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menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators


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MIGRATION INTERNATIONALE43. Departures to another country, by major categories: 1966-1967Sorties it destination d'un autre pays, par principales categories: 1966-1967[Unless otherwise specified. statistics refer to nationals and aliens departing over national boundaries by any means of transport. Frontier traffic shown separately is excludedfrom total deoartures. For definitions and limitations of data, see Technical Notes pages 14 and 39.-Sauf indication contraire, les donnees se rapportent aux nationaux et etrangersqui'sortent du pays par n'importe quel moyen de transnort. Le trafic de frontiere. qUI ,ait I'objet d'une ruOrique distincte. n'est pas compris dans Ie total des sorties. Pour lesdefinitions et les insuffisances des donnees, voir Notes techniques pages 55 et 82.][See note at head of"table.-Voir note au debut du tableau.]Continent, country and category­Continent pays et categorie19661967Continent, country and category­Continent, pays et categorie1966 1967AFRICA-AFRIQUEAFRICA (continued)-AFRIQUE (suite)Algeria-Algerie. . .Visitors - Visiteurs. . .Holiday - Vacances. . .Special categories - Categories speciales.Algerian workers in Franc8-----'-Travailleursalgeriens en provenance de la France .....Algerian workers in other countries-Travailleursalgeriens en provenance d'autre pays.Angola.Cape Verde Islands-lies du Cap-Vert.Ethiopia' - Ethiopie' . . .Long-term emlgrants--Emigrants (long terme).Short-term immigrants---Immigrants de court sejour ..Visitors- Visiteurs .Holiday--Vacances , .Transit visitors-Visiteurs en transit.Gambia2 3-Gambie2 3.650461157456212376190134222424352865432335665439496186935063432516124330095682042465756224Mauritius10, 11 _ Maurice10 11 ••••••......••....Long-term emigrants-Emigrants (long terme) ... _Morocco- Maroc _ .Long-term emigrants-Emigrants (long terme) .Short-term immigrants 12 -lmmigrants de courtsejour 12 •..•...........•..••••••....Visitors 6 - Visiteurs 6 . . ....•...•........Residents leavin!l7 -Residents partant 7 . . . . . .. . ..Mozambique ..Nigeria-Nigeria .. _ .Long-term emigrants-- Emigrants (long terme) .Short-term immigrants-Immigrants de court sejour.Visitors 6 - Visiteurs 6 ••.................•.....Holiday-Vacances __ . _.. _. __ .. _.. __ .Education - Etudes _ .Business-Affaires _. _ .Other purposes-Autres motifs_ .Transit visitors- Visiteurs en transit .Residents leaving' - Residents partant' .27775 310661 611 22251 387557 1 4281127980 42316418900 405910960677 979886303027 290515121 445 1030542733 85511 799 1461465428 5626513180 135564936 316544188 372283124 23165740 286835745 28452Ghana". . .........Long-term emigrants-Emigrants (long terme) ...Short-term immigrants Immigrants de court sejour ..Visitors b - Visiteurs 6 .Transit visitors- Visiteurs en transit.Residents leavi ng 7 8 -~ Residents partant I 8.Kenya. . , .Long-term emigrants-Emigrants (long terme).Visitors 6 q - Visiteurs6 9 .Holiday - Vacances. ,Business -Affalfes.Other purposes-Autres motifs.Transit visitorslJ-Visiteurs en transit 9 ...Residents leaving' - Residents partant' .Libya-Libye.5:l 832(5)(5)1585952936444152565561165260507701448283829143403213476183907412573193594921094927525439152198200987Portuguese Guinea-Guinee portugaise .St. Helena ex. dep.-Sainte-Helene sans dep .Long-term emigrants-Emigrants (long terme) .Short-term immigrants-Immigrants de Gourt sejour.Visitors 6 - Visiteurs 6 .Other purposes-Autres motifs .Transit visitors-Visiteurs en transit. . .Sao Tome and Principe-Sao Tome etPrincipeSeychelles __ . __ . _. _ _. _ .Long-term emigrants' 3_ Emigrants (long terme)' 3.Short~term immigrants'4 -lmmigrants de courtsejour 14 ••••••.•...•.•.....•.....•.••••Visiteurs 6 ....••.............•....••Visitors 6 -Residents leaving' - Residents partanl' __ ..__5402673 916597 86362 51886 24914 40752457 23581 204 1 126289 355735 767229 110Madagascar .30739Sierra Leone_ __ .. _. __ .. _ .19974 17 369, For 12 months ending 7 July of years stated.2 Data exclude departures by land3 For 12 months beginning first of July of years stated.4 Excluding West Africans departing by land.s Long~term emigrants and short-term immigrants are included with "Residentsleaving".b Departures of persons counted as visitors on arrival., For short-term absence."Including long-term emigrants and short-term Immigrants.9 Excluding departures of visitors to Uganda and the United Republic ofTanzania.'0 Former British dependency. declared independent 12 March 1968. consistingof islands of Mauritius, Rodrigues. Agalega and St. Brandon.11 Excluding transit visitors.12 Departures of persons counted as short-term immigrants on arrival13 Refers to reSIdents leaving tor more than one year.14 Semi-permanent immigrants1 Pour la periode de douze mois se termina'lt Ie 7 juillet de I'annee indiquee.2 Non compris les sorties par terre.3 Pour la periode annuelle commencant Ie ler juillet de I'annee indiquee.4 Non compris les autochtones d'Afrique occidentale partant par mer.S Les emigrants a long terme et les immigrants a court terme sont classes dansla rubrique "Residents partant"b Sorties de personnes comptees Gomme visiteurs a I'entree.7 Pour une absence de courte duree.8 Y compns les emigrants a long terme et les Immigrants a court terme.9 Non compris les sorties de visiteurs a destination de l'Ouganda et de laRepublique- Unie de Tanzanle,'0 Ancienne dependance rill Royaume- Uni declaree indeoendante Ie 12 mars1968, comprenant I'ile Maurice. I'ile Rodriques et les iles Agalega et Saint­Brandon.11 Non compris les visiteurs en transit.12 Sorties de personnes comptees Gomme immigrants a court terme a I'e:ltree.13 Residents partant pour plus d'un an.14 Immigrants semi-permanents.793

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