It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover

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hasn’t spotted me yet, so I take a moment to pull Atlas’s letter out of my

purse. I’m still reeling from my interaction with Ryle. I’d like to read

something that can hopefully put me in a better mood before I greet my


Dear Lily,

I’m sorry I had to leave without saying goodbye, but you fall asleep

so easily. I don’t mind it—I like watching you sleep. Even when it’s in a

car in the middle of a date.

I used to watch you sleep sometimes when we were younger. I liked

how peaceful you looked, because when you were awake, there was

always a quiet fear in you. But when you slept, the fear was gone, and

it always put me at ease.

I can’t begin to tell you what tonight meant to me. I don’t think I

have to put it into words because you were here. You felt it, too.

I know I mentioned earlier that I carried a lot of guilt about what

happened between us, but I don’t want you to think I carry regret for

loving you back then. If there’s anything at all I regret, it’s that I didn’t

fight harder for you. I think that’s where the majority of my guilt stems

from—knowing if I didn’t leave you, you never would have met a man

who would end up hurting you the way your father hurt your mother.

But no matter how we got here, we’re here. I had to get to a point

where I realized I was always worthy of being loved by you. I hate that

we didn’t get here sooner, because there are so many things in your life

I wish you didn’t have to go through, or that I could have prevented.

But any other path wouldn’t have given you Emerson, so I’m grateful

this is where we ended up.

I love watching you talk about her. I can’t wait to get to know her.

But that’ll come in time, along with all the other things I’m looking

forward to. We’ll continue to take this at whatever pace you’re

comfortable with. Whether I get to talk to you every day or see you

once a month, anything is better than the years I had to go not knowing

anything about you.

I’m so happy you’re happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.

But I will say, nothing beats knowing I’m the one you get to be

happy with now.

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