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We were actually quite excited about the platform chosen given the

limitations of the pandemic. We went into the future studies design

and perspective with the main objective to arrive at a possible,

probable and preferable future for the artist community. To design

this, Futures Thinker Rhoderick Samonte walked us through some

of the basic principles of futures thinking which proved to be a

method for informed reflection on the major changes that will likely

occur in the next ten, twenty or more years in all areas of social

life, including the arts. Futures Thinking uses a multidisciplinary

approach to pierce the veil of perceived opinion and identify the

dynamics that are creating the future.

The artist group, with the exception of a small number of shining

careers, has always been peripheral at best but just tolerated and

left alone most of the time. They sometimes feel that they don’t

factor in most of society’s general blueprint. It is, therefore, about

time to create a discourse that shifts perspectives and reassures the

artist community that they can direct their own future. We invited

representatives of four sectors to look into the context of existing

dynamics vis-à-vis the arts: this is family, business, education and

governance. We were happy to note that key people representing

the major stakeholders in the lives of artists were appreciative of the

direction that the ExCon was taking and willingly contributed in

the developing discourse.

It is true that the problems of the world may not have been solved

in the duration of the V-CON but the perspective gained by

individual artists were powerful tools in reshaping a future and

carving out a road towards something that is agreeable to them, that

is empowerment.

Indeed, the Visayas Islands Visual Arts Exhibition & Conference

(VIVA ExCon) 16 recalibrated itself to successfully engage creative

spirits in a virtual dynamics that was interactive, observant of health

protocols and one that brought together the artist community to

find strength among each other and rise together in spite of the

challenges of the times.

So given this futures thinking lens, the assembly of artists examined

their own experiences and answered the question on how these

helped or hindered their career in the arts and what their preferred

future is in the context of these four sectoral focus. The virtual break

out rooms were maximized in terms of small group discussions per

area which were further fleshed out in the plenary. The dynamics

enabled each artist to reflect and articulate experiences in a nonthreatening

and safe space. They found their voices and created

statements expressed in images that represent their say in how

their future is going to be like. This then allowed them to widen

their perspective and realize the relationship of their individual

experiences to the prevailing societal dynamics and therefore assess

for themselves how best to proceed given the preferred future that

they have identified.


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