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• bring traer; llevar, conducir; formular

(cargos); entablar (acciones legales).

bring about ocasionar, producir;

efectuar (cambios).

the incident brought about a change in

their attitude, el incidente provoco un

cambio en su actitud.

they are going to try to bring about

change in society, van a tratar de

lograr que se produzcan cambios en la


the accident was brought about by

their negligence, el accidente fue

causado por su negligencia.

bring along traer consigo, llevar consigo.

may I bring a friend along?, dpuedo

llevar a un amigo?

he brought his girlfriend along, trajo a

su novia.

shall I bring my guitar along?, itraigo

la guitarra?

bring around convencer.

we finally brought her around to our

point of view, finalmente conseguimos


I've brought him around to a more

reasonable point of view, lo he hecho

entrar en razon.

> bring back volver a traer; restaurar

(monarqu(a); devolver (cosas

prestadas); devolver la vida a; traer a

la memoria.

/'// bring your book back tomorrow, te

devolvere el libro manana.

no amount of money can bring my

daughter back, no hay suma de dinero

que me pueda devolver a mi hija.

this brings us back to the question of

money, esto nos vuelve a llevar al

tema del dinero.

she brought me back a souvenir from

Paris, me trajo un recuerdo de Paris

he thinks they should bring back

corporal punishment, es de la opinion

de que se deberla volver a introducir el

castigo corporal.

that brings back my childhood, eso me

recuerda mi ninez.

seeing you again brings it all back,

volverte a ver me lo vuelve a traer

todo a la memoria.

they brought back news of the defeat,

trajeron noticias de la derrota.

bring before someter, hacer

comparecer ante (tribunal).

guide to phrasal verbs

he brought the matter before Parliament,

llevo el asunto al Parlamento.

he was brought before the court, se lo

hizo comparecer ante el tribunal.

bring down bajar (equipaje); abatir

(caza); derrocar (gobierno); rebajar,

reducir (precios).

/'// bring down a chair from my bedroom,

bajare una silla de mi dormitorio.

they brought the prices down, bajaron

los precios.

the measure brought the crime figures

down, la medida consiguio que

disminuyera la delincuencia.

his plane was brought down in enemy

territory, derribaron su avion en

territorio enemigo.

this issue could bring down the

coalition, esta cuestion podrfa hacer

que se viniera abajo la coalicion.

the regime was brought down by a

coup, el regimen fue derrocado por un

golpe de estado.

bring forward proponer, suscitar,

presentar; adelantar (fecha); pasar a

otra cuenta (contabilidad).

she brought forward some interesting

ideas, presento algunas ideas


the meeting has been brought forward,

la reunion ha sido adelantada.

they have brought the date of their

wedding forward, han adelantado la

fecha de la boda.

bring in introducir, entrar, traer; servir

(comidas); hacer entrar; detener

(sospechosos); introducir (costumbres,

modas); atraer; producir, dar

(beneficios); dar, pronunciar (veredictos).

/'// bring in some wood for the fire,

traere algo de lena para el fuego.

his job doesn't bring in much money,

su trabajo no le reporta mucho


the jury brought in a verdict of guilty,

el jurado pronuncio un veredicto de


bring the accused in, hagan entrar al


experts were brought in to give their

opinion, trajeron a expertos para que

dieran su opinion.

we have to bring in extra staff in the

summer, tenemos que contratar

personal extra en verano.

14 Stanley |

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