Nor'West News: March 14, 2024
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Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>14</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 7<br />
Ryman’s Northwood village ticking all the boxes<br />
CHOOSING Northwood<br />
Retirement Village has worked<br />
out very well for David and<br />
Eileen Jorgensen, allowing for<br />
pastimes including David’s<br />
passion for outdoor spaces.<br />
His volunteer work in a nearby<br />
memorial garden allows him<br />
to both stay part of the wider<br />
community, and to keep fit.<br />
When the couple decided<br />
to sell their lovely home in<br />
Rangiora, they eyed up a couple<br />
of Canterbury villages – and<br />
are now very happy with their<br />
Ryman Healthcare choice at<br />
Northwood.<br />
They love that they get all-day<br />
sun in their swish townhouse<br />
and that they can keep up a<br />
social whirl in both their village<br />
setting and within their existing<br />
circle of friends from Rangiora<br />
and Christchurch.<br />
David has been keeping busy<br />
with his gardening tools. As<br />
well as tackling the garden and<br />
vege patch that surrounds their<br />
home, he has recently started<br />
volunteering at Belfast-based<br />
Otukaikino, a living memorial<br />
garden that allows people to<br />
honour their loved ones after<br />
they’ve passed away.<br />
There is also an Otukaikino<br />
walk, that gives people a chance<br />
to walk around a 13-hectare<br />
freshwater wetland reserve.<br />
David says there is always<br />
weeding to do at Otukaikino,<br />
even in the winter season.<br />
“The weeds keep growing. . .<br />
HAPPY HOME: Eileen and David Jorgenson couldn’t be happier with their decision to<br />
relocate to Ryman Healthcare’s village at Northwood.<br />
And Otukaikino can really use<br />
people to volunteer.”<br />
Gardening is a way to keep<br />
active while working with others<br />
on a worthwhile project. His<br />
friend Ian Pitt, whom he has<br />
known since their children were<br />
in scouts together, alerted him to<br />
the project and has built seats for<br />
the large garden space.<br />
Eileen says the couple moved<br />
into the Northwood village<br />
in mid-September last year,<br />
following their house sale. The<br />
couple agree it has a great aspect<br />
looking onto the gardens outside<br />
a set of apartments within the<br />
village.<br />
“I think we’ve got one of the<br />
pick of the setups. We get the sun<br />
all day,” David says.<br />
“Here there is an amazing<br />
group of people with similar<br />
thoughts.”<br />
He has reflected on what the<br />
couple have in terms of a safety<br />
net. He’s talked to friends of<br />
their age and they agree people’s<br />
health and retirement needs can<br />
change very quickly.<br />
David says he can maintain<br />
his fitness through weeding<br />
some of the gardens near their<br />
townhouse, and he also helps<br />
with other gardens for friends on<br />
the east side of Christchurch.<br />
“I don’t see gardening as work<br />
really. I enjoy it as it helps me<br />
keep fit and I like things being<br />
tidy,” he says.<br />
It is also the people who are<br />
important at Northwood, and<br />
these include fellow residents<br />
and the wonderful village team,<br />
who help organise outings and<br />
events such as the once a week<br />
Happy Hour for residents.<br />
“They’re brilliant. . . couldn’t<br />
be better,” he says of the staff.<br />
He and Eileen like the ‘lockup<br />
and leave’ aspect of the<br />
village.<br />
Eileen, for example, has<br />
recently been on a trans-Tasman<br />
cruise, and the couple plan to<br />
fly into Cairo in April for an<br />
Egyptian getaway including a<br />
cruise on the Nile river.<br />
Eileen says she loves the<br />
atmosphere of the village: “It’s<br />
like being on holiday all the<br />
time. It’s great.”<br />
Sales advisor Sharyn Wilson<br />
says it has been a privilege to<br />
welcome the Jorgensens among<br />
the first residents to move<br />
into the village in the north of<br />
Christchurch.<br />
“Watching the village<br />
transform at the rate it has<br />
continues to add to the<br />
excitement here,” Sharyn says.<br />
“It’s been wonderful seeing<br />
our village grow and watching<br />
our residents form new<br />
friendships. We truly have so<br />
many lovely people moving in.”<br />
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