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Icall off

the police were called in, llamaron a la


they called in the fire brigade, llamaron

a los bomberos.

experts were called in, llamaron a los


the old coinage was called in, se

retiraron de la circulacion las monedas


« call off cancelar, anular; dar por

terminado (reuniones); llamar (perros).

they called off the strike, desconvocaron

la huelga.

we decided to call off the deal, decidimos

no seguir adelante con el trato.

if that's how you feel, let's call the

whole thing off, mira, si eso es lo que

piensas mejor olvidemoslo.

she called off the dog, llamo al perro

para que no atacara.

••-• call on visitar; ceder la palabra

(oradores); pedir.

we'll call on you tomorrow, te

visitaremos mafiana.

now I call on Mr Smith, ahora cedo la

palabra al Sr. Smith.

they called on the headmaster to

resign, pidieron la dimision del director.

a call out hacer salir; llamar (huelga);

llamar (urgencias); gritar.

don't call the doctor out on a night like

this, no hagas venir al medico en una

noche asf.

the men were called out on strike,

llamaron a los hombres a la huelga.

the rescue service was called out,

llamaron a los servicios de rescate.

they called the fire brigade out

unnecessarily, hicieron venir los

bomberos sin necesidad.

don't call out the answer, put your

hand up, no grites la respuesta,

levanta la mano.

they called out for help, pidieron

auxilio a gritos.

» call up llamar a filas; hacer subir;

llamar (por telefono); hacer surgir

(recuerdos); llamar a un espiritu.

he was called up, le llamaron a filas.

I'll call you up, te llamare por telefono.

that called up old memories, eso me

trajo recuerdos.

« call upon invocar (el nombre de Dios);

ceder la palabra; hacer un llamamiento;


guide to phrasal verbs

/ call upon your generosity, apelo a su


/ call upon Mr Brown, cedo la palabra

al Sr. Brown.

/ should like to call upon the chairman

to say a few words, quisiera invitar al

senor presidente a que diga unas


I call upon the nation to be strong,

hago un llamamiento a la nacion para

que se muestre fuerte.

they called upon the UN for assistance,

apelaron a la ONU para que ayudara.

• calm calmar, tranquilizar.

• calm down tranquilizar(se).

/ calmed her down with a drink, la

tranquilice dandole algo de beber.

calm down! itranquilizate!

• cancel cancelar.

« cancel out anularse (matematicas);


these two figures cancel out each

other, estas dos cifras se anulan.

the success of the new product was

cancelled out by the effects of the

recession, los efectos de la crisis

contrarrestaron el exito del nuevo


those advantages are canceled out

by the practical difficulties, las

dificultades de orden practico anulan

esas ventajas.

• care preocuparse por, interesarse.

• care for tener afecto, sentir carino por;

gustar; hacer gracia; apetecer; cuidar

de; querer.

it's a book on how to care for your

pets, es un libro sobre como cuidar a

las mascotas.

I don't care for him very much, no me

resulta muy simpatico.

/ don't care for a coffee, no me

apetece un cafe.

he doesn't care much for pop music, no

le interesa mucho la musica pop

the house was lovely, but I didn't care

for the furniture, la casa era preciosa,

pero los muebles no eran de mi gusto.

would you care for the next dance?

¿me concede el honor de este baile?

would you care for a drink?, ¿le

apetece una copa?

they are well cared for, estan bien


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