WIN woodworking INTERNATIONAL 2024/1
WiN - woodworking INTERNATIONAL is the international magazine for the woodworking industry. We report on all aspects of woodworking from board materials, wood treatment to machines, tools and technical know-how, from timber engineering supplies to the latest developments in technologies and markets. We address factory managers and production engineers directly, and thus ensure coverage of the decision makers within the industry.
WiN - woodworking INTERNATIONAL is the international magazine for the woodworking industry. We report on all aspects of woodworking from board materials, wood treatment to machines, tools and technical know-how, from timber engineering supplies to the latest developments in technologies and markets. We address factory managers and production engineers directly, and thus ensure coverage of the decision makers within the industry.
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ISSN 1438-1672 · Vol. 42 · No. 1/24 · March<br />
TOOLS<br />
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<strong>WIN</strong> – <strong>woodworking</strong> <strong>INTERNATIONAL</strong><br />
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The magazine is published in a special format : 229 mm x 305 mm.<br />
We report on all aspects of <strong>woodworking</strong> from board materials,<br />
wood treatment to machines, tools and technical know-how,<br />
from timber engineering supplies to the latest developments<br />
in technologies and markets.<br />
Special features will be presented on design, surfaces, laminating<br />
and furniture.<br />
Cover: Holz-Her
Eric Schäfer<br />
Editor<br />
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... began of in our China magazines. and large parts of Asia<br />
on February 10, <strong>2024</strong>. The 41st year of the<br />
Chinese calendar only occurs every 60 years in<br />
the Chinese zodiac. While the dragon is associated<br />
not only with strength and the pursuit<br />
of positive transformation but also with overcoming<br />
a wide range of challenges, the element<br />
of wood also symbolizes creativity and<br />
adaptability.<br />
Download<br />
now!<br />
The <strong>woodworking</strong> and wood processing<br />
industry will also have to overcome challenges<br />
this year. The effects of the global crises have<br />
reached the furniture industry, which has prospered<br />
in recent years. This will have consequences<br />
for its supplier industries.<br />
Nevertheless, the HOLZ-HANDWERK trade<br />
fair in Nuremberg has succeeded this year in<br />
presenting an attractive range of exhibitors<br />
along the entire <strong>woodworking</strong> and wood processing<br />
value chain.<br />
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The Dr. Harnisch Publica<br />
including free online issues<br />
Holz-Her offers machine solutions of our that magazines. will<br />
be of great interest to small and mediumsized<br />
companies in particular. There will also<br />
be tools that can be used to optimize production<br />
processes and make them more efficient.<br />
Manufacturers of extraction systems will present<br />
new sustainable solutions.<br />
This issue of WiN provides a foretaste of<br />
the trade fair, in which we also take a brief<br />
look at Fensterbau Frontale, which is taking<br />
place at the same time, and which will show<br />
digital solutions for window construction.<br />
The impressive Wisdome Stockholm, which<br />
Stora Enso presents in this WiN, shows how well<br />
creativity and adaptability – characteristics of<br />
the element wood in the Year of the Dragon –<br />
suit timber construction.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Download<br />
now!<br />
The machine manufacturers who have remained<br />
loyal to the trade fair have come up<br />
with some ground-breaking innovations.<br />
Eric Schäfer<br />
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The Dr. Harnisch Publications App<br />
is available for mobile devices for f<br />
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No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br /><br />
3<br />
ON FOCUS<br />
HOMAG/Venjakob<br />
IMA Schelling<br />
SCM<br />
Weinig<br />
IMA Schelling<br />
Holz-Her<br />
TOOLS 16<br />
Epicon VISE LED table, Holz-Her<br />
At HOLZ-HANDWERK, around 320 registered exhibitors will once<br />
again showcase the entire range of supplies for the carpentry trade,<br />
covering the complete <strong>woodworking</strong> and wood processing supply<br />
chain. The products themselves can be tried out directly at the exhibition<br />
stands. In the diverse supporting programme featuring top<br />
speakers and key players from the industry, visitors can delve even<br />
deeper into new tools and technologies and add to their knowledge.<br />
Leitz<br />
Aigner<br />
Schmalz<br />
USER REPORT 19<br />
LEUCO<br />
SAFETY 20<br />
NESTRO<br />
DECORS 22<br />
Hymmen<br />
REHAU<br />
Cefla<br />
IHD<br />
DOORS/<strong>WIN</strong>DOWS 26<br />
fenzta COM<br />
Swisspacer<br />
Vecoplan<br />
Stora Enso<br />
HOMAG<br />
FAIRS & EVENTS 30<br />
4 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
Impressum<br />
ISSN 1438-1672<br />
WiN – <strong>woodworking</strong> <strong>INTERNATIONAL</strong><br />
Vol. 42/<strong>2024</strong><br />
Dr. Harnisch Publications<br />
Eschenstr. 25, 90441 Nuremberg, Germany<br />
+49 911 2018-0<br /><br />
www.<strong>woodworking</strong><br />
Owners:<br />
Dr. Claus-Jörg Harnisch<br />
Benno Keller<br />
Brings solutions<br />
to the surface.<br />
The meeting point for grinding technology.<br />
Stuttgart,Germany<br />
14-17/05/<strong>2024</strong><br />
Publisher:<br />
Managing Editor:<br />
Editor:<br />
Benno Keller<br /><br />
Marta Bletek-Gonzalez<br /><br />
Eric Schäfer<br /><br />
Media Service:<br />
Germany, Austria, Switzerland<br />
Dina Fettig<br /><br />
Martin Fettig<br />
Western Europe<br />
Gabriele Fahlbusch<br />
USA/Canada<br />
Steve Max<br /><br /><br /><br />
China, Hong Kong, Taiwan<br />
Mike Hay<br /><br />
Taiwan<br />
Sydney Lai<br /><br />
<strong>WIN</strong> – <strong>woodworking</strong> <strong>INTERNATIONAL</strong><br />
is published quarterly<br />
in March, May, August and October.<br />
printed by<br />
Schleunungdruck GmbH,<br />
Eltertstraße 27, 97828 Marktheidenfeld<br />
Copyright © <strong>2024</strong> Dr. Harnisch Publications<br />
UGO*<br />
fascinates all<br />
visitors.<br />
*<br />
Unknown Grinding Object<br /><br />
In Zusammenarbeit mit<br />
In cooperation with<br />
Trägerschaft<br />
GEW has announced the appointment of Justas Žvikas as Sales Representative for Wood Coating. He will service<br />
this specialist market globally from his office base in Vilnius, Lithuania.<br />
Žvikas has a wealth of experience, his career<br />
in the wood industry began over 20<br />
years ago when he joined German manufacturer<br />
Rhenocoll as a Technician & Sales<br />
Representative for the Baltic countries. Prior to<br />
joining GEW he was Project Sales Manager at<br />
Remmers, the leading German paint manufacturer,<br />
for some 16 years and was responsible for<br />
coating sales across the Baltic states.<br />
GEW recently enhanced its LED product<br />
offerings to suit wood coating applications<br />
and is seeing rapid growth and interest in its<br />
LeoLED product, from prestigious end users and<br />
OEMs in this market. This has led to the need<br />
to expand the sales team with expertise specifically<br />
focused in wood coating. Being based in<br />
Lithuania, Žvikas perfectly positioned within a<br />
hub of wood coating activity in Europe.<br />
He comments on the current opportunities<br />
in the wood coating market: “The transition to<br />
the use of LED curing is accelerating rapidly, as<br />
big brands focus on sustainability and reducing<br />
operating costs. Furthermore, coating suppliers<br />
now have most base coats and fillers readily<br />
available in LED-compatible format, at competitive<br />
prices.”<br />
Robert Rae, Managing Director of Sales at<br />
GEW, comments: “Justas has in-depth experience<br />
in wood and moulding coating applications,<br />
which will transform GEW’s sales expertise<br />
in this market. He will be focusing on introducing<br />
GEW through contact and education<br />
with co-suppliers and partners, introduction<br />
and trials at machinery manufacturers, and of<br />
course sales visits to end users. He has a wealth<br />
of contacts and relationships all across Europe,<br />
which will enable the introduction of GEW products<br />
to customers unfamiliar with our expertise<br />
and suitability in this area.”<br /><br />
Farewell to entrepreneur Dr. Werner Pankoke after a fulfilled life in the style of a hidden champion.<br />
Werner Pankoke, who was born on<br />
29 March 1938 as the third child of Bielefeld<br />
dentist Dr. Wilhelm Pankoke, decided not to<br />
follow in his father’s footsteps when he began<br />
his studies. Instead, he was drawn to Munich<br />
Technical University, where he pursued his<br />
grandfather Theodor Hymmen’s engineering<br />
interests by successfully studying mechanical<br />
engineering.<br />
After graduating with a degree in engineering<br />
and a doctorate in business administration,<br />
Dr. Werner Pankoke took over the management<br />
of the Hymmen family business in 1967.<br />
The mechanical and plant engineering company<br />
had been founded by his grandfather in<br />
Bielefeld in 1892. Dr. Werner Pankoke succeeded<br />
in establishing the company worldwide as an<br />
indispensable technology partner in the woodbased<br />
materials industry with the development<br />
of the continuous double belt press.<br />
The entrepreneur generally worked in a secluded<br />
manner. Irrespective of this, he was recognized<br />
for his entrepreneurial activities by Prof.<br />
Hermann Simon’s “Hidden Champion” award<br />
and by winning the “Challengers Award” at<br />
the International Woodworking Fair in Atlanta,<br />
USA.<br />
Dr. Werner Pankoke, father of two and<br />
grandfather of six, retired from the family business<br />
in 2002 when he handed over the management<br />
of the company to his son Dr. René<br />
Pankoke. He is now the fourth generation to run<br />
the Hymmen company successfully. Since then,<br />
Dr. Werner Pankoke has devoted himself to his<br />
private interests together with his wife and constant<br />
companion Dr. Christa Pankoke.<br />
Werner Pankoke passed away at the age of<br />
85 following a stroke. The former and current<br />
employees of Hymmen hold him in high esteem.<br /><br />
6 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
An era spanning 33 years in the history of<br />
Loroch GmbH, a specialist for saw blade<br />
sharpening machines, came to an end<br />
on 30th November 2023. This was when<br />
Dr Roland Loroch, who in 1990 became the<br />
fourth generation of his family to manage<br />
the company, retired. The machine manufacturer<br />
from Mörlenbach, which is part of<br />
the Biberach-based VOLLMER Group, will<br />
now be led by Hartmut Kälberer as sole CEO.<br />
“On the occasion of my departure, I would<br />
like to give my sincere thanks to all members of<br />
staff at Loroch, as well as to our customers, for<br />
always having complete confidence in me,” says<br />
Dr Roland Loroch, who is stepping down as CEO<br />
of Loroch GmbH. “I’m also grateful that the future<br />
of Loroch GmbH is in good hands as I pass<br />
the baton on to Hartmut Kälberer.”<br />
A small ceremony was held on 1st December<br />
2023 at the company building in Mörlenbach<br />
to say farewell to Dr Roland Loroch as he en-<br />
tered retirement. In his speech, VOLLMER CEO<br />
Dr Stefan Brand praised Dr Roland Loroch’s<br />
many accomplishments: After completing an<br />
engineering degree in Darmstadt, Dr Roland<br />
Loroch began his professional career at the<br />
European headquarters of DuPont de Nemours<br />
in Neu-Isenburg. In 1990, he took over as CEO<br />
of Loroch from his father Gerhard Loroch, making<br />
him the fourth generation of the family to<br />
manage the company. His great-grandfather<br />
Josef Loroch founded the company in 1899 in<br />
Heidelberg. With Dr Roland Loroch at the helm,<br />
it was integrated into the VOLLMER Group in<br />
2006. Since then, Loroch saw blade sharpening<br />
machines have been available in addition to the<br />
range of automated grinding, eroding and laser<br />
machines from Biberach-based sharpening specialist<br />
VOLLMER as a full-line supplier.<br />
Hartmut Kälberer joined the Loroch management<br />
team in early 2023 and led the company<br />
alongside Dr Roland Loroch over the course<br />
of the year. This collaboration lasting almost a<br />
(from left to right) Dr Roland Loroch, VOLLMER CEO Dr Stefan Brand,<br />
Hartmut Kälberer, CEO of Loroch GmbH.<br />
year allowed Loroch to thoroughly prepare its<br />
customers, partners and staff for a seamless<br />
change in management. Since 1st December<br />
2023, Hartmut Kälberer has been the sole CEO<br />
of Loroch GmbH, making him the first one in the<br />
company’s history who is not a member of the<br />
Loroch family.<br /><br />
SCM continues making investments to guarantee a capillary and direct presence in the most strategic<br />
international markets.<br />
This mission is met with the opening of a<br />
new SCM subsidiary in January <strong>2024</strong>, based<br />
in Trzin, near Ljubljana in Slovenia. It is being<br />
opened to directly follow clients in both the<br />
Slovenian and Serbian markets, preserving their<br />
local characteristics and identities. In addition,<br />
it will work alongside and provide even more efficient<br />
support to the dealers already operating<br />
in Croatia and Bosnia.<br />
The new subsidiary, SCM’s first in the<br />
Balkans, will become a benchmark for the entire<br />
region where, for a number of years now, the<br />
wood-furnishing industry has recorded a more<br />
than positive trend and includes businesses that<br />
are increasingly technologically advanced.<br />
The facility will have an exclusive 1,500<br />
square metre Technology Center offering a wide<br />
and varied range of the latest SCM innovations,<br />
with machinery and services strongly in line with<br />
the production requirements of this market.<br />
SCM will also be able to rely on a team of<br />
technicians and sales engineers who are highly<br />
specialised in all the application fields of<br />
secondary wood processing: from the joinery<br />
workshop to large furniture industries, right<br />
up to windows and doors and timber construction<br />
which is recording strong and continuous<br />
growth throughout the region.<br />
Being able to interact directly with the SCM<br />
team also means taking a closer look at, and selecting<br />
from, an exclusive offer of technologies<br />
and software which represents the widest range<br />
of wood processing solutions internationally.<br />
There are also considerable advantages<br />
for customer care: the client can take advantage<br />
of more punctual after-sales support both<br />
with regard to technical maintenance and management<br />
of spare parts, as well as having rapid<br />
access to the numerous digital services enabled<br />
by SCM’s IoT platform, Maestro connect<br />
for an ever more efficient proactive and predictive<br />
assistance.<br />
“With the opening of this new branch, businesses<br />
in the industry will benefit from an allround<br />
commercial and technical partnership –<br />
says Lorenzo Trolese, SCM Country Manager for<br />
Balkans area. Our team, which will continue to<br />
grow, even in the coming months, with the addition<br />
of new sales and services resources, can<br />
provide the client with all the support, consulting<br />
and training needed to optimise its production<br />
processes. This represents a huge leap in<br />
quality for this market because it can continue<br />
along a direct line and an ever more efficient<br />
and direct service, from pre to post sales”.<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
MANY NEW PROJECTS FOR <strong>2024</strong><br />
“We are optimistic: there will always be room<br />
for companies that offer smart and effective solutions<br />
through an international network”. This<br />
is the comment of both Stefano and Riccardo<br />
Mauri – owners of Giardina Group, a world leader<br />
in painting and surface finishing technologies<br />
– regarding the 2023 results. Seventy employees,<br />
a turnover of around 20 million euros, a vast<br />
range of solutions stemming from a long-lasting<br />
and well-established partnership with companies<br />
that – in every corner of the world – operate in<br />
the painting sector, deep relationships that have<br />
enabled the Italian company to reach an export<br />
share close to 95 % of its total output.<br />
A consolidated presence in many international<br />
markets that has made it possible to acquire<br />
an extensive set of orders for <strong>2024</strong> as well:<br />
indeed, after a brief period of uncertainty, demand<br />
has returned to good levels, with the possibility<br />
of planning key deliveries up to the beginning<br />
of 2025, so as to have the energy needed<br />
to include any urgent requests in production<br />
programs. Precisely the ability to respond quickly<br />
to customer requests is one of the keys to the<br />
growing success of Giardina Group.<br />
Its production focuses precisely on this aspect,<br />
as the order for a machine or system is not always<br />
