menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators


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NUPTIALITE30. Marriages cross-classified by previous marital status (continued)­Mariages classes selon I'etat matrimonial anterieur (suite)[See note at head of table. -Voir note au debut du tableau.]BRIDEGROOM-EPOUXContinent, country, previousBRIDEGROOM-EPOUXContinent, country, previousmarital status of BRIDE and years .. - marital status of B RID E and years .- ------..- -------Continent, pays, etat matrimonial AllContinent, pays, etat matrimonial AllSingle Widowedanterleur de I'EPOUSE et anneeDivorcedconditionsSingle Widowed Divorcedanterieur de I'EPOUSE et anneeCelibataireconditionsVeuf DivorceEnsembleCellbataire Veu! DivorceEnsembleAFRICA (cant) AFRIQUE (suite AFRICA (cant.) AFRIQUE (sLilte)Mauritius 8 (cont.)- Mozambique9. 10 (continued-Maurice 8 (suite) suite)Island of MauritiustSingle (cont)-·(cont.)-lIe MauricetCelibataire (suite)(suite) 1964.. 76775 6087 57 30Divorced (cont)-- 1965. 26777 6600 78 24Divorcee (suite) Widowed - Veuve1963. 15 11 2 2 1958... 79 74 4 71964.. 27 22 3 2 1959.... 75 9 2 41965 20 15 2 3 1960. 72 6 5 71966. 24 18 3 3 1961 .. 79 73 7 51967. 17 12 3 2 1963... 43 76 20 71964, .... 55 23 27 5Rodriguest 1965. ............. 57 29 27 7All conditions- Ensemble Divorced - Divorcee1958. 147 143 4 1958..... , , . 76 77 7 41959. 150 164 6 1959, , ........ 77 72 7 41960. .......... 174 164 10 1960. , , , ........ , , 27 72 2 71961. . . . . . . . . . . 137 127 10 1961 .............. 74 70 7 31962... 145 140 5 1963...... 27 72 7 8Single - Celi bataire 1964, ...... 237 77 4 91958 .. 144 141 3 1965... 25 20 2 31959. 149 143 6 Unknown-Inconnu1960 .. 173 163 10 1958........1961. 135 126 9 1959.....1962. 144 139 5 1960...Widowed - Veuve 1961 ..... . . . . . . . . .1958... 3 2 1963. , , ...... , ..1959 .. 1 1 1964.............. '37 781960.. 1 1 1965.... , , . '27 731961. 2 121962. 1 1 Namibia 11 -Namibie 11Divorced 7 - Divorcee 7 Coloured population - Populationde couleur1II0zambique9, 10All conditions-EnsembleAll conditions-Ensemble 1959" ............ 275 202 77 21958. 747 697 37 79 1960. , ...... , , .... 207 788 9 41959 .. 845 798 79 28 1961, , ............ 763 754 91960... 874 827 20 57 1962, ...... "", .. 794 780 72 21961 .. 887 848 74 25 1963. , , .... 230 270 73 71963 .. 4030 3907 79 44 1964.... ", ....... 209 794 8 71964. 26292 6739 88 44 Si ngle - Celibataire1965 .. '6874 6662 703 29 1959....... " ..... 206 795 9 2Single- Celibatarre 1960.............. 787 780 4 31959. 873 777 76 20 1961 ... , .......... 758 757 71960. 847 809 73 79 1962...... "" .... 790 779 9 21961. 854 825 72 77 1963..... 274 205 7 21963. 3966 3879 58 29 1964..... , , 207 797 6 4Italics indicate data frorn civil registers which are incomplete or of unknownreliability.t Data tabulated by year of registration rather than oCCurrence.Includes marriages In which previous marital status of bridegroom was unknown7 There were no bndes in these years whose prevIous marital status was" Divorced"8 Former British dependency, declared Independent 12 March 1968 consistingof islands of Mauritius, Rodrigues, Agalega and St. Brandon.1 For additional data, not cross-classified, see end of table.1 U Prior to 1961, data include mainly the non-African population which representsa very small proportion of the total. The civil registration facilities wereextended to entire population in 1961.11 Territory formerly known as "South West Africa" administered upon Mandateconferred upon His Britannic Majesty to be exercised on his behalf by theGovernment of South Africa. The Mandate was terminated by GeneralAssembly resolution 2145 (XXI) of 27 October 1966. General Assemblyresolution 2372 (XXII) of 12 June 1968 states, "South West Afflca shallhenceforth be known as Namibia"Italiques Donnees incompletes au dont Ie degre d'exactitude n'est pas connuprovenant des registres de I'etat civil.t Donnees exploitees selon I'annee de I'enregistrement et non I'annee deI'evenement.2 Y compris les mariages au I'etat matrimonial anterieur de I'epoux etait inconnu.7 Pendant la periode consideree, il n'y a pas eu de mariages au I'epouse etaitdivorcee.8 Ancienne dependance du Royaume-Uni, declaree rndependante Ie 12 mars1968, comprenant l'ile Maurice, 1'lle Rodriguez et les lies Agalega et Salnt­Brandon.9 On trouvera a la fin du tableau des donnees complementaires pour lesquelles IIn'y a pas de classification a double entree.10 Pour les annees anterieures a 1961, les donnees se rapportent essentiellement ala population non africaine, qui represente une fraction tres faible de lapopulation totale. Les services d'etat civil ont ete etendus a la population toutentiere en 1961.11 Territoire anterieurement designe par Ie nom de "Sud-Ouest africain", administresous mandat confie a Sa Majeste britannique pour etre exerce en sonnom par Ie Gouvernement de l'Afrique du Sud. Le mandat a pris fin en vertu dela resolution 2145 (XXI) de I'Assemblee generale, du 27 octobre 1966. Dans soresolution 2372 (XXII), 'du 12 juin 1968, l'Assemblee generale a declare: "Le595 Sud-Ouest africain sera desormais appele 'Namibie"

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