
PG<br />
6.20 TheUnbearableWeightofMassive TalentR13<br />
7.30 FantasticBeasts 3 M<br />
8.15 TheLost City<br />
M<br />
NO COMPS<br />
Bad Guys, Cinderella and the<br />
Little Sorcerer,Elizabeth,<br />
TheLastBus,The Lost City,<br />
TheUnbearable Weight of<br />
MassiveTalent.<br />
(Cinderella -all tickets<br />
at kids’prices)<br />
From:<br />
Monday25<strong>April</strong> -<br />
Tuesday17May<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
TheRangitata<br />
Diversion Race will<br />
be shut down for<br />
maintenanceover<br />
this period and will<br />
thereforebeclosed<br />
forany recreational<br />
use. Maintenance<br />
will occur throughout<br />
the length of the<br />
Race and the public is<br />
advised to keep clear<br />
of anyworks fortheir<br />
ownsafety.<br />
Forfurther<br />
information<br />
please contact:<br />
Kees Beentjes:<br />
027 578 8763<br />
Kees Beentjes<br />
Mid Canterbury<br />
Children’sTrust<br />
AGM<br />
Thursday,<br />
19 May<strong>2022</strong><br />
Borough School<br />
Office<br />
at 7.30pm<br />
All welcome<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pipe<br />
Band<br />
AGM<br />
Tuesday, 10th May<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
7.30 pm<br />
Pipe Band Hall,<br />
Creek Road,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2473457<br />
2476441<br />
All welcome<br />
With winter just around the corner,<br />
your family’s safety on the road is<br />
more important than ever!<br />
Seethe team at Neumann’sTyres today...<br />
forafreeno-obligation tyre check,with the option to replaceyour<br />
tyresifyou need better grip ...<br />
or awheel alignmenttocorrectyour tyresfromwearing unevenly.<br />
Apre-season tyre check-up from Neumann’s will ensureyour caris<br />
ready forall road conditions ...and save youmoneyinthe long run!<br />
Servicing MidCanterburyfor 75 years.<br />
197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l l Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />
Your<br />
APPLIANCE and<br />
and BED<br />
Specialists<br />
VentedDryer Washing Machine Ceramic Range<br />
was$899<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
698<br />
$4.87 weekly<br />
was$1599<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
998<br />
$6.84 weekly<br />
®<br />
was$2899<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
2298<br />
$15.33 weekly<br />
Auto Sensing<br />
• 7kg,large capacity<br />
• Autosensing,savestime<br />
and money<br />
• Rear venting,extract moist<br />
air outside<br />
• H856 W597 D584<br />
LargeCapacity<br />
• 8.5kg,large capacity<br />
• 5wash programmes,clean a<br />
varietyofitems<br />
• Time remaining display, be ready<br />
when washing done<br />
• H1069 W600 D672<br />
Limited Stock<br />
• 8cooking functions,create<br />
amazing meals<br />
• Ceramic cooktop,looks great<br />
and easy to clean<br />
• Warmer drawer,heatplates/rest<br />
meat<br />
• H905 W610 D610<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
3 5 OFF<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
3 5 OFF<br />
Stock available now<br />
58’’SmartTV 50’’QLED TV 65’’QLED TV<br />
was$2099<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1425<br />
$9.90 weekly<br />
Very limited stock<br />
was$2899<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1777<br />
$11.92 weekly<br />
Very limited stock<br />
was$3799<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
2399<br />
$15.99 weekly<br />
• Samsung 4K has an amazing pictureclarity, greatfor<br />
watching anytype of TV<br />
• Samsung One remoteiseasytouse and operatewhich make<br />
it simple to access all your favouriteapps from atouch of a<br />
button like Sparkand SkySport<br />
• UHF and Satellitetuner allows youtowatch Freeview<br />
straightfromthe TV<br />
• Samsung One remoteisaneasytouse remoteand operating system<br />
making it simple to access all your favouriteapps which atouch of a<br />
button<br />
• UHF and Satellitetuner allows youtowatch<br />
Freeview straightfromthe TV<br />
• 120+Hzrefresh rate will result in all your favourite<br />
sports and action movies appear smooth and crisp<br />
• 120+Hzrefresh rate will result in all your favouritesports and action<br />
movies appear smooth and crisp<br />
• Samsung ambientmode allows youtodisplayart<br />
work and screen savers directly on your TV<br />
• UHF and Satellitetuners allows youtowatch Freeview<br />
straightfromthe TV<br />
Trundle Domino<br />
was$1999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1299<br />
$8.79 weekly<br />
Chorus DeluxeQueen<br />
was$2499<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1390<br />
$9.04 weekly<br />
Lavish Queen<br />
was$10,999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
5499<br />
$36.24 weekly<br />
• 3-in-1 bed with strong metal trundle unit.Ideal<br />
forthe kids room or accommodating extraguests<br />
overthe holidays.<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
3 5 OFF<br />
MEDIUM<br />
• Pillowtop Pocket Spring System– Helps to reducepartner<br />
disturbance<br />
• Ultra-Fresh forAllergy Support–Afresher,cleaner and<br />
morehygienic sleep experience<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
3 5 OFF<br />
QUEEN<br />
SIZE<br />
Bed<br />
MEDIUM<br />
• Twinpocket on pocket spring to provide the perfect<br />
combination of comfortand support<br />
• Fusion Gelprovides activesupportfor your body<br />
whereyou need it most<br />
• Graphene MemoryFoam, get into bed feeling fresh<br />
and cool and staythatway longer<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
3 5 OFF<br />
SALE<br />
Prompt Installation!<br />
BIG<br />
BRANDS<br />
Heat Pump from only $1297<br />
*<br />
FROM $8.79<br />
* Unit only<br />
(excludes installation)<br />
Smith &Church will come to your home,measureand advise<br />
youonthe best sizeheatpump forthe area youwish to heat.<br />
We’ll also provide an obligation-free quotefor the<br />
supply and installation of your heatpump.<br />
<br />
<br />
PROMPT<br />
Talk to your localheatpump<br />
expertsJackyorDean today.<br />
Phone 308 9019<br />
<br />
<br />
FREE<br />
QUOTES<br />
“Wejust makeiteasyfor you”<br />
IN<br />
WINTER<br />
IN<br />
WINTER<br />