something planned and the above often proves to<br />
be a strategic tool for tackling certain orders.<br />
This strategy includes the availability of<br />
stand-alone machines that can be installed and<br />
tested in a few weeks, so as to help clients be<br />
more competitive. On the other hand, 2023 saw<br />
the confirmation of Giardina Group’s vocation<br />
for custom-made systems. This has always been<br />
the core business of the company, which continues<br />
to be among the privileged partners for this<br />
type of demand, thanks to an even more direct<br />
involvement in phases part of the painting process:<br />
handling and sanding.<br />
“We are building an actual network also at<br />
a technical-production level, thanks to which<br />
we can also offer edge and profile sanding solutions<br />
to those who want our quality, thanks<br />
to Destefani, but also automation, logistics and<br />
handling solutions”, says Riccardo Mauri, coowner<br />
and technical director at Giardina Group.<br />
“Offering technology involves full attention to<br />
the customer’s needs, as well as to the big issues<br />
that the industry must be able to responsibly<br />
address today. There is much talk about sustainability,<br />
for example, a topic that has always<br />
been a daily challenge for a sector like ours.<br />
Painting-related activities have alarmed, often<br />
rightly, many. The situation is very different today<br />
and we, as technology manufacturers, are<br />
the first to implement a whole series of innovations<br />
and solutions which not only comply with<br />
the most stringent environmental protection<br />
regulations, but also regulations that guarantee<br />
aesthetic quality and resistance that are even<br />
better than in the past. Right from the early design<br />
stages, each machine, each system is studied<br />
and defined so that it has the lowest possible<br />
energy requirements and very low emission<br />
levels, whilst always guaranteeing finishes of<br />
the best quality”.<br />
The Giardina Group Academy will be<br />
launched in <strong>2024</strong>. This is meant to be an actual<br />
‘school’ that will be carried out in partnership<br />
with Catas, the most important testing laboratory<br />
for the wood and furniture supply chain<br />
in Europe. It will start out in Brazil, a country<br />
that is proving to be increasingly strategic for<br />
Giardina Group.<br /><br />
HOMAG Canada is proud to announce their<br />
collaboration with Venjakob, which will expand<br />
their solution portfolio of <strong>woodworking</strong><br />
machinery to include Venjakob’s range<br />
of finishing and coating products.<br />
HOMAG Canada, in partnership with Stiles<br />
Machinery, makes up the North American arm<br />
of the HOMAG Group. The companies work<br />
together to deliver manufacturing solutions,<br />
such as advanced machinery, software, parts,<br />
field service, and technical support, to manufacturers<br />
in North America. Following the success<br />
Stiles Machinery has had distributing<br />
Venjakob and Makor products to customers in<br />
the United States, HOMAG Canada is pleased<br />
to deliver additional finishing solutions to<br />
complement the Makor offering and provide a<br />
more comprehensive solutions package to its<br />
Canadian customers.<br />
Venjakob designs and manufactures automated<br />
spray coating and finishing solutions,<br />
from pre-treatment processes to coating, conveyor<br />
and handling equipment, drying, and exhaust<br />
air filtering. Prior to this new partnership<br />
with HOMAG Canada, Venjakob North<br />
America handled all business in Canada. Now,<br />
Canadian customers will have a much larger<br />
support system from the combined forces of<br />
both companies.<br />
This new partnership will create a unified<br />
North American strategy for HOMAG Canada,<br />
Stiles Machinery, and Venjakob North America.<br />
The close cooperation between the three companies<br />
will give the Canadian <strong>woodworking</strong><br />
industry access to advanced machinery and<br />
manufacturing solutions complemented with<br />
exceptional customer service and after-sales<br />
support.<br />
“Venjakob is pleased to announce the collaboration<br />
with HOMAG Canada. We already<br />
have a strong and successful relationship<br />
with Stiles in the United States. We are sure<br />
that this will strengthen the forces of HOMAG<br />
Canada, Venjakob North America, and Venjakob<br />
Germany to serve our Canadian customers in<br />
the best possible way,” said Christian Streit, executive<br />
vice president of Surface Technology at<br />
Venjakob Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG.<br />
Customers can expect a seamless integration<br />
of HOMAG Canada’s consultative approach<br />
to <strong>woodworking</strong> manufacturing solutions and<br />
Venjakob’s state-of-the-art surface finishing systems.<br />
This combined offering will enable businesses<br />
to optimize their production processes,<br />
enhance product quality, and increase efficiency.<br /> //<br />
8 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
It is one of the country’s booming sectors:<br />
the furniture industry in Turkey. To enable<br />
the IMA Schelling Group to serve its customers<br />
even better locally, the machine and<br />
plant manufacturer now also has a new<br />
subsidiary in Istanbul.<br />
The IMA Schelling Group supplies machines,<br />
systems and solutions for the precise and efficient<br />
manufacture of furniture worldwide. It has now<br />
opened a subsidiary in Istanbul in order to be even<br />
closer to its customers in the Turkish market.<br />
The Turkish furniture market is a booming<br />
industry. The industry’s turnover is estimated at<br />
almost eight billion US dollars in <strong>2024</strong>, and annual<br />
growth of almost nine per cent is forecast<br />
for the next five years. “Over 300 of our machines<br />
are in use in the country, a third of them<br />
in Istanbul,” explains Enes Morkoc, Director<br />
Service of IMA Schelling Istanbul Makina Ltd<br />
Sti. This is why the IMA Schelling Group opened<br />
its subsidiary in Istanbul in January <strong>2024</strong>, more<br />
precisely on the Anatolian side of the Bosphorus<br />
metropolis.<br />
The newly established site now provides<br />
customers in the Turkish market with service<br />
and spare parts support as well as assistance<br />
with the installation of new machines. “We<br />
want to support our local customers faster and<br />
more efficiently,” emphasises Morkoc. An expansion<br />
of the team to include service technicians<br />
is planned in the foreseeable future.<br />
“We see potential in the expanding Turkish<br />
market,” emphasises Simon Waterbaer, Director<br />
Sales at IMA Schelling. This is why the machine<br />
and system specialist has not only opened the<br />
new subsidiary, but will also be presenting its<br />
solutions to visitors at the Woodtech trade fair<br />
in Istanbul from 12 to 16 October <strong>2024</strong>.<br /><br />
The BÜTTNER Energie- und<br />
Trocknungstechnik GmbH – a company<br />
of the Siempelkamp Group – sustainably<br />
strengthens its competence in the field of<br />
belt dryers: A cooperation agreement was<br />
concluded with the internationally operating<br />
Swiss supplier W. Kunz dryTec AG – also<br />
known as SWISS COMBI – which complements<br />
the existing BÜTTNER dryer portfolio.<br />
In addition to a cooperation in sales,<br />
the agreement also includes the collaboration<br />
in process engineering, automation,<br />
assembly, and commissioning.<br />
While BÜTTNER has been known in the dryer<br />
segment mainly for drum dryers, tube bundle<br />
dryers and flash tube dryers, SWISS COMBI<br />
has been supplying belt dryers for biomass and<br />
the particleboard industry for more than 30<br />
years. SWISS COMBI Managing Director Markus<br />
Kunz emphasizes the synergies of the partnership:<br />
“BÜTTNER and SWISS COMBI, two leading<br />
suppliers of drying solutions, combine their<br />
competences in the wood-based panel industry<br />
and will jointly offer belt dryers. In this partnership,<br />
BÜTTNER benefits from SWISS COMBI’s<br />
experience in belt dryer technology with more<br />
than 200 realized belt dryers in various industries<br />
worldwide. SWISS COMBI profits by the<br />
broad customer network that BÜTTNER and<br />
the Siempelkamp Group have at their disposal.<br />
In addition, the alliance allows us to offer customized<br />
solutions of energy systems combined<br />
with belt dryers and filter systems that will be<br />
cleaner – by reducing emissions – and more efficient<br />
– by utilizing waste heat – for the benefit<br />
of our customers.“<br />
BÜTTNER Managing Director Andreas Klug<br />
agrees: “Through the cooperation with Mr. Kunz<br />
and his team, both we at BÜTTNER and SWISS<br />
COMBI are in a position to jointly offer complete<br />
drying solutions in belt dryers and the related<br />
process heat generation. This integrated<br />
solution from one source has been appreciated<br />
by our customers for quite some time and they<br />
increasingly decide in favor of a drum or flash<br />
tube dryer including an energy system from<br />
BÜTTNER”.<br />
Carsten Otto, Head of Sales at BÜTTNER,<br />
adds: “BÜTTNER has already presented the extended<br />
product range including the belt dryer at<br />
LIGNA 2023 in Hanover, which enables us to ad-<br />
Two-Storey belt dryer<br />
from SWISS COMBI in Germany<br /><br />
vise the customers fully independent of the system<br />
and offer tailor-made solutions. No matter,<br />
whether it is “just” a dryer or whether we are<br />
planning the entire plant. First and foremost, we<br />
take into account our customer’s wishes, as well<br />
as his raw materials as well as the available media,<br />
energy flows and fuels. Based on this, we<br />
develop the economical and efficient package<br />
consisting of energy generation, residual heatutilization,<br />
drying equipment and, if necessary,<br />
environmental technology. With SWISS COMBI,<br />
we have a competent partner at our side.”<br />
In conclusion, Andreas Klug sees only advantages<br />
for both partners: “Two companies<br />
with decades of experience in their respective<br />
specialties are now working together – this will<br />
be a success story for both companies.“ On the<br />
BÜTTNER side, Jörg Melin was named Product<br />
Manager for the belt dryers.<br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
The 13th edition of IndiaWood is coming and SCM, a global leading producer of secondary <strong>woodworking</strong> machinery, is ready to illustrate<br />
a cutting-edge selection of its best technological solutions and services for the market.<br />
The Italian Group will attend the Asian<br />
leading international trade fair confirming the<br />
strong attention given to Indian region, the<br />
strategic investments done to strengthen SCM’s<br />
direct presence in this area and the will of being<br />
an all-around business partner for both industrial<br />
and artisan companies in the <strong>woodworking</strong><br />
and furniture manufacturing sectors.<br />
The varied proposal of technologies<br />
on demonstration is particularly suited to<br />
Indian customers and meet every machining<br />
requirement both in panel and solid wood<br />
processing.<br />
Cnc machining centers: morbidelli p200<br />
This universal cnc machining centre is conceived<br />
to satisfy any drilling, routing and edgebanding<br />
requirement. Just a few clicks allow to<br />
design and manufacture pieces of any shape<br />
and easily apply several typologies of edges.<br />
This “All-in-one technology” solution is<br />
unique on the market in having an unrivalled<br />
price-performance ratio and in offering several<br />
advantages.<br />
Morbidelli p200 also offers a superior quality<br />
thanks to the edgebanding unit which can<br />
process edges up to 80 mm height. Other advantages<br />
are the head borings fitted with<br />
RO.AX spindles with greater rigidity and a rotation<br />
speed up to 8000 rpm, the 5-axis JQX electrospindle<br />
for an unparalleled finish and the<br />
FAST 14 tool change that ensures a tool change<br />
in less than 15 seconds.<br />
The HE-PODs, synonymous of flexibility and<br />
innovation, bring the third dimension to the<br />
worktable surface. The machine can lift up the<br />
pieces to be processed and avoid unnecessary repositioning,<br />
making the most of the worktable<br />
size and reducing production cycle times by 30 %.<br />
The Maestro edge software is ideal to manage<br />
and optimise the entire routing, drilling and<br />
edge banding process of panels and shaped<br />
components. The application guarantees maximum<br />
simplicity, unparalleled performance levels<br />
and a considerable reduction in the production<br />
cycle times.<br />
Edgebanding: stefani kd<br />
Heavy duty and versatile edge bander for<br />
working different types of panels even with delicate<br />
surfaces thanks to the upper belt presser.<br />
The working speed of up to 20 m/min and the<br />
processing of solid wood strips up to 12 mm<br />
thick make this edge bander ideal for industrial<br />
companies that need to produce panels in large<br />
quantities and with extreme quality.<br />
The SGP glue pot, supplied as standard,<br />
with the special non-stick plasma treatment allows<br />
the use of two different types of glue, EVA<br />
and PUR, for perfect edgebanding quality even<br />
on the latest generation panels. The optimal<br />
glue dosage and the special spreading roller ensures<br />
a perfect glue line. The SGP glue pot can<br />
be loaded both manually and with automatic<br />
pre-melters and the glues can be interchanged<br />
thanks to the automatic glue change/cleaning<br />
cycle with unloading onto the removable collection<br />
box. The possibility of having 2 premelters<br />
at the same time, the QMS-P for EVA glue and<br />
the PU BOX L for PUR glue, always guarantees<br />
the best glue quality.<br />
10 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
Wide belt sanders: dmc sd70<br />
The dmc sd range of high-tech sanding solutions<br />
is ideal for small-size manufacturers<br />
who look for effectiveness, efficiency and high<br />
level of versatility. In fact dmc sd 70 is perfect<br />
for different types of machining. In the furniture<br />
sector this wide belt sander is ideal for calibrating<br />
MDF, plywood and solid wood as well<br />
as sanding veneered panels and finishing painted<br />
surfaces.<br />
The configurations can vary from two or<br />
three units, combining roller, pad, superfinishing,<br />
brush units as well as crossbelt unit.<br />
In recent years, the dmc sd range has also<br />
been enhanced with new solutions that are<br />
unique on the market such as the led bar to<br />
optimise belt wear, the interchangeable brush<br />
unit to produce different machining processes<br />
(paint, structuring, chamfering etc.) and lastly<br />
the new eye-S control panel with Maestro active<br />
interface.<br />
SCM expands reach with a new subsidiary in<br />
Bengaluru<br />
IndiaWood was the opportunity for SCM<br />
to announce the opening of a new Subsidiary<br />
in Bengaluru in April-May <strong>2024</strong>. This is a great<br />
news for Indian customers and as anticipated<br />
by the new Country Manager, Kunal Roy, “SCM<br />
has made strategic investments to provide local<br />
businesses in the <strong>woodworking</strong> industry<br />
with an even more extensive and all-round assistance<br />
not only in India, but in the whole region<br />
including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan,<br />
Nepal & Maldives”.<br />
“We are in process of expanding our<br />
Sales&Service infrastructure in India to cater to<br />
the entire region. We have executed some very<br />
prestigious projects in 2023 across various regions<br />
in India, such as Maharashtra, Gujarat,<br />
Tamil Nadu&Telangana and Delhi. We are continuously<br />
expanding our service team across<br />
India to ensure that we are able to provide a<br />
highly specialised, fast and reliable service support<br />
to any customers in the region”.<br />
We develop the solutions<br />
of tomorrow – since 1969.<br />
Wood is a raw material with a future –<br />
and its availability is limited. Recycling<br />
and reusing instead of disposing are<br />
therefore our motto.<br />
Vecoplan wood processing technology<br />
is our solution for the appreciative<br />
handling with resources – yesterday,<br />
today and tomorrow. Together with us<br />
you are always one step ahead. Become<br />
a visionary!<br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br /><br />
Vecoplan AG<br />
Germany<br />
phone +49 2661 62 67-0<br /><br /><br />
The WEINIG Group, one of the leading manufacturers of machines for processing solid wood and wood-based materials, will be represented<br />
at HOLZ-HANDWERK <strong>2024</strong> in Nuremberg. In Hall 9 from March 19 to 22, <strong>2024</strong>, the company will not only be presenting tried-and-tested<br />
solutions for ambitious <strong>woodworking</strong> shops, but also an impressive range of innovations and further developments.<br />
At an impressive joint stand in Hall 9 (Booth<br />
304/308), visitors can expect not only around<br />
30 innovative exhibits, but also captivating live<br />
demonstrations of both WEINIG and HOLZ-HER<br />
machines that promise maximum customer benefit.<br />
The WEINIG and HOLZ-HER brands cover a<br />
