menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators


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DIVORCE37. Divorce rates specific for age of husband and wife: latest available year[Rates are the number of husbands and wives of the specified ages per 1 000 married population of the same age and sex. Italics indicate data from civil registers which areIncomplete or of unknown reliability. For method of evaluation and limitations of data, and for definition of married population, see Technical Notes, page 36.]HUSBAND (age, in years)-EPOUX (age, en annees)Continent, country and yearAll ages!Tous age~-20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55·-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 plusAFRICAAlgeriaNon-Algerian population1954t, , , .. , , , .. 3.8 4.1 3.9 5.7 6.0 ---------4.4--+---2.8--+------08-----·South AfricaWhite population1960', , , ..6.3 11.810.59.0877. Arab Republicf21960 3 •••• , , ••..• , •• , • , , ..•• ,413.6 512.322.629.120.61569. , , , , .0.650. Rica1%3., , ,., . 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.4 j------------0.1------Dominican Republic1964 , , .. , , .86.610. Salvador1961 , . , ..... , .. , .. , . , .. , .. ,., , " .. ,.' 0 1967" . , , ., .. , . , .. , .. , . States Virgin Islands"1960 , , . , . , . 29.4 50.0 43.8 40.6 32.61------1------21.2-------'---------'-----'--·AMERICA SOUTHVenezuela 121961 , ,ASIA2.5 0.3 1.6 2.8 3.2 2.6 2.1 1.5 1.3I0.8 ~----.:-----'-_O-.5--..:.--.---Israel1961" , . 141965t , , ,, 15 1961t " , .. , . 6.7 19.3 17.1 12.0 8.6 5.6 3.8 3.6 3.3 2.6 2.7 1----1.5,-----Italics indicate data from civil registers which are incomplete or of unknownreliability.t Data tabulated by year of registration rather than occurrence., Rates computed on population excluding foreign visitors.2 Data include "'revocable divorces"' (among Moslem population), which approximatelegal separations,3 Rates computed on population excluding alien population and population ofsmall agglomerations of the frontier districts.4 Computed on population aged 18 years and over.5 Computed on population aged 18-19 years.6 Computed on population aged 16 years and over.7 Computed on population aged 16-19 years.8 Computed on population aged 15 years and over.Haliques:I 1Donnees incompletes ou dont Ie degre d'exactitude n'est pas connuprovenant des reoistres de I'etat civil.t Donnees exploitees selon I'annee de I'enregistrement et non I"annee deI"evenement., Taux calcule sur la base d'un chiffre de population qui ne comprend pas lesvisiteurs etrangers.2 Les donnees comprennent les "divorces revocables"' (parmi la populationmusulmane), qui sont a peu pres I"equivalent de separations legales.3 Taux calcules sur la base d'un chiffre de population qui ne comprend ni lesetrangers ni les habitants des petites agglomerations des districts frontaliers.4 Taux calcule sur la base de la population de 18 ans et plus.5 Taux calcule sur la base de la population de 18 a 19 ans.6 Taux calcule sur la base de la population de 16 ans et plus.7 Taux calcule sur la base de la population de 16 a 19 ans.8 Taux calcule sur la base de la population de 15 ans et plus.710

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