Features: - Tanker Operator

Features: - Tanker Operator

Features: - Tanker Operator


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The Aframax Eos undertook a<br />

voyage from Amuay Bay to New<br />

York with a cargo of 549,087<br />

barrels of fuel oil under a Shellvoy<br />

5 charter form.<br />

During the voyage, the vessel's heating coils<br />

leaked and an amount of fresh water was<br />

introduced into the fuel oil. The cargo had<br />

reportedly been purchased with a maximum<br />

sediment & water (S&W) of 1%.<br />

The supplier's load port certificate of<br />

analysis showed S&W of 0.7%. However,<br />

upon arrival at New York, the cargo inspectors<br />

found the S&W to be 1.8%.<br />

Following an initial partial discharge and<br />

considerable subsequent testing and retesting,<br />

the charterer ordered the vessel to move from<br />

the berth to the anchorage. The vessel<br />

remained at anchorage for 18 days before reberthing<br />

and completing her discharge.<br />

As a result, the charterer lodged a claim for<br />

$471,435, primarily for blending stock<br />

required to reduce the S&W content to<br />

acceptable limits and related tankage costs.<br />

The owner counter-claimed for demurrage<br />

totalling $1,117,842, including the 18 days<br />

spent at the anchorage.<br />

The charterer contended that it had proved a<br />

prima facie case by establishing that the S&W<br />

was 0.7% on loading and 1.8% on<br />

discharging. Furthermore, the owner did not<br />

dispute that the vessel's heating coils had<br />

leaked fresh water into the cargo and therefore<br />

the ship was unseaworthy at the<br />

commencement of the voyage.<br />

According to the US arbitrator, the owner<br />

contended that the load port analysis of the<br />

cargo used by the charterer was at least<br />

suspect, if not erroneous. Moreover, the<br />

amount of fresh water which could have<br />

entered the cargo through the leaking heating<br />

coils was inconsequential and therefore could<br />

not and did not cause the considerable<br />

increase in S&W content found at New York.<br />

He said that the first issue was whether the<br />

load port analysis used by the charterer as the<br />

basis for its claim fairly represented the<br />

condition of the cargo upon loading. The<br />

cargo was loaded from a massive open pit<br />

identified as open pit 801. Just before the Eos<br />

berthed to load her cargo, a vessel loaded fuel<br />

oil from pit 801 which had an S&W of 1.4%.<br />

The Eos' certificate of analysis was prepared<br />

by the supplier's laboratory and not by an<br />

independent inspection company. The owner<br />

had no involvement with the sampling or<br />

analysis of the cargo from pit 801.<br />

Further, if - as the charterer contended - the<br />

sole cause of the increase in water content<br />

from 0.7% to 1.8% was due to the leaky coils,<br />

then there would have been a commensurate<br />

increase in the volume of the liquid in the<br />

ship's tanks. There was an increase of about<br />

1,704 barrels based on the difference between<br />

ship's ullages at load and discharge ports.<br />

No evidence<br />

However, to support an increase in the volume<br />

based on a difference of 1.1%, there would<br />

have had to be a volumetric increase of about<br />

6,050 barrels. There was no evidence to<br />

support this position, the arbitrator said.<br />

While load port certificates may be prima<br />

facie evidence of the cargo quality as between<br />

buyer and seller of the product (and indeed<br />

this is often 'final and binding'), the quality<br />

certificate does not have the same import as<br />

between a charterer and an owner. The sole<br />

arbitrator, Jack Berg, concluded that, based on<br />

the credible evidence, the cargo on loading<br />

likely had a water content of between 1.4%<br />

and 1.5% and that the leaky coils added about<br />

0.3%. "The overwhelming bulk of the<br />

problem" was the excess water existing in the<br />

cargo at loading, for which the owner was not<br />

responsible. The result was that the charterer's<br />

claim was denied.<br />

The arbitrator then considered the owner's<br />


Charterer’s cargo<br />

contamination case<br />

not proven<br />

The Society of Maritime Arbitrators, New York, has sent a case note on<br />

a recent arbitration award dealing with liability for cargo contamination*.<br />

demurrage and expenses claim of $1,117,842,<br />

of which $324,438 was for loading and<br />

discharging operations and $822,066 for time<br />

spent at the anchorage.<br />

He had no difficulty awarding the former.<br />

With respect to the latter, the charterer argued<br />

that the high water content caused by the<br />

leaky coils made it impossible to discharge the<br />

cargo promptly.<br />

However, the arbitrator found that this<br />

position was not sustained by the evidence.<br />

The terminal would have taken the cargo in at<br />

any time and ultimately did so. Instead, the<br />

arbitrator found that the time spent at the<br />

anchorage had less to do with the cargo's S&<br />

W content than charterer's decision to use the<br />

ship as floating storage in a rapidly rising<br />

market from which it "profited enormously".<br />

The full amount of the owner's claim was<br />

awarded.<br />

Each side also claimed legal expenses in<br />

excess of $600,000. With very little<br />

discussion, the arbitrator awarded the owner,<br />

as the prevailing party, $550,000 as being<br />

reasonable in the circumstances.<br />

(Case - Andorra Services Inc and Chemoil<br />

Corp as charterer - and Venfleet Ltd, as<br />

owner).<br />

The 1993-built 99,440 dwt tanker Eos is<br />

owned by Venfleet, a subsidiary of Venezuelan<br />

oil concern PDV Marina and managed by<br />

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement. She is<br />

entered with the UK P&I Club and classed by<br />

Bureau Veritas, according to Equasis. TO<br />

*We are indebted to Maritime<br />

Advocate for permission to<br />

reproduce this article and to the sole<br />

arbitrator, Jack Berg, and the<br />

Society of Maritime Arbitrators<br />

based in New York for providing the<br />

case study.<br />

August/September 2008 � TANKER<strong>Operator</strong> 41

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