broad spectrum of solid wood and wood material<br />
processing. Visitors can look forward to a<br />
wide range of innovations that will redefine the<br />
future of craftsmanship.<br />
In the cutting area, the OptiCut C 700+ / C<br />
700Flexi under-table cross-cut saws in combination<br />
with FlexiRip will take center stage. A version<br />
of the EasyStop combined with the OptiCut<br />
C 50+ will also be shown. As the successor to<br />
the OptiCut C 50, this new under-table crosscut<br />
saw impresses with a revised dust extraction<br />
and improved safety concept. As the “little<br />
sister” of the OptiCut C 700+, the new OptiCut<br />
C 50+ is used for smaller cross-sections and requires<br />
little space in production. Combined with<br />
the EasyStop, an automatic positioning system,<br />
it enables <strong>woodworking</strong> companies to get started<br />
with semi-automatic cutting.<br />
Together with the OptiCut S 50+, WEINIG<br />
presents the OptiPal / OptiResult software. It includes<br />
a job management and pre-optimization<br />
functions to improve the production process and<br />
minimize waste.<br />
A new addition to the cutting area is the<br />
EuroStacker – a simple, cost-effective variant<br />
for semi-automatic stacking. It will be presented<br />
together with the OptiCut S 50+ with<br />
Powerdrill drilling unit. The EuroStacker makes<br />
stacking heavy board packs much easier and<br />
optimizes the working method for the operator,<br />
who previously stacked by hand. The pallet<br />
truck is lowered automatically after each layer<br />
has been formed so that stacking strips can<br />
then be inserted. A characteristic feature of the<br />
new EuroStacker is its safety system to protect<br />
against crushing accidents.<br />
The scanner systems will focus on the<br />
EasyScan Smart C, which will be presented as a<br />
stand-alone solution (without the OptiCut 260),<br />
unlike at the trade fair two years ago. The device<br />
is equipped with a premium sensor that delivers<br />
high quality images to enable the best possible<br />
detection with high efficiency. The basis for the<br />
performance potential is the second generation<br />
of artificial intelligence, which ensures excellent<br />
accuracy, especially in the detection of diffuse<br />
defects such as sapwood in oak. EasyScan<br />
Smart C can be easily integrated into existing<br />
production lines so that processing companies<br />
do not have to make any major changes to their<br />
infrastructure.<br />
At the WEINIG booth, the Powermat 700<br />
Window and the Powermat 1500 will be shown<br />
for the first time with WMC and demonstrated<br />
live. Both machines are also linked to Moulder<br />
Master and OptiControl Digital for tool measurement,<br />
ensuring a paperless process flow<br />
from planning to the toolroom and then on to<br />
production.<br />
The combination of WMC and Moulder<br />
Master offers the best possible support for the<br />
machine operator through graphics of profiles<br />
and tools. With the help of LiveAssist, for example,<br />
it is possible to see the current machine settings<br />
live and the resulting profile or end product.<br />
The Moulder Master software links all processes<br />
upstream of production. It is used to<br />
create profile and tool drawings and for virtual<br />
set-up of the moulder. This information is passed<br />
on paperlessly to downstream locations in the<br />
grinding room and in production. The result is<br />
impressive: error minimization, greater process<br />
reliability and consistently high quality product.<br />
The Cube 3 planer, first presented two years<br />
ago, now has higher-quality standard equipment<br />
and a new design. To enable convenient<br />
one-man operation, the Cube 3 now has a return<br />
conveyor. This allows the operator to feed<br />
unprocessed workpieces and destack the processed<br />
parts in parallel. This takes the performance<br />
potential of the Cube 3 to a new level.<br />
The Profimat 50 will also be on show live in<br />
Nuremberg. This trade fair model is not only designed<br />
for the production of profiled goods, but<br />
also for processing solid structural timber and<br />
wet wood. The special features are the robust<br />
machine infeed thanks to the 3-roller infeed, the<br />
generous working width of up to 260 mm and<br />
the Marathon-Power-Coating for the machine<br />
table and the stops.<br />
The Conturex Vario XS CNC processing center<br />
had its premiere at HOLZ-HANDWERK 2022<br />
and has since impressed many customers with<br />
its open, modular concept and system capability.<br />
In <strong>2024</strong>, WEINIG will be introducing the<br />
new cross-transverse-longitudinal sequence for<br />
this machine, in which the end profiles are processed<br />
first and then on to the longitudinal profiles.<br />
This will increase output by up to 15 %. The<br />
new multi-part sequence, in which two parts are<br />
clamped on a table and processed together, can<br />
achieve a further 20 % increase in performance.<br />
This means that maximum throughput can be<br />
achieved and there are sufficient performance<br />
reserves for increased demand.<br />
The control components of the Conturex<br />
Vario XS have been updated. The new Sinumerik<br />
One from Siemens is now being used here. This<br />
provides customers with an up-to-date, hightech<br />
machine that guarantees a very long life cycle<br />
and good parts availability.<br />
WEINIG also offers software solutions or<br />
“digital solutions”. The latest enhancements to<br />
the WEINIG App Suite cloud solution will be presented<br />
again in Nuremberg. The app offers a<br />
wide range of functions such as machine monitoring,<br />
trending, OEE, individual notifications<br />
and various analysis options. It is available as<br />
both a browser and mobile application and can<br />
be used on all common devices. This means that<br />
you are well informed about your machinery at<br />
any time and any place.<br />
The viaConnector Edge will be presented as<br />
a local application. It is used to easily read out<br />
machine data. It therefore acts as a link between<br />
the machines and local customer software. The<br />
data is stored and can be further processed in<br />
the customer’s own ERP system, for example.<br />
The viaBox is presented to enable easy connection<br />
of machines without PC control. This<br />
hardware solution is installed directly in or on<br />
the control cabinet of the respective machine<br />
and therefore allows digital integration.<br /><br />
12 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
IMA Schelling has made numerous adjustments to its servo infeed and stop system for pass-through edge processing machines.<br />
This ensures an optimised parts flow and greater convenience when it comes to operation and maintenance.<br />
The IMA Schelling Group has updated<br />
its renowned servo infeed and stop system<br />
for pass-through edge processing machines,<br />
including an optimised parts flow<br />
through continuous alignment of the workpieces.<br />
Further adaptations allowed for<br />
a reduction in noise emissions and tolerances,<br />
as well as an increase in productivity.<br />
This brings a number of benefits for<br />
customers.<br />
The workpieces are now aligned directly in<br />
the flow movement. Adjustments to the insertion<br />
cams and the counter holders lead to an<br />
increase in the accuracy of the machined workpieces.<br />
IMA Schelling has also optimised the<br />
stop system.<br />
IMA Schelling has equipped its new X30 infeed system with numerous structural improvements.<br />
“With our revised infeed system, we can offer<br />
our customers a whole range of benefits,”<br />
explains Dennis Reddig, Product Manager Edge<br />
Processing. More precise alignment of the parts<br />
reduces tolerances and thus increases the product<br />
quality of the manufactured workpieces.<br />
“We have also improved efficiency and convenience<br />
at the same time as quality,” emphasises<br />
Reddig. Reduced cycle times ensure increased<br />
productivity, while improved operation<br />
and maintenance options as well as reduced<br />
noise emissions produce a more pleasant working<br />
environment for the machine operator.<br />
Holz-Her, a renowned brand within the Weinig Group and one of the leading manufacturers<br />
of machines for processing panel materials made of wood and composite materials, will be<br />
represented at HOLZ-HANDWERK <strong>2024</strong> in Nuremberg. In Hall 9 from March 19 to 22, <strong>2024</strong>,<br />
the company will not only be presenting tried-and-tested solutions for ambitious craft<br />
businesses, but also an impressive range of innovations and developments.<br />
The ARTEA 1030 stands for a compact design,<br />
the zero joint appearance and a simple<br />
machining process, making it the ideal choice<br />
for customers with the highest demands for professional<br />
edgebanding results. Despite its small<br />
size of just 3700 mm, the Artea 1030 offers a<br />
comprehensive range of features, including<br />
pre-milling, gluing, corner copying and a complete<br />
finishing area with radius scraper, surface<br />
scraper, buffing and spraying. Even in the smallest<br />
series, Holz-Her consistently relies on the<br />
proven Glu Jet zero-joint appearance and equips<br />
the Artea 1030 with its patented glue application<br />
nozzle as standard. With the glue library,<br />
you can use up to four different glue types with<br />
their different properties manage. Switching between<br />
EVA and PUR glues all important parameters<br />
such as processing temperature, pressure<br />
values and also the different glue viscosities are<br />
taken into account in the respective profile. This<br />
means that all important glue types are available<br />
to you at all times with optimum setting<br />
values depending on the application.<br />
The STREAMER 1057 XL power goes one<br />
step further and presents itself as an axis-controlled<br />
edge banding machine with 6 NC servo<br />
axes. The operator can select essential machining<br />
processes at the touch of a button, while<br />
the intelligent VISE system automatically makes<br />
the remaining settings. The generous 15.6-inch<br />
multi-touch screen provides a comprehensive<br />
overview of all remaining settings. VISE, which<br />
stands for VIsual Setting, acts like a digital logbook<br />
and provides all the setting values for the<br />
digital meters and pressure gauges. This innovative<br />
technology enables the machine to be set<br />
up quickly and safely, taking <strong>woodworking</strong> efficiency<br />
to a new level.<br />
The AURIGA 1308 XL is a versatile machine<br />
that can process a wide range of materials, including<br />
delicate surfaces. With up to 11 NC servo<br />
axes and the flexibility of the Glu Jet glue application<br />
system, a wide range of material requirements<br />
can be met quickly. The axis control<br />
enables precise positioning and high repeat accuracy.<br />
The intuitive control system offers a selection<br />
of predefined processing profiles and<br />
guarantees uncompromising processing of<br />
1 mm or 2 mm edges. The multi-units are also<br />
equipped with the tried-and-tested IntelliSet<br />
system, which allows the operator to adjust the<br />
tool in the 1/100 mm range via an interactive<br />
graphic display, for example to precisely compensate<br />
the thickness of a protective film.<br />
The perfect edge appearance is achieved<br />
on all edgebanders from Holz-Her thanks to the<br />
optimized Glu Jet glue application system. The<br />
unique hybrid technology on this unit guaran-<br />
tees harmonious interaction between glue, edging<br />
and panel. The Glu Jet system ensures trouble-free<br />
use of EVA and PUR glue in the form of<br />
glue cartridges or granulate while its short heatup<br />
time of just 3 minutes and low energy consumption<br />
for remelting the glue make it a true<br />
resource saver.<br />
With the innovative 5-axis CNC machining<br />
centers of the Epicon series, Holz-Her is setting<br />
standards in the <strong>woodworking</strong> industry.<br />
All Epicon models stand for efficient and precise<br />
production. These state-of-the-art machining<br />
centers open up completely new horizons<br />
for users in the implementation of their creative<br />
ideas.<br />
The entire EPICON family is characterized<br />
by its robust design and high-precision components,<br />
which ensure perfect milling. The integrated<br />
5-axis head in combination with optimally<br />
equipped drilling units makes every<br />
Epicon an indispensable performer in <strong>woodworking</strong>.<br />
Whether panel processing, solid wood<br />
or composite materials – the versatility of the<br />
Epicon CNCs is impressive in all areas.<br />
Processing depths of 1500 mm (Epicon<br />
7135), 1650 mm (Epicon 7235) and 2100 mm<br />
(Epicon 7335) are available to suit the alignment<br />
and size or the degree of automation. The<br />
latter two machining depths are designed as a<br />
14 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
solid gantry construction and ensure maximum<br />
precision and extreme acceleration and milling<br />
speeds at the same time thanks to two synchro<br />
drives.<br />
Not only the processing dimensions of the<br />
Epicon series speak for themselves, but also<br />
the impressive hardware equipment. Typically<br />
for Holz-Her, these 5-axis power packs are<br />
equipped with a powerful, liquid-cooled<br />
milling spindle and can be fitted with up to 97<br />
tool positions, depending on the application<br />
and equipment.<br />
On request, users can also equip the<br />
Epicon with SafeDetect, the non-contact safety<br />
monitoring system with sensor technology.<br />
State-of-the-art sensor technology offers<br />
safety and freedom of motion for the operator<br />
thanks to automatic human detection with<br />
distance control.<br />
For maximum flexibility, the Epicon can be<br />
equipped with different machine tables. In addition<br />
to the standard console table, a fully automatic<br />
SynchroDrive table or the VISE LED table<br />
are also available. This is how flexible CNC machining<br />
can be with the Epicon series.<br />
The EPICON 7245 from Holz-Her not only<br />
sets a new standard, but also revolutionizes<br />
5-axis CNC machining centers with a focus on<br />
solid wood processing. The innovative Epicon<br />
series has been consistently further developed<br />
to offer more performance and technical innovation<br />
than ever before. These advances are not<br />
only reflected in the proven advantages of the<br />
Epicon series, but also go beyond them.<br />
The EPICON 7245 is characterized by a solid<br />
gantry design which, in combination with<br />
two synchro drives, guarantees maximum precision<br />
and extremely fast acceleration and milling<br />
speeds. The integrated, fully interpolating<br />
5-axis head with axis locking, the heart of the<br />
CNC, remains a trademark of the Epicon series.<br />
This innovative head makes it possible to carry<br />
out the most demanding machining operations<br />
with the highest precision. The automatic<br />
console table has been specially adapted for<br />
solid wood processing to ensure optimum performance.<br />
The Epicon 7245 is therefore ideally<br />
equipped for the most solid machining operations,<br />
making it the ideal solution for the challenges<br />
of manufacturing high-quality stairs,<br />
windows and doors. Experience the future of<br />
CNC technology live at HOLZ-HANDWERK and<br />
discover the new Epicon 7245.<br />
One of the highlights at the Holz-Her stand<br />
will be the space-saving cutting solutions.<br />
Under the names “Linea” for beam saws and<br />
“Sector” for wall saws, Holz-Her presents innovative<br />
solutions that impress not only with<br />
their first-class performance but also with their<br />
space-saving design. The flexible equipment<br />
variants of both systems make them ideal cutting<br />
solutions for both beginners and experienced<br />
professionals.<br />
The compact LINEA 6015 beam saw embodies<br />
the philosophy “from the craft for the<br />
craft”. Developed to meet the requirements<br />
of craftsmen who value high throughput<br />
while conserving resources, it sets new standards<br />
in cut-to-size technology. Their expressive<br />
design, the proven Holz-Her gantry<br />
construction and the consistent linear guide<br />
concept make them a pioneering solution in<br />
area planning.<br />
The clear focus on maximum efficiency<br />
and state-of-the-art technology makes the<br />
Linea 6015 a compact saw that is in no way inferior<br />
to the large Holz-Her beam saws in terms<br />
of cutting results and handling. It was specifically<br />
developed to meet the high demands of<br />
craftsmen who rely on state-of-the-art technology<br />
and efficiency.<br />
The Linea is equipped with a double sliding<br />
door as standard, which can also be extended<br />
to both sides as an option, in order to<br />
score points in companies with limited production<br />
space. This means that the rear part<br />
of the machine under the roller conveyors can<br />
be used as a storage area. The fully air cushion<br />
table surface, including the machine table,<br />
prevents scratches or any damage to sensitive<br />
panel materials. The clippings can also be<br />
moved by the operator without back strain.<br />
