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Iadd up to


/ can't get the accounts to add up,

no consigo que me cuadren las


add up to sumar, ascender, querer

decir, equivaler a.

it doesn't add up to much, no asciende

a mucho/no es importante.

what their attitude adds up to is an

unwillingness to help, lo que demuestra

su actitud es que no quieren ayudar.

address dirigir, dirigirse a.

address oneself to ponerse a trabajar,

aplicarse a.

he addressed himself to the job, se

puso a trabajar.

address as tratar a alguien de, dar un


she addressed him as 'sir', ella le trato

de 'senor'.

she likes to be addressed as, Doctor

McHugh, le gusta que se dirijan a ella

como Doctora McHugh.

address by dar a uno el tratamiento


you must address him by his title,

debes darle el tratamiento debido.

adhere adherirse, pegarse.

adhere to adhirirse a, observar, cumplir


she has always adhered firmly to

socialist principles, siempre se ha

mantenido fiel a los principios


you must adhere to your promise,

tienes que mantener tu promesa.

admit admitir, dejar entrar, aceptar,

hacer pasar, reconocer, confesar.

admit of admitir, dar lugar a, permitir,


it admits of no other explanation, no

cabe otra explicacion.

it admits of one interpretation only,

solo admite una interpretacion.

admit to confesarse culpable de.

he admits to the crime, se confiesa

culpable del delito.

/ admit to feeling ill, confieso que me

siento mal.

advance avanzar, adelantar, proponer,

exponer, presentar.

advance on acercarse de modo


he advanced on me, across the room,

se acerco amenazadoramente a mi.

guide to phrasal verbs

the army advanced on the town, el

ejercito se dirigio a la ciudad.

old age is fast advancing on me, los

afios se me estan echando encima


• advise aconsejar, recomendar.

* advise of informar de.

he advised us of the event, nos

informo sobre el acontecimiento.

please advise us of any change of

address, sirvase informarnos de

cualquier cambio de direccion.

have you been advised of your rights?

i.le han informado de sus derechos?

* advise on ser asesor en.

he advises on medical law, es asesor

en jurisprudencia medica.

• agree consentir, aceptar, acceder a,

estar de acuerdo con.

« agree to acordar, acceder a.

the bank has agreed to lend me some

money, el banco ha accedido a

prestarme algun dinero.

they wanted to get married but their

parents wouldn't agree to it, se querfan

casar, pero sus padres no lo consentfan.

»» agree with

I ate something that didn't agree with

me, comi algo que me sento mal.

Garlic doesn't agree with me, el ajo me

sienta mal.

the climate here doesn't agree with

me, el clima aquf no me sienta bien.

• aim apuntar.

* aim at apuntar a, aspirar a, pretender,


aim at the white circle, apunta a I

cfrculo bianco.

what are you aiming at?, da que aspiras?

the law is aimed at reducing

unemployment, el objetivo de la ley es

disminuir el desempleo.

the talks were aimed at ending the

strike, las conversaciones tenfan como

objetivo acabar con la huelga.

» aim for dirigirse a, tener como objetivo.

let's aim for Bristol first, vamos a

Bristol primero.

we're aiming for a share of the market,

tenemos como objetivo una porcion del


we must aim for total elimination of

the disease, nuestro objetivo debe ser

la total erradicacion de la enfermedad.

Stanley |

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