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Icome after

it didn't come across like that, no lo

entendimos asi.

he always comes across as sarcastic,

siempre da la impresion de ser


that is not how she comes across, esa

no es la imagen que proyecta.

he came across with the money, vino

con el dinero.

he didn't come across with the

information, no nos paso la information

a come after venir en busca de, venir


I ran away but they came after me, me

escape pero me siguieron.

he came after me with the umbrella I'd

left behind, vino detras de mf con el

paraguas que habfa dejado olvidado.

• come along ir, andar, venir tambien,


come along with us, acompananos.

come along there, there's no need to

cry, vamos, vamos, no tienes por que


come along, you can do better than that!

/vamos, que lo puedes hacer mejor/

can I come along? ¿puedo ir yo


a policeman came along just in time,

un policfa llego justo a tiempo.

you came along just at the right time,

llegaste justo en el momento adecuado.

how's your French coming along? ¿que

tal va tu franees?

• come at atacar, precipitarse hacia.

the dog came at me, el perro se lanzo

sobre mi.

she was coming at me with a knife, se

me vema encima con un cuchillo.

• come away desprenderse; marcharse,


part of the roof came away, parte del

tejado se desprendio.

the knob came away in my hand, me

quede con la manilla en la mano.

» come back volver; recordar.

I've just come back from a business

trip, acabo de volver de un viaje de


the prodigal son has come back, el hijo

prodigo ha vuelto a casa.

short hair is coming back into fashion,

se vuelve a llevar el pelo corto.

it all comes back to money, todo viene

a ser cuestion de dinero.

guide to phrasal verbs

the name has just come back to me,

acabo de recordar el nombre.

it's all coming back to me, estoy

volviendo a recordarlo todo.

» come back with replicar.

the accused came back with a counter

accusation, el acusado respondio con

una contraacusacion.

I'll come back to you with the results,

ya le comunicare los resultados.

* come before compadecer.

he came before the court, compadecio

ante el juez.

the bill comes before Congress next

week, el proyecto se presentara al

Congreso la semana proxima.

* come between interponerse.

nothing can come between us, nada

puede interponerse entre nosotros.

* come by pasar; obtener, conseguir.

he came by this morning, paso por

aquf esta manana.

how did she come by that money?,

¿c6mo consiguio ese dinero?

fresh meat was hard to come by during

the war, era dificil conseguir carne

fresca durante la guerra.

« come down bajar, descender (tren); caer;

estrallarse (aviones); venir abajo; pasar.

come down from there this minute!

/bajate de ahf ahora mismo/

he came down from the train,

descendio del tren.

computers have really come down in

price, los ordenadores han bajado

muchisimo de precio.

the plane came down in the

mountains, el avion se estrello en las


all these houses are coming down,

todas estas casas vienen abajo.

the tradition has come down from

father to son, la tradicion ha pasado de

padre a hijo.

the ring came down to her from her

mother, heredo el anillo de su madre.

few works have come down to us from

that period, nos han llegado pocas

obras de ese periodo.

» come down on echarse encima.

the authorities came down on him,

las autoridades se le echaron encima.

the firm comes down severely on

absenteeism, la empresa trata el

ausentismo con mano dura.

26 Stanley |

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