Thanks to the synergy of the side pressure and<br />
the cutting direction away from the angle fence,<br />
the Linea achieves up to 25 % faster cutting<br />
cycles.<br />
With a maximum saw blade exit of 68 mm,<br />
it also achieves the best results with package<br />
cuts, powered by a massive 7.5 kW saw unit.<br />
For permanently hard materials, the Linea 6015<br />
can be equipped with a powerful 11 kW sawing<br />
unit. The FCM mode (fast cut mode) enables<br />
fast grooving in synchronized and counter-rotation,<br />
which significantly increases the time savings<br />
when producing wide grooves and bending<br />
plates. The groove position and width are infinitely<br />
adjustable via the software.<br />
The separately driven scorer with 2.2 kW<br />
power effortlessly scores hard decors such as<br />
HPL or CPL. The newly developed pre-score adjustment<br />
enables time-saving adjustments during<br />
operation without having to comply with<br />
the CE-required waiting time of 60 seconds until<br />
the safety hood is opened. Users can therefore<br />
make settings on the scoring unit without<br />
any restrictions.<br />
For corrugated panels such as plywood, the<br />
clamps can be equipped with the floating function.<br />
This allows the collets to adapt to the material,<br />
which is gentle on both the machine and<br />
the panel material.<br />
The supplied software already enables<br />
front and veneer applications as standard. Preinstalled<br />
macros support the operator with manual<br />
programming directly on the saw. A 3D visualization<br />
and simulation guide the user through<br />
the cutting plan.<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
TOOLS<br />
Leitz, the world market leader from Oberkochen is joining the trade fair duo HOLZ-HANDWERK & Fensterbau-Frontale and will be setting<br />
up its base in Hall 9, Stand 218, to present its solutions in new dimensions to interested trade visitors. A colorful mix of practice-oriented<br />
information will be presented, which should be of particular interest to craftsmen but also to customers from the industry.<br />
lio. Visitors to the Leitz stand who are interested<br />
in efficient processes in timber construction<br />
are guaranteed to find numerous suggestions<br />
and ideas on how, for example, planing, joinery<br />
milling, or deep hole drilling can be made as<br />
perfect as possible. So, if you are looking for<br />
a way to optimize your production processes,<br />
Leitz is the right partner for you – without compromising<br />
on quality, of course.<br />
At HOLZ-HANDWERK, Leitz will be presenting its solutions in new dimensions in the form of perfect tool technology for a wide range of applications<br />
and industries. Planing, jointing, profiling, nesting milling, drilling – a mix of practice-orientated tool solutions will be on show, which should be of<br />
particular interest to craftsmen, but also to customers from the industrial sector. (Photo: Leitz)<br />
Leitz will be presenting its solutions in new<br />
dimensions from March 19 to 23, especially<br />
for industries such as furniture and interior<br />
design, timber construction or for manufacturing<br />
companies in window and door production.<br />
An important focus of the exhibition will be the<br />
product highlights from the Leitz tool portfo-<br />
Of course, Leitz also has many interesting<br />
solutions available this year for interested carpenters<br />
and interior fitters. Hardly any other<br />
trade focuses on concepts such as quality and<br />
value as much as carpenters or joiners – but<br />
quality also needs to be produced economically<br />
and Leitz is bringing numerous tool solutions<br />
to HOLZ-HANDWERK for this purpose.<br />
Radius-profile changers – fully or semi-automatic,<br />
which reduce the adjustment effort when<br />
changing profiles to zero – adapted jointing<br />
tools – quiet and durable with up to ten times<br />
longer tool life – shank cutters for Nesting applications<br />
– for perfect edges and medium layers<br />
at significantly higher feed rates – tool kits<br />
especially for routing, sawing or drilling – for<br />
use in the workshop or directly on the construction<br />
site…Leitz will be showing all this at its<br />
stand in Nuremberg.<br />
In Nuremberg, Leitz will also be showcasing<br />
its concentrated tool and process expertise<br />
in the field of window and door construction.<br />
It is not without reason that Leitz is a globally<br />
recognized and demanded specialist when it<br />
comes to process design or the production-side<br />
implementation of future-oriented window systems.<br />
A highlight at the trade fair will be the<br />
technically optimized version of the ProfilCut<br />
Q tools, with which Leitz has been the record<br />
holder for years in terms of processing speed for<br />
profile milling. When it comes to speed, however,<br />
it is not only the feed and processing speed<br />
that are responsible for a fast process. Process<br />
components that receive little attention, such<br />
as the tool or profile change, can also have a<br />
critical impact on process times. This is precisely<br />
where the engineers at Leitz came in and created<br />
solutions that help to save time and significantly<br />
reduce machine downtimes. The key<br />
word here is “quick knife change” and the Leitz<br />
specialists will provide practical proof of this in<br />
Nuremberg.<br />
16 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
TOOLS<br />
Leitz is focusing on another important<br />
topic at HOLZ-HANDWERK in Nuremberg:<br />
“Knowledge”. The leading global market provider<br />
is committed to combating the increasing<br />
shortage of skilled workers in the industry. In recent<br />
years, the product and industry experts at<br />
Leitz have developed practical service concepts<br />
and successfully launched them on the market.<br />
These innovative concepts not only give users<br />
access to knowledge, but also significantly increase<br />
efficiency and added value in their dayto-day<br />
work compared to previous methods.<br />
Leitz is presenting one of these concepts at the<br />
trade fair with the latest version of its LeitzXPert<br />
app – tool knowledge for your pocket. Since its<br />
market launch in 2022, this useful tool has already<br />
been used by thousands of enthusiastic<br />
users worldwide and has quickly become an indispensable<br />
guide and work tool for numerous<br />
application technicians. Another essential area<br />
concerns user training, for which Leitz has been<br />
offering a comprehensive training program for<br />
some time. This program is very popular with<br />
customers worldwide. The program designers<br />
always focus on topics that are currently being<br />
discussed intensively on the market and are actively<br />
requested by customers. The decisive advantage<br />
here is the practice-oriented approach.<br />
Leitz focuses not only on tools, but also on materials<br />
and machining concepts, which makes its<br />
range of training courses particularly attractive.<br />
Leitz will of course also be presenting its service<br />
concepts in Nuremberg. The focus will be<br />
on topics such as resharpening, reconditioning,<br />
maintenance, logistics and tool management in<br />
order to minimize the impact on customers and<br />
users in their day-to-day work. The service expert<br />
from Oberkochen have developed innovative,<br />
digital solutions for this. With its globally<br />
unique regrinding service, its qualified specialist<br />
advisors and its sustainable service concepts for<br />
companies of all sizes, Leitz sets the benchmark<br />
in the industry and inspires hundreds of thousands<br />
of customers worldwide. Resharpening<br />
and reconditioning in manufacturer quality in<br />
accordance with uniform global quality standards<br />
is not only extremely economical, but also<br />
conserves resources and is sustainable.<br /><br />
At this year‘s HOLZ-HANDWERK trade fair in Nuremberg, Aigner customers can once again look forward to many highlights from the field<br />
of milling tools for the machining of wood and plastics. Contrary to the general trend, Aigner continues to rely on the HOLZ-HANDWERK<br />
Nuremberg platform and want to present an extensive new range of tools live on site for our customers.<br />
In fact, a patent-pending world innovation<br />
will be presented at the Nuremberg trade fair,<br />
so you can look forward to finding out which<br />
product it is! The countdown has already begun<br />
and Aigner is are looking forward to unveiling<br />
our new top products.<br />
Anyone who knows Aigner knows that the<br />
highly innovative company from Upper Austria<br />
always presents a whole range of new premium<br />
products at trade fairs. In <strong>2024</strong>, nonwood<br />
materials will also be presenting a completely<br />
new range of tools for milling with a clearly<br />
designed flyer. Extreme materials such as HPL,<br />
fiber cement, laminated wood, etc., require<br />
milling tools that can easily withstand these<br />
heavy loads. The right milling geometry, combined<br />
with extremely economical tool life, enables<br />
Aigner customers to achieve cost- effective<br />
and, above all, demand-oriented production.<br />
With the C863 model series, Aigner<br />
Werkzeuge has developed DP-router cutters for<br />
milling HPL panel materials. Available in roughing,<br />
rough-finishing and finishing versions,<br />
these special DIA routing cutters can be used<br />
on both nesting systems and console CNCs.<br />
For the tool body material, the extremely vibration-<br />
damping „Densimet“ is used. Densimet is<br />
a heavy metal and successfully prevents the development<br />
of vibrations during the milling process.<br />
Due to its ductility, the material is also<br />
used to prevent tool breakage. Equipped with<br />
PCD cutting edges of an extremely wear-resistant<br />
DIA grade, it provides the best tool life.<br />
The different designs of the cutting edge<br />
profile allow the customer to select the desired<br />
production sequence. Whether premilling<br />
is carried out first with a roughing profile<br />
and then finishing is carried out afterwards,<br />
or finishing is carried out in a single operation<br />
with a roughing/finishing cutter, is decided by<br />
the user solely when selecting the tools. Smooth<br />
milling processes with a quiet machining noise<br />
level make users feel more comfortable at the<br />
CNC and at the same time reduce noise pollution<br />
during operation.<br />
C<br />
M<br />
In addition, the C863 milling tools achieve<br />
Y<br />
the best surface qualities and tolerate even difficult<br />
clamping situations on the machining<br />
CM<br />
center.<br />
MY<br />
CY<br />
As usual, new developments of<br />
Konstantin ® CMY<br />
routing tools for hybrid applications<br />
will also be on display. Rebating tools<br />
K<br />
equipped with Aigner’s new HighSpeed profile<br />
cutter system for standard door and window<br />
production systems will be exhibited on<br />
stand. The cutting speeds of up to 120 m/sec<br />
achieved with this tool system enable fast,<br />
force-reduced feeds with a top surface finish<br />
at the same time!<br /><br />
<strong>WIN</strong>_2019.pdf 24 15.02.2019 13:55:48<br />
Less energy, more power!<br />
Energy-efficient filtration plants<br />
for the <strong>woodworking</strong> industry.<br />
MultiStar filtration plant<br />
Made by Höcker Polytechnik<br />
▪ filtration<br />
▪ dedusting<br />
▪ briquetting<br />
▪ recycling<br />
▪ varnishing<br />
Höcker Polytechnik GmbH<br />
Borgloher Str. 1 ▪ 49176 Hilter a.T.W.<br />
Germany ▪ Mail<br />
Fon +49 5409 405 0<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
TOOLS<br />
In order to achieve outstanding results with CNC <strong>woodworking</strong> machines from Biesse, it is essential that the workpieces are securely fixed<br />
to the machine table. With the VCBL-B block suction cups, Schmalz offers a robust alternative to the original equipment manufacturer’s<br />
clamping devices. Holzmanufaktur Dittus GmbH has been using the suction cups for six years and benefits from readily available and<br />
inexpensive spare parts.<br />
Wood is a multi-talented material: it is<br />
available in numerous varieties and is biodegradable,<br />
easy to work with, aesthetically<br />
pleasing and currently very relevant:<br />
As a renewable raw material, wood binds<br />
CO 2<br />
and thus counteracts global warming.<br />
Holzmanufaktur Dittus GmbH in Ammerbuch,<br />
Württemberg, has been processing different<br />
types of wood into furniture and doors<br />
for 111 years. The craft business with ten employees<br />
specialises in furnishing retail outlets<br />
and doctors’ surgeries. The carpenters give<br />
surface-critical parts such as worktops and<br />
kitchen fronts the right finish and build cupboards<br />
and tables. MDF, pressboard and multiplex<br />
boards are also used in addition to natural<br />
wood.<br />
Schmalz has developed the VCBL-B suction blocks as an alternative to the clamping devices from machine manufacturer Biesse.<br />
Dittus uses the Rover C6 CNC machining<br />
centre from Biesse. The Italian manufacturer<br />
plans, produces and sells a complete range<br />
of machines for joineries and the large-scale<br />
<strong>woodworking</strong> industry. With the Rover, skilled<br />
workers can easily produce furniture, window<br />
and door components of any shape, size and<br />
thickness. A vacuum clamping system fixes<br />
the workpieces, the work unit can rotate continuously<br />
through 360 degrees on the vertical<br />
and horizontal axis and can also produce<br />
complex shapes.<br />
“We are actually satisfied with the Rover,<br />
but the clamping system kept causing problems,”<br />
says Ralf Gutekunst, Operations Manager<br />
at Dittus Holzmanufaktur GmbH. The problem:<br />
The rubber seal of the Biesse block suction cups<br />
sits in a groove. If this groove is damaged, it<br />
is often not enough to replace the seal so that<br />
the module can be evacuated again. “We were<br />
forced to replace the entire suction block. This<br />
resulted in high costs and was not sustainable,”<br />
criticises Ralf Gutekunst. Another point of criticism:<br />
the support is made of hard plastic and<br />
can damage sensitive surfaces.<br />
The procurement of spare parts also<br />
proved difficult. “The delivery times from the<br />
original manufacturer were far too long, especially<br />
over the summer. We often had to<br />
wait three to four weeks for the new vacuum<br />
blocks. And sometimes even longer, because<br />
deliveries were not always reliable,” Gutekunst<br />
recalls. This meant that the craft business had<br />
no process reliability.<br />
At Schmalz, the joinery found the perfect alternative<br />
with the VCBL-B suction block. If the<br />
suction plate is worn or damaged, there is no<br />
need for expensive replacement of a complete<br />
component. In just a few simple steps, an employee<br />
can remove the defective suction plate<br />
and fit the new element. The suction cup is then<br />
immediately ready for use. Another advantage:<br />
the suction plate is made of soft elastomer,<br />
which protects sensitive surfaces.<br />
Schmalz has developed the VCBL-B block<br />
suction cups as a hoseless vacuum clamping<br />
system especially for Biesse console tables. They<br />
are fully compatible with the original equipment<br />
manufacturer’s suction cups and can therefore<br />
also be used in mixed operation. The carpenters<br />
can align the suction surfaces as required by inserting<br />
the block suction cups into the standard<br />
holders in 15-degree increments in any direction<br />
using the adapter ring. This increases flexibility<br />
and shortens the set-up time. Clamping lugs on<br />
the suction block ring and magnets enable secure<br />
fixing in the suction cup holder. The integrated<br />
touch valve only activates suction cups<br />
that have a workpiece on them. Suction blocks<br />
that are not required can therefore remain on<br />
the machine table. The button can also be easily<br />
replaced if damaged, again without having to<br />
replace the entire suction cup.<br />
The basic body of the block suction cups is<br />
made of robust plastic. Schmalz has specially<br />
customised the sealing edges and friction surfaces<br />
for <strong>woodworking</strong>. The suction cups transmit<br />
high horizontal forces and are available<br />
in heights of 29 and 48 millimetres for 3- and<br />
4-axis machines and 74 millimetres for 5-axis<br />
machines. Their height is dimensionally accurate<br />
to 0.06 millimetres. This ensures the necessary<br />
precision in the production process. The<br />
suction surfaces and working heights correspond<br />
to the dimensions of the Biesse suction<br />
cups. The interfering contours of the VCBL-B<br />
types are almost identical to those of the original<br />
equipment. This means that the <strong>woodworking</strong><br />
experts can continue to use the existing<br />
CAM software.<br />
Holzmanufaktur Dittus has now been using<br />
the VCBL-B log vacuum cleaners for six years.<br />
“We are very satisfied with them,” says the operations<br />
manager, praising the competent inhouse<br />
service in particular. “Whenever there<br />
were problems, the Schmalz contacts were always<br />
able to help us quickly and easily. And<br />
the short delivery times for spare parts and the<br />
good price-performance ratio are unbeatable<br />
