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ROXAS (2018)

The 2018 VIVA ExCon was hosted by Roxas City, led by none other

than the man who founded the biennial in 1990, Peewee Roldan.

He did not attend the succeeding ExCons since the second VIVA

ExCon in 1992 and Cebu in 1998. For whatever reasons he had

for his absence, the responsibility of running VIVA fell on my lap

unexpectedly. I have not looked back since. When Peewee started

showing up once again in the very recent ExCons, I saw it fit that he

deserved to organize VIVA in Roxas. It was his baby after all. A year

prior to VIVA Roxas in 2017, I, along with several artists traveled to

Roxas City to check on their infrastructure and possible venues for

the conference, like I always do for each VIVA in different islands

in the past. It was at this time when Peewee revealed to me and a

few others, that the Black Artists in Asia that founded VIVA ExCon

was founded back in 1990 because of his personal involvement

with a leftist group. An organization had to be born to legitimize

black propaganda against the government then. This revelation

came as a shock to me, not to mention an insult and a betrayal of

friendship since I was made to believe that VIVA was made for the

simple reason that we wanted to bridge the Visayan Islands through

exhibitions and conferences and find a voice in the contemporary

art scene in the country. It was then clear to me that the reason he

abandoned VIVA ExCon was because it was not going according to

his plan. When VIVA Roxas finally happened in 2018, he persisted

with his agenda at the 3rd day forum wherein he wanted VIVA

ExCon to be of socio-political leaning, citing the Escalante incident

that happened just months before and that artists should make a

stand. When it was my turn to speak, I gave the audience a piece of

my mind and heart, saying to them that it was not my call where

the artists want to bring their art… to the left or to the right. Many

things happened in this VIVA. Roldan also revealed that he stole a

letterhead from the Cultural Center of the Philippines for a letter to

invite the Japanese delegation in the second VIVA. Even National

Artist for Cinema Kidlat Tahimik mentioned that it was a criminal

thing to do, stealing and falsification of documents. Another thing

I observed was that the local artists were relegated to working on

the sidelines while a team from Manila which Peewee brought

was running the show. Maybe it was their strategy to reinforce the

organization. Garbo sa Bisaya was cancelled due to the implications

of the word Garbo in the local dialect. The conference was attended

by Visayan artists, students, people coming from Luzon mostly,

and international personalities. The exhibition happened in a

gymnasium, the museum, and public buildings, the plaza, and near

the beach.

VIVA has existed for 28 years because we believed in its cause and

that is, just as I have believed in since 1990, to bridge the Visayan

Islands through art. At that time, I already thought VIVA would be

divided and come 2020, it would probably be the last. And so for

its 30th year, it should be hosted by Bacolod once again and rightly

so because history started there.

To be precarious is to be ready for whatever the future holds. Who

would have thought that 2020 would be such a terrible year? No

one. VIVA was always a time for the celebration of Visayan Art.

Back in VIVA ExCon Roxas 2018 when I was questioned about

what 2020 would be like, I answered that it would be a blank

canvas. I felt like it was somewhat prophetic. The pandemic came

and indeed, it became a blank canvas. No one knew what to do

when the pandemic hit. The 4-year plan for VIVA ExCon’s 30th

Year went down the drain, the excitement died and fear settled in.


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