It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover

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finding out I have a brother—it all feels like everything I’ve tried running

from has formed a slow leak that’s threatening to sink me.

But then there’s Lily and her impeccable timing being back in my life. She

always seems to show up when I need a lifeline.

I flip through the rest of the journal and see that I’m already halfway

through the last entry she made. I have very little recollection of that night

because of the dreadful way it ended. Part of me doesn’t even want to

experience it from her point of view, but I can’t not know how I left her

feeling for all those years.

I open the last entry and pick up where I left off.

He took my hands in his and told me he was leaving sooner than he

planned for the military, but that he couldn’t leave without telling me

thank you. He told me he’d be gone for four years and that the last

thing he wanted for me was to be a sixteen-year-old girl not living my

life because of a boyfriend I never got to see or hear from.

The next thing he said made his blue eyes tear up until they looked

clear. He said, “Lily. Life is a funny thing. We only get so many years

to live it, so we have to do everything we can to make sure those years

are as full as they can be. We shouldn’t waste time on things that might

happen someday, or maybe even never.”

I knew what he was saying. That he was leaving for the military and

he didn’t want me to hold on to him while he was gone. He wasn’t

really breaking up with me because we weren’t ever really together.

We’d just been two people who helped each other when we needed it

and got our hearts fused together along the way.

It was hard, being let go by someone who had never really grabbed

hold of me completely in the first place. In all the time we’ve spent

together, I think we both sort of knew this wasn’t a forever thing. I’m

not sure why, because I could easily love him that way. I think maybe

under normal circumstances, if we were together like typical teenagers

and he had an average life with a home, we could be that kind of

couple. The kind who comes together so easily and never experiences a

life where cruelty sometimes intercepts.

I didn’t even try to get him to change his mind that night. I feel like

we have the kind of connection that even the fires of hell couldn’t sever.

I feel like he could go spend his time in the military and I’ll spend my

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