avril 2000 - Chambre de la sécurité financière

avril 2000 - Chambre de la sécurité financière

avril 2000 - Chambre de la sécurité financière


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“IN MY TIME . . .”As for the popu<strong>la</strong>tion of voters, the electorate seemsto lean more and more towards grey power.According to a scenario <strong>de</strong>veloped by the BSQ andwhich is consi<strong>de</strong>red the most p<strong>la</strong>usible, seniors willrepresent 27% of the total popu<strong>la</strong>tion in 2041 comparedto 12% today. In an article published in LeDevoir, February 18, <strong>2000</strong>, Jacques Roy, a teacher atthe Cégep <strong>de</strong> Sainte-Foy, wrote that if, over time,poverty tipped the age pyramid from one extremeto the other, the same thing has happened to <strong>de</strong>mographicgrowth. Outnumbering seniors at the beginningof the 1960’s six to one, the youth are almostequal in number today to senior citizens.This meansthat voting power–at least in terms of number ofvoters–has also shifted: seniors have more, youngpeople much less. But let’s not panic: we haven’t yet<strong>de</strong>veloped into a gerontocracy.A GLIMMER OF HOPEAll things consi<strong>de</strong>red, if we wanted to redress thesituation, the fertility rate would have to rise from1.5 to 2.1 children per woman, which would helpmaintain the percentage of 65-year-olds and overat 20.8% rather than at 27.1% as is expected.However, current trends re<strong>la</strong>ted to mortality and fertilitypoint to a proportion of roughly 25% of seniorsin the long term.To add to this worrisome situation,the most recent <strong>de</strong>mographic forecasts publishedby the Institut <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> statistique du Québec on January28, <strong>2000</strong>, put forward that in 2026 there will be twomillion Quebeckers aged 65 and over, representinga very significant increase of 122%.Despite this rather gloomy picture of the rapidly ageingpopu<strong>la</strong>tion, there are however some more positivestatistics, such as life expectancy at birth whichcontinues to rise: on average, women live until theage of 81.5 and men until age 75.1, according to1997 BSQ statistics. At first blush, such data couldappear to be somewhat problematic, given the currentcontext. However, it also means that living conditionsare improving. As well, forecasts for tomorrow’sseniors reveal that pensioners will be bettereducated and that a greater proportion of retiredwomen will have worked, unlike their counterpartsof today.La liberté du kilométrage illimitép o u r t o u t e s l e s m a r q u e s d e v é h i c u l e s17Chez Location Park Avenue, toutes nos locations incluent lekilométrage illimité. Vous pouvez donc rouler tant que vousle voulez, sans avoir à payer <strong>de</strong> frais additionnels. De plus,vous avez le choix <strong>de</strong> prolonger, <strong>de</strong> renouveler ou <strong>de</strong> résiliervotre contrat <strong>de</strong> location en tout temps*.Présent partout au Québec !C’est ça, louer en toute liberté.* Certaines conditions s’appliquent.Appelez un <strong>de</strong> nos conseillers au(514) 899 90001 800 363 7312w w w . p a l . q c . c aprix <strong>de</strong> parc automobile avantageux, toutes les marqueset les modèles <strong>de</strong> véhicules,tableau d’amortissement mensuel,contrat personalisé, Service v.i.p., club <strong>de</strong> reventeAvril <strong>2000</strong>36ansDE SERVICE !louez... en toute liberté

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