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Sometimes, the best step forward is really a step back. Just as we step

back a bit to see fully a vast work of art, the same humble step is

required in beholding the grand scheme of things. Only then were

we able to effectively ponder on the question “now what, and what


The artists appointed to represent Negros Occidental for the

exhibition component of the biennale are Denli Chavez (film) and

Perry Argel (performative installation). The two artists articulate

practices that do not only attend to the need of relating to the theme

(Kalibutan: The World in Mind) but also address the experiences of

the community during the dawn of the pandemic. Their artforms,

most importantly, possess a sense of confrontation with the self

and an advocacy to seek healing more than comfort. They are both

interventional and didactic in their methods without failing to

remain efficient with their individual artistry.

Perry Argel on consciousness as inner and outer space:

Perry Argel describes himself as a functioning organism, clearing

and fixing the space around him to reveal the purity of nature.

In every assemblage, Argel presents different specimens linked to

society’s overall concept of what is and is no longer useful.

Artwork by Perry Argel


It is not strange for Filipinos to see objects shapeshift depending

on the need and situation. It became an alternative way to makedo

with available resources in order to avoid unnecessary disposal/

purchase of more objects. Argel, however, superadds layers of content

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