arguments for us.“<br /><br />
18 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
Master carpenter Andreas Weinzierl from Traunstein is a maestro in his field. Specializing in complex wood moldings for instruments,<br />
restoration of works of art and furniture design, he was given the opportunity to test LEUCO’s new t3-System shank-type cutter at length.<br />
His conclusion: “We don’t want to give it back any more.”<br />
The triangular turnover knife with rounded<br />
edges allows the shear angle for the draw cut to<br />
be set perfectly, thereby preventing formation<br />
of offsets at the overcuts. In addition, thanks<br />
to the triangular shape the shear angles can be<br />
set so that outstanding surface and edge processing<br />
can be achieved when jointing and rabbeting;<br />
furthermore, the rear side of the cutter<br />
does not protrude. This distinguishes the t3-System<br />
from other spiral cutterheads. The triangular<br />
turnover knives are positioned such that the<br />
shear angle always pulls in the correct direction.<br />
Andreas Weinzierl (left) and his team program all milling work individually. (photo: 3D-Holz Design)<br />
“I tried the cutter extensively with different<br />
materials – from hard wood right through to<br />
foam board. We roughed and planed to a finish.<br />
It was clear to us after two hours that we would<br />
take the milling cutter. The t3 can be used for both<br />
roughing as well as for finishing, i.e. fine tuning.”<br />
Cutterheads and shank-type cutters with<br />
square carbide turnover knives for CNC have<br />
been established on the market for many<br />
years. With its new “t3-System”, LEUCO has<br />
now complemented the strengths of these<br />
tools with a completely new design method<br />
and triangular carbide turnover knives with<br />
rounded edges. Master carpenter Andreas<br />
Weinzierl, known in the trade as an artist<br />
at the CNC milling machine, was invited by<br />
LEUCO to test the product innovation intensively<br />
in his workshop.<br />
LEUCO had presented the new shank-type<br />
cutter to Weinzierl so that it could demonstrate<br />
its versatility in handling the complex requirements<br />
of 3D-Holz Design. The t3-System can cut<br />
in a spiral shape and at an angle, which makes<br />
it ideal for sculptured surfaces. The small diameter<br />
of only 54 mm offers many practical advantages.<br />
Narrow milling grooves and pockets<br />
from 60 mm in diameter can be machined, and<br />
wooden parts can be shaped in one work cycle.<br />
Cutting speed and milling performance lie at the<br />
upper end of what is attainable.<br />
Andreas Weinzierl praises the high surface<br />
finish quality in particular: “We hold a perfect<br />
workpiece in our hands almost without any rework.”<br />
The new shank-type cutter with its aggressive<br />
cutting edges is also ideal for plunging.<br />
“If the workpiece is oversized, then we can also<br />
drill it with the t3. Nothing starts to flutter or vibrate.”<br />
The new system has now replaced two<br />
tools at 3D-Holz Design: a carbide spiral cutterhead<br />
and a 40 mm shank-type cutter.<br /><br />
His company, 3D-Holz Design, has been<br />
producing complex parts from solid wood and<br />
wood-based materials since 2006. He and his<br />
two employees program complex shapes in<br />
CAM, fully exploiting the manufacturing possibilities<br />
of their 5-axis CNC machine. Series are<br />
not his thing – each job is programmed individually.<br />
“We don’t use stored building blocks,<br />
but really do start every day with ‘File/New’,”<br />
Weinzierl explains. His clients include instrument<br />
makers, art restorers, industrial companies<br />
wanting high-quality wooden cases<br />
and fellow carpenters with subcontracts. The<br />
3D-Holz Design brand is known nationwide for<br />
free-form objects in wood. “I can count my few<br />
competitors in the segment on one hand,” says<br />
Weinzierl.<br />
The surfaces and edges in ash produced by the LEUCO t3-System shank-type cutter are smooth and chip-free.(photo: 3D-Holz Design)<br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
SAFETY<br />
The degree of automation in <strong>woodworking</strong> is increasing continuously. Wood is milled, sawn and drilled with CNC-controlled systems,<br />
throughput is increased and consequently so are the requirements when it comes to machine extraction systems. The extra dust and chips<br />
must be extracted efficiently and reliably.<br />
Höcker Polytechnik GmbH, based in Hilter<br />
a.T.W., has followed the development of the<br />
<strong>woodworking</strong> trade for the past 60 years<br />
and accompanies and supports with innovative<br />
machines for dust and chip extraction,<br />
new surface technology and various ways<br />
to help workshops become more productive<br />
and energy efficient. Filter systems from the<br />
MultiStar series, Vacumobil dedusters and<br />
PaintStar spraying walls are used in workshops<br />
around the world every day.<br />
From the 19th to the 22nd of March <strong>2024</strong>,<br />
Höcker Polytechnik will be exhibiting their latest<br />
products and solutions for the modern<br />
<strong>woodworking</strong> trade at HOLZ-HANDWERK<br />
in Nuremberg. At Booth 9-319 in Hall 9, the<br />
Höcker experts will show visitors how they can<br />
significantly reduce their electricity consumption<br />
by using a combination of energy-efficient<br />
motors, highly-efficient fans and carefullyplanned<br />
systems with control technology that<br />
has been programmed for maximum efficiency<br />
and productivity increase. MultiStar filters<br />
have proven themselves year after year. They<br />
easily manage the central extraction of many<br />
workshops and the new version from 2023 offers<br />
even more options than before.<br />
It is now even easier for workshops to reduce<br />
their energy costs with the IE5-Vacumobil<br />
dedusters. The dedusters work with permanent<br />
magnet motors, frequency converters<br />
and a control system that has been specially<br />
tailored to the new technology. This has resulted<br />
in an efficiency increase of 25 % with<br />
air and electricity for machine dedusting and<br />
significantly lower electricity costs.<br />
The production of high-energy heating<br />
material in-house is also becoming increasingly<br />
important in the <strong>woodworking</strong> trade.<br />
The BrikStar C briquetting press, which will be<br />
on show at the trade fair, can be used to press<br />
wood dust and chips into briquettes. Not only<br />
does this open up an extremely cheap source<br />
of energy for <strong>woodworking</strong> companies – they<br />
also provide a CO 2<br />
-neutral source of heat.<br />
Now if you are looking for a solution for<br />
top-quality painted surfaces, it is worth paying<br />
a visit to the Höcker booth. With combined<br />
painting and evaporation booths<br />
and PaintStar paint mist extraction walls,<br />
Höcker is able to help the <strong>woodworking</strong> trade<br />
paint with industrial quality without compromising,<br />
even when space is limited.<br />
The Höcker Polytechnik trade fair stand in<br />
Hall 9 / Booth 9-319 will be, as in previous<br />
years, a popular and definite starting point<br />
for wood-related trades.<br />
Holz-Handwerk <strong>2024</strong>,<br />
Nuremberg 19th – 22nd March <strong>2024</strong><br />
Hall 9/Booth 9-319<br />
Dedusting at the very highest energy efficient level.<br />
Vacumobil JP350 with IE5 efficiency power pack with jet/compressed air pulse<br />
cleaning technology with integrated briquetting press.<br /><br />
20 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
SAFETY<br />
NESTRO ® Lufttechnik GmbH will once again be at HOLZ-HANDWERK<br />
in Hall 10.0 with its 100 m² open exhibition stand (stand no. 212).<br />
For the first time the company is presenting<br />
its new compact JET filter, which will be of<br />
particular interest to medium-sized companies.<br />
Furthermore NESTRO ® is demonstrating shredding,<br />
filtering, briquetting and surface technology<br />
for the <strong>woodworking</strong> industry in live operation.<br />
The manufacturer considers itself a market<br />
leader in the fields of dust, chip and spray mist<br />
extraction in the <strong>woodworking</strong> / wood industry<br />
and has been offering closed system solutions<br />
for almost half a century. NESTRO ® meets the<br />
growing demands regarding energy efficiency<br />
and noise reduction, with a competent, comprehensive<br />
range of advice and suitable technology.<br />
Visitors can experience this live at the most<br />
important trade fair for the <strong>woodworking</strong> industry<br />
in Southern Germany and the neighboring<br />
countries, with whom the company would like<br />
to talk to in Nuremberg.<br />
The new NESTRO ® JET filter series type NKJ,<br />
offers to the <strong>woodworking</strong> industry a new compact<br />
device for outdoor installation in four performance<br />
classes for air volumes from 12,000 to<br />
30,000 m³/h. With filter areas of 86 to 215 m²,<br />
the NKJ covers operating volumes between the<br />
company’s two most successful product ranges,<br />
the NE J dedusters and the NFSH JET filter houses.<br />
Each of the new four filter types consists of<br />
just two pre-assembled elements that are simply<br />
placed on top of each other and screwed together<br />
on site:<br />
• An upper filter/fan unit with intake and return<br />
air sections.<br />
• One of four different base/discharge units.<br />
In the suction section, the air flow is calmed<br />
using a pre-separation chamber. Coarse chips<br />
are separated from fine dust at an early stage<br />
using gravity. The dust settles on the filter bags,<br />
which are cleaned at regular intervals using<br />
compressed-air pulses. The so-called filter cake<br />
is blown off, falls into the funnel and is discharged.<br />
The device works as a clean gas filter,<br />
meaning that the fans with closed high-performance<br />
impellers (efficiency class IE3) are located<br />
behind the filter hoses and therefore only transport<br />
clean air. Compared to raw gas fans, up<br />
to 30 % higher efficiency can be achieved. The<br />
cleaned air with a certified residual dust con-<br />
tent of < 0.1 mg/m²<br />
is released outside or<br />
returned to the hall (summer/<br />
winter switching optional).<br />
Due to the modular principle, the filter can<br />
be quickly installed on any construction site and<br />
connected to pipes and return air ducts. With a<br />
footprint of 1.92 × 4.32 m and heights of 3.68<br />
to 5.18 m, the device is extremely compact and<br />
has an excellent price/performance ratio. The<br />
NESTRO ® typical inner edging for a perfect look<br />
features a high pressure stability: The compact<br />
JET filter can be operated permanently with a<br />
negative pressure of up to 3,800 Pa.<br />
At the NESTRO ® trade fair stand, visitors<br />
can see a comprehensive demonstration of a<br />
perfectly coordinated negative pressure system<br />
consisting of a shredder, a magnetic separator,<br />
a log separator, a material pre-separator with a<br />
briquetting press underneath and the leadingedge<br />
deduster type.<br />
The new single-shaft chipper NSL 60 stands<br />
out in the wood industry with its robust technology<br />
for shredding solid wood, chipboard,<br />
MDF boards or pallet material. The reliability<br />
and high level of utility make these devices<br />
the first choice for trade and industry. After<br />
passing through a magnetic separator and a<br />
block separator, chips are separated by gravity<br />
in a NESTRO ® Zyklon NZ 1 into an intermediate<br />
silo and fed from there to a NESTRO ® briquetting<br />
press NBP 50 – 55. By producing round<br />
wooden briquettes with a diameter of 50 mm<br />
and a length of 60 mm. Briquetting reduces<br />
material volume and improves storage and<br />
transportability.<br />
The negative pressure is created by a deduster<br />
NE 300J type approved for indoor installation<br />
with an integrated clean gas fan. The NE<br />
J series is the first to feature IE5 synchronous<br />
reluctance motor / frequency converter drive<br />
packages. In close co-operation with ABB AG,<br />
the company has been the first manufacturer in<br />
the world to offer dedusters with these permanently<br />
frequency-controlled, quieter motors as<br />
a standard since 2023. The frequency converter<br />
NESTRO ® sanding stand NST 75<br />
ensures that the fan motor runs at the optimal<br />
operating point at all times. With these stateof-the-art<br />
devices, users can save up to 22 %<br />
on energy costs compared to standard dust extractors<br />
with IE3 motors on the market. In this<br />
way, the Thuringian company makes a significant<br />
contribution to climate protection and at<br />
the same time saves the user money.<br />
With an output of 7,500 m³/h, the<br />
NESTRO ® sanding stand NST 75 uses the recirculating<br />
air principle and guarantees a separation<br />
level of up to 95 % providing freedom<br />
from dust during pre- and intermediate sanding.<br />
This ensures maximum freedom of movement<br />
even for large processing pieces on a<br />
work space of 4,000 × 3,100 mm. Visitors to<br />
the trade fair stand can try. So they can see<br />
for themselves how the resulting sanding dust<br />
is effectively bound in the easy-to-clean filter<br />
elements using a low-turbulence, directed<br />
air flow. The recirculation mode saves the<br />
user energy costs and ensures a pleasant, lowdraught<br />
indoor climate in compliance with<br />
workplace regulations.<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
DECORS<br />
Hymmen has invented and patented innovative<br />
technologies for the production and digital<br />
decoration of flooring. To ensure that customers<br />
have access to innovative digital printing<br />
technologies, Hymmen and i4F have entered<br />
an exclusive patent partnership to promote and<br />
develop this strong digital printing IP portfolio,<br />
including Hymmen’s award winning Digital<br />
Lacquer Embossing (DLE) technology with unprecedented<br />
levels of highly realistic optics and<br />
haptics.<br />
Amorim installed Hymmen’s Jupiter JPT-C<br />
digital single pass machine, a print-to-board line<br />
that delivers outstanding advanced features:<br />
Amorim Cork Flooring is a market leader<br />
in the production of versatile, high quality cork<br />
flooring and wall decorations that have undeniable<br />
sustainability credentials and suitable for<br />
any residential, commercial, or business project.<br />
With the aim of economically optimizing<br />
the production of sustainable and high-quality<br />
cork flooring, Amorim commissioned a new<br />
production line at its site in Porto, Portugal in<br />
2023. Amorim’s long-standing partner Hymmen<br />
GmbH Maschinen- und Anlagenbau located in<br />
Bielefeld, Germany, provided the whole system<br />
technology for this. At the heart of the production<br />
is the JUPITER Digital Printing line for<br />
decorative printing and the Digital Lacquer<br />
Embossing (DLEplus) for digital structure printing.<br />
The project was successfully implemented<br />
within shortest time and Amorim is happy to<br />
share the experiences of the implementation of<br />
the state-of-the art technology.<br />
Digital printing continues to play a crucial<br />
role in the future of flooring as it enables unlimited<br />
design flexibility and can be applied to<br />
a wide range of materials. This facilitates faster<br />
response times to market demands and trends<br />
while reducing material waste. The combination<br />
of reduced process costs and market differentiation<br />
is driving the significance of digital printing<br />
technology within flooring production.<br />
• Design for 24/7 industrial production<br />
• High-precision continuous substrate conveyor<br />
for maximum register accuracy<br />
• Printing speeds of 25 – 50 m/min<br />
• Optical resolution of >1000 dpi<br />
• Highest color stability and print quality<br />
The Jupiter line features the DLE (Digital<br />
Lacquer Embossing) technology, creating structures<br />
that are embossed-in-register (EIR) to the<br />
decor of the surface. This technology grants all<br />
commercial and technical benefits of digital single<br />
pass printing like flexibility, fast set-up times<br />
and individualization. The digital structuring<br />
supports the surface performance. All features<br />
like hardness, bonding, scratch resistance, and<br />
chemical reliability of the core lacquer remain.<br />
AMORIM<br />
In autumn 2023, the Hymmen JUPITER<br />
Digital Printing and DLEplus system have been<br />
successfully commissioned at Amorim. Within<br />
the highly ambitious timeline the first digitally<br />
printed cork flooring will be introduced in<br />
the market in January. The team members at<br />
Amorim are very delighted about the cooperation<br />
and the great commitment of both teams<br />
who have made this very ambitious project a<br />
success.<br />
“We are very happy to have chosen Hymmen<br />
as technology partner for our cork flooring production.<br />
The professional project management<br />
from both teams allowed us to implement this<br />
new line within an ambitious timing. We are<br />
sure that this state-of the-art-technology that<br />
allows us to produce flooring with fantastic<br />
decors and very deep and well-defined structures<br />
will keep us a step ahead in the market,”<br />
