menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators


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POPULATION11. Population by urban/rural residence (continued)­Population selon la residence urbaine/rurale (suite)[See note at head of table. -Voir note au debut du tableau]Iraq: Resident population in the centre of cities and towns only. Excludingthe suburbs whether or not these suburbs form a single continuously built-uparea with the centres of cities and towns.Israel: All settlements of more than 2 000 inhabitants, except those whereat least one third of the heads of households, participating in the civilianlabour force, earn their living from agriculture.Japan: Urban municipalities (shi and ku of Tokyo-to) usually having 30 000or more inhabitants and which may include some rural area as well as urbancluster.Jordan: District headquarters; localities of 10 000 or more inhabitants (excludingPalestinian refugee camps in rural areas) and those localities of5 000-9 000 inhabItants and the suburbs of Amman and Jerusalem cities inwhich two thirds or more of the economically active males are not engaged inagriculture.Korea, Republic of: Seoul city and municipalities of 5 000 or more inhabitants(shi).Kuwait: Kuwait City (Dasman, Sharq/l, Sharq/2, Murgab, Salihia andQibla) and Labourers City.Malaysia:Sabah: Towns of 3 000 or more inhabitants, i.e. Sandakan, Jesselton,Tawaua, Kudat and Victoria (Labuan).Sarawak: Kuching municipality and towns of 3 000 or more inhabitants,i.e. Siba, Miri, Simanggang, Bintulu, Sarikei and Lutong.Maldive Islands: Male, the capital.Nepal: Cities of 10 000 or more inhabitants in identifiable agglomerationswith essentially urban characteristics, i.e. Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur,Biratnagar, Nepalgunj and Birgunj.Pakistan: Municipalities, civil lines, cantonments not included withinmunicipal limits, any other continuous collection of houses inhabited by notless than 5 000 persons and having urban characteristics and also a few areashaving urban characteristics but fewer than 5 000 inhabitants.Sikkim: Gangtok, the capital.Singapore: City of Singapore.Syria: Cities, district (Mohafaza) centres and sub-district (Mantika)centres.Turkey: Population of the localities in the municipality limits of administrativecentres of provinces and districts.Viet-Nam, Republic of: Not available.EUROPEAlbania: Towns, and other industrial centres of more than 400 inhabitants.Austria: Communes (Gemeinden) of more than 5 000 inhabitants.Bulgaria: Towns, i.e. localities legally established as urban.Irak: Population domiciliee dans Ie centre des villes de toutes dimensionsseulement. Non compris les faubourgs, que ceux-ci forment au non avec Iecentre desdites villes une zone construite continue.Israel: Taus les peuplements de plus de 2 000 habitants a I'exception de ceuxau Ie tiers au mains des chefs de <strong>menage</strong> taisant partie de la population civileactive vivant de I'agriculture.Japon: Municipalites urbaines (shi et ku de Tokyo-to) comptant pour laplupart 30 000 habitants au plus et pouvant comprendre quelques zonesrurales aussi bien qu'une agglomeration urbaine.Jordanie: Chefs-lieux de districts; localites de 10 000 habitants et plus (noncompris les camps de refugies palestiniens dans les regions rurales) ainsi queles localites de 5 000 a 9 000 habitants et les banlieues d'Amman et deJerusalem au les deux tiers au mains de la population active du saxe masculinne pratiquent pas I'agriculture.Coree, Republique de: Ville de Seoul et municipalites de 5 000 habitantset plus (shi).Koweit: Ville de Koweit (Dasman, Sharq/l, Sharq/2, Murgab, Salihia etQibla) et Labourers City.Malaisie:Sabah. Villes de 3 000 habitants et plus, c'est-a-dire Sandakan, Jesselton,Tawaua, Kudat et Victoria (Labuan).Sarawak. Municipalite de Kuching et vi lies de 3 000 habitants et plusc'est-a-dire Siba, Miri, Simanggang, Bintulu, Sarikei et Lutong.lies Maldives: La capitale, Male.Nepal: Villes de 10 000 habitants et plus formant des agglomerationsidentifiables et presentant des caracteristiques essentiellement urbaines c'est-adireKathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Biratnagar, Nepaigunj et Birgunj.Pakistan: Municipalites, zones civiles, zones de cantonnement non comprisesdans les Ii mites municipales, autres ensembles urbains groupant aumains 5 000 habitants ainsi que quelques zones de caractere urbain, mais demains de 5 000 habitants.Sikkim: La capitale: Gangtok.Singapour: Ville de Singapour.Syrie: Villes, centres de dIstricts (Mohafazat) et centres de sous-districts(Manatik).Turquie: Population des localites contenues a l'interieur des limitesmunicipales des chefs-lieux des provinces et des districts.Viet-Nam (Republique du): Definition non communiquee.EUROPEAlbanie: Vi lies et autres centres industriels de plus de 400 habitants.Autriche: Communes (Gemeinden) de plus de 5 000 habitants.Bulgarie: Vi lies, c'est-a-dire localites reconnues comme urbaines.Czechoslovakia: Large towns, usually of 5 000 or more inhabitants, havinga density of more than lOa persons per hectare of built-up area, three or moreliving quarters in at least 15 per cent of the houses, piped water and asewerage system for the major part of the town, at least five physicians and apharmacy, a nine-year secondary school, a hotel with at least twenty beds, anetwork of trade and distributive services which serve more than one town,job opportunities for the population of the surrounding area, the terminal for asystem of bus lines and not more than 10 per cent of the total populationactive in agriculture; small towns, usually of 2 500 or more inhabitants,having a density of more than seventy-five persons per hectare of built-uparea, three or more living quarters in at least 10 per cent of the houses,piped water and a sewerage system for at least part of the town, atleast two physicians and a pharmacy, other urban characteristics to a lesserdegree and not more than 15 per cent of the total population active inagriculture; agglomerated communities which have the characteristics of smalltowns in regard to size, population density, housing, water supply andsewerage, and the percentage of the population active in agriculture, but320Tchecoslovaquie: Villes importantes comptant generalement 5 000 habitantset plus, ayant une densire de 100 personnes au mains par hectare de surfacebatie, dont au mains 15 p. 100 des habitations comportent trois piecesd'habitation au davantage, et dont la plus grande partie est dotee d'un systemed'adduction d'eau et d'egouts; ces villes doivent compter au mains cinqmedecins at una pharmacie, una ecole secondaire dont I'enseignement est etalesur 9 ans, un hotel comprenant 20 lits au mains, un reseau d'etablissements decommerce et de services de distribution desservant plusieurs vilies, offrir despossibilites d'emploi a la population des environs; en outre elles doiventposseder Ie terminus d'un reseau de lignes d'autoblls et Ie pourcentage de lapopulation totale pratiquant I'agriculture ne doit pas depasser lap. 100; petitesvilles ayant generalement 2 500 habitants et plus, une densite de plus de 75personnes par hectare de surface batie et dont au mains lap. 100 deshabitations comportent trois pieces d'habitation au mains; ayant un systemed'adduction d'eau et d'egouts tout au mains dans une partie de la ville,comptant deux medecins et une pharmacie au minimum et presentant les autrescaracteristiques urbaines a un degre moindre; Ie pourcentage de la populationtotale pratiquant I'agriculture ne doit pas depasser 15 p. 100; communautes

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