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Artists as Synthesizing Agents

in a Hyperdimensional


by Guenivere Decena

Depending on which syllable the stress is placed, the word bilog

in Hiligaynon may either refer to the particular with the numeric

equivalence of one, or to the complete whole with the numeric

approximation of totality. It may also either mean something linear

such as a string or something solid and circular such as a sphere.

Within the periphery of these contrasting definitions embodied

in a single text is a mirror of a participatory society; a complexity

of individuals accomplishing particular tasks yet each affecting the

turning of events within the context of their experienced realities.

Often, these connections are mapped out as dots and lines in a

growing web. But this is only the surface of human interconnections.

A single lifetime is unfathomably filled with its own timeline of

emotions, thoughts and experiences. And each timeline connects

to other timelines, so that the evolution of the dot becoming a

line moves further to become part of a hyperdimension of human


Artwork by Perry Argel


This manner of rippling out yet remaining gathered is consistent,

too, with how matter manifests in the universe. A debris of small

objects in space, for instance, gathers and emerges as spherical

formations. But they do not fall into one another unstoppably. The

merging reaches a point of temporary wholeness. The force that

causes the merging is the same force that creates distance barriers so

that there is a simultaneous occurrence of imploding and exploding,

attracting and repelling, becoming one together and being counted

as one amongst the many. This concurrence is consistent and

observable everywhere around us, from the infinitesimal atom of

which we are made up of to the colossal heavenly bodies that include

the planet we live in. Negros Occidental’s curatorial proposition for

Kalibutan: The World in Mind is ignited by this unified valuation of

the particular and the universal, the linear and the spherical.

Back in 2018, when asked how VIVA ExCon 2020 will be delivered,

Charlie Co, one of the biennale’s founding members, responded;

“like a blank canvas.”

Looking at the circumstances that unfolded with the pandemic in

2020, a blank canvas accurately describes where we were. Humanity

was caught at a standstill. We were weighing the possibilities;

anticipating the next series of attempts to survive, with the vaccine

still out of sight. VIVA suddenly became more than what it already

is. An art biennale transformed into an opportunity to animate a

portion of this standstill into an investment of time by migrating

into a virtual platform. Without this organization already existing,

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