points out Fernando Melo, CEO of Amorim Cork<br />
Flooring. “Thanks to the positive cooperation<br />
with our customer´s team, we are very pleased<br />
to once again have a showcase project that sets<br />
a good example for future plant projects” adds<br />
Dr René Pankoke, partner and CEO of Hymmen.<br /><br />
22 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
DECORS<br />
“Engineering progress. Enhancing lives.” is REHAU’s claim. With its innovative products and system solutions, the company improves the<br />
lives of people. REHAU is now celebrating its 75th anniversary. Together with its employees, REHAU is looking back, but above all, the<br />
group is looking ahead.<br />
Pioneer and visionary Helmut Wagner (right) laid the foundation for REHAU 75 years ago.<br />
In 2000, Helmut Wagner handed over the management of the company to his sons Jobst<br />
Wagner (right) as President and Dr. Veit Wagner as Vice President. In 2021, Jobst Wagner<br />
handed over the presidency to Dr. Veit Wagner and moved to the vice presidency.<br />
Be it the Ariane rocket for space research,<br />
the turf heating in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium or<br />
the subway in Cairo: REHAU know-how and<br />
technical expertise can be found in all of them.<br />
Adaptability and a strong value-based foundation<br />
have made the family-owned company<br />
into today’s family of companies that will continue<br />
to invest in sustainable growth. The focus<br />
is on attractive markets with growth potential.<br />
To name two examples: the company is currently<br />
expanding in Africa, where it recently acquired<br />
a South African company, and in Mexico:<br />
As a further milestone in internationalization,<br />
REHAU will open a production facility for the<br />
furniture industry in December in order to meet<br />
the increasing demand for REHAU products in<br />
North and Central America.<br />
The foundation for the REHAU success story<br />
was laid by company founder Helmut Wagner<br />
in 1948 in the Bavarian town of the same name,<br />
when on the premises of the Franconian leather<br />
factory he, two men and one machine began to<br />
replace conventional materials with polymers,<br />
thereby improving them. Building on the values<br />
of trust, reliability, and innovation, he created a<br />
successful business.<br />
In 2000, his sons Jobst Wagner and Dr. Veit<br />
Wagner took over the company’s fortunes<br />
as President respectively as Vice President,<br />
and consistently developed it further in the<br />
direction of today’s subgroups. In 2021,<br />
Jobst Wagner handed over the presidency to<br />
Dr. Veit Wagner and moved to the vice presidency.<br />
With Nils Wagner as Head of REHAU<br />
New Ventures, the third generation is represented<br />
in a leading position within the group.<br />
In 2021, pioneer and visionary Helmut Wagner<br />
passed away at the age of 95.<br />
Today, the REHAU Group is an international<br />
family of companies with 190 locations<br />
world-wide, more than 20,000 employees,<br />
and an annual turnover of more than 4.5 billion<br />
euros. With Meraxis, REHAU New Ventures,<br />
RAUMEDIC, REHAU Automotive and REHAU<br />
Industries, the company unites five subgroups<br />
under one roof. The recipe for success is a pioneering<br />
spirit, a strong, value-based foundation,<br />
and the ability to adapt. In addition to<br />
thinking outside the box, the Group’s DNA includes<br />
a balance between experience and the<br />
courage to take risks and, last but not least, the<br />
willingness to continuously develop further.<br />
Dr. Veit Wagner, President of the REHAU<br />
Group, is convinced: “Change provides fertile<br />
ground for new ideas and innovations that<br />
make us competitive in the long term.”<br />
REHAU extruded the first polymer window<br />
profile back in 1958. In 1987, the company introduced<br />
the first sliding sleeve technology for<br />
connecting pipes and has since sold a billion<br />
units. Today, every third car in Europe contains<br />
components from the polymer specialist.<br />
400,000 kilometres of REHAU micro cable conduits<br />
connect people all over the world. And<br />
by filing approximately 100 patents per year,<br />
REHAU is one of the top patent applicants in<br />
Germany.<br />
Thereby, the company is shaping the future<br />
as sustainably as possible, because sustainability<br />
is firmly anchored in the strategic decisionmaking<br />
process. As early as the 1950s, REHAU<br />
reintroduced polymer waste into its production<br />
processes. At the end of the 1980s, the company<br />
also initiated the development of concepts<br />
for disposal. Today, circular economy, future-oriented<br />
energy supply, and the promotion of diversity<br />
are key corporate topics to become even<br />
more sustainable. For example, REHAU is aiming<br />
to increase the quantity of recyclates in production<br />
to 20 percent by 2025. More than half<br />
of REHAU window profiles already contain up to<br />
75 percent recycled granulate. And by 2035, the<br />
company aims to have a CO 2<br />
-neutral production<br />
worldwide. This has already been implemented<br />
at certain locations.<br />
Thus, for tomorrow’s generations, REHAU is<br />
working with a strong compass across company<br />
boundaries towards a sustainable and innovative<br />
future – in line with the claim “Engineering<br />
Progress. Enhancing lives.”<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
DECORS<br />
The trend for soft-touch, matt finishes is<br />
not over and whether you are a furniture<br />
manufacturer or a third-party company<br />
dealing with the coating and finishing process,<br />
you may be interested in incorporating<br />
excimer matting capabilities into your<br />
current line.<br />
Excimer matting technologies have not<br />
stopped evolving and Cefla’s latest line of excimer<br />
ovens boast benefits for companies wanting<br />
a cost-efficient, sustainable solution. Above<br />
all, Cefla has a team of specialists who will<br />
support you if you need to integrate an oven<br />
into an existing process/line. Anything Cefla<br />
can do to optimise your production will be done.<br />
Recently Cefla checked out how one of its<br />
first customers to choose our EXYDRY oven was<br />
getting along. Desicor is a Portuguese furniture<br />
manufacturer exporting almost 100 % of its production<br />
– 40,000 pieces weekly. In 2019, they<br />
installed our excimer oven and we made sure it<br />
adapted seamlessly to the smooth-running process.<br />
Today, Desicor underlines how we managed<br />
to make it all work perfectly, simulating the<br />
outcome at our Finishing LAB and determining<br />
the expected ROI. All the challenges were met<br />
with answers, obtaining a matt finish even on<br />
panel edges and with heavily reduced nitrogen<br />
consumption.<br />
Desicor is a renowned Portuguese producer<br />
of furniture and decorative panels, the sheer<br />
quality of its furnishing components making it a<br />
market stand-out. It manufactures over 40,000<br />
pieces a week and exports 99.8 % of them<br />
worldwide via its Oneskin brand.<br />
Desicor wanted to renew its production line<br />
and obtain high-quality surface finishes: deep<br />
matt, hard-wearing and scratch-resistant. To<br />
achieve this goal, it was necessary to merge the<br />
most recent drying technologies with those already<br />
used by the company and help workers<br />
get used to the new system.<br />
Integration of the innovative, patented<br />
Exydry oven into the existing coating line has<br />
allowed Desicor to provide the market with an<br />
ultra-matt product, even with objects that have<br />
complex shapes. The excellent results stemmed<br />
from close collaboration with the customer all<br />
the way up to full adoption of the new plant, an<br />
approach designed to continuously maximise<br />
productivity.<br />
Thanks to the new finishing line, Desicor is<br />
now able to offer retailers innovative products<br />
and strengthen the reputation of its Oneskin<br />
brand. The company has overcome the pitfalls<br />
of integrating new technologies into an existing<br />
production framework and personnel are now<br />
skilled, trained and able to use the new line<br />
confidently. By partnering with Cefla, Desicor<br />
has surmounted a prickly transition phase and<br />
can now enjoy the advantages of an innovative<br />
high-performance plant.<br />
The decision to renew production facilities<br />
is always tricky for a manufacturer. On the one<br />
hand, there’s an awareness that technological<br />
innovation will yield competitive advantages,<br />
such as higher productivity, better-quality products<br />
or a broader product range to offer the<br />
market. On the other hand, companies need to<br />
carefully consider the ROI and the impact new<br />
production lines can have on established business<br />
processes.<br />
Those who turn to Cefla can count on<br />
straightforward ROI estimates: simulations<br />
performed in our LAB allow Cefla solutions to<br />
be tested with the customer’s products, thus<br />
streamlining the calculations. However, that<br />
same mathematical precision cannot be applied<br />
when calculating the impact of the new<br />
line on the company’s production ecosystem. To<br />
respond to this uncertainty, Cefla Finishing offers<br />
customer service and assistance throughout<br />
the life cycle of the new line. While there’s<br />
no mathematical formula to support this statement,<br />
there are plenty of case studies we can<br />
turn to – such as Desicor – that offer tangible<br />
proof of it.<br />
Desicor has chosen Cefla Finishing as its<br />
technological partner for surface finishing operations.<br />
In 2019, the Portuguese company decided<br />
to renew the production line to give its furniture<br />
range distinctive characteristics and ensure<br />
ultra-high quality. To be more specific, Desicor<br />
was interested in Cefla’s flat panel and 3D finishing<br />
technologies, which provide ultra-matt,<br />
soft-touch, anti-fingerprint and highly scratchresistant<br />
finishes. Furthermore, the company<br />
wanted to produce self-healing surfaces and<br />
edge finishes that match the panel surface to<br />
perfection.<br />
To achieve those goals, Cefla Finishing<br />
came up with a customised solution that could<br />
be combined with the existing technology to<br />
give rise to a new production line. The new finishing<br />
process starts with cleaning of the panel,<br />
which has already been prepared with a primer.<br />
Then comes spray application of the finish, followed<br />
by an evaporation stage and final drying<br />
with an excimer oven and UV lamps.<br />
Despite the enthusiasm for the new plant,<br />
the production start-up process was demanding.<br />
A combination of innovative coatings and<br />
complex technology proved to be a significant<br />
challenge: this was particularly evident in certain<br />
product categories, such as doors with glass<br />
panes or doors pre-drilled for hinges. So how<br />
should these challenges be addressed to ensure<br />
24 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
DECORS<br />
That’s why it’s vital to choose a technological<br />
partner who can provide close support<br />
throughout this transition phase. Cefla’s<br />
strength lies in the relationships it establishes<br />
with customers. Being a true partner – not just a<br />
supplier – means sharing and cooperating, not<br />
just to identify the most advantageous technological<br />
solution but also, above all, to overcome<br />
the difficulties and solve the problems companies<br />
can encounter. And this is exactly what<br />
we’ve done for Desicor, by providing training,<br />
close support and assistance, both on-site and<br />
remotely.<br />
the new plant becomes a true asset as opposed<br />
to a hindrance for company and workers?<br />
Getting an innovative new finishing line up<br />
and running offers a great opportunity to boost<br />
productivity and ensure higher-quality results.<br />
That said, it’s important to understand that this<br />
process often requires significant commitment<br />
and effort on the part of the entire organisation.<br />
After almost ten years of partnership, Pedro<br />
Ramos, Director of Process Engineering, believes<br />
the just-described challenge has further<br />
strengthened the bond of trust between Cefla<br />
and Desicor. As we’ve seen, this success depends<br />
on more than the advanced technologies<br />
and high performance that Cefla provides. What<br />
makes Pedro Ramos confident that Desicor and<br />
Cefla will remain partners for a long time is,<br />
above all, the excellent assistance he’s received<br />
over the years: “In Cefla there’s always an expert<br />
available, well-prepared on the latest technology<br />
and ready to help”. It is, then, this partnership<br />
philosophy that guides each project and<br />
relations with each customer, creating a solid,<br />
lasting bond based on mutual trust.<br /><br />
Both furniture fronts and floors are often<br />
produced in a layered structure, using decorative<br />
papers impregnated with impregnating<br />
resins. Resins based on melamine<br />
and formaldehyde are usually used here.<br />
The drawback of these systems is the high<br />
formaldehyde content, which makes them increasingly<br />
di!cult to use. Due to these challenges,<br />
the first alternative products based<br />
on polyurethane dispersions were presented<br />
on the market. Despite many advantages,<br />
the market share is only weak in comparative<br />
terms to MF systems, which is due to the significantly<br />
higher price. One drawback of PUD<br />
systems is the presence of isocyanates and the<br />
associated high toxicity before curing as well<br />
as the high reactivity with water. For aqueous<br />
impregnating resins, complete paper impregnation<br />
is not possible with such systems,<br />
as the polymer particles present in dispersion<br />
have too high an average size to penetrate the<br />
paper (filter effect). Isocyanate- and formaldehyde-free<br />
poly(hydroxy)urethanes are not disturbed<br />
by water during curing and are to be<br />
investigated and developed in this project as<br />
a genuine alternative to MF and PUD impregnating<br />
resins.<br />
The objectives of the new BioHarz research<br />
project launched at the IHD are:<br />
• The development of aqueous, bio-based,<br />
isocyanate- and formaldehyde-free<br />
poly(hydroxy)urethane impregnating resins,<br />
• the validation of PHU impregnating resins<br />
under application conditions and a proportion<br />
of renewable raw materials ≥ 75 % as<br />
well as the<br />
• elaborating the requirements for upscaling<br />
to technical scale.<br />
The project with the funding code<br />
49MF220212 is funded by the Federal Ministry<br />
for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection<br />
as part of the INNO-KOM module “Marketoriented<br />
research and development” guideline.<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
DOORS/<strong>WIN</strong>DOWS<br />
Benchmark in window configuration<br />
At Fensterbau Frontale (Hall 7, Stand 218-d),<br />
the start-up fenzta COM from Düsseldorf is<br />
presenting an update on its app and desktop<br />
version that offers installers, manufacturers,<br />
distributors and system providers<br />
real added value in terms of sales and consulting:<br />
Whether 3D room, special shapes,<br />
additional elements such as terrace doors,<br />
info menus or a marketplace for communicating<br />
with the end customer – everyone<br />
involved in the window purchasing process<br />
benefits from the new features.<br />
What began as a vision in 2021 has<br />
now been put into practice just in time for<br />
HOLZ-HANDWERK and Fensterbau Frontale<br />
<strong>2024</strong> in Nuremberg: “We invested an incredible<br />
amount of expertise and resources in the development<br />
of our Composer over the last few<br />
years. I am all the more pleased that the most<br />
important function – namely to create a digital<br />
marketplace that brings suppliers and end customers<br />
together when buying windows – is now<br />
no longer just theory, but also realised in terms<br />
of development,” says Karl-Theo Roes, founder<br />
and Managing Director of fenzta COM.<br />
Once the end customer has configured his<br />
windows, he can collect them in a project folder<br />
and request a quotation. He then receives up<br />
to three offers from different manufacturers or<br />
distributors, who in turn have access to all the<br />
necessary information for preparing the offer.<br />
The offer can be uploaded by the provider and<br />
sent directly to the end customer. If there are<br />
any queries, the chat function of the marketplace<br />
can be used or the end customer can be<br />
contacted by email or telephone using the contact<br />
details provided. If cooperation is desired, a<br />
visit to the construction site, including checking<br />
the exact dimensions, should take place and the<br />
offer should be adjusted if necessary.<br />
With the updated fenzta HOME app, end<br />
customers can now design their personalised<br />
window even more easily and securely: A new<br />
feature for users is a 3D room with wall, floor<br />
and ceiling. With this, the windows can now<br />
also be visualised on the desktop in an inspiring<br />
environment. Users can access the augmented<br />
