It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover

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Emerson from one breast to another. It’s only a few seconds, almost too

quick for me to realize what’s happening before it’s over. I don’t think she

meant for the camera to be pointed at her.

When she notices the phone, her eyes go wide for a second, and then the

screen goes black as soon as her hand meets it. When it’s pointed at her face

again, she’s covering her eyes with splayed fingers. “I am so sorry.”

“For what?”

“I think I just flashed you.”

“You did, but it’s not something you should apologize for. I should thank


She laughs, appearing to appreciate that comment. “Nothing you haven’t

seen before,” she says with an adorably embarrassed shrug. She adjusts a

pillow under the arm she’s using to hold Emerson while she breastfeeds. “I’m

trying to wean her, since she’s about to turn one. We were down to once a

day, but Sundays are hard because I’m with her all day.” She scrunches up

her nose. “I’m sorry. I doubt you want to know breastfeeding details.”

“I can’t think of a single subject you could discuss that would bore me.”

“Oh, I bet I can think of one before our date,” she says, treating my

comment like it’s a challenge. She glances away from her phone screen. I

can’t see Emerson, but I can tell Lily’s looking down at her because she gets

this smile on her face that I only see when she’s talking about or looking at

her daughter. It’s a smile born from pride, and one of my favorite expressions

to see flash across Lily’s face.

“She’s falling asleep,” Lily whispers. “I should go.”

“Yeah, I should probably go, too.” I don’t want to leave Brad and Theo to

clean up the majority of the damage outside without me.

“I might call you later tonight, if that’s okay,” Lily says.

“Of course it is.” I remember what Theo said about wanting to see a

picture of Lily, so before she ends the call, I take a quick screenshot. It makes

an obvious screenshot noise, and Lily tilts her head curiously.

“Did you just take a—”

“I wanted a picture of you,” I say quickly. “Bye, Lily.” I end the call

before I let myself be too embarrassed by that. I had no idea it would make

that noise and that she would be able to hear it. Theo better appreciate this.

I open my office door and find Brad sweeping the kitchen. I’m confused,

because the kitchen is cleaned after closing, and the damage done to the

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