Issue 336 - 14/02/2020

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Una taluka of the Gir Somnath

district in Gujarat is notorious for

the violence against the Dalits. Most

of them actually are landless and

work as farm labours. It is this economic

dependence that keep them

tied to the oppression. This model of

dependence on the Savarna kept

flourishing and any attempt to

empower Dalits in the rural Gujarat

is met with stiff resistance.

On July 11th, 2016, a mob of

over 45 persons mostly belonging to

the oppressive Brahmins, Patel,

Darbar, Aheer castes attacked a

family of Dalit community in village

Mota Samadhiyala. The family

was actually skinning the Caracas of

a dead cow which has been the traditional

occupation of Sarvaiyas of

the village, about 350 kilometers

from Ahmedabad city. The terrorists,

who claimed that they were

doing all this to ‘protect’ cows and

claimed to be ‘cow protectors’ or

‘Gausevaks’, a very similar religious

police in the other theocratic

countries. The Thugs in the name of

Hindutva blamed that these people

had killed cows, which was prohibited

legally and then they decided to

‘teach’ them a lesson. Vasram,

Ramesh, Ashok, Bechanbhai and

three others were brutally flogged in

full public view and when they fell

unconscious, they were tied to an

SUV and dragged to the street of

Una, with crowd, making videos

and just standing as onlookers,

many appreciating and participated

in the flogging. Vashram, his brother,

cousins and his parents, all were

beaten up mercilessly. They fell

unconscious but the people were

enjoying their flogging and making

videos and no one attempted to stop

that. Most of the perpetrators were

Brahmins, Patels, /Aheers, Kolis but

most of them have got bailed. 6

accused in the jail now are


As the video became viral, Una

incident reached all over the world

and exposed the hidden apartheid

that exists in India. It also revealed

the dirty realities of the village in

Gujarat and how the Hindutva terror

agents were targeting the Dalits in

the villages of Gujarat in the name of

cow protection. Political leaders

went there and express solidarity.

Right from Rahul Gandhi to BSP

leader Mayawati, all expressed solidarity

with them. Even Anandi Ben

Patel, the then chief minister of

Gujarat visited them and promised

fullest support. A new Dalit leadership

also emerged from the Una flogging

incident. As the Dalit groups

were uniting, a young dynamic

speaker Jignesh Mewani became

voice of the community and attracted

attention of all those who felt that the

time of the youthful Dalit face who

can influence Indian politics has

finally emerged. The imagination of

the group was that along with

Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid and

Chandrasekhar Azad, Jignesh

Mewani will be the new force against

the Hindutva. I would not like to

speculate on anything except for the

fact that these emerging leaders need

more focus on the ground and less on

‘event management’ things.

Una’s Dalit fighters were left to

fight their battle alone. No politician

including Jignesh Mewani visited

them ever, said Vashram, who is

SOCIAL BOYCOTT, a powerful

oppressive tool to perpetuate caste

hierarchies in GUJARAT Part II

fighting for justice day in and out.

We are frustrated with politicians as

they don’t anything. Vashram wrote

a letter to the President of India to

deport the family out of India as

they don’t know what is citizenship

as they still face the huge boycott.

The villagers don’t talk to them.

After much fight a special court

was formed for the trial but on July

23rd, 2019, the Public Prosecutor

Deependra Yadav wanted to withdrew

citing lack of security to all

including witnesses. 43 accused

were charge sheeted in which 35

have already got bail from the

Gujarat High Court emboldening

them that they can do anything and

law can’t really trace them. Six

accused are in police custody at the

moment. Prime accused was already

got bail from the court while one

police men accused of dereliction of

duty died. Most of the accused

belong to Darbar community who

are the most violent against Dalits in

the Saurashtra region, apart from

Kolis and other landed communities.

The police filed cases against

accused under sections 307 (

attempt to murder), 397, Robbery,

365 Kidnapping, 342 wrongful confinement,

147 Rioting, 324 Causing

hurt, 120B, criminal conspiracy.

There are other sections related to

Information Technology Act as the

accused made video and circulated

it widely. The aim of the accused

was open challenge to the Dalits

that if they have to live in the village,

they will have to live as per the

fancies of these Gau-thugs who

don’t care for the constitution of

India. The family of the victimized

and tortured has not got any justice.

The government promised five

acres of land to them but nothing

happened. There was many other

promises particularly related to their

safety yet nothing happened. Most

of the goons are already on bails

while false cases have been filed

against Dalits who participated in

the protests demanding justice for

the victims. The family of the victims

is actually facing all kind of

harassment even to fight the case as

their major demands have not been

accepted. Except for the compensation,

they have not got anything and

in the absence of any viable

employment, the family is suffering

and is now frustrated with all kind

of efforts to scuttle the justice.

According to a report in the Indian

Express on November 28th, 2018,

under headline : Una Dalit seek

mercy killing : write to President

say Government did not fulfill


“ Our case is being heard by a

court in Veraval. Despite our plea to

the state home department, neither

we nor the witnesses have been

given armed police protection. Nor

are police arranging any vehicles for

ferrying witnesses to the court. On

the other hand, the accused are getting

bail. They are violating their

bail conditions and indulging in

other offences. Despite all this, the

state government has done nothing

to get bail of such people cancelled.

So, the state government has failed

to meet our demands. Our lives

have become miserable now. We do

not want to live longer and hence

are seeking permission for mercy

killing,” Vashram, who has studied

till Class X, wrote.

Nothing happened and the suffering

the family continued. They lost

what they were doing earlier i.e.

skinning of the dead cows which

used to fetch them good money but

now that too is gone. Vashram tells

me that they are not capable of

doing any other work as because of

heavy flogging, all of them have

health issues. The government did

not even give them enough treatment.

