Nor'West News: March 14, 2024

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Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>14</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 5<br />

Investigation work questioned<br />

in face of possible funding cut<br />

• From page 1<br />

Henstock said the budgets in the<br />

LTP are based on the original costings,<br />

which are now out of date.<br />

“Those figures are misleading.<br />

We have been told that on average<br />

our transport projects have<br />

increased by about 27 per cent<br />

so we can reasonably expect the<br />

W2W project costs to increase<br />

substantially.”<br />

She said many people were<br />

confused about the project’s status,<br />

with media reporting earlier in<br />

the Long Term Plan process that<br />

council staff had proposed the<br />

cycleway be deferred, due to it not<br />

being a priority project.<br />

“The public generally were not<br />

aware the project was back in the<br />

LTP.<br />

“Now they see a CCC <strong>News</strong>line<br />

article and social media post about<br />

investigative works soon to be undertaken.<br />

Residents are now asking<br />

how can this project continue<br />

if funding is not available.’’<br />

Canterbury Charity Hospital<br />

chief executive Carl Shaw said the<br />

hospital board was not looking<br />

forward to seeing the project<br />

continue.<br />

City council city infrastructure<br />

general manager Jane Parfitt said<br />

it is common practice that detailed<br />

investigations are commissioned<br />

in advance of construction, which<br />

will not start until later this year.<br />

PLANNING: Investigations<br />

into potential construction<br />

plans for the Wheels to<br />

Wings cycleway have<br />

started. The investigation will<br />

also look into water system<br />

upgrades on Harewood Rd<br />

and traffic light installation<br />

at the Greers and Langdons<br />

intersection.<br />

When Copenhagen Bakery<br />

owner Donna Thomsen was<br />

approached for a comment by<br />

Norwest <strong>News</strong>, it was the first time<br />

she had heard about the investigations<br />

going ahead and she said she<br />

couldn’t comment further without<br />

having all the facts.<br />

NZ rep<br />

dream<br />

closer for<br />

athletes<br />

• From page 1<br />

“They will get the advantage for<br />

selection, so it really just comes<br />

down to one race.”<br />

The pair represent Selwyn at club<br />

meets and are coached by former<br />

New Zealand Commonwealth<br />

Games representative Angie Petty<br />

and her partner, Briton Sam Petty.<br />

Angie Petty said it would be<br />

‘insane’ if the pair were to qualify<br />

together.<br />

“Of those runners (that have<br />

made the qualifying time), Daniel<br />

is second-fastest and Cooper is<br />

fourth,” she said.<br />

“But Cooper ran his in a local<br />

event while all the rest were in<br />

big meets like (the Sir Graham<br />

Douglas International in Auckland<br />

last weekend).<br />

“It’s easier to run faster in those<br />

big meets with other runners<br />

around you and I know Cooper’s<br />

got more in him.”<br />

Wightman said the prospect was<br />

exciting.<br />

“It’s just down to one simple race,<br />

who comes out better on that day.<br />

“I quite like that instead of<br />

having points and stuff where you<br />

have to worry about all the races<br />

you’re running.”<br />


New Stage<br />

Released!<br />

429m²<br />

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N/A<br />

1112m²<br />

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4<strong>14</strong>m²<br />

408m²<br />

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Stage 9a<br />

ON HOLD<br />

406m² 337m²<br />

359m²<br />

1<br />

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370m²<br />

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409m²<br />

SOLD<br />


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359m²<br />

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359m²<br />

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425m²<br />

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350m²<br />

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359m²<br />

428m²<br />

263 209<br />

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05m²<br />

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392m²<br />

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504m²<br />

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420m²<br />

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420m²<br />

03 323 6991 | enquiries@limedl.co.nz<br />


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