menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators


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POPULATION9. Female economically active population by marital status and age (continued)­Population feminine active selon I'etat matrimonial et I'age (suite)[See note at head of table. -Voir note au debut du tableau.]Marital status-Etat matrimonialContinent country, census dateand age (in years)Continent, pays, date du recensementet age (en annees)TotalSingleCelibatairesMarried -TotalMarieesConsensuallymarriedEn unionconsensuelleWidowedVeuvesDivorcedDivorceesSeparatedSepareesUnknownlnconnuEU ROPE (cont.-sulte)Czechoslovakia-Tchecoslovaquie1 III 1961'All ages-Tous ages .Under 15-- MOlns de 1515-19 .20-24 .25-29 .30-34 .35-3940-4445-4950-5455-59 .60-6465 and over-65 et plus .Unknown-Inconnu .Denmark2 9 _ Danemark2926 IX 1960'All ages-Tous agesUnder 15-Moinsde 15 .15-19 .20-24 .25-29 .30-34 .35-39 .40-44 .45-49 .50-54 .55-59 .60-64 .65 and over-65 et plus .Unknown-Inconnu .Faeroe Islands-lies Feroe26 IX 1960'All ages-Tous agesFinland- Finlande31 XII 1960'14 and over-14 et plus.14 ..15-19 .20-24 .25-29 .30-34 .35-39 .40-44 .45-49 .50-54 .55-59 .60-64 .65 and over-65 et plusUnknown-Inconnu .2659956 568349 1 806505 191 770 92566 7665397 5397287856 258872 28716 81 135 52299210 126 202 168987 557 3400 64258027 37571 209934 1 644 8835 43292485 27322 248244 3987 12879 53347179 27 143 293323 9967 16683 63222938 15558 184402 12012 10924 42299756 20641 238430 26390 14232 63289030 22325 214647 38734 13270 54186359 14070 126 208 38825 7220 36113592 8742 67390 33736 3702 2256163 3987 25297 25638 1 215 261964 519 927 199 71 248646123 400717 2454067998 7998126135 123865 227088513 64428 2408554027 23816 3021149550 18675 3087555957 20224 3573357711 22111 3560058315 25845 3247055736 29442 2629445867 28828 1703926857 18952 790519457 16533 29242874 2517 357800841 4098501 52976178 394893207 3264780364 49395850'18 5905988408 6227182544 5598987523 5390482864 4452361887 27 70236963 1372423725 6442571 2464 De jure population.29 Excluding Faeroe Islands and Greenland. shown separately.4 Population de droit.29 Non compris les iles Ferae et Ie Groenland. qui font I'objet de rubriques distlnctes.300

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