After the incident, the government

had promised that all of

them will get 5 acres of land and

By Vidya Bhushan Rawat

social and human rights activist

housing and job but nothing is

there. Out of 25 families of the

Dalit community in that village only

15 have been given land which does

not include this family of Vashram

who converted to Buddhism along

with other members of the community

but he says that still they are

considered as untouchable In the

village. The change of religion has

not change the attitude of the people

in his village so far.

He was not aware of Dr Baba

Saheb Ambedkar but after the brutal

assault on them, he started reading

about Dr Ambedkar and his work.

Now, Vashram feel that Dr Baba

Saheb Ambedkar has become part

of his life as he only has given them

strength and confident to fight

despite all kind of betrayal.

The biggest irony is that the government

and the authorities working

under it are supposed to protect constitution

and work according to it

but what is happening in Gujarat is

that the officers are hand in glove

with the caste forces and that is why

most of those who attack the Dalits

and socially boycott them remain

untouched. Even if they happened

to be arrested for some time, there

are enough members of their fraternity

in the legal profession who are

ready to fight their cases and get

them bail. Can you imagine, 35 out

of 41 accused are already on bail.

The main accused too is out on bail.

What can you expect from the lower

court when the high court is acting

so fast? The government did not

challenge the high court order in the

Supreme Court ? That has proved

dangerous as the victim’s family are

facing threat and social boycott continues.

They don’t have anything to

work and no money to survive now.

This absolute isolation and boycott

which Gujaratis have got expert

in have created a potentially dangerous

situation. Vashram who is married

and unemployed but determined

to fight his case, has written

again to the President of India ( I

don’t know why so much of hope

when no response came from their

earlier letter written in 2018 about

mercy killing) asking him to deport

these victims to other country as

they don’t feel they are being treated

as citizens in this country.‘ We

are not considered as citizen in

India. Dalits are discriminated

against in the Hindu Community. So

we request President Ramnath

kovind to send us to a different

country where we wont face discrimination’.

Vashram Sarvaiya,

Victim. He is further quoted in the

Quint that, ‘ There has been no

action taken against those who beat

us up in 2016. The perpetrators are

out on bail. We were promised

agcultural land, plots

but none of them have

been kept.” He also

said, “Anandiben Patel,

who was the then CM

of Gujarat and is now

the Uttar Pradesh governor

had visited us in

2016 and had promised jobs. She

had said she will visit us again in a

month. But neither did she come nor

did she give us any jobs.”

Gujarat’s model of Dalit oppression

is now being followed elsewhere

too. This is the saddest aspect

that the government has not been

very forthcoming to support the

Dalits. The biggest violence is the

social violence where the government

institutions are only failing and

adding miseries to the victims. Una

case also highlight the issues as how

we jump up and look towards

‘heros’ who emerge from some campaign

and then forget their own people.

It is also a reality heroes come

and go but the people have to fight

their own battle. Politics, they say, is

good for all and empower us but it is

the grim reality that people are just

victimized by the ambitious politicians

and once the issue is used the

people are left to fetch themselves.

We all take the name of Dr Baba

Saheb Ambedkar but fact is this

could not have happened if those

who benefitted politically from Una

incident had taken pain to be with

people and fought for their rights.

More than three years have

passed and nothing has happened on

the justice front. The pain and

anguish is too big to write here.

When I met Vashram, I realized how

barbaric the system is which perpetuate

the oppression and does not

care as if some people are born to

get the pain and oppression. It is

time, that Supreme Court and our

national parliament if it really care,

come out against serious measures

on such issues of social boycott.

Una case is a blot but what is bigger

blot to our system is that the victims

are left to fetch themselves, they are

feeling deeply disappointed and

betrayed while those accused and

the perpetrators of this crime are

now roaming free and their release

has not been challenged. It shows

clearly how the government function

in double speak as on the one

side it claim to work for the uplift of

the Dalits and on the other side, it

refuses to act against the dominant

casteist communities who violate

law of the land. In the 70th year of

our Republic, this is the biggest

betrayal to the ideals of the founding

fathers of our republic who

worked so hard to give us modern

nation but the Manuwadis are determined

to convert it back to their

‘dream project’ of hierarchical society

based on principles of caste system.

It is a wakeup call. We must do

whatever possible to expose the sinister

caste forces working in Gujarat

denying Dalits their dignity and

self-respect. We hope our friends in

Gujarat will take up this issue to the

Supreme Court and fight against

this bail order to terror accused of

Una. During my recent visit to

Ahmedabad, I had an opportunity to

speak to young Vashram, who was

tortured brutally along with his

brothers and cousins on July 11th,

2016 in Una. Vashram is not well.

He can’t do hard work as because of

the flogging, he and his family now

have health issues. In 2019 he sat

on 56 days Dharana but the

Government is not ready to give

them land, not ready to listen. The

dominant community here is Patel

and Koli. People are trying to use

OBCs against Dalits and this is the

conspiracy says, Vashram. We want

caste discrimination end. We want

rule of the constitution. We want

discrimination end here.

Government must give them justice.

People are roaming here and there

but they have not got justice. I will

follow Baba Saheb lifelong.

Initially, I did not know how to

speak to a police man but now I

have learnt. How can you speak to

an officer, or a police? Now

Ambedkarite movement has given

me understanding. We have

embraced Buddhism in 2017 but the

Manuwadi government has not

given our document. We have got

certificate given by Bharatiya

Baudh Mahasabha but the government

is not ready to accept. People

are not ready to accept us as they

don’t want to get away with caste

system. We embrace this in 2017

along with 300 Dalit families and

that time they were threatened and

attacked but the court is a slow

process and it look so difficult and

will take minimum two years.

Listen to my conversation with

Vashram, who still is hopeful

despite all the despair. We hope that

he and his family will get justice.

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