reality function via the app and have any configuration<br />
projected into their wall openings.<br />
The end customer is now guided through every<br />
step along the design and planning configuration<br />
process. This includes new info menus<br />
that explain the context in an accessible way<br />
and show the possibilities. For distributors and<br />
manufacturers, the eight steps provide a base<br />
for a well-structured sales dialogue. In addition,<br />
the information texts, graphics and tables provide<br />
further points of reference to ensure that<br />
end customers will choose a product with a lot<br />
of added value.<br />
Users can also access new elements in the<br />
Composer. For example, it is now possible to<br />
configure balcony, terrace or lift and slide doors<br />
and add them to your own project folder. The<br />
same applies to special shapes: Whereas previously<br />
only rectangular windows were available<br />
for configuration, round, triangular or angled<br />
windows as well as segmental arch windows<br />
can now also be configured. The aim was<br />
to enable all parties to complete the project.<br />
Handles, roller shutters and window sills for inside<br />
and outside can also be customised.<br />
“The great added value of our platform is<br />
that we provide leads to our cooperation partners<br />
– whether they are crafts businesses, distributors<br />
or manufacturers. We also offer manufacturers<br />
the option of integrating a customised<br />
version of the app on their website so that<br />
they receive exclusive leads. In other words, we<br />
support them in developing their digital online<br />
sales: With their own sales platform in which we<br />
can integrate the manufacturer’s specific products.<br />
They don’t have to spend a huge amount<br />
of money on this, as would otherwise be necessary<br />
when developing their own configurator.<br />
With their own branded version, in which only<br />
the profiles, fittings, insulating glass and handles<br />
of their company are visible, sales staff and<br />
consultants always carry the digital twin of their<br />
product portfolio in their pocket when talking<br />
to customers,” says Roes, explaining the business<br />
model. It is also possible to connect other<br />
software applications via a new interface so<br />
that data can be processed seamlessly for planning,<br />
quote generation and production.<br />
System providers can also use a customised<br />
version – and set which customers should<br />
have their products activated. This allows system<br />
providers to present their products digitally<br />
with the same dimensions and surface finishes<br />
and save themselves the hassle of selling samples<br />
and catalogues – without having to forego<br />
a high level of detail and realism.<br /><br />
26 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
The warm edge spacer bars from Swisspacer have ranked among the best on the international market for the<br />
past 25 years. On the occasion of its anniversary, the Swiss company presents its new look and logo.<br />
In the 1990s, companies and research institutions<br />
increasingly began turning their attention<br />
to energy-efficient construction products<br />
as a means to reducing heat loss in buildings.<br />
Their focus quickly settled on a small component<br />
in the glazing edge of insulating glass<br />
units – the spacer bar. From the outset, the<br />
term “warm edge” was intended to emphasise<br />
the improved thermal insulation these plastic<br />
spacer bars provided compared to conventional<br />
metal spacer bars. The warm edge has since become<br />
firmly established in the construction industry.<br />
Manufacturers like Swisspacer are to be<br />
thanked for that.<br />
Founded 25 years ago, the Swiss company<br />
has developed into a driving force and innovation<br />
leader – which is also evident in the rapid<br />
growth in production capacities: “Since I joined<br />
in 2015, our output has almost doubled,” says<br />
Matthias Bach, who was appointed new CEO at<br />
Swisspacer in October. He continues: “For example,<br />
a simple, manageable production hall with<br />
materials stacked on the floor is today a highly<br />
efficient, heavily automated plant with a modern<br />
high-bay warehouse.”<br />
The topic of sustainability will continue<br />
to concern the company in the future as well.<br />
“After all, reducing energy consumption is<br />
our core business,” says Sales and Marketing<br />
Manager Sarah Sattler. “We are one of the few<br />
manufacturers of spacer bars able to provide<br />
an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)<br />
for all widths – making Swisspacer the clear<br />
benchmark in our industry when it comes to<br />
the carbon footprint. And that should remain<br />
the case.”<br />
Swisspacer also sees plenty of potential in<br />
the international arena: “The topic of climate<br />
change does not stop at national borders,” explains<br />
Peter Appel, New Market Development<br />
Director. In many places, Swisspacer is virtually<br />
synonymous with the warm edge. “We<br />
are seeing how many countries are looking to<br />
European specifications and local know-how<br />
with great interest. That provides great leverage<br />
for the entire industry and also for us with our<br />
commitment to Swiss quality.”<br /><br />
Eurobois <strong>2024</strong> took place in Chassieu/Lyon<br />
from 6th to 9th of February. It is the leading<br />
event for the wood processing industry<br />
in France. For Vecoplan, this trade fair was<br />
an opportunity to introduce its young team<br />
from the new branch in Alsace to the industry.<br />
The site provides customers with direct<br />
and rapid on-site support for complete processing<br />
lines and the associated services –<br />
from France for France.<br />
Vecoplan AG has had its own Vecoplan<br />
France branch in Alsace, near Colmar since<br />
2023. Four employees from the sales and service<br />
departments currently work there. Since<br />
France is an important and rapidly growing<br />
market, particularly for the wood and biomass<br />
sectors, the machine manufacturer intends to<br />
continuously expand the French team and extend<br />
the base and associated warehouse. In recent<br />
years, Vecoplan has supplied and commissioned<br />
several hundred machines and systems<br />
for these industries, with a focus on complete<br />
processing lines for waste wood from sawmills,<br />
plus entire systems for processing, conveying<br />
and storage technologies used in various biomass<br />
power plants.<br />
With Vecoplan France, customers benefit<br />
from short distances and personal contacts<br />
who know the market and speak the same language.<br />
The machine manufacturer also provides<br />
comprehensive support in the form of additional<br />
service points and the rapid supply of spare<br />
& wear parts, ensuring that even urgent, shortterm<br />
operations can be carried out smoothly.<br />
The services include emergency and repair services<br />
for customers, inspections and maintenance.<br />
The short distances enabled by the new<br />
Service Center also offer many additional advantages,<br />
so the team can now support existing<br />
customers even more intensively and in their<br />
local language. The machine manufacturer also<br />
offers the powerful Vecoplan Smart Center (VSC)<br />
digitalization concept for the best possible support.<br />
This enables digital services such as online<br />
commissioning, remote service and access to a<br />
media database.<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
Wisdome Stockholm<br />
Welcome to Wisdome Stockholm! Sweden’s National Museum of Science and Technology’s latest and greatest 3D experience arena.<br />
The building taking everyone’s breath away and bringing a sense of forest, awe and civic pride to the centre of Stockholm.<br />
VISION<br />
The vision was to transform 1,325 square<br />
meters of the museum’s existing courtyard (Royal<br />
Djurgården) land and create a centre of lifelong<br />
learning and civic engagement. And to do so in<br />
a way that would push the boundaries of what is<br />
possible to construct with Swedish wood.<br />
Elding Oscarson proposed an ambitious design<br />
to do just that with a free-form, columnfree<br />
timber roof as a lattice shell construction<br />
with LVL rods arranged crosswise and an identity-creating<br />
dome with the Norwegian civil engineer<br />
Florian Kosche.<br />
Stora Enso, as the main partner and wood<br />
products supplier, worked closely with Blumer<br />
Lehmann to turn vision into reality with a spectacular<br />
vaulted free-form roof and a domeshaped<br />
theatre that is 22 meters in diameter,<br />
hosting a 3D cinema with a spherical screen.<br />
It was essential that the wood used for<br />
the building would be made with the most<br />
advanced technology, ensuring every part of<br />
the tree was used and maximised for strength<br />
efficiency.<br />
The free form roof has very long spans of<br />
26 by 48 meters to form the grid shell structure<br />
made up of five layers of laminated veneer lumber<br />
(LVL), totalling 20 km in 2,500 parts. It is<br />
joined together with 3,600 wooden dowels.<br />
A grid shell’s organic shape and columnfree<br />
space provide unlimited design freedom for<br />
architects and structural engineers. These innovative<br />
space frame structures gain their strength<br />
from having double curvature in their overall<br />
shape.<br />
28 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
The spherical dome comprises of 277<br />
unique cross-laminated timber (CLT) triangles.<br />
To get this complex construction right, mock<br />
ups and several digital tools were used including<br />
Sylva360, Calculatis and more. Changes to<br />
the design or dimensions were interactively and<br />
instantly updated working with these tools and<br />
helped smooth the design-to-production process.<br />
The trail-blazing approach is discussed in<br />
the book, Advances in Architectural Geometry.<br />
Moisture sensors will remain in the wood products<br />
throughout the building’s life to ensure optimal<br />
conditions.<br />
The wood products originate from sustainably<br />
managed Nordic forests and are third-party<br />
certified by traceability and chain of custody<br />
systems, FSC ® and PEFC.<br />
The energy used to manufacture the wood<br />
products in Stora Enso’s mills was also extremely<br />
low. 1,178 tonnes of carbon dioxide<br />
was removed from the atmosphere when the<br />
trees were growing and are safely stored in<br />
Wisdome’s dome and roof for many years to<br />
come.<br /><br />
Flexible and future-proof in timber construction – that’s the idea behind WEINMANN machines. WEINMANN will be presenting its broad<br />
product portfolio and services in the fields of consulting, training, service and software at this year’s DACH+HOLZ International. The trade<br />
fair stand will focus on the challenging developments in timber construction.<br />
modular construction to allow a swift and flexible<br />
response to changing market requirements.<br />
Each production system is planned individually<br />
for the respective customer.<br />
The new WALLTEQ M-300 multifunction<br />
bridge is to be presented. It is ideally tailored<br />
to the needs of <strong>woodworking</strong> shops and meets<br />
increasing demands in prefabrication and element<br />
construction. The increased process flexibility<br />
supports <strong>woodworking</strong> shops with a<br />
wide product portfolio ranging from classic new<br />
buildings to producing elements for serial renovation.<br />
Wall, roof and ceiling elements can be<br />
processed efficiently.<br />
As a partner in timber construction<br />
WEINMANN offers the right technology for individual<br />
production requirements and solutions<br />
that grow along with the customer – from individual<br />
machines tailored to the specific needs<br />
of <strong>woodworking</strong> shops through to complete<br />
production systems for industrial applications.<br />
However, WEINMANN represents much more<br />
than just innovative machine technology. All<br />
customers are comprehensively supported in<br />
the fields of consulting and design, planning<br />
and project planning, software, installation and<br />
support as well as training. WEINMANN also<br />
supports its customers competently and reliably<br />
in all things service – both with innovations and<br />
trusted classics: from spare parts management,<br />
through inspections and maintenance to remote<br />
service or modernization offers. The eShop is<br />
the first point of contact. Here, timber manufacturers<br />
can find suitable spare parts and other<br />
services quickly and easily. Various modernization<br />
packages offer a wide range of upgrades.<br />
With its product portfolio, WEINMANN offers<br />
modern machines and systems for the entire<br />
process chain – from beam processing, through<br />
the creation of frame works and element production<br />
to material handling. All systems have a<br />
WEINMANN is also demonstrating a multitalent<br />
in the field of assembly tables: the<br />
BUILDTEQ A-300 carpentry table, which is ideally<br />
suited for the production of wall, gable, roof<br />
and ceiling elements as well as frame walls and<br />
roof dormers, and therefore represents a universal<br />
tool for your <strong>woodworking</strong> shop. Even as<br />
standard, the carpentry table offers numerous<br />
details that make everyday work in <strong>woodworking</strong><br />
shops much easier. Thanks to various expansion<br />
options, the WEINMANN carpentry tables<br />
can be customized to suit the customer’s individual<br />
requirements and can therefore be optimally<br />
integrated into your production process.<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
With a new central theme and the innovative<br />
trade fair concept “The Circles”, the<br />
international Interior Business Event has<br />
made an impressive return to its usual<br />
January dates.<br />
After five days of brisk trade fair activity,<br />
imm cologne can report excellent results: from<br />
14 to 18 January <strong>2024</strong>, interior design professionals<br />
from across the world gathered at the<br />
Koelnmesse trade fair grounds in Cologne.<br />
Around 42,000 visitors from 129 countries used<br />
the international trade event to establish contacts,<br />
boost their business and glean inspiration.<br />
Alongside the trends and product innovations<br />
presented by the roughly 750 exhibitors,<br />
the reconceptualised trade fair impressed with<br />
a diverse line-up of event highlights designed<br />
to promote exchanges between trade fair participants<br />
in line with its motto, “Connecting<br />
Communities”. With this strategy, this year’s<br />
edition of the Interior Business Event had its finger<br />
on the pulse and marked a key milestone<br />
in imm cologne’s further evolution. Next year’s<br />
edition of the trade fair is also scheduled for its<br />
established January dates.<br /><br />
CIFM/INTERZUM GUANGZHOU <strong>2024</strong><br />
CIFM/interzum guangzhou is THE premier<br />
event for the Asian furniture manufacturing<br />
sector and is scheduled to be<br />
held from 28th to 31st March <strong>2024</strong> at the<br />
Canton Fair Complex. Every year, the event<br />
in Guangzhou brings together the world’s<br />
leading players in wood processing, furniture<br />
production and interior design.<br />
“Surpass” is the motto of this year’s exhibition.<br />
Companies that want to remain competitive,<br />
grow and take a leading position in the<br />
dynamic, changing market of the furniture industry<br />
must rethink their strategy. They need to<br />
rethink old patterns, reposition themselves and<br />
overcome boundaries in the process.<br />
CIFM/interzum guangzhou <strong>2024</strong> will cover<br />
an area of 160,000 square metres. It will host<br />
over 1,200 exhibitors from around the world.<br />
The event will be held concurrently with Phase<br />
II of the China International Furniture Fair<br />
(CIFF), which focuses on office and business furnishings<br />
and is expected to attract more than<br />
150,000 trade visitors.<br />
GREAT LINE-UP IN <strong>2024</strong><br />
CIFM/interzum guangzhou <strong>2024</strong> aims to<br />
create a strong global network that covers the<br />
entire supply chain. This year’s event will feature<br />
around 200 prominent global brands. Halls<br />
14.1 and 15.1 are of major significance showcasing<br />
outstanding upholstery components and<br />
textiles, together with the latest developments<br />
in interior decoration, surfaces, power mechanisms,<br />
wood, panels and adhesives. Wellknown<br />
Italian brands will be exhibiting their entire<br />
range of top-quality fittings.<br />
Established global brands in the surface<br />
materials industry, including Schattdecor,<br />
Rehau, impress, Interprint (IP), LamiGraf,<br />
Renolit and Munksjö, will offer comprehensive<br />
solutions to meet different sourcing requirements.<br />
The American Hardwood Export Council<br />
and American Softwoods will demonstrate their<br />
expertise in the wood industry.<br />
SCM, Paolino Bacci, Biesse, HOMAG,<br />
Leitz and Freud are among the leading manufacturers<br />
of <strong>woodworking</strong> machinery taking<br />
part in CIFM/interzum guangzhou. interzum<br />
guangzhou <strong>2024</strong> is strengthening its ties<br />
with the European <strong>woodworking</strong> machinery<br />
sector through an exclusive collaboration<br />
with the European Federation of Woodworking<br />
Machinery Manufacturers (EUMABOIS).<br />
EUMABOIS has integrated the exhibition<br />
into its international network and will support<br />
the next interzum guangzhou in order to create<br />
an innovative platform for the <strong>woodworking</strong><br />
machinery industry, providing evidence-based<br />
solutions and turning evidence into action.<br /><br />
30 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
GRINDINGHUB <strong>2024</strong> – BIGGER AND MORE <strong>INTERNATIONAL</strong><br />
The next GrindingHub will be bigger and<br />
more international. 375 companies from 28<br />
countries have already secured a place at<br />
the trade fair for grinding technology from<br />
14 to 17 May <strong>2024</strong> in Stuttgart.<br />
The increase in exhibitors from Asia is particularly<br />
impressive. There is also expected to be<br />
a significant increase in visitors from Asia, especially<br />
from China and Japan.<br />
Various new manufacturing countries have<br />
been added, as have individual areas within<br />
the grinding process chain. More abrasives<br />
manufacturers will be represented in <strong>2024</strong><br />
than at the launch event, for instance. The<br />
broad range on show – including everything<br />
from the grinding machines themselves to appropriate<br />
software tools, process peripherals<br />
and measuring and testing systems – raises<br />
the appeal of the trade fair for users of grinding<br />
technology.<br /><br />
XYLEXPO <strong>2024</strong> IS COMING ALIVE…<br />
With two-hundred registrations for a total<br />
exhibition area of 20 thousand square<br />
meters, the Xylexpo <strong>2024</strong> event is coming<br />
alive. Halls 1 and 3 at the Fieramilano Rho<br />
expo center will showcase present and future<br />
technologies, offering to thousands of<br />
Italian and international visitors the opportunity<br />
to update, compare different solutions<br />
and plan their investments.<br />
to-medium-term perspectives”, said Dario<br />
Corbetta, exhibition director.<br />
This statement is reflected by Italian market<br />
figures for the January-July period – the<br />
“The preparations for the next edition –<br />
scheduled at FieraMilano-Rho from 21 to 24<br />
May <strong>2024</strong> – are going on in a season of great<br />
turmoil for an industry that, after a “happy” period<br />
for orders and revenues, is showing signs<br />
of concern, probably exaggerated, about shortlatest<br />
figures published by the Italian statistics<br />
institute Istat and processed by Acimall<br />
– showing that export has exceeded one billion<br />
euro, up by 9 percent from the positive result<br />
of 2022. The United States, Germany and<br />
France keep ensuring “sustained” demand,<br />
with a global trend that remains basically positive,<br />
also confirmed by the growth of Italian<br />
import (plus 3.6 percent, for a total value of<br />
156 million euro).<br />
“We believe that Xylexpo, despite the current<br />
period of transition, will be once again an<br />
opportunity not-to-be-missed for anyone seeking<br />
high visibility in the Italian and international<br />
market”, Corbetta concluded.<br /><br />
Fifteen leading wood products industry<br />
trade and professional associations representing<br />
thousands of members have been named<br />
IWF <strong>2024</strong> Industry Partners Alliance members.<br />
The 15 organizations span the wood industry<br />
manufacturing, design, technology and practitioner<br />
spectrum. All organizations and their<br />
memberships will receive exclusive preferred<br />
benefits helping facilitate participation in the<br />
August 6–9 IWF trade show and education conference.<br />
The <strong>2024</strong> IPA program extends the exclusive<br />
features and benefits delivered in the<br />
IWF 2022 program, which posted significant<br />
gains in participation and utilization.<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
The biennial is getting behind timber construction<br />
as one of the cornerstones of the<br />
fair’s upcoming edition. It will also be arranging<br />
a series of themed lectures on the<br />
subject, whilst staging the ‘València Open<br />
Wood’ initiative, which will include visits to<br />
buildings close to Feria Valencia that have<br />
been constructed of wood.<br />
Maderalia aims to be a forum for “re-thinking<br />
timber construction” that has the power to<br />
draw professional communities to visit such as<br />
architects, specifiers, developers, carpenters<br />
and builders.<br />
Timber construction is definitely one<br />
of the central themes of the next edition of<br />
FIMMA + Maderalia, which takes place at<br />
Feria Valencia from 14th to 17th May <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
In line with this, the fair has signed a partnership<br />
agreement with consultancy WWF (World<br />
Wood Future) to devise a series of activities<br />
within the framework of FIMMA + Maderalia<br />
centred on promoting not just timber construction<br />
but a change in the social, economic and<br />
environmental paradigm whereby wood, as a<br />
natural and sustainable material comes to play<br />
a key role.<br />
Notable amongst the battery of activities<br />
to be rolled out is the construction of a house<br />
completely made of wood that will showcase<br />
the infinite possibilities the material offers for<br />
contemporary living. Titled ‘Mediterranean<br />
Hábitat Modular House’, the initiative consists<br />
in fact of a 140m 2 home that will be made of<br />
wood or wood-derivative products that display<br />
the same properties as wood as a construction<br />
material as well as its excellent insulation<br />
properties, its versatility, durability, strength,<br />
reduced build times and low carbon footprint<br />
compared with other materials.<br />
FIMMA + Maderalia will also feature a number<br />
of technical presentations and workshops<br />
on the subject of building with wood. These will<br />
be delivered by the companies themselves that<br />
will be supplying the materials the house is built<br />
of. Educational sessions given by specialists,<br />
they will address both construction techniques<br />
and the technical capabilities of the materials<br />
used to construct the ‘Mediterranean Hábitat<br />
Modular House’.<br />
Another of the more unusual activities taking<br />
place as part of the drive to promote building<br />
with wood is the ‘València Open Wood’ initiative,<br />
a series of technical guided visits to several<br />
unique structures built from wood that are<br />
close to Feria Valencia. These visits have been<br />
devised for developers, architects and builders<br />
coming to FIMMA + Maderalia who are interested<br />
in learning more about the properties<br />
of timber used for structural and construction<br />
purposes.<br /><br />
Wood and <strong>woodworking</strong> players looking to<br />
break into the furniture market in Hanoi,<br />
Vietnam can finally do so at the upcoming<br />
Hanoi Wood Expo exhibition from 29 May to<br />
1 June <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Held at the National Exhibition Construction<br />
Center (NECC), the exhibition will be held concurrently<br />
with Hanoi Furniture Fittings &<br />
Upholstery Expo. Both exhibitions aim to serve<br />
the domestic and export furniture manufacturing<br />
markets in Hanoi – a market that is, according<br />
to William Pang, managing director of Pablo<br />
Publishing & Exhibition, a “huge, underserved<br />
market”.<br />
“Currently, most trade exhibitions for wood<br />
materials, software and machinery in Vietnam<br />
are concentrated in the South, targeting exportoriented<br />
furniture companies. While this region<br />
has been prosperous, the past few months of<br />
instability in the US and Europe markets have<br />
led to a slowdown in furniture export in South<br />
Vietnam,” said Pang.<br />
“North Vietnam tells a different, more exciting<br />
story. In recent times, many multi-national<br />
companies and furniture companies have relocated<br />
their factories to North Vietnam, and<br />
Hanoi city has had a huge increased in tourism.<br />
This promises good opportunities for wood materials,<br />
software and machinery companies.”<br />
“But there isn’t any specialised <strong>woodworking</strong><br />
exhibition in North Vietnam to bridge Hanoi<br />
furniture making companies with materials and<br />
machinery suppliers. To bridge this gap and in<br />
consideration Hanoi’s huge potential, we are<br />
pleased to announce the launch of Hanoi Wood<br />
Expo and Hanoi Furniture Fittings & Upholstery<br />
Expo <strong>2024</strong>.”<br />
Hanoi Wood Expo and Hanoi Furniture<br />
Fittings & Upholstery Expo <strong>2024</strong> will exhibit<br />
raw materials and supplies <strong>woodworking</strong> machinery<br />
and tools; surface treatment and finishing<br />
solutions; fittings such as kitchen and<br />
office furniture hardware and decorative profiles;<br />
upholstery products including fabrics,<br />
leathers, springs and more; and Industry 4.0<br />
solutions for the efficient furniture production.<br />
The expected visitor profile includes players<br />
from the wood panel and furniture manufacturing<br />
industry; the architectural and interior<br />
design industries; the construction industry;<br />
and more.<br /><br />
32 No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong>
On November 8th and 9th, Stiles Machinery<br />
hosted the Manufacturing Solutions Seminar<br />
at their showroom in High Point, North<br />
Carolina. The event, which is held twice a<br />
year in the fall and spring, received an overwhelmingly<br />
positive response, reaching full<br />
capacity and closing registration more than<br />
two weeks in advance due to the high level<br />
of interest. Manufacturers from the U.S.,<br />
Canada, and Mexico traveled to High Point,<br />
known as the world’s home furnishings capital,<br />
to participate in the seminar.<br />
The fall Manufacturing Solutions Seminar attendees<br />
were exposed to new techniques, trends,<br />
and technologies related to panel processing,<br />
solid wood, and surface finishing and sanding<br />
solutions. The two-day event included live demonstrations<br />
of machinery, presentations from experts<br />
in the field, and panel discussions where<br />
various industry perspectives were shared.<br />
Throughout the event, a positive, inspired<br />
energy was felt by both attendees and Stiles<br />
employees. Manufacturers in attendance came<br />
from a variety of different industry backgrounds<br />
and experiences and learned from both the<br />
planned event curriculum happening around<br />
them, as well as from fellow industry professionals<br />
there. Guests arrived eager to learn, asking<br />
questions and exploring equipment during<br />
open machine demonstrations.<br />
Seminar guests seemed to be particularly<br />
interested in advancing technology solutions –<br />
such as manufacturing software like HOMAG<br />
iX and SmartCabinet, and automation – and<br />
how they will impact the future of the <strong>woodworking</strong><br />
manufacturing industry. “It was great<br />
to see so many manufacturers deeply focused<br />
on automation and software to combat their<br />
ongoing challenges with skilled labor shortages.<br />
Having this many thought leaders and<br />
industry experts in one building creates an exciting<br />
atmosphere that fosters continuous improvement,<br />
growth, and entrepreneurship,”<br />
said Kameron Wildfong, marketing manager<br />
at Stiles Machinery.<br />
On top of the educational opportunities,<br />
the Manufacturing Solutions Seminar also provided<br />
time for manufacturers, business owners,<br />
and industry professionals to connect with their<br />
peers between demonstrations and during several<br />
networking receptions.<br />
Stiles Machinery will host the next<br />
Manufacturing Solutions Seminar in Spring<br />
<strong>2024</strong>. Stay updated with the latest event information<br />
at<br /><br />
The International Conference on Wood Adhesives is the premier<br />
technical conference on advances in the adhesion of wood and<br />
biomass. Industry representatives were the majority of the nearly<br />
300 attendees in 2017 and 2022, evenly split between the U.S.<br />
and the rest of the world.<br />
Whether you are an adhesive supplier or<br />
user or user of the downstream product; from<br />
industry, academia, government, or NGO, this<br />
conference provides a unique opportunity.<br />
Don’t wait another 3-4 years.<br />
If your business depends on having solid<br />
technical knowledge about glued wood products,<br />
this meeting is for you. We recruit the<br />
best technical thinking in the field of wood<br />
adhesives so you get the most value for your<br />
time invested and will have access to the<br />
proceedings.<br /><br />
No. 1 • March <strong>2024</strong><br />
Manufacturer<br />
Products<br />
Electronic Wood Systems GmbH<br />
Robert-Henseling-Str. 1, 31789 Hameln<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 5151 5574-0<br />
Fax: +49 5151 5574-222<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Measuring and inspection systems for the panel industry<br />
Moisture meters for various applications<br />
Area weight measurement<br />
Foreign body detection<br />
Thickness gauges and blow detection systems<br />
Non-contact panel scales<br />
Density profile measurement<br />
Spark detection and extinguishing systems<br />
ELKOM-Elektroheizplatten-Technik GmbH<br />
Oberbecksener Str. 80, 32547 Bad Oeynhausen<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 5731 7782-0<br />
Fax: +49 5731 7782-12<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Cooling plates<br />
Fluid medium plates<br />
Heating plates<br />
Preheating station for solid surface and thermoplastics<br />
Thermoforming station for solid surface and<br />
thermoplastics<br />
Vacuum plates<br />
Vacuum tables<br />
euroTECH Handling GmbH<br />
Maybachstr. 7, 72348 Rosenfeld<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 7428 93912-0<br />
Fax: +49 7428 93912-13<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Destacking and palletizing systems<br />
Picking systems<br />
Vacuum components for the panel, floor, furniture and<br />
door industry<br />
Suction boxes type eT-Gripper<br />
Tube lifter<br />
Handling devices<br />
Höcker Polytechnik GmbH<br />
Borgloher Str. 1, 49176 Hilter a.T.W.<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 5409 405-0<br />
Fax: +49 5409 405-595<br />
Email:<br />
Briquetting press<br />
Cyclone separator<br />
Dust extractor<br />
Industrial fan<br />
Paint booth<br /><br />
LEUCO Ledermann GmbH & Co. KG<br />
Willi-Ledermann-Str. 1, 72160 Horb a. N.<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 7451 93-0<br />
Fax: +49 7541 93-270<br />
Email:<br />
TC and DP tipped machine tools for processing wood,<br />
wooden and composite panels, plastics and NF-materials,<br />
tool management & service<br /><br />
MHF GmbH Maschinen-Handel-Fertigung<br />
Gewerbestr. 17-19, 33397 Rietberg<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 2944 9723-0<br />
Email:<br />
Conveying and Materials Handling<br />
Robotics<br />
Sawing and Milling Technology<br />
Wrapping Lines<br />
Manufacturer<br />
Products<br />
NESTRO Lufttechnik GmbH<br />
Paulus-Nettelnstroth-Platz, 07619 Schkölen<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 36694 41-0<br />
Fax: +49 36694 41-260<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Briquetting Presses<br />
Cyclone Separators<br />
Extraction and Filter Systems<br />
Fans<br />
Heating Systems<br />
Paint Spray Walls<br />
PAINTLINE Paint Mist Extraction Systems<br />
Shredders<br />
Osmo Holz- und Color GmbH & Co.KG<br />
Affhüppen Esch 12, 48231 Warendorf<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 2581 922-100<br />
Fax: +49 2581 922-200<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Coating systems for machine applications<br />
For interior products:<br />
Pre-treatment<br />
Surface treatment<br />
Maintenance and care<br />
For exterior products:<br />
Transparent coatings<br />
Opaque coatings<br />
Reichenbacher Hamuel GmbH<br />
Postfach 28, 96487 Dörfles-Esbach<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 9561 599-0<br />
Fax: +49 9561 599-199<br />
Email:<br />
CNC-Machining centres<br />
CNC-Processing centres<br />
CNC-Routers<br />
Drilling systems<br />
Milling machines<br /><br />
SPÄNEX GmbH<br />
Luft-, Energie- und Umwelttechnik<br />
Otto-Brenner-Str. 6, 37170 Uslar<br />
Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 5571 304-0<br />
Fax: +49 5571 304-111<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Briquetting presses<br />
Dust extractors<br />
Exhaust filter systems<br />
Fans<br />
Heat recovery systems<br />
Spraying walls<br />
VOLLMER WERKE Maschinenfabrik GmbH<br />
Ehinger Str. 34, 88400 Biberach an der Riß<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 7351-571-0<br />
Fax: +49 7351-571-130<br />
Email:<br />
Grinding machine<br />
Eroding machine<br />
Laser machine<br />
Machining tools for rotary tools and circular saws<br /><br />
WEIMA Maschinenbau GmbH<br />
Bustadt 6-10, 74360 Ilsfeld<br />
Germany<br />
Tel: +49 7062 9570 0<br />
Fax: +49 7062 9570 92<br />
Email:<br />
Single-shaft and four-shaft shredders<br />
Granulators and hammermills<br />
Briquetting presses<br />